The Los Angeles Life

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
The Los Angeles Life
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Vampires and humans try very hard to work together but things become hard.

It had been 2 months since a truce had been drawn between vampires and humans, and while humans were certainly grateful for the cure that Abigail had discovered, there was still a level of mistrusts on both parties side.

Joseph made sure that the cancer cure remained in vampire hands only. No insurance companies trying to steal it and jack up the costs. He was adamant about that first and foremost. All vampires saw the greed in mankind and their nature to screw everyone over for money.

Most humans applauded the vampires for their insight, but others saw it as vampires trying to take control medical plans. Josef had to laugh at that one. Vampires could care less how healthy a human was.
"Mr Kostan, some people are saying that vampires are trying to take over the medical industry. Is this true?" A reporter asked.
"Truth be told, we really don't care about your health industries as they have nothing whatsoever to with us. Look, a vampire created a cure for cancer. That's all. And we thought everyone should have it. I mean lets face it. Your insurance is a joke. Medicare is joke. Low income people get nothing, while wealthy people get everything. We weren't going to let that happen." Josef said calmly.
"So you're saying that humans have nothing to fear?"
"If you're going to believe every book you've read on vampire or every movie you've seen, then yeah be scared. Hell, I would be scared of a creature like that. But in the real world, humans have no reason to fear. us. We do the same things as you. Mostly, we want to be left alone. We have obligations, jobs. Some even have families."
"This will be hard for some people to digest." The reporter said. Josef thought of a smug retort but decided that humans wanted to feel safe as if that was possible!
"Let me clear. Vampires are like any other creature on earth. Some are nice respectful, loving. And some are the opposite. But that's the way it is in mankind as well. There have been some atrocious crimes committed by man that are mind boggling. So if you feel safe walking knowing all that you know of man's crimes, then anyone should feel perfectly safe with a vampire." Josef said.

It all made sense.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Mick for one felt better, as did Beth. They didn't want to leave Los Angeles and as long as Josef and Brian said things were fine, they would stay put.

"I have to say honey, I really like this place" Beth said looking around their new penthouse apartment with a rooftop view. Mick held her in his arms.
"I don't care where we live, as long as it's with you" He said giving her a slow kiss. "You sure you'll be happy with this place?" He asked.
"You're kidding right? Honey, look at this place. 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms, and a rooftop terrace! Like this place, I love this place!" She said sliding out of his embrace and running up the stairs. Mick smiled. Things had been so stressful as of late. They needed a little pampering. Mick kept forgetting that they were filthy rich.

Steve felt better now that things had calmed down. He was finding out how things worked in the vampire community. If there was a need for something, they simply purchased it. Steve had spoke to Josef about the fact that he was no longer welcomed at Action News and in a couple of days, Josef had purchased a cable news station and had placed Steve as Senior Camera Man! Just like that! Steve was wondering why he hadn't made this decision a long time ago.

Abigail was in seventh heaven. She was now working for the CDC. So impressed they were with her cancer cure, they immediately wanted to hire her to run their infectious disease lab. She hadn't even finished her thesis and they were throwing a very prestigious position her way, but Abigail wasn't stupid. She knew why. Humans could come down with a variety of blood born pathogens, but as one of the undead, they knew those rules didn't apply to her.

Lisa was the only one lost. The military didn't want her back and she didn't know how to do anything else. She kept staring at the business card Carl had given her. Maybe she should enroll in the police academy? She'd still be doing some good wouldn't she?

Ellie had watched the vampire for over a month now. He went to some very strange places all over town. Maybe he was a Private Investigator or a Detective. She stopped following him for a moment so she could catch her breath. When she got her second wind, the vampire had disappeared.
"Do I know you?" She heard a voice say to her. She slowly turned around and there was the vampire right in front of her. "We'll do I?" He asked again. Ellie tried to speak but she fainted to the ground.
That's just perfect! Steve thought as he phoned Carl at the police station.

The Mayor of Los Angeles was on Carl's case ever since the truce had been made. He didn't want any vampires on the force or any where near the station. Well, the Mayor would be surprised if he were told how many vampires were already on the force and had been for some 40, 50 years! Carl had no intention of kicking anyone off the squad. If anything, it was humans that needed to watched. Mick, Josef and Brian did one hell of a job keeping vampires in check!

