Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

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Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave: ,

'Home is Where the Heart Is' is a continuation of the Moonlight / H50 crossover series that started with The Long Journey Home. Two more stories followed: Affairs of the Heart and The Faceless Ones.

'Home is Where the Heart Is' picks up about six months after the end of 'The Faceless Ones'. I think/hope there's enough background provided in this story so that it can be read without a lot of knowledge of the earlier ones.

H50's season five finale was harmless/ambiguous enough relative to the Steve / Catherine relationship, but what happens to it in season six remains to be seen. So, I present my little story which centers around a threat to the vamp community that Mick and Beth have to resolve but includes a plausible reason why Catherine stayed in Afghanistan.

The story is complete, consisting of six rather longish chapters that will be posted weekly, ending before the Season 6 SOTB. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy 'Home is Where the Heart Is'.

Rating is PG-13

As usual, I don't own any of the characters from either Moonlight for Hawaii Five-0, but dearly love to play with them. The one quote from Moonlight was authored by Gabrielle Stanton and Harry Werksman.

Home is Where the Heart Is

Chapter 2

Oahu – McGarrett’s house - evening

Danny helped himself to a beer from Steve’s fridge. “Listen, all I’m saying is that Grover seems to be hanging out with us more and more.”

“What? You jealous?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. It’s just that Grover’s got a wife and kids. He should be spending his free time with them.”

“Says the single father of a teenage daughter.”

“That’s different. Grace needs to spend time with her mom. And for the record, my daughter is not a teenager. She’s a ‘tween’.”


“She goes from being 12 to 20 years old and back again in the blink of an eye. Some days I get whiplash trying to keep up.”

“You think it’s bad now? Wait ‘til she hits…”

Danny held up his hands in horror. “Stop! Don’t say it. Don’t even think the ‘P’ word. That’s a hormone hell I am not looking forward to.”

“OK. What about your girlfriend? Shouldn’t you be spending time with her?”

The bottle paused half-way to Danny’s lips. “Melissa isn’t around all the time. It’s not like we’re married or anything.”

Danny mentally swore as Steve grew silent and looked away.

Shit! Way to go, Danno. The idea was to get Steve’s mind off Catherine.

A knock on the door caused Danny to ask “You expecting anyone?”

“Other than you, no.”

“Bet it’s Grover.”

Steve opened the door, a grin spreading over his face. “Nope, not this time.”

Mick apologized as he and Beth entered. “Hey, sorry for not giving you a heads up, but the trip was kinda short notice.”

“Which means you’re here on business. Anything Danny and I should know about?”

Mick filled the men in on Ruby and her possible meeting with Kimiko. “We’ve got some other feelers out, but we think she’s either on her way or already here.”

Danny shrugged. “So what? If this Kimiko lady can help Ruby track down the schmucks who killed her, what’s the problem?”

Beth answered. “The problem, Danny, is that Kimiko is a shrewd and powerful vampire who is very protective of her family. She might see Ruby as a threat rather than victim and destroy her. We’re here to prevent that.”

“I don’t get it. How can this kid be a threat? Isn’t she like a teenage vampire, without acne?”

Mick tried to explain. “Not exactly. She is young in both human and vamp terms, but she’s different from the rest of us. That’s what makes her potentially dangerous.”

Steve didn’t like what he was hearing. “Different how?”

“Remember those bloodless bodies you found in a shipping container about six months ago?”

“Yeah, although we never did figure out where their blood went.”

“The blood was contaminated with low levels of silver, then shipped to the mainland where it was used to destroy targeted vamps.”

Steve balked. “Wait a minute. Wouldn’t vampires sense silver in the blood and steer clear of it?”

“Usually, yeah, but if it’s pumped into humans they feed from, it’s harder to detect. After multiple feedings, the silver builds up in the vamp and poisons him. Has the same effect on humans, too.”

Beth picked up the explanation. “Ruby was one of four humans who were abducted, injected with silver-laced blood and used as bait as part of an elaborate revenge scheme. In her case, the targeted vamp tried to turn her, but we think the silver in her system prolonged the process.”

