Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

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Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave: ,

'Home is Where the Heart Is' is a continuation of the Moonlight / H50 crossover series that started with The Long Journey Home. Two more stories followed: Affairs of the Heart and The Faceless Ones.

'Home is Where the Heart Is' picks up about six months after the end of 'The Faceless Ones'. I think/hope there's enough background provided in this story so that it can be read without a lot of knowledge of the earlier ones.

H50's season five finale was harmless/ambiguous enough relative to the Steve / Catherine relationship, but what happens to it in season six remains to be seen. So, I present my little story which centers around a threat to the vamp community that Mick and Beth have to resolve but includes a plausible reason why Catherine stayed in Afghanistan.

The story is complete, consisting of six rather longish chapters that will be posted weekly, ending before the Season 6 SOTB. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy 'Home is Where the Heart Is'.

Rating is PG-13

As usual, I don't own any of the characters from either Moonlight for Hawaii Five-0, but dearly love to play with them. The one quote from Moonlight was authored by Gabrielle Stanton and Harry Werksman.

Home is Where the Heart Is

Chapter 3


True to his word, Amir returned at dawn a day and a half later. He was accompanied Esam, the man whose child Catherine saved during the Taliban attack. To show his gratitude, Esam volunteered to accompany Catherine to the safety of the American embassy in Kabul. If her memory hadn’t returned by then, Esam would inform the embassy staff of Catherine’s name and military service, allowing them to verify her identity and help her return home.

The journey would be arduous, taking several days. Afghanistan was a country of extremes, the weather being no exception. By day, the desert could be unmercifully hot, while the night could turn brutally cold. Even though Catherine was still recovering, Amir urged her to leave immediately, fearing the Taliban were closing in on her current location. Catherine agreed, then gathered up any remaining food and supplies, preparing to set off. Parting from Amir, she struggled to express her gratitude.

Amir demurred. “It is I that should thank you for bringing my son back to me, alive and well. For this, I will be forever in your debt.”

“I did?”

“Yes, at great risk to yourself and to….” Amir stopped abruptly; any more information might not be wise at this time. For her own sake, it was best Catherine didn’t remember certain people and events until she was out of harm’s way.

The first part of the journey to Kabul would be on foot. It was agreed that Catherine would remain dressed as a man, but keep her face covered as much as possible when they encountered others. Two ‘men’ travelling together would draw little attention, but they still had to be careful. Once they arrived at one of the larger villages, Esam would try to procure horses to hasten their journey. With any luck, they would reach Kabul in five days.

As Amir watched Catherine and Esam pick their way down the rocky hillside, he again prayed for her safety. Catherine sought to give the children of his village a future free of the Taliban’s control, something the latter was loathe to surrender. Amir prayed for his own forgiveness as well; he was responsible for bringing this woman to Afghanistan and for all she had suffered. If she were captured and killed, all of heaven’s rain couldn’t wash away his shame.


LA – Josef Kostan’s Estate

When Josef rose, the report detailing McGarrett’s recent trip to Afghanistan was waiting for him. Scanning its contents, the elder vampire felt a growing sense of dread; the missing puzzle pieces Ryder found were forming a bleak picture indeed.

OK, so Rollins goes to Afghanistan for reasons still unknown. Clearly not for her health. McGarrett goes with her, to what, help or protect her? Probably both. And they say chivalry is dead.

Ryder had managed to hack a military report documenting the Special Forces rescue of Lt. Cmdr. Steven J. McGarrett from a Taliban cell which was subsequently ‘neutralized’. The report was a bit thin, providing no explanation as to why McGarrett was in Afghanistan or what he and his unnamed companion, presumably Rollins, had done to piss the Taliban off. The report described McGarrett as ‘uncooperative’ for refusing to provide his intelligence source. He was then ordered to return to the states, accompanied by one equally uncooperative Daniel Williams.

Williams? How the hell did he end up in Afghanistan? As for the intel source, it must have been Rollins, but how did she avoid getting captured by the Taliban? Where is she now?

With even more unanswered questions than before, Josef opened an attached video file documenting McGarrett’s torture at the hands of the Taliban. The video was clearly meant for terrorist propaganda, but was confiscated by the military during their raid.

Chivalry may not be dead, but McGarrett almost was. If that guy with the sword wasn’t pissed off before, he was after McGarrett’s head-butt to the family jewels. I knew there was a reason I liked the man.

