At a Loss

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
At a Loss
Rated PG
By Ella713

When a deranged serial killer starts killing young men in Los Angeles, everyone thinks vampires are the cause of it.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

When Carl saw the body, he couldn't believe it. The man was so mutilated that a few of his officers had to be removed from the scene because they were sick to their stomachs at the sight. Never in his 15 years on the force had he seen anything like this. Who could do something like this?

The LAPD kept quite a few details to themselves. They sure didn't want the press to have a field day with this crime and scare the crap out of everyone in Los Angeles. All Carl said was that a young man had been found brutally murdered and that they were searching the scene and asking questions in the area. And while that story was horrible, it was a kind of horrible that people could deal with.

Felix the medical examiner opened the body bag and just stood there staring at it for good 10 minutes.
Was this a cougar attack? Huge portions of tissue were missing. As he had the remains placed on table, he knew that this would take hours maybe even weeks to go through.

"Mick, we've got a huge problem on our hands" Carl said as he walked into Mick and Beth's apartment.
"What's up man?" He said going to the bar and pouring Carl a drink.
"I got a call to go out to Venice Beach. A young kid said he saw some bloody body chewed up behind the restrooms. I get there about 10 minutes after the call, and Mick what I saw was unbelievable. The body of a young man was found and his body looked like it had been chewed up! I mean something ate this guy like he was steak! I've never seen anything like this before" Carl said his hands shaking slightly as he lifted the drink to his lips.
"No one in the area heard anything?" Mick asked hoping this wasn't a vampire attack. Humans were just now getting used to having vampires among them. He'd hate for some jackass vamp to mess things up.
"Do you have any I.D. on the vic?"
"Yeah Joel Baxter, age 23, lived in the area, was a law student at Sol Cal. Nothing popped up on his record. No tickets or citations and not wanted for anything. So basically a nice guy studying to be a lawyer" Carl said, finishing his drink and handing the glass to Mick for another.

What the hell had come to Los Angeles?
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Brian became the go to vampire for any and all questions regarding them. So when the mayor of Los Angeles asked him to speak to the public Brian agreed.
"Mr. Petzer, can you tell us if this was indeed a vampire killing?" One reporter asked.
"No" was all Brian said.
"Are you sure? Just tell us the truth Mr. Petzer" Another reporter demanded.
"I know 100% that a vampire did not kill the victim because vampires do not eat humans. In spite of what you may have heard or imagined through popular culture, I repeat, we do not eat humans" Brian replied in a clear tone.
"So are you confirming that the body was indeed eaten? How do you know that?" A reporter challenged.
"Because the Medical Examiner told me about the remains. Also, the victim was not drained. that's how I know it was not a vampire attack." He replied.
"What do you think it was?" He was asked.
"I do not know, but what I have learned is that humans are capable of the vilest acts all on their own. You should look at my family background for confirmation on that." Brian said as he left the podium.

And all of them knew he was correct. The story of his alcoholic mother and her boyfriend killing his father, cutting him up in pieces and burying him in the backyard, was a chilling reminder of what humans were capable of.

"Well, it looks like Los Angeles is vying for the title of "Murder capital of the world" again" Josef said.
"Yeah, Carl was really shaken up by this."
"Anyone would be. Who the hell would do something like that?"
"Other than Jeffrey Dahmer, I don't know. But I pray there's not another person alive like him" Mick said.

Robbie Hardison woke up suddenly. Man! How much did I drink last night? He thought as he sat up and felt the pounding in his head. He looked down and saw he had passed out still wearing his clothes and shoes. He very slowly stood up and went to the bathroom. When he gazed at himself in the mirror he was frozen in fear. His face and his clothes were all smeared in blood! Oh God! He thought. Please, not again!

