Kostan University

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Kostan University
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef decides to open his own business school in Los Angeles :cheer:

"Sir, I think this will work out very well" Brian said as he looked over the courses that would be offered.
"I thought so too. I'm tired of waiting for great talent while they are chugging their way to a 4-6 year degree." Josef ranted.
"I agree sir. What good is English Literature in the grand scheme of things?" Brian said.
"It's good for impressing ladies but other than that worthless. Too much time is spent on useless classes that the business or finance major wants no part of, yet they can't graduate unless they take it! So I'm going to take care that crap. I give you Kostan University, School of Business and Financial Planning!" Josef said with his stretched out. Brian nodded his head in agreement.

Josef insisted that they build a facility although there were several available properties currently on the market. Josef vetoed them all as being too old. After his scare with the Stimson House Josef wanted nothing more to be historical buildings. It took engineers and construction close to two years to complete the structure. Josef insisted on nothing but state of the art everything. He had seen how other moguls who had opened up schools only too see them fail due to inadequate courses and teaching. Josef hired only the best! The curriculum had been gone over multiple times to ensure that they met all educational standards.

Admittance was based on numerous things. A high GPA as well as SAT scores. An essay on what needs to happen in todays economy? Character and educational references. A strict background check and lastly the most important part, the interview. And that would be handled by Brian, Isabelle and Josef Kostan himself.

When word had gotten out, Kostan Industries was flooded with applications. Brian and Isabelle went over all the applicants, setting aside the ones with the most promise. And in the fall of the year, Kostan U was open for classes.

Eliza Stern was their Foreign Economy guru, Baxter Humphrey was Mergers and Acquisitions, Bruce Webber was Tax and Auditing, Beatrice Han was Corporate Trading and Don Farrell was Hedge Fund Advisor. 100 of the best they could find were accepted and all were ready to conquer the world of finance.

Josef kept a very close eye on every student and every staff member. He would make sure that nothing ruined this endeavor!

"Anyone look worthy?" Josef asked Isabelle.
"Too early to tell my darling, but Steven Howell is very promising" Isabelle said.
"What's his story?"
"Valedictorian in high school, won a full scholarship to Rutgers, received his Bachelor's in Economics in three years. Received his MBA in Aggregate Economics. He has three older brothers. The oldest, Jerry is a Firefighter, Andrew is a Middle School Principal, and Ian is landscape designer for the city parks system. His parents are alive and still married. Heavily involved in church activities and charity work." Isabelle said.
"Well, that's quite background. How do you think he's going to do?"
" I think he will be a very steady worker who will work hard, but that can be said for everyone enrolled. He is very vanilla. I would not expect anything dynamic from him. But he is the type to be complacently happy with his work."
"Now tell me who the troublemaker is" Josef said with a grin.
"Are." Isabelle said. "Lori Bateman. Rhode Island native, graduated with honors from Columbia University, received her Master in Economics at MIT. She has very strong opinions and likes them to be known. The other students are calling her "devil bitch". She has been known to undermine the others in her class. The next unsavory genius is Forest Wiley. Graduated in the top 3 of his class at Harvard. This is interesting, his major was Bio-Engineering, but he completed his Masters in Socioeconomics. Then received another Masters in Applied Mathematical Physics." Isabelle said.
"And he wanted to come to a business school? That's interesting." Josef said walking away.

"Hey Brian" Josef called out to him. "I want to run something past you. What would you think of someone who majored in Bio-Engineering, but completed their Masters in Socioeconomics. Then received another Masters in Applied Mathematical Physics?"
Brian looked at Josef to see if he was joking which was often the fact. He closed his laptop and folded his hands in front of him.
"On the surface, I'd say this person had not decided what they wanted to be when they grew up, but if want a valid opinion," Brian said.
"Ok, but I was hoping you would go a bit further" Josef said with a smile.
"Well, Bio engineering covers many industries. Some are for the healthcare industry, some are chemical and some are specific to transportation." Brian explained.
"So basically, it could be any of a thousand fields?"
"Yes. I'm afraid so" Brian said. Josef stood up and started to walk out the door.
"This is becoming more and more interesting" He said with a grin.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu May 19, 2016 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Forest Wiley had always been a very patient man. Even as a young child. Nothing came from rushing into a decision, in fact that's when everything fell apart in his opinion. He really thought he would have heard something by now. A chance to attend Josef Kostan's university would be a God send! Of course none of his friends saw it that way. But they didn't have the vision that Forest had. What he was planning on developing required a boatload of capitol. And Josef Kostan seemed to have a never-ending supply of it. Kostan purchased buildings, ships, television stations, design houses and whatever else he wanted. It made perfect sense when the word hit that Kostan was a vampire. That would account for his enormous wealth. And no one cared that he the President for two terms and had lied about his undead state of being. People simply loved Josef Kostan. Forest had to admit the guy was very sharp. Was always impeccably dressed, always said the right things told the right jokes and was never condescending to anyone and he knew how to play to a crowd. Forest would have to learn all of these things if he was going to succeed.