Josef watched intently as McGarrett momentarily freed himself from his captors’ grasp, trying to fight his way to freedom. Despite his efforts, McGarrett was outnumbered and once again, was forced to his knees and held fast, his throat bared to the sword-wielding Taliban leader. It looked as though McGarrett’s luck had finally run out.

OK, so the cavalry arrives at the last minute, saving McGarrett’s ass, or more accurately, his head. They take out his captors, making them look bad in the process. Not only does the Taliban lose men, a golden propaganda opportunity slips through their bloody fingers. All captured on video for your counter-terrorist viewing pleasure…

Suddenly, Josef realized the danger.

OK, if I’m the Taliban, I’d be royally pissed and want payback for that truly embarrassing moment. McGarrett’s safely out of reach in Hawaii, but if I found out Rollins is still in Afghanistan, I’d go after her. Shit!! That’s why she’s fallen off the grid; she’s hiding from the Taliban! Does McGarrett know she’s missing, with a price on her head? Not likely. A man like McGarrett wouldn’t let the devil himself prevent his return if he knew Rollins was in danger. Damn! That woman has set off a chain of events Shakespeare would envy.

Those events were still unfolding and Josef needed to intervene before the Taliban found their prey. The decision wasn’t really difficult; Catherine Rollins was worthy of his efforts on her own merits, having helped protect the vampire community on Oahu. By saving her, he was also saving McGarrett from making a choice no man should have to make about the woman he loved, something Josef could relate to.

Josef started making calls looking for assistance in finding and rescuing Catherine. Money and means were plentiful; it was time he feared was running out.


McGarrett’s house – night

After leaving Kimiko, Mick and Beth returned to McGarrett’s home. They briefed Steve and Danny on their meeting, worried that Kimiko’s family would find Ruby before they did.

Steve didn't understand their concern. “So? If other vamps are looking for her, there’s a better chance she’ll be found. That means fewer dead bodies for us to try and explain away.”

“True, but Kimiko was pretty cagey about what would happen if she did find Ruby.” Mick ran his fingers through his hair. “At first, she understood Ruby’s need for revenge. Even said she’d help her. Once we told her about Ruby’s enhanced powers, Kimiko seemed, I don’t know, kinda worried.”

Beth agreed. “Kimiko’s mood definitely changed. Even Akemi seemed nervous.”

“Yeah, Akemi’s poker face still needs work. Something we said upset Kimiko and Akemi picked up on it.”

Danny was puzzled. “I don’t get it. If you knew this lady might not play ball, why clue her in?”

“Politics. Beth and I are on Kimiko’s turf. If we didn’t involve her, she’d take it as a personal insult.”

“So? Steve insults me all the time, but I get over it.”

Beth laughed, then explained. “This is a little more…complicated. Kimiko is like Josef; she’s the head of the vampire community here. She stays in power by how strong she’s perceived by her family. If we didn’t engage her, it might reflect badly on her status, making her unwilling to help us in the future.”

“OK, now I get it. You’re kissing vampire ass.”

Beth grinned. “Basically.”

Steve queried Mick. “So what now?”

“Tonight, Beth and I will start searching for Ruby based on the information you provided. With any luck, we’ll find her before Kimiko does.”

“You sure there’s nothing else we can do?”

“Positive. Just keep watching for any new attacks. If we come up empty tonight, either Ruby isn’t here yet or she’s changed location.”

When Mick excused himself to take a call, Beth continued talking with Steve and Danny. Hearing her husband’s conversation, it took everything in her power to stay calm. When the call ended, the couple exchanged a brief glance before Mick asked Steve to provide additional information about tonight’s search area.

While the two men were talking, Beth asked Danny to come outside with her. Once safely out of Steve’s earshot, the detective turned to Beth. “OK, I know you didn’t ask me out here to admire the Moonlight, lovely as it is. What’s up?”

“That was Josef on the phone. He’s learned something rather… disturbing.”

“I don’t know how you top blood-sucking, super-scumbags in the disturbing department…”

“Catherine’s missing.”

Any snarky comment died on the detective’s lips. “Tell me she’s OK, please tell me that.” Danny glanced nervously toward the house. “If anything bad happened to Catherine, the guilt alone would kill Steve. He’d blame himself for not going back to help her.”

