Tis the Season Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Tis the Season
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

LAPD asks Mick and Carl for help with a thief that's robbing houses of all their holiday gifts

Lt. Davidson laid the file in front of them.
"5 houses have been hit so far and we don't even know how to handle this one. We got no prints, and no security was compromised, no picked locks, no hacked security feeds nothing" He explained.
"Are you saying you think it's vampires?" Carl asked.
"No. But for all intent and purposes, this perp has to be an A+ Demetri Ryan type Magician, or some kind of supernatural thing or people are robbing their own homes. Like I said, we're at a loss" He said.
"Are the houses all in the same area?" Mick asked thinking that most thieves didn't like to stray far their own comfort areas.
"Oh, that's another thing, these robberies are spread out. We have two in Bel Air and two in Pacific Palisades and one in Palos Verdes"
"Those are all wealthy sections of LA" Carl said.
"Yeah so this perp new where he was gonna get the most swag" The officer said. "Look, the Captain doesn't know I came to you........but we need your help" He finished.
"We'll look into it and get back with you later today" Carl said. "Can we make some copies?" The officer nodded and Carl called Barbara their admin to makes some copies of the files.
"Thanks guys" He said and took his leave.
"So what are you thinking Carl?" Mick asked.
"I was thinking we should get some background info on the home owners" Carl said always thinking like a cop.
I'll call Logan" Mick said pulling out his phone.

Lydia Hamilton was on her way out when she heard her doorbell ring. She sighed and walked back to the front door.
"Hello, I have a package for Lydia Hamilton" The Fed Ex man said. The box was rather large but she figured it was something her husband had ordered for the boat.
"Can you wheel it in here for me?" She asked showing the guy where she wanted the box to sit. "Right here is fine" She said taking his pen and signing her name. Paul would have to deal with that later she thought as she locked the front door then headed for the garage.

"Alright Mick, the first house in Bel Air is home to Plastic Surgeon to the stars Carson Foster the second home is owned by LA Clippers power forward Malcolm Reese. Both men are squeaky clean. Haven't pissed off anyone if you discount the Clippers lousy home court record, but all in all pretty decent guys. The next two houses in Pacific Palisades. The first owned by lawyer Harvey Mason. He's all kinds of shady. Handles high profile thug cases. Drug dealers trying to pass themselves off as businessmen type cases. The next home is owned by actor Chance Monroe and his wife Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Carmen Samara. I couldn't find anything on these two but both Hollywood and the modeling industry are ripe with disgruntled employees, angry over a part or show they didn't get. Then we get to the place in Palos Verde, that home is owned by record producer of every boy band responsible for destroying music today. A guy named Andre Devlin. Rumor is he likes his dates on the young side if you know what I mean, so there's bound to be some bad blood somewhere in that guys past" Logan said sliding the files his way.
"That's great Logan. You're a Master!" Mick said. "Hey where's Lucky?"
"Spending a couple of weeks with the family" Logan said.
"Well, you know if you don't have anything to do for Christmas Beth and I would love to have you over" Mick said.
"No can do Mick. They're releasing the new Bomb Squad Tactical Maneuver on Christmas eve and I plan on kicking butt the entire time Lucky's gone!" He said with a smile. Mick shook his head and walked out to show Carl what he had.

Conchita Gonzales loved her job with the Hamilton's. The live-in position allowed her to live in a wonderful mansion with a loving family with two beautiful little girls. She smiled when she thought of her life in Guatemala. While her family was very hard working, they were also very poor. She had dreamed nightly of making it America where she was told all things were possible if you worked hard enough. She taught herself a little English, enough so that she could find work. The first job she got was a housekeeper for a large hotel that wanted work done as cheaply as possible. It was there she came upon a beautiful blonde haired little girl about 4 years old who was lost. She calmed the little one down and found the parents who were trying to work out some issue with the front desk and hadn't noticed that their little girl had walked off and took a ride on the elevator. The little girl clung to Conchita tightly as she found her parents. So happy they were that Conchita had brought their daughter back to them, they offered her a job right there on the spot and she couldn't remember ever being this happy! She had all the food that she could eat and a beautiful room of her very own and a salary that made her feel like she was the richest woman in the world. The baby monitor woke her up and she put her on her robe and went upstairs to check on the baby. She had just made it to the stairs when something caught her eye. She stared into the living room and saw what looked to be....she gasped and fell to the floor.

