Together Forever Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
Together Forever
Rated PG
By Ella713

A young couple go on a spree killing throughout Los Angeles and Carl needs Mick's help more than ever! :cheering:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Danny sat in algebra class bored as usual. He never could understand what the purpose of all that nonsense was. Nobody ever used algebra in day to day life. In regular jobs. But the class was slowly coming to an end and he would see his girlfriend soon. Meeting Melissa had changed his life completely. He thought they were complete opposites at first. He was the quiet one and she was the life of the party, but through her he had found his tongue and he was taking more chances and speaking his mind more. Like meatloaf. He hated it. Always had. But he sat at his dinner table with his parents eating what he hated at least twice a week. Last night he simply told his parents that he hated the stuff and wouldn't eat it anymore. His father glared at him and said he would eat what was on his plate and then went on about how hard he worked to put food on the table. Danny stood up and threw the plate across the room. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes slid down the dining room wall. Danny told them he wasn't going to eat it and if they mentioned it again they would live to regret it. His parents looked at him in shock and fear. His mother said he could be excused. Talk about letting the genie out of the bottle. He saw now that what Melissa told him was correct. In this life you had to demand what you wanted, or people simply wouldn't listen to you. Well, they would listen now.

Melissa didn't show up for school because he father had given her a black eye for staying out late again. When he left a bruise on her, he would keep her out of school on purpose so the school officials wouldn't call child services. So there she sat on the dirty sofa in her house watching some talk show about men who cheat. She thought about her father. That son of bitch. Always hitting her like it was her fault that mom had run out on him. She took the gun out of her purse. Johnnie Marks had gotten it for her for and it cost all the money she had saved over the years from babysitting. All $300! But it would be worth it. When Danny got here, they would come up with a plan.

Mick was in Carl's office discussing the case they just wrapped up.
"I gotta tell you Mick, I was scared that guy was going to burn all the evidence before we got the jump on him."
"He was planning on it that's for sure" Mick replied as they watched the officers lead the culprit to the holding cells. "So who's public enemy #2?" Mick joked.
"Believe it or not, no one. So let's close up shop and grab a drink" he laughed.

Both Mick and Carl, while dedicated to keeping Los Angeles safe, always appreciated when they could have one night peace. Mick wondered how long it would actually last.

Danny pulled up to Melissa's house right after his shift at Car Parts had ended. She opened the door slowly and Danny saw her face.
"Did your dad do that to you?!" He yelled. Melissa didn't say anything. "Answer me Mel! Did he hit you?!"
Melissa nodded and turned to sit on the sofa and light a cigarette.
"I'll kill him!" Danny screamed. Melissa saw the look in his eyes and knew that their lives would be forever changed. This was the beginning.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Danny's mind was strangely calm. He had just shot Melissa's dad three times and he felt nothing. He replayed the scene in his mind. Her father walked into the house and saw him sitting next to Melissa. He made some nasty comment about her being no better than her whore mother. Then told Danny to get the hell out of his house. Danny said no and the fat bastard, charged him and punched in the face knocking him down. But he quickly changed his tune when he saw Danny pointing the gun at him. He fell to his knees and raised his hands.
"'t you two be doing nothing crazy" He said nervously. Danny just stared at the coward watching him try to think of things to say that would save his worthless ass. Melissa got up from the sofa and walked behind Danny and whispered in his ear.
"Kill him Danny. Kill him for me" And that was all it took for Danny to make up his mind. He fired three shots into the man's stomach. Melissa quickly went through his pockets and grabbed his wallet.
"Let's go Danny. We have another stop to make" Melissa said walking out the door.

"Mick, it's Carl. I think we had celebratory drink a bit too early. I got a body in Gramercy Park." Carl said.
"I'm on my way" Mick said grabbing his keys.

Danny looked at his home from the driveway. He couldn't really remember one truly happy moment there. He took Melissa's hand and walked into the house. His mother was coming out of the kitchen.
"Daniel. I was wondering if you were coming home for dinner. Who's your friend?" His mother asked looking at Melissa from head to toe. Noticing her dirty fingernails and bleached blonde hair.
"This is my girlfriend Melissa" Danny said. "Where's dad?" He asked.
"He's in the den taking a call.....well, sit down and make yourself at home. We're having pork chops for dinner. I hope you're hungry." She said nervously and walked back into the kitchen. He heard his father coming into the living room.
"Danny. I didn't know you'd be here for dinner" He said carefully. "Who's your friend?" He asked looking at Melissa the same way mom did.
"This is my girlfriend Melissa" Danny replied.
"Nice to meet you Melissa. Where did you and Danny meet?"
"We met in English class. Danny was having trouble with Silas Marner" She said with a smile.
"What kind of trouble are you having Danny? English was always your best subject" He said with a forced smile.
"It's boring. That's the trouble I had with it." Danny said looking down at Melissa.
"Dinner's ready!" They heard his mom call out. They all sat down and passed around the food. Danny's parent started to immediately eat.
"Wait, aren't you going to say grace?" Melissa asked.
"No. That's not something we do in this family" His father said. Danny looked at Melissa and knew that it would mean a lot to her if grace was said, so holding onto her hand he bowed his head, closed his eyes and said a quick prayer.