Mick told Carl he would help him with the case. First he drove to the morgue to see Guillermo.
"Glad you're here Mick." He said pulling out the drawer so Mick could view the remains. Mick's eyes opened wide. when he saw. He closed his eyes. Yeah, it certainly wasn't a vamp attack.
"It wasn't a vampire" Mick said with relief.
"Duh, we know that Mick. But look at these marks here by the abdomen. Those bites are too big too small to be an animal attack, and Felix ran DNA on the bite marks and it's human." Guillermo said pushing the body back into storage.
"A human being did that? Is that what we're dealing with? A cannibal human?" Mick Asked.
"Looks like it Mick" Guillermo said.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Robbie sat in his Intellectual Property class barely listening to what the Professor was saying. He was trying to recall what he did two nights prior. No matter how hard he tried his mind was blank, like he had been drugged. When his class was over he walked over to the Library to study.
"Robbie man, where did you run off to the other night?" He heard someone say. He looked over and saw his friend Terry and Carter approaching his table.
"Hey guys, what the hell happened?" He asked.
"Dude, we went skinny dipping with Kelly Lamar and her roommate! When we came back you were gone" Terry said.
"Yeah, but I noticed Elisa Martin was gone the same time as you. So is there anything you want to share with the class?" Carter said wiggling his eyebrows. Robbie stared at them trying to think. Did he leave with Elisa? One could only wish! That girl was smoking hot!
"I don't think so guys, unfortunately. I woke up at home in my own bed completely clothed with a doozy of a hangover" Robbie said.
"You're a lightweight Rob. You had maybe two light beers!" Terry chuckled.

Roger and Sarah Martin walked into the police station to report their daughter missing.

Maggie Turner opened up the door of the Coffee Bean where she worked.
"Crap!" She said to herself when she saw and that Tucker didn't take out the trash yet again! She was going to have to talk to the manager about him. This was the third time he failed to do this. She went around room tying up all the bags to throw them into the dumpster. She opened the back door and that's where she saw it. Maggie Turner fell backwards.

"Lt. Carl! Over here!" He heard and Officer say. "This is Elisa Martin. Her parent reported her missing early this morning. The body was found by an employee here at the Coffee Bean named Maggie Turner. She was taking out the trash, saw the body and fainted dead on the spot. She bumped her head pretty good so the EMT's took her to the hospital"
"What the hell is going on?" Carl said in exasperation. "Okay, I want this scene locked up tight. Tell these businesses they are closed for the day! I don't want anyone back here but the CS unit. You got it?"
"Yes sir."

Mick showed up at the crime scene a few minutes later.
"Carl, I spoke with both Felix and Guillermo and they both agree. This is a human. You've got some seriously messed up cannibal roaming the streets of L.A."
"You've got to be kidding?"
"I wish I were man"

It didn't take long for the media to run with the story and everyone had their own theory on the killings. From werewolves, to Bigfoot but at the top of that theory list was unfortunately, vampires.

"What the hell is going on?" Josef exclaimed. "Is someone doing this crap on purpose? Because if that's the case I'm done with humans! They are the food and we are the farmers!" He yelled. Isabelle could see that her husband was at his breaking point, and from experience that was a point that no one wanted to him reach. Josef had wiped out an entire village because one human made the mistake of trying to cheat him.
"Calm down my darling. I believe that Mick and Carl will find the person responsible" She said.
"Yeah, well they better, or Brian and I will handle things ourselves!"

Josef was more than upset, he was perplexed because he now thought that full disclosure was a mistake. Things were happening and changing. Today by chance he accidentally picked up Angela's coffee cup, thinking it was his. And he actually drank coffee. Even stranger, he could taste it.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Robbie Harrison walked along the pier thinking maybe he should turn himself in. But what if it wasn't him? Should he go to jail because the police want to find someone? He couldn't take that chance. He passed a new shop and paused to look in the window.
"Madame Von Die Psychic" Why not? Robbie thought. Maybe she could shed some light on what was going on. He walked into the dimly lit shop. It looked the way most do. Books on Tarot and spell casting. Lots of black and red candles, lots of new age jewelry.
A woman came from a back room and saw him standing in the middle of the store.
"Is there something you desire?" She asked in a southern twang that Robbie wasn't familiar with. Robbie looked at the woman and she was definitely not what he expected. She wasn't old. She wasn't wearing a turban. She looked like a student. Like him.
"I'm sorry. You're Madam Von Die?" he asked in surprise. She put her hands on her hips
"Yes I am. What's it to you" She snapped back.
"I just came in to look around. I've never seen this store before. And believe me, I would have remembered this place" He explained.
"Would you now? Well, I've been here for over a year now, so where've you been?"

