Going to the Chapel Rated PG

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Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Going to the Chapel
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Steve and Lisa prepare to wed but first must deal with dead bodies, food and high heels :cheering:

Zoe, Beth and Haley sat patiently waiting for Lisa to step out of the dressing room,.
"I can't really see sis in a wedding dress". Haley said.
"Well, she'll have to get used to it!" Beth said firmly.
"She is not getting married in pants and converse sneakers! Gabe and I were stood firm on this" Zoe said. They heard the door open and Lisa Stomped out looking bored.
"This thing sucks!" She said loudly. The long dress had cap sleeves and fitted her small waist perfectly. "And I'm not wearing a veil! Those things are ridiculous!" She finished.
"Lisa stand still and stop fussing!" Zoe said walking over towards her and looking at the dress from all angles. "You know, I think you're right. I'm not feeling this one. Try the one Beth picked out" Zoe said pushing her towards the dressing room. "I just don't understand Lisa and her hatred for dresses. I thought all girls loved trying on dresses especially wedding dresses" Zoe said.
"Trust me mom, Lisa has hated dresses from day one. When we were really young before out mother died, we went to church for Easter Service and we had to wear these matching dresses, Lisa pulled the dress over her head and sat in church with just her undershirt and panties on!" Haley said laughing just remembering it all over again.

Lisa stepped out of dressing room with a wide smile.
"Now this one I like" She said as turned around. The dress was simple in design. A soft off white mock turtle neck with short sleeves. It came in at her small waist and fell straight to her ankles. "This is perfect!" Lisa said. And Zoe and Haley had to agree that the dress suited her.

Steve ripped off the jacket he was wearing and threw it across the room. This was hopeless. He didn't look good suits. They just weren't his thing. He quickly took of the shirt, tie and pants and put back on his jeans and t-shirt, when he heard a knock at his door.
"Hello Steve" Josef said walking in and looking around. "What happened? You get in a fight with your closet?" he joked
"Josef I don't think I can do this?" He said taking a beer from the fridge.
"What marriage?"
"Not that. I love Lisa and I can't wait to get married to her. But it's the pomp and circumstance of a wedding that I don't like. I would rather run off the Vegas and get married there than to do all this." He said after taking a long drink.
"Well, the ladies love this stuff" Josef said.
"Lisa doesn't." Steve said.
"True, but our little G.I. Jane is whole new category of lady. Look you only have to wear the suit for about 4-5 hours. You say the vows, dance to some lame music, drink champagne and enjoy your honeymoon, which let's face it, is the whole point of marriage." Josef said with grin.

Lisa and Steve picked the Arboretum and Botanical Gardens for their venue, but found out they were booked solid. So they spent a couple weeks trying to find a location that would hold everyone invited and also fit in their style.
"Who would of thought that tons of people also get married in the month of October?" Lisa asked in wonder.
"I guess we didn't think about Goth people of L.A." Steve joked.
"Maybe we should just elope to Vegas?" Lisa said in frustration.
I've got it!" Collin said. "This place is perfect!"
"What is it?" Steve asked.
"Calico, CA. The Old West town! People hold weddings there all the time!" Lisa and Steve looked at each other and smiled.
"An Old West Wedding! Steve that sounds so cool!" Lisa said.
"It does, right! That's by far the coolest thing I've heard so far!"

Stave and Lisa drove down to Calico to check out the park and view the wedding facilities.
"We might want to change the time to 4pm so the sun will be setting. This much sun won't be good for the majority of us" Steve said after seeing how open the park was.
"You're right. Let's check and see if they have an indoor building we can use." Lisa said. They parked their car and got out to meet Danny Bowler the Manager.
"Howdy!" he said in his best southern twang. "Welcome to Calico! What have you come fer? Gambling, whiskey or women?" He joked.
"Marriage." Lisa said.
"Ahh. The M word." He joked "We lose some of our best cow pokes to the old marriage ball" He laughed. "Bernie!!" He yelled. A youngish man ran out. "This is my right hand man, Bernie Barg. He will show you where the weddings are held."
"Howdy. Y'all wanna follow me" Bernie said. Leading them around the small town. "Is this your first time here?" he asked.
"Yeah. We didn't even know anything about it til a few days ago" Steve explained.
"People forget their history. They think of the Old West as being strictly Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Everyone remembers the shoot out at the OK Coral, but that it. Calico was a grand mining town when it began in 1881. The town soon supported three hotels, five general stores, a meat market, bars, brothels, and three restaurants and boarding houses." Bernie explained.
"I love it!" Lisa said looking in all the windows of the structures. "How hot does it get out here?"
"Well this time of year it's pretty mild, but during the summer months you're talking about 90+ degrees. It does cool down a lot at night. You're in the Mojave desert after all. So it can get as cool as 35 degrees." Bernie said.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"So what do think Steve? Should we do it?" Lisa asked anxiously.
"Yeah, we should. This feels more like us than a dressed up affair" he said. Lisa threw her arms around his neck in glee.

