Close Up Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Close Up
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A stalker's fascination with Beth puts Mick, Carl and Josef on high alert :gasp:

Linc. Spence had always been a loner. a frail child grew up to be a hermit by his teen years.. His mother would plead with him to go out and meet a group of friends, but Linc thought all of the kids he went to school with were lacking. Lacking in what? Everything Linc thought. The teasing started in 5th grade and lasted until he finally stepped up and almost beat a kid to death. But everyone said it was self defense. Linc could never forget how it felt to be the crap out of Brett Crawford. That little shit had made his middle school and high school years a living hell. Brett got his girlfriend Nikki Palmer to tell Linc that her best friend Kara Sumner had a crush on him and wanted to meet him in the girl's locker room after school. Linc was so excited he had to stop himself from jumping up and down. He walked into the girl's locker room calling Kara's name. She came out and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed his hand on her breast. Linc had never felt such pleasure in his life. Then Kara told him to take off his clothes. Linc couldn't get out of his clothes fast enough. And while he stood there naked with the exception of his socks kids flooded into the locker room and laughed at him. He was so angry he didn't ever want to go back to school again and he begged his mother to transfer him to another school, but she said no. If that high school was good enough for her then it was good enough for him to. So he made a decision. The next day in school when Brett started in on him, Linc stood there an took it for as long as he could stand. And when Brett slapped his face, Linc unleashed a hell bound fury that surprised everyone in school! Linc swung his heavy book bag with all his might and hit Brett squarely in the jaw. Brett covered his face but Linc could not be stopped. Even when Brett was on the ground screaming for him to stop he kept going. It took four teachers to pry Linc off of Brett. And when Brett's parents filed a suit against Linc and the school, everyone testified as to what a jerk Brett Crawford really was. Linc's attorney had convinced the jury that it was under extreme emotional distress did Linc finally say so more and he was found not guilty. The following school year, everyone left him the hell alone and it was the best school year ever!

Now at the age of 30 he wanted a relationship. A real relationship and not a floozy. And last week he met her. She was beyond beautiful. Sky blue eyes, long blonde hair and a smile that could light up an entire house! She came into the hardware store looking for a particular shade of blue they no longer carried. Usually when you tell customers that you don't carry a certain product, they cause a scene and make you call the manager who comes out and throw amazing deals their way so he won't lose their business. But this woman took it all in stride. She was so well mannered that Linc ended up creating the shade of blue she wanted by mixing blue with the right shade of gray to achieve the color she wanted. She thanked Linc over and over and ended up writing a glowing recommendation to the owner about Linc's customer service.

That's when Linc made up his mind. The woman would be his. She would be his girlfriend, lover, wife and soul mate all in one. It was like destiny!

6 months later

Beth and Isabelle were out shopping when they stopped for a glass of Sparkling Wine.
So, are you and Mick going to join us for the cruise?" Isabelle asked. Josef had planned a month long cruise along the Galapagos Islands. It sounded amazing and Beth really wanted to go, but Mick was in he middle of a big case with Carl.
"I don't know yet. Hopefully this case Mick's working on will close soon" She said.
"Mick and Carl work very well together. They will get it solved in time. I have no doubt".

Linc checked them out from across the street in his car. Both women were unbelievably beautiful, but the one called Beth was the one for him. He had been stalking her for months now. He felt it was time to make himself known to her. Again.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cloe Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

When Beth got back home she saw the envelope as soon as she opened the door.
"you are like a beautiful flower plumping up from the morning sun
you baby blue eyes call to me
I want to crawl inside of you and make you mine
birth me like a new born
feed me from your bosom until I am drunk
Such is my love for you"

Beth smiled at the silliness of the poem or whatever this nonsense was but she laid it on the counter and went upstairs to make some calls.

Mick came in and sat his keys down and looked at the piece of paper. What the hell was this? he thought.
"Babe!!" he yelled out to her
"I'm upstairs!" she said as he followed her voice.
"So who's sending you awful poetry?" Mick said with a smile.
"I have no idea. It was slipped underneath the door" She said taking the note from his hand and re-reading it. "Good Lord this is awful!" She said laughing.
"Maybe it's Joey down on the 3rd floor. That little guy can't take his eyes off of you.
"Honey Joey is all of 6 years old. I can't see him churning something like this out" She said,
"It makes me anxious to see the next one" Mick said.
"How do you know there's going to be a next one?" She asked. Mick looked at the envelope on the counter.
"Yeah, there'll be some more" He said nodding his head.

