Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

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Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave: ,

'Home is Where the Heart Is' is a continuation of the Moonlight / H50 crossover series that started with The Long Journey Home. Two more stories followed: Affairs of the Heart and The Faceless Ones.

'Home is Where the Heart Is' picks up about six months after the end of 'The Faceless Ones'. I think/hope there's enough background provided in this story so that it can be read without a lot of knowledge of the earlier ones.

What inspired this? Near the end of the fifth season of H50, it was announced that Michelle Borth would be returning for the season finale. Being a fan of Michelle and her character Catherine Rollins, I was eager for her return and just a bit anxious about how the writers were going to handle/muck up the Steve / Catherine relationship. I had planned to post 'Home is Where the Heart Is' before the season finale, but the muse stamped her foot and said the story could be better. :quill: I learned a long time ago not to argue with her.

Fortunately, H50's season finale was harmless/ambiguous enough relative to the Steve / Catherine relationship, but what happens to it in season six remains to be seen. So, I present my little story which centers around a threat to the vamp community that Mick and Beth have to resolve but includes a plausible reason why Catherine stayed in Afghanistan.

The story is complete, consisting of six rather longish chapters that will be posted weekly, ending before the Season 6 SOTB. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy 'Home is Where the Heart Is'.

Rating is PG-13

As usual, I don't own any of the characters from either Moonlight for Hawaii Five-0, but dearly love to play with them. The one quote from Moonlight was authored by Gabrielle Stanton and Harry Werksman.

Home is Where the Heart Is


She was cold, so very cold.

Alone in the dark, she had no idea where she was.

Worse, she had no idea who she was.

All she wanted was to be warm again, to be home again, wherever that was.

Chapter 1

Just when you think you’ve seen everything…

As he drove home from San Diego, Mick reflected on life’s little surprises. Closing a case in less than 24 hours was heady enough, but having a happy ending as well? That just made him smile.

The day before, a man in his late 50s came to the office, desperate for Mick to find his 21 year-old daughter, Lori. A few days earlier, she’d left to visit a friend in San Diego but hadn’t returned home when expected and calls to her cell kept going to voicemail. Since Lori hadn’t been missing the requisite 48 hours, the police wouldn’t help.

The man’s distress was almost overwhelming. More times than Mick cared to count, he’d sat across from distraught parents with similar stories, many ending tragically. LA enticed many young people into its glittering web of fame and fortune, a dream few achieved. Running away from LA? This was different.

Once the man calmed down, he handed Mick a photo of his daughter. The usual background questions followed; Lori’s behavior before she left, cell phone, credit card and license plate numbers, the name and address of the friend, all of which were provided. As the man spoke, he worried his wedding band, prompting Mick to inquire about Lori’s mother. His client’s reaction was telling; he was both annoyed and baffled that his wife thought he was overreacting.

After a few more questions, Mick agreed to take the case, sensing there was more going than his client was aware of. Beth was putting the finishing touches on her first major work as a freelance journalist, so Mick figured she wouldn’t mind having the loft to herself for a day or two.

Before leaving for San Diego, Mick did some further research on Lori, appreciative of how much the internet facilitated his job. Social media in particular was a veritable gold mine of information; the stuff people put on display was amazing, and in this case, quite helpful. After reviewing Lori’s Facebook and Twitter pages, Mick had a pretty good idea of why she hadn’t returned her father’s calls.

The friend’s house in San Diego had been easy enough to find, but when Mick arrived, no one was home. He drove around the block, then parked the Benz up the street where he could watch from a safe distance. Now, all he could do was wait, a part of the job that hadn’t changed much in all the years he’d been a PI. Unlike Bogey’s Sam Spade, who lived on the edge, bolstered by cheap booze and a beautiful dame, a PI’s work was often deadly dull, his life, mundane.

While Mick’s work was occasionally tedious, he preferred Macallan to rotgut whiskey and his unusually long existence was anything but mundane. A lifetime ago, he was just your ordinary red-blooded American male who enjoyed life, music and beautiful women. Some women had their hearts broken, others, like Lilah, broke his heart. One woman, however, quite literally loved him to death. That was the night Mick became extraordinary. That was the night he became a vampire.

