
A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Cleaners realize that very few people request their services and their bank accounts are becoming low, they decide to open their own business!

"Will we need to wear uniforms?" Kora asked.
"We will do no such thing! What they see is what they get" Katrina said.
"Perhaps this will only be for a short time" Isabelle said. "Or we can just ask Josef since the bulk of what we do is for him"
"No! We do not need help from Josef! We will do this on our own"

In 9 months they were ready for business and they had a very sharp website courtesy of Logan. The first month they received just one call, but Logan asked if he could tweek the page a bit and he included a photo of the Cleaners and suddenly they were besieged with phone calls night and day.

Roger Obell had heard about a cleaning service that was remarkably unique. Everyone who had dealings with them said they were the best, so after much thought and looking around his large home he knew he needed help. His wife Karen usually kept up on the housework but after their divorce he didn't have the will to do anything, so maybe it was time for a fresh start as he picked up the phone.
"What is your location?" A female voice said to him.
"19109 Barrisford Place" He replied nervously.
"We shall be there in 1 hour" She said and hung up. And in one hour 4 of the most beautiful women he had ever seen where standing at his door. Roger looked at the women in front of him and simply could not speak. "What is your problem?" One of them asked.
" house" He stammered as the women walked in looking all around.
"Who has robbed you?" Kora asked.
"No one". He replied in confusion.
"What would you like from us?" She asked.
"I want something new. Everything in here are things I shared with my ex-wife and I don't want to see this stuff ever again" He said.
"Have you somewhere to go?" Another asked.
"Yes, I can go to work and check up some things".
"Be back at 5pm" Kora said. Roger nodded his head and picked up his keys. When they heard the car drive away Kora looked at Katrina with a small grin. "Let's get started" She said speeding all around the large house gathering up everything and dumping it into truck they brought with them. Marlo and Yvette went to buy all new furnishings. In three hours the house was cleared away of everything even clothing and they were making way for the new items. Since they found out he was President of his own marketing company they geared the style towards a more sleek and modern decor and as 5pm approached they were completely finished.

Roger was nervous when he drove down his street, not knowing what he would see, but when he drove up to his house he was stunned even the color of the house went from a sickening butter cream to a masculine gray. He walked up to the door and opened it slowly and could not believe his eyes. They really disposed of absolutely everything! He went from room to room, upstairs and down and finally made his way into the kitchen which was the room he hated the most and saw that they managed to capture his style and personality.
"I simply can't believe this!" He said in shock. All the women were standing in the hallway.
"Here is your invoice" Isabelle said coolly. Roger didn't even look at the cost. It didn't matter!
"I'll write you a check right now" He said going to his desk and writing them a check for the amount and adding a 20% gratuity. "I don't think I can thank you enough for what you've done" He said handing them the check. They all nodded simultaneously and turned to leave. Kora stopped.
"We went to the supermarket for you" She said.
"I..I don't know how to cook" He said. Kora alerted her sisters to leave without her. "Come with me" She said walking into the kitchen. "What is it you like to consume?" She asked.
"Omelettes with veggies and cheese" He replied. At her nod she went into the fridge and puled out all the ingredients.
"Now watch closely" She said and very methodically whipped up a very fast 3 egg with mushrooms, belle pepper, onion and sweet potato with Gruyere cheese and sat it in front of him.
"I didn't think it would be so easy." He said in surprise sitting down and taking a small bite. "This is amazing!" He said taking another bite. "Did you use to be a chef?" He asked.
"Yes" She replied looking at the man. He was very handsome, but lacking confidence in everything. "Would you like a glass of wine?" She asked.
"Uh...sure". Kora walked to the fridge and pulled out a perfectly chilled prosecco wine and poured him a flute"
"Will this suffice?" She asked sliding it in front of him. He shyly took sip. It was very good.
"Will you join me? I insist" He asked lifting his head to look at the beautiful woman sitting across from him. Kora sat down in the chair next to him and poured herself a glass of wine. She drank the entire contents of her glass and stood up.
"Do you wish to make love" She said taking off her clothes and walking upstairs to his bedroom. Roger was shocked. So shocked that he didn't think he was able to move until he heard her.
"I will not wait forever" She said. And those five words propelled him upstairs where he found her naked sitting on his bed. He fumbled horribly trying to take off his clothes, but she walked over and tore the material from his body. And after that Roger thought he had died and gone to heaven for nothing on this earth could make him feel what he'd just felt. And when he awoke finding himself alone, he thought it was dream, but looking all around at his new furnishings he knew it wasn't.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

"Well, you finally made it back" Katrina said angrily.
"Why this one?" Marjorie asked confused by her choice.
"So much was taken from him. He did not know how to be a man any longer. He was emasculated completely by the wife" She said. "All I did was show him" She said with a shrugged.
"But so many times without any consideration for the rest of us!" Isabelle said.
"I had no idea he would be so virile, he hardly looked the sort. Just goes to show you" She said with a smile that spoke that she was happy with the sex.
"That was the last time! People will begin to believe that sex is part of our service and it is not!" Katrina said.
"It will not happen again" Kora said with her head down, but to herself she knew she wanted to see Roger again and she knew just how she'd do it.

Darrian laughed when the Cleaner walked into her apartment.
"Are you in love as well?" Darrian said with a chuckle.
"I do not believe I am" Kora said.
"Then why do you wish to keep this from your sisters?"
"I do not know, but I do know that I wish for my sexual relations with this man not be something my sister or any other person with Drago's blood be privy to" She said.
"Drinks!!" Darrian yelled out and drinks were in front of them. "Tell me about him" She said.
"He is alone. A wife who divorced him and from the letters he has saved from her, she did nothing but demean him all through the union. This woman took more from him than material possessions, she also took his manhood" She explained.
"And you chose to make him feel something else?"
"Yes. And I'd do it again"
"It is done, but only for 1 month" She said and Kora was suddenly in the lobby of Kostan Towers. She was supposed to be meditating to regroup her powers but she went quickly to see Roger. She knocked on his door and waited.
"Hi! I wondered if I would ever see you again" He said allowing her to enter. Kora walked in and took a seat in a chair.
"How are you doing?" She asked looking around and seeing that the house was still clean which was a good thing.
"I've been practicing cooking. I made blackened cod. It was okay. I'm sure your's is much better" He said looking embarrassed.
"Do not be embarrassed. You cooked something you had never cooked before and it was good. That is something to be proud of" She said.
"I have to ask. Why are you here?" He asked.
"I would like a drink and I want to hear about your ex-wife" She said. She poured herself a glass of Merlot and sat down next to him. For the next half hour Roger told Kora everything about his ex wife. Her vile tongue and numerous infidelities.
"It hurt more because I knew the woman she was before, but once I started making money she just wanted to go out every night and be seen everywhere. She purchased so much I had no choice but to cut her off and cancel her credit cards, that's when she said she wanted a divorce".
"Women sometimes are very careless with their power. I'm truly sorry this happened to you" She said.
"You're the first person I've talked to about it all and actually I feel better since I've told someone" He said. "I like you and I know nothing about you" He said.
"My name is Kora" She said.
"That's a lovely name it means Maiden in Greek" He said. She smiled a little.
"Yes it does. How do you know this?"
"It's a hobby of mine, the origins of things, people , places" He said.
"I would like to take you out this evening" She said standing up.
"Okay" He said smiling brightly.
"Wear a nice suit" She said turning to leave but stopped and threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately. "7pm" She said walking out the door. Roger stared at the door for a long time then went upstairs to choose from the many suits she had purchased for him.

