Competition Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A wealthy British financier comes to Los Angeles to steal from Josef Kostan! :eek2:

Harold Roden, Harry to his close friends, grew up with impeccable pedigree. His parents were of the upper crust portion of London's elite. Not posh of enough to be close to royalty but rich enough to be far better than the rest of the nobody's that tried to carve out a piece respectability that came from money. Which in part meant Harry was new money in an old money society.

And while some of the old guard still turned their noses up at his success, the new money sect welcomed him with open arms. And now he felt it was time to take on the States.
Some Brits who left their home country to settle in the U.S were quite happy as the tax laws in America were better suited for the ultra rich.

Brian always read the paper from front to back never missing a single word. He immediately went into Josef's office for the daily briefing.
"Sir, I read the most interesting thing" Brian said to Josef. "Roden Acquisitions is opening an American Headquarters"
"Really?" Josef said.
"Yes. It seems that wealth as you know is heavily taxed in England. So why not come here and contribute to GNP" Brian said.
"Did the article mention which corporations they were interested in acquiring?" Josef asked.
"No sir. But I'm going to guess publications. That did seem to be their main focus"
"Well good luck to them" Josef said dismissing it from his mind.

Harry arrived in Los Angeles and immediately went to work. He found the most amazing space for his offices and worked with the best interior designer he could find. and when the office was ready he welcomed Business Weekly Magazine to do a feature story. Something that would tell America he had arrived.

Harry studied the article but could find nothing wrong with it. The photos of his office were fantastic! He had hired a top notch staff, some who had worked for Kostan Industries in the past. And on the day he officially opened, things went swimmingly, but now it time for him to mingle and get a feel for the city. Find out who all the movers and shakers were. Harry needed to make friends.

Whitney Heart was the photographer who shot his office for Business Weekly Magazine took him around to the places where the "financial folk" she called them, dined and sipped cocktails. In a month he had a solid group of wealthy men on his speed dial.

Los Angeles was like a fairytale. Everything was brand spanking new. But the city was also very fake. One was never sure if you were meeting a person or who that person wanted you to believe they were. The women however, were more liberated. In England, it was all about landing a husband and more importantly, the right sort of husband. But here, women were more apt to have flings, not really caring about a commitment and that was one thing that Harry enjoyed. He saw no reason to settle down and raise children. Just the thought of children made him shiver. So costly they were. But Harry was very careful. Obsessively careful about birth control. Ever since he caught his ex in London in the bathroom poking holes in his condom supply!

He noticed the woman right away. She was gorgeous! Long dark hair and almost as tall as he was. She glanced his way and shyly turned her head away.

Harry sat across from Josef Kostan trying to figure him out.
"So, how is Los Angeles treating you Harry?" Josef said amicably.
"Very well indeed. The weather here is amazing!" Harry said truthfully "Of course I miss London, but things tend to be a tad more relaxed here"
"Glad to hear it. But watch your back. There are some rather shady characters in Los Angeles. Especially in our line of work." Josef replied.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Harry spied the woman again at Villa Blanca in Beverly Hills. She again sat by herself while sipping a glass of wine. Finishing his martini he walked over confidently.
"Pardon my intrusion, but I seem to be seeing you everywhere I go" He said taking in the slope of her shoulders and her graceful neck. She turned to face him and Harry froze in place. "Mrs. Kostan........I believe. Harry Roden. It's a pleasure to meet you" he stammered. Isabelle shook his hand and invited him to sit.
"Yes, Mr. Roden. I've been reading a lot about you lately. Welcome to Los Angeles. She said
"Where might your husband be?" Harry asked looking all around waiting for Josef Kostan to sneak up on him Isabelle gave a lazy sigh.
"Who knows" She said sitting her empty glass down while Harry signaled for a refill. "Josef has always done whatever he wants" She said staring straight ahead.
"Well, I'm sure he has some important business matters to take care of..." Harry began to say.
"Really Mr. Roden, you don't have to be kind. I knew what kind of man I was marrying from the beginning...Josef has a very short attention span" She said accepting the drink the waiter brought to her.
"For what it's worth, I am very sorry." Harry said thinking that Josef was more or less a fool to let this beautiful creature out alone unaccompanied.
"These things happen" She said standing up. "Thank you for the drink and the company" She said picking up her small handbag. Harry immediately stood up.
"Listen, Mrs. Kostan" He began
"My name is Isabelle"
"Alright. Isabelle. I was thinking of taking a stroll around the city. I hear Los Angeles has some rather interesting sights." he said softly.

Harry walked companionably with Isabelle, neither saying a word. Isabelle would occasionally point out some landmark or structure of some importance.
"How long have you lived in California?" He asked.
"Oh, I forget. It's been a long while now" She said "How long do you intend to stay?"
"That remains to be seen. If my little foray goes well, I may decide to become an American citizen" He said with a smile.
"Good" Isabelle said with a small smile.

