Not so Fast Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Not so Fast Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Not So Fast
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Someone makes off with Josef's vintage Maserati, Mick and Steve decide dive into the seedy world of car boosting.

When the police came to Kostan Industries many Kostan employees had said that Josef's yell could be heard across the country line. The 1969 Maserati Ghibli was one of a kind and could never be replaced.
"Josef we're going to get some guys on this right away. I need to speak with your building security" Carl said. "What's your name?" Carl asked the head of Kostan security.
"Nick Blake" He replied.
"Alright. I need to see security footage of the garage ASAP" Carl ordered as he walked away with security.
"What kind of world are we living in when a man can't park his own car in his own garage of a building he owns without it getting jacked?" Josef screamed out. Isabelle placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Do not worry my love. The thief will be found and you can become medieval on his body" Isabelle said. Josef smiled at his wife.
"That's a heavy punishment for stealing a vehicle don't you think? I'll settle for the return of my car in exchange for their lives" Josef replied.

Vinnie Booker stared at the car and touched it lightly.
"Did you sweep this car?" He asked in a gruff voice.
"Yeah boss. No extra GPS trackers" Someone told him.
"Good, because something says Kostan is going to have everyone at LAPD searching for this car. Mikey, take some photos and start sending out feelers to our customers overseas. Something like this gets noticed real quick in the U.S."
"Sure thing Vinnie" He replied slowly rolling the car out of site.

"You know honestly Josef I thought you'd be more upset" Mick said with a smile.
"I am upset. But it's a material possession and one I'm pretty sure I can replace. It's not like it's the blood of my first born" Josef said.
"You don't have any children" Mick said.
"That I know of Mick. Do you realize how much coitus I 've had in this lifetime?" Josef joked.
"Yes, tons."
"It's the principle. Whoever did this has a major death wish. "Mick's phone rang and he saw that it was Steve and he groaned. "The wife?" Josef asked with a smile.
"No. It's Steve" Mick said.
"Seriously Mick, you're going to have to let up on him. He's done nothing wrong, he loves Lisa and wants to marry her."
Mick nodded his head and answered his phone.
"What's up Steve?" He asked.
"Hey Mick. The word on the street is that there are some new car boosters in L.A.. A crew from Chicago. Sid told me they boost very high end cars strip em clean and send them overseas to the highest bidder"
"Really? Listen, you and Sid head over to my place as soon as you can" Mick said hanging up the phone, "Looks like Steve may have some info on who stole your baby"
"Good! Told you Steve was a good guy" Josef said as Mick walked out the door.

Sid O'Brien was a stooge. A snitch for lack of a better word. He had dished out information to Beth and Steve when they were working at Buzzwire. Beth always said that Sid's intel was legit!
They were already waiting for Mick when he arrived.
"Alright. What do you got?" Mick asked as he let them in.
"You know me Mick. You know I stay away from hot cars! Especially hot expensive cars! That's trouble I don't need. But I hear that Marshall Dickson is back in town and he was asking for a very specific piece of hardware. The kind of hardware that get's you easy access into foreign cars.. Then I hear about the Maserati and I kind of put two and two together."
"Okay. Who is Marshall Dickson?" Mick asked.
"You remember that gang who ripped off all those BMW's from that San Diego car lot? Marshall ran that crew. And after they robbed that dealership he left town. Now they say he went to Chicago to hook up with Vinnie Catelli's group" Sid finished.
"Okay. I get that. But this is Los Angeles. Luxury sports cars are a dime a dozen. Why this car? Is there some kind of beef between Catelli and Josef?"
"I doubt it Mick. Cartelli is strictly East Coast old school mob type stuff.' Steve said.
"There's a connection here somewhere" Mick said to himself.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon May 09, 2016 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Not so Fast Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Boss, we got a call from our guy in Shanghai. He's definitely interested. Even said he'd pay the shipping cost" He said to Vinnie.
"Oh yeah? Well he better not be talking about that yen shit! The price is U.S. dollars only!" Vinnie replied.
"I'll tell him"

Vinnie looked at all the vehicles to be shipped out. He needed 5 more. And those were going to be hard to come by. He'd have to hire at least two more goons.