While Danny looked revolted, Steve was intrigued. “I’m guessing that’s not all the silver did.”

“We’re not sure. It seems that Ruby is more…talented.. than a vamp her age should be. Maybe it’s the silver, or maybe it’s because she was exceptionally talented before she was turned. Either way, Mick and I are here to find her.”

Steve quickly connected the dots. “You’re not just worried about Ruby. You’re worried that someone else might think silver enhanced her powers and try to duplicate the process.”

Danny groaned. “OK, I get it. If some schmuck vampire starts turning human scumbags this way, they become blood-sucking, super-scumbags who’ll take over the island. Fantastic.”

Steve shared his partner’s concern. “Danny’s right. What can 5-0 do to help?”

Mick shook his head. “It’s too dangerous for your people to be actively involved in this. All I need from you is information on recent, unusual homicides or attacks and where they occurred.”

Danny grimaced. “By unusual, you mean dead guys sporting kinky neck wounds.”

“Not necessarily. Most vamps take what they need without killing. While Ruby has killed, she’s targeted street criminals.”

Steve exchanged a look with his partner. “OK, that narrows the field of potential victims. We’ll get on this first thing tomorrow.”

“One other thing; we don’t know how or even if silver is a player in this, so keep that part of the problem to yourselves. No need to give anybody any ideas.”

As Steve and Mick continued to talk, Danny took Beth aside. “Hey, I know your husband can hear us, so please understand, what I say is with the utmost respect. The last time Mick was here, he said you were one of them now. All things considered, I just want to say you look as lovely as ever.”

“If by ‘them’, you mean vampire, yes I am. It’s what I wanted, Danny. I don’t regret it at all.”

“Hey, your choice. What I really wanted to say is thanks for coming out here, knowing how you people hate the sun and all.”

“Not a problem. From what you told Mick, Steve’s had a pretty rough year.”

That’s an understatement. The physical torture was bad enough, but losing Catherine has left him, I don’t know, kinda lost.” Danny whispered conspiratorially. “You know, this ‘case’ you’ve cooked up should distract him for a while. How long did it take you and Mick to come up with this fairy tale anyway?”

Seeing Beth’s expression, Danny blanched. “Shit! You mean that someone actually could create blood-sucking super-scumbags?”

“I’m afraid so, Danny.”


The hills of Afghanistan

The sun was low on the horizon when Catherine awoke. She’d been sleeping on and off all day, another indication that something wasn’t right. Her head hurt, her vision was a little blurry and no matter how long she slept, she was always tired.

Judging by her surroundings, she was in a cave in the foothills. Where exactly, she couldn’t tell. There were some supplies scattered about, food, water and a blanket, but nothing to help her understand why she was here or even how she got here.

A man’s voice broke the silence. “Good, you are awake.”

Startled, Catherine spun around, nearly losing her balance. The man wasn’t speaking English, yet she understood him. “Who are you? What do you want?”

Concern clouded the man’s face as he responded in English. “I am Amir, a friend.”

“Amir.” Catherine let the name roll off her tongue, feeling it somehow familiar.

“Yes. Do you not remember?”

Catherine shook her head, immediately regretting it. “No, I don’t remember much of anything.”

Amir proceeded further into the cave, laying down two bundles. “You were injured yesterday, but I did not think your wounds so serious.” Spreading his arms, Amir pleaded. “Let me help you.”

For whatever reason, Catherine felt safe with this man. When she agreed, he approached her and examined the back of her head. “The bleeding has stopped, but the wound should be cleansed.”

At the word ‘bleeding’, Catherine immediately touched her head, finding her hair caked with dried blood. Why hadn’t she noticed that before?

“Why am I in this cave, Amir?”

Amir paused before answering; he knew Catherine to be a strong, brave woman, stubborn even. But now was not the time for either bravery or stubbornness. She’d already paid dearly for helping him and yesterday, she’d nearly lost her life. “There was a skirmish with the Taliban near our village. You were injured protecting a child.”

