No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by Shadow »

Maggatha, that is the most . . . stunning . . . comment! :thud:
maggatha3 wrote:I love Esme. She is such a female Mick in her essence!
Ohh.... I how I love this description of Esme!
maggatha3 wrote:Ahem....I really could never see Cora as Mick's guardian angel..never! :no: He does seem to lose all his brain cells around her!
Poor Coraline, I fear she was really far more of a stalker to him. But I could just see Mick not being able to tell the difference.... especially having lost all those brain cells. :laugh:
maggatha3 wrote: He moved his hand slowly down her body, finally bringing it to rest against her belly. "Are you?"
She nodded, her eyes very bright.
Oh, how much it means that you picked out those two lines, maggatha! They were the very last to come . . . after your bribe to the muses. :cloud9:

I so adore what you wrote about your journey through these stories . . . for it to seem to you to be a path down such a river, to an amazing sea. That is so beautiful. I don't think I have the words to say thank you, little fledgling! :rose:
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by Shadow »

allegrita wrote:I just want to say that I don't think I've ever read a more wonderful comment on a story series.
:yes: Me either . . . .
allegrita wrote:(Nor one so well deserved.)
:blushing: and thank you, Alle!
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by Marigold »

Oh, Shadow ... this final part is brilliant! :flowers: I love where you've decided to stop No Boundaries. Beth and Mick will each be a constant in one other's life. There will undoubtably be bumps in the road, but things will work out, because they'll be together. :cloud9: I sincerely hope that the cure wakes Sarah up, so that Josef can also have a constant in his life. :pray: :cloud9:

I really like your ideas about vampires and their memories. It's wonderful that Beth is going to copy Robert's photos for Mick. :hearts:

I've loved Esme throughout the entire series, but I love her even more now. She gave Beth and Mick a wonderful gift. Finally, Coraline will be able to somewhat understand what Mick went through, and continues to go through.

I'm glad that Elaine has decided to stay in Los Angeles. It is so sweet that she is going to help Mick with his P.I. investigations. :hearts:

Thank you for this sensational series! Your version of events will forever be a part of Moonlight for me. :heart: I really enjoyed reading these stories. :rose:

I'll see you around your office, Shadow! :hug:
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by Shadow »

Oh, Marigold, I'm so pleased you liked this ending! I really wanted to stop this story at a place where there were all kind of possibilities still open for all the characters. I don't even know what direction I'd like to see Mick and Beth go . . . any of the different possibilities could be so very interesting. But I too really do hope that the cure will wake up Sarah!

It's wonderful to know that you've liked Esme so much through this series . . . especially since you read In Between first, and she gets introduced in Rose and Thorn. It's great to know that her character "works" when the stories are read in reverse! She's a very favorite character of mine, and I loved being able to use her abilities to give Mick and Beth this gift. (And maybe it's a gift for Coraline as well. I always had the feeling that she wanted to understand Mick, but was completely incapable of doing so.)
Marigold wrote: Your version of events will forever be a part of Moonlight for me.
:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: Thank you so, so much. That is such a wonderful thing to hear!
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by moonlightlover60 »

I actually read this story over at MoonlightForever again. I try to go over there and visit to just keep some sort of activity on that board so it doesn't shut down permanently one of these days. :sadface: But I am bringing my comments over here in order to bump this story back up into the light. I just finished reading this story for the third or maybe fourth time. It's been awhile (years) since I last read it so it was like reading a new story to me. I am leaving a comment again for anyone who hasn't read this story to advise them to give it a read. It is one of "the best" stories written on this board! It shows you what went on IN Between what we saw on the screen. This time when I read the story I would watch the episode first that happened before I read each chapter. I highly recommend doing this if you can, it enhances the storytelling.
Shadow not only makes some awesome videos but is an excellent storyteller and you will not be disappointed if you give her stories a read. You don't have to, but I would recommend reading Rose & Thorn and The Other side of The Mirror first before In Between because they give you a bit of the backstory about Mick. :thumbs:
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by allegrita »

I second your recommendation, moonlightlover60, and I thank you for bumping this amazing story. I agree that In Between (located here: viewforum.php?f=693) is one of the best Moonlight fanfics around. I'm so grateful to Shadow for devoting so much time, thought, and effort to crafting this wonderful "connect the episodes" series, with its own wonderful story woven throughout. I need to start at the beginning and reread this whole, wonderful series, including Rose & Thorn (viewtopic.php?f=578&t=593) and The Other side of The Mirror (viewtopic.php?f=578&t=805).
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by MoonMarg »

Thanks for bumping this ladies. I just re-read it and it was just astonishing! My favourite "after the door closes" series. Now to go back and re-read the in between series.
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by allegrita »

And I just finished reading it as well... and I'm so glad I did! It has been long enough that I had forgotten a lot of the details, so it was almost like reading the story for the first time. Now I need to start rereading In Between, which is my absolute favorite fanfic.

Shadow, I want to thank you again for this beautiful story--and for such a satisfying ending, not just to the TV series, but to your whole amazing saga, with all its fascinating subplots and side stories and wonderful original characters. You found the perfect place to pause their story... and it is a pause, not an end, because their lives are stretching out before them, with so many tantalizing options and possibilities. I honestly don't know what I would choose as my favorite path for them. In some ways, I love to picture them together forever. But in others, I think that Mick's dearest wish would be to grow old along with his Beth, with or without kids and grandkids... and to live a full, human life. The fun thing about this pausing place is that all of those paths are possible at this point. And maybe that's the best gift you could have given us. :heart:
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Re: No Boundaries - part eight, conclusion (PG13)

Post by Shadow »

What an absolute delight to come back by MLA and find not just one, but four amazing comments on this series!

Moonlightlover60, thank you so, so much for coming by here to give this series a bump! It is just lovely to know you've been re-reading. And it is so cool that you've been watching the episodes "in between." I had somehow never imagined anyone doing that, even though it makes all kinds of sense. When I've forgotten enough details maybe I should re-read the story that way too!

MoonMarg, how delightful to know you have been re-reading too, and that this is your favorite "after the door closes" series....there are so many good ones out there that I was hesitant to even try writing one! And how great that you plan to re-read In Between as well.

And whew, Alle, so stunning that you called In Between your favorite! I'm now glad I finally did the post Sonata story, because that wrapped things up in a better way, but I do remember struggling so much with this ending that at the time I wished I'd never started No Boundaries. That makes it particularly wonderful that you liked this ending (or pausing place, what a great description.) I always have trouble with endings and this one was particularly hard because I didn't want to go down any definite path. Like you I wanted to leave all the possibilities open for our characters, because all the different potential paths seemed so fascinating, and I didn't want to close the door on any of them. So glad to know this ending really worked for you.

Wonderful timing too to get such awesome encouragement, as I'm working on a story for a contest right now and the deadline is coming up fast. This will definitely help me get that plotline finished!
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