"Hey Forest!" Forests' father yelled out to him. Forest stopped washing his car and walked over to where is father was standing.
"What's up dad?" He asked drying his hands on his jeans.
"You got a letter" His dad said with a grin
"Who's it from?"
"I don't know I didn't have my reading glasses on" He said handing his son the envelope.
Forest saw that the envelope opened very easily and he looked at his dad with raised eyebrows.
"They have laws against reading other people's mail you know" He teased.
"Just read it!" His father shot back.
"Congratulations! You have been accepted to Kostan University" Forest read with a wide grin.
"I'm in dad! I made it! Things are going to start looking up for us" he said giving his dad a hug.

Ted walked into Josef's office hoping he was in a good mood, but with Josef it was kind of hard to te...
"How's it going Josef?" Ted asked sitting down.
"That depends on what you've brought me" Josef joked. Ted cleared his throat.
"All of your freshman check out. And by check out I mean they are who they say they are and always have been. That's a good start. But let's start with the first name. Steven Howell. I have to tell you Josef, on paper this guy could run for President tomorrow and most likely win. I mean he had no red flags what so ever, and I checked everything. So either he knows a vampire who's keeping his records spotless or he just hasn't done anything noteworthy. He had a sexual fling with his High School Chemistry teacher when he was a sophomore"
"A sophomore? I like this guy already!" Josef said with a smile. "Yeah, first love and all. He fell really hard for her, but she ended up leaving the state and Howell decided to buckle down and study. So nothing remarkable (banging a teacher at 15 aside) he's done nothing but study. Then you have
Lori Bateman and this is where things get interesting. This girl is merciless. She's slept with a string of teachers and professors to get the grades she thought she deserved. But the things is, she could have aced the coursework on her own" Ted said flipping the pages.
"So what's her game?" Josef asked.
"This girl believes in full disclosure. She said and I quote "men really can't keep their mouths closed. If you sleep with them, you're always afraid their going to blab to everyone about it. I tell my own version of the narrative before they can, then I go with my life" She said in an interview to work on campus at the bookstore. She offered this up at a job interview!" ted said shaking his head.
"I like her too!" Josef said.
"Lori is not just bold, she is super smart. She loves competition. In her ethics class they were given an assignment it was a scavenger hunt. You could do whatever you wanted to do to the opposing team as long as it didn't violate the ethics they were studding at the time. Lori was always in fierce competition with a guy named Brad Cameron. I mean they were after blood. Lori suck into his yard and fed his family dog steak soaked in rat poison. The dog became immediately ill. Brad was really torn up about it. Ended up dropping the class. The word around is that Lori was responsible. Someone asked her about it and she said "If I did, it would have been that way exactly. We couldn't break the ethics we were studying at the time which were lying and contradiction. This was an intentional act"
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu May 19, 2016 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Josef laughed out loud.
I think I'm in love!" He continued to laugh. Ted turned some more pages over reading interesting facts about the students who were chosen.
"Now we come to your one and only scholarship student. Forest Wiley. This guy is the epitome of the word industrious. His mother died when he was 6 years old. His father started to drink and lost all the family money. Forest has been working since he was 10 years old! 10! He supported his father until he finally sobered up and went back to work. Forest worked night jobs and went to school during the day. He got a full ride to Harvard he aced his Bachelor's while working full time at night. Everyone I spoke with said the same thing. "Dude was serious all the time. Didn't socialize with anyone, kept to himself. He kind of reminds me of Brian" Ted said. "The only thing I could find on him, was a girl who said she went out on a date with him, she said everything was going great but he raped her. She called campus security police and they took her to the infirmary. She had an inconclusive rape kit and no one saw them out together anywhere. The police checked everywhere. Even outside of Cambridge , just in case he took her somewhere far away from where they stayed. Forest said he was innocent and had an iron clad alibi. He was in the Dean's Office getting feedback on his thesis paper. So in the end, everyone thought she got wasted and had sex with someone, was ashamed and blamed the first guy she thought of. I really dug on this one, because rape is a serious thing. I mean really serious, but Forest didn't do it. After class, he was at his job. A butcher's shop. They have CCTV to stop theft. And the only time Forest wasn't visible were 5 minutes bathroom breaks. Then he met the Dean in his office and was there until 12:30pm -1:00am. Ted said closing up the files and handing them to Josef.
"Thorough as always Ted. Thank you so much. Hey how's Mila doing?" Josef asked.
"Studying for the bar. She said she's going to ace it on her first try" Ted said smiling.
"I know she will" Josef said as he shook his hand.
Josef poured himself a drink and looked over the files again.
Now he had a clearer picture of what he would be dealing with. He called Mick. He would need someone with PI skills to find out more.
"Mick! What would you say to a drink?" he said over the phone.
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Mick knew something was up when he entered Josef's office.
"What do you want Josef and don't say nothing, because it's never nothing" Mick said with a smile.
"Okay. It is a something. I want you to check into the rape allegations against one of my soon to be students. It happened at Harvard. Forest Wiley was accused of rape by a student. The girl was adamant in her statement that it was Forest, but he was proved to be at work the time she said the rape occurred." Josef explained.
"Are you sure its Forest on the footage?" Mick asked.
"The police were convinced it was"
"Did this girl press charges?"
"Not enough evidence to pursue, so the case was dropped. But I would like to make sure that there's no truth in this story whatsoever before I hand over a costly scholarship, also this would look really bad for Kostan Industries" Josef said.
"What's the girl's name?" Mick asked. Josef gave him the file that Ted had left with him. As Mick read the police file he became intrigued.
"This girl was 100% sure it was your guy. She even turned over emails they exchanged. Do you know if the cops checked into these" Mick asked. Josef shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess I'm going to Boston" Mick said.