Over the next two months, people had gotten used to seeing Harry Roden and Isabelle Kostan out walking or having a drink. Most speculated that Isabelle was fed up with Josef Kostan the Playboy and developed an interest in someone else, and no one faulted her for this.

Josef went overseas to work on his accounts in Switzerland and left Brian to keep an eye on things.
Brian observed Isabelle closely, but he knew there was never a need to worry. Isabelle Kostan would never betray Josef. That he knew with all his heart.

Harry was doing splendidly. It seems everything he touched turned a profit. He loved America!!
Harry had been flirting with the idea of adding transportation to his fleet of acquisitions, but had no luck in the UK, but British Airways was a government entity, but in the States, anyone with enough capital could purchase their own airline and that's what he aimed to do.
He wanted to get the jump on Cuba. Since the embargos were lifted, many Americans were interested in travelling there. His priority was snatching up a relatively small airline and redesigning it to be the only airline to go non stop to and from the U.S. to Havana! His PR Manager already had designs and brand marketing ideas that could into play very quickly.

After much research he decided that the small unknown airline named Lux Airlines would be the company for him. Lux Air didn't leave the continent but did provide non stop flights from Southern California to Vancouver British Columbia, but Harry could do so much more. He felt his phone beeping and when he pulled it out look at it, he saw it was his attorney.
"Harry Roden here" He answered.
"Harry, I have just discovered that Lux Airlines is very close to becoming an acquisition of Josef Kostan. They have been in negotiations for quite some time." He replied.

In hindsight, this information should have been listened to. But when he looked up and saw Isabelle standing at his office door he didn't heed the warning.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

And that was all it took for Harry Roden. Still holding the phone in his hand he looked lovingly at Isabelle standing in his doorway.
"Bill, up the price. Make them an offer that they can't turn down" He said decisively and hanging up the phone. "Isabelle, this is a pleasant surprise, what brings you this way?" He said taking her hand showing her a chair.
"I just wanted to check in and see how your were" She replied.
"I am quite well. Stupendous in fact." He said with a smile.
"It was my hope that you could attend a gallery opening with me tonight." She said. Harry's eyebrows rose. This was definitely a very good sign. Isabelle was saying that she had intentions on leaving Josef Kostan. This very public high end event meant she was letting those intentions be known to her circle.
"Isabelle, I'd be honored to escort you to the opening." He said.
"This pleases me." She said standing up and walking towards him.
"I will send my driver for you" Harry said staring at the beautiful woman that was walking seductively towards him. She placed a slender hand alongside his cheek and pressed a very firm yet sensual kiss on his forehead.
"I will see you at 6pm" She said gracefully walking out of his office and closing the door behind her.

Harry was frozen in place watching Isabelle get on the elevator. His entire body was tingling and he had never ever felt this sexually excited in his entire adult life by anyone!

Harry dressed in his very best Seville Row Tuxedo and left to pick up Isabelle. He pulled up to Kostan Towers and stepped out of the Bentley (He always thought limousines were so tacky) Isabelle materialized out of the shadows. She's was wearing an exquisite Black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline and long sleeves. She gracefully walked towards him and then he saw something he had never seen her do before but wished she did all the time, she smiled a large bright smile and the effect made her look all the more beautiful.
"Isabelle, you look absolutely beautiful" He said trying to catch his breath as he led her to the car.

Brian was just leaving work when he saw Isabelle and Harry take off, dressed for the evening apparently. Brian's first impulse was to follow them, but after thinking over the situation, he called Josef.

Josef listened to all that Brian had to say. Then he smiled and said he would take care of things.
Well, it seemed that Harry was interested in acquiring more than corporations. Josef thought to himself with chuckle.

Isabelle and Harry walked into Webster Gallery and there was a collective gasp. Isabelle Kostan was rarely if ever seen without her husband.

Harry felt like he was indestructible! With Isabelle on his arm suddenly every high roller in Los Angeles came over to introduce themselves. He was even able to score 3 lunch meetings. Isabelle leaned close to his ear.
"It seems Los Angeles is ready to welcome you in" She said in a sexy whisper, her breath caressing his ear making him shiver with excitement.
"um....that it does" He said with a cough trying to direct his thoughts to anything else to get his mind off making love to this gorgeous woman. An older man approached them with two glasses of champagne.
"Isabelle darling" He purred. "Please introduce me to your escort" He said with a grin.
"Of course. Alan Davenport this is Harry Roden" Isabelle said.
"Ahh yes. You're the Brit who's taking Los Angeles by storm. I have to say I'm very impressed with the financial decisions you've been making. It certainly gives one hope" He said
"Well I should hope so. This the city where dreams are made is it not?" Harry replied.
"I may be able to toss some business your way, if you're interested. Let me give you my card"
It finally hit Harry. With Isabelle at his side he could indeed be the top financier in California. They walked around some more viewing some of the most hideous artwork he had laid eyes on, but very few were paying attention to the art but were very interested in speaking with Harry.