At 7pm she drove up to his house in a black 1962 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. She got out of the car wearing a strapless black dress that showed off her shapely legs. She knew that all his neighbors were trying to get a glimpse of her so she walked slowly up the stairs and rang the doorbell. Roger opened the door and stared at her in wonder.
"I'd like you to drive" She said kissing him and handing him the keys. He looked at the car.
"That's your car?" He said walking towards it admiring everything about it. He'd always wanted a corvette. He held the door open for her. "You're sure you want me to drive?" He asked.
"Let's go" She said and he quickly got into the car and started it up, loving the sound it made. He pulled out of the driveway and drove off.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"We are going to the Cicada Club. Just follow the GPS" She said looking at how handsome he looked in his black suit.
They pulled up to club and Roger handed the valet the keys as they walked inside. Everyone turned their way to stare at the stunning couple who had just walked in.
"Kora! What are you doing here?" Josef said walking over to them.
"Josef, this is my very good friend Roger. Roger this is.."
"Former President Josef Kostan! It's a pleasure sir. Can I say you are truly missed in Washington" he said shaking his hand.
"Why thank you, and yes you may say that again! Would you two like to join my wife and I for dinner?" He asked. Roger looked quickly at Kora. Maybe she wanted this to be a romantic evening for two.
"That sounds lovely Josef" Kora said taking Roger's hand and as they were walking to Josef's table, there sitting in a corner table was Roger's ex-wife Karen with a burly man who wasn't even half as good looking as the husband she so carelessly threw aside.
"Roger?" She said standing up.
"Hello Karen" He said walking away without another word. Kora was proud of him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

Josef led them to the exclusive table reserved for him only.
"Roger, this is my wife Bridgett" Josef said.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Roger and Kora, it's wonderful to see you again" Bridgett said with a bright smile. After they all took their seats they were handed menus.
"So have you ever been here before Roger?" Josef asked. Roger didn't know how to answer, but Kora took over for him.
"Roger is in the process of reinventing himself after a horrid divorce and I am assisting him" She said.
"Well the trick to pulling off the perfect reinvention is to know 100% who it is you wish to be. And once you know you just become that person" Josef said.
"You make it sound so easy" Roger said.
"It is. When you were younger I bet you saw yourself exactly where you are now. At one of the chicest clubs in Los Angeles, at the best table with a beautiful woman on your arm. You've already done it" Josef said with a grin.
"And your ex wife is here at that tiny corner table with a man who looks like he has very stinky feet. She is seething with jealousy and wondering how she could have gotten things so wrong" Kora said.
"Exactly!" Josef said. "Now imagine what Kora just said" He said.
"My ex wife IS here. At that very tiny table to your right" Roger said. Josef had a flair for staring at a person without the person knowing they were in his line of vision.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone trying so hard to appear nonchalant. She's practically breaking her neck to get a bird's eye view" Josef joked with a grin that told Kora that Josef was about to do something that spoke volumes. "Let's have a bit of fun" Josef said signalling for a server. Suddenly the music was turned off and Josef stood to look around at everyone.
"Good evening! I know that everyone is feeling a bit strapped after Christmas so myself and my dear friend Roger would like pay everyone's tab for this evening!" He said as he motioned for Roger to stand. Everyone began to cheer and clap. Roger smiled at everyone grabbed Kora's hand pulling her up and kissing her deeply. Josef chuckled and sat back down. "Oh she's furious now" He said laughing.
"I think someone has gotten his groove back" Bridgett whispered to Josef.
"So tell me about yourself Roger" Josef asked.
"I'm the President and CEO of Precise Marketing and Public Relations" Roger said.
"You do excellent work! I loved the campaign you did for the California Chamber of Commerce. It was brilliant!" Josef said with admiration.
"Thank you Mr. Kostan" He replied.
"Come on, you're my dear friend now surely you can call me Josef?" He joked.

"So do you know those people with Josef Kostan?" Karen's date asked when he noticed her staring at the table..
"The man is my ex husband Roger" She said staring holes into Kora's back.
"I thought you said your ex was some kind of nerd who was afraid of his own shadow" He said thinking that the man with the beautiful brunette certainly didn't look afraid of anything. In fact much like Kostan himself, her ex looked suave and confident.
"He was, I don't know what happened to him" She said in confusion.
"The right woman will do that for a man" He said. Karen stared at her date with hatred.
"Just what are you trying to say?" She yelled.
"I'm saying that he found love and it changed him. If you were meant for him, you'd still be with him" He said with shrug.
"Go to hell!" She said getting up from the table and leaving the club. Bridgett high-fived Josef after Karen left.
"Well done Josef" She said.

Roger drove Kora back to his house.
"Kora I can't thank you enough for the wonderful evening. You've changed my whole life" He said.
"Do you want this night to end?" Kora asked.
"No." He said as he got out of car, went to her side to open the car door for her and placed his arm around her as they went into his house.

Roger woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and saw that he was alone in bed. He reached for his robe and went downstairs and saw the note by the coffee maker.
"I needed to be at work early today, I programmed your coffee machine and made you a crepe with ham and hollandaise and placed it on warm in your oven" The note read. Roger chuckled and he blushed thinking that maybe this woman could truly be his"

"And where have you been sister" Katrina said when she saw her come in.
"I went to Cicada Club last night and ran into Josef Kostan and his bride" She said. Katrina closed her eyes briefly and saw that she had indeed been out with Josef and his bride.
"We have but one job today but it is for an office building. Apparently during the remodel they have found some human remains inside one of the walls at the Clark Building on 19th Ave" She said. Kora nodded and went to help her sisters.

Karen was livid all last night and found herself to still be that way when she woke up. She could not stop thinking about Roger and his date last night sitting at the table of Josef Kostan!! He had never told her that he was friends with Kostan. If she had of known that she would have stayed married to him a while longer. And who was that woman he was with? She looked to be a model or actress. And he picked up the tab for entire club! She knew her ex husband was wealthy but if he was best buds with Josef Kostan, something told her that he was now swimming in money. She looked at herself in the mirror. Thank god they didn't have children or her figure would have been wrecked. She looked young, but her funds were dwindling as she spent her alimony checks as fast she could. She opened her closet and found the perfect outfit to wear. She could have Roger back in two days.