“From what little he’s been able to learn, Josef’s pretty sure Catherine is still alive.”

Pretty sure?” Danny’s voice reflected his rising panic. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Josef thinks she’s being hunted by the Taliban. He believes they hold Steve responsible for the deaths of their men and want revenge. By killing Catherine, they’ll get it.”

Memories of what the Taliban had done to his partner flooded back, chilling Danny to the bone. “What if the Taliban already has her, huh? What if she’s already dead? What do we do then?”

“Danny, you’ve got to calm down.” Beth tried to reassure the worried detective. “Trust me, if Catherine were dead, the Taliban would have let the world know by now.”

“OK, OK. You’re right. For once, no news is good news.” Danny took a deep breath trying to calm himself, knowing he’d have to take the lead in finding Catherine. “Listen, we can’t tell Steve about any of this. He’ll be on the first plane to Afghanistan and as soon as he lands, he’ll be tossed in the brig.”

Beth relayed one of Josef’s questions. “Danny, do you know why Catherine and Steve went to Afghanistan in the first place? Josef thinks knowing that might help locate her.”

Danny explained how Catherine wanted to help Amir, a man who’d once saved her life, by recovering his son from the Taliban. “Catherine felt she owed Amir and Steve went along to help. They rescued a bunch of kids from the Taliban but Amir’s son wasn’t with them. Catherine managed to get the kids to safety, but Steve was captured.”

Images of his partner’s bruised and bloodied body flooded Danny’s mind. “Those animals nearly beat him to death, but Steve wouldn’t tell them where Catherine had taken the kids. After the military rescued him, they made it clear he was, and I quote, ‘never to set foot in that part of the world again’, then sent him home. Catherine eventually found Amir’s kid on her own, but decided to stay in his village and not come home.”


Danny bit his lower lip, then looked away. “I wish I knew. I know Catherine loves Steve, I mean really loves Steve, so I don’t understand how she could hurt him like that.”

Beth recalled the times when she’d pushed Mick away, afraid of admitting how much she loved him. “Sadly, I do, but right now we need to focus on finding Catherine. If you can remember anything about where Amir’s village is, it will help Josef locate her.”

Danny thought for a moment then conveyed what he could remember. “I know it’s not much…”

“Hey, it’s a start. Is there anything Mick and I can do to help?”

“Yeah, keep Steve focused on finding Ruby. Snack on him, hell, turn him into a vampire if you have to.”

“I don’t think we’ll have to resort to that.” Beth grew serious. “What are you going to do?”

“Get in touch with some guys that can help get Catherine home again.” Danny pulled out his phone. “Do me a favor. Tell Steve something came up and I had to leave. And please, please, if your buddy Kostan has any bright ideas, let me know, OK? Here’s my number.”

“I will, Danny. I promise.”


Kimiko’s compound – that same night

Akemi entered her mistress’s private quarters, bowing. “You sent for me, my mother?”

“Yes.” Kimiko approached her aide. “Akemi, do you know why I chose you as shisha?”

A shy smile crept across Akemi’s face. “No, but I have wondered.”

“As well you should. Your predecessor served me faithfully before ambition corrupted him. Of all my children, you have the purest heart and were chosen to help keep me from being seduced as he was. In turn, you are to learn from me what you will need as shisha yet still be at peace with your existence.” Kimiko smiled at Akemi. “You seem surprised, my daughter. No matter how long we walk upon this earth, we must continue to grow and learn, adapting to our changing world without compromising our honor. At times, this is difficult. Now is one of those times.”

“Forgive me, but I do not understand.”

“I have led this family for two centuries now, protecting my children from the humans who would destroy us. Now, the threat comes from within.” Kimiko grew somber. “My son and his mate have spoken of this unfortunate child, whose name reflects the blood she craves. As I said, I will help her seek justice, for I bear some of the blame for her misfortune.”

“How can that be? You knew nothing of her ordeal.”

“No, a regrettable failure on my part, one that does not absolve me.” Kimiko sought to explain in a way Akemi could appreciate. “I knew Ulani sought revenge, yet I was ignorant of how she was achieving her vengeance until your son, Kioshi, enlightened me six months ago. Killing innocents to punish the guilty was dishonorable and brought unwanted attention to our kind. That alone was sufficient to end Ulani, yet I did nothing. Because I failed in my responsibilities, Ulani remains free.”

