Come To Me Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

An ancient vampire with the power of seduction comes to Los Angeles and makes a troublesome introduction.

Silas O'Rourke was marred by a face of such beauty it made women alive or undead weep at the sight of him. Forced to live a life of solitude due to ruckus he caused. While visiting Denmark he met Princess Margrethe in 1966, and she tried to denounce her birthright just to be at his side. So it wasn't long before vampires from all over the world decided that Silas needed to be alone. But it had been such a long time now. And he was lonely. Maybe a short trip wouldn't stir things up so much he thought.

Julian heard the knock on his door but he wasn't expecting any visitors. He opened the door and was surprised to see his very old friend Silas O'Rourke.
"Silas! How are you?" Julian said showing him in.
"Julian old friend! How are you?"
"Fine. Working steadily. How are you? Still having to deal with being beautiful?"
"Says you?" Silas joked as he always thought Julian was quite beautiful himself.
"No really, how are things?"
"I don't know. It's been 50 years. it gets very lonely in exile" He said, his longish golden hair shone brightly in the sun streaking through the window.
"I do think your punishment was exceedingly harsh considering the circumstances" Julian said.
"Yeah the circumstance that I'm cursed!" Silas said in anger. "Has anyone found out the reason behind this?" he asked.
"I will check the records and ask the Historian" Julian said.
"But you're the Historian?.....aren't you?" Silas asked in confusion.
"No, a very bright young vampire by the name of Zoe St. John is now the historian and she is quite knowledgeable on a vast array of subjects." Julian explained.
"Could I speak with her?" He asked anxiously.
"It's best that you don't. But I will ring her and asks if she has any information." Julian replied.

"Josef. May I ask you a question?" Alma asked as she handed him a glass of blood
"Of course." Josef said thinking this was a good time to finally get to know the new seer.
"Emma was very old right?"
"Yes she was. Perhaps late 70's early 80's"
"And she wasn't married?" Alma asked.
"No. Not that I was aware of. She might have been in her youth" Josef replied looking at Alma wondering where this line of questioning was going. Alma looked away suddenly not sure how to ask her question.
"I am allowed to go outdoors?" She asked. Suddenly it hit Josef.
"Oh! Right!" Josef said. standing up and taking off his jacket nervously.
"You're offering to bed me Josef?" Alma said with a grin.
"What? No! I'm just thinking......" Josef said beginning to pace.
"Because if you're offering, I wouldn't say no. Just know that" She joked.
"Alma please, I'm trying to think." Josef joked back. Well the Wendigo is no longer a threat so if you'd like to go out and......"
"Get busy?"
"Whatever. Just be safe." Josef said with a smile.
"Thank you" Alma said.
"I really do want you to be happy here....with us. I didn't mean to make you feel like a prisoner"
"Josef, all of you have been very kind and very good to me. I'm grateful, really...I just"
"need human interaction?"
"Yes!" She sighed.
"Well, I'm leaving, so go out and have fun." Josef replied.
"There is one more matter Josef. I haven't got any money since we started this arrangement.." Alma started to say.
"Oh right!" Josef said and rang Brian. "Brian can you bring an Kostan corporate card over to Alma right away?"
"What's a corporate card?" Alma asked.
"It's an American Express card with your name so you can use it to buy whatever you need And you never have to pay back what you've spent"
"Are you serious?" Alma asked in surprise.
"Yes." Josef said turning when he heard the knock at the door and saw Brian standing there with a card in his hand. He walked in and handed it to Alma.
Alma had never had a credit card before let alone an American Express card with her name on it!
"How much can I spend?" She asked not wanting to get in a lot of trouble spending too much.
"Hmm?" Josef said. "I don't think we have ever set a limit for anyone before" Josef said.
"1 million dollars" Brian said. "We started that when you were in office sir. Byron Masters charged 3.6 million in 8 months" Brian finished.
"Oh yeah. That schmuck! So One million dollars Alma. Don't go too crazy with it" Josef said grabbing his jacket and leaving with Brian. "Enjoy your evening" He said closing the door.
Alma sat on the sofa and stared at the card for a long time. Josef Kostan was unbelievable!

Silas pulled his hat down over his head as he walked the streets of Los Angeles. It had been years since he'd been here last and so much had changed. He walked into a dark smoky jazz lounge and took a seat in back.