When they left the gallery and got into Harry's car, he turned to face Isabelle.
"My driver can let you off anywhere you wish" he said. Isabelle smiled seductively.
"I suppose you could show me where you live. I would be very interested in seeing it" She said. Harry felt his heart skip a beat.
"James." he said to his driver. "Please take us to my apartment" He said staring straight into her eyes.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Harry awoke earlier than he had planned but after remembering last night he broke out into a wide grin and turned his head. He was alone. Did he dream everything?
"Isabelle!" He called out hoping she was in the shower or in the kitchen making coffee, but he searched all over and couldn't find her. He walked back to his bedroom and that's when he saw the note by his bed in that beautiful familiar handwriting:
"My Love, I had an early meeting so I must go.
Last night was magical! Isabelle"

Harry smiled as he read the note. Last night was indeed magical. Never had he been with a woman who was so responsive to his every touch and her appetite was insatiable! Yes, Josef Kostan was a fool to leave his stunning bride alone while he traipsed the globe with whatever young tart that threw herself at him. Isabelle deserved better. And she would have better.

Harry walked into his office in one of the best moods he had ever had. It was similar to the feeling he had when he made his first million dollar deal all on his own.
"Mr. Roden" His secretary said to him. "Mr. Foster has been calling for you" She said.
Harry knew that Bill was nervous about the Lux acquisition because of Josef Kostan.
"Call him and patch him through to my office" He said. He wasn't going to allow anyone to spoil his mood. Not even the almighty Josef Kostan!

"Harry look, I know you want to do great things here in the States, but trying to compete with Josef Kostan is the equivalent of holding a live grenade in your lap. No good can come from it" Bill said in all seriousness.
"Well, I may be wrong in my knowledge of American Law but doesn't it frown upon companies or corporations that try to establish a monopoly? Because I'm quite sure that was taught in my American Economics class at Oxford." Harry said.
"Ok, that's true, but we're talking about more than Finance Law here. Kostan can make things very difficult for everyone who works for you. And while we're on the subject of Kostan, what the hell were you doing out with his wife last night?" Bill asked. "Please don't tell me you're sleeping with his wife!"
"Not that it's any of your business, but Isabelle invited me to a gallery show and I escorted her to and from" He said.
"For your sake I hope that's all. I just heard from Lux Air. They want to set up a meeting"
Harry jumped up in glee.
"Make it an early meeting" Harry said hanging up the phone and staring out over the city of Los Angeles.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick didn't read the tabloids ever, but had gotten a tip that a reporter had gotten a photo of the rapper K-Kool who fled from police after killing his live in girlfriend. Mick and Carl were now willing to entertain any tip they could get. Mick stared in shock at the photo "Former First Lady Seen on Hot Date Without Husband!" Mick looked at the story for a long while hoping that he read it wrong.
"Christ Josef!" Mick exclaimed. "What the hell have you done?" He said finally grabbing his keys and heading to Kostan Industries.

Isabelle knocked quietly on the door. Alma Von Die poked her head out and opened the door.
"Hello Alma" Isabelle said coming in quickly and taking a seat. "You are well?"
"I guess I can't complain. I'm living in a condo I couldn't possibly afford, free of charge and all I have to do for my cushy life is see things that I don't want to see"
"I believe Emma chose you for reason. Accepting the situation fully is for the best"
"So I take it you've been seen with that man?" Alma asked
"Has he asked about your true self?"
"No he has not. Perhaps disclosure has not reached overseas?" Isabelle offered.
"The reason he hasn't asked is because he is already familiar with vampires. His mother or at least the one he refers to as mother is older than Methuselah. From the bloodline of The Ancients. So you must be careful. And keep him away from your husband. This man will steal all Josef has"
"What must I do. I think he wants much more from me?"
Alma dealt the cards and turned the first group over.
"Yes. Yes he does. His desire for you has reached the point where even if God himself told him to leave you alone, he wouldn't."
"I will have to break my vows to Josef" Isabelle said.
"It is what you must do to save Josef. He really can't do this by himself. You're afraid that Josef won't forgive you?" Alma said turning over the remaining cards. "Josef will forgive and forget. Just as you have for him. You both will be together until the end of time" She said taking a long drink of water which she needed after reading. "I have to ask Isabelle. Are you capable of dong it?"
"I will do what I must" She said standing and thinking of all she had to do.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel waited patiently at Collin's cabin. Isabelle walked in.
"So how did it go Isabelle?" Gabriel asked.
"You did well little one and I thank you"
"You don't have to do this Isabelle. I can tweak his memory some more and......" Gabriel started to say.
"No. Alma has seen it. It must happen this way" She said matter of factly.
"No! I don't buy this! Is she even thinking about your marriage? Your vows? Emma never would have told you to do this!" Gabriel yelled. To Gabriel the casual attitude towards marital vows was deplorable.
"Little one, Emma would have said the exact same thing, and she wouldn't have been nice about it" Isabelle said with a small smile remembering how fond she had become of the old woman. "Alma assures me that Josef will forgive and he will forget" She said finally.
"I hope so Isabelle. I truly hope so" Both of them knew that Josef's anger was indeed a very volatile thing. "This will be awful for you" Gabriel said.
"No little one. I think I will enjoy it too much" She said. Gabriel knew how her bloodline was. They were truly insatiable in their lust. To let it run amok without restraint was something they could not do. For it would rule them for the rest of their existence.

