It's our 15th birthday!

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Moonlightaholic Admin
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It's our 15th birthday!

Post by allegrita »


Happy 15th birthday,!

:sprise: :cake: :celebrate: :sprise: :cake: :celebrate: :sprise: :cake: :celebrate: :sprise: :cake: :celebrate:

I'm embarrassed to say that this wish is belated, because our birthday is supposed to be celebrated on January 13th! :slaphead: :blushing: Please forgive your forgetful admin. :whoops:

But the love and party spirit are still strong, though a bit late, so please join me in lifting a glass to our happy home, and a special toast to our dear founder Phoenix, who had the courage and the initiative to start this board all those years ago.

:champs: :champs: Here's to us on our birthday! :bdayfworks: :bdsing:

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Re: It's our 15th birthday!

Post by Moonlightsonata »

Happy Birthday and thank you for a home for those of us who still miss the show.
Thank you Coco for the lovely banner.
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Re: It's our 15th birthday!

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:champs: :champs: Here's to us on our birthday! :bdayfworks: :bdsing:
Here! Here! :drinking: :beercheer:

And a huge THANK YOU for the beginning and for continuing! :ghug:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: It's our 15th birthday!

Post by jmc »

Thank you! Thank you! :champs: :champs:

From what must be the longest serving active Rogue Vampire. I will break out of this rank some day!

. . . Love is strong as death . . . - Song of Solomon 8: 6
"fiercely faithful"

My beautiful MickBeth avatar by Twilightdew. My beautiful banner courtesy of the very talented Phoenix.
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Moonlightaholic Admin
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Re: It's our 15th birthday!

Post by allegrita »

Only 196 posts to go! :teeth: :type:
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