Lions, Tigers and Bears-Halloween tale-PG13

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Lions, Tigers and Bears-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by JosefsRose »

This is a two parter, and I will do my best to get the second part finished before Halloween. Though I am away for the weekend so it may be just after.

Lions, tigers and bears. Or Moonlight in OZ
Rating PG13 to be on the safe side, some swearing.
Disclaimer- I can only dream that they are mine. They're not.

Lions, and tigers and bears oh my!
Moonlight in Oz

Beth was ready for the party, her blonde hair pulled into two pony tails held with blue ribbons. She was dressed in a Gingham checked dress with sparkly red shoes on. She took a final glance around the apartment, spying Travis curled up on the sofa. She smiled at the sight of him, after Maureen’s death she had taken him in. She crossed the room, to pick up a basket that she had left on the centre table. Then everything changed, Travis hissed loudly and she grabbed him, in an attempt to calm him down. The room shook, and Beth’s world tilted on end. As she fell she hit her head on the table, and for a few minutes her world went black. When she woke, she held her head. There was a dull ache but no real pain. She was sure if that was a good thing or not. Travis was at her side in an instant, winding between her legs. “Ok Travis, lets go and find out what just happened.” She picked him up and placed him in the basket. She was a little surprised that he stayed. She headed to the door of her apartment, opening it and squinting at the bright light outside.

She spun about everything was bright colourful, the opposite of what it should have been. Then she became aware that she had just stepped out of her front door. Turning her mouth dropped. Her door was in front of her, and the hallway wall was stretching away to the corner. It was surreal, the colours were too intense, the air clean, fresh. She heard a noise and scanned the area around her. The bushes on her right rustled, and she looked at them “Who’s there?” The bushes moved once more and a small figure appeared in front of her. Beth took a step back, curiosity on her face. “Who are you?” she asked. “Who are you?” the figure mimicked. Beth laughed, “OK I’ll start, my name is Beth, and this…. ” She stroked the cat in the basket, “is Travis. Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand, and the little figure came a step closer. Sniffing. It cocked its head to the left, regarding her. Finally it spoke up. “I’m Pickles.” Straightening Pickles stepped closer still. “You have help us.” Beth was confused. “Helped. How? Who is us?” Her reporter instincts kicked in, questions ran through her head. Then as she watched more small people appeared and approached her. “Us,” Pickles said gesturing to those around Beth. “You killed her, she was nasty. And you killed her.” Beth was aghast, who had she killed, who was this nasty person. She stammered out the question, “Who? Wh. Who did I k. k. kill?” Pickles smiled at her. “Why Nola, the wicked witch of the East. You landed on her.” Beth turned and saw a pair of shrivelling legs beneath her apartment. “Ohh! I didn’t mean to.” She was now surrounded by the little people. They were all trying to touch her. “Oh dear, but where am I? I don’t think I’m in LA any more, Travis.” She sat down on the ground, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. A very small person came up to her, laying a tiny hand on her arm. “We are the Pipkins. You have helped us, but there is another you could help.” Beth sniffed back the tears and said nothing. “He is held by the witch of the West. She wants him all for herself, but he’s a warrior, need by all of us.” More questions came to Beth. “How can I help him?” A murmur went through the Pipkins. “Go and see the Great One.” Beth was taken aback. “The Great One. Who is he, and where is he?” she fired off in quick succession. A chorus of voices replied. “Follow the road, follow the red brick road.” It became a chant. Beth stood, the Pipkins about her. “So where does the road lead?” They all laughed, and Pickles chirped up, “The Ruby City. That’s where he is.” The smallest one took hold of her hand, pulling her along. Soon they were at the beginning of the road. “Follow the red brick road.” the small voice suggested. Beth looked down then up into the distance. She could see the road disappearing into the horizon. “Follow the red brick road.” She took a step then another. “Follow the red brick road.” she repeated. Take another then another step. One foot in front of the other. The mantra, in her head. Soon the Pipkins were behind her and she smiled and waved goodbye. The day was bright and sunny, and as she walked she thought that it was all a little strange. She felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She giggled wondering if she would meet the scarecrow, lion and tin man.