Harry was going to wait to call her. He didn't want to seem pushy or needy but to be honest, he never had this urge to be with a woman again. Not like this. Isabelle was like a drug.
When ever he thought about their night together, he had to stop himself for fear he might orgasm right there. He received an email which he opened. It was from Isabelle!
"Harry, I very much hope that you will join me at this address.--Isabelle

Harry jumped up out of his chair and left the office so he could go home to shower and get ready.

"Mr. Roden!" His secretary called out to him, but he sprinted away so fast she didn't have time to tell him that he now owned LuxAir.

Harry pulled up to the beautiful cabin hidden in the woods and knocked on the door nervously.
Isabelle opened the door wearing a black silk kimono dress tied at the waist.
"Please Harry come in" She said.
"This place is gorgeous!" Harry said admiring the structure
"Yes it is. It belongs to my brother." Isabelle said pouring him a drink. "I believe you favor the Gimlet" She said handing him the drink. He took a long sip and looked at her.
"This is the best Gimlet I've ever tasted. Truly Isabelle, you are a talent" He said sitting the drink down
on a near by table. He turned to face Isabelle and she simply untied her dressing gown and stood in front of him naked. Harry steadied himself as he looked at the vision in front of him.
"Oh Isabelle, you have no idea how long I've waited for someone like you" He said walking quickly towards her and pulling her into his arms. She kissed him deeply and her tongue did wonderful things to his as well as his neck and his throat.
Isabelle closed her eyes tightly and thought of Josef.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick had looked all over for Josef and finally went to see his son Brian and was surprised to Gabriel there.
"Gabe! I didn't know you were in Loa Angeles! First a visit from Zoe and now you. Why didn't you tell us?" He said hugging his son. Gabriel knew there was no way he would be able to lie to his father, so he slipped out of his embrace.
"Dad I gotta run. I'll call you next week I promise." And he sped quickly out of the house. Mick stood there confused by Gabriel's abrupt departure. "Brian, what the hell is going on?" He asked. Brian shrugged his shoulders.
"I have no idea dad truly. Gabe was here when I got home and said some rather cryptic things about Isabelle and said everything would be fine and not to worry" Brian replied.
"What' s going on with Isabelle and Josef? Have you seen this?" Mick said pulling the trashy gossip mag out of his pocket, thrusting it towards him. Brian opened up the magazine and froze. He looked quickly at his father.
"Dad, I saw Harry Roden pick Isabelle up the other evening. The night this photo was taken. I called Josef and he seemed kind of amused by the whole thing. He said to let Isabelle have her fun. Said she earned it, whatever that means, but this is Josef were speaking of."
"And Isabelle's said nothing to you?"
"No. And she would have. I have been monitoring her thoughts since the other night and there have been nothing but thoughts of Josef. And briefly Alma"
"What I wouldn't give to know Josef's mind" Mick said.
"No you don't." Brian said quickly.
"Dad trust me on this. Isabelle let Josef feed from her once and for a rather long 15 minutes I could hear Josef's thoughts. You don't ever want to go there" Brian said in all seriousness.

Harry laid back on the bed trying to catch his breath. Isabelle was an incredible lover! Never in his sexual life had he experienced anything like that! She instinctually knew what would bring him to the brink, then she would pull back. And over and over it went until he thought he would die from pleasure and release. He could tell Isabelle could have kept going, but he needed to rest. My word! he thought to himself. How amazingly lucky Kostan had been. No wonder he was so smugly happy all the time. Harry thought how happy he would be as he drifted off to sleep.

Isabelle lay very still. She could feel Harry fall asleep. She concentrated very hard. She would not let the bloodline rule her. In her young vampire years, she had indeed let it control her. She had been intimate with thousands of men and thought it would always be that way. It was Helmut who had helped her reign that feeling in and to let that feeling out was like opening a dam. Harry was a fabulous lover! He had tremendous stamina and agility. Then she thought of Josef. Oh my darling! Will you ever forgive me? She cried softly to herself.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Josef arrived back in Los Angeles and had received 25 phone messages.24 of those messages were about Isabelle and Harry Roden and the last one was that Josef had lost LuxAir.
"That son of a bitch!" Josef swore out loud.