Roger walked into his office like he owned the place which he did and everyone who worked there could see the changes in their boss. The super quiet boss that didn't like to talk much unless it was about work had done an about face. He quickly typed out the email and sent it out to everyone.
"Firm meeting today at noon. Lunch provided". Knowing their boss wasn't one for spectacular displays of appreciation everyone tried to guess what this was all about. Was the company closing? Was he stepping down?
The caterers started to set up for lunch and at noon everything was ready. Roger walked to the front of room looking sophisticated in his dark gray suit.
"I wanted to share some news with all of you. First, we have been retained on a permanent basis for the California Chamber of Commerce. They were very pleased with our ad campaign for tourism, but we have also been retained as permanent marketing and public relations for Kostan Industries release of Lux Air Domestic and International." He said smiling. Everyone gasped at the chance to work on a Kostan account. "This is going to be a huge year for us and everyone needs to put forth their best efforts, because we will be very very busy. And along with all the extra hours you'll be putting in, everyone get's $1,000.00 more per paycheck along with a 5% raise starting on January 1st. 2020!" He said to the squeals of all his employees. "All of you do fantastic work, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you do. So enjoy your lunch all catered by Tullio's" He finished. Roger left the room to let them enjoy this lunch without the boss standing over them. He really should have done this a long time ago. He had the hardest working employees in the industry. He went back to his office to take some calls when he saw a woman in the lobby.
"May I help you?" He asked. the woman turned around slowly and he saw it was his ex. "Karen what are you doing here?" He asked looking at her dressed in the white summer dress he had always loved.
"Roger, I wanted to speak with your privately" She said her beautiful brown eyes looking at him innocently.

Kora suddenly had a sinking feeling in her gut. She looked at Isabelle.
"I must go but I will return shortly" She said. Isabelle looked at her sister and she knew. Kora had fallen for the man.
"Go. I will cover for you" Isabelle said thinking of her own true love. She could never deny her sisters a chance at this happiness. Kora took off first preparing to go to his home when she realized he would be at work at this time, so she hurried over there. She walked into the lobby and didn't see anyone.
"Roger, I wanted to tell you that seeing you the other night......well, it really made me think about the life we had together in the beginning. There was so much love there. I don't know why things fell apart they way they did..." She started to say.
"You cheated on me. Numerous times if memory serves" He said staring at her.
"Yes I did. But I was so alone. You were always working and never home. In the beginning, I thought it was you who had found yourself someone else" She said with a sigh.
"Really? You thought I was unfaithful?" He asked in surprise.
"Well look at it from my point of view. You get married to the love of your life and three years later your husband is spending 12-14 hours at the office and you never wanted to be intimate with me any longer" She said with her eyes welling up with tears. The door suddenly opened and Kora saw Roger sitting at his desk and his ex sitting across from him.
"Kora! Hi!" He said walking over to her and kissing her lips. "Kora this is my ex wife Karen Haley" He said. Kora walked over to the woman who stood up and noticed how very tall this woman was.
"Hello" Kora said coolly.
"Hi Kora, I had a great aunt named Kora. Is that Cora with a C as in Cat?" She asked innocently.
"No. It is Kora with a K as in Kill" She said staring at the woman in amusement. She saw the woman's eyes open wide in embarrassment.
"N...No, I wasn't saying you remind me of my one can see you look quite young" She said looking at the well dressed woman in black from head to toe all confidence and polish."well... Roger, I better be going. I just wanted to say hello and it was great seeing you" She said as she quickly walked out of his office. Roger turned to face Kora with a grin.
"What do I owe this visit?" He asked. Kora didn't want to tell him that she felt something was wrong and she knew it had to do with his ex. He might think her possessive.
"I was thinking about you" She settled for which was in no way a lie. She often thought of him.
"I like that you're thinking of me. I think very often of you" He said taking her in his arms.

Who the hell was that woman? She thought to herself. And did she just threaten to kill me? It was time she found out about this woman named Kora. She drove over to Katherine Long's house right across the street from Roger.
"Karen!! How the hell have you been?" She said giving her a big hug and inviting her in. "Can I get you something to drink? A glass of wine?" She offered.
"Sure. That sounds nice" She said accepting the glass that was handed to her. "So what's going on in the old neighborhood?" She asked taking a sip of the excellent vintage.
"Same as usual really. Victoria had her 4th child! I mean really was that really neccessary? So they're moving which we're all grateful for. We certainly didn't move here to be overrun with screaming children day in and day out." She said. Karen agreed that 4 children was way too many to have. Hell 1 child was too many to have. "And Roger has started to live life again. He had the entire house re-decorated and has been seen dating this gorgeous woman he had hired for the remodel. I think she's in Interior Design or something" She said.
"Really? I'm looking for an Interior Designer at the moment. Who was she with?" She asked casually.
"Spotless I think was name on the van" She said."From Beverly Hills"
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

"My Lord, may we speak?" Katrina asked Brian as she entered his office.
"Katrina I have told you numerous times to refer to me as Brian" He said with a small smile.
"Old habits take time to dissolve" She replied.
"What has happened?" He said sitting up looking up from his computer.
"I think something is happening to my sisters" Brian looked at her in surprise
"What sort of thing?"
"They are falling in love" She said.
"I don't understand" Brian said.
"First Isabelle and now I fear Kora has come down with the same sickness" She said in disgust.
"You think that love is a sickness?" He chuckled.
"It clouds your judgement and makes doing their job impossible! Our funds have been drastically depleted as very few call for clean ups. Disclosure has turned us into paupers!" She said in anger. Brian stared at her. He and Josef had not of thought of what disclosure could do to those who make their living on keeping vampires secret.
"I see your point, but what does this have to do with Kora falling in love? Is this person vampire of mortal?" He asked.
"Of course he's mortal! I should not care if my sisters were in love with a vampire! But I know all of this is happening because of your true state, soon all of my sister will be no more!" She said with tears in her eyes. Brian knew why she was scared. Dragos and the Cleaners were all Katrina knew and with things changing so often she was wondering what her place would be in this new age.
"Katrina you cannot avoid change. It is the one constant in this world" He said thinking he would have to speak with Josef regarding this.
"So you will not stop this?" She asked standing up.
"I cannot stop this. What is happening to your sisters is beyond my control or power".
"Then it will be up to I" She said storming out of his office. He immediately called Josef.