Beth continued down the ruby road, hey feet skipping across the stones. She passed a small shack, not really looking at it. It was dilapidated, and the windows dull and dirty. She passed by without a second thought, until she came to a split in the road. “Oh my Travis. Which way should we go? Both roads continue on.” She took two steps towards the left, then went to the right. “I really don’t know.” Then she remembered the shack. “I wonder if there is a map in that shack I saw.” Turning on her heels she headed back the way she had come. Soon she was stood before it. Now she took in all the details. The path to the door was used, but not often, as it was overgrown, but trodden down. The windows were grimy, but a couple were slightly open and she could hear guitar music. Taking a breath she walked up the path, and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so she knocked louder and harder. This time she heard a squawked as the music abruptly shut off. The door opened to her, and there was a familiar face. “Logan?” her brow creased in puzzlement. The man at the door looked just as confused as she did. “Pardon, sorry no Logan here.” and he went to close the door. Beth made to stop him, “Please I’m sorry. Erm, I was hoping you might be able to help me.” she continued without stopping. “ I’m trying to get to the Ruby City, but the road splits, and I don’t know which fork to take.” Her blue eyes search his face. The man opened the door further, and walked back into the room, leaving her at the door. She peered into the gloom. Then with a final look behind her she took a big step into the dark interior. Closing the door behind her. The gloom became all encompassing, and she put out her free hand in an attempt to stop herself stumbling over things she couldn’t see clearly. She suppressed a shudder, and she felt Travis shift in the basket. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and she took the opportunity to glance about. The room was dusty, and a mess. There were boxes everywhere, clothes strewn about the place. Beth just shook her head at it all. She listened as the noise of an electric guitar started up again, and she followed it to another room. It was filled wall to wall with computers, and parts of computers. “Do you want to play?” he asked he never took his eyes from the screen in front of him. His chubby fingers flying over the plastic fret board of the guitar in his hands. “Er, I don’t know how to.” she stared at him gracefully, playing the pretend instrument. “I really need to get going. I just want to go home, I’m not sure where I am right now. I feel lost.” She shrugged her shoulders, and scanned the room for anything that look remotely like a map. She saw nothing. “Oh! So why are you going to the city?” He shot a sideways look at her, as he continued playing. Beth stepped to his side, so she could see what was on the screen in front of him. She was silent for a moment, “Oh, umm, to see the Great One.” The music abruptly stopped, and his eyes were wide as he looked at her. “Your going to see the Him!” he swallowed. ”No-one has seen him for a very long time. Why?” It was an all encompassing question.

Beth straightened up. “The Pipkins told me I should see him after I killed a witch called Lola. My apartment landed on her. The said there was someone else I could help, that I was the one.” He had taken a step back. “So can you help me? Just tell me which road to take and I’ll get going. This is just a little bit too strange, and I really want to go home.” She wrapped her free arm about herself and rubbed it up and down. A meow came from the basket. “Oh sorry Travis, I know you want to go home too. I just not sure where home is from here.” “Just let me get a few things and I’ll come with you.” Beth was taken aback, she had just wanted to get directions. “What? Why?” she spluttered. “Well I know the way, and I have to collect something while I’m there. So I’ll come with you.” Beth looked at him suspiciously. “Okay, so lets start this again.” she walked over to him and offered her hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Beth.” He shifted uneasily, his head down. “Nice to meet you Beth.” he still didn’t look at her, as he took her hand. He didn’t say any more. Beth’s gaze softened. “What do I call you, you must have a name?” Her hand dropped to her side. As she watched him, he appeared to be embarrassed. “Geek, or nerd.” He still refused to look at her. “It’s what they call out, when I’m in the city.” Beth’s heart went out to him. “What did your mother call you? You have to have had a name.” She reached out to put her hand on his arm, but he took a step back away from her. He shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, okay. I’ll call you…… Lando. Yes Lando.” He finally looked up at her, a look of happiness on his face. “What?” she asked. “No -one has ever been nice to me, or not called me names.” He continued to gather a few bits and put them in a bag. “Shall we go. It’s best to travel while it’s light.” Then with a smile he led the way to the front door. Beth smiled and followed him out. Soon they were at the junction. “So which way do we go?” “Well it depends. If you want to take the short route, through the forest. Or, the slightly longer route, which is very pretty and goes across the country.” Beth went to take the shorter road. “Let’s go, Lando. The faster we get there, the faster I can get home.” She stopped after taking two steps and looked back, Lando hadn’t moved. “Come on, I want to get there before it gets dark.” He still didn’t move. “Okay what?” She walked back to his side. “I have never gone that way. I don’t like the forest. It’s scary, haunted.” There was fear in his eyes. “I know the other road. It takes longer, but it doesn’t scare me.” His head dropped and he scuffed his feet on the ground. “Look, I can see that it makes you nervous, but you won’t be alone. You have me, and I don’t scare me.” He lifted his eyes but not his head. He saw the determination and truth on her face. She reached for his arm. Threading it through the crook, she gave a gentle tug. “Come on. With two of us nothing can scare us.” He let her lead the way reluctantly. Soon they were strolling down the road, the trees about them becoming more dense. Soon the canopy had enclosed the path, and the way ahead became darker. Still Beth kept them moving, here senses all on alert for anything strange.