Steve sat next to the strange girl's bed at the hospital. She was pale for a human and thin. What was she doing in the park at night? He thought at first. But after seeing her up close, it could only be one thing. She was an addict trying to score and she thought Steve was a drug dealer.
He saw that she was starting to move.
"Where am I?" She asked in a raw voice.
"You're in a hospital. You collapsed right in front of me" Steve explained. "What were you doing in the park at that hour?" He asked.
"I was following you" She said in a sleepy voice.
"Why?" Steve asked in confusion.
"Because you can save me" She said and fell back asleep.
"Sir? Are you a relative?" The nurse said as came into the room
"Yeah, I'm her older brother. What wrong with her?" Steve asked.
"She has Cystic Fibrosis and I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done. I'm sorry." The nurse said walking out of the room.
Steve looked down at girl. That's why she was following me. he thought.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Steve called Abigail and asked her about Cystic Fibrosis.
"It's a very serious hereditary disorder affecting the exocrine glands. It causes the production of abnormally thick mucus, leading to the blockage of the pancreatic ducts, intestines, and bronchi and often resulting in respiratory infection."
"What does that mean if someone has it? Is there a cure for it?" He asked.
"I'm sorry. There isn't a cure yet. Not a lot is known about it, but some medications can ease some of the bronchial symptoms. Why?"
"Just a girl I met has it and I didn't know what it was"
"How does she look Steve?"
"Uh..... maybe 25-28 years old, brownish hair...."
"Steve yuck! I mean describe her appearance in connection with her disease."
"When I saw her in the park, she looked really thin and sunken in. Abbey, I thought she was a drug addict at first"
"Steve, she is most likely at the end of her life. The best thing you could do, is keep her company and try to comfort her. I am truly sorry"

Steve snuck back into the hospital staying out of sight of doctors and nurses He made it to the girl's room and quickly looked around. He cut his had with a pocket knife and let the blood flow into her mouth, then he ran away from the hospital.

Steve came back two days later to visit the girl. She was sitting up in bed eating a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries on top.
"Well look at you" Steve said with a smile She looked so much better than she had. Her bloodshot eyes were now a clear hazel, she seemed to have some color back in her face.
"I know. The doctors are baffled. They keep coming back every hour on the hour to run more test"
"Do you have any family you'd like to me call?" She shook her curly brown hair.
"I never knew my parents, I was raised by my grandmother and she died last year."
"Hey, I'm sorry" Steve said.
"That's alright. I know she's at peace." Ellie looked at the door now wanting anyone to come in. "So did you do it? How long before I can't eat food anymore?" She whispered.
"What are you talking about?"
"I know what you are. I was following you for over a month. I followed you every where you went. Like to that dive bar on Mason Street that you love so much. I saw you leave with that Yolanda girl. You could do a lot better than her" She said finishing her oatmeal and drinking all of her juice.
"Oh you think so?" Steve said with smile beginning to like this girl quite a lot.

The doctors had ran multiple test and could still not figure out how cystic fibrosis could just disappear. If a vampire had come into the hospital and decided to play Dr. Frankenstein, they were in for one hell of a lawsuit.

"Hello Ellie. I'm Dr. Foster. How are you feeling?" he asked sitting down in the chair next to her bed.
"I feel great. I really have my appetite back it seems." She said with a smile.
"That's good." He said standing up and checking her pulse. "I was told that you had a visitor the other day" He asked carefully, but Ellie already knew that they would want to know how she was cured.
"My older brother came by to check on me. I keep his number in my things in know" She said holding her head down.
"Of course." he said writing some notes in his chart. "Well if you keep progressing like this, you might be released tomorrow." He said with a smile as he walked out. Once he was in the hallway he shook his head. How could I think a vampire could get into this hospital? he thought to himself.