She didn't know where she was. All she felt was gravel and rock. She kept hearing the squeak of vermin and when she felt something scamper across her foot she jumped. She had t find a way out of here. The backpack was getting really heavy. She would have to rest soon.

"Hey Mick listen to this" Beth said as she turned up the volume. The newscaster was talking about a missing couple who had been backpacking in the Mojave Desert. They had been missing for 3 days now and the police were hoping that someone saw them.
"That's really sad. I never understood the reason people want to go out on the most dangerous terrain and expect that things are going to turn out okay." Mick said.
"Their parents are going out of their minds. They are offering a $10,000. reward." Beth said.
"You know how that's going to end up. Every crackpot in California will come forward saying they saw them and the police will start chasing ghost" Beth nodded her head. She knew Mick was right.

"So what's the count?" Lisa asked Steve.
"75 total. 20 human 55 undead"
"That 's a good number. What about food?" Lisa asked.
"Crap! I forgot." Steve said
"I'll call Amy. She'll find someone." Lisa said checking everything off her list. "Well, that's everything Mr. Belfour" Lisa said kissing him lightly.
"What about shoes?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Not going to happen" She said walking away.
"But Beth said...."
"Not going to happen!!" She screamed and went into the bathroom.

It was a nice mild day. Not too hot, not too cold Lisa felt nervous and excited at the same time.
"Are you getting cold feet?" Mick asked with a smile.
"Not on your life gramps!" Lisa said thinking how much she loved Steve and how great their lives were going to be.
"Well, here we are" Gabriel said. stepping out of the limo. "Let's get you married Sweetpea" He said kissing her cheek. Everyone was already sitting in their seats when the music started, the doors opened, and Gabriel walked his daughter down the aisle. Lisa was a vision in her dress holding a small bouquet of orchids and a flowered head band in her hair. When Steve saw her walking towards him he couldn't stop staring at her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Gabriel kissed her cheek and gave her hand to Steve.
When the minister had asked for the rings suddenly there was crash and flying glass went everywhere and on the floor was a dead woman.
"Everyone stay where you are!!" Carl yelled out and he and Mick walked slowly to where the woman lie. "That's the dead woman from the news" Carl said pulling out his cell phone.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl studied the body.
"She was already dead. There's no blood splatter and if she had been alive there would be a lot" Carl said. Mick closed his eyes briefly.
"You smell that?" Mick said. Then he looked up suddenly. "Carl we have to get out of here!" Mick said.
"What is it?" Carl asked.
"Silver" Mick said turning to leave.
"Alright, I need everyone out here right now!!" Carl yelled. Hearing the urgency in his voice people very quickly moved to the door and ran out into the open air. Soon everyone could hear sirens in the background. The Manager came running out of his office to see what was going on.
"What happened?" He asked Mick.
"A body came flying through the Banquet Hall window"
"A what?!" He asked. Grabbing his walkie talkie he began to bark out orders to his staff.
"Your crew can't go in there. It's a crime scene" Mick said to him.

The State Police showed up and Carl started to tell them what happened.
"This is the missing girl isn't if?" Carl asked.
"It looks like it but we will have to wait until the Medial Examiner confirms" One officer said. "Hell of a way to start a marriage" He said sadly. And while Carl agreed with him, he knew that they had all seen worse.

Steve and Lisa stood outside waiting to hear what would happen next.
"Are we cursed?" Lisa asked.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked.
"Well, Haley gets kid knapped the day before her wedding and turned into a vampire. Fast forward to my wedding and someone throws a dead body through the window. Sure sounds like someone's got it in for us" She said. They saw Carl walk out and everyone waited to hear what he would say.
"They're pretty sure it's the missing girl from the news, but that has to be confirmed. And Mick you were right. She had a lot of silver on her. In the back pack she was wearing there were chunks and chunks of silver. In it's natural form. So they're thinking she was in one of the old mines underneath this place." He explained. "It's obvious she was thrown through the window, but they don't know how."
"Yeah, you're talking about a lot of upper body strength. Even though she looks like a tiny little thing, you're still talking about dead weight. It wouldn't have been easy" Mick said.
"Or maybe it was a little too easy" Josef said from behind them.


"What was she planning on doing with a backpack of silver ore on her? Silver doesn't have the high price attached to it like gold." Carl said out loud. "Are you thinking this is about Black Crystal?" Carl said suddenly.
"It might be. Maybe she got greedy and wanted a bigger take, so the vamp got rid of her." Mick said,
"Well it's too bad you guys can't be around silver, because I think we're going to have get some men down there and see what we can find out" Carl said.
"We're going to head back to the city and I'll have a word with the girl's parents. Maybe they knew what she was doing here" Mick said.

"Oh Lisa Honey, I'm so sorry all of this had to happen on your wedding day" Zoe said giving her a hug. "Lisa where are your shoes?" Zoe asked looking down at Lisa's bare feet.
"I left them in the building." She said casually.
"Lisa, those are $1800 Lauboutin wedding shoes!" Zoe yelled.
"Mom, I can't go back in there with bare feet and you can't go in there because of the silver. Maybe they can mail them to us" She said shrugging her shoulders. Steve looked at his intended and loved her even more. Lisa didn't know anything about Lauboutin shoes and frankly didn't care!
"I hope so" Zoe said angrily.
"Well, we're going to have to eat the cost of the food" Amy said. "But I told the manager he could use it for the other visitors" Amy said.