The first thing Mick decided to do was track down this young woman. Samantha Bauer. She dropped out of Harvard after the rape and told Police she would be living with her parents in Phillipston a rural community nestled in Worcester County. So he drove there first. He found their house quite easily, pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door. A pale slender woman with honey blonde hair answered the door.
"Yes" She asked, not removing the chain from the door.
"Are you Samantha Bauer? My name is Mick St. John. I'm a Private Detective looking into your rape case 3 years ago" He said pulling out his ID and showing it to her.
"What do you want? I'm trying to forget it all" She sighed sadly.
"Samantha, I just want to find the truth and if I find out the Forest Wiley has been lying, I will make him pay" Mick said in a forceful voice.
"Come in" She said softly removing the chain from the door. "Have a seat. Do you want some coffee or something?"
"No." Mick said taking a notepad out of his jacket. "I know this is hard but can you tell me what happened?"
"I met Forest on "The Brick" That's a intranet website for students. You know, you can buy or sell furniture, concert tickets and where you can meet other students for study groups or day trips, stuff like that. I was in a silent film group and Forest signed up. I thought he was cute you know. He knew a lot about foreign silent films. He was quiet but we could all tell he was really smart. One night he asked me out for coffee and I said yes."
"Where did you go for coffee?" Mick asked.
"Right around the corner from the old movie house on Liberty Street. All the students went there. That's why I couldn't believe that no one saw us walk in and order. We were there for over an hour. He asked if he could walk me back to my dorm and I said yes, because it had gotten dark by then. We were close to my dorm hall and he put his hand over my mouth and pulled me into the woods behind the Laundry building.......he tore off my clothes ...and" She began to cry. Mick reached over and touched her hand.
"What happened next?"
"When he was done, he helped me put my clothes back on and told me to get some sleep! Can you believe that? Get some sleep! I ran to my dorm and called Campus Security."
"Did you tell anyone after you called Campus Security?"
"My roommate. She came in right after I got off the phone. I was hysterical"
"Now in the report your roommate stated that you didn't tell her you were raped. Why would she say that?"
"Mr. St. John, that's what I don't understand! It's like I walked into a parallel universe or something where nobody knew me. Katie and I shared that room for over a year! And all those people at the coffeehouse......it just doesn't make sense them saying Forest and I weren't there!"
Mick listened to her story and knew she was telling the truth. Something fishy was going on>
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Mick started to look further into Forest Wiley's background. Maybe this guy had an identical twin., He checked all the medical records for the year he was born and just to sure he went back five years before and after he was born. The only twin born in or around the town where Forest was born were twin girls.