Sid heard as soon as Vinnie discreetly put the word out looking for talent. He tried getting contact with Steve and Mick but no such luck He lit a cigarette while he thought of his options. He'd have to make the call himself.
"Hey, I need to talk to the man" Sid said nervously.
"What do you want?" A voice asked.
"Look, I heard around he's looking for some talent. I know some guys who might be interested"
"Hold on" The voice said and Sid waited patently. Suddenly the phone was picked up.
"Yeah who you got?" The loud voice asked.
"Two guys I knew in the joint. Folks say they're the best" Sid lied nervously.
"Give me the names and I'll check them out." Vinnie ordered.
"I don't know their last names, but Mick is the driver and Stevie is the jacker. They did some stuff over on Maderia Boulevard" Sid said.
"I'll check it out" Vinnie said and hung up. Right after Sid laid down his cell Steve called him back. Sid quickly told him what he told Vinnie and Steve called Mick.

"Sid's going to get himself killed!" Mick said when Steve told him what he'd done.
"Actually, he gave us an airtight rep. That job in Maderia was rumored to be the Columbians. No one saw anything and no wants to talk about it. So anybody can take the credit for that job."
"Okay. So we're thieves. I can do the driving, but do you even know how to jack a car?"
"Yeah" Steve said quietly. "And you're going to have to do something about your face" Steve said.
"What's wrong with my face?" Mick asked.
"Anyone that looks like you doesn't need to steal a car" Steve said laughing.

Steve and Mick went to the news station.
"Hey Annie! This is my friend Mick" Steve said introducing him to the make up artist.
"Well hello!" She said holding out her hand and taking in Mick's good looks. "Uh, what can I help you with?"
"Can you make him ugly?" Steve asked.
"That would be beyond the power of make up" Annie said still staring at Mick.
"Yeah I get it. The man's a Greek God. Can you give him some bruises and cuts, you know make it look like he got beat up" Steve asked again. Annie sighed.
"Let me see what I can do" She said pointing Mick to a chair.

Annie put the final touches on Mick's face and looked to see if she missed anything.
"Well, what do you think?" She asked turning Mick to the mirror.
Annie had created a black eye and a busted lip which looked 100% authentic. She tied a bandana around Mick's wavy hair which gave him a rebellious look, but even with all the make up, Mick still looked like supermodel. A supermodel that someone had beat up. "I wish I could do better, but short of having someone beat the crap out of you, this is as good as it gets." Annie said, applying more make-up to his lips.
"Thanks Annie. And could you keep this secret?" Steve asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I never saw you" Annie said walking away.
"Is she always so willing to help?" Mick asked, thinking that was remarkably easy.
"We, uh used to have a thing" Steve said quickly walking away.

Vinnie called his contacts in the area and was told the same thing. The dealership job was fast and it was clean. No one knew who boosted the vehicles and if anyone did know they weren't talking about it. Close to 1 million dollars in high market cars vanished overnight. He needed someone that good.
He picked up his phone and called Sid.

Mick and Steve met with Vinnie's crew.
"What the hell happened to you?" Vinnie asked looking at Mick's bruises.
"I had a disagreement. I would say talk to the other guy, but he can't talk. His jaw is wired shut" Mick said arrogantly.
"You good with your fists?"
"Let's just say, they speak a language that everyone understands" Mick replied.
"Good. I like that. So what do you do?" He asked looking at Steve.
"Under a minute" Steve said. Vinnie knew what that meant. Steve was saying he could get into any car in under 60 seconds. The fastest guy on his crew was 3 minutes give or take.
"How about I give you a little audition?" Vinnie said.
"Make and model?" Steve asked.
"2015 Mercedes Coupe. E-Class" Vinnie said walking him to a lot filled with high end cars. Steve started walking ahead. "Don't you want to know the color of the car at least?" Vinnie yelled to him. Steve shook his head and walked right up the vehicle.
"On my mark!" Vinnie yelled holding the stopwatch in his hand. "Go!" Steve very quickly slipped under the car and stood back up and opened the car door and in mere seconds brought the car to a loud roar.
"49 seconds." Vinnie said with a huge grin thinking he could bring this kid on full time. "All right. Let's go talk business" He said leading them to his office.