With time on his hands, the PI’s thoughts turned to that fateful night six decades ago when everything changed, and not for the better.

‘I’ll love you forever…’

Caught up in a moment of matrimonial bliss, Mick vowed his eternal love for his new bride. Never in a million years did he think Coraline would take him literally or have the power to make the impossible a reality. She did, on both counts, gifting him with immortality, something he neither asked for nor wanted.

Mick mentally shook himself; Lori’s case was dredging up painful memories of events long past. With Beth in his life, he’d put those decades of heartache and loneliness behind him. It hadn’t been easy. Initially, he’d kept Beth at arm’s length, ostensibly for the good of the tribe. In all honesty, that wasn’t the only reason; after Lilah and Coraline, Mick was afraid of falling in love and having his heart broken all over again.

Beth, however, was nothing if not persistent; once she learned Mick’s secret and proved capable of keeping it, the two became close, often working cases together. In time, friends became lovers, then husband and wife. After much pleading on her part and soul searching on his, Mick bestowed his own gift of immortality on Beth, making her his eternal mate.

No longer alone, Mick St. John was content, finally at peace with who and what he was. That was the gift Beth had given him, one he was more than happy to accept.

Mick’s thoughts snapped back to the present seeing Lori’s friend return home. Her keys weren’t even in the lock before he was on her doorstep, nearly scaring the poor woman to death. Apologies were offered and warily accepted, but judging by her breath and the way she was trying to focus on his PI license, the young lady had had a few. Having her off-balance and a little inebriated made it all the easier for Mick to obtain the information he needed. His suspicions confirmed, Mick now knew the hotel where Lori was staying and what she was likely doing. He also knew that there was no way in hell he was going to disturb her, at least not tonight.

After a quick call to Beth, Mick found a place to rest before confronting Lori the next day. Checkout times were usually around noon, and Mick didn’t think the young woman was going to leave the hotel any sooner than she had to.

The next morning, he parked himself in the hotel lobby, grateful to be out of the sun in an air conditioned environment. Shortly before noon, Lori emerged from the elevator with a young man Mick guessed to be her new husband, someone her father either didn’t know or approve of. Mick hated intruding on their happiness, but he had a job to do.

The conversation was brief; Lori confessed her mother knew of her plans, but chose not to tell her father. As far as he was concerned, ‘Daddy’s little girl’ wasn’t old enough to be in a serious relationship, let alone get married, leaving Lori with no option but to elope. Mick agreed to convey the news of Lori’s marriage to her father without implicating her mother as long as Lori promised to call home when she returned from her honeymoon. Mick wished the couple many years of happiness, then headed back to LA.

The sun was low on the horizon when Mick finally arrived home, having first stopped to inform Lori’s parents of her wedding. As expected, the news didn’t go over well with her father, but Mick acknowledged her mother’s whispered ‘thank you’ with a wink before leaving.

Once inside the loft, he found Beth in the kitchen, dressed in a blue silk robe, her eyes still golden. Wrapping his arms around her, he nuzzled her neck. “Just getting up?”

Beth turned in his arms and greeted her husband with a kiss. “Yes. In your absence, I finally finished my pièce de resistance - my first freelance article on crime in LA.”

“Are you saying I’m a distraction?”

“An incredible one, not that I’m complaining. I just hope Josef approves of it, the article, I mean.”

“He will, if it keeps vamps out of the picture.”

“It does.”

“And you’re OK with that?”

“Seems strange, doesn’t it? A few years ago, I would have balked at purposely misrepresenting events like this. Now, keeping the community means keeping us safe, so yes, I’m OK with it. Besides, humans are just as capable of torturing their fellow man in their own twisted ways for their own perverse reasons.”

“As twisted and perverse as what really happened?”

“Maybe not. Vamps using humans with silver-laced blood to destroy other vamps is a bit more Machiavellian than your typical revenge scheme.”