Lisa hung up her beautiful dress and sat down on her bed and stared at it.
"Are you going to be okay?" Steve said sitting next to her.
"Yeah. I'll be fine. It just seemed like a huge waste of time" She said. Steve looked at her suddenly.
"Are you saying you don't want to get married?" He asked getting a sinking feeling.
"No chucklehead!" She said with a smile. "I just don't want to get married this way!"
"Then we won't." Steve said with a smile. "Just tell me what you want ands you can have it"
"Come on! Let's just go now! We won't tell anyone until we get back!" She said urgently.
"Let's go" Steve said.

Carl was with about a dozen state police officers each trying to determine where they should start.
"Well looking at the map the manager gave us, the original mine was 25 feet that way" An officer said.
"Alright, then let's go"
The officers made sure that each man had a working flashlight a hard hat, gloves and a mask. They slowly made their way through the entrance. They got a few feet and were blocked.
:Looks like their was collapse of some kind." An officer observed.
"I don't think so Carl said. You smell that? That's sulfur. Somebody blasted this mine." Carl finished.
"We're going to have to come back with some experienced miners to find out what happened"

"I don't know about you all but I need a drink!" Amy said.
"That's a great idea!" Zoe said. "Let's leave the kids with the men so we can unwind"
"Let's go grab Lisa. She's probably feeling kind of blue because her wedding got messed up" Haley said.

When they arrived at Lisa and Steve's apartment, the doorman told them that they were gone.
"Gone! Gone where?" Zoe yelled.
"They didn't say Miss. Just said they were going someplace special and to not worry, they'd be back next week" he said,
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The State Police had assembled over 30 miners to go inside the cavern and see what they could find out.
"Listen Mick." Carl said. "I want you to stay away I don't want you around this silver mine. Go talk to the dead girl's parents and see if you can find out why she was here"
"You sure you're going to be okay?" Mick asked before turning to leave.
"Yeah. Get out of here. I'll call you when I know something." Carl replied.

Carol and Joseph Phillips held hands tightly as Mick sat down to ask them questions.
"Did your daughter tell you where she was going?" Mick asked.
"No. She just said that her and her friend Seth were going hiking." Carol said.
"Seth Harrison. They've been childhood friends all their lives. They were both very outdoorsy. Loved hiking and white river rafting. They even took a few trips to The Andes to go mountain climbing" Phillip explained.
"So they both were experienced. Did they say how long they would be gone or if anyone else was meeting them?"
"They had met some fellow who had backpacked all across the outback and he had started to talk about doing a combined hike, but I don't think it ever happened." Phillip.
"Do you know this man's name. I'm going to need to speak with him" Mick asked.
"Chandler Scott. They met him at......O'Connell's Pub on Harvard St. She and Seth went there to play in Trivia Nights" Carol said bursting out in tears.
"Did Susan go to college?" Mick asked suddenly thinking he had a connection.
"Yes. She graduated from UCLA. She majored in Geology and Earth Sciences"
"Thank you both for answering my questions. I'm very sorry for your loss. If you think of anything else, call me and let me know." Mick said handing them a business card. "I'm going to find out who did this to your daughter" He said showing himself out of the house. Mick usually didn't like to make promises like that to loved ones, but he knew that something just didn't add up with all of this.

Chandler Scott was a large burly man. Mick spotted him pretty quickly as he had on the type of outfit you'd see in a movie about Australians. The guy was muscular. Very capable of tossing a 112 pound girl through a window if he had to. Mick approached the bar slowly noticing that Chandler wasn't a vampire.
"Chandler Scott" Mick said walking up to the bar. Chandler turned around at the voice.
"Yeah mate that's me. What can I do for ya?" He said in an Aussie accent that Mick knew was completely fake.
"My name is Mick St. John. I'm a Private Detective." Mick said showing him his credentials.
"Great to meet ya Mick St. John! Have a seat! Would ya like a pint?" He said loudly for the people at the bar.
"No thanks. I just wanted to ask you some questions about Susan Phillips. She was murdered around the Mojave Desert" Mick said. Chandler sat his beer mug down.
"Blimey! Not Susan." He said putting his hands over his face. "What happened?"
"The police aren't sure yet. But she was in and around the old Calico silver mines. Do you know of any reason when she would be that way?"
No mate. Spelunking wasn't really Susan's interest. She liked trails and mountains." He explained.
"Well than you for your time." Mick said standing up and putting his sunglasses back on.' As he turned to leave Chandler yelled out to him.
"Mr. St. John! Let me know if you could use any help! I did quite a bit a tracking in day!" He said. Mick looked at the young women at the bar who were obviously impressed with what he just yelled.
"I'll let you know" Mick said rolling his eyes. Was anyone ever real in Los Angeles? Mick thought. As he got in his car he went over what he did know in his mind. Susan and Seth went hiking together. So where was Seth?