The road was obviously less well travelled, as the bricks became uneven. Beth had the strangest feeling of being watched. She just couldn’t tell where it was coming from, even though she tried her best to look about herself to find the source. Whatever it was made her uneasy. The two of them were walking in silence, all they could hear was the screeches and screams emanating from the depths of the forest. They hugged closer to one another. One giving comfort to the other one. Under her breath Beth started up the chant from the Wizard of Oz. “Lion and tigers, and bears oh my! Lions and tigers, and bears oh my!” Lando looked at her and asked. “What are you saying?” She had become silent, and a blush rose up her neck. “Oh it’s nothing. Just a line from a film, back where I come from. A young girl and her friends are walking through a forest just like this one. She repeats it like a mantra.” He looked bemused for a moment. “Does anything happen to her? Does she get hurt?” The question were quickly fired, as if he didn’t really want to know the answers to them. “Oh no, she makes another friend, after getting a shock. She was a very strong person.” Beth looked up ahead. “Don’t worry I’m here and I can see the forest getting lighter up ahead.” She gave him a gentle tug. “We’re nearly out. Let’s get a move on.” They got moving again, but Beth still had the feeling of being watched, or stalked. It wasn’t a nice feeling. Slowly the path beneath them improved and the way got lighter. As they left the forest, they came to another junction in the road. Lando indicated the other road. “That’s the longer road, it rejoins here.” Beth smiled as they left the forest the sensation of being observed left her. There was only one road ahead, and they once more walked, again a slight spring in their feet, and the foreboding of the forest was left far behind them. “Lando, what is this place called?” she turned to look at him while they walked. “Oz.” Beth’s breath hitched in her throat in surprise. It was a minute before she could speak again, as her brain took the time to process everything that had happened to her. “How much longer till we get to the city?” she hadn’t been paying attention to where they were. A smile lit Lando’s face. “Not far, we’re almost there. Look.” He pointed to the towers in the near distance. The towering edifices glowed blood red in the sunlight. “That’s the Ruby City?” He laughed a deep chuckle. “Yes come on. I can drop you off and do my shopping. Not long after they reached the gats, Beth stared in awe at the monumental size of the gateway. And at the closed gates.