Harry woke up slowly, with a throbbing erection and Isabelle was gone yet again. He thought it would be nice to wake up in each other's arms for once. Not knowing what to do next he got dressed and drove back to his place to clean up and go to work. But the whole morning he could not concentrate on anything but Isabelle, but he would have to because his mother would be coming to Los Angeles for the first time in her life and he wanted all of his business affairs were in order. His mother was demanding but she was shrewd. She would be able to see exactly how much money he had made. He also wanted his mother to see the woman he had finally chosen. He was just hanging up his phone when Isabelle came rushing into his office. She locked the door, closed his blinds and removed her clothing. She straddled him and kissed him passionately and bringing him to climax quite quickly.
She quickly put on her clothes, blew him a kiss and walked out of his office. Harry sat there confused and breathless. He adjusted his clothing and let out a sigh, then smiled and shook his head.

Joseph had no idea where Isabelle had run off to, but he began to become alarmed. To have a little fling was something of no matter to him, but what if she had fallen in love with Harry Roden? His reputation would take a huge hit! He called Brian who came right away.
"Yes. What can I help you with?" Brian said.
"Tell me about my wife? The truth." Josef said.
Brian squared his shoulders.
"It appears sir, that she is in a sexual relationship with Harold Roden. She has not been staying in the penthouse but she hasn't checked into any hotels in the city.. I did check with the doorman of Roden's building and Isabelle was there once."
"Does she look like she 's in love with the guy?" Josef said shaking his head.
"I do not know sir. When I saw them a few days ago........Isabelle was smiling like I had never seen before. It scared me sir." Brian finished.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Josef was stunned for a moment. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that Isabelle would fall in love with someone else. For over 300 years she blindly followed him and protected him no matter what the circumstance, never expecting love back.
"I think I blew it Brian" Josef said sadly.

Mick knocked loudly on Alma's door.
"Mick, what is it? Is there something wrong?" Alma said opening the door for him.
"Alma you need to tell me what going on and you need to tell me now!" Mick said getting tired of people talking in circles.
"Mick, this information isn't for you" She said.
"I don't give a shit!" Mick roared.
"You can't do anything this time. This is Isabelle's fight and her's alone." She said hoping he wouldn't attack her.
"Alma, she's broken her vows" Mick said softly.
"Mick! Isabelle and Josef have a special sort of relationship. It's not for you to agree with or understand. And it's certainly not for you to judge. Now you know Josef. And you know the kind of man he is. He is strong in intellect, and savvy, but with that comes strong desires. It takes a special sort of woman to know Josef Kostan and love him anyway. Now, you know Isabelle. Do you think so little of her character?" Alma said. And for a minute Mick could have sworn he was speaking with Emma. He sighed.
"You're right. Assure me that everything is going to be alright for them" Mick said.
"They will be alright. But you're granddaughter needs tending to" Alma said. "I saw it in the cards"
"Which one?" Mick asked.
"The daredevil they call her. She's got a restless spirit. She will fall in love with one you know" Alama said shaking her head to snap out of it. Mick slowly walked out wondering what Lisa was getting herself into now.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Harry was expecting his mother at any moment and he had to prepare. He opened the door to his secure storage locker and sadly looked at the three young women chained to the plumbing.
"Don't be frightened. This will be all be over very soon" He said to them softly. "I am truly truly sorry" He said shutting the door. His mother would need to feed after her flight.

Charlotte Roden stepped off the plant and immediately hated what she saw. The heat was stifling and the stench reminded her of the Dark Ages! She fished a pair of sunglasses from her handbag and tried to adjust her eyes to bright sun. She saw a chauffer holding up a sign that bore her name.
"Madame Roden, this way please" He said grabbing her luggage. "Mr. Roden said I was to take you someplace first" He said to her as he opened the door for her. With a nod of her head they drove off.

Isabelle showed up at his apartment early and ravished him until he could not stand. He reluctantly pulled himself from his bed and forced himself into the shower. James had phone him already letting him know that he had picked his mother up from the airport. He was just putting on his tie when he heard a knock at the door. He smiled briefly hoping it was Isabelle back again.
"I hate this place Harry!" He heard his mother scream out.
Hello Mother. You hate my apartment or the city of Los Angeles?" he joked and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Both. Is everything here made of glass? How horrid!"
"How are you mother?" Harry said walking her to the sofa.
"Famished" She said lighting one of her thin cigars.
"Did James not take you to my storage facility?"
"Oh! Those young things were so tiny! Hardly substantial enough" She said with a wave of her hand.
"Then I am afraid you will find very slim pickings here Mother. Everyone is as slim as reeds."
"How unfortunate. How is your business?"
"Extremely well. I have acquired an airline that will soon expand it's travel to Cuba"
"Oh that is exciting. I always wanted to travel to Cuba, but with Castro and everything, I didn't trust my temper"
"I am also in talks with Carver Communications and if that goes as planned, I think Kostan Industries will be in prime position for a hostile takeover" He explained.
"Good, good. Is there anything else?" She said looking at him expectantly.
"I am in love with Kostan's wife."
"You were here for business. Not love."
"I know. But I will have her I will have her body and soul." Harry said sternly. His mother had never heard her son speak that way before.
"I see this is the real thing" She said.
"Yes Mother it is."
"Josef Kostan will not like this and you may have a very formidable foe to deal with"
"That is why you're here" He said confidently.