Josef looked up suddenly and started to look all around
"Is something wrong sir?" Brian asked standing up.
"Silas O'Rourke" Josef said softly shaking his head. "This is not good"
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Who is Silas O'Rourke?" Brian asked.
"Trouble. This vampire was banished because his face turns women into love struck fan girls! They give him money, positions, jewels, power everything. I knew a woman who gave up her mansion to Silas and lived on the streets near her home just to be near him. Things became so bad, that Counsel sent him away." Josef explained.
"So why is he here?"
"Let's find out. Quietly." Josef said to Brian.
"Silas" Josef said quietly. Slias turned around quickly and saw that it was Josef Kostan.
"Josef. How nice to see you" He said keeping his head and hat down over his face. Brian GRABBED his hand and they were sitting in Josef's living room.
"Silas why are you out?" Josef asked.
"I just came out for a while. It's been 50 years! I'm lonely."
"Look, Silas, you know how dangerous it is for you to be around women. Stay here until we can think of something, okay?" Josef said.
"Thank you Josef" Silas looked at Brian and frowned a little then he put his hand to his mouth. "Oh! you're Dragos!" He said with fear in his voice. "Are you going to destroy me?" He asked in at rembling voice.
"Why? Have you done something?" Brian asked.
"No! I swear I have not!" Silas said.
"Good" Brian said turning as Isabelle walked in.
"Hello My Lord, hello darling" She said walking towards Josef.
"Isabelle. Stop. I'm going to ask you to do something right now and it must be done. Turn around quickly and walk out the door and go Beth's" Josef said.
"Is there a reason....." She began to say when she saw a vampire sitting on the sofa. "I'm sorry. I did not know you had a guest" She said in a loving voice. She laid down her bags and walked over to Silas and sat at his feet. "Is there anything I can do for you sir?" She said in her husky voice.
"No." Silas said.
"I would like to give you something. I really fear that I must" Isabelle said standing up and beginning to remove her clothing.
"Brian!" Josef yelled. Brian grabbed Isabelle and vanished. They were standing in Collin's cabin when Isabelle looked down at herself.
"What happened to my clothes?" She said in anger.
"You took them off. Brian said taking off his jacket and giving it to her to put on. You can not go back to your apartment while Silas is there" Brian said. Isabelle froze.
"Silas O'Rourke?" She said. Brian nodded. "This will not be good" Isabelle said.
"What is wrong with this guy?" Brian asked.
"No one really knows. Some say he was cursed. When he was born in 373 B.C. and he was the most beautiful child ever seen. Mothers would try to steal the infant for themselves. so the parents went into hiding around Egypt. His parent thought as he got older he would lose his looks. Most children do, but Silas grew more beautiful as he got older. What writers would say was a blinding beauty. When he was 24 he was turned by a beautiful Egyptian woman who held him captive and wouldn't let him go. He was with her for 100 years and then she was destroyed and he was finally free, but not really. His beauty cursed him wherever he went. He could never escape it. Finally Counsel said he had to be banished. His curse was too powerful."
"Interesting" Brian said.
"Why is he here?" She said going upstairs to find a shirt to put on.
"He is lonely" Brian said. Isabelle came back wearing a different shirt and handing Brian back his jacket.
"Yes. I suppose he would be. In fact he may be the loneliest person in the world" Isabelle said.

"There's got to be a way to ugly you up" Josef said.
"I've tried that hundreds of times. I heal too fast."
"Well we have to do something. I certainly don't want my wife taking off her clothes in front of you!" Josef said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"I have an idea" Brian said. "You remember that Kimberly Swift put that whammy on Steve and women wouldn't leave him alone? Perhaps she could do this for Silas?" Brian suggested.
"Possibly, but it would have to be something that Kimberly wanted."
"Do you think if they met, she would want to do this for him?" Brian asked.
"We would be exposing Kimberly to something we have no control over. It might mean losing her" Isabelle said.
"It may very well be a chance we will have to take. Stay here and let me speak with Josef about this" Brian said taking off.
"Sir!" Brian called out.
"I'm in here!" He heard Josef say. Silas with a sack over his face.
"I know it's hot but you'll have to keep that on if any women are around." Josef was saying. "Brian what do think?"
"The Elephant Man comes to mind" Brain said.
"But I think it will work for a while" Josef said.
"You're putting a lot of faith in the stupidity of man" Brian said with a raised eyebrow. "One drunken frat boy on the town could expose the women of Los Angeles to madness"
"Crap. I didn't consider that. Well, we'll just have to put him in the Men's Club. Reserve the best suite and spare no expense." Josef said.