She twisted to look at Lando, he was confused and puzzled. “Umm, shall I knock?” She enquired. “What, oh I guess so. I’ve never seem the gates closed before.” Shaking her head she stepped up and grabbed the knocker. Banging it loudly on the plate. No reply came, so she knocked again. This time a small window opened and a guard appeared. “State you business?” He was brusque. “My name is Beth Turner, and I’m here to see the Great One. My friend is Lando. He has his own business in the city.” The guard laughed, “Ha! No-one sees the Great One, and as for the nerd there. No loss.” he then slammed the window shut. Beth was taken aback, and incensed. She knocked again, this time on the window. She kept it up until the window opened again. “ I told you no-one sees Him.” He went to shut the window again, but this time Beth grabbed it and pulled it open. With her temper simmering she asked him a question. “My friend Lando says the gates are never shut. So why are they?” The guard huffed. “It’s true they are normally open, but we are expecting an attack. Someone killed the witch of the West’s sister Nola, and she will retaliate.” There was fear in his voice as he finished. “That was me.” She stated, “When I arrived here, my apartment landed on her. She was squashed. The Pipkins said I should see the Great One. Said something about another I could help.” Astonishment crossed the guards face, as he disappeared from view and he reappeared at a small door in the main gate. “If that was you, then you better come inside. It’s safer, she has spies everywhere.” He ushered then inside and closed then bolted the door. “You look like you could do with a rest, especially if you have travelled from the land of the Pipkins. Follow me.” He led them to a salon, which had rooms for them to rest, and get cleaned up. “Rest here, and I’ll go and see if I can get you an audience with Him.” Then he was gone and Beth and Lando, were guided through to get washed and rested. The guard returned a couple of hours later. “You look better. The Great One will see you now. Come, come, let’s not keep Him waiting. Both of you follow mw.” Lando paused. “I’m not going to see him. I just brought her here. I have things to do.” “I’m just following orders. He said he wanted to see the both of you. So both of you he will see.” Reluctantly he followed, shuffling his feet. They were taken to a waiting area, “I have to announce you. I know your name, but what’s his?” He motioned to Lando. Giving him a disdainful look. “I’m..” “Lando Calrissian.” Beth finished for him With a shake of his head, the guard left. Then a booming voice made her jump, and Lando had a spooked look on his face. “Beth Turner, Lando Calrissian. Step forward and show yourselves.” Tentatively Beth stepped forward, pausing she glanced behind herself. Lando hadn’t moved, she stepped back and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Then she tugged him forward. Together they passed through an archway and into a huge auditorium., lights flashed in a dazzling display about the room. Then it all went dark, and Travis who up until then had been calm, bolted from his basket. Beth heard him hissing and went to find him. “Travis, Travis come back here.” but in the dark she had little chance of finding him. Lando grabbed her hand tight, as a single spot light illuminated an area of the raise stage in front of them. Beth was dumb struck as a young man strolled into the light holding Travis no less. “Is this yours?” ha asked in a slightly annoyed tone. Holding the cat at arms length to avoid the claws that were trying to find purchase on anything they could. “Oh yes sorry, he escaped from his basket, scared.” She moved forward then stopped her hands just short of the frantic cat. “Josef?” She was unsure, because so far no-one was who she thought they were. “o I’m not Josef, whoever he is. Are you going top take this thing.” He held the cat further away from himself. “Oh of course, sorry.” She took the cat, stoking him until he calmed down, then put him back into the basket. She then turned her attention back to the man stood in front of her. “Really I am sorry, you just reminded me of someone.” She tried to curtsey but it wasn’t very graceful. The young man smiled at her. “The guard told me you are the one who killed the witch of the East, Nola. So Why are you here?” Beth studied the man for a moment before she gave her reply. He was the spitting image of Josef, and even acted like him. Yet he was different. “The Pipkins said I should see you. But I just want to go home.” She missed Mick, and wondered what he was doing. “They said there was someone else I could help, but I don’t understand what they meant.” The man kept his expression neutral, as he faced Lando. “What about you? Why are you here?” He was glaring at Lando. “Err, umm, umm…. “ He stammered trying to get an answer out. “Speak up, why are you here?” Lando’s knees gave way, and he sat down hard on the floor, an amused look on the young mans face. Beth stamped her foot, and glared at him. “Stop being such a bully. You asked, no ordered him to come here with me. He only showed me the way to the city. He had his own dealing to conclude.” Her gaze never wavered from his face. The young man laughed at her. “You may well be the one.” “The one what? That was what the Pipkins said as well.” The mans demeanour softened. “Please sit down, and take a drink with me. I’ll tell you a story, legend if you will. Of a hero, and his saviour.” Beth helped Lando to his feet and they made their way to a small seating area. He gesture for them to sit, standing until they had done so. He then poured each of them a glass of water. He then told them both the story of a warrior who had been taken by the witch, and how it had been foreseen that one would come to his rescue. Beth listened intently to everything that was said. “So you think I’m the one?” He just nodded. “If I was how would I go about this rescue?” She pause looking at the two men sat next to her. “I don’t even know where he is being held.” Lando shifted, he had been silent the entire time. “I know. It’s in the game. It’s the castle in the hills.” Beth twisted to look at him “What game?” He smirked, “The online game, I keep playing it. I’m on the final level, but I just can’t defeat the final bad guy.” “Ahh!” said the young man, it was if something had become clear to him. “That’s why you’re here. Your going to help her.” Lando sat back as far as it was possible, fighting the urge to get up and run away from all this insanity. “Who me, no way. I’m just going to get my stuff and go home. Online is fine, butfor real. I could get hurt or worse. No, no I’m not going.” This time he did make to leave. Beth’s soft voice stopped him in his tracks. “Lando please. If you know what is ahead, then I would have an advantage.” Some thing in him shifted. She had been the first person who had been kind to him, she had stood up for him. He couldn’t help himself, as he looked into her big, blue, pleading eyes. “Oh what the hell, I’ll help you. But if you get hurt it’s not my fault.” He raised his eye brows at her, sitting back down next to her. “Right” she said sitting forward her hand resting on Lando’s knee in support and thanks. “Let’s work out a plan.” So the three of them went to work, on the best way of getting into the castle in the hills, they had been at it several hours when Beth gave a massive yawn. “Sorry, it must be late. I’m so tired.” The last word was almost obscured by another yawn. Her head and eyed drooped. “Beth, you can rest here tonight. And leave in the morning.” She gave a small moan, and fell sound asleep.. The young man shook his head, and with ease lifted her sleeping form. He carried her to a nearby room, laying her on the bed. He called to someone then left the room. “That goes for you too, my reluctant friend. There’s another room next door.” Then he was gone and Lando quickly made his way to his given room.
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by AussieJo »

JR, I'm so enjoying this.
Makes me want to get The Wizard of Oz out again!
Great reworking of the story! :thumbs:
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by Jo1027 »

Is Coraline the "wicked witch"? And Mick needs to be rescued? So hoping that's the case. Love this story!
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by francis »

That's nice. I remember watching the Wizard of Oz as a child.
You probably could use a bit more space between paragraphs, would make it easier to read. :flowers:
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by darkstarrising »

Definitely a wonderful twist to the Oz story....with Josef as the Great One, no less!! (Not that he could be anything less.)

Very clever and imaginative. Looking forward to reading the conclusion :hearts:
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by JosefsRose »

Here is the conclusion to my Halloween tale. Thank you to all those who commented on the first part.