Mick walked into his apartment more confused about things than ever.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Beth asked walking over to him.
"You ever get that feeling that nothing makes sense anymore?" He asked.
"Everyday. It's called being friends with Josef Kostan!" She laughed.
"I guess........have you heard from Lisa by chance?"
"She's on break from the Academy, but has her exams in a couple of weeks. Why?"
"Did Gabe get her an apartment?"
"He said he was going to when she finished training...Mick what is this about? Is Lisa in some trouble?" Beth asked.
"What I'm saying is that, if she's on break and she doesn't have an apartment, where the heck is she?"
"I guess she would keep her room at the Academy?" Beth offered.
"Yeah, I guess that's it" Mick said still thinking about what Alma said.

There was still no word from Isabelle and Josef didn't know what to do. Should he call the Cleaners? But he doubted they would tell him anything. Those ladies protected their own and he doubted that Isabelle would share private things with Beth. Brian was her closets ally and he had not been able to contact her at all. Harry Roden was the one behind all of this. It was time that Harry and I had a long talk. Josef decided, leaving his office.

Harry was going through all the business ventures he had acquired since his arrival to California and it was mind boggling. Assets upward in the amount of 8 billion dollars. And as happy as he was about this, all he could think about was Isabelle. She was the only thing that mattered to him. Everything and everyone seemed small in comparison. Even his mother's bratty behavior which he had always thought was kind of cute became annoying in every way. But his mother did have power. Power that couldn't be matched and if they continued their domination of the financial world, they would move to the America's permanently. His secretary rang him.
"Mr. Roden sir. Josef Kostan is here to see you" She said. Harry grinned like the Cheshire cat.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri May 13, 2016 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick had this odd feeling that he just couldn't shake. If Lisa was in Los Angeles, why had she not contacted her Grandparents? And where was she staying? He gave up trying to make sense of it and decided to see Carl. Maybe he cold tell him about Lisa.
"Mick, how's it going? Everything good?" Carl asked.
"Yeah. Things are weird. Isabelle seems to be having an affair" He said.
"What? No way man!" Carl said. Mick nodded his head.
"And Alma said Lisa was headed for some kind of trouble. You know anything?"
"Nope. Lisa is at the top of the class in every area, especially marksmanship. In 1o years she'll be heading the force."
"When did the cadets go on break"
"About 5 days ago. Why"
"It's probably nothing, but she hasn't spoken to anyone. And no one knows where she's staying in town."
"Come on man. She's a cadet and she's got a few weeks off. Maybe she went to Vegas with some pals. Let her blow off some steam man."
"Yeah you're right....well unless you got something for me, I'm going to head out. Maybe check on Steve, make sure he's okay"
"I got nothing. Have fun" Carl said.

Mick drove over to Steve's new apartment by MacArthur Park. He walked up the stairs and immediately was on alert! He heard muffled sounds. Mick broke through the door and stopped short. Steve jumped up and grabbed a pillow from the sofa and held it in front of his naked body.
"Shit! Mick what are you doing here?!" Steve screamed. Mick closed his eyes.
"Uh....Steve....I'm so sorry man....I heard noises and thought you were in trouble.....I'm sorry" Mick said turning around and heading for the door. He stopped and faced Steve again, not caring that he was naked. "Who's that behind you Steve?" Mick asked in a steely voice.
"Look Mick, it's not what you think....really. I mean I know what it looks like.." Steve stammered. The woman came from behind Steve.
"Hi Grandpa" Lisa said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Lisa quickly picked up a t-shirt and tossed it over her head.
"What are you doing here gramps?" She said scratching her head.
"Wh...what am I doing here! What the hell are you doing here Lisa?" Mick screamed. Steve held up one hand.
"Steve! Shut up! I'm talking to my granddaughter! What are you doing here Lisa?"
"I think you saw pretty clearly what I was doing here" She said.
"Steve! This is my granddaughter! What were you thinking? Did you think you were just gonna have a roll in the hay and then walk away?" Mick asked. he knew about Steve's love em and leave lifestyle.
"No! Of course not! Man, I love Lisa!" Steve said in a rush. Lisa froze and turned to look at Steve.
"You love me?" She asked in surprise.
"Yeah Daredevil, I do" Steve said. Lisa grabbed Steve to hug him and Mick stood there thinking great! This is just perfect!