"Kora is in love?" Josef asked in disbelief.
"According to Katrina, but she brought up a matter that we hadn't thought of before. Since disclosure the services of the Cleaners have been no longer needed and their fortunes have dwindled considerably". Josef closed his eyes for a bit. He could see why Katrina would be upset by how things were shaping up. They would definitely have to think up something.
"I will make some arrangements for their funds" Josef said coming up with an idea that would make Katrina thrilled with the prospect. "As for the love part.....I have no idea why this is happening. Any thoughts?" He asked.
"Do you remember when you had the Halloween party at the daycare and all the kids requested that they watch Hotel Transylvania and we both sat in to watch it thinking it would be humorous? I think the Cleaners are zinging" He said in all seriousness. Josef burst out laughing.
"Brian you're talking about a cartoon! Vampires don't........." Josef stopped and began to think. His feelings for Bridgett did seem to come out of nowhere and now he could not imagine his existence without her and he knew Brian felt the same way about Alma. Gabriel and Zoe, Mick and Beth, Abigail and Zach. Could this all be possible he thought.
"There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" Brian said with a small smile.

Roger smiled to himself as he woke up slowly and looked down to see Kora's beautiful face. He had been very afraid the first time he had woken up next to her. Kora's very lifeless body laid so very still next him that he sat up quickly shaking. But now after everything they shared he took this time to simply gaze at her lovely features and wonder how he got so damn lucky when luck itself always seemed to evade him. He felt his eyelids grow heavy once more and slept peacefully next to woman he loved more than anyone he had ever met before.
Kora's heart soared when she heard Roger's silent thoughts. She had never felt this way before ever. Even before her turning and she was more than happy to lead the Nosferatu life of casual sex and no commitments, but now as she laid next to this man she was sure her heart was beating!

Karen looked up all the information available on Spotless Inc. They apparently had office all over the United States and when she saw the photographs of all the women who worked for the company, she felt very plain. All these women looked as if they walked right off the runways in Paris. why would anyone with those kinds of looks want to work in any capacity? Then it hit her. These women were all vampires! She wondered if Kora was feeding on her ex husband. Was she putting him under some kind of spell because there was no way Roger would ever submit to some woman no matter how beautiful to suck his blood. The man would pass out from any drops of blood. Karen was more than ever convinced that Roger needed to be rescued from this woman!

Roger again woke up and saw that Kora was gone again, but he could smell coffee brewing so he got up and took and shower anxious to read the note she left him. He walked in the kitchen and quickly gabbed the note.
"I am working in San Diego all day but will return this evening. Enjoy your coffee and I left you a prosciutto and goat cheese quiche. I Love you Kora" He read out loud. She loved him? He read the note three times before he believed it. "She loves me!!!" He screamed out. He heard his doorbell ring and thought it was Kora coming back so he ran to the door and flung it wide open.
"Roger are you alone?" Karen asked before walking into his home noticing how unbelievable the house looked now. "I suppose this was all Kora's doing?" She asked looking at the elegant furniture and accents.
"What are you doing here Karen? I'm leaving for work" He said becoming annoyed with her efforts.
"I have to tell you something about your new girlfriend. She's a freaking vampire Roger! She's not alive and she's probably sucking your blood under hypnosis!" She said. Roger stared at her and started to laugh. "Roger, I'm serious!" She yelled.
"I appreciate your concern but my relationship with Kora is none of your business" He said sternly.
"Roger, I still love you and I don't want anything to happen to you" She said.
"You love me? That's hardly what you said at our divorce hearing. If I remember correctly you said I was boring, sedate, not a good lover and devoid of any excitement! Now you love me. What is this about? More money? You've already blown through all your settlement funds and now you're trying to rekindle our relationship? You know Karen you not only broke my heart you broke me. For weeks I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't eat, the house was a disaster! I would have given anything to have you come over and tell me that you loved me".
"But I do love you! I'm here" She said almost convincingly. "Roger, if you can just give us a chance I know we can make things work" She said with a teasing grin that he used to love, but now all he felt was disgust.
"I'm sorry Karen. I just don't have those feeling for you any longer. Truth be told, I'm in love with someone else and she means the world to me" He said.
"Is it the woman I saw you with at the Cicada?" She asked quietly. Roger stared at the woman who for a long time was the love of his life and he couldn't think of spending a minute away from her, now all he saw was spoiled child who only wanted her way.
"Karen, I'm sorry but it's over". He said quietly.
"I'm not giving up on you Roger I'm not giving up on us" She said turning to leave. Roger shook his head sadly and went back into the kitchen to re-read the note that Kora had left him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

Josef sat in his office speaking with the Deputy Marshall for a long time.
"What I'm telling you is that when it comes to finding anyone who is hidden, the Cleaners will find the person in a matter of a couple of days! They're that good" He said.
"I'm sure they are.....I mean they'd have to be right?" He said thinking about all Josef had said. If these cleaners were as good as he was now convinced they were, criminals didn't stand a chance. "Alright Josef. I will give you the names of 3 individuals that we are having the hardest time finding and if your people can find them all, then you have the contract" He said standing up and offering his hand.
"Do you think Katrina will pleased with this arrangement?" Brian asked.
"I think the work itself will please her very much. You know how she loves the hunt and the steady stream of revenue will be added their accounts. It's a win win" Josef said with a grin. "And this will be for Cleaners all over the world not just Los Angeles. I spoke with Klaus and Nikolai and they are both on board with this".
"Is anyone against this?" He asked.
"Jasper of New Orleans and Mississippi said he does not wish to work with Mortals which is understandable. They have always handled their own affairs and since they haven't disclosed themselves, we should allow them this" Josef replied.
"I need to speak with Cleaners" Brian said standing up.

Katrina was able to contact all the Cleaners in Los Angeles for this very important meeting with Dragos....all but one. Where the hell was Kora?
"Do not be angry with her sister. She has found her one. Her only. She cannot be without him" Isabelle said walking over to her.
"I figured as much! When will you all learn? To be at our most efficient we cannot allow emotions to get in the way!" She yelled. "Damn Dragos!!" She screamed. Isabelle looked at her sister sadly. She knew how she felt, but when love finally came for you there was nothing else you could do but submit.
Brian walked into the room and stood before them ready to start.
"My Lord we are short one person" Isabelle said to him.
"Kora" Brian said nodding his head. "We will begin without her. It was brought to my attention that with full disclosure came a lack of work for you. I wish someone had brought this to my attention sooner, but as it is Josef has made arrangements for you all. Working with the US Marshall's service Josef has negotiated an ongoing contract for you. At present there are roughly over 300,000 fugitives on the run. Some are minor white collar crimes, but the bulk of them are people who have murdered, raped or who are terrorist. The Marshall wants a team of you to find three people and if you succeed the government will wire 10 million dollars in your account" Brian explained.
"They are going to pay us to hunt humans?" Margo asked in disbelief.
"Yes" He replied.
"And are they to be brought in dead or alive?" She asked.
"The way it was told to me, is that of course they would want them to be brought in and to face trial, but some will put up a valiant effort to never go to prison and you should do what you were created to do"
Katrina smiled. This would be an ideal occupation......but trusting mortals?
"Of course, if you choose not to pursue this course Josef has already arranged for 75 million dollars to be wired into your accounts for work done in the past for which you were not paid" Brian said finally waiting for them to speak.
"We are to be Bounty Hunters?" Yvette asked.
"Sort of but only if you wish. The Marshall was told of the Cleaner prowess and he was most impressed". Katrina looked at each of her sisters speaking to them telepathically. After a few minutes she turned to face Brian.
"We have decided to take this opportunity" She said still grinning with her eyes bright red.
"Good. Here is a dossier of each person on this list" He said handing her the files. "Good luck" Brian said taking off.
"Oh, this will be fun sisters!!" Margo said thinking how grand it would be to be on the hunt for someone.
"Indeed. We will complete a location spell and bring the first one back. Isabelle, you stay here and wait for Kora to return" Katrina ordered.

