Election Night 2016 PG-13

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Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Thanks to Alle for cleaning this up, I have a deep seated hatred for closing quotation marks and she kept me on my toes :snicker:

I do not own any Moonlight characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note - I thought long and hard before posting a story about the election and sought advice. This story is not intended to attack either side even though the characters have predominantly taken a position.

The characters opinions are their own and not intended as a political statement on my part.

My opinion is one of respect. I personally respect every person that voted for either Secretary of State Clinton or President Trump. I believe that the majority of people who voted for either of the main candidates made thoughtful decisions and voted in what they felt were the best interests of the country, their community and their families. I respect the people who voted third party for either support of a political ideology or a protest against the two party system or a protest against the candidates of the two party system. I respect the people who voted for local offices but could not make a selection for President. I also respect the people who exercised their right not to vote, that is a choice you have as an American.

Thank you for reading all this commentary just to get to a short story.

Election Night 2016

Tangie was sitting in the living room with Jade, Summer and Delancy, getting ready to watch the first results.

Jade smiled. “I’m so excited to have the first female President.”

Delancy laughed. “I wonder if anyone will ask Bill Clinton what his charity will be or what designer will create his tux for the inaugural ball?”

Summer was a little more reserved. “It’s not over yet ladies. The polls have been tightening.”

Tangie frowned. “You only hear that on a couple of news outlets. Besides worst case scenario he wins the popular vote. He’ll never win the Electoral College.”

Josef was having a drink with Mick in his study. Mick said, “Come on, let’s watch history be made.”

Josef sighed. “I’ve seen this show before. “

“Josef, I liked Sanders but…..this is a big deal.”

“Mick, he’s not the first seventy year old actor to become President. I’ve seen it before.”

“There is just no way he’s going to….”

Josef held up his hand. “Mick, have you ever really thought about how young this country is? Did the Founding Fathers anticipate a nation of over 300 million people spread out over 3,000 miles? Or 5,000 if you include Alaska and Hawaii?”

“They knew it was going to expand,” Mick said.

Josef chuckled.“And once upon a time, the sun never set on the British Empire and the Soviet Union conquered a sizable chunk of the world in the blink of an eye compared to the Roman Empire.”

“Josef, you weren’t alive during the Roman Empire.”

“No, but I’m a student of history.”

Mick was frustrated. “But Josef, at least Reagan was Governor. Trump has never even held a City Council position.”

Josef held up his hand. “He’s been in the living room of millions of people for years. People feel they know him, and if you watch his reality show, he’s usually the voice of reason -- and he’s the most successful man in the room.”

“But the horrible things he’s said…”.

“Mick, he’s saying outrageous things that get attention, and then he says things that touch a lot of people who feel left behind. It’s a job interview, and he wants to hear he’s Hired. I don’t know what will happen after that. They say be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

“But Hillary is so much more…..”

Josef frowned. “Hillary, while extremely qualified, suffers from being disliked by a great many people. There are also people who feel that ‘another’ Clinton won’t change anything. “That’s a big reason Jeb Bush didn’t get any traction. His family had their turn. People want change.”


“Mick, there are no buts. Donald Trump was a New York “socialite” who was catapulted onto a national stage by the brilliant media mind that brought us Survivor. I don’t think you fully understand the power of familiarity and Twitter.”

Mick frowned. “I have Facebook….”

“Because I dragged you kicking and screaming. Mick, it’s a whole new world. Look, I’m going to have ten crying freshies tonight because they don’t see it coming. Are you ready to deal with Beth?”

“I still think Hillary will squeak by,” Mick said.

“I could be wrong, Josef said. “I have been before. When Arnold Schwarzenegger told me in 1986 he was going to be the Governor of California one day, I thought he was kidding.”

Mick asked seriously, “Josef, did you vote?”

“Elections are for the living, not the dead.”

“But if he wins….”

“Who knows what will happen? I don’t know Trump personally. We’ll have to wait and see.”
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Re: Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by Lilly »

Carol, I think this is very well done -- I really like it. :thumbs:

I think you've done an excellent job of showing Josef as someone who has truly seen it all. Nothing surprises him and he has learned over the centuries to adapt to whatever comes. At this point in his life, Mick has become more hopeful, I think, whereas Josef is more of a realist. Even though he claims not to have Mick's "soft spot for the mortal ones, a fascination with all the charming things they do...," Josef has become quite an adept student of human nature. He may or may not have a preference for how things turn out, but he's prepared to deal with whatever happens.

Also, I think he enjoys tweaking Mick. :whistle:

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Re: Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by Lucy »

This is extremely balanced and brings the foresight of a few hundred years. Fascinating......
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Re: Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Carol, I love this. Their conversation is so perfect. :clapping: Josef is wise, and he has a long view. But he's jaded. Mick has human idealism, and he really cares about people. But he missed the clues that Josef has noticed. And he's not as savvy about social media and TV as Josef.

The best part of this story, to me, is the way it illustrates the fact that Mick and Josef are very different, but that doesn't get in the way of their friendship. They respect each other, even when they disagree. And that is admirable. :yes:
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Re: Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by AggieVamp »

Carol -

I absolutely LOVE this! It puts (IMO) the election in perspective.

Thank you -

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Re: Election Night 2016 PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Lilly - Thank you so much. I really wanted it to seem that Josef didn't necessarily have a pony in this race. But truth is stranger than fiction and he's seen over 400 years of it.

Lucy - I didn't want this to become negative on either side like so much has become this year.

Alle - Josef has been around and he's survived this long by reading the temperature of large groups of people. If you're in a place where torch bearing mobs congregate regularly you better know what sets them off.

Aggie - I think if nothing else this election is one for the history books.
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