A week had passed and there had been no more poetry so Beth forgot all about them until she was coming home from Nicole's. There stuck underneath the door was a larger envelope. Like it contained more than a one sheet typed poem. She unlocked the door and went inside to see what was inside.
The first thing that fell from the envelope was rose petals, then a one page typed sheet of paper and lastly another envelope but smaller in size. She opened it up and saw about 2 dozen pgotographs of her. Beth dropped the photos and called Carl.

Carl came quickly and started banging loudly on the door.
"Beth!! Beth! Are you in there?" He yelled, taking out his gun and getting ready to blow his way inside, when the door was opened. Carl came rushing in.
"Beth are you okay?" He asked putting his gun back in his holster.
'I think someone's stalking me" She said pointing at the floor. Carl reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on.
"You're the only person to handle this?" he asked as he picked up the photos.
"I think so. It wasn't delivered by mail or Fed Ex. It was just stuffed under the door" Beth said.
"Beth, where were these photos taken?"
"Last week, I went shopping with Isabelle and we stopped at a bistro to have a glass of wine. That looks just like the outside of the bistro" She said pointing at the photo"
"Okay listen. I'm going to take these to the lab and see if I can get any prints. You stay put. Call Isabelle or Josef to stop by until Mick gets back." Carl said to Beth as she nodded her head.

As soon as Carl left, she rang Isabelle who was there within minutes.

Linc cleaned his small apartment from head to toe. Everything would have to be perfect since he was having over a lady friend. He looked around. He really had to get a bigger place. This place just wouldn't do for the long term. He thought to himself. He placed the bouquet of wildflowers he found growing on the side of the road and quickly pulled over so he could pick them out the ground. And now they looked real fine in the white vase he had picked up at the Thrift Store. Beth would really like this. He thought. The place she lived in now was so cold and devoid of feeling. This would be much better for her. But he was still unhappy wit the size. He picked up the newspaper and started to browse houses for sale.

When Mick came home and saw Isabelle and Josef both there he knew something was wrong.
"Great! What happened now?" He said taking off his jacket.
"Beth has a stalker" Isabelle said.
"Was it another poem?" Mick asked taking a seat next to Beth and holding her hand.
"Honey, it was more than a poem. It was rose petals and over a dozen photos of me around town! This creep knows where I live!" She said beginning to become choked up.
"Where are the photos?" Mick asked.
"Beth called Carl and he took him to the station to see if he can lift any prints" Josef said. "Listen I spoke with Carl and he agreed that you needed to get Beth out of town for a while., So let's take this cruise early and a month later, Carl will have the bastard in jail" Josef said.
"Okay" Mick said looking at Beth. "Let's go pack" He said to Beth.
"Isabelle already took the liberty and your bags are in the trunk of the limo in your garage" Josef said. "So lock up and let's go"
Mick and Beth made their way into the lower level parking garage where they got into Josef's limo and took off the docks.
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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Linc had been sitting outside of the apartment for a week now and Beth had not appeared. He drove away and checked all her usual haunts and she hadn't been there either. he was becoming worried. What if she was in an accident? He began to call all the hospitals asking for information onan accident victim by the name of Beth St. John, but they all replied no. Some thing wasn't right he thought.

He put on his bike messenger clothes and rode up to her building.
"Excuse me sir. I have a letter for a Ms Beth St. John" He said holding the clip board in his hand.
"I can sign for it here " The door man said.
"I'm sorry, but the attorney said it can only be released to Beth St. John" He said apologetically.
"Well, both the lady and her husband went out of town on a cruise they won't return for another 3 weeks" The door man said.
"Fine. I'll take this back to the law office" Linc lied as he got back on his bike and rode away.