The third thing Mick thought to do was a dangerous task. Seeking out vampires in the area. Vampires were territorial by nature and it was always wise to ask permission before entering another's city, so all Mick could do was wait. As soon as the sun started to set three vampires stood in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" One yelled at him.
"I'm a Private Investigator and I'm looking into a rape that occurred here 3 years ago" Mick explained.
"Why didn't you ask permission?" Another vampire said walking up to Mick.
"I wasn't coming to Boston, but to Phillipston and I was sure there was no one in that town" Mick answered.
"You thought wrong" The vampire said ready to deliver a painful blow.
"STOP!" A female voice said sternly. She walked over to Mick and studied him.
"You are Mick St. John" She said. "Josef Kostan told me you were coming" She looked at the vampires who were circling Mick. All had their heads down in respect. "I will deal with you three later. Be gone!" She ordered.
"Can I ask who you are?" Mick asked quietly amazed that a woman who looked no more than 16 controlled an entire area on her own. She smiled.
"Of course. I am Sarabeth" She said. Mick stared. He had heard Coraline speak of Sarabeth. Close to 1,000 years old.
"It's a pleasure to meet you" Mick stammered.
"What have you found out thus far?" She asked. Mick told her all he fond out and where he thought he should look next. She nodded her head.
"If this young man is a supernatural being you must be very careful" She said. "Witches are still very much a problem in Boston. They do not stick out as they used to, but when you cross one, they will try various spells on you. Some can make you fall in love, lie, steal and some can erase your memories. I tell you this because it sounds like what you might be dealing with." She finished.
"Great. Witches again!" Mick murmured.
"You've had experience with witches?"
"Two young girls who were pretty powerful witches tried to kill my family. The even created a revenant to kill me because I was given some protection herbs"
"Well then you know what you are up against. Come lets eat together and talk some more about this Mr. Wiley" She said holding out her hand to Mick.

Mick sat back in his chair at Sarabeth's lair after feeding on the freshie she supplied. They discussed possible theories.
"So tell me. Do you believe this young woman? Do you really believe she was raped?" Sarabeth asked.
"Yeah I do." Said Mick nodding his head slowly. "I've met with rape victims before, this woman WAS raped. There's no doubt in my mind. And she feels like everyone she knew just up and abandoned her when she needed them. The University included."
"Well, the only thing that you can do for her is to find this being. Do you know any witches?" She joked. Mick closed his eyes. Of course! Why hadn't he spoken with her first?
"Sarabeth thank you for being hospitable, but I really must leave." Mick said standing up.
"Go in peace" She said as he walked quickly out.

Alma awoke with a start, which often was the norm. She honestly didn't know how the old woman had lived this way all her life. Some of the things she saw were like images from a very scary movie. She thought they couldn't be real. But deep inside she knew that all of those things were real.
She unrolled a mat and sat down crossed leg and meditated. She needed some clarity. Someone was coming to visit her soon and she had to prepare herself.

Forest looked at the studio apartment that would be his while he attended Kostan University.
While small the unit was fantastic looking. Outfitted with state of the art electronics and appliances.
"This isn't bad" he said looking around.
"No it isn't. In fact I think this is the nicest place I've ever seen, so don't mess it up!" Forest said sitting his luggage down.

He put away all of his clothes when he heard a knock on the door.
"Yes" He said politely as he looked at the pretty woman standing in front of him.
"Hi. I'm Lori Bateman. I live across the hall. I just wanted to introduce myself to the other Kostan University student. Looks like we were the only ones who took advantage of the housing option" She said staring right at Forest as she spoke. The staring made Forest uncomfortable.
"Ok" Forest said turning to shut the door.
"Wait! Maybe we could get coffee or a drink sometime. I mean we're going to be seeing quite a lot of each other" She said with a smile..
"Uh...sure..I have to finish unpacking. Nice to meet you" He said quickly and shut the door. When she heard the door lock she had to laugh. What a scared little rabbit he was! She was going to have no problem making him cry his eyes out and return to whatever podunk town he came from.

"Who was that?" He asked looking at Forest.
"No one, just my neighbor" He said walking back to the closet to finish hanging some more clothes.
"She sounded pretty"
"She wasn't" Forest replied.
"You're a liar" He said with smile.