Taliban….OK, so I’m in Afghanistan. But why?

“Is the child alright?”

“Allah be praised, yes.”

“Still doesn’t tell me why I’m here.”

Amir sighed; hopefully only a little more of the truth would placate her. “I brought you here last night to protect you. Our village is not safe for you anymore.”

Catherine locked eyes with her protector. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not telling me everything? Who am I, Amir? Why would the Taliban care about me?”

“You are called Catherine, and you teach the children of our village. To the Taliban, you are a threat, an infidel who poisons our children’s minds. If they find you, they will kill you.”

Amir was relieved to see that this answer seemed to satisfy his friend.

“I can’t stay here forever…”

“No, but first you must heal. I have brought you more food and water. If the Taliban stays away, I will return in a day or so. Perhaps then, you will be strong enough to travel to a safer place.”

As Amir cleansed Catherine’s wound, he prayed for her safety. For her own good, he wouldn’t tell her the entire truth. If they found her, the Taliban would indeed kill her, eventually. Knowing her relationship with the man responsible for the death of their leader, Umar Hassan, what they would first do to her was unspeakable.


Oahu – 50 headquarters – next morning

Chin Ho Kelly addressed his colleagues at the central computer console. “The good news is that there aren’t any recent unusual assaults on Oahu, at least none fitting your definition of unusual.” With a wave of his hand, three images appeared on the wall-mounted plasma screen. “The bad news is that there have been three unsolved homicides, all occurring in the last two days.”

Kono Kalakaua scanned the information associated with the images. “So, our victims are two low level drug dealers and a pimp. Guys few would miss or lose any sleep over. Three different crime scenes, but all in the same general area.”

Chin continued. “There wasn’t any mention of bite marks in the autopsy reports, but all three vics were cut up pretty badly. Official cause of death was blood loss due to multiple stab wounds, which could be obscuring any bites. If your girl is here, she’s killing, just not in a way you’d expect.” Chin exchanged a look with Kono. “Which makes this a little awkward ….”

Danny feigned surprise. “What? You mean that we, who supposedly represent law enforcement, are covering for a vampire knocking off humans for dinner?”

“I wouldn’t put it quite that way, but yes.”

Steve acknowledged his colleague’s concern. “I hear you, Chin. Right now, we don’t know if Ruby is even on Oahu. Maybe she didn’t have anything to do with these deaths. Maybe they’re unsolved because they’re so recent.”

Chin persisted. “OK, but what if she is responsible?”

“Then we let Mick deal with her.” Greeted by stubborn silence, Steve continued. ‘C’mon, guys. What else can we do? It’s not like we can arrest her and put her on trial.”

Danny countered. “We could, you know, kill her….again.”

“Seriously? If she’s anything like Mick, she’d kill us before we’d have time to react. No. Mick was right; we limit our role to gathering and providing intel. The less we’re involved in this, the better.”

Kono had some additional concerns. “Which brings up a few more questions. Normally, we’d use facial recognition on arrivals at island entry points to find her. Since Ruby is supposed to be dead, we can’t, not without raising some awkward questions. So how do we find her?”

“We don’t. All we can do is monitor any unusual deaths or attacks for the next few days and tell Mick and Beth where they occur. It’s up to them to find her. Any more questions?”

“Only one, boss. Chin, Danny and I understand that Mick is one of the good guys. What about Grover? Are you going to read him in on this or not?”

Before Steve could answer, a deep voice rumbled. “Read me in on what?”


Oahu – the outskirts of Honolulu

She’d always wanted to visit Hawaii, just not like this.

Ruby stood on a ridge overlooking the city, awed by the beauty surrounding her. At this elevation she could find cool relief from the tropical heat and a safe place to rest. The trip from Eastern Europe had been difficult, but like any other challenge she’d faced in life, Ruby met it head on. She believed that a person can achieve almost anything, with enough determination and money.