“Machiavellian, huh? Josef could probably tell you a few stories…”

Beth held up her hand. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for some of Josef’s stories.” Taking a bottle from the hidden fridge, she asked “Join me for dinner?”

“Definitely. Too much sun today has taken a toll.”

“Speaking of which, how did Lori’s parents take the news?”

“Pretty much as expected; Daddy was devastated and apparently clueless that his daughter wasn’t 12 anymore. It’s his wife I feel sorry for. Her husband’s going to be a royal pain to live with for the next few months.”

“Seriously? That long? I’d think he’d get over Lori’s eloping sooner than that.”

“Maybe, but wait ‘til he finds out she’s already pregnant.”

During this exchange, Mick eyed his mate with a combination of pride and amusement as she casually drank her crimson cocktail. Beth had been a vampire for about a year, yet watching her, you’d think she’d been at it for decades.

As the golden hue in Beth’s eyes bled to brilliant blue, she noticed her mate’s amused look. “What?”

“Nothing.” Under her piercing gaze, he relented. “It’s just that it took me a few years to do what you just did – down a pint of A-negative and not hating the thought of it.”

“That’s because you over-think things, Mick. Sometimes, you’ve just got to go for it.”

“Yeah, well ‘going for it’ nearly got you killed a few times when you were human.”

“True, but you were always there to save me. Besides, look where it got me – married to the man I love for all eternity.” Sensing her mate’s distress, she quickly added. “I know, I know, we’re not really immortal. I still have to be careful.”

Mick drew his wife into his arms. “Hey, it’s not just about you or me, anymore. It’s about us. We both have to be careful, for each other.” The pain in Mick’s voice nearly broke his wife’s heart. “You’ve made me so happy, Beth…I just don’t know what I’d do if…”

Beth put her finger to her husband’s lips. “Shhh … Don’t go there. I asked you to turn me so that we could be together forever. Why would I do anything to jeopardize that?” Beth drew Mick’s lips to hers, gracing him with a lingering kiss. “Am I forgiven?”


Beth deftly undid the robe’s sash, allowing it to fall open. “How about now?”

“O yeah.”

In a husky voice, Beth playfully tempted her mate. “C’mon, Mick, go for it.”

“Gladly.” Crushing Beth to him, he kissed her passionately, a prelude of what was to come…until his phone rang.

Beth groaned. “Nooo! Not now!!”

Seeing who it was, Mick cursed the caller and his timing before answering.


LA – Josef Kostan’s estate - evening

If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger…

This was one of many lessons Josef Kostan learned over his long lifetime. Torch bearing mobs, ruthless business rivals and angry lovers’ spouses had forged him into one of the strongest and wealthiest vampires of the day. Still, he was wise enough not to let ‘success’ go to his head, lest he lose it. He stayed vigilant knowing that human or vampire, there was always someone out there ready to cause trouble.

Mick thinks I’m paranoid. Easy for him to say, having less than a century under his belt and no one hunting for his head…yet.

Josef’s paranoia seemed justified about six months ago, when he returned home, surprised to find a young female vampire waiting for him. Josef hated surprises, and the fact that the young lady didn’t have an appointment wasn’t as disconcerting as knowing she’d managed to circumvent his security. Most disturbing of all was who she was, or more precisely, who she’d once been.

When human, Ruby Radcliff had been a wealthy, altruistic graduate student who’d been preparing to share her skills with the world, hoping to aid those less fortunate. When Ruby left her mid-western home to visit friends near LA, she became ensnared in a scheme of vampiric vengeance two centuries in the making. She was kidnapped and terrorized, ultimately dying from silver poisoning, or so everyone, including Josef, had thought.

The shock of finding Ruby sitting in his home very much undead not only surprised but angered Josef, as a mere fledgling had managed to gain access to his inner sanctum. Heads would roll, but not hers, not until Josef learned what the young lady wanted.

‘Please, I need your help!’

