King of Spades Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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King of Spades Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
King of Spades
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A corrupt gang member is released from prison and sets his sights on Lt. Carl :gasp:

Michael Roosevelt Crawford stood in front of the parole board with his head down.
"Mr. Crawford. You have been an exemplary inmate. Can you tell us why you chose to commit these crimes" One Officer asked.
"Sir, my life was all messed up. I didn't have a daddy to speak of and my moms was always hooking up with some dude, so I had to raise myself. I hung out with all the wrong people and got into drugs and pimping out girls....I didn't know who I was anymore. I am sorry that I shot that man. As God is my witness, I am so sorry. This time in prison has given me a whole new way to look at life and the changes that have to be made" Michael said. The Parole Board all wrote notes down.
"Mr. Crawford, what are your plans if you are released?" Michael knew that almost all inmates were either released or denied solely on this answer.
"You know I'd like to say, I want to apologize to the victim's family, but they don't need to hear any I'm sorry's from me. I don't want to cause them any more pain. But what I'd like to do is start over. Get started on some kind of vocational course, maybe join the Job Corps. I heard they take hard luck cases like me." He said. "I don't want to ever come back here"
"Thank you Mr. Crawford, we will let you know what we've decided"
Michael was taken back into his cell.
"Yo 2-Shot! You think they gonna give you parole?" Another inmate asked.
"Yeah. I got this" Michael said sitting down on his bed.

Carl was in a bad mood. 2-Shot Crawford was having his parole hearing today. They had asked Carl if he wanted to speak up at the hearing, but Carl said no. He had written dozens of letters telling the Board that releasing Crawford would be a death sentence for the city of Los Angeles. The family of the victims showed up each and every time he was up for parole and cried and held up pictures of their family member. But so much time had gone by. Why go through the motions of releasing him at all. The guys was BAD NEWS. Period.

"Michael Crawford, please stand. It is the judgment of this office to release you on the grounds of excellent behavior. I feel that you will use this opportunity to better yourself and your circumstances. You will report once a week to Parole Officer Daryl Douglas. You will refrain from both drugs and alcohol. Any prescription medication will have to be noted in your file by a licensed physician. And you will not travel out of state of California unless authorized by a district court judge. Do you understand these terms as they are told to you?"
"Yes, I do" Michael responded.
" are free to go"

And like that Michael saw his life changing. He knew what he did wrong the first time. He was cockl=y and juvenile. But 15 years in prison changes a man. And Michael knew exactly what he was going to do.

The first thing Michael did when he arrived back in Los Angeles was go see the man responsible for him being caught. He knocked on the apartment door.
"What up dog?" Michael said with a sinister grin. The man inside immediately shut the door and fled out his window. He quickly jumped to the ground and started to run across the street. He didn't see the car coming. He died on impact.

The second thing he did was help himself to the hidden cash in the man's apartment. and the third thing he did was buy lot's of guns, because he had an awful lot of killing to do.

Mick opened the door for Carl and immediately poured him a stiff drink.
"I take it you heard?" Carl said rolling the liquor in the glass as he sat down.
"Yeah. I'm sorry Carl, but mankind needs to realize that not everybody can be saved. This is Lee Jay Spaulding all over again." Mick said. "You think he'll come for us?"
"Yeah. And he won't waste time." Carl said.
"We need to get Angela someplace safe." Mick said calling Brian.

Brian rushed all around the office trying to find out Angela's whereabouts. Her Assistant told Brian that she was on her way back from Santa Clara and should be arriving at the office at any moment.
Brian took 6 Kostan security guards with him to the garage to wait for Angela to drive in and personally escort her to someplace secure. They were just approaching the garage when they saw Angela's car. The door was wide open and Angela was lying on the ground beside it. A gun shot would to her abdomen. Brian didn't care if anyone saw him, he picked up her body and appeared in the Emergency Room where doctors immediately took her away for surgery.