Mick walked in to Josef's office.
"Okay give it to me straight Mick" Josef said sitting down.
"I spoke with the victim and I believe she was raped."
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Josef nodded his head. He kind of figured that that would be the case.
"I'm going to need concrete proof before I renege on a scholarship."
"You got it"

Alma was the next person to see on his list.. Her door was opened slightly when he arrived, so he poked his head in quietly.
"Hello Mick! Come on in" She called out.
"Alma, is it safe to leave your door open?" He said thinking what could have happened to her.
" I was cleaning my Chakra earlier and had to open both the doors and windows" She said going into the kitchen to grab his a glass of blood.
"Do I need to know what that means?" Mick asked.
"No you don't" She said handing him the glass. "So why have you come here?"
"You heard about Josef's college right?"
"Well there's one student who is raising red flags everywhere. He raped a woman while he was in college. The police couldn't fins any hard evidence against him so nothing was ever done."
Alma closed her eyes and started to shuffle the card. As started to turn them over one by one she shook her head.
"This is one messed up dude. He's always been a loner. He doesn't know how to interact with people at all. Especially females." She said still studying the cards.
"Ok, but that describes every guy in college." Mick replied.
"You know there's two of this boy right?" Mick leaned towards her.
"Are you talking about a twin? We already thought of that and could find no record of twins being born around the time he was." Mick said.
"That's because he doesn't have a twin in the sense your talking about. This dude has the ability to project his other personality out into the world." She said continuing to read the cards.
"Alma.....that sounds a little far fetched. I mean humans can't do anything like that!"
"Mick do you really think you are the only abnormality in the universe? Trust me you're not. Now this boy he's got a very vivacious, extroverted personality. In stark contrast to his true self."
"Alright. Does Forest know that he raped the girl?"
"No. The bold one doesn't want that information getting to the boy. But this Forest does know that it does things when he's not aware of them."
"So locking him up wouldn't solve anything would it?"
"No. This being has it's own free will and it will go where it wants in spite of Forest being incarcerated."
"Great. Do you know if there's a way to stop it?" Mick asked.
"That boy has to face what he is and what he's done."
"That's it?"
"Yes. But it won't be easy. Humans often don't want to face truths, especially when it's about themselves."
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Forest decided he would go to the library ti get started on the syllabus. The library was still open and he was told that they closed at 10pm. Looking at his watch, it was only 7:30 so he had a lot of time.

Lori heard the knock on her door and ran over to open it.
"Hello. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was going crazy in there and thought I'd take you up on your offer" He said to her with a small smile. She studied the guy. He was handsome. She had nothing to lose.
"Sure, I'll meet you downstairs" She said closing the door and hurrying to change her clothes and brush her hair. She put on her favorite lipstick and locked her door and saw him waiting in the lobby for her. "I know the perfect place" Lori said to him as she took his arm and headed out the door.

The Varnish Tavern was modeled after a Speakeasy. Tucked away on street that got very little foot traffic, hipster jazz played over the speakers. And the tables were filled with beautiful 20-somethings enjoying the cocktail culture.
"Have you been to Los Angeles before" He asked looking all about at the strange place.
"Yeah, I've been here a few times . Do you want anything to drink?" She asked.
"Sure, I'll have whatever you're having." He said. Lori ordered two side cars and the waiter sat them down. He reached for his wallet but her hand stopped him.
"I got this" She said seductively. She took a small sip of her drink enjoying the peach flavor mixed with brandy. "So how are liking Los Angeles?" She asked.
"I like the weather for sure." He said. "But it's too early to tell. Perhaps when classes start I'll feel more at home." He said finishing his drink. Lori quickly ordered him another. Side cars were very very potent. He would be throwing up all over the pavement real soon the way he was downing those drinks. He wouldn't be able to make it for the first interview.

Forest looked at his watch again. He had 10 minutes to check out the books and head back to the apartment. He was waiting for the elevator when Josef Kostan and his wife walked through the door.
Forest became so nervous he dropped the books he had in his arms.
"Oh excuse me Mr. Kostan. My apologies" He said stooping down to pick up the books.
"You're Forest Wiley?" Josef asked holding out his hand.
"Yes sir" Forest replied shaking Josef's hand.
"Are you settling in alright?"
"Yes, sir. The apartment is amazing. Thank you"
"You know Forest, why don't you come upstairs with me and let's talk for a bit" Josef said as the elevator opened and he pressed the button for the 50th Floor..

Forest sat down nervously in the very swank penthouse.
"Would you two like something to drink?" Isabelle asked.
"No thank you. I don't drink" Forest replied. Isabelle walked off and reappeared with a drink for Josef, then took a seas beside him.
"So Forest, what does a Bio-Engineer graduate want with a business degree?" Josef asked with a grin.
"Ahem, well sir, my interests are varied. At first I thought I would do something in the engineering field which is vast, a little too vast for notoriety. So I then looked into Economics whish was sort of joke on the whole. And well Physics of course was quite exciting, then it I started thinking that with a strong business degree, I could start my own company" He explained.
"Ah, but what exactly would you be selling? From what I can tell, in your arsenal of degrees, it could be a slew of things ranging from nukes, to weapons manufacturing." Josef said firmly.