She went on a cruise? With her husband? Who the hell was this husband! And why hadn't she told him that she was married? Linc was fuming the whole ride home.
Some thing would have to be done about this so called husband!

Beth leaned back in the deck chair and sighed.
"Thank you Isabelle" Beth said quietly.
"You both needed to get away. I have faith in Carl. He is a very good officer. He will find this bastard!" She said.
"I know" Beth said closing her eyes.
"Would you ladies like another drink?" The waiter asked.
"Yes" Isabelle said as the waiter took their glasses away. He returned shortly with two glasses of chilled blood in tall glasses.
"A vampire cruise ship" Beth said smiling "Josef thinks of everything"

Linc had to get into her apartment. He just had to. He studied the doorman. His routine his lunch breaks. The building was very high security. The only way that he was getting in was as a guest.

Carl went over his notes again. He was missing something. He looked over again all the places Beth had went in past month. These were basically the same places that Beth went to all the time with exception to the hardware store. Carl would check there and see what popped up.

Carl walked into the store which by appearance looked very much like a Lowe's or Home Depot.
"Excuse me I need to speak with your manager" Carl said showing his badge.
"Which one?" The kid asked. "We have several here that are managers of certain departments."
"I want the store manager" Carl said

An older man walked out and he looked like most men who were store managers. Stressed.
"Hi. I'm Fred Marsh. What do you need? " He asked in hurried voice.
"Do you have some place private we can talk?" Carl asked. Fred looked at the officer and knew it was going to be about one of his star employees. The lazy ones always do Lord knows that and the police never ask about those losers. Then one smart kid screws up just once and suddenly, they're public enemy number 1
"This way" He said in a a gruff voice.

Linc walked over to his pal Wayne to find out who was talking to the boss.
"Hey Wayne. Who's that talking to Fred? He looks like a fed" Linc said with a smile.
"Close. A cop."
"What the heck did he want?"
"He didn't say anything to me, but I think it's about that slut Brittney. She's been ripping off this store left and right" Wayne said as he continued to stock his department. That made sense. Everyone knew that Brittney was stealing stuff, but she never got fired. So he could see corporate sending a spy to the store.

"Alright. What's this about?" Fred said.
"We're looking into a stalking charge" Carl said. "The victim had been shopping at this store"
"So it was a Great Value employee?" He asked.
"We don't know yet. I was hoping to get a look at your security tapes, see who she was talking to and ask the employee if they saw anything. Anyone following her"
"Ok" Fred said letting out a large sigh. "I didn't think it was one of my employees" he said.
"I'm not ruling out anyone until I have concrete evidence" Carl said to him.
"I'll call Jeff in security to gat the tapes. What day?" he asked.
"I'll need to see everything over the past month" Carl said.

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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl sat through hours of video footage before he saw Beth in the paint department talking to a young man.
"Who's that?" Carl asked pointing at the screen. Fred put on his glasses and took a close look.
"Oh, that's Lincoln Spence. He's one of our best workers. Absolutely 0 complaints, never sick, never late." Fred said with pride
"Is he well liked?"
"I don't really know. You'd have to ask the employees. but I've never heard a harsh word against him." Fred answered.
"Okay, let's try this. Who's the company busybody?"
"That would be Brittney Keller. She likes to gab on her phone instead of doing her job. She's over there in the Nursery Department" Fred said pointing.