Kora opened her eyes and saw that it was very close to dawn. She would have to return. She really didn't mean to stay with Roger so long. Hopefully Isabelle was able to calm things with her sister. She very quietly got out of bed and went downstairs to set things up for Roger and left after writing him another note! This time she kissed the letter leaving a ruby red lipstick mark at the bottom.
Roger woke to smell of delicious coffee brewing and something baking. He quickly made his way down the stairs and poured himself a cup of coffee which was how he liked it. Very black and very strong. He opened the oven door and saw a wonderful smelling coffee cake inside. He smiled to himself. How did she do all of this without waking him?

Kora walked into the office to find everyone gone. She then saw Isabelle walk out of her office.
"Hello Sister" She said walking towards her. "Let us sit" She said motioning to the table in the conference room. "Tell me about him" She asked at last. Kora held her head down and told her the whole story. Isabelle smiled when Kora told her of visiting the fairy to cloud her lovemaking to the others. Isabelle had done the same thing when her and Simon became one. Something so intimate and so special was not to shared with one's family. "It sounds like he is your one" Isabelle said finally.
"This must be it because I've not been able to think of anything but him. It's so consuming" She said.
"Yes it is. It is also very beautiful don't you think?" She said with smile.
"Izzy, it's like nothing I've ever felt before.....but his ex-wife has come around trying to retrieve what she left behind willingly" She said frowning at the thought of it.
"Isn't that like all mortals? They never want something until it belongs to another" She said with a wave of her hand. "Would you like me to speak with this woman?" She asked.
"Perhaps, but let's see what she is willing to do first" Kora said thinking of something..

Karen was upset that Roger finding out his new girlfriend was a vampire didn't upset him at all, which means he already knew. But there had to be a way to get him back. She was reading her email from her friend Marissa who was showing off yet another photo of her 3 year old. She opened the attachment and stared at the blonde cutie with the blue eyes.......that were very much like her own. And suddenly the perfect plan came to mind and it would work too!

Roger walked into the office speaking with some of his employees before going into his office. within 15 minutes his assistant told him that his ex wife was in the lobby. Roger closed his eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath before walking out of his office. Standing there in front of him was his wife and a little boy who looked a lot like her and a lot like him.
"Roger can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked. He kept staring at the little boy then snapped out of it.
"O....Of course" He stammered showing them both into his office shutting the door behind him.
"Roger say hello to Jacob. Your son" She said shyly. Roger stooped down in front of the boy.
"Hi....Jacob" He said with his voice cracking as he said the words. The shy boy placed his head behind Karen.
"How did this happen??" He asked although he knew exactly how it happened. Right before Karen announced that she was divorcing him, she had tried to give the marriage one more try. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"I don't know. I guess I thought I could do it all on my own, but he needs a father. His father" She said.
"Oh Karen" He sobbed as he held Jacob's tiny hand. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this alone"
"And there are so many things a little boy needs and...." She began to say.
"No. Don't say another word". He said walking over to his desk and pulling out his check book and began to write her a check. "Buy him whatever it is he needs. I insist" He said handing her the check for $100,000.00. She stared at the check and inwardly smiled to herself.
"No Roger. This is too much" She said.
"Take it, please." He said picking the boy up in his arms and giving him a hug.
"Well, we have to go. He has a doctors appointment" Karen said taking the boy from him.
"Is he sick?!" He asked in a panicked voice.
"No. vaccinations. I need to protect him from measles and stuff" She said remembering her friend saying that Jacob had just had his last series of shots.
"Of course of course. Please come again. I'd like to be a part of my son's life Karen" He said wiping his eyes.
"Okay" She said nodding her head as she turned to leave. She walked out of the office and smiled brightly. "100k Jacob! I don't have to get back together with him after all!" She said thinking of all she could buy with child support money!

Roger sat back in his chair. What would he tell Kora? How would she take to a child in his life?

"I think there is more you want to tell me" Isabelle said looking at her sister.
"I wish to leave" She said finally.
"You truly wish to leave all this behind?" Kora thought hard about all that she felt right now at this moment.
"Yes. Roger is a gentle soul. He will not be able to comprehend or understand all that goes on with Cleaners. Our nature, our bloodline" She said. Isabelle nodded her head. She too saw that Roger Obell was a very loving and trusting man with no stomach for the bloody life of a cleaner.
"Then you must go. Do what you must sister. I will speak with Dragos and Katrina" She said standing up to embrace Kora. "Love him with all your heart" She said.
"Thank you Izzy for everything" Kora said walking quickly out of the office.
Kora took out her phone and sent a text to Roger.
"Free for dinner tonight?" And he immediately responded.
"Of course! I can't wait to see you! We need to discuss something". Kora looked up from the text and something worried her about it. She sensed that this was something to do with the ex wife and it filled her with a murderous rage!
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

Roger made it home in time to shower and clean up a bit before Kora came over, but muddled over what to eat and thought maybe he'd order a pizza and was just about to ring them when he heard Kora pull up to his house. He opened the door and couldn't stop staring. Kora stood before him in faded blue jeans and a Johnny Cash t-shirt with her her hair loose in a shaggy bob and he thought he had never seen her look more beautiful.
"I brought you pizza if you don't mind?" She said walking in and setting it down in the kitchen then grabbing him kissing him until he forgot about everything. "I thought I would share this with you" She said pulling out two plates.
"You can eat food?" He asked in wonder.
"It's not something we can do every day because we cannot digest it but I remember liking pizza quite a bit in my mortal days" she said placing pizza on both plates and opening up a bottle of Cabernet. Roger sat next to her and kissed her lips.
"Thank you for this, for everything" he said getting ready to dive into the pizza, but Kora stopped him.
"You want to discuss something. What is it?" She asked taking a sip of wine. Roger placed his hands on the table and took a deep breath.
"I have a son. Karen brought him to the office. He's 4 years old and looks remarkably like me" he said watching Kora's expression. Suddenly she smiled.
"This is wonderful is it not? What glorious news!" She said looking at him with love in her eyes.
"Y...yes it is! I hoped you'd be happy for me" he said.
"Why wouldn't I be? You have a son to carry on your name, this is important" she said picking up the slice and studying it before she bit into it. She expected to become violently ill which is what Dragos always told her, but it was delicious. She closed her eyes as she took another bite.
"You look like you just had a foodgasm" Roger said with a smile.
"Explain" She asked.
"Something that taste so good you have an orgasm in your mouth" he said. Kora looked at him frowning and then burst out laughing.
"Yes, I suppose I did!" She said picking up her napkin to wipe her mouth when Roger moved towards her.
"Let me" he said kissing the tomato sauce from her lips and picking her up in her arms.