He felt the alcohol take effect and surprisingly, while pleasant he felt no desire to behave like the others around him. But when he stood up he now understood while Forest didn't like to touch the stuff.
"Here let me help you" Lori said suppressing a grin. "I'll take you back to your apartment."
The fresh air cleared his head a bit more and by the time they reached the apartments, he felt a lot better. She was putting her key in the door when she turned around.
"Hey, you want to come in for a cup of coffee? It might make you feel better" She said.
"Ok." He replied walking into her apartment. When she shut the door, he grabbed her from behind and placed his hand over her mouth.

Forest was tired when he arrived back at his apartment. He noticed the police were parked outside. He took the elevator to his floor and noticed more officers.
"Are you Forest Wiley?" One officer asked.
"Yes, I am." He replied.
"Your under arrest for aggravated sexual assault. You have the right to remain silent" The officer was telling him. Forest closed his eyes and thought not again.

The police drilled him on his whereabouts.
"So look here Forest. You have to understand that this woman isn't saying that some man raped her. She's saying you, Forest Wiley raped her. And she's got the bruises to prove it and once we get the rape kit back, that's all she wrote. So tell us you did it. The DA will take that into consideration" He said.
"I didn't do this" Forest replied.
"So tell me kid. Why would this woman say do did?"
"I don't know. I really don't. I wasn't anywhere near my apartment until I saw you guys there." Forest said .
"Ok, tell me where you were all night"
"I went to the library around 7pm and stayed there until almost closing. Then, I arrived at the apartment around 11:15 pm. I ran into Josef Kostan and his wife and they invited me upstairs to talk. I was just leaving there when I came down and saw you"
"And just why would a man like Josef Kostan want to talk to you?"
"He's the reason why I'm here. I won a scholarship to his university. The woman making these allegations is also enrolled at Kostan U." He explained. The officer turned to someone and told him to check out this kid's story.
"We're going to look into your claim, but if it doesn't check out, you're going to be spending a lot of time here." The cop said as they led him to Central Booking.
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Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Josef was surprised when Rosa called him at work and told him that he was needed at the station.

"Mr. Kostan. I'm glad you were able to make it to the station in so short a time." The officer said as he led him to chair. "We got a frantic call from a woman who lives in your building named Lori Bateman. She's been raped. She said that a man who also lives in your building is responsible for the rape. Forest Wiley" The officer explained. Josef sat back stunned. That bastard! Josef thought to himself. "So far his alibi checks out. We have the security footage of him at the library as well as the Librarian who was helping him. Then he said he spent the later portion of the night with you in your apartment."
"Yes, that's right. My wife and I ran into him at the elevators and invited him up for a chat."
"Do you mind if I ask what the chat was about?"
"Not at all. It was about his studies prior to applying for study at Kostan University" Josef answered.
"The victim said she had introduced herself to the perp the day before and he stopped over at 8pm and went out and had drinks. She said he was a little tipsy so she offered to make him coffee. And that's when the attack occurred."
"What time was the attack?"
"Around 10:30pm. He was still at the library as far as we can tell" The officer stated.

Josef told Mick at the assault and he raced to the station to speak with Forest.
"Hello. I'm Mick St. John here to see Forest Wiley" Mick said.
"Oh Mr. St. John. Captain Carl said you would be coming by. He'd like to see you first right over there" The officer said pointing at the open office.
"Hey Mick! " Carl said. "I'm glad you're here. What can you tell me that I don't already know?" He asked.
"Well, Josef had me looking into this guy due to the fact that the exact same thing happened to him Boston while he was attending Harvard. The victim is legit. I think she was really raped. But hold onto your hat. Alma said that this guy suffers from some sort of personality disorder" Mick explained.
"Oh yeah, so that's his defense? My other personality committed the crime?"
"Alma said that Forest is able to separate himself from his other personality. So his evil personality goes off and does whatever it wants at the time."
"Mick you're losing me. You know for a fact that it isn't a twin?"
"There's nothing on record. Forest is doing this, but not the one you have locked up. Look Carl I need to talk to him. Just for a minute." Mick asked.
"Alright, you get 10 minutes. Then we're taking him down to the swamp" Carl said walking away.
The Swamp is what they called the tombs. The holding cells for really violent offenders. It was deadly down there.