Steve came back to the hospital again to see Ellie.
"So how are you today?" He asked handing her a bouquet of flowers.
"The doctors keep asking me a lot of questions" She said'
"Oh yeah. Like What?"
"Like who you are and why you're visiting me? I told them you were my brother." She said with a wink.
"Good that's pretty much what I said the first time I was here"
"Great minds think alike" Ellie said with a smile. "So are you going to tell me the truth?"
"Ellie, I've already told you. I didn't turn you" Steve said.
"But you did something" Ellie begged. "And you'll have to tell me soon because they want to take my blood today"
"What? What for?" Steve said standing up.
"I think you know why." She said "So tell me and then help get me out of here" Ellie said.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Steve knew that the doctors couldn't test Ellie's blood. He had no idea what Josef and the others would think of what he did. Abigail using vampire blood for the cure of cancer was one thing.
"Ok, get your clothes on and I'll check you out" Steve said racing down the hall.

Dr. Foster was walking down the hall when his assistant came from behind her station.
"Dr. Foster. Ellen Drake just checked herself out." She said handing him the chart.
"What do you mean she checked out?" He asked in surprise.
"She said she was feeling better and there was no reason to stay and rack up a huge bill. "
"Damn it" Dr. Foster exclaimed.

Mick was catching up with Carl.
"Man I'm so glad you're back." Carl said.
"We're glad to be back. You gotta come see the new digs."
"Have you heard from your friend Steve?" Carl asked.
"Steve? Not for a few days why?"
"He called me about some addict who was following him, and apparently she passed out in front of him. I called the EMT's so he could be far away from scene"
"I'll ask him about it" Mick said but not thinking about it again.

"So where do you live?" Steve said as he drove down the highway.
"Morgenson Drive" She replied. Steve looked quickly at her.
"Morgenson Drive? You rich?"
"My grandmother was" Ellie replied simply.
Steve pulled into the long drive and whistled.
"You're kidding me" Steve said looking around all the grounds.
"Would you like to see the inside?" Ellie asked. Steve pulled up at her stairs and weighed his options. Suddenly his phone began to ring.
"This is Steve"
"Hey Steve this is Mick. Can you come by for bit?"
"Right now?" Steve said looking back at Ellie and shrugging his shoulders. "Alright, on my way. Look, I'm sorry Ellie, can I take a rain check?"
"Sure" She said turning towards the house.
"This better be important Mick!" Steve said turning around and speeding out.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Steve, thanks for coming over so fast." Mick said as Steve walked in.
"Sure thing Mick. What's up?"
"I heard you ran into some trouble at the park a few nights ago" Mick said Steve shook his head. He should of known that Carl would not be able to keep this away from Mick.
"It was nothing. Some young woman was following me. I confronted her and she just fell out at my feet. To be honest, I thought she was an addict who had od'd right in front of me, so I called Carl" Steve said.
"So, that's it. Nothing else?" Mick asked becoming suspicious.
"Alright, her name is Ellie and I really did think she was just an addict looking to score in the park. Truth was, she was dying man. Cystic Fibrosis." Steve said.
"Its hard I know. But you get used to it. Believe me" Mick said.

"Pauline Drake had been tied up in the storage closet of her basement for over a week. The young people that stole her home were going to kill her. That she knew. She silently began to pray.

"Look at you!" Marco said to Ellie. "Did the guy turn you into a vampire? You look healthy?" He asked.
"I don't think so, but I do feel great and the doctor at the hospital said my cystic fibrosis is gone as in gone completely! So I don't know what he did, but it worked." She explained.
"Do you think he'll come back?" Marco asked.
"I know he will. He's attracted to me" She said with a flirtatious smile. Marco quickly grabbed her arm.
"Just remember you belong to me!" He growled.
"Always" Ellie purred placing her arms on his shoulders.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Steve was going to drive straight back to see Ellie, but decided not to at the last minute.
Something was strange about that girl and he just couldn't put his finger on it. But until he figured it out, he needed to stay far away from her. Steve had had his fair share of unhealthy relationships, the last ended with the girl smashing a plate over his head and stealing his car!
Steve was also worried about Mick. I mean he liked the guy and all and he was Beth's husband, but it freaked Steve out that Mick could get inside his head and do stuff and know stuff. That man was his sire and Steve was grateful for sure, but often times he missed his old life when if he wanted to be alone he could without answering to anyone. The vampire community came with very specific guidelines and rules and you had to be very very careful not to cross a line.