As Brian took Silas to the Men's Club, Brian studied the man. True he was quite striking looking, but the appeal was lost on him and Josef as well. Silas looked at the luxurious suite.
"How rich is Kostan?" He asked
"His wealth could not even be depleted in vampire years" Brian said in all seriousness.
"Does he really need so much?" Silas wondered. He had never been a rich man at any point in his life. He had rich women who fell in love with him and gave him ridiculous treasures, but he was never impressed.
"The wealth is not for Josef Kostan. His great wealth ensures that certain secrets remain secrets" Brian told him. "So as you can see this suite has everything for entertaining one's self. All things can be delivered to your door. The fitness facilities and pool are located on the bottom level. When you require feeding, someone will be brought to you" Brian finished.
" Brian. Thank you. Perhaps we might get together for a game of chess?" he asked innocently.
Brian just nodded his head and left Silas to his own devices.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kimberly was always afraid to meet with anyone in Management. Her first thought when she got the call was I'm being fired. She slowly walked into Brian's office and saw Isabelle and Josef Kostan sitting at a table. Now she really thought she was going to fired.
"You wanted to see me?" She asked quietly.
"Yes, Kimberly please have a seat" Brian said standing up. "Would you like something to drink?"
"No thank you" She replied trying to gage their faces. Brian was more or less a robot in her mind. You could never guess what he was thinking on any given day. Isabelle was always very stern but she could be very understanding. Josef, always had a smile on his face or a joke on his tongue, so having him there made her feel a bit more comfortable.
"So how are you doing Kimberly?" Josef asked.
"I'm very well Mr. Kostan."
"We called you in so we could speak to you about a task." Isabelle said. Kimberly sighed deeply.
"Oh course" She said with a smile.
"We would like you to meet a friend of ours. His name is Silas O'Rourke"
"Sure. Will he be working here?"
"No. He is not ready for anything like that" Josef said with a smile. "So, can you come to my place at say.....7:30pm tonight?"
"Sure Mr. Kostan" Kimberly said as she made her way out.

Kimberly stepped out of the penthouse elevator and checked herself once more in the lobby mirror. Josef didn't say whether or not she needed to dress up or not, so she wore a cocktail dress just to be on the safe side. She took a deep breath and rang the bell.
"Kimberly, thanks for coming by. And you're right on time!" Josef said looking at his watch then looking at Kimberly's dress.
"My apologies Mr. Kostan, I wasn't told if this was for business purposes or not" he started t say.
"You look stunning. Please come in" Josef said. Kimberly had been once to the Kostan penthouse but it had been since remodeled and looked even grander than before. Brian handed her a drink and told her to sit down.
"Kimberly, we have a situation on our hands and we think that you may be the only person to help us resolve it." Brian said.
"Well, you know I really want to help you all out all the time" She said with a bright smile.
"That's good Kimberly. We have someone we would like you to meet" Josef said. "Silas" Josef called out. Silas came into the room slowly. He saw Brian sitting across from a woman but he didn't want to look at her. Kimberly heard the noise from behind her and turned her head around. She gasped and dropped her wineglass. She stared hard at Silas.
"I'm sorry to interrupt. My name is Silas O'Rourke" Silas said to her offering his hand.
"It's you!" Kimberly said.
"You know who I am?" Silas asked in surprise.
"Pharettiti the Pharaoh's baby sister wanted you badly. She spoke of you day and night. She begged her brother to bring you to her, but he refused, because you were a slave." Kimberly said still staring at Silas as if in a trance.
"How do you know this"" Silas asked anxiously.
"My family were brought into Pharaoh's court. We were astrologers and mystics. Seers. Pharettiti
I saw it long ago. Your mother was cursed with beauty. Her father kept her locked up all the time. No one was allowed to look upon her. While her father was out, a young man from the village snuck into their home and heard crying. He found your mother and fell in love with her. They ran away together and had you. Your beauty was so great, mothers from all around would try and steal you away from your mother, so they ended up hiding you, but you rebelled and ran away. You went to Egypt and there Pharaoh's sister saw you. Nothing was ever the same after that. Pharaoh kept denying his sister, so she did the blood ceremony and took you for her own. Both of you were banished. You stayed with her for over a 100 years, when she was destroyed everyone knew you were a night creature so they sent you to Vienna. But no matter where you travelled to, you would never be left alone. So Counsel banished you again." Kimberly said before passing out on the sofa.
"What the hell was that about Josef? And how did she know all of that stuff about me?" Silas asked.
"This does let us into a little more about Kimberly's background and why she was a Changeling to begin with" Brian said to Josef. Silas looked at Brian quickly.
"Did you just say she was a Changeling?" He asked."I am only to belong to a changeling"
"Who told you that?" Josef asked.
"She was right. My mother was cursed with beauty and all it brought her was grief. The madness she could cause is why she was being hidden. She told me when we were hiding in Crete, that if I was ever to be happy in life, I would have to find a changeling. Only they were immune to the curse and would love me without obsession" Silas explained.