“And you fear what she may yet do.”

“Yes, but that is not all.” Kimiko paused as wondered if she should burden Akemi with a terrible secret, one not shared lightly. In the end, she placed her trust in her shisha. “Ruby was turned with silver in her blood, Akemi. Ancient legends speak of such turnings and none of them ended well. I fear for this child, for what may happen to her.”

“What would you have us do?”

“Send your brothers and sisters out to search for her. When she is found, bring her to me. Perhaps she can be helped before it is too late.”


Oahu – night

Ruby stumbled away from an area of the island tourists rarely see. She’d come here hoping to find one of her kind who could lead her to Kimiko. She knew it was risky, but was unprepared by what she saw and felt.

There are hundreds of homeless people here, living on the streets. They need my help, but there’s just so many of them, I don't know how to do it. I have to try, I have to.

This wasn’t the first time Ruby had experienced feelings like this. While she lay in an LA hospital, she could feel her parents’ sorrow and grief, believing their daughter had just died. It wasn’t a very strong sense, though, growing weaker once her parents let go of her hands and left the room. She’d asked Sergei about this and he explained that the talents of the newly turned often initiated during transition, but took time to fully develop. With her transition prolonged by silver, it might take even longer. If the feeling returned, Ruby was to focus on it, then inform Sergei of her observations.

It was a few weeks later when the feeling returned, more intense and definitive than the first time. Ruby was with Mikhail, one of the freshies who served her. Sergei had given her the choice of feeding fresh or not, but she enjoyed giving pleasure to those who willingly provided their blood.

Mikhail was usually quite pleasant, but on this particular day, he seemed distant. Ruby asked if there was something wrong, but the freshie simply smiled, telling her it was of no consequence, then offered his wrist. As his blood coursed down her throat, she could feel Mikhail’s emotional pain as if it were her own.

Later, she asked Sergei if there was something bothering Mikhail. Her mentor grew somber, saying that Mikhail had recently lost someone very dear to him and that perhaps he should be taken out of rotation while he grieved. Not wishing to make Mikhail’s life any more difficult than it was, Ruby chose not to tell Sergei about her experience.

Over the course of the next few months, this feeling occurred several more times, most often in the town near Sergei’s home where there were more humans. In contrast to her prior experiences, Ruby could sense the emotions of people she wasn’t in direct contact with. Ruby placed herself in various situations both in the town and at home, trying to better understand what was happening to her.

As a result, Ruby found that she could sense only negative emotions, like sorrow, grief or despair. The stronger the emotion, the more intense the effect on her. Yet it was more than just sensing the emotion; Ruby realized she was empathizing with the person burdened by these emotions. Their pain was hers. As time went on, not only could she feel people’s pain, she felt driven to do something about it.

And so she would, just not from the isolation of Sergei’s home. Sergei was a kind man, one she was fond of, yet if Ruby stayed with him, she wouldn’t be able to help those who so desperately needed it. Knowing she couldn’t return to LA and engage Kostan, Ruby decided Kimiko was her only other option. Regretfully, she left Sergei without even saying goodbye.

Now, overwhelmed by the despair of the people on Oahu, Ruby fled. Her pain blinded her to the approach of another of her kind who’d just spotted her. Sensing Ruby’s distress, he reached out. “My sister, let me help you.”

Ruby took his hand, grateful that at last, she’d be able to find Kimiko.


Josef’s Estate

The news from Afghanistan, or rather lack of it, was infuriating.

Josef had called in every marker he could to help find and rescue Catherine. Afghanistan wasn’t a place that harbored many of his kind, so he had to rely on human mercenaries, men with questionable morals who were fearless enough to do almost anything.

Except cross me. Still, they’re just what I need; ex-military men familiar with the country who, for the right price, are willing to break both rules and necks to get results.

Josef had made it worth their while; a cool million to each of the four men who found and extricated Catherine alive from that desert hell. Checking the time, Josef figured that his hired guns had been in the region of interest for the better part of six hours.

C’mon, people. With the information Williams provided, you know where Rollins was living and that she was heading to Kabul, so it shouldn’t be too damned hard to find her.

When Josef’s phone rang, he barked an answer. “You’d better have good news.”

After a few moments, Josef ended the call, then placed another to a man he hoped was up to the challenge.