Carl walked over to the Nursery Department and saw who he figured was Brittney Keller quickly taking some money out of the cash register and putting it in her apron.
"Brittney Keller, I'm Captain Carl Davis of the LAPD and I need to ask you a few questions" Carl said in his official voice. The girl jumped and turned around.
"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" She said.
"And you shouldn't be stealing money from the register." Carl said.
"I didn't!" She said.
"You did and I saw you. You took a $10 bill out of the register and put it in that pocket right there, and as I am a police captain, I can tell you to empty your pockets and have your manager file charges against you" Carl said. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the bill and slapped it on the counter.
"So what? This job pays crap!" She said.
"Then get another job that pays better" Carl said telling her to put the money back into the register.
"So what do you want? I know you didn't corner me to preach to me about stealing" She said sitting on the counter making sure her skirt hiked up high on her shapely legs.
"I need to ask you bout your co-worker Lincoln Spence"
"What's that goody two shoes done?"
"Nothing. We are just looking into a case where the victim shopped here and may have been followed." Carl explained.
"Ewww! No one comes in here but senior citizens and redneck beer belly guys and who wants to follow those losers?" She said rolling her eyes. "Oh! There was that pretty women 2 weeks ago" She said
"Blonde hair, blue eyes?" Carl asked.
"Yeah. And built like porn star! Hell, I would followed her to the moon" Brittney said.
"Were you the only one wanting to follow her to the moon?"
"I'm sure every dude in the store wanted a piece of her, with exception to Linc."
"Why? He doesn't like girls?"
"I have no idea. His only focus is the job. I mean this goddess walks in to buy some paint and what does he do? Sell her paint. That's what he did. What a waste." She said hopping off the table when two elderly women walked up to the counter. "Is that all?" Brittney asked Carl.
"Yeah, for now" He said walking away.
Carl found Linc Spence in the paint department and identified himself.
"How can I help you officer?"
"This woman came in to buy paint a while ago, do you remember her?" He asked holding up the photo.
"Yeah. Slate blue. I mean that's the color she wanted and we don't sell it anymore so I had to make her a custom batch" Linc explained.
"Did you notice anyone following her?"
"A pretty women like that is bound to be followed by a slew of men, but did I notice anybody in the store? No. But I wasn't really paying attention because I was working on a custom job and those have to be perfect." he said.
"Well, if you can think of anything else give me a call" Carl said handing him a business card.
"I will" Linc said placing the card in his pocket. Carl decided to try something.
"Hey, do you think you could pass this photo around to the other employees and ask them if they saw anything?" Carl said.
"Sure. I'll ask them" Linc said. He watched Carl walk away before he picked up the photo and walked back to to the lockers. He opened his up and neatly placed the photo inside, never noticing that Carl had hidden himself and saw the whole thing.
"I got you, you son of bitch" Carl said under his breath.
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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Linc cased high rise for 5 days and he finally figured out a way to get in. The doorman took 4 smoke breaks. Two in the morning and two in the afternoon. He had noticed a woman who had to be a nanny. She took two little boys across the street to a park. She stayed there for 1 hour exactly then came back to the apartment. The doorman took his smoke break shortly before she arrived back.

Linc was in the park playing with a dog he had seen the day before. He threw the ball in the nanny's direction. Linc jogged over to retrieve it.
"Hey, I'm sorry about that" He said with smile. The nanny bent down and picked up the ball and handed it to him.
"That's okay. Is this your dog?" She asked reaching down to pet the cute collie.
"I wish. I live across the street and they don't allow pets in my building" Linc lied.
"Oh! You live there? So do I. Well I work there. I've never seen you there before." She said smiling at the young man thinking he was pretty cute.
"Just moved in. I'm still sorting through boxes." He said. Two little boys ran up to the nanny.
"Allie, can we go on the slide!" They screamed.
"Just for a little while, we have to get back." She said firmly.
"Are those your little boys?" he asked.
"No!" She said with mild shock. "I'm their nanny" She explained.

Allie gathered the boys and started to make her way back to the building, Linc caught up with her.
"Hey, I'll walk with you it you don't mind. I was heading back myself"
They crossed the street and Linc reached into his pocket and looked up in surprise.
"Dang it, I think I left my key upstairs" he said in a pleasant voice.
"That's okay" Allie said opening the door and letting him in.
"What floor are you on?" He asked.
"I'm on the 6th floor" She said shyly.
"Maybe we could grab a bite to eat sometime?"
"I'd like that" She said getting off on her floor. "See you around" She said as the elevator doors closed.