"Kora is leaving" Isabelle said to both Brian and Katrina.
"No one has ever left! What make her think she can? I will have her purged of this man!" Katrina yelled.
"NO!" Brian said in a voice they had never heard him use before and it brought both of them to their knees. "This choice is Kora's, and you will let her have it, now rise" he said. "You have over 50 Cleaners under your employ the loss of one will not harm you".
"But..." Katrina said.
"Kora has left. Let her find her way. Have you found the criminal?"
"Yes. He is in the holding room. Allegra is bringing the other 2" Isabelle said.
"Good. The Marshall service will be overjoyed" Brian said his eyes still on Katrina who was still angry. "Thank you, Isabelle. I must speak with your sister alone". Isabelle quickly left the room. "What is it?"
"I am Kora's sire. She should have spoken with me first" she said. Brian looked down at Katrina in surprise.
"When was this?"
"London 1973. Kora was a very promising chef in the heart of London. She was hired at Wiltons but at the time there were only a handful of women who worked in the field and women who wanted to become chefs were made to menial tasks in the kitchen. The head Chef at Wiltons hated Kora's passion and love for food and one day he was very ill, and the restaurant was to be closed, but Kora went into work and ran the kitchen and served food that people could not stop talking about. When the head chef found out about her disobedience he was going to have her fired, but the owner after getting rave reviews about the dishes she served made Kora the new head chef and the other so angry that a woman had bested him, followed her as she was walking home from work and he stabbed her in a nearby park and left her to die and that is where I found her. So angry she was at what had happened to her Dragos took her and trained her". She explained. Brian nodded his head. Now he understood her anger, but it didn't change the situation.
"But it is time now for her to be on her own again. As she is now will be of little use to you or your sisters and in time, what you do will repulse her" Brian said.
"This is all because of you!" She roared at him with eyes glowing bright red!
"Take care!!!! The next words from your mouth will be the last you ever speak!" Brian said with wings appearing on his back. Katrina gasped and fell to the floor immediately. Within seconds Josef, Gabriel and Mick were at his side to see what had happened.
"What's happening?" Gabriel asked.
"The Cleaners are changing, and it appears I am the cause of it" Brian said. Gabriel walked over to Katrina who was bowing her head before them.
"This changing has nothing to do with Brian or any of us. The curse itself and all that Dragos and Lucifer began is becoming what it should have. After spending an existence in the dark the truth will scare you but accept it you must" he said to her gently.
"I do not enjoy change" She cried.
"Not many do but that doesn't stop it from changing" Mick said offering her his hand.

Kora and Roger laid lazily in bed.
"What is your little one's name?" She asked.
"Jacob. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and he's perfect" he said with a smile. Kora laid very still replaying all that had happened. Karen also had blonde hair and brown eyes just like Roger. So how could this be? She thought to herself. "He's a little shy but I'm positive you're going to love him" Roger said.
"And what is his age?"
"Four. Why?"
"I'm just trying to think what 4-year-old boys enjoy" she said closing her eyes and thinking what she must do.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

"Kora! What are doing here? Has something happened?" Abigail asked when she opened the door.
"I have a question about genetics" She said walking in. Zachary was just walking into the living room.
"What's up Kora?" he asked.
"I have a friend who has just been told from his ex-wife that he has a son. Both the mother and the father have blonde hair and brown eyes but he told me that his son had blonde hair and blue eyes and I wondered if perhaps the child was not his" Kora said.
"Well, the short answer is yes and no" Abigail said. "Genetics has many variables. If one person on either side had a relative who was blonde with blue eyes then it is possible that either the mom or the dad carries the recessive gene, but if you really want to help your friend, then I say a good old-fashioned DNA test."
"We could do it here" Zachary said nodding at Abigail. Kora thought for a moment.
"I will bring it to you" She said turning to leave. "Thank you" She said as she closed the door behind her.
"I feel sorry for whoever that mother is" Abigail said.
"Zach, Kora is obviously talking about guy she's seeing and she thinks this guy's ex-wife is being dishonest, most likely for money" She said.
"You got all that from her question?" He said in surprise.
"Yes. It comes with the anatomy" She smiled.

Roger was getting ready for his first dinner with his son. He was kind of annoyed that it took a full week to arrange but he was excited to have Jacob come and see the place where he would spending a large part of his time. Kora was in the kitchen making a simple kid friendly meal that he would love. He walked up behind Kora and placed his arms around her.
"That smells amazing" He said lightly kissing her neck.
"I had heard that little boys love cheeseburgers and french fries" She said flipping the patties.
"Yes they do and I'm sure Jacob will love it as will his father" They heard the doorbell ring and Roger left to answer it. "Karen, Jacob! How nice to see you again" He said "I hope you like cheeseburgers and french fries" He said smiling as he saw the boys eyes light up.
"Mommy never lets me have that kind of food" He said suddenly.
"Well, this time she's making an exception" Karen quickly said.
"Let's get you seated" Roger said. "I purchased a booster seat for you" He said sitting him down on the chair and buckling him in. Kora came out of the kitchen perfectly balancing two trays of food and very efficiently plated everyone. Jacob immediately grabbed a handful of french fries and shoved them in his mouth....."Jacob I'd like you to meet my special friend Kora" He said. Kora walked over to the little boy and knew right away that this was not Roger or Karen's child.
"Hello Jacob" She said smiling at the little boy.
'Hi" he said picking up the small slider burger and taking a bite.
"If you finish your food I have some chocolate cake and ice cream waiting for you" She said. Jacob's eyes grew large at the promise of cake and ice cream and began to eat his food frantically.
"So tell me about yourself Kora" Karen said shyly as she munched on a fry.
"I was born in Knightsbridge outside of London. My father was a barrister and my mother was a teacher. I had a brother who died of influenza before I was born" She said sipping her wine. "What about you?" She asked.
"Native Californian I'm afraid. Born in Sacramento, my family moved here after I finished high school. Went to UCLA studying to be an actress and met Roger my junior year and we were married" She said smiling sweetly at Roger.
"I had just seen her in a production of Godspell and she was quite good" Roger said nodding.
"That is a wonderful play" Kora said as she watched Jacob who kept cramming french fries in his mouth and began to choke. She immediately got up and stood behind him and patted him on back as he coughed up some fries. Kora quickly grabbed a napkin and cleaned him up.
"You should not eat so fast you will make yourself sick in the tummy" She said gently taking his plate away and bringing him a small slice of chocolate cake and a scoop of ice cream. Jacob began to clap excitedly.
"Thank you!" He said picking up the cake and shoving it into his mouth. Kora studied the situation. Any other mother would have stopped their son from shoving food in his mouth at that speed for fear of choking, but Karen had said nothing. Jacob was not her child! She thought to herself.