And money she had. Quite a bit of it, actually. Her parents had seen fit to grant her access to half her multi-million dollar inheritance before her 25th birthday, the age at which she’d inherit the rest. Sadly, she never reached that birthday, not alive anyway, all because of something that happened two centuries before she was born.

Fortunately, her parents had been so distraught over their daughter’s death that they hadn’t yet closed her various bank accounts. With the help of Kostan’s techno-wizard, Ryder, she’d been able to establish a new identity, then access and transfer her funds into new accounts before leaving LA. All without leaving a trace.

Vampire hackers. Who knew?

Now, six months after she’d been turned, Ruby had mostly adjusted to her new condition. Honing her new abilities under Sergei’s guidance had kept her from dwelling on the loss of her parents and the life she’d once taken for granted.

There was, however, one unexpected consequence of her death she didn’t regret; being turned had somehow stimulated her already creative mind. Problems she once thought difficult seemed child’s play now. Prior plans to help those less fortunate she now dismissed as woefully inadequate. World hunger and disease could be all but eradicated, if only the right minds were set to the task. Minds like hers.

Sergei had cautioned her that while vampires could still help mankind, they needed to do so discreetly. His centuries of experience had shown that most humans can’t or won’t accept peaceful co-existence with their vampiric brethren. Ruby had grown quite fond of Sergei and regretted having to leave him, but she couldn’t hide in the shadows with him and accomplish what she wanted to do. She knew Sergei wasn’t trying to discourage her, only temper her enthusiasm.

‘You must understand, dearest Ruby, that what you make of immortality is entirely up to you. It will either become a blessing or a curse, but it may never be undone. Choose your path wisely.’

And so she had. She would put her new abilities to work to help others, just like she’d once intended. Only now, she could accomplish so much more.

Before she could implement her plans, she needed to rest. Then she’d find the one person who could help her achieve her greatest desire.


Oahu – 5-0 headquarters - morning

McGarrett’s glass enclosed office provided little privacy as he and Grover faced off.

“What do you mean, I don’t have a need to know?”

“C’mon, Lou. You know the drill. Certain missions require compartmentalization. The fewer people who know the details, the better the chance of mission success.”

“Cut the crap, McGarrett. This ain’t no Navy op. It’s a criminal case and I’ll be damned if I can come up with a reason I shouldn’t know what’s going on.”

Steve sighed; getting Grover to take ‘no’ for an answer was proving difficult. “Trust me, man, I’m doing you a favor.”

“How’s that?”

“Plausible denial if things go south.”

“Uh-huh. Sounds more like you don’t trust me. Tell me, what can be so damned dangerous if your case involves a couple of low level pushers and a pimp. Yeah, I saw the mug shots before Chin made ‘em disappear.”

Steve swore silently; apparently his colleague had seen and heard more than he’d thought. “Listen, Lou. There’s more going on here than I’m at liberty to say. It’s dangerous enough that 5-0 isn’t taking an active part. All we’re doing is supplying intel.”

“So somebody else is running the show, huh? CIA or NSA?”

When Steve didn’t answer, Grover held his hands up in surrender. “OK, if that’s how you want to play it, fine. But let me tell you this – any team, military, police, hell, even basketball, they have to trust each other if they’re going to succeed. If you can’t trust me, maybe I shouldn’t be a part of your merry band.”

After Grover stormed out of Steve’s office, Danny entered. “That went well.”

“What did you want me to say, Danny? Hey, Lou. We’re trying to find a missing woman, but she’s been dead for six months. We don’t even know if she’s here, but if she is, she might be killing some local low-lifes for their blood. Oh, and did I mention that she’s a vampire?”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

Steve sighed. “Lou’s right about one thing. If I can’t trust him, maybe he shouldn’t be a part of 5-0.”

“My friend, you have got this so wrong it makes my hair hurt. You want to talk about trust? Mick trusted you only because you had prior knowledge, or maybe because you look like him, I don’t know. Chin, Kono and me – we found out, some of us the hard way, because Mick decided we could be trusted. Not you. So stop beating yourself up and ask Mick if Grover should be brought in or not.”