A year? No way! Robbie walked along this stretch of the pier everyday.
"Bullshit" he said.
"Now why would I make something up? Don't sweat it. Most people see what they want to see. You'd be amazed what people miss in day to day life. They even had a tv program about that. But in any case you're here is there something you desire?"
Why did she keep using that word desire?
"Well, I was interested in some information" Robbie started to say.
"And that would be the most dangerous desire. Some things aren't supposed to be known" She replied.
"Whatever. Look, I've been having problems with my memory. I can't remember things that people say I've done but I can't remember any of it" He explained. "I just want you to tell me what you can"
"Alright. Have seat" She said motioning to the small table. "Now give me your hands" She said.
She grabbed his hands. She felt it immediately. Then she got the flash of images. Horrible images. She remained calm like she was taught. She let go of his hands.
"I've seen it all" She said.
"What! What did you see?" Robbie asked sitting forward his chair.
"They put something in your beer." She said.
"Who did?"
"What makes you think I know who did. All I saw was someone putting something in a beer bottle and you drinking it. And if it was that date rape stuff, no psychic in the world can unearth that memory. I say you speak to all the guys that were there." She said.
"Wait a minute! If you couldn't see who did it, how do you know it was a man?" He accused.
"I know what a man's hand looks like and what a woman's looks like, However this is Los Angeles. One can never tell" She said. Robbie let out a sigh of relief and stood up.
"How much do I owe you" Robbie said reaching in his wallet.
"Nothing. But get yourself some new friends." She said. And when Robbie had left her shop and headed down the street, Madam Von Die quickly locked her shop up and began to look for the telephone number the old woman told her to call when this man showed up. Shit! What did she do with it? At the time when the woman gave it to her, she thought she a whack job. She pulled open her kitchen drawer and she saw it.
"Brian Petzer" She walked to the phone and made the call.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Brian carefully listened to everything the woman told him and promised to have a car pick her up. Then he phoned Josef.

Robbie thought he would feel better, but he felt strangely worse. He had a feeling that the psychic was lying to him. But why would she lie? That didn't make sense? Maybe she really saw something. He would have to go back and make her tell him the truth.

Madam Von Die stepped into Kostan Industries. How could that old woman know anybody associated with this place.
"Hello. I'm Brian Petzer. We spoke on the phone. And this is Josef Kostan" He said. Madam Von Die just stood there not knowing what to say.
"Brian get her a glass of wine" Josef said. "Let's sit down" Josef said guiding her to the sofa. "I was told you were given a message from Emma?" Josef said as she took a good long drink of the glass of wine Brian gave her.
"Well yeah. Before I got my storefront, I used to read cards, you know on the beach. I was doing pretty good even though it was 100% BS. And this old blind woman comes over to me and tells me I'm doing it all wrong and I was giving her a bad rap." She explained. Josef smiled because he could see Emma doing just that. "Then she invited me over and said she was going to invoke the spirit so I could do things properly. Next thing I know I'm doing readings and they aren't BS. I mean I really actually see this shit! I started making enough money to buy a little shop, but Emma called me and I swear, I don't know how she called me because the land line had just been turn on and NOBODY had the number, but she called me and told me to go to her house. I went there and she told me that she was going to die and she wanted me to call you" She said pointing at Brian. "She said to tell you that there was a man coming. A human man. And that he was a cannibal. She said he would come to my store asking for help and I was not to tell him truth. And as soon as he left I was to call the person she told me to" She said finishing her glass of wine in one swallow.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Brian looked Josef to let him know that she was indeed telling the truth.
"Tell us about this man" Brain said.
"Not old. He looked more like a college student. His name is Robbie Hardison. He said he kept forgetting things that his friends said he did. I saw those things. It was a young man who was sleeping on the beach. he snuck up on him and ripped his throat apart... know...ate him. Then the girl. She was with Robbie. They were holding hands walking down by Dearborn and Lexington. He pulled her into the woods and did the same thing." She said.
"Do you know what makes him do all this?" Josef asked.
"He is possessed by the Wendigo spirit. His people were trying to cleanse a boy of the spirit near Leech Lake Indian Reservation. That spirit jumped into this boy and now it must feed"
"Now all we have to do is find a cannibal spirit and kill." Josef said. Brian was getting all sorts of feeling and flashes.
"Robbie is in her store" he said standing up.