After dinner was over, Kora insisted that Roger Karen and Jacob relax in the living room while she cleaned up and Karen was overjoyed to hear that, because she wanted to speak with Roger regarding child support payments. Kora quickly picked up all the items with dna all over them and put them in individual ziplock baggies and placed them in her purse. And when all was cleaned she grabbed her purse and jacket.
"I really must leave. I have an early day tomorrow" She said to Roger.
"Are you sure? Can't you stay for a while longer?" He said.
"I can't. I have urgent business I must attend to, but I have brewed you a pot of coffee" She said kissing his lips. "It was very nice to meet you Jacob" She said kissing his cheek. "Good evening Karen" She said as she left the house, jumped into her car and drove over to Abigail's.

"How did you get all three samples?" Zach asked.
"My friend had the mother and her son over for dinner and I collected them after dinner"
"You will have the results in 2 days" Zachary said.
"That soon?"
"It's a very easy process since you are handing it directly to a lab and you are our only customer" Zach replied with grin.
"Thank you" She said and left the house.
"Well let's get to work and see if we have good or tragic news for her "friend" Abigail said.

After running around on a sugar high for the last hour Karen was so happy when Jacob finally passed out on the sofa.
"We need to talk about arrangements" Roger said. "I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to be a part of Jacob's life" He said.
"I know, but he barely knows you yet. Let's keep things the way they are for now until he is used to seeing you on a regular basis then I can leave him alone with you for a weekend" She said trying to sound reasonable."And of course I'm trying to get him into Le Petit Gan International Pre-school, but they want a retainer just to hold a spot for him" She said.
"Le Petit Gan International is a fantastic school. I've heard a few of my clients say it's definitely the best school. How much is the yearly tuition?"
"13,158 per year!" She said sounding overwhelmed.
"I'll write you check for for the amount. I want Jacob to have the best" He said pulling out his check book.
"Are things serious with you and Kora? I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, but I have a right to know who my son is spending time with" She said.
"I would like things to become serious with her, but we are still in the getting to know one another phase, I don't want to rush into anything" He said finishing writing her the check and handing it to her.
"That would be wise for Jacob's sake. I better get him home" She said picking him up in her arms. "Thank you for dinner" She said softly not wanting to wake the brat up
"Thank you so much for bringing him here. That means so much to me" He said as he walked over and kissed the little boy's head.
"I'll see you next week" She said leaving for her car. He stood in the in the doorway watching them drive away and it only hit him a while later that Karen didn't have Jacob in a car seat!
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Spotless

Post by Ella713 »

Zachary was looking through the microscope and looked quickly at Abigail.
"Kora's friend is not the father". Abigail said.
"And the mother is not the mother" Zach said.
"So this woman stole a child and is passing it off as her own?"
"Or she's borrowing a friend's child, but it definitely doesn't belong to either of these people. We need to tell Kora right away" He said taking his glasses off and dialing the number Kora gave them.
"Yes" Kora said.
"We just got the results and the child doesn't belong to either person" Zachary said.
"I see" Kora said calmly
"We wanted to let you know right away"
"Thank you Zachary. Although the news is sad it is very much needed" She said hanging up the phone and planning her next move.

"Well, your month is not quite over, so what brings you?" Darrian asked.
"My beloved has an ex wife" Kora said. Darrian laughed out loud.
"That deplorable woman is up to no good. She doesn't want the man back so much as she wants what he can give her. It always comes down to money with mortals doesn't it? She noticed that her friend's little boy looked somewhat like her and your man"
"Yes. I could sense that the boy was not Roger's" Kora said.
"Women very often do know when men do not. But convincing the man will be difficult and while he does love you he loves this child a bit more" Darrian said although she knew it would hurt Kora's feelings.
"For the first time in a very long while I do not know what to do" She said as a tear slid down her cheek.
"This is true love for you, I can see that" She said.
"But not for him?" She said in defeat.
"I did not say that. This woman who spent so many years making this man feel less than he was has also now made him feel more by giving him a son so you must make him see things more clearly. As you will no doubt be in this man's life for a long while, don't you think he should be doing things in a legal sense?"
Kora thought about what she said and she got it.
"Thank you again Darrian" She said as she walked quickly away. Gideon walked through the door.
"What did Kora want?" He asked walking over to Darrian to kiss her.
"It has begun. Isabelle was first and now the others will find their way as well" She said.
"Not all" He said.
"No, not all" She said.