Mick walked around the small house. Beer bottles and dirty dishes filled the small house. Mick could tell this was a unhappy home. He stooped down and looked at the man on the dirty carpet.
"I see three shots here. No other marks. Looks like the killer was maybe 5 feet away at the most" Mick was saying. The Medical Examiner nodded his head agreeing with Mick's assessment.
"Alcohol?" Carl asked.
"He was a heavy drinker. You can always tell because the alcohol seeps through the pores, but I'll know more when I get him back to the morgue" Felix said.
"I also saw tire tracks leaving the house." Mick said standing up. "So what do you think?"
"Well, I've got some uniforms asking questions at the houses closest to the scene, but he has a daughter. Melissa Robbins age 17. She's not here, but we don't know if she's not here because she's out for the evening or if she shot her father and ran away. There's no car other than the dad's and all her clothes and shoes are in her room." Carl said.
"Something happened here Carl. There was a fight. Maybe the daughter was taken" Mick said.

Danny's mother was a very good cook. Everything was delicious. She didn't know why Danny always complained about meatloaf. Hell the only thing they had at home was Chef Boyardee canned food. The last home cooked meal she had was when her mom was still at home and they had fried catfish. When she thought really hard about it, she could remember exactly how it tasted.
"This was really really good" Melissa said to his mother. Danny's mom nodded her head ever so slightly in her direction as a way of saying thank you without actually saying the phrase.
"Mom. Melissa just complimented your meal. You should say thank you. That's what you raised me to do. Right?" He said growing angry with every passing second.
"Thank you Melissa." His mother said through clenched teeth. Danny stood up.
"I don't think she meant it." Danny said. Melissa stood up and had taken the gun out of her purse.
"Nope. I don't think she meant it either" Melissa said with a huge smile on her face as she fired the gun into both parents until the chamber was empty. "Whoo! That felt good!" She said grabbing Danny and kissing deeply.
"Come on. My Dad keeps cash in the den." he said walking towards the room. He found $125 dollars in his desk drawer and a couple of credit cards. "Time to go sweetheart" He said as they left the house.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The sun was just rising Danny noticed from the motel window. He glanced over at Melissa, looking beautiful with her scrunched up hair. He had lost his virginity last night and it was everything he had hoped it would be. He smiled and slowly got out of bed. There was a coffee machine on the counter and he made a pot. His parent would never let him drink it. He chuckled when he took his first sip. It was good. Really good. It was amazing how dramatically things had changed.

"Mick, you won't believe this, but we got more bodies" Carl said.
"Laurel Canyon Rothdell Trail"

Mick met Carl at the house and looked around.
"What's with the change in M.O? This is the exact opposite of the first victim. Tell me you have a connection?"
"Yep. House belongs to Stan and Meredith Taggart. She's a housewife/stay at home mom, he owns a small chain of hardware stores. But get this, they have a teenaged son named Daniel and he attends the same school as last night's victim's daughter. They are in the same English and Biology classes."
"There's our connection. Carl, get the DMV to tell us how many cars this family owned." Mick said.
"Will do."