Jenny :rose:

Part 2

Beth awoke to find herself in a soft bed, with no recollection of how she had got there. She had been undressed and then dressed in a simple night shirt. She sat up, and saw her dress hung neatly on a hanger nearby. A note pinned to it. 'Your dress has been cleaned.’ She stretched and clambered out of the bed. There was a small bathroom through a door and she took advantage of it. A short while later she reappeared looking rested and refreshed. Dressing quickly she headed out the door, then turned back and grabbed Travis’s basket. He was curled up asleep on a pillow at the side of her bed. “Hey Travis, are you ready to continue this strange adventure?” as she tickled him behind the ear. He mewed as he stretched. He licked his lips, and Beth smiled. “Are you hungry? Because I am.” Once more he meowed, then jumped into the open basket, it had been lined with a soft fabric. “Okay, let’s see if we can find something to eat.” She left the room without a backward glance. She could hear voices so she followed them. They led her back to the seating area they had been in the night before. “Good morning.” The young man stood as she entered. “Are you hungry? There’s plenty of food here.” Beth’s eyes widened at the sight before her. “Um yes I’m starving.” Then chewing her bottom lip she looked embarrassed, and a blush coloured her cheeks. “Erm how did I get into bed?”

He was smiling at her. “I carried you to thee room.” Beth’s blush deepened to crimson. He laughed at her response, “I had one of my ladies ready you for bed. They should have also cleaned your dress.” “Yes they did thank you.” She had seen Lando sitting on one of the chairs, an empty plate at his side. His fingers moving swiftly over the buttons of a hand held console. “Morning Lando.” He barely acknowledged her as she passed him. She took a plate and stared at the selection of food on the table. She grabbed what looked like a bagel, some meat and what she thought was cheese. Then some fruit, and a cup of liquid, that smelt like coffee. She walked back to the seats and sat next to Lando. “Damn.” he cursed, Beth twisted to look at him. “What is it?” a frustrated scowl on his face. “I just can’t seem to beat this last villain.” He threw the consol down on the table. “How are we supposed to know what to do if I can’t finish it in the game.” he wasn’t really talking to Beth, more to himself. “Don’t worry, we’ll solve that problem when we get to it.” She took a bite of food and a mouthful of drink. “So when do we leave?” She continued eating. From the corner of her eye she saw Lando pick up the console, and start to play again. Determined he was going to defeat the final task.

She jumped slightly as the reply came from directly behind her. “You should eat and then we can go.” She turned in the chair to gaze at the young man behind her. “You’re coming with us?” She was surprised, then smirking added. “Surely you are needed here, Oh great One.” She gave a mock bow with her head. “Hey Less of your sarcasm.” He gestured her to follow him to the other side of the room. She stood, and followed him, bringing the cup of ‘coffee’ with her. “I’ll let you in on a secret. The guy we’re going to save….well he’s my friend. And well….I” he paused to collect himself. There was a hint of tears in his eyes. Beth laid a hand on his arm. A look of understanding on her face, she realised the relationship between the two men must be similar to Mick and Josef’s. “I understand, you don’t have to say anything else. Let me finish my food and give Travis something, and we can leave.” She walked back to the seating and grabbed some meat and gave it to the cat, He wolfed it down and purred in contentment. She wrapped another couple of slices up to give to him later. She also gave him some water. Lando had once more put down he console, and seemed even more dejected than before. She turned to the young man who was now sat on the sofa opposite her. “I have just had a thought, what should I call you? I can’t keep calling you Great One. I think your ego is quite big enough.” she chuckled. He sat up stiffly trying to look regal, and important, but the petulant grin on his face, ruined the image. “Indeed you can. I’m used to everyone calling me that. So why stop now?” Beth creased her brow and tried not to laugh, then gave in as she realised he was joking. “My mother called me Johann, so you can call me that.” He stood quickly turning his back to her. “Shall we go?” Beth had seen the look of vulnerability on his young face, at someone knowing his real name. There was more, but she felt he would he would tell he if he wanted to. “Sure I’m ready.” She nudged Lando, “Okay we’re on the move, bring your game and we’ll figure it out when we get there.” he smiled up at her, he was very nervous, real life scared him.

It was with great pomp and circumstance that the group left the Ruby city. Johann had arranged small backpacks for them to carry some supplies. Then they headed down a road leading away from the safety that was available in the city. Lando continued to look scared, it became more pronounced as they approached a river. “Hey we need to stop.” Johann kept walking. “Hey I said we need to stop. This is where on of the challenges is in the game.” Beth halted. She looked about her, turning in a slow circle, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. “Are you sure Lando?” He nodded, rapidly getting out the game and showing her. “Well I can’t see anything, but that proves nothing. Johann, wait up.” With a huff he stopped and turned to look at her. As he did the attack came, directed at him. A flock of birds flew down and dive bombed him, he raised his hands above his head to protect it. The birds continued to strike at him , tearing his clothes to shreds. “Lando what do we do?” Beth almost screamed at him. Her feet starting to carry her towards the squawking mass. Her urge to help over-riding her fear. “In the game a beast saves the you from attack. “A beast?” Then a look of comprehension rose on her face. She knelt down and opened the basket. “Travis,” he poked his head over the top and took a glance about. He soon saw the birds and with a mew and growl launched himself into the feathered flock, claws slashing and teeth biting. Within a minute the flock, retreated away from his frenzied attack on them. Feathers floated in the air, as the silence fell abound them. Travis sat at the feet of a now torn and tattered Johann. He now had the appearance of the scarecrow, his clothed ripped, his hair once smooth and tidy, now in a haphazard sticking out and up in every direction. She couldn’t help but laugh.