“You know, that’s actually not a bad idea.”

“Try not to sound so surprised. Personally, I think you’re doing Grover a favor keeping him in the dark. I still have nightmares about Mick’s scary face.” A wicked grin spread over Danny’s face. “On second thought, maybe you should read Grover in.”


“If he sees Mick’s scary face, he’ll never look at you the same way again.”


LA – Josef Kostan’s Estate

Once Josef reviewed Ryder’s preliminary findings, he requested further information on certain aspects of Steve McGarrett’s life.

The results of Ryder’s efforts were more than a bit disturbing; McGarrett seemed to have a knack for getting himself in trouble and not just on Oahu. He was involved in several clandestine operations in North Korea and Afghanistan, most of which ended poorly. Details of these operations had been difficult to obtain, especially the most recent one in Afghanistan. Ryder had risen to the challenge, however, cracking the military’s security with a bit of effort.

Then there was Wo Fat, who, if Josef recalled correctly, McGarrett once described as a former communist turned ruthless capitalist. It seemed the two men were engaged in a brutal, ongoing game of cat and mouse, one that Wo Fat finally lost.

‘For ordering my father’s execution, Wo Fat will die. If I have my way, I’ll be the one to kill him.’

While McGarrett finally got his revenge, he’d paid heavily for the privilege. Josef scanned the images on his monitor; McGarrett should have died ten times over for what Wo Fat had done to him, but he’d survived intact, at least to all outward appearances.

I was right when I said McGarrett would make a helluva vampire. He’s fearless, maybe too fearless for his own good. So, if Wo Fat is no longer a threat, what does McGarrett need Mick for?

Josef turned his attention to the Afghanistan ‘mission’, if that’s what you could call it. The military clearly hadn’t approved, threatening McGarrett with the brig if he ever set foot in the country again. Ryder hadn’t been able discern exactly what had drawn McGarrett there in the first place, indicating the military didn’t have a clue, either. What they did know was that he hadn’t travelled there alone, but the current whereabouts of Catherine Rollins was unknown.

Josef had met Catherine once, briefly. She’d come to LA at McGarrett’s request to get Mick’s help regarding a case on Oahu, one directly related to the case that cost Ruby her life. Catherine seemed bright, confident and beautiful, a woman well suited to McGarrett. So where was she now?

Josef killed the monitor, annoyed he had more questions than answers. Clearly, Catherine’s absence was stressing McGarrett, but what did he expect Mick to do about it? Go to Afghanistan to look for her?

Not a prayer. Mick knows damn well the desert isn’t the vampire’s friend, especially one full of religious fanatics. Mick can be loyal to a fault, but with Beth to consider, there’s no way in hell he’d risk himself or her.

Before heading for his freezer, he instructed Ryder to focus his efforts on the Afghanistan mission and locate Catherine Rollins. With any luck, the young lady was sunning herself au naturel on the French Rivera, cocktail in hand. That, Josef knew, was too much to hope for.


McGarrett’s home - evening

The head of 5-0 emerged from the ocean after a relaxing evening swim. The day had been particularly tough on his team as they successfully resolved a tricky hostage crisis. Unfortunately, Grover was still sulking over his exclusion from Mick’s case, making the rest of the squad tense. Helping the PI was important, but Steve couldn’t allow his case to create discord among his people. With Mick’s blessing, another member of 5-0 was going to be entrusted with a dangerous secret.

Steve found Grover waiting for him on the beach behind the house. “Thanks for coming, Lou. Get you a beer?”

“That depends. Why am I here?”

“You wanted to know about the case we’re working, right? That’s why you’re here.”

Grover’s defensiveness diminished a bit. “OK, so why now?”

“You were right when you said a team needs trust to be effective.” Steve paused toweling himself off. “You weren’t giving me your best today, adversely affecting 5-0’s efficiency. I can’t have that.”