Danny couldn't believe how fast their money went. Motels weren't cheap and most of the time they were dirty and smelled of stinky feet. But it was at their last motel that they happened to find another gun. They were getting into their car to take off and saw the patrol car. No one was around so they peaked inside. Lying on the seat was a gun and holster.
"Where do you think he went?" Danny whispered to Melissa.
"Look at this place. He's probably inside getting his pole wet" She replied taking the gun and holster from the vehicle. "How many bullets do we have left?"
"5" Danny said counting them.
"Great. The cop had two full clips" She said loading the glock and aiming it straight ahead.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Travis Hunter hated his job. And he hated even more working the night shift. But everyone usually called in sick on Friday and Saturday nights. Like sickness only attacks on the weekends. Trying to study for his EMT exam and trying to keep an eye on who might be stealing something was difficult. Most times, if it was just a kid stealing candy or something Travis would let it go. No use calling the cops for a Mr. Goodbar. He tuned on the gas pump for woman and tried to concentrate. Everything was riding on him passing this exam and becoming certified. His mom had mental problems all her life and all through his childhood and he was the only one who stuck around to make sure she was okay. Both his sisters got married young and moved away, and his only brother joined the army just so he could get away from the madness. Travis couldn't do that to his own mother. None of this was her fault.
He lifted his head and saw a young couple come into the store.
"Can I have a pack of Camels?" The young woman asked. Travis looked at the young woman. By his estimate she looked to be between 16 to 21. But who could tell these days.
"You got ID?" Travis asked with a smile.
"Not on me. Look we're on the road and don't have time to go through the trunk to find an ID, okay?" She said becoming annoyed.
"I'm sorry mam, but it's the law. I got my job to think about" Travis said preparing to go back to his studies.
"What if it were your life you had to think about?" She said firmly and that's when Travis saw the gun pointed at his head. He slowly reached down and pulled out a whole carton of Camels and slid them to the young woman. "Thanks. That's really sweet of you. Now the cash." She said. Travis knew the rules. Give them what they want, don't talk back and you would live to tell the tale, so emptied the register and gave the cash to her as well. Danny came up to the counter with an arm full of junk food. He reached over and grabbed a bag from the counter and dumped the food in. "Come on let's go." Melissa said. As they were walking out the door, Danny turned around.
"You're not gonna tell anybody right?" He asked. Travis shook his head. "Why don't I believe you?"

Travis Hunter didn't have to worry about the EMT exam anymore. As he slid slowly down behind the counter he looked at the shot through his stomach and felt his blood pouring out of him. His last thought was who would look after his mom.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick had spent the day talking to Daniel's classmates and they all said the same thing. He was quiet, smart and kept to himself. He didn't have any close friends. Mick spoke with a young girl named Ellie.
"He always seemed sad to me. We all had to do a story for creative writing. It could be on anything we wanted. Daniel chose The Jonestown Massacre. He was crying when he read it a outloud. But I heard him talking to Mel and he said he thought what Jim Jones did was beautiful. I mean seriously?"
"Where can I find Mel?" Mick asked. Ellie shrugged her shoulders
"Who knows. She skips classes a lot. I heard her dad beats her."
"Wait! You're saying Mel's a girl?"
"Yeah. Melissa Robbins"
Now it all made sense. Mick took off to find Carl.

Carl was at the Kwik Mart and watched a young man being wheeled into the ambulance.
"Is he gonna live?" Carl asked an EMT
"I don't know. He's lost a lot of blood. I'm surprised he isn't dead already" He said shutting the door and hopping inside.
Carl saw Mick drive up and jump out of his car.
"Carl, we gotta talk" he said pulling Carl to the side. "Melissa Robbins and Daniel Taggart and doing this together, like some teenaged Bonnie and Clyde." He said.
"So she's not kidnapped?"
"No. I found out that Melissa skipped a lot of school because her father beat her. I think Daniel went over there to confront the dad and ended up shooting him. Then they shot his parents. I think they kind of feel like they're misfit outlaws. Righting wrongs of some kind." Mick explained.
"Well, this poor kid did nothing to deserve being shot." Carl said remembering the sad sight.
"They're broke. They're kids. It's about survival now" Mick said.

Danny and Melissa were siting in a diner when a special news bulletin came on and there for the world to see were photos of them from the year book.
"These two are armed and extremely dangerous. If you see them, please call the police immediately and do not try to apprehend." The newsman said.
"They'll have a hard time finding us in Mexico" Melissa said sliding her hand over to his.
They had both dyed and cut their hair. Danny's surfer blonde locks were now a deep dark brown and Melissa's bleached hair was now jet black.
"We needs a place to lay low for a while" Danny said.
"I know the perfect place. It's called Calico. It used to be a ghost town but now its some lame park that no one goes to. But it's quiet and it's shaded."
"Well, the quicker we get on the road the better." He said looking around."They don't have cameras in this place."
"You want to make a withdrawal?" Melissa said with

It took them all of 7 minutes to take all the cash they they could find and to shoot five people who just came in for coffee or food.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The press were having a field day with the crimes, comparing the kids to Bonnie and Clyde to Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate. With this much press Los Angeles was bound to get a couple of copycats but they were brought down quite quickly.
Mick sadly walked through the small diner, lightly stepping as not to disturb any evidence. He closed his eyes and images came to him.
"Carl, they were here. They sat right here" Mick said, his hands lightly touching the table where they sat.
"They dyed their hair recently. That ammonia smell comes from the dye kit"
"Mick, we have to stop these kids before they kill more people" Carl said.
"We will. I promise" Mick said. Carl got a call and immediately picked up.
"Mick, we got a tip. Seems like the kids stopped for gas before they stopped here. A place called Lilly's Pump, three miles back on route 5."