"Brian. Wait a minute. I don't want you confronting this guy until we know exactly what we're up against." Josef said. Then looking at the woman. "I'm sorry, what was your name? " Josef asked.
"Alma. Alma Von Die" She replied.
"Is there anything of value in your shop?" Josef asked.
"All my merchandise" She replied.
"I'll replace everything. You know you cant go back there? Ditto for your apartment" he said. Alma simply nodded her head. "Brian, I want you to take Alma to one of the vacated condos, I'm going to call Isabelle and see if she can arrange an immediate relocation. Then I need you to take the jet and bring Zoe here" Josef said. If anyone could tell them specifically what they were dealing with it would be Zoe.

Mick and Carl made the rounds all over the surrounding area where the second victim was found and they hadn't found anyone who had seen or heard anything. With a little over 10 million people in the city, Mick found it hard to believe that no one saw anything. But what if they were too scared to come forward? And if that was case, what was it that they saw.

"They pulled up to row of shops along Venice Beach. They spoke with people and they all said the same thing. They close up a 7pm and don't come back until 10am to open. The last shop, the door was wide open!
"Carl stay behind me" Mick quickly said as he stepped quietly to door. They stepped inside and the place was empty but everything had rifled through. The place was a complete disaster. Mick closed his eyes and sniffed around the store.
"The killer was here." He said to Carl. "He was looking for someone and by the sign on the door, I'm thinking it was owner." Mick said.
"So why would this cannibal wants to see psychic?"
"Maybe he thinks they can tell him why he's killing people. A lot of killers seek out psychics or shamans to help them understand themselves" Mick explained.
"Well, let's see if we can track down this psychic" Carl said pulling out his cell phone.

That evening Brian came back with Zoe.
"What's up Josef? I hope its something worthy of brining me all the way here" She said flopping down on Josef's sofa.
"It's important.". Josef began. "What do you know about a Wendigo spirit?"
Zoe looked up at Josef and raised one eyebrow.
"You're joking?" She said with a smile but one look on Josef's face told her he really wasn't joking. "Ok. The Wendigo is a half-beast creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada. The creature or spirit could either possess characteristics of a human or a monster that had physically transformed from a person. It is particularly associated with cannibalism. And that's just one of many myths" Zoe said.
"Are there any ways to destroy one?" Josef asked. Zoe sat up suddenly very curious.
"Holy smokes! You found one?" She said standing up. and pacing about the room. "Josef, if you have for real come in contact with one, stay away. These creatures are said to be deadly."
"Well, I'm already dead" Josef said. Zoe stopped for a moment.
"There is that." Zoe said with a grin.
"Zoe! Focus! Can it be destroyed?" Josef asked. again.
'According to legend, fire does quite well as fire does with any supernatural enity, but what you really need is some kind of Anasazi tool"
"Am I supposed to know what that means?"
"Um, its symbols that originated from the Anasazi people, one of the Native American tribes who settled around the southwestern U.S. They're not easy to find, but a reputable collector could get you something. Then after getting the tool, you'll have to draw the creature into a secret circle that confines it"
"Okay. Great. Thanks for the info Zoe....hey you wouldn't want to come with would you?" Josef asked.
"Sorry Josef, I'm not really the expert in this department. Mick is the expert."
"Mick?" Josef asked in surprise.
"Yeah. One of his war buddies was possessed by a Wendigo spirit. Mick had to do the ceremony" She said heading for the door. "I'm going to see Beth, I'll send him over"