“I don’t know what your laughing at, but you can stop it right now.” his tone was petulant, and child like. By this point even Lando had started to chortle. “That goes doubly for you chubby” That stopped Beth dead, She spun to face Lando, catching the dejected look on his face. She turned on her heels and strode over to Johann. “You arrogant jerk. It was him that came up with the solution to the attack on you. You owe him and apology, he has a name. Now I suggest you go back there and give him one.” Her eyes were on fire, as she spoke. She didn’t care that he was the ruler of this strange land. At this point he didn’t appear it. “Now.” she ordered. Johann was shocked, he had never been spoken to in such a manner. He dropped his head refusing to look at her. He shuffled his feet, then shrugged his shoulders, further becoming the child he was acting like. “Johann,” she softened her tone. “please go and say sorry, and maybe thank you.” She bent down to pick up the cat. Stroking his fur seemed to calm her further. She whispered in Travis ear, her own thanks and praise. Travis just purred contentedly in her arms. “Please Johann, we need to work as a team.” She glanced back to see Lando, starting to walk back the way they had come. She grabbed his arm, and pulled him with her as she headed back to Lando. “Lando wait please. I need you, need your help.” He paused at the sound of her voice. No-one had ever said they needed him. She caught up to him, “Lando, I am going to need your help if I’m…we are going to do this.” She let go of Johann’s arm, and embraced Lando. He stiffened in her arms, not sure how to react to the show of affection. He relaxed a bit, and wrapped his own arms around her loosely. Beth finally step back, and away, leaving the two men looking at each other. Beth ahem-ed, and Johann, took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry.” his voice was barely above a whisper. Lando stared at him, puzzled. “What?” Johann swallowed hard, “I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you chubby. So I’m apologizing. Oh and thank you. Beth said you told her how to stop the birds.” He held out his hand. Lando was dubious, “Please Lando….. I mean it. Thank you.” Finally, and a little reluctantly he took the offered hand and shook it. It was an uneasy truce, but it was there, and Beth had the feeling that it would solidify, before this was over. Both men now faced Beth, and she just looked further up the road. Smiling she took a step forward, the others stepped up, one either side of her, and once more headed off to rescue the mysterious hero. The scenery around them changed, becoming open rolling fields. The odd building spaced in the distance. “This is where a lot of the Ruby city’s food is grown.” Beth looked impressed, but she once again had the feeling of being watched. She sped up, how fast she was walking. Her eyes darted about trying to locate the threat. “Lando, was there anything in the game around these farms? Cause I feel like someone is watching me.” Instinctively her hand sought one that was next to it. She closed her fingers about Johann’s and he gave them a gentle squeeze.

Lando scratched his head, “No, there wasn’t anything here. So I can’t help.” Now he too tried to see if he could see anything. “Why don’t we keep moving, we should be there in a little while.” The trio moved off again, holding each other, Beth protected in the middle. All three shuddered as they heard a cackle on the wind. Beth pulled the two men closer to herself, linking arms. “What was the next thing that happened, Lando?” She asked to distract herself from the feeling. “What? Oh! er, yeah. Umm, it’s on the hill just before the house, a small army attacks.” Beth mis-stepped. “A small army? How do we defeat it?” She slowed, as if trying to stop the inevitable. “We have to hide and take on a couple of guards, using their uniforms we can get in the castle.” Beth was smiling again at the similarities between this and the film. Yet something was niggling her. She felt she had missed something, and it bothered her she couldn’t remember. It wasn’t long before the hill loomed up at them. The house sat on the top. There were lots of rocks, for an ambush and only one path to the house. All three had stopped, Beth looked at both of her companions. Each face was shadowed with apprehension. “Fine let’s get this over with. We know what’s coming so we’ll be ready for it.” it was at that point all hell broke loose. An army appeared from nowhere, and attacked them. They were taken by surprise. The men began to fight, Beth trying but being overwhelmed quickly. She dropped the basket, and the attackers dragged her away. The men were distracted, as they fought and never saw Beth being taken. When the fight was over, two guards lay on the ground, the men look around. “Beth.” Lando called out. “Beth, you can come out now. Beth?” He started to search for her, Johann joining him. It was him that found the basket on the ground, and a very sorry looking cat cowering within. “Hey cat, where’s Beth?” He didn’t really expect and answer, but scanning about he saw the signs of her struggle. “Lando, they’ve got her. They took Beth.” There was concern in his eyes. “We have to get her back. But how do we do that? You said the attack would be nearer the house.” His eyes lighted on the two unconscious guards. A smirk came to his face. Lando followed his gaze and the same grin appeared on his own face. “Shall we.”