“Sounds like you’re firing me…”

“No, you’re a valuable part of the team, Lou, but 5-0 operates differently than most law enforcement.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’ve got means and immunity which means you bend the rules a lot. Break a few of ‘em, too.”

“True, but that’s what 5-0 was created to do. We get tough, dangerous jobs done that no one else can, even if the means we use are a little unconventional. Sometimes the job itself is unconventional.”

“Like this case you’re working?”

“Exactly.” Locking eyes with his colleague, Steve continued. “Listen, Lou, you may not like what you hear tonight, you might not even believe it. Either way, it can’t go beyond 5-0. You can’t tell anyone, not your wife and sure as hell not your kids. Are we clear?”

“Clear, Commander.”

Once inside the house, Grover playfully chided Danny, stretched out on the sofa and nursing a beer. “Have you no shame, man? McGarrett ought to charge you rent for all the time you spend over here, mooching his beer.”

The detective just grinned. “You, my disparaging friend, are in for a real thrill tonight, one I wouldn’t miss for all the beer in the world.”

Grover turned to Steve. “What the hell is he talking about, McGarrett?”

“What he’s talking about is me.”

Grover spun around, hearing Steve’s voice behind him, even though he was looking right at him. “Shit!! Who are you and where the hell did you come from?”

“My name is Mick St. John. I’m a private investigator from LA.” Mick flashed his PI license at Grover. “I’ve asked Steve to help me with a case.”

Eyes narrowed, Grover glanced at Steve, then back at Mick. “You two related?”

“I doubt it. I met Steve a couple of years ago and we help each other out occasionally.”

Disappointed, Grover lowered himself into a chair. “So this isn’t some top secret government case.”

Danny took a swig from his bottle. “We should be so lucky.”

Ignoring his partner, Steve continued. “Government, no. Top secret, yes.”

Grover was growing impatient. “For God’s sake, will somebody please tell me what’s going on?”

Exchanging a look with Steve, Mick replied. “I was hired to find a missing woman and bring her home. I came to Oahu thinking she might be here.”

“Sounds like pretty run-of-the-mill PI stuff to me. What’s this got to do with the three dirtbags you guys were looking at?”

“Six months ago, this woman was visiting friends in LA when she was kidnapped, drugged and abused.”

That got Grover’s attention. “Damn, that’s ugly. Did they catch the scumbags who did this to her?”

“All but one of the kidnappers died in a fire. We think our victim is searching for the one that got away. As for the victim, her ordeal …changed… her. She may be assaulting certain types of criminals to keep them from hurting people the way she was hurt. That’s why I asked Steve to look for any recent attacks, hoping to get a fix on her.”

“OK, that explains the interest in dead pushers and pimps. Still don’t get why this is so hush-hush or too damn dangerous for 5-0 to be running the show.”

“As I said, her ordeal affected her. If you people confront this woman, she might feel threatened and turn on you. I can’t risk that.”

“So what makes it safe for you?”

A woman’s voice replied. “Because Mick has special skills, as do I.”

Grover leapt out of his chair to find a beautiful woman standing right behind him. “Who are you and where the hell did you come from?”

“I’m Beth St. John, Mick’s wife. You might say we’re better equipped to deal with this woman than you are.”

Trying to regain his composure, Grover scoffed. “Little thing like you? Don’t see how.”

Danny nearly choked on his beer. “You don’t want to, either.”

Ignoring his colleague, Grover continued. “OK, finding one woman on this island shouldn’t be too complicated. What’s her name? What’s she look like?”

Mick took out his phone and scrolling to Ruby’s picture, showed it to Grover. “Her name is Ruby Radcliff and she died six months ago.”

Anger quickly replaced Grover’s shock. “What are you people trying to pull here? This some kind of sick joke?”

Steve knew it was time to intervene. “It’s no joke, Lou. The way Ruby was killed turned her into something most people don’t know or believe exists.”