Danny Williams’ home - night

Danny was beginning to sweat and it had little to do with the heat. After several failed attempts, he finally connected with Joe White, Steve’s mentor and the man with both the skills and connections to organize Catherine’s rescue. Unfortunately, Joe was on the mainland, too far away to be of any help and SEAL team 6 was off on a classified mission. Joe promised he’d try to find help, then get back to Danny.

Until then, the detective knew he could do little more than wait. Deep down, though, he was afraid Catherine was running out of time.

OK, so what are my options? I can’t tell Chin, Kono or Grover, not yet, anyway. Steve would sense something was wrong, weasel it out of one of us, then fly off to that miserable country where he’d be arrested as soon as he landed. Joe? I can’t wait on him. Maybe it’s time to get the military involved….

Just then, Danny’s phone rang.

Or maybe not…

“Detective Williams. Listen carefully, we don’t have much time.”

Thirty minutes later, Danny was boarding Josef’s private jet, praying that he’d get to Catherine in time. If he failed, he’d never forgive himself. Worse, neither would Steve.


Kimiko’s compound- night

Alone in her private chambers, the most powerful vampire on the islands found herself deeply troubled. Since Mick and Beth’s visit, Kimiko had learned all she could of the unfortunate Ruby. The young woman had been full of promise, accomplishing much in her short life, with the potential to accomplish so much more. To have been abused as she was, then turned against her will was not only shameful, but dangerous.

Clearly, Mick and Beth are unaware of the ancient legends, but what of Josef? While he may be ignorant of them as well, he is wise enough to see the danger this child poses, as do I. If others with no honor were turned in this manner, they would wreak havoc, exposing our kind. In the humans’ eyes, the crimes of these few would condemn us all. For the sake of human and vampire alike, this child must be hidden until nature takes its course and knowledge of her forgotten.

Kimiko tensed; someone not of her family was in the room.

Turning slowly, Kimiko found herself face-to-face with Ruby. The child’s eyes were wide, as if she were afraid, but Kimiko feared the real cause. “How did you get in here, my child?”

“Another of our kind brought me here and I told your guards I wanted to talk with you. They didn’t want to, but I made them let me in.” Ruby held out her hands. “Please, I mean you no harm I just need your help.”

“To find and destroy Ulani, the one who took your life?”

For a moment, Ruby seemed confused. “No, she’s of no importance, not anymore.”

“Then what, my child?”

“I want your help to make the world a better place.”

Kimiko was not entirely surprised by Ruby’s answer, knowing now what she did of her. “An admirable goal. How may I assist you?”

Ruby started to pace. “I know that you are very powerful, with vast resources and connections. Together, we can help those who are in need, but we need to act quickly.”

“Why? Time is of no matter to our kind.”

“No, you’re wrong. We are running out of time, at least that’s what I feel.”

Kimiko slowly approached Ruby, hoping not to frighten her. “Tell me what else you feel, my child.”

“I feel the pain and suffering of those surrounding me …I can’t escape it. I have to help, I have to.” Ruby sank to her knees, hugging herself and rocking. “I have to.”

At that moment Akemi entered, stunned to find an intruder with her mistress. Kimiko raised her hand, forestalling any defensive action on her shisha’s part. Ruby was an innocent when she was turned and if the legends were true, she posed no danger, at least not to others.

“Akemi, summon your new sister and her mate, and tell them to bring McGarrett. We have much to discuss.”

Akemi did as she was told, and many hours later, she left her mistress’s chamber with a heart heavy.



Two days had passed since Catherine and Esam had started their journey to Kabul. On the first day, they covered less ground than expected, as Catherine hadn’t recovered sufficiently for hours of walking under the blistering sun. As the day progressed, waves of pain began to shoot through her bruised and battered body. Esam wisely insisted that they stop before nightfall, knowing that if Catherine pushed too hard, she might not be able to continue for several days.

Esam was a man of few words, intent on getting Catherine to Kabul then returning home. While they rested at the end of the first day, Catherine was hoping her companion might say something that would help jog her memory. She knew he was familiar, presumably because he lived in the same village as Amir. While her companion seemed reluctant to converse, Catherine persisted.

“Amir said that it was your child that I was trying to protect.”

“Yes. Kashmala has you to thank for her life, as do I. She has become quite fond of you.”

Catherine noticed how Esam became almost shy speaking of his daughter. “Do you have any other children?”