Chandler let out a big sigh. It looked like he was able to convince the PI that he had nothing to do with Susan's death, but if Mr. St. John decided to poke his nose into this any further, he would have to make sure that it was last thing he ever did. He decided to let his partner know.
"Hey Eli, I thought I should tell you that the mine is going to be off limits for a while. I had a Private Investigator speak to me about Susan Phillips. So they probably spoke to her parents even though I told that twit not to mention my name to anyone......Seth? He's dead. I made sure that I blasted that blasted that mine good. If he's in there he's dead and it's been three days and he's nowhere to be found."
"Good. if Seth happen to show up make sure there's nothing of that punk let to identify"
"I will." Chandler said hanging up his phone.

Steve and Lisa arrived in Hawaii and the first thing they did was go surfing. Then they went cliff diving. Then on top of Ali'i they were wed. As they kissed on top of the volcano Lisa felt as if her life finally made sense. She held Steve face in her hands.
"Steve, I love you so much. I loved you the moment you came rushing into the base to rescue me. And I knew there would never be anyone else but you." She said.
"Oh Lisa!" Steve said kissing her again.
"And now for my most daring stunt...." Lisa said. "I want you to turn me" Steve looked at her in surprise. Nothing would make him happier, but turning Lisa came with complications. Major complications. Gabriel. and more importantly Mick. "Steve, don't worry about the family. I make my own decisions and I always will. And this needs to happen." She said hugging him tightly.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick called Carl to fins out if there were any updates.
"Carl, any word yet?" He asked.
"Not yet. The miners are taking ti slow. Because of the blasting, they're taking extra precaution".
"I spoke with Susan's parents and it got me thinking. Where the hell is Seth Harris? He went on this excursion with her. I think we need to get some units to survey the land area surrounding Calico." Mick said,
"You're right Mick. I'll call it in." Carl said hanging up. Mick then went to Logan to see if he could muster up an address for Seth, which he was able to do quite quickly

Seth lived in the heart of the dingiest part of Chinatown in a tiny studio apartment above Dragon Kitchen which used to be Mick favorite haunt back in the day. He picked the lock and let himself in. The floor and tables were covered in maps. And plastered to the walls were seismology charts.
"What the hell were you two doing?" Mick whispered to himself.
Mick sensed that someone was coming so he quickly went out the open window and stood on the roof. He listened closely. It was Chandler Scott and someone else that Mick wasn't familiar with, but he knew it was a vamp/
"You're going to have to go back down to mines and find that punk. That kid knows how to survive disasters and chances are he already found a way out."
"What about the silver? I can't stay there long" The vamp said.
"Do what you can." Chandler said. "Let's rip this place apart, I need to know if he kept anything" He continued.
Mick considered calling the cops, but he needed to keep a close eye on these two.
"I smell something" He heard the vamp say suddenly. "A vampire was here!" He said quickly trying to find where the smell was coming from. Mick quickly picked up a pigeon and rubbed it's body all over his. The vamp stuck his head out the window.
"Well, what do you smell?"
"Bird shit" The vamp said pulling his head back into the apartment.
"Hey, he's go a laptop under his bed." Chandler called out. "We're going to have to take this. What you find in the bathroom?"
"Nothing. Shampoo, razors and some girly stuff." He replied. Mick heard them leave and waited until he heard them shut the front door. Then he remembered something! Tampons!
Mick went into the bathroom and emptied the box of tampons and found a thumb drive hidden within.
"Thank you Beth!" He said quickly getting into his car and taking off.

Mick and Carl sat down to see what was on the thumb drive. A video started to play immediately.
"My name is Seth Harris and it's October 19th 2016. If anyone's watching this.......that means I'm dead. My best friend Susan Phillips and I have dedicated our lives to outdoor activity and conservation. But this was never supposed to happen. Two months ago Susan and I were approached by this guy named Chandler Scott. He told us he had hiked all over the world and knew where the best trails were in California. He took us to the Mojave Desert and told us about Calico mines/ He said they were filled with gold and silver. So we went in trying to get samples. We found not only silver but a gold vein. Susan did all the analysis and is was pure gold and silver. We brought some samples up and Chandler said he would take them to his friend who had a gem business. So we went back for more and brought up some more, he said his friend had sent to a company overseas and we would have them back soon. I didn't believe him. Susan and decided we were going to go back down. So if you're watching this. We were found out by Chandler Scott, and his partner. Cameron Bly of Fast Forward Software. They killed us. Take this tape to the police and tell my parents I love them."