“You shittin’ me, McGarrett? Next thing you’ll be telling me is that she’s a vampire or some such nonsense.”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

“I don’t know what kind of crap you’re trying to lay on me, but if you don’t want me on your team, just say so. I’m outta here.”

As Grover headed for the door, he found his way blocked by the St. Johns, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “How the hell did you do that?”

Beth smiled. “As I said, we have special skills. Vampire skills.”


Eyes silvering over, Mick got up in Grover’s face. “Want proof?”

Danny sidled up to Grover, advising “Trust me, if you don’t want nightmares for the rest of your life, say no, then go sit down.”

Eyes wide, Grover just stared at the couple for a few moments, shook his head, then returned to his chair. “I’ll take that beer, now, McGarrett. Maybe two.”


Oahu – Kimiko’s compound - night

Later that night, Mick and Beth arrived at Kimiko’s compound, where they were ushered into one of her private chambers. In contrast to the last time Beth was here, the guards greeted them with respect, not suspicion. Perhaps it was because she was a vampire now or that she wore the jade pendant Kimiko had given her as a token of her affection and protection. Either way, any apprehension Beth felt quickly evaporated.

Kimiko warmly greeted the pair. “Welcome, my children. I am most pleased to see you.” Turning to her second-in-command or shisha, Akemi, she continued. “You are acquainted with Mick, my child, but not so with his mate, Beth. She is now an honored daughter in my house.”

Akemi smiled, bowing to Beth. “Greetings, sister. Welcome.”

Beth smiled and bowed in return. “Thank you, Akemi. I am honored to meet you.”

After refreshments were offered and accepted, Kimiko got down to business. “I am pleased but also curious about what brings you back to us so soon, my son. Had I known you were coming, I’d have returned home in time to greet you.”

Mick wasn’t surprised Kimiko knew they’d been on the island for a day. “It was a last minute trip. Something’s come up that has Josef worried, something you should know about.” Mick then went on to describe Ruby’s ordeal. “During Ruby’s captivity, Ulani mentioned both you and Josef.”

Akemi was troubled. “It is … distressing…that Ulani seeks vengeance for Lola’s slaughter of our family in such a manner. Why abuse someone who did her no harm?”

“Agreed, but Ulani wanted revenge for something more personal. Two centuries ago, one of Lola’s crew, Thomas Morton, turned Ulani for sport, then abandoned her. Whether he meant to or not, he also turned Ruby. Morton’s been dealt with, but Ulani got away.”

There was a subtle shift in Kimiko’s tone. “So, this child was not only shamefully abused, but turned unwillingly as well? Do you think she seeks my help in exacting revenge on Ulani?”

Beth answered. “We think so.”

“Then she will have it. For what Ulani did to this child, she must pay.”

Mick knew he had to tread carefully with Kimiko. “Agreed, but right now, I’m more concerned about finding Ruby. She’s inexperienced. She’s also angry about being turned and losing her human family.”

Kimiko nodded her understanding. “You fear that anger may cloud her judgment, causing her to do something…foolish… as she hunts Ulani.”

“Or dangerous.”

“Indeed. How do you propose finding her?”

“Beth and I have already contacted McGarrett to monitor any unusual killings or attacks on Oahu. We’ll concentrate our search in the areas where those attacks happened.”

Kimiko clearly disapproved. “Why involve humans? My family will be able to find her more quickly and discreetly.”

Mick knew it was time to put all the cards on the table; he had to be completely honest with Kimiko or risk damaging their tenuous relationship. “Normally, I’d agree. But there’s more about Ruby you should know.”

Mick then explained how Ulani had used silver to poison both Ruby and her sire. “We think the silver in Ruby’s system prolonged her turning. We’re not sure, but it may also have enhanced her abilities.”

Turning away from her guests, Kimiko grew thoughtful. “Were there others Ulani abused in this manner?”

Mick sensed Kimiko knew more than she was letting on and by the expression on Akemi’s face, so did she.

