The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

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The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I knew I had written a fic about the summer Olympics, but I couldn't find it in my office or anywhere, even using the search option. :witsend: This is from 2012, the London Olympics. Enjoy!
(PS... I also know I wrote some limericks that included photos; I was going to bump the one with Guillermo. I found the limerick thread, but it wasn't there. That only had 2 limericks of mine with no photos. I did several limericks with photos, but they must be buried in some other thread. The search didn't turn them up, either. :sadface: )

Oh, and the link to Summer Olympic sports takes you to the current list for 2020, not the 2012 list.

The Olympics – Not Just for Humans

“Wow, that was a great Opening Ceremony,” Beth said as the lights came up and wooden panels slid across the large-screen television in Josef’s media room. “I love watching the Olympics.”

“James Bond and the Queen was my favorite part,” said Logan as he rose from his seat to stretch his legs.

“Gee, why am I not surprised,” mumbled Mick. Guillermo snickered.

“My favorite part was lighting the cauldron,” Beth went on.

“Our favorite as well,” said one of the Cleaners in the back of the room.

“No surprise there either,” muttered Josef.

“And what a creative way to do it!” Beth continued. “I loved how flames representing each country came together to form the cauldron.” She looked around the room of vampire friends. “Hey, have there ever been any vampires in the Olympics?”

“What would be the point?” Josef said as he poured more drinks for everyone. “We’re faster and stronger than any of those athletes. Though I do remember a most amazing performance and endurance record at a party during the LA Olympics in ’84. A personal best I might add,” he said with a wicked grin.

“Josef, please keep remarks about your sexual escapades to yourself,” Beth said as she blushed, exactly the reaction Josef was hoping for. “Though I do see that competing against humans wouldn’t be much of a competition.” Beth sat in silence and Mick could tell by looking at her that she was cooking up something. “Hey, what if we have our own vampire Olympics?”

“What? Why?”

“Why not? It’s the Olympics!” She pulled out her iPad and started searching. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. We could see which of the summer sports vampires could participate in or that we could adapt for vampire abilities.”

“Wouldn’t we need more people?” Mick asked.

“So invite more,” Beth replied. “I thought there were a ‘few hundred’ vampires here in LA.”

“We could invite the poker guys,” Guillermo offered.

“The Cleaners would be most pleased to join in,” Helga, the ranking Cleaner said. The enthusiasm was growing.

“Okay, here’s a list of the 2012 summer sports. (List) The first one is archery. That shouldn’t be too hard to adapt. I know – you could all throw stakes at a target!”

“Against Cleaners?” Logan whined.

“We are the best,” Helga grinned. Beth started a list.

“Next is badminton; I think we can skip that one – too tame.”

“But it uses a cock, doesn’t it?” Josef’s snide grin was back.

“It’s called a ‘shuttlecock’ Josef. Get your mind out of the gutter,” Mick admonished. He turned to Beth. “That is too tame. What else is on the list?”


Guillermo spoke up. “Hey, we could do a 3-on-3 tournament.”

“I could get us into the college gym at Hearst,” Lisa added. “At night so no one can see the amazing jump shots.” The room filled with laughter.

“Okay, beach volleyball,” Beth said next. She looked up. “Too out in the open?”

“Definitely,” Helga said. “And Cleaners do not wear bikinis.”

“Too bad,” Logan whispered as he nudged Guillermo. One glare from Helga silenced him.

Beth looked down at the list again. “Let’s see. No, no… okay, how about gymnastics? Can we do anything with that?”

“Sorry Beth,” Mick told her. “But vampires do not wear leotards. It’s hard to be perpetually cool in Spandex.”

Beth giggled and went on. “Shooting, then?”

“Oh man, yeah! That would be cool!” Logan said excitedly to much agreement. “Even against Cleaners.”

“You could put the targets extra far away to make it more challenging. Vampire eyesight and all,” Beth suggested.

Josef turned to Mick. “You practice at a shooting range, don’t you? A vamp runs the place, right?” Mick nodded.

“I’ll talk to him. I’m sure he can get us in. I bet he’d like to participate, too.”

“That’s great! Okay, next… soccer.” She saw several heads shaking no. “Okay, no soccer. After that comes swimming.” She looked at Josef. “Josef, your pool is Olympic size, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“Terrific. I’ll put that one down.”

“But I didn’t say you could use it.” The entire room turned and stared at him. “Okay, okay,” he shrugged. “The freshies only use it in the daytime anyway.”