Sorrow clouded her companion’s face. “No, my wife, Sherina, died giving life to Kashmala six years ago.”

“I’m so sorry, Esam. Forgive me for bringing up painful memories.”

There was no bitterness in Esam’s voice, only sadness. “I understand. You do so unaware of the past. Allah willing, your memories will return and you will find peace again.”

“Have you found peace, Esam?”

“It took a while, but yes.” Esam reflected on painful memories. “At first, I was angry when my wife died. How could I not be? Sherina brought joy to my life and we should have had many happy years together. In my anger, I could not even hold my daughter. Amir’s wife, Farrah, took care of Kashmala until Allah opened my eyes. He showed me that until I accepted Sherina’s death, I could never appreciate the beautiful, loving child she had given me.” Esam sighed. “Kashmala is all that I have left of my beloved wife. If I had lost my daughter as well… you understand, of course.”

“Of course. Again, forgive me.”

Esam then indicated that it was time to get some rest if they were to get an early start in the morning. Catherine regretted reminding Esam of his loss, but their conversation teased something in her memory. His daughter…something about his daughter…try as she might, Catherine couldn’t bring that memory back.

During their second day of travel, Catherine seemed stronger, walking further than she had the day before. Yet when they found a safe place to camp for the night, she was grateful to draw a thin blanket around her aching body. Her head still throbbed at times and she slept fitfully, alert to any unexpected noise. When she did sleep, explosions and faces of frightened children haunted her dreams. Perhaps one of them was Kashmala, but she couldn’t remember what the little girl looked like. There was also a man’s face, one who left her with a deep sense of sadness and regret. Who he was, she also couldn’t remember, but she knew he was important to her.

On the third day of their journey, Esam became increasingly wary as he scanned the surrounding terrain. When Catherine asked him if something was wrong, he shook his head, but hastened their pace. As evening fell, they approached a village where Esam hoped to rest for the night and replenish their supplies. With any luck, they might be able to find someone willing to sell or loan them horses.

As they neared the village, they encountered travelers heading in the opposite direction. Catherine hung back while Esam conversed with them. Once they parted ways, Esam cursed under his breath, then drew Catherine into the shelter of some rocks on the hillside. “The Taliban are in the village. You must stay here, stay hidden. I will get more food and water, but asking for horses will draw too much attention. I am sorry, but we will have to walk a little while longer.”

While Catherine didn’t want to be left alone, she knew he was right. A lone traveler seeking supplies would not arouse suspicion. Someone in her battered condition would.

Night fell, and still Esam did not return. Try as she might, Catherine couldn’t keep her eyes open and soon drifted off to sleep. Again, strange images filled her dreams, teasing her memory. Before she could make any sense of them, Esam gently woke her.

“I hope you are rested. We must keep walking tonight, until we get away from this village. Before we go, you must eat, to give you strength for the journey ahead.”

The two ate quickly, then started off, leaving the main roadway to circumvent the village. As midnight approached, Esam felt it safe enough for them to find shelter in the foothills and rest for a few hours. At daybreak, they would start again, further distancing themselves from the Taliban.

Catherine was so tired that when they finally stopped, she soon fell into a deep sleep. She never heard the sounds of men approaching before they were upon her.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by allegrita »

OMG, what an evil, evil cliffie! :gasp: :eek2:

You've totally hooked me. I love these two stories, and the way you've interwoven them. It reminds me of an episode, when we often get more then one story or case and the point of view changes as the stories progress. This is so well done! :clapping:

I have a very bad feeling about poor Ruby. :sigh: It doesn't look like her story will have a happy ending. :Mickangel: But at least Kimiko is more sympathetic than I feared before. And these events are serving to keep Steve's attention occupied while Josef and Danny search for Catherine. And speaking of Catherine, yikes! We're going to have to wait a whole week to find out if the people sneaking up on her and Esam are good guys or bad guys! :mdrama:

Thank you for another wonderful chapter! :hug:
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:OMG, what an evil, evil cliffie! :gasp: :eek2:

You've totally hooked me. I love these two stories, and the way you've interwoven them. It reminds me of an episode, when we often get more then one story or case and the point of view changes as the stories progress. This is so well done! :clapping:

I have a very bad feeling about poor Ruby. :sigh: It doesn't look like her story will have a happy ending. :Mickangel: But at least Kimiko is more sympathetic than I feared before. And these events are serving to keep Steve's attention occupied while Josef and Danny search for Catherine. And speaking of Catherine, yikes! We're going to have to wait a whole week to find out if the people sneaking up on her and Esam are good guys or bad guys! :mdrama:

Thank you for another wonderful chapter! :hug:
Thanks, alle :hug: and you're welcome!! Josef and Danny working together is an odd combination, and unfortunately one that separated by the Pacific. Would really love to get the two of them in a room snarking at each other, although I think Josef would have the upper hand.