“Ulani destroyed three more vamps in LA the same way. She burned their bodies along with the human victims. Based on what we learned from one of Ulani’s gang, we don’t think she used the same method anywhere else.”

Turning back, Kimiko addressed her guests. “My children, I am grateful that you have brought this to my attention. Whether she is aware of it or not, this child is both dangerous and in peril. Use McGarrett if you must, but my family will search for Ruby as well.”

Beth’s apprehension returned. “And if you find her?”

“I will protect my family, whatever the cost.”
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by PNWgal »

Poor Grover! I almost feel sorry for him. Although, I would loved to have seen his reaction to Mick's scary face. :snicker: :teeth:

I always enjoy these fics, DSR - you have the characters' voices down pat. :clapping:

I certainly hope Mick and Beth find Ruby before Kimiko does!! :gasp:

Bravo, babe!! :cheer:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by allegrita »

I love your portrayal of Grover. I was hearing his voice as I read his dialogue! :clapping: And I truly wish Steve and Danny would go back (on the show) to bantering the way they do in this story. There's such an undercurrent of good-naturedness and mutual friendship in their arguments in your stories, and it makes me realize why I liked them both so much in the beginning. And Danny's advice to Grover about getting proof from Mick is priceless. :teeth:

Hmm... it looks like the person in the prologue was Catherine, and she's in a bad way. :comfort2: I'm glad she has Amir watching out for her, but yikes! What a perilous situation. :chair:

Ruby really does seem like a super-vamp. :chin: Was it the silver, or something else?! I'm looking forward to learning how it happened... and a bit worried that Danny's prediction of "blood-sucking super-scumbags" might come true! And what does Kimiko know about the effect of silver on turning that she's not telling Mick and Beth...? Whatever it is, Ruby may get more than she expects when she runs into Kimiko's people!
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by Lilly »

Man, this is SO good! I have to echo what Pgal and Alle said -- your voices are spot on here. :notworthy: I'm especially enjoying Danny and Grover. The phrasing for those two is pitch perfect and completely true to character. :thumbs: I can't tell you how delighted I was to read Grover's reaction to being brought into the loop. :teeth:

I've really been drawn into this crossover world. I love how you're keeping all of the balls in the air and moving the story along by inter-cutting scenes, much like we would see on screen. I don't know exactly how you've done it, but this feels legitimately authentic to both shows -- and that's quite an accomplishment. :heart:

Can't wait to see what happens next. :blinksmile:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Thanks, ladies :ghug:

In the previoius stories, the muse picked on Danny a bit, so this time she decided to cut him some slack and shift her focus onto Grover. Chi McBride makes Grover sort of larger than life, a man unwilling to suffer fools lightly. Of course he wouldn't believe in vampires, but when they're staring him in the face, what's he going to do? :snicker: Sit down and have a beer while Danny laughs his ass off!!

Glad you all found the voices spot on - both Danny and Grover have very distinct speech patterns and cadences, so I was hoping I captured them well.

Catherine is in a bad way, but what's happened isn't the worst of it. As for Ruby and silver's possible effects, perhaps Kimiko is doing what she does best - holding out. Some day, that's going to catch up with her :whistle:

Chapter 3 goes up Tuesday!!
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by librarian_7 »

Dsr, your stories never disappoint! I do think you're right on target with the voices--and I think I'd have an insanely hard time writing Grover. (Danny, too, although there's a little piece of my heart that would love to put Danny and Josef in a room together sharpening their wits on each other. :whistle: )
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 2 (PG13) 8/4/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

librarian_7 wrote:Dsr, your stories never disappoint! I do think you're right on target with the voices--and I think I'd have an insanely hard time writing Grover. (Danny, too, although there's a little piece of my heart that would love to put Danny and Josef in a room together sharpening their wits on each other. :whistle: )
Thanks, Lucky :hug: Grover's voice and speech pattern covers a broad spectrum - from the disciplined, succinct pattern of a SWAT commander to the ball-busting, good ol' Chicagoan.

As for putting Josef and Danny in a room together, that would be :cloud9:
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