Brian took Alma to the condo. She looked up at the very expansive structure.
"You're kidding!" She said in awe.
"I had a very similar reaction when I stayed here." Brian said as he led her into the building. After taking a few moments to speak with security he joined her on the elevator.
"Per Josef's instructions, please do not leave the building. There is a gym, a pool, a deck and a theater room all inside this building, so there is quite a lot for you to do if you get bored. But know, the order has been given that no one be allowed access to you other than myself, Josef, his wife Isabelle, and my father Mick who will be here shortly. Here is a mobile phone, you will find our numbers already listed. Security has been notified so you won't have to worry about anyone getting into this building because they wont." Brian said as her turned to walk out the door.
"Wait! What about my apartment? My things?" She asked.
"Josef's wife will be here within the hour will all of your belongings. Do not worry" Brian said as she shut the door behind him. Alma looked all around the luxurious condo and thought things could be worse.

Isabelle arrived and had all of Alma's things brought into the condo.
"I'm sorry, but no one has mentioned how long I would be stuck here." Alma asked Isabelle.
"You will be living here permanently" Isabelle replied.
"Look, I appreciate what you all are doing, but I have to get back to my store. I have to make a living" Alma said in surprise.
"Josef will explain everything to you" Isabelle said as Mick walked into the unit.
"Hello. I'm Mick St. John" He said walking towards her shaking her hand.
Alma stared up at the gorgeous man looking down on her. Goodness! What she would like to do to this man! She saw Isabelle looking at her. She was shaking her head no and looking directly at her. Alma got the hint. Hands off!
"I'm Alma Von Die. I take it you're going to explain what's happening to me?" She said to Mick, but Josef walked in.
"Great Mick you're here. You better sit down while we get you up to speed" He said.

Robbie skipped his ethics class because he had to find that Psychic. He knew she lied to him. He didn't know how he knew, but the feeling was strong. And it looks like she split town. What the heck did she really see?
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Josef told Mick what Alma had explained to him. Mick placed his hand to his head.
"Is Emma inside of you?" Mick asked.
"No.....I don't think so. She's isn't communicating to me or anything like that. She just showed me what she said was the correct way to ready people's cards and palms. And after that, I wasn't a fake anymore. Some of the things I've seen......let's just say, you can't unsee it all" Alma said.
"So you're for sure you saw this young man kill both victims" Mick asked her. Alma nodded her head'
"And very soon is going to come for me. All it takes is for one person to make a mistake"
"Josef how safe is it for her to be here?"
"Brian spoke to security and security has spoken with everyone in this building. No one's getting in"

Damn! Robbie thought. He still couldn't find the psychic. Where the hell did she go?
He stopped in at the smoothie shop next door.
"Excuse me. Do you know what happened to shop next door?"
"It was robbed and trashed. The police were out here the whole day after it happened, and the next thing I know everything was being collected in a storage van and being taken away."
"She didn't tell anyone else where she was going?" Robbie asked.
"I don't think so....I mean we all work on the same side of the beach but we really didn't know her that well"
"Was it professional movers or just some regular people?" Robbie thought. If it was a professional moving company, he would have her address before the day was over.
"Regular? Well, I wouldn't say that. It was a group of supermodels or some thing. I mean I look out the window when I heard the noises and there were about 5 of the most unbelievably, drop dead gorgeous women I had or ever will see again, moving items and boxes out of the store."
"Supermodels?" Robbie said staring at the man like he was insane.
"I know it sounds crazy, but that's what happened. I mean these gals looked like rich Beverly Hills type women. The kind that don't ever have to worry about picking up anything!"
"Well, you're right. It does sound crazy"
"The craziest part is that I could have sworn that one of them was the Former President's wife, Isabelle Kostan!" He said finally shaking head.