"Josef Kostan! How was your overseas trip? I hope all is well" Harry said full of politeness. Harry watched Josef calmly walk into his office. Josef just stood there wanting more than anything to rip the bastard's head off, but he could smell that Isabelle had been here recently. Josef straightened his tie and turned to leave.
"Give Isabelle my regards" Josef said walking out the door. Harry took a deep breath. That was close. Josef could have killed him.

Josef went back to his office.
"Brian, I need to go away for a while. I'm not sure how long. I want you to freeze everything. Nothing bought or sold until I come back. Understand"
"Yes sir. How long will you be gone?" Brian asked full of concern for his mentor, and his friend.
"For a long while" Josef said throwing Brian the keys to his office door and turning around to leave.
Brian never thought he'd see the day, but a woman got the best of Josef Kostan. And he was broken.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle sat in the cabin listening and feeling everything that was going through Josef's mind and heart. She was responsible for this! She had to do something.

Harry's mother walked into his office holding a file.
"You can thank me latter for this" She said laying the file on his desk.
"What is this?" He asked opening the file and reading the contents.
"Its the controlling shares for McAllister Communications." She said lighting one of her cigars.
"Mother, this was the cornerstone in the Kostan Enterprise!" he said with large grin. "You didn't kill anyone did you?"
"Of course not. I asked. Very politely, of course" She shrugged. Harry's mother had a very remarkable gift. If she asked for something, anything at all, it would be given to her. Her own sort of supernatural superpower. "Honestly, I thought Josef would have shown more grit." She said.
"I think he crushed over Isabelle choosing yours truly. He even stopped by. Harry's mother
stood up from her chair.
"Kostan was here?" She asked.
"Calm down mother. He came by to talk business but suddenly decided not to. He said give Isabelle his regards and left"
"Well, you truly have broken the man. Congratulations. So let us tie things up here and go back to London" She said walking out the door. Harry didn't want to leave Los Angeles. He loved it here. He loved Isabelle. He'd have to tell his mother that she was going back to London alone.

"Beth!!!!!" Mick screamed as he walked in the door. Beth came quickly down the stairs.
"Mick, what is it?" She asked anxiously.
"Steve is in a sexual relationship......." He began to say.
"So what? When isn't Steve in a sexual relationship. Sometimes I think he could give Josef a run for his money!" She joked.
"With our granddaughter Lisa!" Mick finished. Beth's eyes opened wide.
"Lisa? Are you sure?" Beth asked thinking it was some kind of miscommunication on Mick's part.
"Babe, I went to Steve's apartment to check on him and I thought I heard some kind of struggle so I busted in and there he was naked, on top of our granddaughter! Oh! And the best part is... are you ready for this? They're in love!"
"Steve actually said he's in love?"
"Well, that's new. Steve doesn't do the love thing. Never has. Good for him" Beth said.
"Good for him? You're not serious! Lisa is a child!"
"No she isn't. So you think she's old enough to enlist and fight in a war but to young to have sex? Look honey I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea, but if they're happy, then I'm happy for them both and you should be too!" Beth said walking away.
"Zoe's going to have a heart attack" Mick whispered.
"I heard that Mick and Zoe's already dead so that won't happen!" she yelled back.

Isabelle had ravaged Harry the moment she walked into his apartment, as they laid on the carpet of his living room Isabelle began to speak.
"I am in love with you Harry Roden" She said rubbing his chest.. Harry sat up surprised.
"You're in love with me?" He asked.
"Yes, very much." She replied.
"Oh Isabelle! You've made me the happiest man in the world!" he said giving her long hug. "Come let's get dressed. Mother will be here soon and I have to tell her that I'm staying in Los Angeles!" He said heading for the bathroom.