“Now you’ve got the spirit,” Beth said with a smile.

The Cleaner standing next to Helga spoke up. “But no synchronized swimming.”

Beth nodded. “Now, table tennis?” Beth looked at the list again and then at the blank faces around the room. “Right, not vamp worthy, like badminton.”

“And it doesn’t even involve a cock,” Josef smirked.

“JOSEF!” yelled Beth and Mick along with several of the Cleaners. Josef put his hands up in surrender.

“Let’s see what else.” Beth was silent as she read down the list. “Track and field. Surely we can come up with some vampire modifications.” She turned to Lisa. “Could we use the track at the college?”

“We could, but I don’t know how to make it, you know, spy proof.”

“Let us take care of security,” Helga said and then turned to Beth. “Would you require all the events?”

“Hmm, no I don’t think so. Some of the running ones, long jump – let’s make it a standing long jump for you guys, and can we figure out a way to do a vampire high jump? Measure vertical leap using floors of a building or something?”

“Oh, I like that idea,” Mick said.

“It’s rather undignified,” Josef sniffed. Mick glowered at him and he shrugged his agreement.

“Weightlifting.” Beth looked at the others.

“Sure, that would work. Vamps are definitely stronger than humans, but they aren’t all equally strong, just as they aren’t all equally fast,” Mick explained. “The college again?” he asked Lisa.

She shook her head. “No can do with that one. It’s open 24 hours and carefully monitored.” All eyes turned to Josef.

“What?” He looked at each of them. “Oh, alright. You can use my weight room.” Beth gave him a huge smile.

“Now, there is a sport here that’s been discontinued but I think would be great for vampires,” she said as she looked at everyone.

“Well c’mon Blondie, don’t keep us in suspense. What is it?” Josef’s curiosity was piqued.

“Tug-of-war. Two teams of eight and you have to move the other team six feet. Maybe we should make that longer for you.” She looked at them all expectantly. “Well, what do you think?”

“I like it!” Josef was actually enthusiastic. “Give me the specs on the rope, and I’ll get one for us to use.”

“That’s wonderful, Josef! Thank you!” She stood to address the room. “I think this will be really fun. Ask everyone you know and then send me their names. I’ll make up teams and a schedule. Let’s take a week to get it all organized and we’ll compete during the second week of the London Olympics, okay?” Beth was pleased to see everyone nodding. “Oh, we’ll need medals,” she added, turning a hopeful face to Josef.

Josef rolled his eyes, but readily agreed. “Sure, I’ll procure those, too.”

“Then we’re all set!” Beth said gleefully.


“Well, Beth, you pulled it off. Congratulations.”

“Oh, Mick it was so much fun! And I think everyone who participated enjoyed it, don’t you?” They walked arm in arm into the loft and up the stairs.

“I really do. I heard some comments about doing it again.”

Beth beamed. “Really? That means they truly liked it!” They began to undress. “Wasn’t Logan funny throwing the stake the way he did?”

Mick snickered. “He was, but don’t let him hear you say that! I was quite impressed with Guillermo’s shooting ability. I never would have guessed he’d pull off a bronze medal.”

Beth climbed into bed. “I was impressed with Josef. After all his complaining and he actually had the highest vertical leap!”

“Yeah, he’s been holding out on me, that’s for sure.” He approached the bed where his lovely Beth was lying naked on the silk sheets and looked her up and down with smoky eyes. “But you haven’t said anything about my gold medal! How does it look?”

“Since that is all you are wearing, I have to say it looks absolutely stunning. But I think you better come down here so I can get a closer look.”

“Your wish is my command,” Mick told her as he began to smother her with kisses.

The End
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

Post by Ella713 »

This was delightful! The thought of Josef and Mick in speedos makes the mind real!!
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Re: The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

Post by allegrita »

I love this! Leave it to Beth to organize the vamps into doing their own Games. :hearts:
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Re: The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

Post by Shadow »

Aw, that is cute. I'd rather like to see a Vampire Olympics. Especially Josef's high jump. Would not have expected him to win that one, that's for sure!

But now I'll always have to wonder what event Mick won the gold for. :chin:
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Re: The Olympics – Not Just for Humans (Repost)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Shadow wrote:But now I'll always have to wonder what event Mick won the gold for. :chin:
You and me, both! :snicker:

Thanks for the comments, everyone! :flowers:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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