Isabelle Kostan? That might be a problem, Robbie thought. As a former first lady her and her husband would have Secret Service protection. But what Robbie couldn't figure out was how someone like Isabelle Kostan knew a Venice Beach psychic? They couldn't be related, they looked nothing alike.

Mick and Carl went to Alma's shop and started asking questions.
"Why is everyone interested in that shop?" One man asked.
"What do you mean?" Carl replied.
"Some young guy was here asking all kinds of questions about what happened to the owner and why she left."
"Did you get the guy's name?"
"I need to know exactly what he's trying to find out" Mick said.
"Well, I told him about the break in. Then I told them she had hired a moving company to empty out the shop. He was most interested in the moving company though. I told him it was like a supermodel moving company. Those women were beautiful! But they had the place cleaned out within an hour."
"Is that all you told him?"
"Yeah, because that's all there was to tell....oh, I told him that one of supermodels looked like President Kostan's wife, but I don't think she'd be helping somebody move, right?"
Carl thanked the man for his cooperation and walked away with Mick.
"We have to let Isabelle know" Carl said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Carson! Where the hell are you going?" A loud voice called out. Carson turned around and saw it was his team mate Ryan Patrick. Carson was trying to sneak out before anyone noticed he was gone, but slowly he turned around.
"Hey Pat" He said
"Seriously? You're leaving? Right now? We just won the National State Title and I guarantee as the man who hit the winning three pointer, that's a given you're getting laid!" Ryan said with a bright smile.
Carson shook his head slowly. This seemed to be all Ryan thought about day or night but especially after a huge win.
"I'm not interested Ryan. Really. All I want is to get back to the dorm and take a hot shower"
"Carson! You live like monk man! College life is suppose to be about fun and experiment!"
"Maybe for you, you're a rich guy. I'm not. If I don't keep my grades up, my scholarship is toast!
And toast is exactly what I'll be eating for the rest of my pitiful life!"
"Look, you and I both know that ain't going to happen! The Lakers already want to sign you! I know you want your first time to be special, but let me tell you straight. It's not going to be. It's going to over with before you know it. That's why you gotta practice! And I happen to know for a fact that Cammi Wayne would jump at the opportunity.....well, to jump you!" Ryan joked.
"I'm sorry bro. I can't. I'm tired and I'm going" Carson said walking away from basket ball court and heading to the parking lot.

It was later that night Carson's body was found mutilated and eaten in the back parking lot. When Ryan heard the news he fell to his knees.
"He should have listened to me" He was heard to cry out.

Robbie, didn't really know how to proceed. Why should he care about this psychic? She was probably a phony like all the others who claim to read minds......but there was this nagging feeling that Madam Von Die was dangerous. he couldn't put his finger on it, but it had to with her. He saw it was getting dark so he headed back to the dorms. He'd figure it out tomorrow.

Isabelle was working late which was her usual routine. She looked up from her computer and closed her eyes. Someone was inside the building who shouldn't be. She calmly went to her office door, opened it wide then resumed her seat with her back to the door.

Isabelle could tell that what was inside the office was not human, but animal. She could smell death hanging in the air like a mist, but she waited patiently. She heard a low feral growl and she immediately spun around.

The creature, with lightning speed leapt in the air clearing 8ft. in one jump. Isabelle quickly stepped to the side and delivered a crushing blow to the creature's head but it did little to deter it. They came together violently destroying the office and the contents within. Isabelle in a last ditch effort wrapped her arms around the creatures and held the beast in a vice like grip, it fought wildly trying to free itself but Isabelle's grip was too tight. Isabelle began to place pressure on the creatures throat and slowly it fell out of her arms to the ground. She immediately called out to Katrina to clean the destruction.

"So that is a Wendigo?" Katrina said staring down at the creature thinking it didn't look like it would pose a problem.
"Hear me sister, this creature fought a hard battle. Had it not been for my experience, this creature would have bested me." Isabelle said. Katrina nodded as herself and the other Cleaners set forth to clean up all evidence that anything had happened.