"That was impressive Steve." Mick said as they were driving away. "You wanna tell me how you were able to do that?"
"I did some time when I was kid. I ran with a tough gang in Sol Cal. Boosted a lot of cars. I got caught, did 1 1/2 in juvie hall. That woke my ass up! I got out finished school went to college and became the well adjusted vampire you see before you" Steve said.
"Does Lisa know this?" Mick asked.
"Yeah she does. Mick, you have to believe me. Lisa knows everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. I don't keep secrets from her" Steve said. Mick could tell that Steve was telling the truth.

Angela was frantically trying to call Carl but got no answer. The baby was coming and had no idea what to do. She couldn't go the hospital or call 911 like every other pregnant woman.
Brian froze in the middle of a conference call and immediately got up and called Isabelle.
"Angela is in labor. We must leave" Brian said grabbing Isabelle's hand and appearing in Angela's living room.
"Brian I will need some sheets and a wet towel" Isabelle said laying Angela down on the floor and raising up her skirt.
"Isabelle this hurts!!!!!" Angela screamed. "I'm dead why does this hurt?" Angela screamed.
"A woman cannot escape the punishment from God because she is dammed. The pain of childbirth is absolute. Now you must push!" Isabelle said. Brian gave Isabelle the things she asked for and turned around to leave the room.
"No!" Isabelle said "You must stay"
Brian looked at the expression of pain on Angela's face and he could actually feel what she was going through. "You know what she's feeling. You must help her"
And in that moment Brian knew he would never ever give his blood away again.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon May 09, 2016 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Not so Fast Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Okay. I'm short five cars and I need you to go find them for me. You bring me all five in 3 days, you get $25,000 each. Here's the list of what we need. Burn that paper when you're done"
Mick and Steve nodded their heads and walked out.

"A Ferrari LaFerrari, Aston Martin One-77, A Rolls Royce Phantom, a Bentley Bentayga, and a Lexus RC-f This guy isn't playing around" Steve said.
"Well, Josef has two on this list. We'll have to borrow his. The other's we might be able to find through Carl. The police impound a lot of luxury care in drug busts." Mick said.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you right. You want to give the man you think stole my car another one of my cars?"
"If this works Josef, he'll go to jail and you get both your cars back." Mick said. Josef closed his eyes in frustration then reached in a drawer and pulled out two sets of keys and tossed them to Mick.
"Not one scratch Speed Racer" Josef said.
"Okay, now all we need is the Bentley, the Lexus, and the Rolls Royce" Steve said. "And the clock is ticking"

Carl was pulling up to his house to check on Angela when he heard screaming. He quickly pulled his gun from his holster and kicked open the door.
"We could use your assistance" Brian said looking horrified. Carl rolled up his sleeves and took Angela by the hand.
"Sweetheart you're doing great. I love you so much. Just hang in there and listen to Isabelle" Carl spoke softly to her.
"Carl, you must remove your hand when a contraction comes or your wife will crush it" Isabelle said as sensed the last contraction was coming. Brian fell to the floor holding his stomach grunting in pain.
"Okay Angela, this is it. Just one last push. I see the head." Isabelle said. Angela gave one last push and Isabelle pulled the baby from her, quickly wiped the baby clean and cut the life cord connecting mom and child. The little one let out a loud squeal.
"You have a beautiful little boy" Isabelle said smiling and handing the baby to Angela.
"Oh Carl!" Angela cried. We have a son!" Angela cried. Carl kissed Angela and then cradled his son's head.
"Thank you Isabelle. Thank you so much" He said with tears in his eyes.
Angela looked over at Brian who was lying on the floor.
"Is he okay?" Angela asked. Isabelle looked over at Brian with a smile
"He will be fine. Giving birth took a lot out of him" She joked.