Lilly Mooney had owned this little gas station for most of her life. Her late husband Tubby purchased it before they go married. Like most, promises of a new highway, had people buying up property left and right. And when the plans were scrapped lots of people were left with houses or business they couldn't sell. But at least Tubby knew that the people would always need gas. And they were the last stop for folks headed through Barstow. Not much happened out this way. Occasionally, some young punk would try to pull an armed robbery, but one look at her husband's saw off shotgun aimed for their nether regions, made them run out of there never to be seen again. But Lilly could have fainted when she saw the photos on the news. That cute young couple asking for directions. Turned out they were fugitives. If Lilly had of known that she would have shot them herself! So she phone the police and told them to get over here quick.

Carl and Mick pulled up to the small gas station and walked in.
"You must be the police" Lilly said bringing out two cups of coffee.
"Thank you for calling us Mrs. Mooney." Carl said taking a seat at the small table in front of them.
"I was shocked when I turned on the news and saw those pictures. I can hardly believe it was them. They were so sweet and so nice."
"So they just came in for gas?" Mick asked.
"Yep. Not a whole fill up. They didn't have a lot money I could tell. Sometimes if people are nice, I'll give them a bit more on the pump." She explained. "I wanted them to at least have enough to get to their kin near Barstow." Both Carl and Mick looked up suddenly.
"They said they needed to Barstow?" Carl asked.
"Yep. Said they were visiting their Uncle. I kind of thought they were fibbing about that. Ain't much out that way. Just that Ghost Town Park in Calico near Yermo" She said.
"And after that its a straight shot to Mexico" Mick said looking at Carl.

As the sun began to set Danny and Melissa started to make their way into Calico. They parked quite far away from the road leading into the park. Danny had to admit that it really did look like an abandoned ghost town. The old structures that were left had some slight remodeling or additions added, but for the most part, it was authentic.
"If I remember right, we can enter back there" She said pointing in the direction of an old building that read "Hank's Hotel" They crept in quietly past an area where RV's were stationed for the night. They sat behind the structure and waited until they were sure everyone was asleep.

Mick and Carl drove by the entrance of the park and parked at least a mile away. They would come by foot making their way back to the park. If Danny and Melissa weren't here they would have to call the U.S. Marshall Service.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Danny for the first time in his short life felt like he was doing something important. It was like everything in his life was preparing him for this moment in time. He looked at Melissa sleeping on his shoulder and thought about the life they would live in Mexico. Warm weather, beaches, cheap food. They would simply disappear.

Mick and Carl very quietly entered the park. The original buildings looked as if they might collapse at any moment, but they both knew renovations had been done to prevent that from happening. Mick stood very still for a moment. The smell of fresh blood filled his nostrils.
"Quick Carl this way" He whispered. running towards where the RV's were parked.

Danny had snuck into one of the RV's and found a man sleeping all alone. He would kill this guy and Melissa and him would steal the RV and head on out to to the boarder. Plus the added bonus of not paying money for motels all over the place definitely had its appeal. He crept up to where the man was sleeping , snoring loudly. He pulled out a knife he had swiped from the diner and quietly slit the man's throat. His eyes opened quickly and he put his hands to his wound and tried to yell, but the blood flowed very quickly and the man just as quietly died. Danny would worry about the mess later. He began to look for the keys.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick knew the closer they got that someone had just been killed. He flew into the RV where he was pretty sure the act occurred. There was Danny frantically looking through drawers. Mick rushed him and pinned him to the floor.
"Where's your girlfriend Danny?" Mick asked in a whisper. Danny tried to break free but Mick was too strong for him. He was about to yell out of Melissa but Mick clamped his hand over Danny's mouth. "Yeah Danny, you won't be calling your girlfriend" He said. Mick saw Carl walk in.
"Carl Melissa is somewhere near by" Carl nodded his head and went off in search of her. Carl found her a short while later huddled under a thin blanket sleeping quietly. Carl shook her awake and she screamed until she saw the barrel of the gun pointing at her. Melissa began to immediately sob.
"Thank God you found me!" She wailed. "I thought he was going to kill me!" She said, eyes overflowing with tears.

