Thoughts on Plum Blossom and other vampires

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Thoughts on Plum Blossom and other vampires

Post by cassysj »

It dawned on me that Plum Blossom would be thirty years old today (30)!!!!!!! Now, she wouldn't really be thirty, she would have been a vampire for years. But it got me wondering. How would Plum look at this pandemic with her immortality? She would be worried about Tangie and if Tangie wasn't still under Josef's protection Plum would make Charles build a "clean" room in their New York townhouse and Tangie would be lucky if she saw the light of day. It's interesting to think about though. Josef has been here, done this, got the T shirt. He would do everything to protect those he cared about but he would have a perspective from the London Plague, the 1918 Flu Epidemic and dozens of other disease that used to take lives every day before vaccines and antibiotics.

Charles would have lived in New York where there were cholera outbreaks, Polio outbreaks every few years, my grandmother contracted it in 1908 at age 4 The 1918 flu epidemic. Rheumatic Fever epidemics. (My mother contracted it at age 12 in 1944. The Swine Flu epidemic and now Coronavirus. Charles is a very compassionate man and I imagine he would handle it very differently from Josef or Plum. I see Plum as a more Josefesqe vampire and while she'd worry about what was hers...I don't know how far she would think about humankind.

Can you imagine how Mick would freak out if Beth were still human? Mick was still born in dangerous health times but a lot of medical leaps took place even before he became a vampire.

Anybody else have any thoughts about the Moonlight vampires feel free to share.
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Re: Thoughts on Plum Blossom and other vampires

Post by allegrita »

Happy birthday, Plum!! :sprise: :cake: :redwine2: :celebrate:

I've been thinking about how the Moonlight folks would view this pandemic, too. I agree that Josef would protect his own people carefully (after all, who wants diseased blood?), but wouldn't much care about how humans in general fared. He's seen a lot of epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, etc., and he knows that humanity tends to bounce back. (If not immediately, then within a decade or two.) Also, I imagine he would have figured out early on that the looming pandemic was going to cause economic collapse, and would have divested himself and his investors of vulnerable stocks (such as anything related to travel and tourism, restaurants, retail, etc.). And, after Wall Street crashed and burned, he would be in the perfect position to pick up some bargains at pennies on the dollar. Josef is going to come out of this richer than ever. :winky:

I think Charles would worry about people. He's more like Mick than he might care to admit. And, in a practical sense, he is a jeweler, and people who haven't got any disposable income can't afford to buy expensive, one-of-a-kind jewelry. Then again, Charles has also seen quite a lot, including recessions/depressions and pandemics and world wars and natural disasters. He's got a long view of human survivability. I believe that Charles would take care of the people he cares about, and of course of his employees/freshies. I also think he's the type to have a largish fortune in cash, jewels, and precious metals stashed away for a rainy day. He would survive just fine, but I don't think he'd prosper. Unless, of course, the value of precious stones and metals rockets up as a result of the recession we are entering. (If we're lucky it'll be a recession.)

Plum adores Charles and will always fight for him to do as well as possible. She's practical, too, so she'd look out for the employees/food source, and work on the angles to assure that Charles at least breaks even. But a few hundred thousand deaths worldwide won't make her cry, unless they're people she cares about.

I can see Mick worrying a lot about people dying. He tends to hang out on the fringes of society anyway, and the poor are the ones who will suffer the most. :sigh: I think he'd do his best to keep Beth in a bubble, trying to keep her safe, but as we all know Beth doesn't stay in the car, or follow orders. I think that, if Beth is still human (and I go back and forth about that), Mick will do his level best to keep people away from her. He was born in 1922, so his parents lived through the flu pandemic, and I'm sure he's heard stories. He also lived through the Great Depression and WWII, not to mention other big disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Mick knows how dangerous things like this can be for humans, and he would do his best to protect the ones he can. But there's not much a vamp can do against a virus. :Mickangel: I think Mick's finances would be fine, because Josef probably handles them. But he might do his level best to lock Beth inside the apartment, because downtown LA is not going to be a safe place pretty soon. :bmoon:

Beth will see this as a huge piece of history, and will want to be in the middle of things, documenting it all. But with the shelter in place orders here in California, I think she will be careful. But she will still be working (if she's back in the news biz, which I kind of suspect she is by now, although not in front of the camera), interviewing people by video chat and putting together the pieces of this incredible story. She might win a Pulitzer, which would piss Josef off but make Mick very proud.

Guillermo is looking at the situation in New York City and working with the hospitals and morgue staff to prepare for a huge influx of "customers." If he has family in LA, I can see him doing his best to make sure they are sheltering in place and staying away from people. He's definitely one of the people with crucial jobs, so he will have plenty of work. I can see him pulling all the strings he can to make sure the humans he knows have enough protective equipment.
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Re: Thoughts on Plum Blossom and other vampires

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Interesting thoughts! :chin:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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