That had been her answer, one Josef sensed to be sincere. The fledgling was clearly upset, not understanding what had happened to her. Once Ruby described her captivity in detail, Josef suspected that the silver in her blood had delayed the turning process, giving the appearance that she’d simply died. When she finally did rise, Ruby was alone and confused, having no sire to guide her. Josef had banished him from LA, unknowingly orphaning a fledgling in the process. The newly turned vampire eventually sought help, but not before leaving a trail of blood, one the Cleaners had been working overtime to erase.

The young lady intrigued Josef; abandoned fledglings would often go rogue, killing indiscriminately until they could be found and put down. While Ruby had killed, she seemed to target those that some would argue deserved it, with one exception, one she truly regretted. She’d heard Josef’s name during her captivity and sought him out, hoping he could help her. Kimiko, Josef’s Hawaiian counterpart and periodic rival, had been her other choice, but in her condition, there was no way for Ruby to safely travel to Oahu.

Josef talked with this fascinating fledgling for hours, recognizing her as a proverbial diamond in the rough. Clearly, she had much to offer, but also much to learn. While he would have preferred to keep Ruby close and oversee her training, the chance that she’d be recognized after her well publicized ‘death’ was something Josef couldn’t risk. After a few days of getting her oriented, he arranged for a trusted friend in Eastern Europe to welcome Ruby into his home where she would be trained and cared for until it was safe for her to be on her own.

Now, six months later, that old friend had contacted him saying that Ruby had left without warning. Where she had gone, he had no idea. What he could tell Josef was that Ruby was a most unusual vampire, more powerful and talented for her age than any he had ever known. That didn’t surprise Josef as much as worry him. Too much talent in the hands of one so inexperienced could easily lead to trouble, and not just for her.

Hitting speed dial, Josef hoped for once he was wrong. “We need to talk. Now.”


Oahu – 5-0 Headquarters - afternoon

Danny Williams surreptitiously scanned the office across from his own. Steve McGarrett hadn’t moved appreciably in the last hour, yet another indication that all wasn’t quite right with super SEAL. His partner was a man of action who loathed paperwork, yet now he was hiding behind it. Without a major crime to distract him, the head of 5-0 dwelt on things best forgotten.

Danny pushed back from his desk frustrated that getting Steve back to normal, or at least what was normal for him, was taking longer than expected. The last few months had been exceptionally hard on him, not that his friend would ever admit it. As a Navy SEAL, Steve had been trained to create mental barriers to physical pain. Being tortured not once, but twice by his nemesis Wo Fat, had tested that training, leaving a crack or two in those barriers. Learning that his mother, Doris, had once raised his tormentor as her own, widened those cracks. Lots of guys had mommy issues, but Steve’s trumped most of them.

At least Wo Fat is out of our hair for good. Doris? She’s one scary, messed up lady. Maybe she’ll do everyone a favor and crawl back under a rock in Shelburnistan or wherever the hell she is and stay there.

Danny had his own private hell to deal with after his brother Matt’s murder, something the detective blamed himself for. Steve had talked him off that ledge, getting his friend to realize that Matt’s own bad decisions had cost him his life. Still, the loss had left Danny in pain, pain that was only briefly eased when he put a bullet in the man who butchered his brother.

OK, maybe killing that scumbag Reyes wasn’t the brightest thing I’ve ever done, but after what he did to Matty, I couldn’t let that monster go free. If keeping my little girl safe from him means getting my ass kicked in a Columbian prison, fine. If I had to, I’d do it again. Nobody hurts my family. Nobody.


Since Danny arrived on Oahu five years ago, his notion of ‘ohana’ or ‘family’ had changed. Steve wasn’t blood, but he was as much a brother as Matt was, maybe more so. Although they often squabbled like an old married couple, there was a strong bond between the two men.

One thing hadn’t changed; even if they don’t intend to, people you love sometimes hurt you. Despite all the physical torture he’d endured at Wo Fat’s hands, Steve had survived, his body scarred but healed. What Steve hadn’t recovered from was the emotional blow delivered by the woman he loved.

Catherine Rollins had a lot in common with Steve, both being career Navy. She was as tough as any woman Danny had ever met, yet unlike Steve, Catherine was more easy going, more…human. She wasn’t afraid to show her softer side yet it was that very trait that got them both into trouble.