Mick and Steve crept onto the impound lot looking for the cars they would need.
"I see the Lexus" Steve said starting walk towards it.
"Hold on" Mick said, pulling out a bad of steak laced with sedatives and throwing it out into the lot. Police dogs ran up sniffing around and dove into the meat. It took 15 minutes before the drug started to take effect. In another 10 minutes the dogs were out cold. Steve moved the dogs to safety while he boosted the Lexus. Mick cracked the lock on the gate, hopped in with Steve and drove off in the night.
"One down, two more to go." Steve said.
"We need to talk to Carl and let him know we swiped a car." Mick said.

Mick arrived home and found no one home. He called Beth's mobile and heard the great news, so he drove over to Carl's house.

"Hey were have you been mister" Lisa said when Steve walked in the door "And why are you dressed like a criminal?"
"Some moron stole one of Josef's cars and Mick and I are undercover as car thieves" He replied.
"That sounds like so much fun!" Lisa said.
"It is!" Steve said laughing

Mick walked up to Angela and gave her a kiss. Then he shook Carl's hand and gave him big hug.
"Congratulations Carl!" Mick said looking over at the beautiful baby in Angela's arms. "He's got your eyes man." Mick looked over at Brian wondering why looked like he was ill. "What's wrong with Brian?" Mick asked.
"Honey, Brian gave Angela his blood" Beth said. When the realization hit Mick he cringed.
"Oh Brian, I am so so sorry" Mick said walking over to him.

"Carl, Steve and I got a lead on Josef's stolen car. Some guy named Vinnie Cartelli? Have you heard of him?"
"Yeah. He's big in the car theft ring. Only steals high end cars and ships them overseas for big bucks. Are you sure it's him?"
"Yeah. We saw Josef's car on his lot. Steve and I are undercover as boosters. He told us he needed five more cars before he can ship this group and we have to go out and prove ourselves so to speak"
"So there going to be a lot of call about missing cars?" Carl asked.
"Yeah. Starting with a Lexus from the Impound Lot" Mick said sheepishly. Carl was going yell, but just sighed.
"I'll take care of it" He said sitting down next to his wife and staring at his son.

Mick drove the Lexus to Vinnie's place and tossed him the keys. Chomping on a cigar Vinnie walked all around the car inspecting it.
"Good job. Get to work on the other 2" He said turning around and walking away.

Mick and Steve drove around Beverly Hills looking for cars to steal.
"I know where we can get the Rolls Royce but you're not going to like it" Steve said.
"Why? Whose car is it?"
"Punchy." Steve said.
"The rapper? How do you know that?'
"News Crew did a story on the release of his new CD. He was bragging about it" Steve replied.
"You know the kind of crowd he travels with right?" Mick asked.
"Yeah. And we're talking crazy guns" Steve said with a smile. He was actually enjoying this. Lisa and her daredevil lifestyle were starting to rub off on him. Mick shook his head slowly.
"Let's go steal a Rolls" He said speeding down the highway.

"We should stop somewhere close and grab a drink until the sun sets." Mick said driving towards a bar he knew. As they sat with their drinks they talked about a plan.
"So Punchy's mansion is on Viera Blvd. And the Rolls is in an attached garage. He's going to have guys with guns guarding it" Steve said.
"We need a distraction. I'll go in and just jump around a lot. Make it seem like they are under attack. He's going to request all his men as backup. You get into the garage and boost the car. I'll meet you at the end of the street." Mick said.
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Re: Not so Fast Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

As the sun began to set they made their way back to the lane where Punchy's mansion was located. Loud music was blaring from all directions which meant there was party going on. Which also meant, it would be easy for people to get spooked. Mick easily jumped over the high wall and up to a balcony on the third level. The door wasn't locked so he quietly let himself in. A beautiful woman wearing nothing but a towel walked in, saw Mick and screamed her head off. Mick instantly took of and started breaking items in the process. He heard people running up stairs. The woman in tears telling them what she saw.
"Find that fool and bring him to me!" Punchy said to his guards. They heard noise on the second level and everyone ran back down the stairs, checking every room.