Linc made it the 15th floor and looked around. He went up to the door and spent the next 15 minutes picking the lock. Once inside he stopped. He could smell her perfume. That intoxicating scent of vanilla and sandalwood. He opened his eyes and started to go through the apartment. Man they kept it really cold in here. He went through the closets taking out her dresses and shirts and deeply inhaling her scent. He slowly walked into Beth's changing room and he nervously took out her unmentionables, marveling at the delicate lace and soft silk of each item. He stuffed a few items in his pockets so he'd have them on hand when she came to live with him. He found a notepad on the kitchen counter and say down to write her another poem which he stuck to the fridge so she could see it when she returned. He was turning to leave when he saw the photo.. A wedding photo of Beth and the man who said to be her husband. Linc hated guys like this. Wavy hair and pretty boy looks. He took the frame apart and tore Mick's image out of the photo then placed it back in the frame carefully.
Beth would see that he was claiming her for his own. Women loved it when men took charge of a situation.

He left the apartment by the freight elevator, taking down to the garage and exiting the building.

"Welcome back Mr. St. John!" The door man said "Did you and the Mrs. Have a nice trip?"
"Yes we did Lawrence! It was great to get out of Los Angeles for a while. Everything well?" Mick said picking up the small packages that were left for him. Beth came in putting her phone back in her purse.
"Gabriel said to tell you hello" She said to Mick. "Hi Lawrence!, how are you?"
"I can't complain Mrs. St. John. Oh, a messenger came by trying to drop off a letter for you from an attorney's office, but they needed your signature to release it. The messenger said he'd come back"
"Ok. Thanks" She said grabbing Mick's arms. "I love going on trips but I love coming back home" She said smiling up at him.

The first thing Mick noticed when he walked inside the apartment was that the cold air was off.
"Jeez! It's roasting in here!" Beth exclaimed sitting down her bag.
"Let me go check the system" Mick said thinking that they would have to stay in a hotel if the air conditioning system was broken. It was turned off? Mick didn't remember turning the system off. "Hey babe, did you turn the air conditioning off when we left?" He yelled out. "Babe!" Mick walked back into the apartment and saw Beth frozen in front of the refrigerator. "Babe what is it?" He said slowly following her eyes. He quickly pulled out his mobile phone and called Carl.

"How did this freak get into your apartment?" Carl asked
"I don't know man. We just got back from the cruise. Lawrence said other than a bike messenger trying to deliver a letter from an attorney's office for Beth, no one came by for us"
"Do you know which firm?" Carl asked.
"No. Lawrence said he didn't ask"
"I really hate to do this you both, but you may have to disappear again." Carl said.
"Carl, tell me you got this" Mick said.
"Look, I'm working on something. Beth. Do you remember going to Great Value to buy paint?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I think the clerk that helped you is the guy we're looking for"
"Him? He was just a nice guy who helped me get the color I wanted"
"Well, I went to talk to the employees and I gave him a photo of you and told him to pass it around to the other employees and he took your picture and hid it in his locker. And I called the store manager yesterday and he said the employees said they never saw the photo. I'm telling you he's the guy" Carl said.
"And I think things are staring to escalate" Mick said showing Carl their wedding photo. "This guy is certainly off his meds" Mick said sitting the picture back down.
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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Linc sat in his car and waited for Beth to come out of her building. Surely she saw his messages. How much plainer could he have been? It had to be her husband. Linc feared that his hold on Beth was one of duress and nothing more. He probably beat her as well he thought to himself. Oh yeah, he was going to take care of that creep good!

He suddenly saw them both in a convertible Mercedes drive away from the building so Linc followed them.

Carl took three officers with him to Linc's studio apartment. They all put on their gloves and started to look around.
Captain, you got to see this!" One of the officers called out. In the small closet behind the clothing was the work of someone who was truly sick. The back closet wall was covered with photos of Beth and pinned to the wall looked to be a women's undergarments. Are those Beth's? Did he break into their apartment to steal her underwear? Carl thought in amazement.

"He's looking for a new apartment" Another officer said holding up a newspaper that folded up in the kitchen.
"I want you to go back to the station and I want a full work up on this freak! And I mean everything. If he's got a juvie record, I'll go talk to a judge and get it unsealed. And we may have to alert Secret Service, because she's going to Kostan's place. They need to know what their dealing with" Carl said as they left eh apartment.

Who the hell did Beth know here? Linc thought looking at the giant building. Men in black suits came out and took their bags and went inside the building.