Harry's mother walked into the apartment and saw Isabelle standing there naked.
"So you are the wife of Josef Kostan?" She said looking at the beautiful vampire. "Nosferatu. You reek of the smell!" She said haughtily. Isabelle said nothing. She quickly put on her clothes. "Why are you here? Harry and I are leaving for London tonight." She said.
"Harry is staying here with me" Isabelle said
"Staying here with you? Don't be absurd! You're still married to that pauper Kostan, and the Roden's don't associate with paupers"
"Harry does not need you anymore. You have been replaced by a new and more efficient model" Isabelle said coldly.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Competition Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Harry's mother turned her head sharply.
"What did you say?" She asked in anger
"I told you what you needed to hear. Your time with Harry will end" Isabelle said sternly. Harry walked out of his bedroom and saw the two women standing in front of one another looking like they were preparing for battle.
"Hey, what's going on?" Harry asked looking from one to the other.
"This whore that you stole from Kostan seems to think that you're staying here with her!" Harry coughed uncomfortably.
"She is correct mother. I'm not going back to London" He said. Harry's mother slapped him so hard he fell to the ground. Isabelle was prepared to pounce but Harry help up one hand.
"Isabelle don't!" He cried out.
"That's right my boy, tell this tramp that she is no match for me! I will pound her into ash and force you to drink her in a cup of strong tea!" She laughed.
"Isabelle she's right. Don't do this." harry said. "She is too strong" He said pulling himself off the floor, the side of his face red from her slap.
"Listen to my son." His mother said angrily. Harry took Isabelle aside.
"I'm sorry Isabelle. I must go with her." He said in a whisper
"Harry Roden. Do you wish to stay with me?" She asked.
"Yes, more than anything" He said with all his heart. Isabelle pulled out the stake from her jacket pocket and placed it behind Harry in his waistband.
"Then only you can do this. She is too powerful. I wouldn't be able to stop her., but you Harry her son can. Then we shall be together always" She said kissing his ear. and turning around.
"Have you finished your goodbyes?" She asked. Harry nodded slowly. "Good, go pack your things and I will see to taking out the trash" She said looking squarely at Isabelle.
Harry walked over to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you mother." He said giving her a firm hold.
"You're welcome Harry. Your mother always knows what's best for you" She said rubbing his head like she use to when he was a child. Harry quickly pulled out the stake and shoved it in his mother's heart and watched her fall to the ground. Harry cried like a baby kneeling by his mother's body as she stared up at him in shock. Isabelle came up behind him and helped him up.
"Please turn around my love. You do not wish to see this." She said as she ripped the vampires head completely off. "It is done Harry. Now we can be together" Isabelle said as she walked over to him and kissed him so passionately he forgot about his dead mother lying by the fireplace.

When they lay together in his bed they began to talk about their future.
"When Josef and I divorced I will have half of Kostan Industries" She said casually.
"You're right. I hadn't thought of that!" he said thinking of all he and Isabelle could do. "I'm thinking...if I turned over my shares and purchased say 75% of Kostan Industries, I would be the head of the corporation."
"You are right, but buying a large amount of shares is only open to relatives and Josef has no heirs" Isabelle explained.
"But you haven't divorced him yet!" Harry said sitting up. "I can turn over all of my holdings to you and you can purchase the controlling shares! And when the divorce is final we take control of Kostan Industries! It's perfect" He said standing up and grabbing his mobile. "Bill, I want you to take all of my holdings and transfer ever single penny to Isabelle Bill, this is not a farce. I'd like it done as soon as possible. When it's finished call me on this mobile number 818-387-7543." He said hanging up. "Now all we have to do is wait for the transfer to complete then we can get Bill working on your divorce" He said laying back down next to her. Isabelle began to kiss him and trail her skilled lips the length of his entire body and when she had exhausted him yet again they lay still together until his mobile phone rang. He stood up and answered it and with a wide grin he told her that the transaction was complete. The moment he hung up his phone Isabelle pounced on him holding him by the throat. "Isabelle what are you doing?" He managed to croak out, his eyes wide open in surprise.
"I'm sorry my love, but I will always belong to Josef. Forever. I could not let your mother ruin the man I love. But she was too strong for me. You however are easily breakable" Isabelle said snapping his neck with ease. She quickly got dressed and called Katrina. Finally it was over and hopefully Josef would understand.

She drove to Alma's apartment.
"It is done" Isabelle said.
"Yes, I know. You did well Isabelle. I know it was hard, but his mother would have ruined Josef and most likely destroy him as well."
"Thank you Alma" Isabelle said. "But I must go and find my husband"
"Josef is waiting for you upstairs" She said. "He came here so angry and wanting answers, that I told him what you were doing and who you were doing this for and what was at stake. He said to send you to him when it was done" Isabelle started to open the door. "Isabelle, Josef will forgive and he will forget" She repeated.

Isabelle slowly took the elevator up to the penthouse she shared with Josef. When the doors opened she saw Josef sitting the sofa drinking a scotch.
"You look like you could use one more than me" He said with a small smile handing her the drink.
"My darling, I can not imagine what you must think of me." She said.
"Isabelle. Stop talking for minute. You want to know why I love you? For close to 350 years, you have always been with me, cleaning up my messes, my screw-ups, my enemies. And you never asked for anything. And then you agreed to marry me even when you knew I had no intention of being faithful. And you were still willing to endure what you had to save my company. Alma told me what you were doing I was stunned. I've been a horrific husband and you have every right to send me packing, but Isabelle, please know that I love you. I love you so much." Josef said.
"Oh my darling!" Isabelle said throwing her arms around him and kissing him with all the love she felt for him inside.

Brian stared at the numbers that flashed up his screen. Confused he quickly called their bank to find out what kind of computer glitch this was and how every penny from Roden Holdings and Roden International winded up in their account. Brian smiled.

"What the hell did you do Isabelle?" He thought to himself.

The End
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