When Steve saw the guards leave the garage he sped in and found the Rolls. It was a beautiful car. He quickly started the car and drove down the drive and down the road to wait for Mick. Punch was tired of chasing some figment of a girl's imagination that he told his men to call the police. Mick very quietly leapt to the ground and found Steve waiting for him down the road.
"You take my car and I'll take this to Vinnie. I'll see you at my place" Mick said as he drove off.

Vinnie whistled when Mick pulled up in the Rolls Royce.
"You actually did it" He said shaking his head in disbelief. "Where did it come from?" He asked.
"Does it matter?" Mick asked back.
"Hell no!" Vinnie laughed. "Just one more and I hope I can pursued the two of you into a little business venture" He laughed again walking away.

Steve was lying in bed with Lisa telling her about his day.
"So we have just one more car on the list to snatch then we can alert police when he tries to move them"
"What car is next?" Lisa asked.
"A Bentley." Steve said. "And that car will be the hardest to snatch. That's an old money car. It's not like you can just carjack someone driving down the street in one."
"I know someone who owns a Bentley" Lisa said. "He's obsessed with it."
Steve sat up
"Who is it?" He asked suddenly.
"General Jung" Lisa said with a smile. "And I feel like issuing a little payback" She said. "He's still in California. Said he's not leaving until he can stomp out the vampire problem here. Of course no one's listening to him much anymore. He has a ranch in Santa Cruz. He's there most likely prepping for the Battle Royal" She joked.
"Do you think Mick and I should pay him a visit?" Steve asked. Lisa rolled over on top of him.
"Why Mr. Bellfour, I love how your devious mind works" She kissing him deeply.

"Hey Mick" Steve said when he saw him. "How's Carl and Angela? Everything okay?" He asked.
"They're doing great Steve. Angela and baby Jackson are doing great."
"Good. I'm glad to hear that. Listen, I got a tip on a Bentley" Steve said.
"Is it a reliable tip? Can you trust them?" Mick asked.
"I trust her with my life. It's Lisa Mick. She said that General Jung has a prized Bentley. And he's staying in Sana Cruz"
"Lisa's sure he has a Bentley?"
"Yeah. She said it was his prized possession. Won't let anyone touch it." Steve explained. Mick sighed.
"Well, we need one. Might as well rip one off from that jack ass" Mick said. Steve and Mick began to prepare for the long drive to Santa Cruz.

General Jung was busy talking to the few people who would listen to his concerns.
"General, you can't overlook the cancer cure. That is vital and everyone including the President will not pass any laws on gathering vampires and executing them." One Senator said.
"So you're okay with monsters that drink blood living right next to you and your family? Or dating your daughter? They could wipe out the entire human race." Jung argued.
"So far, they've saved millions of lives and they didn't ask for anything in return" he countered.
"Oh, so you're pro vampire now James?" The General accused.
"What I am is smart. I'm not going start a war that I have no earthly way of winning and neither should you." The Senator said standing up. "Look, I'm heading home. Think about what I said" He said walking out the door. General Jung banged his fist on the table.
"idiotic fool!" He said to himself.

"Wow, look at this place!" Steve said looking at the enormous ranch. "I didn't know Generals got paid this much. I would have chosen another major" Steve said jokingly! "You sense anyone around?"
"No. We need to do this quick." Mick said quietly running to where the garage area was located.

Mick and Steve made their way onto the General's property. Under the blanket of night they very quickly made it to the garage and found the car. Steve got in and reached under the console and pulled out some wires. The car quietly came to life and Steve drove off towards the gate which Mick had left opened. He cruised right through when he saw that the porch lights had turned on and someone was yelling. Steve sped off in the car and waited to see if Mick was behind him.
He waited a little while longer and saw Mick leap over the high gated fence and made it to the car. They switched vehicles and drove off separately with the General firing a shotgun down the road.