"Mick another house was hit last night, in Bel Air again. The thief was robbing the place but the Nanny heard the baby monitor go off and was on her way upstairs when she saw the perp and fainted. She's got a huge bump on her head so their keeping her overnight" He explained.
"Let's go ask her some questions" Mick said. After a short drive to Mercy General they met with Conchita.
"Can you tell us what you saw?" Carl asked taking out his pad and pen. Conchita's eyes opened wide and they saw the tears began to well up in her eyes.
"I sae pequeño demonios" She said wiping her eyes.
"Little demons?" Mick asked. She nodded her head.
"They looked like little ones, but they had very sharp teeth and they were like them that are in the malls" She tried to explain.
"Like elves? Wearing green?" Mick asked looking at Carl intently.
"Yes yes! Like elves" She said nodding her head quickly.

"Elves? Are you serious?" Zoe asked chuckling to herself.
"Yeah I'm serious. The Nanny said they were small and dressed as elves but they had sharp teeth" Mick said.
"Well, there are some cultures that believe in elves and they are nothing like what you see today. They are literally demons, but I don't know if they were ever proven. It's a scary story parents tell to keep their kids in line, Kind of like a folk tale. There's never been any actual sighting of one.....but if you see one don't kill it, Julian and I need to see it" Zoe said excitedly.
"Why?" Carl asked.
"These entities need to be cataloged and well documented" She said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl stared out the window trying to grasp what he was just told.
"So you're saying these are actual elves, like Santa Claus elves?" He finally said.
"Probably not. According to Zoe, no one's ever seen these things so chances are they were wearing masks or something" Mick said.
"So we're talking about children wearing masks?" He asked remembering that she said they looked like "little ones".
"Looks like it". Mick said but he wondered how they were getting into the houses. He had heard of lock picks who were so good with locks that left no damage behind but those were old time crooks who'd been in the game for 30+ years. Was it possible that someone like that had taught some children some very dangerous skills? Mick heard his phone ring and turned it on speaker. "St. John" He said.
"Mick, I just found some record of your elves. Apparently in the 1700's in Sweden they would have something called älva natt I don't even know how to say that, but it means Night of the Elves and you were supposed to leave your door unlocked and leave bread and milk out for the elves. If you didn't do this, these creatures would steal all your valuables. There is a drawing of one in the scrolls and they do appear to have very sharp teeth. This is the only recording of them and since people tend to be a tad more sane now and no one leave their door unlocked, I don't know how much stock you should put into this. But if it is real..." She started to say.
"Yeah. Don't kill it and bring it to you" Mick said hanging up.
"Elves! What the hell else is out there that we don't know about?" Carl asked. "First I find out vampires are real, and so are fairies, and the wendigo and now freaking elves! Speaking of fairies can we stop by Darrian's and ask her?"
"Her and Gideon are at some famous nudist colony in France for a week" He said smiling looking at the shocked expression on Carl's face.

"What about this place? I hear the richest man in the world lives there with his wife. Can you imagine the jewels that are inside?" He said. All his friends nodded their heads.
"Let's scope it out first. They probably have lots of security" Another said.

Josef was never one for the trappings of Christmas but this year he decided to do something special for his employees and tenants. So the lobbies of both were decked out with 10ft. tall tress with all the trimmings and he chose to sponsor Toys for Tots and everyone was encouraged to purchase one toy for a child in need. In two weeks time, he had collected dozens upon dozens of toys to be donated to local charities.
"Josef I think this is simply amazing what you're doing" Beth said as she sat her gift under the tree. "Who would have thought that Josef Kostan ruthless vampire Hedge Fund Manager would turn into such a softie" She joked.
"Make jokes if you like, but this is the true me, the other was......a mask" He said with a grin
"You'll get no complaints from me! I really love this version of you." She said looking towards Mick and Carl's office and seeing that the lights were off. "Have you seen Mick?"
"Gideon mentioned that they were working a case. Apparently someone is robbing homes of all their Christmas gifts" He said.
"I really hate people who do that!" Beth said in anger.
"As do I, which is why Kostan Towers and Kostan Industries will be on 24/7 lock down until the holidays are over" He said. "No one gets inside but the people who live or work there".

Teddy and couple of his friends cased the block where Kostan Towers was located and the entire building was locked up tightly, not to mention they had state of the art security systems. He would have to tell the others that this particular building was beyond their power, but there were still many other wealthy homes to hit. And the next house they hit was Eric Garcetti the Mayor of Los Angeles.

Mick was looking over the crime scene photos from each house that was hit, then he could have slapped himself for missing it!
"Carl check this out!" He said urgently. "I know how the perp got into the houses. He delivered himself there!" Mick said pointing at the packages that were ripped open at each scene. "Look at this large box here. The same sized box is at each house that was hit and since these are rich people someone probably thought it was some extravagant gift that the spouse had gotten for them" He said.
"Son of a bitch!" Carl said. "They pulled a Trojan Horse! We're going to have to alert the public"
Within hours Mick was on television telling everyone to accept no large packages that they themselves did not order and he had even alerted UPS, Fed Ex, and DHL to be on the lookout for extra large boxes.