"Cameron Bly! That guy's gong to have an airtight alibi and a roomful of attorneys" Carl said.
"But they don't know we have this."
"We better get some more evidence if we're going after Bly" Carl said.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Cameron Bly was what people would call a self made man. A smart kid from humble beginnings he was in a word....average. Not super handsome, neither was he super smart. He was however, super sneaky. When in college he overheard a conversation that would change his forever. Hackers were becoming more daring and more bold and it was impossible to keep anything safe these days. Then they talked about a program that could not only spot the hack but erase everything on the culprits PC and alert authorities Then they ping ponged ideas back and forth and Cameron wrote down everything he said. He quickly went to his computer class and showed his professor what he had dreamed of. Professor Kline was ecstatic! They perfected the program and sold the program. They were multi millionaires in two years! Now with power, money and prestige to do whatever he wanted, he found there was very little he wanted to do. Then vampires made themselves known and all bets were off on everything. It was through a lot of trial and research that he found out that 1. vampire blood can heal in small doses! But getting vampires to give up their blood was another thing. He found out soon after that silver was deadly to vampires and when he heard that little nugget (so to speak) he knew what he was going to do. California had a long long history a silver mines and some were still produced, like Calico. But her certainly couldn't send vamps in there to dig for it. Luckily colleges were filled to the brim with impressionable students, who always wanted to save something or defend something. True, he didn't think the kids would try and keep the loot for themselves. Idiot kids. It was no matter now. Chandler had already found two more kids willing to go down the mine shaft. He opened up his workroom and viewed the vampires soaking in silver. So much for being superior beings!

Lisa woke up in the hotel room and saw that the curtains and blinds were closed. She tried to lift her head but it felt like it weighed 5 tons. She slowly laid back down and closed her eyes trying to remember what happened. Where was Steve she thought to herself.
"I'm right here baby" She heard Steve's voice say.
"How long have I been laying here?" She asked in a weak voice.
"Almost 4 days. I was getting really worried about you Daredevil" Steve said getting into bed with her.
"Will you still love me?" Lisa asked.
"Always" Steve said softly.
"Can I have something to drink? I'm dying of thirst" She said with a smile. Steve looked at her in surprise and jumped up to pour her some blood he had purchased. He brought her the glass and sat next to her, not wanting her to be scared. Lisa grabbed the cup and drank the whole glass in seconds. She wiped her mouth and smiled.
"Haley was right! That's the best tasting drink I think I've ever had! Can I have some more?" Steve chuckled at her excitement and got her another glass. Lisa finished the second glass and suddenly she felt invigorated like she had never felt before.
"And this is how you feel all the time? Steve this is amazing!" Lisa said sitting up then realizing she was taking things too fast she laid back down.
"Trust me. You'll feel like a warrior by tomorrow" Steve said taking off his clothes and lying down next to her. Lisa laid her head on his chest and thought about how wonderful life would now be.

"So still no word from Lisa?" Gabriel asked.
"That girl, I swear Gabe she makes me so angry sometimes!" Zoe said in frustration.
"Zoe, she ran off because the family was pushing her into a ceremony she didn't want. Everyone kind of took over and decided what they thought she should have. Since we've had Lisa, has she done anything by the book?" Gabriel said.
"I know you're right......but she looked so beautiful....everything was so perfect" Zoe whined.
"Let Lisa handle her own life." Gabriel said.
"I know. I know."

Chandler and the vampire looked all over but could see no way that Seth could have gotten out.
"So he's trapped in there and most likely dead. As soon as the new kids start we can get back on track" Chandler said.

Lisa felt like a million bucks. Hell who was she kidding? She felt like a trillion buck! She climbed up the mountain in record time and jumped from the very top landing lightly on her feet.
"This is unbelievable!" She screamed.
"Okay but baby, you're going to have to try and act human again" Steve chuckled.
"That's going to be hard." Lisa said thinking how she would never be sick again and never die. There's so much she wanted to do but she knew they would have to go back to California and face the music.

Mick and Carl were going over Cameron Bly's financial documents when his phone rang.
"Mick St. John"
"Mick this is Ted. You're not going to believe what I found out?" He said. "Last year Mr. Bly purchased 40 Hyperbaric Chambers systems! At $15,000 a pop! So what does an IT guy want with something like that? And I have a delivery address as well." ted said excitedly.
"Ted how do you find this stuff?" Mick asked in amazement.
"There are no secrets on the web. When will people learn this?" He said with a laugh.
"Ted found something a Bly. It seems Bly bought 40 Hyperbaric Chambers. So this is about vampire blood." Mick explained.
"Let's get a warrant and swat team and raid this place." Carl said making the call.

Steve and Lisa walked into their apartment and laid their bags down. Lisa checked the voicemail messages which were all mom having a total freak out.
"Hi mom, it's Lisa" She said and then braced herself for what was to come.
"Hello Lisa. So I guess you and Steve got hitched?" She asked.
"Yeah we did mom, on top of Mt Ali'i in Hawaii"
"An active volcano. Well, that's exciting. Are you in Los Angeles?"
"Yeah, we just got back, so I wanted to call and let you know. Mom, I'm sorry we ran off, but we getting overwhelmed by how everything became about the wedding and not about us and what we wanted. And to top it all off a dead body get's tossed through the window. We kind of considered it a sign from God." Lisa explained.
"You father and I understand and you and Steve have our blessing" Zoe said trying to sound cheery.
"So Steve and I will swing by real soon, I promise. Oh, and mom.....I'm a vampire! Love you!" Lisa said and quickly hung up the phone.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Ted sent all the information to Mick via email, including the delivery service that was used. Ted was able to find the shipping manifesto at the Port as well as the container number. Now all they had to do was find where these containers were housed.