"And that let's Mick off the hook as well" Josef said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kimberly slowly opened her eyes and saw she was lying on a bed. She sat up and looked around. Where was she? She then heard a polite knock on the door.
"Kimberly, it's Josef. Are you alright?" He asked opening the door with a tray in his hands. "I thought you might like some hot coffee" He said sitting the tray on her legs and pouring her a wonderful smelling cup of black coffee.
"Thank you Mr. Kostan." She said taking a sip of coffee and feeling like a normal person again. "You'd think I'd learn not to drink anything" She said smiling at him.
"Kimberly, you didn't have anything drink. In fact you dropped the glass of champagne you were holding" Josef said taking the cup from her before she dropped it.
"What happened?" She asked, her eyes opened wide in fright.
"You met Slias O'Rourke, told him all about his previous life then fainted"
"I don't remember that. He must of really spooked me" Kimberly said with slight shrug of her shoulders.
"Kimberly, we need you to help this man. He is cursed and we were hoping you could undo it."
"I can try Mr. Kostan, but I don't know if it will work." She said.
"Just talk to him" Josef said mildly taking the tray and placing in on the table beside her.
"Can you turn on the lights?" She asked.
"Kimberly, it's for the best that you don't see his face. There is a problem with that" Josef replied.
"Of course. I'm sorry." She said quickly feeling bad for his disfigurement.
"I'll send him up" Josef said.

Kimberly waited patiently and drank another cup of coffee and waited. Soon she heard soft footsteps approaching as someone entered the room and took a chair across from the bed. His face was engulfed in shadow.
"Hello. My name is Kimberly Swift, what's your name?"
"My name now is Silas O'Rourke"
"Silas. That's one of the first names from prominent families in the early church in Jerusalem" Kimberly said, then thought she shouldn't have said it. It made her look like she was showing off.
"Yes. I did know that" He smiled. And even in the darkness she could see that his teeth were perfectly straight and white.
"So Josef said you might need my help. Is that right?" She asked. "What's wrong?"
"It's my causes a lot of problems. I've been in hiding for a very long time" He said.
"I am so sorry!" Kimberly said putting her hands to her mouth. People were so disgusting! "Silas, what's wrong with your face?" She asked
"Did you ever watch the old show the Twilight Zone?"
"Sure. In reruns. It was kind of my favorite show" She said.
"Do you remember the episode about the woman who is in the hospital for facial reconstructive surgery. And her face is bandaged the entire episode?"
"Yes! I do remember that episode! It was one of my favorites. They took off the bandages and she was so stunning. The doctors said the surgery didn't work. Then they showed the doctor's face. He looked like some kind of hog creature."
"That episode is kind of like my predicament."
"And people treat you horribly?"
"They treat me worse than horribly. I never know if what people say are truths or if they're just reacting to my face" Silas said. Kimberly stood up off the bed and started to walk towards him.
"Silas may I hold your hand?" She asked.
"Yes" He replied holding it out for her. She took his hand and covered it with hers.
"Silas, there is nothing wrong with you at all. Do you understand? You are a perfectly nice person who has an enormous burden to carry and people will never understand that. But ignore them."
"I've never had any friends with exception to Julian Korsovo and Josef Kostan" Silas said.
'Well, I'd like to be your friend if that's alright with you?" Kimberly said.
"I'd like that very very much" Silas said.
"How about I come by tomorrow and see you?"
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you Kimberly" He said holding her hand up to his lips and kissing them.