"I would like to show you where I live" Kora said to Roger
"Really? Yes! I'd love to!" He said hugging her tightly.
"After all, I'd love for you and Jacob to visit me there as well" She said.
"Oh Kora you have no idea how happy I am that you accept my son in your life. In our lives!" He said kissing her.
"Well let's go" She said tugging on his hand. Kora lived on Molino Street in the Barker Bros. Factory building.
"How many units does this hold?" He asked as they pulled up to it.
"Only one. I own the whole building" She replied with a small smile leading him to the large building that had been converted into a huge 2-story loft.
"Kora this is amazing!! I bet you throw lavish parties here"
"You are the only person who has ever been here" She said softly. "Cleaners never let anyone know where they take their rest, not even my sisters know".
"And you're showing me?"
"Because I love you. I love you more than I ever thought capable of loving anyone" She said. She saw his eyes beginning to tear up. "But now I must make you a feast!" She said turning and walking to her massive kitchen area and began taking things out of the fridge. "Would you open up a bottle of wine?" She asked.
"Of course. What's on the menu?" He asked as she pointed to where she kept her wines.
"Chicken Piccata with asparagus and a lemon sage risotto" She said. "Oh a colleague of mine dropped off some papers you might want to have a look at" She said motioning to the table beside her.
"What is this?" He asked picking up the papers.
"I know you have plenty of time for all this but it never hurts to be prepared. You will be wanting joint custody of Jacob and not just visitation" She said as she was dicing garlic.
"You know, I hadn't thought of that! I told Karen that I wanted to be a part of my son's life. I don't want to see him just every other week or so". He said reading the legal forms.
"After all, he's been away from you for three whole years and I know you want to spend as much time with him as you can" She said smiling at him. Roger poured them both glasses of Rose and then sat down to read the documents. He was still reading the documents when Kora had finished cooking and set the table.
"Your colleague certainly thought of everything" He said sitting the papers down.
"Well I could see that Karen was a little overwhelmed as any mother would be and joint custody would give her a little bit of time for herself. A healthy mother makes a healthy child that's what my own mother would say"
"You're an amazing woman". Roger said smiling at her in wonder at how he got so very lucky.
"Have I told you how much better my life is with you in it?" He said as he cut into the chicken and moaned as he took a bite.
"I'd say you just had a foodgasm" Kora replied sipping her wine and laughing.
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Re: Spotless Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kora loved Roger many times over the course of the evening until he finally had to beg for her to stop.
Trying to catch his breath he stared at Kora.
"I can't believe this is happening to me" He said.
"Believe it. All my love is for you only....and Jacob" She said softly. Roger rolled on his back and held her in his arms.
"I was thinking that Karen may not want to give me joint custody" He said.
"And you should ask yourself why she wouldn't" Kora said.
"Well my first thought is money. Joint custody means there's no child support, but surely if she were just interested in money she would have let me know about my son sooner.....unless.....he isn't my son" Roger said more to himself.
"Do you really think her capable of such a thing?"She asked. Roger sat up quickly.
"Now that I think about it, its exactly the kind of thing she'd do" He said.
"I just thought of something. When we were having dinner together I brought a toddler cup to prevent spills and after I cleaned up I placed it in my things. I have not washed it yet" She said.
"The forms your friend gave you, one read that establishing paternity was the most important step" He said.
"I hope this isn't true but I will help you get this done quickly" She said smiling to herself.

Karen was pissed! She was hoping that her friend would like her to babysit again but she had family plans which were becoming a nuisance. She would have to tell Roger that Jacob was sick or something. Kids picked up all kinds of germs she had heard once and as luck would have it, Roger did call asking if he could see Jacob again.
"I'm sorry Roger, but he sick right now. He must of picked something up at daycare so I kept him home. He's down for the count I'm afraid. Maybe we could set something up for next week. I'm sure he'll be better by then". She said and Roger agreed to call her back. When he hung up the phone he looked back at the man that Kora had sent over.
"Did you get anything?" Roger asked anxiously.
"Here you are" Logan said handing him the address and packing up his computer equipment.
"Thank you so much".
"No problem. Anything for Kora" Logan said as he took his leave. Then Roger called his bank to stop payment on the checks he had written to Karen. He stared angrily at the test results and could kick himself for being so stupid. Again.

He drove over to the address that Logan had given him. It was a very swank townhouse and that made him more angry thinking about all the money she stole from him. He knocked on the door and Karen answered with a shocked look on her face.
"Roger, how did you find out where I lived?" She asked peaking out the door to see if anyone was with him.
"I thought I should give you this in person" He said handing her the envelope. She opened it quickly thinking that it would be a very large child support check but saw that it was a DNA form.
"What the hell is this?" She asked in anger.
"I had a paternity test done and Jacob is not my son" He said. Her eyes opened wide.
"I don't know what you're talking about Roger and how did you even get Jacob's DNA anyway. I never agreed to that" She said handing him back the forms.
"Kora supplied me with the sippy cup she had purchased for him to use. It hadn't been washed yet and there was enough of his DNA on that cup to run a test. How could you do something like this? You evil evil woman!! I placed a stop payment on the checks I wrote you" He said in anger.
"Roger stop! Let me explain!...I'm going to lose my condo and everything else I have, I had to do something!" She wailed.
"Karen shut up!! I don't want to hear it! You made a fool out of me the entire time we were married, I never should have believed you! Go to hell" He said and began to walk away. Karen went back into her house quickly and came back out with a gun in her hand when she was suddenly snatched from behind and the door slammed shut. Kora quickly knocked the gun out of her hand and Karen stood in shock at the vampire.
"Do you know what I do for a living?" Kora asked. Karen said nothing but continued to stare at the woman in fear for her life. "I am a Cleaner. I make problems and messes disappear. And I am excellent at my job" Kora said grabbing the woman before she could scream and drained her completely. Then she quickly went through the entire house and cleaned every inch from top to bottom. Karen's body was wrapped in plastic and placed in the trunk of her car and dumped in an acid bath.
"What will you do now?" Isabelle asked as they left the facility.
"I will tell him the truth. I will not lie to him after all he's been through" Kora replied.
"What will you do if he is horrified with your actions?"
"I will be sad for a very long time, but I will go on sister as I've always done. I still will not be returning, it just doesn't seem to be a part of me any longer" Kora said thinking how lonely her life would be without Roger. "What will you do?"
"I will continue with Spotless as will Yvette, Allegra, Muno and Zaida. The others will follow Katrina into Bounty Hunting humans which they find exciting. Would you like to work with us?" Kora thought for a while but shook her head no.
"I think I will go back to cooking. I've missed it so"
"Good. Perhaps Simon and I will enjoy a meal you've made" She smiled as she hugged Kora. "I will miss you" Isabelle said.
"And I too sister" She said walking back to her car and driving to Roger's office.

Roger was getting ready to turn off his computer when his Receptionist rang his office.
"Yes Julie" He said.
"Kora Powell is here to see you sir" She said. Kora Powell? He thought.
"Send her in" He said standing from his chair to see Kora walk through his door in blue jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of Tom Waits with the quote "I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things".
"Kora Powell?" He asked slowly walking towards her.
"Kora Elizabeth Powell to be accurate" She replied.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman"
"I have to tell you something important" She said quietly closing the door.
"Karen is no more". He said. "She was going to shoot me. I saw her reflection in my car window as I was walking towards it. I also saw someone or something yank her back into the house. That was you" He said. Kora nodded her head expecting him to hate her for what she had done. "So again you save my life. If you keep that up I will never let you go". Kora ran into his arms.
"Then I will do it a hundred thousand times more!" She said kissing him all over his face. "But you must come with me. We are having people over for dinner!" She said grabbing his hand as she called Isabelle.

"Welcome to my home" Kora said brightly as Isabelle and Simon walked in admiring the building. "Isabelle Simon this is Roger!" She said excitedly. Roger looked at the gorgeous couple and shook both their hands.
"Would you like champagne?" Roger asked as they nodded.
"Dinner will be ready soon. I thought I'd make us a traditional British meal complete with Yorkshire Pudding" Kora said.

And for over three hours they ate, drank and laughed the night away.

The End
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