Beth had struggled until something was put over her mouth and nose, and she passed out. She came to with a rush, sitting up. Swaying slightly, she was in a room, a pink room, children’s toys were placed about it. Inwardly she shuddered, the images from when she was kidnapped flashing in her mind. She took time to study her location. The room had been used recently. So she knew there had to be someone around. There were no windows and only one door. She went over and tried it, and found it open. Gingerly she walked into the hallway. There was only one door to her left, but several to her right. She went left first, the door was open and led to a small bathroom. She closed the door and proceeded down the hallway. She tried each door in turn, most led to rooms like the one she had been in. The second to last door, was locked, so she put her ear to the door, to see if she could hear anything from inside. She strained to hear, but there was something or someone inside. Looking down the hall, she knelt and peered through the keyhole. What she saw shocked her. There on the bed was a figure, tossing and turning as if held in the grip of a nightmare. She couldn’t see clearly from where she was, but she knew she had found the hero, they had come to rescue. There was a noise from the end of the hall, she quickly stood, and made her way forward, just as a guard came around the corner. “Ah, there you are Miss. I was just coming to get you. The Mistress wishes you to join her. If you would follow me.” Beth was staring, but she didn’t give voice to her thoughts. The guard looked like Guillermo. “Okay, then lead the way…um.” She was trying to get a name from him. “William, Miss. I am head of the guard here.” Then he strode away from her. Beth followed, trying to remember the turns they took. She needed to know the way back to where this hero was being held. He set a fast pace as her walked , and Beth was nearly jogging to keep up with him. “Where am I?” she asked, yet the guard remained silent. They stopped at a pair of doors. He knocked once then opened them. “My Lady, the young lady is here.” He bowed low they stepped inside the room, ushering in Beth ahead of him. Beth’s mouth dropped. She had thought this place couldn’t surprise her any more than it already had.

“Thank you William. You may leave us.” She waved a manicured hand at him. “Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink?” Beth crossed the room to one of the chairs, but remained standing. “No thank you.” she shook her head, “Who are you, and why am I here?” She needed as much information as possible. The woman smiled at her, but the smile never reached her eyes. “I could ask you the same thing, but you asked first. So my name is Karina DuPont. This is my home. I brought you here to save you from those two ruffians you were with.” Beth listened patiently. There was more she just needed to push. “Really, oh those two were ruffians? What were they likely to do to me?” She hoped that her innocent look would help her. It worked, Karina carried on. “Oh yes, they would have taken you for any valuables you had. They would have left you by the road side. May I ask where were you heading?” Beth made a decision to play along. “Oh they were helping me to the city.” She finally sat down. “Thank you then for helping me. My name is Beth. I’m new to the area. If your men had just said something I would have come with out a struggle.” She gave Karina a smile. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Karina, suddenly became annoyed. “What is it?” The door opened and a very nervous William appeared. His head and eyes cast downwards in a submissive manner. “I am sorry for the intrusion Mistress. We have intruders on the grounds, but we don’t know where they are.” She spun to glare at him, and he visible shrunk back. Beth cringed, and her gaze caught his for just one moment. At that point something went between them unspoken. Beth just nodded. “Um Karina, would I be able to go back to my room. I’m shocked by what you told me. I could do with lying down. For a while.” She paused as the insane gaze rested on her, then the face softened and she smiled. “Of course my dear, do you think you can find your way back to your room?” Beth made out she was thinking. Then nodded, “Yes I believe so. Thank you again for your kindness.” Then she rose, and made her way to the doors. William moved aside to allow her past. Their arm brushed and he passed something to her. Beth moved away and back the way she had come. She opened her hand to see what she had been given. It was a key, he was helping her. Finally after a few wrong turns she found her way to the rooms. She reached the locked door and froze at the end of the hall were two more guards, and they were heading for her. Beth’s heart sped up. She was about to bolt when one of them spoke up.