Carl called for back up. Mick was bringing Danny out of the RV and he started to scream.
"You take your filthy hands off her!!" He yelled at Carl. "I'll rip your damn head off!!" He continued to scream. Melissa looked at him as if she had no idea what he was doing. She was lead to a separate police car.

When they were back at the police station Carl got a chance to speak with Mick.
"Look, this girl is a master liar. She's working up her defense. She knew Danny from class, he knew about the abuse from her dad, came over to her house and shot daddy, kidnapped her and made her go on a killing spree"
"So she's gonna stick a needle in the kid's arm?"
"That's the look of it. Unless we find something else out about her" Carl said.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Melissa cried so much at the police station that a trauma counselor had to be called in. Margo Hunt was one of the top children activist in the state of California. She was on hand to make sure that everything was handled as it should. Carl and Mick watched from the other side of the interview room.
Lester Chandler very quietly took a chair opposite her.
"Melissa. My name is Lester Chandler. Can you tell me if you need any medical attention?" he asked softly. Melissa shook her head. "I know this is going to be hard for you, but I'd like you to try and tell me what Daniel did to you" Lester reached out and took one of her small hands and held it in his. "It's alright" He said patting the top of her hand. Melissa looked down at the floor and took a deep breath.
"I thought he was going to kill me" She said, not meeting his eyes.
'Did Daniel say he was going to kill you?" Lester asked.
"Not really coming out and saying it, but I sure thought he would. I mean he had a gun and everything."
"Of course. Did Daniel feed you?"
"Not really. We were driving around a lot." Melissa was becoming uncomfortable with the questions.
"Okay Melissa, did Daniel ever strike you?" He asked.
"Of course not!" Melissa said suddenly looking up . Then stopped herself and bent her head back down.

After an hour Lester came out ready to give his report.
"Alright Lester. Is she on the up and up?" Carl asked.
"In my opinion, she's lying about the whole thing. I've worked with hundreds of trauma patients so I know what to look for. 1. She never would have let me take her hand. Trauma victims never want to be touched even when they know it's as comforting as a hand pat. She would have jerked it away or panicked. She didn't even flinch. 2. She became uncomfortable when I kept repeating his name. Did you and Daniel do this. Did Daniel do that. Just the mere repeating his name caused her discomfort. And that's guilt. She loves this kid. 3. I asked her if Daniel had ever hit her. That gave me the biggest sign that she was lying. She said of course not. She didn't shake her head, or simply say no. She said of course not. Like what I was asking was unthinkable. She's lying. That's what I'm going to put in my report. Mago's going to want a psych eval, but I don't think it will do her any good." Lester said.

Carl looked over at one of his officers.
"Book her on murder and conspiracy to commit murder" Carl said walking over to Mick.
"Carl, let me take a uniform and go back to Melissa's house. She may be hiding something there. A diary, something." Mick said. Carl nodded his head and Mick and a officer took off.

Danny wanted to see Melissa and he wanted to see her now. He kept screaming that he wanted his phone call but no one came. What they hell was going on? What were they doing to Mel?

Officer Mays was an honest cop. He always did the right the thing, had a good reputation, so Mick was glad someone like him was around. Mays cut the police tape and opened the door. Mick looked around noticing small details here and there.
"Is there any place in particular you want me to look?" Mays asked.
"Try the daughter's room" Mick said. Once Mays was upstairs, Mick quickly sped through the house. He sped through the kitchen looking at every possible nook and cranny. He was making his way back to the front room when he noticed something. He turned and walked towards a small closet/pantry door. Mick opened it and there was a strong smell of blood. A woman's blood.
"Mays!!" Mick called out loudly. He heard Officer Mays quickly run down the stairs. "I think I found something." Mick said pulling the wood paneling apart. May's stopped down to help him.
"Oh my God!" Officer Mays said placing his arm over his nose.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick told Mays to go outside and call for a Hazmat crew while he continued to pull the closet paneling away. The limp partially decayed body slumped forward. Inside the closet with the boy was a small handbag. Mick opened it up . This was the body of Melissa's mother.

"Are you sure it the mother?" Carl said when he walked into house.
"It has to be." Mick said. "May's found a hairbrush in Melissa's room. That should give you some DNA at least to make a positive ID." Mick said hopefully. But hope or not, it was time to really have a talk with Melissa.