Ruby's been dealt a bad hand, and while she's trying to make the best of it, there may be more going on here that she's aware of. As for Catherine, her troubles are just beginning.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by r1015bill »

OK. I'm into this story. Why does Kimiko want McGarrett and not Mick?

And is Catherine in danger or is it a rescue party?

And I loved how you capitalized "Moonlight" in Danny and Beth's conversation. Was it an accident or force of habit? :giggle:

Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:OK. I'm into this story. Why does Kimiko want McGarrett and not Mick?

And is Catherine in danger or is it a rescue party?

And I loved how you capitalized "Moonlight" in Danny and Beth's conversation. Was it an accident or force of habit? :giggle:

Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Glad you're enjoying this story!! Capitalizing 'Moonlight', that was intentional, sort of my way of paying homage to the show that started it all. The intent was to do so in each of the Moonlight/ H50 crossover stories, but I failed to do so in the third story 'The Faceless Ones'. :blushing:

Actually, Kimiko wants both Mick and Steve;
"Akemi, summon your new sister and her mate, and tell them to bring McGarrett. We have much to discuss.”
As for your other questions, they'll be answered in Chapter 4. :devil:
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by Lilly »

As I read this story, one thing has become abundantly clear, my dear dsr...

YOU should be writing for H50. :notworthy: My goodness! The pacing, the flow, the continuity, the tone -- really everything -- here is pitch perfect. You are balancing the separate threads and interactions of this story just masterfully. I love that we start with Catherine and then touch in with Josef to see what he's up to. Then it's back to Honolulu where the search for answers about two women, Ruby and Catherine, are playing out in parallel.

You have proven beyond a doubt that it's possible to have a large ensemble cast and still have each member play a key part AND work well with different players. I'm loving the conversation and interaction between Beth and Danny.
darkstarrising wrote:“OK, now I get it. You’re kissing vampire ass.”

Beth grinned. “Basically.”
I could absolutely see Beth's grin when she answered him. That small detail totally sold the interaction. I love it. And then a bit later, when she takes Danny aside to discuss Josef's intel, there's such a solid connection there. :yes:

Honestly, there's so much to like here, but I still have some catching up to do, so I'm going to move on. :teeth:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 3 (PG13) 8/11/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Lilly wrote:As I read this story, one thing has become abundantly clear, my dear dsr...

YOU should be writing for H50. :notworthy: My goodness! The pacing, the flow, the continuity, the tone -- really everything -- here is pitch perfect. You are balancing the separate threads and interactions of this story just masterfully. I love that we start with Catherine and then touch in with Josef to see what he's up to. Then it's back to Honolulu where the search for answers about two women, Ruby and Catherine, are playing out in parallel.

You have proven beyond a doubt that it's possible to have a large ensemble cast and still have each member play a key part AND work well with different players. I'm loving the conversation and interaction between Beth and Danny.
darkstarrising wrote:“OK, now I get it. You’re kissing vampire ass.”

Beth grinned. “Basically.”
I could absolutely see Beth's grin when she answered him. That small detail totally sold the interaction. I love it. And then a bit later, when she takes Danny aside to discuss Josef's intel, there's such a solid connection there. :yes:

Honestly, there's so much to like here, but I still have some catching up to do, so I'm going to move on. :teeth:
Wow!! Thanks, Lilly :hug: That's quite a compliment!! I'm glad the ensemble interplay is coming across so well.

In the earlier stories in this series, when Danny initially learns about vampires, Beth was still human and he could relate to her. Now that she's been turned, he doesn't really see that much of a difference in her. Mick is still a bit scary, both because he's a vamp and because he looks like Steve, but over time, Danny comes to understand all vamps aren't monsters, just like all humans aren't saints. Josef terrified Danny, and to some degree still does, but he'll never connect with them the way he does with Beth.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :hug:
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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