"Hey Babe, what's wrong you look worried" Beth said looking at Mick.
"It might be nothing, but I'm sensing that Steve's freaked out about something. He won't tell what it is" Mick said
"You want me to talk to him?" Beth said knowing she would be able to talk to her friend with a bit more of an open mind than Mick.
'You know what? Forget about that. I don't want Steve to think that I'm prying into his life. If he wants to talk to me, he can." Mick said.

Elli went to the basement to talk to the old woman. She opened the door and pulled the gag from her mouth.
"Do you have anymore money?" Ellie said. Pauline just stared at the young woman. Surely this couldn't be the one who looked so thin and so weak. "I said, do you have anymore money?" Ellie said louder.
"Y...yes. There's a safe in the study closet on the far left side." Pauline said.
"Is it a combination safe?" Ellie asked. When Pauline nodded her head, Ellie grabbed a pen from her purse. "Combination please"
"10-36-9-38. That's all the money I have" Pauline wailed.
"You have a lot more money to give. This beautiful home, some nice silver. I bet you've got a nice fat life insurance policy that your granddaughter is the beneficiary of." Ellie said.
"Bu...But I don't have a granddaughter" She said.
"You do now lady" Eliie said shoving her back so she could close the door.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Ellie had never felt so alive! Whatever the vampire did to her she felt amazing. She felt incredibly strong. And her vision which had never been all that good, was suddenly crystal clear!
Marco came up behind her.
"So what did old broad say about money?"
"She claims she doesn't have anymore. I don't know if I believe her"
"There's a lot of stuff here to hock. That'll bring in some cash" Marco said looking around.
"What do you think of this?" Ellie asked holding up a very ornate silver candlestick. "It's got some weight to it" She said holding it out so he could look at it.
"It looks expensive! I say we............" Marco said but felt the pain of the candlestick crashing into his skull. He slumped to ground, his blood oozing out of the wound.
Ellie rolled him up in the beautiful rug he fell on, then kicked his body down the basement stairs.
She certainly didn't need him hanging around anymore! She went to the study to look for the safe. It was right where the old woman said it would be. She pressed in the combination and the door popped open.
"Whew! That's a lot of cash" She said to herself. She grabbed a stack of bills, stuffed them in her purse, grabbed the old woman's car keys, locked up and headed out. She would have to go shopping if she was going trap this vampire. She needed to look good she thought as sped down the freeway.

After work Steve stopped in to the dive bar he loved so much and nursed a beer. For some reason he couldn't get Ellie out of his mind. It's not that she was super beautiful. She was more along the lines of the pretty plain girl. He liked her spunk. After all she sought out a vampire. In a park. At night! That takes nerve. And even though humans and vampires had arranged a truce, Steve knew the vampire nature, now more than ever. He thought it would be easy to deny himself feeding on humans, because he knew that Mick and Beth had been doing that for so long, but what he found out, was that it was hard. Damn hard. There were times hen he had to lock himself up somewhere until the urge had left him. But it was close quite a few time.

He put the beer down. Maybe he would just stop by her place to say hello. Yeah. Just a brief visit

Ellie looked at herself in the mirror. The designer jeans fit her like a glove showing of slender figure and the silk blouse was to die for. She now saw why rich people bought the very best that money could buy, Not because they could, but because it really was superior. She even felt sexier in the clothes. She sprayed herself with the Chanel #5 that she had always dreamed of being able to buy.
She studied herself in the mirror once more. Her curly brown hair was styled perfectly. Her body still a bit too thin from the disease, but she would soon fill out more. She wore no make up because she didn't know how to apply it, but she was blessed with clear skin so none was needed. She heard a car pull up and smiled. Finally she thought. She slowly walked downstairs and waited for the vampire to ring the doorbell.