"That bastard!!!" Teddy screamed at the television, then he began to think of how they would handle Mick St. John!!

LAPD while happy that Mick and Carl had tipped them off as to how the thief was gaining entrance they were also annoyed with all the phone calls they were now receiving regarding suspicious packages.
The Mayor was thanking the LAPD along with Mick St. John and Carl Davis for their exceptional work and for a while everything seemed to be back to normal. There were no more burglaries reported and everyone figured that the thieves had counted themselves lucky and went on their way but Mick knew that soon the thieves would be coming for him and he had to be prepared.

Beth was running around the apartment setting up Christmas decorations when Mick finally made it back.
"Hey" She said finishing hanging the lights on the tree.
"Hey yourself" He said giving her a playful kiss then pouring himself a drink and taking a seat on the sofa.
"Uh oh, what's going on?" She asked watching him carefully.
"Someone's following me"
"Who?" She asked.
"Elves" He said with a grin. Beth tilted her head and stared at him.
"Seriously? Who did you piss off?"
"No one. It's a case Carl and I are working. You heard about those houses that were robbed of all their presents? Well it turns out that the thieves are shipping themselves in a large box to wealthy houses and when everyone's asleep they steal all the presents"
"Those rat bastards! I hope you catch him....why'd you call them elves?" She asked plugging in the lights and turning them on.
"There was a witness. A nanny getting up to check on the baby saw elves robbing the place. She fainted and that most likely saved her life. But Carl and I spoke with her and she said the people doing this were like little ones, children and she said they were dressed as elves with very sharp teeth" He said.
"Possibly. I spoke with Zoe and she actually found some info on actual elves, They're some kind of demon, but she said there has only been one sighting, so she writing it off as a folktale. But she said if we did find one to let her know" He finished.
"Is there anything Zoe is actually afraid of?" Beth said shaking her head.
"Probably not, so when I was looking at the crime scene photos I noticed that large boxes had be left at the scene of the crime that's when I figured out that they were shipping themselves to the houses so I went on the news and told everyone how the robberies occurred and to not accept any large packages without knowing who it's from. So I'm guessing I ruined the rest of their holiday thieving, so now they're following me"
"What home? Is that wise Mick?"
"Don't worry. Josef has the building locked tight. All packages will be delivered to a warehouse where they be inspected before ever coming to Kostan Towers" He said.
"And all this time I thought elves were the good guys" She said.
"Not this time" He replied.
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Re: Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"I know how we can enter this place" Teddy said big smile.
"How?" They all said at once.
"A child. Is there not a park across the road? Surely a hurt child will warrant entry and once we have gained entrance all shall be ours" He said pulling them all close so they could hear his plan.

Louisa Calhoun was a dedicated child care worker and loved children very much, so while coming to work she heard the wail of a child coming from the park. She quickly ran over and saw a small child holding his leg and crying.
"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Hush now, tell me what's wrong" She said softly.
"I can't find my mamma and tripped and hurt my ankle" He said sobbing hard. Louisa picked up the little boy and held him her arms.
"I will take you inside and see if we can call the police to help you, but first let me look at that ankle" She said using her card to enter Kostan Towers. "Hi George. I found this little one all alone in the park. He can't find his mother and I think he sprained his ankle. I'm taking him to the nurses office in the daycare" She said rushing quickly to the door. Although they weren't supposed to let anyone in who didn't belong here, the little boy obviously needed help, so with a nod of his head she took the little boy into the daycare. "Okay, let me see your ankle" She said sitting him down on the table. The little boy stared at her and she soon found herself unable to look away from his gaze.
"What time do the children arrive?" He asked.
"We open at 9am" She replied.
"I want you to allow seven more children here". She nodded her head and walked out to the lobby.
"How's the little guy?" he asked.
"He will be okay. He's going to rest for bit. I've called the authorities and they will be here in the afternoon. I'm going to the park to see if I see anyone. I will be right back" She said walking out of the building. She crossed the street and called out to the children. 4 little ones came out of the bushes.
"Your brother wants you to come with me" She said through glazed eyes as she walked them into Kostan Towers. "George, there are five of them. I think the mother abandoned them. I'm taking them into the day care to wait for Social Services" She said hurrying them into the day care.

Teddy smiled to himself when he saw them arrive with this woman. Now they will find Mr. St. John then help themselves to lots of finery. He waited until the woman sat down before he got up.
"Where are the others?" He asked.
"They will be waiting behind the building. We thought all 7 of us would be hard to explain" One said.
"The children will arrive at 9am. We will mingle amongst them" Teddy said. When all the children arrived they played and ran around with them with all and when it was time for the center to close Louisa was left alone with the five. "Show us the back way" He asked. She stood up and showed them the stairwell. "And what floor does St. John live on?" He asked.
"He is on the 57th floor. There are only 2 apartments on that floor" She replied.
"Good. Turn off the lights and go home" He said and she did what she was told. "I will take care of St. John, you help yourselves" He said with a sinister smile.