Kimberly left the room and for the first time in a long while, she had not thought about Mick St. John once.
"I better get home Mr. Kostan. Thanks for having me over. I told Silas I would come over tomorrow to talk with him some more if that's okay?" She said.
"Yes. Anytime after 6pm would be best." Josef said.
"Great!" She said smiling a wide smile. "See you tomorrow!" She said and floated out the door.
"Anything Brian?"
"She's falling for him. Rapid heartbeat when she spoke his name. She was nervous when she told you she would be over tomorrow. She was hoping you wouldn't say No" Brian said.
Silas came downstairs and made himself a drink.
"Well. Silas? What do you think?" Josef asked.
"She's the one Josef. The Changeling that will make my life livable"

Kimberly went to visit her friend Bailey Sandock" They sat across from one another drinking diet soda.
"Wow, Kimberly! This is real Phantom and Opera type stuff" Bailey said.
"I know! I tell you Bailey, I've never felt this way before. I mean yeah, I had a huge crush on Mick St. John, but this feeling is totally different. I feel like I knew him a long time ago."
"You mean when you were children?" Bailey asked.
"No. Like another lifetime" Kimberly said.
"Whoa" Bailey said taking a long sip of her soda.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Where are you sneaking off to?" Mick said as he wrapped his arms around Beth.
"I'm going over to Josef's to pick up the deed to the house he purchased for Steve and Lisa" Beth said putting her keys in her purse.
"Alright, but promise me you'll come home soon?" He said kissing her neck.
"I'll be back before you know it" She said with a smile.

"Hey Bobby" Beth said to the doorman as she got into Josef's private elevator. Using her old key she let herself in.
"Josef" She called out. "Isabelle?" Beth turned suddenly when she heard a noise behind her. "Who the hell are you?" She yelled. Then she looked at the man and knew there was no other place she wanted to be than at his side. Silas flew down the staircase and ran into the panic room Josef had showed him and locked himself in. Beth followed his sent and sat by the door he had locked himself in. She would just wait for him she told herself.

"Josef, have you seen my wife today?" Mick asked.
"No. I've been at the office all day. Why? is something wrong?" Josef asked.
"She left this morning saying she was going to your place to pick up the deed for the house you gave to Lisa and Steve. That was at 9am this morning." Mick explained. Josef looked at his watch it was 4pm.
"Mick, does Beth still have her key to my place?"
"I guess so...Josef what's wrong? What happened to Beth?" Mick yelled.
"Silas O'Rourke is staying....." Josef began to say.
"O'Rourke!! Damn it Josef! I have to get your place!" Mick said in a rush.
"Mick! Meet me and Brian there. We're leaving right now." Josef said hanging up.

They arrived at Josef's penthouse and saw no sign of anyone. Josef and Mick flew all through the rooms and saw nothing.
"I smell her Josef! She was here!" Mick said.
"Sir, we did tell Silas to use the panic room just in case. I think they're there" Brian said heading down the stairwell, and there at the bottom sat Beth.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" Brian asked.
"I'm waiting for him to come out" She said quietly.
"Babe, we have to go home" Mick said gently light ly touching her arm.
"Don't touch me! " She yelled. "I have to wait for him!! Don't you understand?" She screamed. Mick tried to take her arm again and she barred her fangs and began top punch him. Mick wrapped her in his arms tightly trying to get her to settle down. Brian quickly grabbed Mick's hands and they were back at his apartment. Beth slowly collapsed in Mick's arms. Mick carefully took her upstairs to bed.
"Okay Brian, you want to tell me what the hell Silas is doing at Josef's place?" Mick said in anger "Josef knows how dangerous this vamp is! What is he trying to do?"
"Dad. Silas was in Josef's lounge a couple of nights ago. Josef brought him to his place to keep him away from everyone. Isabelle has to stay in Collin's cabin until we can get the situation under control. Isabelle was taking off her clothes in front of him"
"Crap! There's a reason the guy was banished. Why the hell is he walking around like that?"
"He said he was lonely" Brian said shrugging his shoulders. "Look dad, Josef and I came up with an idea that may work on many levels, including you" Brian said.
"What is it?"
"Kimberly Swift. We asked her to speak with Silas. Of course they sat in the dark so she couldn't see his face, but dad, Kimberly is falling in love with him. And if that is the case, her obsession with you will be gone and she can perhaps do something about everyone in the world wanting to possess him. We think this might work." Brian explained.
"What's going to happen to Beth?" He asked.
"Isabelle seemed to snap out of it pretty quickly. I think mom will be fine."
"Will Kimberly be safe?"
"Dad we don't know, but when she looked at him for the first time, it wasn't with love and obsession. She already knew him and about his circumstance. She told a rather thorough story on how his curse was because of his mother and how he was turned by an Egyptian woman to keep him with her forever."
"How would Kimberly know all of that?"
"Perhaps is has something to do with her own supernatural background. She said that her family were astrologers to the Pharaoh sometime after 1000 b.C. So we know she has knowledge of these events. Silas said that he was told that a Changeling would be the only person who could love him beyond the curse. So Kimberly Swift appears to be our only shot."