She opened the door and there stood the vampire. Ellie smiled slowly at him.
"Hello. What are you doing here?" She asked
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" Steve said.
"That's really nice of you." She responded waiting. "Did you want something?" was just driving around.."
"Would you like to come in?" Ellie asked.
"Uh, sure" Steve said walking in.
"That's how it works right. I have to invite you in?"
"I'm not sure what you mean." Steve said. Ellie rolled her eyes.
"The myth that a vampire can't come into your house unless you invite them"
"I gotta ask, why do you think I'm a vampire?" Steve asked her. Ellie stopped suddenly and stared at Steve.
"You mean you're not?" She asked in surprise. There was no reason for Steve to lie, but for some reason he didn't trust Ellie.
"No, I'm not. Whatever gave you that idea?" he asked.
"You healed me in the hospital! I don't have cystic fibrosis anymore!" She yelled.
"Listen Ellie, I swear I didn't do anything to you. Maybe it was someone on staff at the hospital, but it wasn't me" Steve said. Ellie walked over to the fireplace and picked up the very heavy poker.
"Then I guess I don't need you at all" She said.

Ellie swung the poker hitting Steve in the head. He fell down hard to the floor. She then drug him to the basement stairs and kicked him down with Marco. She would have to dispose of the bodies tomorrow, but now she had to go back to the hospital to find out who the vampire was.

When Steve heard her drive away, he quickly stood up.
"That evil little bitch!" He screamed rubbing his head. He looked over and saw Marco. Steve knew right away he was dead. He felt for a pulse, but the was none. But Steve kept hearing a heartbeat coming from somewhere in the basement. He put his ear up to door and heard the faint heartbeat. He pulled open the door and saw an elderly woman tied to a chair within the room. Steve pulled the gag from her mouth.
"Mam! Can you hear me?" He said to her. Steve could see that she needed immediate medical attention. He pulled out his phone and Carl. Again.

"Alright Steve what's going on?" Carl asked as officer poured into the large house.
"As far as I can figure out, I think that Ellie chick, was holding the owner of house for ransom or something because she was tied up in the storage room in the basement and there's a dead body in the basement probably Ellie's accomplice, and she tried to kill me." Steve explained.
"Where is she now?" Carl asked.
"Who knows. All I do know is that she hit me over the head with a fireplace poker and kicked me down a flight of stairs."
"Well, we have her information and photo of her from the hospital records. We'll put out an APB on her" Carl said talking to his officers.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Ellie walked around the hospital. What was she doing? She asked herself. She obviously didn't know what a vampire looked like or she would have been right about the other guy. So if it wasn't him, who was it? Maybe it was a woman? But she shot that thought down. Women don't really care for other women and being a vampire wouldn't make a difference She thought.

It had been over an hour and she hadn't see anything. She started to walk past the morgue and her entire body began to shiver. But it wasn't cold, but the goose bumps appeared all over her arms. She peered into the window in front of her and saw a very good looking young man placing a bracelet on a corpse. he quickly looked around, saw Ellie and came walking towards the door.
"Are you here to view a body?" He asked. Ellie just stood there. "What's your name? Do you work for the hospital?" He asked.
"I was a patient here not too long ago" Ellie said.
"What was wrong with you?" He asked becoming curious.
"I have....had Cystic Fibrosis" She replied.
"Ahhh. Got it. You're the miracle patient everyone's trying to find out about. So which vamp helped you out?" He asked.
"You know?" She asked in surprise.
"Things like that don't happen everyday, so it's gotta be a vampire" He said with a shrug.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Guillermo" He said with a smile.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Guillermo" . She said offering her hand. "Hey what time are you off? Would you like to grab a drink or something?" She asked. Guillermo looked at the pretty girl. Why not? He thought. He hadn't had a date in long time.
"I'm off work in about 30 minutes. If you want we can meet up at The Chapel Bar and Grill?"
"That sounds great. I'll go grab us a table" She said with a bright smile.