Mick walked through the door and looked at the young man sitting there cuffed to the table.
"Forest. My name is Mick St. John, I'm a Private Detective. I need to ask you a few questions." Mick said pulling out a chair for himself. "When did you first realize that a part of yourself had separated?" Forest looked at Mick suddenly but didn't say anything.
"Tell me. It's just me and you here." Mick said. Forest let out a sigh.
"It first happened when I was 16. I walked into my room after school and he was jus sitting there. I thought I was crazy at first. I mean how often do you see things like a carbon copy of yourself sitting down on your bed? He said that I internalized too many things and he had to get out At first it was cool. I was picked on a lot in high school for being younger. You know parents get so excited when they find out your smart. But starting high school when your 14 is just not good. So for two years, I took the beatings and the teasing, and then Junior year.....well...I guess I got even. All the bullies that picked on me all died in a horrible car accident. Police said their brakes were tampered with. End of problem. But when I started college, he started to go crazy. Girls are much different than the ones in high school. I had a study group with this girl named Amanda Hunter. She was beautiful, but I never had the nerve to talk to her outside of studies. And one morning I'm walking down the hall and Amanda came walking up to me and kissed me right in the coorider. Said last night was amazing. I didn't know what she was talking about. After that, people would tell me about something I did that they thought was cool. But none of it was me" He finished leaning back in the chair.
"Do you know how to stop it?"
"If I did, I wouldn't be here." He said.

Carl poked his head in the door.
"Mick can I talk to you for a bit?" Carl asked. Mick got up and walked outside with Carl. "This guy didn't do it, but look at this." Carl said showing him the circuit tv cameral from The Varnish club. There in plain site was Forest and Lori having drinks. This time stamp says that they were there a little after 9pm, but here's the footage from the public library. He's there." Carl said.
"We're going to have to fins this doppelganger and bring them together." Mick said.
"How do you suggest we do that?" Carl asked.
"We set a trap" Mick said. "Let him go Carl. I got this covered" Mick said taking out his phone. "Lisa! My favorite granddaughter!" Mick said.
"Nice flattery gramps, but it won't work on me. What's up?" She said, Mick told her what he wanted her to do and they set up the plan.

Forest went back to his apartment and saw that he was there looking in the fridge.
"You got me into a hell of a lot of trouble today!" Forest said in anger.
"What? I didn't do anything" He said.
"They have you on video you schmuck!" Forest said.
"No, no, no. They have you on video" He said with a smile. Forest threw his hands up in frustration and walked into the bathroom. "I have to go upstairs. Mr. Kostan wants to have a work with me, thanks to you" He said slamming the door. He heard something fall in the hallway out side, so he quickly opened the door and saw a very pretty slender blonde holding two boxes and was barely holding onto a third.
"Are you going to stare at me all day or help me carry this?" She asked. He quickly ran over and grabbed two of the boxes.
"Where do you want these?" He asked.
"The apartment straight ahead." She said
"So you just moved here? From where?" he asked.
"Tahoe" Lisa said. "Alright this is me. You can sit those down and I'll take them in."
"A true gentleman helps a woman all the way, not half way" He replied. Lisa unlocked the door and sat the box down on the carpet.
"You can sit it anywhere. Thanks for your help. So I guess I'll see you around sometime? Maybe we an hang out sometime.?" Lisa said
"That sounds great. How about at 7pm tonight?"
"Sure. Sounds great. See you then" She said shutting the door and locking it.
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

Forest came out of the bathroom and changed clothes. When he came out he was coming back into the apartment. "Where the hell were you?" Forest asked.
"I was right outside. Somebody dropped a box and I helped them pick it up" He said shrugging his shoulders.
"Whatever. Look, stay here! Do not go out until I return! I mean I! You've already caused enough trouble." He said walking out and slamming the door hard.

Lisa hoped gramps didn't expect her to wear a dress on this "mock date" She would do anything for Mick but drew the line at dresses and high heels. And in any case, she would need to move with out any restrictions. She heard the knock on her door. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hey. You look great." He said with a charming smile.
"Hi, come on in. I have to grab my purse." Lisa said turning around. She suddenly felt arms tight around her and a hand that came over her mouth. He started to drag her into the bedroom when Lisa twisted her torso and broke free of his grip. She immediately delivered a hard blow to his throat and he collapsed. She finished off with a crushing kick to the mid rib section.

Josef was sitting across from Forest when Mick called and said that he was coming up with the twin.
"Come Forest. There's something you need to see? Josef said. Mick came in with the guy over his shoulder.
"Is he alright?" Josef asked.
"Lisa gave a good pounding." Mick said.
"Put them both in the wine cellar" Josef said.