"Hi Brian. What are you doing here?" Beth said walking down the stairs.
"I was just leaving mom. I just came by to
talk to dad about something" Brian said walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek.

Josef had unlocked the door to the panic room and let Silas out.
"Is she gone?" Silas asked.
"Yes. Beth was recued. Come on. Kimberly will be here soon." Josef said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Come To Me Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kimberly re-read the old book that her grandmother had given her when she first thought Kimberly was gifted. At the time Kimberly didn't believe a word of what her grandmother was saying. I mean why should she. It's not like anyone had magical powers. But just a year ago no one thought vampires existed either. From what she could tell from the book, the Egyptians whole heartedly believed in all sorts of mysticism and sorcery. And while her own family was Irish, grandmother had spoke of a time the ancestors moved to Egypt to learn of their sacred arts. But our people were enslaved and made to work and only those possessing a true gift would be spared hard labor. She read the book twice and realizing the time, started to get ready to see Silas. Just saying or thinking about him gave her a wondrous warm feeling inside.

"Hello Mr. Kostan" Kimberly said entering the penthouse.
"Hello Kimberly." Josef said, allowing her in.
"Can I see him?" She asked as soon as she stepped through the door.
"Yes. He's waiting in the same room for you" He said. Kimberly quickly ran up the staircase. Like before the room was dark and he sat on the other side of the room.
"Hello Kimberly" Silas said with relief.
"Hi Silas" She said sitting down on the bed "How are you?"
"Everyday is very much the same for me" He replied
"I have a book you might like" She said taking the book out of her satchel and sliding it across the bed to him.
"What is it about?" He asked opening the old book carefully.
"It's about you. It's about me. I mean my ancestors."
"Really? Who were you're people?" he said starting to read.
"We come from Ireland. My ancestors were called..." Silas looked up suddenly.
"The Fairy people! You are a true Changeling!" He gasped falling to his knees and grabbing her waist.
"You've come for me at last" He finished.
"Yes. Yes I have" She said rubbing his hair.
"I've waited so long for you." He said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't read the book until last night, but I should have long ago. Will you forgive me?"
Yes always"

Silas told Kimberly the story of his life from the beginning. A life in Egypt, Spain, France. Iceland, Scotland and America.
"You have seen so much!" Kimberly said in awe.
"But so have you," Silas said.
"I know but I can't remember them all. But for some reason I remembered you. But it was thousands of years ago. Then I remembered my grandmother's book"
"So you were there?"
"In some form yes, I was."
"So are there happy endings for people like us?" Kimberly asked.
"I'd say so. I will never die and you will keep coming back" He said with a smile.
"Can I see your face?" She finally asked. Silas stood from his chair and walked to the door and turned on the light. Kimberly looked at his smooth skin and piercing eyes and golden hair.
"You truly are beautiful" She said,
"That's what I'm told" He said.
"Have you ever looked in a mirror?" She asked in surprise.
"No. After all the madness it brought on in others, I didn't want to risk it" he replied.
"You want to get out of here and take a walk?"
"That's a lovely suggestion, but I couldn't" he said shaking his head.
"Yes you can!" She said pulling on his hands. "I'll show you" She continued walking quickly down the stairs with him trailing behind her. "Mr. Kostan!" She called out.
Josef and Brian came out of his office and saw the look on Kimberly's face.
"Brian. Would you go get my wife?" Josef said with a smile. Brian quickly came back with Isabelle who slowly looked at Silas. She gave a small smile.
"You are quite beautiful" She said dispassionately. and went to her husband to give him a kiss.
Silas looked at Kimberly in surprise.
"It's over? It's really over?" He asked.
"Yes. I really wanted it to be over" She said hugging him.

Kimberly gave her notice at Kostan Industries. And while she loved her work there, she loved Silas so much more. He purchased a yacht which they lived on and sailed around the world.

"Kimberly sent us a postcard from Athens" Josef said to Isabelle. "You know I'll miss her at the office but that kind of power can't be controlled. I'm sure she'll be happier with Silas" he was saying when Isabelle tapped him on the shoulder.
"As I am happy with you" She said slowly removing her clothing and putting her arms around his neck.

As Beth remembered nothing of her brief bout of madness which Mick thought was for the best. He looked at Beth sleeping peacefully beside him and thought that the only man he wanted her to be crazy about was himself.

The End
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