Vinnie smiled brightly when he saw Mick pull up in the last car that was on this. "Damn it!" Vinnie thought to himself. "Those mooks actually did" He said stomping his cigar out of the ground. Mick slowly got out of the car and leaned up against it. Vinnie stared at him.
"I guess you want to be paid?" Vinnie said snapping his fingers at one of his crew. He came back with two envelopes. Mick counted the money in both envelopes.
"See ya around" Mick said starting to turn away.
"Hey stick around for a bit. I still have a proposition for you?" Vinnie said.
"Let me call Steve" Mick said pulling out his phone.
Vinnie quickly pulled out a Glock from behind his back.
"Filled with silver I'm afraid Mr. St. John. Did you really think I wouldn't recognize your pretty face? " Vinnie said with a loud laugh.

Steve had just knocked on Mick's door when he got a very panicked feeling.
"Hey Steve, I'm sure Mick will be here in a few minutes? Beth was saying. When Steve didn't move, she knew exactly what was going on. "Come on Steve!" She yelled as they ran for the car. "What did you feel?" She asked Steve urgently.
"Vinnie knows. He recognized Mick as working for Josef" Steve said trying hard to concentrate on the road, but the flashes of images were distracting.
"Steve just focus on the road and get us there quick!" Beth said.

"So I take it you're here for Kostan's car? Is that who sent you? Doesn't matter now. Kostan's a prick! A big shot like him, he can buy a fleet of Maserati's. You don't know how long I've waited to stick it to the all powerful Josef Kostan!" He laughed. "Getting to waste a vampire, well that's just icing on the cake" He said grinning.

Steve pulled up across the street from Vinnie's lot.
"How do we get in?" Beth asked.
"I think we should enter from the back. That's where he has all his stolen cars. Chances are his men won't be firing at any of the merchandise." Steve said.
"Okay. That sounds like a plan. Let's go get my husband."
Beth and Steve ran quickly and quietly to the back of the warehouse where two thugs with guns walked back and forth looking for a reason to fire them. Without warning, Beth leaped over the fence and killed the first guy by breaking his neck. She turned around to deal with the other man, but saw that Steve had taken him out.
"Let me know next time Beth. That guy could have shot you" Steve said in anger.
"I can take care of myself Steve" Beth said with a smile. "But thanks for caring" She said touching his arm. "Where to now?"
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Not so Fast Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick was bored of all this drama. For the first time in a very long while, he had had it with humans! Always thinking they can shoot their way out of every mess that they themselves created.
"You think you're going to shoot me?" Mick said with a smile "That's cute" Vinnie looked at Mick with a panicked expression on his face.
"I will shoot you!!" Vinnie yelled out.
"I don't think you can Vinnie. Vampires are very fast." Mick said and disappeared. Vinnie looked at his crew all standing there with dumbfounded expressions on their faces./
"Why didn't you shoot him!!!!" Vinnie screamed at them Mick saw Steve and Beth headed his way.
"Mick are you alright?" Beth said hugging him tightly.
"I'm fine. But we have go in there and take care of these guys" Mick said.

Steve, Beth and Mick ran back into the warehouse. The men started to fire blindly against what they could not see. And when they finally did see, it was too late.
Beth was holding Vinnie by the back of his neck.
"Babe! This guy needs to visit with Josef." Mick said.
"No Way!!! You can't give me to Kostan! Where's the police?" Vinnie said as he fought wildly trying to break free.
"Sorry dude. You messed up big time. There no turning back now" Steve said finishing with his freshie drink. Mick walked up to car thief.
"Tell me Vinnie, where are the keys to Josef's car?" Mick asked.
" the desk drawer. The top one" he said trying to be helpful.
"Good boy" Mick said slapping the man's cheek. He found Josef's key lying right on top. He tossed the keys to Beth. "Get the car back to Josef honey" He said picking Vinnie up off the floor. "Steve, wanna have some fun?"
"Always Mick. Always." Steve said with a smile.

All the cars were returned to their rightful owners, with the exception of a Bentley which the police could find no trace of. One General Jung suffered a major heart attack which brought on stroke, when he heard his vehicle could not be found. The paramedics found him on his front porch clutching his heart mumbling something about vampires and flying. It made no sense to anyone. He died 48 hours later.

And, Josef got his car back and a very swank Bentley which led to everyone thinking why does everything work out so well for Josef?"

The End
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