The couple had travelled together to Afghanistan to search for Najib, the kidnapped son of a man who’d once saved Catherine’s life, a search that had nearly cost Steve his. They’d become separated when Steve was captured and tortured by the Taliban, then rescued by Special Op forces before the Taliban could execute him.

The US military forced Steve to return stateside, leaving Catherine alone to search for Najib. Steve understood, even admired her need to honor a debt, but once she’d found the boy and returned him to his parents, Amir and Farrah, he expected his friend and lover to come home again.

She didn’t.

Catherine called, saying she was going to remain in Afghanistan to teach the village children. She didn’t know when she’d be coming back and told Steve not to wait for her. The woman who was Steve’s soul mate was saying good-bye.

Without Catherine, Steve was emotionally adrift, her absence an open wound on his heart.

Glancing at his partner again, the detective decided it was time for drastic measures and placed a call. It was risky, but for family, Danny would do anything.


LA – Josef Kostan’s estate - evening

Beth shot a glance at her husband; she knew Mick was about to explode and rightly so. If he didn’t tap dance all over Josef, she just might.

A split second later, Mick erupted. “And you’re just telling us this now? What the hell were you thinking, Josef?”

“What I was thinking was the fewer people that knew Ruby had been turned, the better. I needed to get her out of LA as quickly as possible, you know, doing my job protecting the tribe. Or would you have preferred trying to explain her miraculous ‘resurrection’ to the human authorities?”

Mick’s anger cooled a bit. “Point taken. Where is she now?”

That, my friend, is why I’ve asked you here. Sergei, my associate in Georgia, the country, not the state, said that Ruby hadn’t indicated she was leaving. She just left. I want you to find her. Fast.”

“Then what?”

“I haven’t gotten that far yet. Maybe I’ll send her back to Sergei, or maybe I’ll let her fend for herself after she explains why she left so abruptly.”

Mick went into detective mode. “OK, when did Ruby leave?”

“Seven days ago. Sergei didn’t call right away thinking she’d return. When she didn’t, he grew worried.”

“Worried, huh? What was her relationship with Sergei like?”

A slight smile crept over Josef’s face. “From what he tells me, they’d grown quite fond of each other. Why?”

Mick summarized his recent case. “My client was smothering his daughter, treating her like a child. He couldn’t see that she was grown up and ready to leave home. Maybe Sergei has the same problem, and couldn’t accept that Ruby wasn’t a fledgling anymore.”

“I doubt it. Sergei really isn’t the smothering type. Quite shy, actually, especially for a vamp.”

Beth offered some insight. “Perhaps there is some similarity with Mick’s case. Her parents described Ruby as ‘focused and methodical’ so maybe she isn’t running away from Sergei so much as running toward something. Whatever it is, she must want it pretty badly to just take off like that.” Beth grew concerned. “She knows she can’t go home to her parents again, right?”

“She knows. If she’s angry about anything, it’s that.”

Mick picked up Beth’s thought. “OK, you spent some time with her. Any ideas where she might go, Josef?”

“Possibly. She said she’d heard my name and Kimiko’s during her captivity. She sought me out as I was easier to get to. And I thought it was my charm and good looks that won her over.”

“Have you talked with Kimiko?”

“Not yet. I was hoping to get a better handle on the situation before I go down that rabbit hole. That woman has played me twice in as many years and I’d prefer not to extend that streak.”

“OK, I get that. What I don’t get is why you’re so anxious to find Ruby. After six months, she should be able to take care of herself.” Mick eyed his friend carefully. “What aren’t you telling us, Josef?”

“Can’t pull anything over on you, can I?”

“You keep trying…”

“OK, you’re right. Ruby’s not a fledgling anymore, but according to Sergei, she’s no ordinary vamp, either. I’m worried that something happened during her captivity beyond the obvious. Something that’s made her just a little different from the rest of us. And by us, I mean vampires.”

Beth prodded. “I take it you don’t mean different in a good way.”