Cameron Bly didn't have lots of Real Estate holdings. He had his main corporate location, and a house located in Brentwood, and a training facility in Silicon Valley. They would have to search them all. They would need someone extremely stealthy.
"Brian it's Dad. Can you meet me right away at my place?" Mick asked.

Steve heard a knock at the door and held his head down. Here was trouble he thought to himself/ he slowly opened the door and saw Collin standing there.
"Where's Daredevil?" he asked with a large smile. Lisa was rounding the corner and Collin ran over and picked her up and gave her a large hug.
"Well done Lisa!!" he said.
"How mad is everyone?" Lisa asked cautiously.
"No one's really mad. Zoe say's she disappointed. Gabriel thinks you guys made the right move as does Isabelle and Josef.. Look Lisa, this was your day and other people were taking it over. You has the right to do whatever the hell you wanted and you did!" Collin.
"You're the only one who's going to see it that way" Steve said over Lisa's shoulder.
"Don't worry about it Steve. I've got your back. Oh, and Isabelle said to give you this" Collin said handing Lisa the envelope. She tore it open and was stunned when she saw what was inside.
"Are you freaking kidding me?" She screamed." "Steve, Isabelle gave us a check for $10,000.000.00!" She said jumping up and down and showing him the check.
"Why would Isabelle do this?" Steve asked.
"My sister has always had her own motivations for things. You'll have to ask her" Collin laughed.

Brian listened to Mick and Carl and agreed to get into the mine unseen by anyone.
"What will you two do while I'm down there?" Brian asked undoing his expensive tie and jacket and putting on jeans and a sweatshirt.
"We don't think the manager of the Calico is involved, but we need to speak with him again. Carl said. "Alright Brian, let's get this done. Hopefully you will have something by the time we get there" He finished.

Brian vanished before their eyes and they headed out the door.

Zoe was still holding the phone in her hand although Lisa had hung up some time ago. Amy stared at her best friend with concern.
"Zoe. What's wrong. Has something happened to Steve and Lisa?" She asked.
"My daughter is a vampire" Zoe said still staring into space.
"So.: Amy said shrugging her shoulders. "So is Haley? So what' the big dif?" Amy asked in confusion. "You do know you entire family is of the fanged sort." She said with a chuckle.
"I thought Lisa would be different. She didn't have any desire to join us, so I'm confused as to why she changed her mind?"
"Marrying a vampire will do it Zoe. You know that better than anyone." Amy said
"I know, I know........this isn't what I wanted for her"
"I think all parents say that Zoe, no matter what. But it's her life, She has to live it how she wants."
"Yeah, I know you're right." Zoe said sitting down, but growing more angry at Steve for at least not discussing it with them.

Brian appeared in the dark mine and smelled the silver almost immediately. He started to work his way through the mine when he noticed another aroma. He listened closely and heard a weak heartbeat. He ran towards it and saw a skinny young man wrapped in a down sleeping bag. The stench of urine was stifling. Brian knelt down to check the young man's breathing, but suddenly the kid jumped up.
"Who are you?" the boy yelled. "Where's Susan?" He asked pulling out a hunter's knife. "Tell me what you did with her!"
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid she was murdered." Brian said.
"Murdered"....He said falling to the ground letting the knife fall from his hands. "Susan.....I'm sorry. It should have been me." He cried.
"Can you tell me what you two were down here for and who was after you?" Brian said.
"Chandler Scott. We met him in a pub. He said he was from Sydney, but I think he lied about that. He told us about the trails down here. Had us totally fooled. When we first found the silver and gold, we brought up what could carry and said that was all there was. So were coming back here to find more. and take it back to Los Angeles and have it insured and appraised. I told Susan I could go, but she was too scared to be down here by herself, so she went and I stayed behind to find more gold.. Susan didn't come back, so I figured either Chandler killed her, maybe thought she's take the loot and leave, But I know now it was Bly. I heard him above telling Chandler to not come back for me. That I was dead, and to find some more kids." Seth said in a rush breathing hard.
"How long have you been down here?" Brian asked.
"Almost 5 days." He said.
"Without food or water?" Brian asked in surprise.
"I always over pack the food items before the leaving." Seth said reaching into his backpack and showing a variety of flavored almonds, and nuts of all sorts. Dried fruit slices and Beef Jerky.
"Well, let's get you out of here" Brian said. "Gather your things" Brian said.
"I haven't been able to find a way out" Seth closing his eyes briefly as he passed out from dehydration. Brian quickly took him to the emergency room.

"I located Seth. He's in the Emergency room" Brian told Mick and Carl.
"You weren't seen were you?" Carl asked quickly.
"No. My appearance was but milliseconds. They saw nothing" Brian said.
"Good. Did he say anything?" Mick asked.
Brian told them of the conversation and what he saw looking around the mine
"Chandler and Bly are going to come back. To do what they're thinking of doing would require a lot of vampires." Mick said.
"Brian can Josef spare you?" Carl asked. At Brian's nod, they took off back to Calico..