"You know what?" Steve said thinking about the night he first met Ellie. "This girl is looking for a sire. That's why she was following me. She thought I was going to turn her."
"So when you told her no, she smashed you over the head." Carl said.
"But Carl, I also told her that if I didn't do it, it must have been someone at the hospital....."
"Guillermo!!" They both exclaimed simultaneously.
"She's going to the hospital!" Steve said.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Guillermo had time to shower before going to meet the very pretty young woman who had done something that no one could explain. When he walked into The Chapel Bar he spotted the woman very quickly.
"Hey." Guillermo said standing next to her "Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked.
"Thanks. I'll have gin and tonic" She said with sly smile.
"The woman's got taste" Guillermo joked as he walked to the bar. He walked back to the table with two drinks and sat down next to her. "Here's to new friends" He said touching his glass to hers.
"To new friends" She repeated taking a long drink. "I just want to say thank you for meeting me tonight. It really means a lot to me." She said.
"Well, the pleasure is all mine." He replied.
"It's been really hard dealing with people asking me questions all the time. What they want to know is something I can't tell." She said
"Why? I mean. It's not like you know" Guillermo said.
"Oh but I do" Ellie said finishing her drink. "It was you. I'm sure of it."
Guillermo looked at the woman in surprise and held up his hands.
"Hey, you totally got the wrong guy. It's obvious someone gave you vampire blood and that's how you were healed, but it sure as hell wasn't me, because you know what? Doing something like that is against the law." He said matter of factly.
"That's bullshit!" Ellie said "I've never heard of any laws being passed that says that"?
"That's because it's a vampire law, and believe me when I tell you, those are the kind of laws you don't want to be breaking!"
Ellie looked at the serious expression he had on his face and she knew he was telling the truth.
"Great! So some random good Samaritan vampire, just came into my room, gave me vampire blood and disappeared?".
"If he wanted to keep his head yeah, I guess he did...or maybe he was a new vampire"
"What's the difference?"
"Well, newbies don't know everything yet, so it sounds like something they're more apt to do"
When Guillermo saw the angry expression on her face he had to ask.
"So let me get this straight. You were dying of Cystic Fibrosis, and a vampire healed you, but you're angry. Why?"
"Well, it's not like they asked permission or anything"
"So?" Guillermo said.
"What if I wanted to die, what if I wanted to be a vampire!" She said loudly.
"So that's it. You want to be turned." Guillermo said. "Why?"

"Because she's a psychopath" Someone said from behind them. Guillermo looked back and saw Carl and Steve. Ellie quickly stood up and overturned the small table and ran from the bar.
"Bring her back Steve" Carl said as Steve ran quickly out of the bar.

"What the hell was that about?" Guillermo asked wiping the drink from his shirt.
"Trust me man, that girl is straight up crazy! She's already killed 2 people and tried to kill Steve" Carl said.
"Damn! She was pretty too" Guillermo said.
"They always are" Carl said with smile.

Steve was able to find Ellie pretty quickly.
"Oh no you don't!" Steve said grabbing her arm tightly.
"Ow! You're hurting me!" She screamed. Ellie screamed so loud a group of young men out on town saw what was happening and ran over to assist.
"Hey man! The woman said hands off" One young man said to Steve "When a woman says no, that means no" He said.
"Well this particular woman will smash something over your head while she lifts your wallet" Steve said.
"Take it up with the police. Until then, let her go" Another young man piped in slowly walking closer to Steve.
"You might want to step back fellas" Steve said in a warning tone.
"Well, it's three of us and one of you" He said pushing Steve in a back. Steve barred his fangs and hissed at the men.
"Then go get some more men!" Seeing that they were flirting with death the young men took off.

"Everything okay out here?" Carl said walking up.
"Yeah" Steve said.

Ellie was charged with two counts of murder and one count of grand larceny.

"Steve, just between you and me, don't use vamp blood for any more humans. I don't care how pretty they are or how bad you feel for them." Carl said to Steve.
"I know" Steve said realizing what a big risk he took. "Are you going to tell Mick?"
"No man. Like I said, it's between the two of us. But next time, I'll have to" Carl said walking away.

Steve knew he would have to watch his step. Things were different now.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by allegrita »

This is a cool story! :clapping: It's fun to see our old friends in this new situation. I'm glad they caught Ellie, she was a piece of work. :nonono:
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Re: The Los Angeles Life

Post by Ella713 »

Thanks Allie for reading! I was missing Moonlighaholics, so I had write something straightaway! :giggle:
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