After Mick locked them both in he and Josef took a seat and waited for what was to come.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Kostan University

Post by Ella713 »

"So what do you think will happen?" Josef asked over his brandy.
"I think the stronger of the two will win, but I'm not sure if Forest is ready. If he's not then we have serial rapist on our hands." Mick said.
"And I'm guessing I'll have a hefty lawsuit to boot" Josef said.
"Lori Bateman." Josef replied.
"You think she will?"
"I know she will and I will give her what she asks for no questions asked. What happened to her was awful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Was Lisa okay with doing this?"
"Seriously? That guy didn't stand a chance" Mick laughed.

"You've ruined me!!!" Forest yelled out to him. "I had a chance to do something great and you screwed it up!"
"Are you kidding me? You wouldn't have anything if it weren't for me! Poor little Forest, can't talk to anyone, can't stand up for himself, can't go on a date! Hell you couldn't even defend yourself until I cam along!" He yelled back. "You're pathetic! I should have taken control a long time ago!!"
"I'm the one that created you!! I did that! You were nothing! I'm the one that gave you life, because I scared! That's what you are. A little boy's imaginary friend. You're the one that's nothing!!" Forest screamed.
"Wait a minute" He said fearfully "What are you saying?" He asked backing into the corner of the room.
"I DON'T NEED YOU!!!!" Forest screamed. "I don't need you! I never needed you!! I hate you!!!" He screamed closing his eyes tightly then fell down in exhaustion.

Mick and Josef both stood up.
"That sounds like brawl" Mick said and started for the wine cellar. He jerked open the door and saw Forest unconscious on the floor. There was no sign of anyone else in the room. Mick picked up the young man and took him upstairs.

Isabelle knocked on the door lightly.
"Hello Lori. My name is Isabelle Kostan. I would like to speak with you" She said evenly.
"I guess you're here to offer me hush money" She said opening the door wider so Isabelle could walk in.
"Hush money? What an interesting term."
"You want to pay me to keep quiet" Lori stated rolling her eyes.
"Why would you be quiet about such a thing. In this circumstance a woman must speak. And speak loudly. The world needs to hear this" Isabelle said. Lori looked at the beautiful woman in shock.
Ok, this wasn't what I expected." Lori said.
"I know that you tried to get Forest drunk, so he would be unfit for his interview. That you should have not done. And on that alone your admission would be denied, but I have talked to Josef and he will still admit you to the University all expenses paid. And you will be given a compensation amount, but as one woman to another, you will not be silent about this. If I had my way, Mr. Wiley would be torn from limb to limb and fed to rabid dogs!" Isabelle said firmly.
"You too?" Lori asked quietly.
"Yes. When I was but a girl of 15" Isabelle confessed. "My parents forbade me to say anything. But you now have a chance to speak for others. Make sure it is known that we will be silent no longer" Isabelle said holding her hand.

Forest woke up and immediately looked around.
"Here drink this" He heard someone say. He closed his eyes. Nothing had changed. He slowly sat up and saw Josef Kostan standing over him with a drink in hand.
"I don't drink sir" He replied.
"Trust me you're going to need this" Josef replied. "You other half is gone and kudos to you for finally standing up to him. However, there will be consequences. You are going to be charged with 2 counts of rape. There's no getting around that." Josef said. Forest held his head down and started to cry.
"You know, I really thought I was going to be a success." He said.
"You can still be. I have retained a lawyer for you. He will do his best to prove a mental defect, but that doesn't always work. There will be jail time."
"Of course" Forest said as he downed to drink in one gulp.
"You think you're up to it"" Josef asked.
"Yes Mr. Kostan" He said rising to his feet "Lt's do this"

Josef took him down the elevators to the loading dock.
"Why this way?" He asked.
"I don't think you should be paraded in front of the press so you? This is the back way." Josef said. They turned the corner and there in front of them was Isabelle and Lori Bateman. He looked at the two women.
"What's going on?" He said looking at Josef.
"You killed Forest Wiley. Did you really think no one would know." Josef said.
"W...what? Of course I'm Forest" He said nervously.
"Forest Wiley was allergic to alcohol. Deathly allergic. It's in his medical files. But you downed that whiskey like a pro" Josef said.
The man turned around quickly.
"Yeah so what! I sacrificed that loser! How are you going to prove it? huh?"
"We don't have to prove it" Josef said turning back towards the elevators. "Ladies, he's all yours"

As the elevator doors closed Joseph could hear the man's cries for help.

Kostan University was a huge success, but people were more impressed with the Women's Network Non-Profit that Kostan Industries had created. A place for rape victims to get the help, support and legal advice they needed. All free of charge and handled by Lori Bateman who was appointed President.

The End
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