After Collin left Josef and Isabelle soon knocked on Steve's door.
"Hi Uncle Josef" Lisa said giving him and Isabelle a big hug. Josef stood back and looked at her.
"Well done Steve" Josef said with a smile.
"Thanks Josef" Steve said feeling good about what he had done for the very first time
"Well come on let's celebrate!" Josef said. "I just opened a new lounge" He said ushering them out of the apartment.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

When they sat in the plush hot nightspot Josef ordered and round of drinks.
"So how is Daredevil coping with her new status?" Josef asked seeing that Lisa nd Isabelle were in deep conversation.
"Lisa's great. She wants to try more things than before, so it'll be hard keeping her still" Steve said with a small smile. Josef noticed the tension in his voice.
"You're worried about the family aren't you?" Josef asked.
"Well, yeah. I don't think Gabriel and Zoe will be happy and Mick! Who knows what he's going to think. He didn't want us together in the first place." Steve replied.
Look Steve, you have to understand the thing with Mick is that for one, he the most human vampire I have ever met in my years. He still holds onto all of those feelings and attachments. Then Beth gets pregnant, and to him, he feels human again. Now grandchildren and great grandchildren....this is a dream true for Mick, so he guards things very firmly. Like any other parent he'll see that you have to let people grow up and make their own decisions. Isabelle and I think you and Lisa made the right decision. Do things on your own terms, but I gotta tell you, if you break this girl's heart, there will be a long line of people wanting to beat your ass" Josef said.
"What if she breaks my heart?" Steve asked.
"Then you had it coming...look you're a man and a vampire, no matter what happens it's your fault. Accept that fact and things will flow much easier" Josef chuckled. "Trust me, I know this from experience".

Cameron didn't want to leave the city to go to Calico, but it was time he spoke to Chandler face to face. He was mucking things up horribly. He didn't take care of Susan and Seth properly and it resulted in Susan's death, and Seth escaping. Seth was in a guarded room at Mercy General so no point in going there, but he had to make sure these new kids knew what was at stake.

Elizabeth Markel and Simon Christopher were very broke college students. Simon and very fit Sports Medicine major already had caving experience and Elizabeth was an avid extreme sports fanatic. When they saw the add looking for able bodied college students to explore and old mine for artifacts, they called right away. The job promised $2,500.00 each upon completion. Chandler filled them in what they would be facing and instructed them on pacing and hydration. When they pulled in outside of Calico they were shown the entrance of the mine. Cameron Bly pulled up as they were getting ready to enter the mine. Chandler looked up in surprise to see Cameron.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I just wanted to let our two new team members know that the pay has been changed to $3,500 upon completion" Elizabeth and Simon stared at each other with huge grins on their faces. "In addition to what ever you find in the cave, we really want you to focus on silver. Here are a couple of photos of what you should be seeing in there. Now of course, if you find anything like watches, lanterns and such which are old, feel free to keep them as I'm sure they will be worth a lot of money." Cameron explained.
"Elizabeth studied the photo and adjusted the light on her helmet.
"We're ready" She said confidently, turning to leave. Simon checked his backpack once more and walked up behind her.
"Do you really think it was cool of you to come down here and show your face?" Chandler asked.
"It doesn't matter since you're going to take what they collect and serve them up to your friend." He replied callously.

Brian had arrived at Calico shortly before Chandler and kept himself well hidden. When the students had gone into the main, Brian disappeared and followed them closely. After following them for a bout 45 minutes they stopped. Elizabeth shined her flashlight and saw all the sparkling rock formations.
"Look at that" She said taking her pick out and immediately beginning to hit at the rock. When a portion fell off she picked it up and compared it to the photo. "That's it!" She said. Simon was busy on the other side chipping away as well. They were going to be able to pay their bills for once.
Posts: 2315
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Going to the Chapel Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl and Mick arrived walking straight to the manager's office.
"We need to have a word with you" Cal said in his most authoritative voice. "We need to ask you some questions about visitors to the area" Carl said. "Has anyone come by to survey the land or to check out power lines?" Carl asked.
"It's funny that you mention that, because last month we had a man from the city who came up to survey the land do to property lines. They thought we had more land here than reported." He said,
"Would you recognize the man if you saw him again?" Carl said holding up a couple of photographs."
"This was the guy who said he was with the city" He said pointing out Chandler Scott's photo.
"And you're sure its him?" Mick asked.
"Yeah, He talked like that........uh crocodile guy on TV and I thought I ain't never seen a city worker with that kind of accent."
"Did he anyone else with him?" Mick asked.
"Yeah, one guy who was smaller and another guy who was about your size" He said pointing at Mick.
Carl pulled out his smart phone and pulled up a photo of Cameron Bly.
"Did he look like this?" Carl said holding the phone so he could view the pictures.
"That doesn't look like him cause it is him. He came with the other guy he said he was with Feds because they had to make sure this wasn't tribal land. But to be honest I never heard anything about tribal land since the state was given to the U.S. by Mexico"

"For a software mogul he sure doesn't know anything about American History" Mick joked as they started to walk towards the mine entrance.