“Beth, Beth it’s us.” She finally realised who it was in front of her. Lando wrapped his arms about her. She returned the hug, only to be enveloped by Johann. “We thought she would have had you in the dungeons. Now all we have to do is find my friend.” Beth walked back to the door. “He’s in here I think. One of the guards gave me a key, I was just about to open the door.” Then she took in there appearance. “I see you followed the plan then.” Then she turned the key, and opened the door. There on the bed was the most glorious of sights. Mick. At least it look like him, there was fear in his eyes as she stood in the door way. “Please don’t be scared, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help.” She moved slowly and her voice was tinged with her love of the man he was back home. Them Johann, stood behind her. The mans eyes shifted constantly between them both. He was unsure of the scene before him. “Brother, it’s me Johann.” He moved further into the room. Beth smiled at the admission, she had thought that was the fact he had left unsaid. Lando stayed outside the door, watching for anyone coming. He was jittery, he had no idea what was coming, this was the part he had been unable to complete in the game. “We need to get him out of here fast. I have no idea what is going to happen.”

Beth made her way next to the bed, there was a chain about the mans wrists. They may have made it in to the room, but they still had to free him. This time she didn’t have the key. She looked about, and spied a piece of wire. Picking it up, she made short work of picking the locks. Her eyes shone as he pulled free. “We need to move, she won’t be distracted for much longer, even if we had inside help.” Johann was sat on the bed next to his brother. “You’re free now Marcus. We need to go. Beth please can you…” he never got to finish as Marcus had jumped up and rounded the bed to Beth. He took her face in his hand and brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. Lando burst into the room, followed by Karina. “How touching, a reunion.” She snarled at Beth who stood her ground in front of the brothers. “I knew you would try to help him, I’ve been following you from a distance.” Beth’s sense of being followed had been correct. “You are the one told of in the stories. The killer of my sister Nola. So by that end I wish my revenge. Your life for hers. But your friends here, will watch your death, before I kill each one in turn.” She pointed at each in turn. “The brothers will watch each other die. Close enough to touch yet unable to do so.” With that she grabbed Beth’s wrist and pulled her forward. Away from the men. Johann stepped forward but was thrust back into the room by an armed guard. Karina led Beth towards the room in which she had awoken. “This will be the last place that you see.” She force Beth to he knees. Her hand raised to strike her. There was a commotion behind them in the hallway. Beth looked up to see the four men that had helped her standing in a line by the door. Then as Karina’s had travelled down to strike her, Travis leapt forward and scratched and bit at her neck. His sharp teeth puncturing and tearing the artery. Blood started to pour from her. The hand finished travelling still hitting Beth hard. She fell to the floor her head smashing into the floor, her world went grey. The last thing she heard was the guard William, saying “She’s dead, Karina the wicked witch is dead.” Then all went black.

Beth felt strong hands lifting her, as she came to. She was aware of the pain in her head. Then she was being lowered onto something soft. She recognised the voice that pierced the fog in her mind. “Beth, wake up Beth.” she felt his fingers, tenderly touch the bruise on her head. She slowly opened her eyes, to stare straight into his blue grey orbs. He smiled down at her. “Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?” She reached up, and pulled him down to her. “Who are you?” his face dropped. “Oh god Beth. It’s me Mick. You know me.” She smiled and kissed him. “What was that for?” he asked. “Oh I just had to make sure it was you.” She kissed him again, “I just had the strangest dream, and everyone was there. I have a bit of a headache, but I’m fine. What happened?” He sat next to her on the bed. “We had an earthquake. You must have fell when it struck, and hit your head. When you didn’t come down after, I came up and found you. Beth you had me worried, Are you really alright.” She gave him no answer, but another deep and passionate kiss.
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by francis »

Aw, there's no place like home, right? I loved the three helpers and the wicked witch. Seems like Moonlight was just a remade Wizard, then. :hearts:
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by jen »

There' no place like home...the Fortress of Cool; Casa Kostan; L.A...well, maybe not L.A., but Moonlight...


Thanks for writing this piece. This was pure fun!

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Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Lions,Tigers and Bears.-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by Moonlighter »

JR, this was a wonderful twist on the Wizard of Oz with all our Moonlight favorites. I loved Beth standing up for Lando! And how convenient that his World of Warcraft skills would come in so handy. All the characters were a perfect fit for their WoO counterparts, even the two witches! But like francis mentioned earlier, my eyes are a bit crossed from the lack of paragraph breaks, girlfriend! :dizzy:
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Re: Lions, Tigers and Bears-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by cassysj »

I don't know that I read the remake of Oz when it was first posted. Right time of year to bump
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Re: Lions, Tigers and Bears-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by allegrita »

I don't think I ever read this before! It's so much fun. What a clever and creative Halloween "crossover" story! Thank goodness Beth didn't really get whisked off to Oz... Alex isn't there anymore. :winky: But seriously, I loved the way you matched up the Moonlight characters with the Oz counterparts. And Travis is way cooler than Toto. :mooncat:
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Re: Lions, Tigers and Bears-Halloween tale-PG13

Post by Ella713 »

What a cool story! I'm glad it was moved up because this is one I missed! Great mash-up!! Now someone really needs to illustrate this one!
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