"Carl did you find anything?" Mick asked when he picked up the phone.
"Mick, this kid needs help. I mean serious help. He's got a shrine in his apartment covering the wall in his closet with photos of Beth. And I think he stole some of her under garments. They were pinned to the wall."
'This is going to freak Beth out" Mick said.
"I called the Secret Service and let them know what going on. They said their men will stay on things at Josef's place, but don't leave unless you really have to"
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to call Logan. I need to know everything about this guy."

"Hey Lt. Carl! What's up man? Hear you got a little vampire baby" He said slapping Carl on the shoulders
"Logan, you know I got promoted to Captain right?" Carl said with a smile.
"Wow! When did that happen?" Logan said sitting back down in front of one of his monitors.
"Last year" Carl replied.
"Well congrats! What can I do for you?"
"I need you to look at his guy." He said laying the paper in front of him. "I need a full complete work up, including juvie files, the whole thing."
"What the heck did he do?" Logan said as his finger went quickly over the keyboard/
"He's stalking Beth" Carl said. Logan looked up at Carl.
"Oh hell no!! This creep is going down" Logan said with a look of determination on his face. Nobody messes with his pretend girlfriend!

Linc studied the building and knew there was no way he would be able to con his way

Everyone heard a knock on Josef's door. The men pulled out their guns and gave each other signals regarding what to do. They opened the door and there stood Alma looking rather amused.
"Now that's what I call home security" She said. At Josef's nod they let her come in.
"What's up Alma?" Mick asked.
"Well that man that wants your wife was right outside" She said.
Of this building?" Mick said standing up ready to run out and beat the living crap out of the guy.
"He's gone. He can't figure a way to get in this building like he did with yours. He got friendly with a nanny and walked her back to your apartment building then said he left his keys upstairs. He can't do that here. But he's working on a plan. I can't see it yet, but he'll be back" Alma said as she saw the Secret Service men roll their eyes at what she said. She walked up to the larger of the two men.
"You need to take things more seriously especially since the baby your wife is carrying isn't yours. I suggest you get a DNA test and kick that woman to the curb." Alma said bitterly to him. The agent quickly pulled out his phone and walked into the other room.
"Yikes Alma! That's like something Emma would have done" Josef quipped.
"Alma is this guy crazy or what?" Mick asked.
"He's turning that way. Schizophrenia runs all through his bloodline. He thinks that Beth wants him and that they truly have a relationship together. And he wants you out of the picture. He's at a point where he'll do anything to have her." She said to Mick.
"Is he going to come here?" Josef asked.
"No. He'll wait until he's got a plan." She said walking towards the door. She looked at the other Secret Service man.
"His wife is divorcing him. Be there for him and tell him how you feel. He will accept things" She said and walked out the door.

"Did she just hook up two Secret Service Agents?" josef asked with a grin
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Lt. Davis, this is one messed up dude" Logan said. "In high school he beat a bully so severely that he broke his jaw and his back. The guys has been a paraplegic ever since." Logan said. He was arrested but because the guy he beat up was so hated in the school and used to bully and harass the entire student body, everyone testified that the bully had it coming and that he started the altercation. He was found not guilty but had to go see a shrink for a year. The shrink's files are a part of public record since his sessions were required legally. Here I printed you a copy." Logan said handing the papers to Carl.

Carl had to admit, Linc had a pretty rough dysfunctional childhood and he felt sorry for the kid, but what he needed was help and he knew more than before that Beth would be in serious trouble with this guy.
"Thanks Logan, you pull through as always" Carl hand slapping a $100 dollar bill in his palm.

Carl sat in Josef's penthouse filling them in what he had found out.
"Right now I have nothing on him. Maybe criminal trespassing, and I can't even get that charge as menacing. I mean he wrote Beth a love poem. So you're locking at a Grade D charge which is probation time and possibly a restraining order that he won't pay attention to"
"What are you suggesting Carl? To do nothing and have him do something that will get him executed the "vampire way" because that's what it's looking like" Josef said.
"We're going to have to trap him and get it on video. If we can do that, the judge will lock him up and throw away the key" Carl said.

Linc laid on his small twin bed imagining Beth laying next to him. Soon, baby. Soon. He whispered to himself as he fell asleep.
It was when he woke up that he knew what he had to do and it would work.