Brian sensed that his dad and Carl were coming so he appeared outside the building they were in and waited.
"So what did you see?" Mick asked
Chandler sent another set of students to the mine. Dad, you need to stay away from that entrance. Silver is everywhere down there! I can't believe this mine closed. I heard Cameron say that when they came up with the silver to have his vampire friend take care of them. So it seems like they're speeding things up." Brian said.
"Brian keep an eye on those kids. They don't deserve this" Mick said. "Come on Carl, I think it's time to make some calls."
Brian nodded and vanished.
"What are going do Mick? We can't let them kill hose students" Carl said checking the bullets in his gun.

Simon and Elizabeth made their way out of the mine. They fell to the ground and opened their packs.
"We were able to get a lot, but we'll need to rest. We barely made it out this time" Simon said.
"I would say you two have done better than of the others this far." Cameron said with a smile He picked up both backpacks and placed them in the trunk of his car. "Chandler, you need to call your friend" He said closing the truck of his car.
"Hey, what about our money? We worked hard that stuff!" Elizabeth screamed. Something was fishy to her. She didn't think this guy was going to pay them at all. "You know what? Screw you! I'm going home!" She said. She started to walk away when Chandler grabbed her from behind.
"Not yet" Chandler said to her. The vampire showed up barring his fangs suddenly he started to cough uncontrollably.
"What the hell did you do to him?" Simon asked
"Don't you know college boy? Silver is deathly to vampires. However we won't be destroyed. I need his blood" Cameron said. Elizabeth struggled in Chandler's arms trying to get free. Suddenly Chandler was grabbed from behind and thrown hitting the side of the mine hard. The sound of his head cracking left no doubt that he was dead. Cameron looked all around, afraid for his life. He turned and started to run for his car. He quickly jumped in and peeled out. Mick and Carl were standing just ahead of Cameron intending to stop him by all means necessary. Carl aimed his Glock and took aim at the tires hitting one with the first shot. The car careened out of control with Cameron trying to sop the car before it overturned. He was grabbed by the neck as he watched his car slam into a tree.
"Did you know he was driving without a seat belt?" Mick said to Carl.
Did you know he was going to kill two college students?" Carl replied
"But the worst thing he did was sell vampire blood" Mick said. Carl nodded his head.
"Yep, that's going to be a big one eight there. You're looking at a death sentence. And I'm not talking about cushy human justice. You have to face the vampires on this one" Carl said thinking this jerk was going to die in the most painful way imaginable.

"Are you alright?" Brian asked Elizabeth and Simon.
"He was going to kill us!" Elizabeth yelled with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you...uh...shit! You're Brian Petzer!" Simon said as it finally came to him who the stranger was.
"Who's that?" Elizabeth asked
"He's the CFO of Kostan Industries!" Simon said.
"Let's get you two back where you belong" Brian said leading the way.

Katrina and the Cleaners showed up to dispose of Chandler's remains and to take care of the vampire who would have to be destroyed do to silver inhalation. Brian made sure the mine caved in so there would be no more digging for silver, at least not from this location.
And Cameron Bly was to stand before the vampire council, but Mick knew he would be killed and everything he owned would be stripped from him. Mick wished that vampires had of stayed hidden, because if humans were good at any one thing, it was sales. And right now vampires were the commodity of choice.

Mick saw Brian waiting at the car.
"Brian where are the kids?" Mick asked.
"I sent them home with a check for $20,000 each and a very firm warning to not speak of this or there would be swift consequences" Brian said.
Mick called Beth to let he know he was on his way home. Mick slowly put his phone away.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Brian asked seeing the expression on his face. "Is everyone alright?"
"It's Lisa" Mick said. Carl closed his eyes thinking she was in a terrible accident.
"What has happened?" Brian said stoically.
"She's a.....vampire" Mick said.
Carl blew out a sigh of relief. He wasn't losing his star officer. In fact he was gaining a more powerful officer.
"Carl you need to arrest me" Mick said. "Because I think I'm going to kill Steve?" Mick said in anger.
"Do you really think our jails will hold you if your mind is dead set on murder?" Carl said.
"Dad Lisa is an adult." Brian said calmly. "I am assuming they were wed, so they are one. Singular." Brian finished. And before he turned to walk away from them,
"Dad, leave them alone. Promise me." Brian said and vanished.
You're not going to leave this alone are you?" Carl asked.

There was a pounding at the door, but no answer. Mick was so angry he kicked the door open and found that everything in the apartment had been moved out. Where the hell were they? He thought as he looked around the empty apartment. He found a note in the kitchen.
"Gramps if you're reading this, I know you were planning on beating the hell out of my husband and I couldn't have that. You're going to have to let me live my own life. This was my choice all along. You're going to have to trust me at some point, or I don't see us being a family for too much longer' Please Gramps! Be nice and we can all get together soon." Love Always Daredevil! and Steve

Mick balled up the note and walked out of the apartment.

The End
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