Brian made the sad call to his dad and Carl.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon May 02, 2016 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2315
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: King of Spades Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick sat with Carl waiting for the doctors to give him any information.
"She's going to be okay Carl. Angela is a strong woman" Mick said to him.
Carl nodded his head slowly but said nothing. He just kept rubbing his hands like they were cold.
Brian, Josef and Isabelle all came to the hospital to offer their support. Hours seemed to creep by slowly until a doctor came out to speak with Carl.
"Lt. Davis. Your wife suffered a single shot into her abdomen. There was a lot of bleeding that we were able to stop. But the bullet went through her abdomen and is resting near her spine. We are bringing in a spine specialist and he will extract the bullet. But I have to tell you there may be a chance she'll be paralyzed." The doctor said sadly walking away. Josef was livid.
"Mick who did this?" He yelled.
"A paroled gang banger named Michael Roosevelt Crawford. Carl helped put him away for murder." Mick explained. Carl walked quietly over to Josef.
"Josef....." He began to say, but his became choked up. Josef gave him a big hug.
"That son of bitch is mine" Josef said walking out of the hospital. Isabelle left behind him. Beth wrapped Carl in a hug.
"She's going to be alright" Beth said crying on his shoulder.

Brian slipped away and appeared in Angela's room. He listed to her faint heartbeat. Angela would die by the next evening. Then he heard something else. Angela was pregnant! Brian quickly rolled up his sleeve and bit into his wrist and dropped a stream of blood into her mouth and quietly left the room.

Now he would wait and see.

It did not take long for Isabelle to put the word out that Michael Roosevelt Crawford was to meet with Josef Kostan. In two hours, the man himself walked into Josef's penthouse with another man.
He let out a long whistle.
"Damn! Man you sure know how to live!" He said walking around looking at everything. "Hey is that Hennessey? You mind if I pour myself some?" He asked grabbing a glass and filling it to the brim with the expensive liquid. After sitting down and taking a long sip he sat his glass down on the table. "So you want to tell what some rich dickhead is doing asking about me?"
Josef said nothing. Michael stood up pulling out his gun.
"You think I'm gonna sit here and wait for 5-0 to bust in? You think I'm an idiot?" He yelled pointing the gun at Isabelle. "Is this your wife? She fine dog. Maybe me and my boy will take her skinny ass upstairs and show her a real good time" He said walking towards Isabelle.
"You humans really are obsessed with rape" Isabelle said
"Us humans? You high lady?" He said laughing Isabelle ran at them and killed his friend, took the gun away from Michael and held him in the air by the throat.
"Don't kill him Sweetheart. Lock him up downstairs. I think Carl would be very interested in seeing him" Josef said.

Josef called Mick and told him that they had Michael. Mick gave Carl the phone.
"What do you want me to do Carl? It has to be your decision" Josef said.
Carl thought for a while. He was a cop. he didn't believe in vigilante justice. But the bastard shot his wife and she could very well die.
"Josef, as you once told Brian. Surprise me" Carl said and handed Mick the phone. Josef walked up to Isabelle and kissed her.
"What did he say?" Isabelle asked.
"He said to surprise him" Josef said with a smile, unzipping her dress.
"I love surprises" Isabelle said taking off her dress.

Beth brought Carl a cup of coffee as the sun started to rise. The doctor came out to speak with him again.
"Lt. Davis. Your wife is doing well. Very well in fact. It seems we may have misspoke about the bullet position. She's a little tired but is asking for you" He said with a smile. Mick and Beth both hugged their friend and watched him walk towards Angela's room. The doctor looked at them both.
"I know that these things are supposed to be reported, but I really don't care to and I welcome the help. Especially when it comes to saving a life" He said walking away.
"Do you know what he's talking about?" Beth asked.
"No idea" Mick replied not sure what was actually going on.
"Mick, Beth!" Carl said calling to them. "I'm going to be a father!" He yelled as Mick and Beth both gave him hugs and walked over to hug Angela.

Michael woke up in total darkness with a very sore neck. He was scared. For the first time in his life. he was terrified.

The End
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