They waited patiently in the dark until Teddy whispered.
"It is time"
They quietly opened the stairwell door and Teddy quickly ran up the stairs making his way to the 57th floor. He knew the moment he opened the door that this St. John man was rich beyond his wildest dreams. Mick opened his eyes and sat up. He sensed that that the elves had made it inside Kostan Towers. He alerted Brian and Gabriel who appeared in his apartment within seconds.
Mick met them at the bottom of the stairs.
"Thieves are in the building and I believe they are elves" Mick said.
"Father will be very upset with these beings" Gabriel said
"Here he comes" Mick said in a whisper. They saw a small hideous creature no taller than a 6 year old sneak into the apartment. The elf began to quickly look all around admiring the place. He spied the Christmas tree and walked over to open the gifts. He picked up a small box that he knew held a ring. He quietly tore off the wrapping paper and saw the familiar light blue box that read Tiffany's. He smiled when he opened the box and found it empty. He threw the box down in anger and began to tear away at the other presents under the tree. They were all empty boxes!! Suddenly the lights came on and St. John and two other men were standing in front of him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Eek! I thought "Elf on the Shelf" was a little creepy, but these guys are downright scary! :eek2: :chair:
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Re: Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote:Eek! I thought "Elf on the Shelf" was a little creepy, but these guys are downright scary! :eek2: :chair:

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Re: Tis the Season Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The other elves looked at all the presents under the tree in the lobby, but also saw that it was guarded, by someone. Fifi the most childlike of them all shuffled into the lobby with tears in her eyes. The Security Guard looked up and saw a little girl crying. He quickly ran over to her.
"Hey, what's with the tears? You're not supposed to be down here. Which apartment are you in?" He asked.
"I don't know!!" She wailed.
"Hush now. I'll get you back to your folks" He said looking at her and wiping her eyes with his fingers.
Fifi stared at the young man feeling him surrender to her will.
"Turn and face the wall and stay that way no matter what you hear" She said. The guard immediately took a seat and turned his chair to face the wall. "It's time" She said as her brothers came out tearing into all the gifts.
"This one is empty" One said tossing it aside.
"This one is as well" Fifi said as they grabbed every box and began to tear away at all the wrapping. Fifi tore open the last box and saw a funny round object in it. "I wonder what this is" She said turning it around as gas poured out of it. They tried to hold their breath but were unable to. They all fell to ground.

Teddy stopped what he was doing as the lights came on. Gabriel walked over to the elf.
"Why do you do this?" He asked. Teddy stared at the young man looking deeply into his eyes waiting for him to succumb. "Are you mute?" Gabriel asked still looking at the creature. Teddy continued to stare even harder but the young man just looked at him with confusion. Teddy turned to run for the door as quickly as he could but saw another young man standing in front of him.
"There is no escape" Brian said as Teddy grabbed a hold of his arm with his sharp teeth. Brian stood still looking at the man trying to cause harm, but the skin on his arm did not break and did not bleed.
Mick stepped next to Brian.
"I'm the one you want" Mick said calmly and he saw the anger on the elf's face.
"You will never get rid of us! we are many!" He screamed.
"You are the last. All of your siblings are dead. All of them." Mick said. Teddy's eyes grew wide in shock then he threw himself on Mick his long sharp claws and teeth trying to tear into his flesh.
"Enough!" Mick yelled out as he picked the elf up in his hands and a bright light engulfed Teddy's tiny form and he vanished from sight.

Bridgett had opened her eyes some time ago thinking that she heard something going on somewhere in the building. The vision came quickly to her and she began to shake Josef. He turned to face her.
"We have elves in the building" She said hardly believing it herself.
"Yeah. I know. They came to steal all the presents downstairs so I had Francis decorate about 75 empty boxes except for one which held knock out gas" He said ready to take his rest.

Mick stared at his hand.....it was empty. Mick rolled his eyes trying to figure out a way he was going to tell Zoe how he let an elf just disappear.
"What's wrong Dad? We did just saved everyone from demon elves" Gabriel said.
"Zoe wanted me to keep one for her and Julian to study" He said.
"Uh oh" Gabriel said remembering that Zoe had told him too. Brian who did not have withstand Zoe's rant on the importance of cataloging new entities was ready to take his leave, when Mick's door was opened and in walked Zoe, Alma and Beth. Zoe ran up to Mick with excitement in her eyes.
"Where is it? Can you take me to it?" She asked eagerly. They all three looked at each other realizing they had the best explanation ever.
"Well........................" Mick began to say.

The End
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