Melissa had been waiting for hours. She finally allowed herself to catch some sleep on the sofa in the holding room. When she heard the the doorknob she quickly sat up and looked to see who was coming.
Mick came quietly into the room and sat down in a chair.
"Hello Melissa"
"Who are you? Another cop?" She asked. Mick shook his head.
"We found your mother." He said. He saw her eyes grow wide and heart began to beat rapidly
"Where is she?"
"At your house. Dead. Shoved in a closet"
"Are you saying Danny killed my mom too?" She asked innocently.
"No Melissa. You killed your mother." Mick said calmly. Melissa turned her head away from Mick.
"You can't prove that" She spat out.
"Kids really aren't that smart these days. Yeah we can prove it and we already have the evidence we need." Mick said. Melissa didn't believe him. She knew from tv that once a boy rots away, you can't tell what killed a person.
"You know way back when before DNA and forensics it was hard to get a definitive evidence from a decomposed body, but times have changed. There are a slew of testing available. Even the baseball bat that used to beat her over the head, you cleaned the bat with bleach. That doesn't get rid of the blood. " Mick said casually standing up. "You're going away for a long time Melissa" She stood up.
"Wait, wait! You don't know how it happened. She had been drinking and beating me. Her and dad used to do it together" She tried to explain.
"No!" Mick yelled. "No more lies!. It's over!" Mick said walking towards the door.
"You really think a jury's going to send a scared teenager to jail? I don't think so. I clean up real nice" She threatened.
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Re: Together Forever Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Danny sat in his jail cell listening to everything the Public Defender was telling him. He shook his head vigorously.
"No, no no! You're lying! Melissa would never say that! She loves me! She said we were like Romeo and Juliette!" He yelled.
"Listen to me Daniel. Melissa Robbins loves Melissa Robbins. She told us that she didn't even know you all that well, but you were the one who was obsessed with her. She said you killed both her father and and her mother and you kidnapped her. That's not a lie. Look at the statement. It's her handwriting and her signature. She played you kid." He said sliding the document over for him to read. Danny read the words and felt his heart drop.
"It was all a lie" He whispered as tears slowly began to fall from his eyes. His body began to shake as the guilt over his actions swept over him. What had he done?

"That poor kid" Carl said knowing first hand what it felt like you found out someone you cared about had played you for a sucker. Mick nodded his head.
"You think he's going sell her out?" Mick asked.
"I don't know man. I just don't know"

Melissa sat in front of the jury looking very much like a squeaky clean fresh faced teenager. Her face had been scrubbed of all the dark eyeliner and false eyelashes. Her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. She was wearing a modest navy blue knee length skirt and a white blouse with a round collar. At first glance, it was hard to view her as the cold blooded killer that she was. The defense attorney said that Melissa was a good girl trying work hard in school and get good grade so she could maybe go to college. He said that Daniel was obsessed with Melissa. He called her repeatedly. And when she rejected him he took his vengeance out on her parent, then her. The jury looked at the young girl and felt sorry for her, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

Felix the Medical Examiner, was working extra hard finishing the tests on Melissa's mother. He knew that the District Attorney wanted this girl to pay for her crimes. And when the last test came back affirming what he had suspected all along, it went down in his report and messengered off to the courthouse. The report reached District Attorney Robert Lang just in time.

"Your Honor. I have just received the Pathologist report on the defendants mother. It seems that her mother had been dead before her and Daniel Taggart were together. She stated that her and Daniel didn't know each other until he was transferred to her English class. Test show that her mother had been dead before that time" He said walking over to the Judge and laying a copy of the report in front of him. Melissa looked up in shock and whispered sharply to her attorney. He tried to calm her down.
She stood up knocking over her chair.
"That's bullshit!! I didn't kill anybody! Danny was the one who smashed the bottle over her head!!" She screamed.

"Control your client!" The Judge snapped. The attorney picked up the chair and told Melissa to sit down and be quiet. Robert Lang stared at the Judge.
"How does she know how the victim died? That information was just now released to Council. Either she was there when it happened or she did it herself" He said confidently. Melissa now seeing her mistake looked around the courtroom scared.

Mick and Carl smiled at each other knowing it was over. Melissa Robbins sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole ever.

Danny was confessed to his crimes and accepted his punishment. He was sentenced life in prison, with the possibility of parole.

Mick and Carl sat in Luther's, an upscale bar near Beverly Hills. They had their celebratory drink but for the life of them couldn't figure out what they were celebrating.

The End
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