Carl went back to the hardware store to speak with Linc again and was told that he was on vacation. His manager said Linc had never taken a vacation before. Not even a sick day. So where did go?

Beth didn't want to overstay her welcome at Josef's so she tried to do little things around the place but Rosa or Josef would stop her. So she sat on the sofa while Josef was typing away on his computer.
"So how is Alma transitioning to new.......employment?" Beth asked not sure what to call a mystic.
"I think so. She was getting a case of cabin fever and asked if she was allowed to go outside" Josef said with a grin.
"She is isn't she?" Beth wondered.
"Beth, of course she is! Alma's not a prisoner. At first we didn't want her away from the property because her life was in danger. Also se wanted to know if she would be paid"
"Was she still standing when she heard of the Kostan salary plan?"
"Barely" Josef laughed.

Alma walked around her apartment not really knowing what do. She never had any burning ambition to be any one thing. In fact she hated working period which is why the fortune telling con worked well for her. She didn't have to do anything. But now, Josef and his friends wanted things from her on a regular basis. Sometimes it came when she wanted it to and other times like right now, she just spent a lot of time pacing her apartment trying to make visions come when ordered them to. Giving up she decided to take a walk. When she stepped outside she saw a young man taking photographs of the building. she was walking away when he called out to her.
"Excuse me! I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to know if any celebrities lived in there?"
"You mean like movie stars and such?" Alma smiled.
"Yes mam. I just wanted to send some photos to my momma back home. She kind likes to follow celebrity gossip"
"You'll have to go to Hollywood for that. This is a building for Kostan Industries employees" Alma said.
"That's a pretty big building for employees" He said with grin.
"Kostan Industries has a lot of employees. Also sometimes clients, friends and other guest stay here" Alma said.
Linc looked over her shoulder.
"Are those paintings real?" He asked in awe.
"Yeah. Mr. Kostan is an art collector."
"Can I take some photos of the art?" he asked shyly. Alma thought about it and figured what the heck. He just wanted to impress his mother back home. Alma led him back to the lobby.
"Bobby, he wants to take photos of the artwork in the lobby for his momma, okay?" She asked Josef's Security man.
"Sure. Just the lobby though" He replied.
"Okay. Look, I gotta run an errand, but enjoy your visit" Almas said lightly touching his shoulder. Alma froze in her tracks. This was the guy who was after Beth.
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Re: Close Up Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Linc knew immediately that something was wrong, so he quickly grabbed Alma and pulled the gun from his waistband. Pressing the gun to her head he put his hand over her mouth.
"You know who I am don't you?" He said looking down at her. Bobby came from the side office and saw what was going on. He tried to reach for his gun but Linc shot first/ "You think I should have told him to freeze?" He joked. "You know where Beth is don't you? You wouldn't have frozen up like that if you didn't. Take me to her and I might let you live. Understand?" He said dragging her to the elevators.

Alma was screaming for help in her mind. Josef had to hear her.

"Josef, I'm bored." Beth said having enough of sitting around watching television and reading books. Josef looked up from his computer.
"I'm sorry Beth what were you saying?"
"I'm bored.........." She began to say when Josef placed his hand to his temple. It was Alma! She was trying to send Josef a message. She was in the lobby! A man. A gun..........
"Beth come with me!" Josef said grabbing her hand.
"Josef what's going on?" She said allowing herself to be dragged along.
"Your stalker is here in the building. He has Alma! We have to get you out of here!" Josef said urgently.
"Screw that Josef! Alma could be killed! I'm staying here." Beth said walking back into his front room.