“Honestly? I don’t know and that’s what bothers me. What I do know is that six months ago, a days-old fledgling managed to stay off the Cleaner’s radar and find her way past some hefty security into my home.”

Mick countered. “So Ruby’s got some impressive skills. Maybe being turned just enhanced them somehow.”

That’s what I’m worried about. What else got ‘enhanced’, as you so adroitly put it? Is she stronger, faster, smarter….”

“She got by your security, so yeah.”

Josef scowled. “You’re missing the point, Mick. Until I understand just how different Ruby is and why, she could be dangerous.”

Incredulous, Beth challenged. “You can’t be serious. We’re talking about a 24 year old woman who was drugged, terrorized and turned against her will. I think she’d be more frightened than dangerous.”

“When she first showed up on my doorstep, yes, she was. But as Mick pointed out, she’s had six months to adjust, and she has, better than anyone expected. From what Sergei tells me, Ruby became quite…enthusiastic, I believe was the word he used, about her new powers. Seems she was quite adept, especially at enthralling.”

Mick snorted. “And you wonder how she got past your security...”

Ignoring the barb, Josef continued. “In short, Ruby’s got the skills of a decades old vamp without the associated wisdom of how to use those skills. That’s a dangerous combination, especially if she isn’t a fluke.”

Understanding dawned on Beth. “Meaning if others can be turned the way Ruby was, they might be more talented and possibly dangerous as well.”

Josef started to pace. “Exactly. Find a miscreant human, pump him full of silver, then turn him. Formula for an army of vamps that won’t play by the rules bringing unwanted attention to the rest of us. Trust me, the fewer that know about that recipe, the better. ”

Mick glanced at his mate before standing. “OK, we’ll get on this before we leave.”

Josef stopped in his tracks. “Leave? Are you two going somewhere?”

“Oahu. My guess is that Ruby’s on her way there to see Kimiko.”

“OK, I’ll bite. What makes you so sure of that?”

It was Beth who answered. “If I were Ruby, I’d want revenge for what was done to me.”

Mick agreed. “She’s probably trying to find the vamp that kidnapped her, Ulani, or Morton, the guy that turned her. Who do those two vamps have in common?”

“Kimiko, my beautiful and manipulative Hawaiian counterpart.” Josef sighed. “I assume you’ll want the jet and guesthouse.”

“Only if you want answers. Besides, there’s another matter on Oahu that Beth and I have been asked to help with.”

“Does this have anything to do with your Hawaiian twin, McGarrett? Something I should know about?”

“Yeah and no, it’s personal. Call you when we land.”

Once in the car, Beth queried her mate. “Why didn’t you tell Josef about Steve? Won’t that annoy him?”

“Maybe, but it will drive him crazy. You gotta understand, Josef’s a control freak. He can’t stand being kept in the dark. My guess is that he’s already digging up whatever he can on McGarrett. If we’re lucky, he might actually find something useful.”

“O my God! You’re manipulating Josef?”

“Hey, I learned from the best.” Mick grew serious. “Right now, we’ve got to focus on Ruby. If Josef sees her as a possible threat, odds are Kimiko will, too. Difference is Kimiko won’t think twice about destroying Ruby.”

“I understand Josef’s concern, Mick, but I just can’t see Ruby as dangerous. There’s got to be something we can do to help her.”

“Maybe, but first, we have to find her.” Mick grinned as he gunned the engine. “And I know just the guy to help us.”

Before the St. Johns had left the estate, Josef was already giving Ryder instructions. “Get me all you can on Steve McGarrett. Last year or so, professional and personal. Get back to me in an hour.”

Josef trusted, even admired McGarrett, but if Mick was willing to subject both himself and Beth to the hellish tropics for him, Josef wanted to know why.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by PNWgal »

Wait, wait, wait...DSR posts a fic...a MULTI fic...and I missed it??

HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN????? :confused2: :confused2: :confused2: :confused2:

I actually ran downstairs to make myself a cup of tea when I noticed there was not only one but TWO chapters of wonderfulness I didn't notice had gotten posted. :teacup:

While I'm very concerned about Ruby and what she's up to, I love the idea of Mick playing Josef for a change...and I'm a little worried about Steve. Good on Danny for calling on Mick, especially knowing how he feels about vampires. :teeth:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by allegrita »

Oh, man! I went on vacation, and missed the fact that DSR posted a new, kick-ass crossover fic! :gasp:

But the good part is, now I get to read not one, but two fabulous chapters!! :reading: :cloud9:

Chapter One is really fascinating. Who is it who's so cold in the Prologue? :chin: I can't wait to find out. And in the meantime, we have some wonderful breadcrumbs to follow. Josef's sent Mick on a mission to find a talented young vamp with revenge (possibly) on her mind. Mick and Beth are sure to get embroiled in the goings-on in Hawaii, and hopefully all that action will help Steve stop with the brooding. (Isn't Mick supposed to be the angsty one?) :snicker:

I agree with Pgal: if Danny has called on the blood demons for help, he is really worried about his friend and partner. And if Kimiko is involved in the Ruby disappearance, I think Mick will be very happy to have Beth on his side, 'cause Kimiko likes and respects her. As for me, I'm really hoping to get some resolution on why Cath stayed in Afghanistan after she found her friend's son. :chin:

I'm off to read Chapter 2! :hyper2: :hyper2:

ETA: OMG, thank you so much for Danny's "Shelburnistan" reference!! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by librarian_7 »


A new multi, from one of our finest! Yay!

*scurries off to refresh memory on earlier stories in series*
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by Lilly »

I'm doing so much this => Image

I totally missed this too. :sadface: I' so glad Pgal spotted it and bumped it up. :yes: I haven't read your cross-over prequels, so I wasn't sure if I should jump in. :chin: Boy, am I glad I did!

There's so much here and so much to love. You did a wonderful job of setting the stage, dsr. :hug: It was easy to jump and and get up to speed fairly quickly. I'm really quite intrigued to see where this is going. And there are tidbits that definitely make me want to go back and read what came before. Josef respects McGarrett?? There has to be a great story behind that. :teeth: And when I read Alle's comment about Danny calling on the "blood demons" -- well, that phrase sounds so perfectly Danny, I have to know how it was originally coined. :snicker:

ETA: I had to come back to comment on Beth. You Mick turned her! :gasp: and :yahoo: Another reason I have to go back to read the prequels. :hyper2:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Thanks, ladies :ghug: I enjoy writing this crossover, and when they announced that Michelle Borth was coming back, that's when the muse started to chatter. I never saw much similarity between Beth and Catherine (except their fine taste in partners), but by the time I finished writing this, there was more than I expected.

P'Gal - So glad you're enjoying this!! :hug: And yes, it's about time that Mick gets to manipulate Josef just a little. Ruby? Things may not be what they appear to be.

Alle - Glad you're enjoying this as well :hug: You'll know soon enough who was in the prologue. While this story weaves the two worlds together, including Ruby's disappearance and a possible threat to the vamp community, it focuses on what happened to Catherine in Afghanistan and the effect on both herself and Steve. Only Danny could get away with a Shelburnistan reference. :snicker:

Lucky - Glad you found this and hope you enjoy the remaining chapters :hug:

Lilly - I'm relieved that there was enough info in this story for you to jump in and enjoy. :hug: If you do decide to go back and read the prequels, Josef's respect for McGarrett is explained in the first story, including a funny exchange between Josef and Beth over the resemblance between Mick and Steve. Beth's turning occurs in the second story.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by r1015bill »

Lovely start, dsr. And I loved how you incorporated Shelburnistan!

I've been so busy with work that I missed that this was posted. I am enjoying it so far.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 1 (PG13) 7/29/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:Lovely start, dsr. And I loved how you incorporated Shelburnistan!

I've been so busy with work that I missed that this was posted. I am enjoying it so far.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Glad you found this and are enjoying it!! Hope work eases up a bit :comfort:

I couldn't resist Shelburnistan and it even sounds like something Danny would say. :snicker:
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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