Brian had been sitting with Alma and Mick for some time waiting for instructions. He stood suddenly.
"Isabelle has the creature." he said,
"Is Isabelle alright?" Mick asked.
"Yes. She is unharmed. We must go Mick" Brian said turning for the door.
"Alma, I want you to stay here. Do not let anyone in. Okay?" Mick said.
"Well, if you caught the damn thing, can't I just go back to my apartment?" She asked anxiously.
"You should wait until we destroy it just to be sure." Mick said walking out with Brian.

Brian took his Dad's hand ready to meet with Isabelle when Mick looked to his son.
"She can't go back, can she?" Mick asked.
"No." Brian said simply.

Isabelle had the Wendigo strapped securely while she waited for Brian and Mick.
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Re: At a Loss

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle sensed Brian approaching.
"Hey Isabelle" Mick said walking quickly towards the table where the Wendigo lay. Mick studied the creature and confirmed it was indeed a Wendigo.
"Where do these spirits come from?" Brian asked.
"They have many origins from China to India to Mexico. Nobody really knows. But the legend I heard was that they were a curse on Native American Indians for believing and trusting the Europeans when they came here. Their spirit world became upset for what they did and exacted a demon to possess the Indians to take their land back but, know what happened." Mick said.
"Why the eating of flesh?" Brian asked.
"You have to keep in mind that the early settlers were very religious. Fanatic some would say. Look at the mass murders in Salem, MA. They would see something like cannibalism and immediately go back to England".
"So, we have him, what do we do?" Isabelle said.
"Alright. Let's do the ceremony" Mick said taking some objects out of his pockets and laying them down on the table nest to the creature. "Brian, I will need you to hold his legs tightly. Once I start the ceremony, it will try to break free and Wendigo's are really strong. Isabelle, I need you to find me a mirror and stand over the creature. I want it to get a good look at itself. For some reason they like it."

Isabelle came back with a mirror and did as she was told. Mick started the ritual. The moment Mick spoke the ancient words the creatures eyes popped open! It started to twist and growl ferociously. Saliva running from it's mouth which was stained red with blood! Brian held tighter when he felt the creature closely break a leg free. Isabelle glanced quickly at the Wendigo and saw laying in it's place a small child. She continued to look at it becoming curious how this creature could take another shape.
"Isabelle!" Mick yelled to her "Don't look at it!!" Isabelle immediately turned herself off as did Brian yet still remaining in their positions. The creature furious at being ignored tried to incite fury from Mick, desperately needing Mick to look upon it. The creature looked up and saw it's reflection and stopped moving, mesmerized but what it saw. Mick yelled the final cantation and placed a bronze medallion on the creature's forehead. It's body began to scream and howl and thrash about before exploding into a ball of flames.

Robbie was motionless on the table. Isabelle looked down and saw a young man lying unconscious.
"Well done Mick." Isabelle said.
"What did you see Isabelle?" Mick asked wondering if the spirit had jumped inside Isabelle.
"It was a very young boy. Age 5 or 6 perhaps"
"That was it? How did it affect you?" Mick asked trying to draw more information from her.
"Affect me? I thought it was an odd choice considering I loathe children." She said.

Everything was explained to Robbie who had a hard time coping with the horrors he had committed. He was also determined that he should go to the police and turn himself in. Mick sat in front of the boy.
"Robbie, there was nothing you could do. You were as much of a victim as the others. Going to jail wont bring them back. I've spoken with the police and they are going to handle the situation, so all you need to do is go back to your life and try to forget all about this." Mick said

Mick had to think a long time. Even though he had dealt with the Wendigo before, it was always frightening. And it could move so easily from one person to the next making them do things they would never think themselves capable of. And that was the most horrifying thing. Knowing that you could so easily be stripped of your personality, values morals and turned into a demon.
And what about Isabelle. She never should have looked at the spirit. He was told that if you look at the spirit it will remember you. And Mick didn't think that mankind would have a prayer against Isabelle of all vampires.

The End
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