They heard the doorbell ring and Alma's shaking voice calling out to them.
"Josef....its Alma..I..I forgot something" She sadi Josef looked at Beth as if to ask if she was ready. At her nod Josef walked to the door and opened seeing Alma being shoved through the door/
"Who the hell are you?! You're not the husband! Where's Beth?" Linc yelled. Beth walked from behind Josef and stood in front him.
"Hello" Beth said in a soft voice.
"Beth! It's really you" he said slowly walking towards her.
"Why are you here?" She asked
"I've come to take you away" Linc said "You'll love my place. I decorated it all for you. It's little small but big enough for us until we find something a little bigger" Linc explained. As Beth listened to him gush about his plans she felt sorry for him. Truly sorry.
"Can I speak to you a moment alone?" Beth asked Linc. "Josef please, could you give us a moment?"
Linc stared at Josef with triumph written all over his face.
"Are you sure about this Beth?"
"Yes. I'll be fine." She said.
"I'll just be in the study if you need me." Josef said walking in that direction.
"Linc. Have a seat." Beth said inviting him to take a set next to her on the sofa.
"Beth before you say anything, I want to thank you for choosing me. You could have any guy in Los Angeles, hell! California, and you still chose me" Linc said to her as he reached for her hand.
"Linc, you do know that I am already married. I've been married for over 20 years"
"But you don't love him Beth. I could tell that right away by looking at you"
"What makes you say that? Linc, I don't understand" Beth said staring at him.
"You came into my department, and said you needed to have a special color blue found. And I made it for you. And just like that you lit up the whole store. I told you you were very pretty and you smiled at me and touched my arm. And when I finished, you said that you would come back and make sure you asked for me. Then you kissed my cheek after I walked you to your car." Linc said. Beth closed her eyes. All of this was her fault. Her actions had led a very sick and confused young man into thinking they had a relationship. Beth stood up and paced. She was trying to find the right words. What the said right now could taint his future relationships forever. Linc watched her pace and got a sinking feeling in his gut. "So you don't want to be with me anymore do you?" He asked standing up in front of her.
"Linc, we were never together! You have to know this!" Beth pleased.
"I'm real sorry to hear you say that Beth. I would have given you everything! All I had!! My heart, my soul!! I should have known. Girls like you always marry those pretty boy types. In Junior High, High School, college. It never stops! I had high hopes for you Beth. You were going to show the world something so unique everyone would be jealous. Nothing is ever good enough for you huh Beth? Well you know I think it's time the underdog won something for once! " Linc said pulling the gun out of his belt. "Let's see how pretty boy feels when he see's that his little bimbo is dead! You'll be replaced. You'll be replaced quicker than you think!" He laughed and shooting 3 rounds into Beth's chest!

Josef and Brian came running towards Beth.
"Mom! Can you hear me? I'm calling Julian!" Brian said desperately holding her hand.
"I never should have left her alone with that lunatic" Josef was saying to himself. Julian arrived and took care of Beth and Carl came by to ask questions and clean up the situation.
"Brian, how did you get here?" Josef asked.
"Alma was screaming her head off trying to contact me' Brian said.

Carl tried to contact Linc's next of kin but was told that his family had all passed away. From his mother to his siblings. And Carl wondered if Linc had anything to do with it.

Brian knocked on Alma's door to see how she was doing.
"Hi Brian. What brings you by?" She asked going into her kitchen and grabbing him a glass of blood.
"Hello Alma, I just wanted to make sure you were alright after your incident."
"I feel like such an idiot Brian. Josef told me to be careful and I fell for a stunt like that. I'm so ashamed. I'm beginning to think that Emma chose the wrong person for all of this" Alma said.
"I think you give Emma too little credit. That woman always knew exactly what she was doing. But I do think that there may be way to aid you more in the contact of us. While your attempt to speak to my mind worked somewhat, we will need a stronger connection to achieve something substantial." Brian said. Alma looked at Brian. She didn't know what he was talking about, but she knew she trusted him.
"Whatever you think is best Brian. I'm on board." She said taking a sip of her wine.
"Then let's get started." Brian said taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeve. Are you ready?" Brian asked. Alma downed her glass of wine and nodded her head. Brian bit his arm and held the wound to Alma's mouth. The minute her lips touched his arms and begin to take small sips, Brian didn't want her to stop. But he couldn't turn her. He quickly moved his arm away from her. He stared at her trying to get his thoughts together. Alma stood up and placed her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Brian couldn't stop himself! He wanted her so badly! Needed her. And every other thought in his head came to crashing halt.
Brian picked Alma up and walked towards her bedroom.

The End
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