Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

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Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by HotMicks »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rating: PG-13 (strong adult themes, both human & vampire)

Characters: Mick & Beth

Author's Note: This is an alternate version of the end of Fever (Episode 4). I don't know why I really like the idea of this, but I do. :teeth:

My everlasting gratitude to Allegrita :hug: for helping me to think through some issues in the writing of this one. It was my first "beta” experience, and I really appreciate her kindness and excellent suggestions (incorporated below) — along with Lilly and Lucky, who also provided some feedback via Alle. :heart: My thanks to all three... you made me feel as safe as Beth feels with Mick's arms around her (minus the sexual tension, of course :whistle: ).


She was offering her neck to him. Terrified and desperate and resolute all at once. Then in a flash she was gone again.

He was delirious, dying. Had to be.

There she was again. And he was taking her wrist. Pulling it to him. Telling her she had to make him stop.

The hypnotic beat of her pulse soothed him and teased his lips as he sated his hunger. Her blood brought such an exquisite pleasure into him, it was as if he had bitten into Paradise. The heat made him burn far hotter than any passion ever had. The love that accompanied the hum of her blood was so luscious, so generous, so overwhelming. And that love was reserved to him. He knew that now.

He sensed her pulse slowing and realized he had to stop… yet it was too seductive, this intimate embrace. He could feel her heart, not the physical one — he could always feel that when he fed — but the one the priests called the "soul.” What made Beth "Beth.” His Beth. And it had nothing to do with God or religion.

This was an existence that included only the two of them. This was heaven, here in the midst of hell. And it could consume them both, if he wasn’t careful.


Let me in, Mick. She didn’t say it. Didn’t have to.

Maybe it was her blood in my veins that let me feel her — the beating of her very living heart — or maybe we've always been connected. Either way, being near me, puts her in danger. So it has to stop.

He pulled his head back from the door, as if it could somehow break their bond. He started toward the kitchen, hiding away as he had for so much of his life.

He heard her knock again. Softer than before. Whispering his name against the door. Enchanting him. Enticing him. Exciting him.

Before he could stop himself, he was at the door again, opening it.

She rushed at him, grabbing his head and pulling his lips down to hers. The minute he saw her… smelled her… touched her… felt her love, all hope was lost. He could not imagine a future without her in it.

He could feel her thrill at the warmth her blood gave him. She sank into him as he wrapped his arms around her. All was right in her world again.

She pulled back and placed her palm on his heart, brushing her hand back and forth slowly before sliding it under the open collar of his shirt. “I want to feel my blood pumping through your heart.”

He was still hungry and it was taking all his self-control to keep the beast at bay. He took her hand and lifted her wrist to his mouth, kissing the pulse and feeling it flutter against his lips. He closed his eyes, wondering why he tortured himself so, but it was no use — all he saw was the blood dripping into the towel as she wrapped her arm after feeding him.

“Please.” He murmured it against her pulse and then broke away as his fangs descended. He felt the change overtake him, rushing to his freezer before she even realized he was gone.

It was all he could do to get the lid open with his shaking hands. He wouldn’t — couldn’t — feed in front of her, but the freezer would help. He didn’t even bother to undress, pulling his boots off and dropping into the soothing cool clouds of frosty bliss.

He could hear her calling his name as she took her coat off and looked around for him. He knew she must be confused, wondering what she'd done, but he couldn’t take the chance. Not with her. He was sure he would self-combust if he ever hurt her. He laughed, wondering what Coraline would have thought of the irony in that as he closed the lid and tried to shut out the images of Beth feeding him.

At last he was safe within his cocoon — she was safe. He stretched his arms, willing the cold to stuff the vampire deep inside again.


He heard her voice, tentative and worried, as she stood in the doorway, not six feet away from him.


“I know you must need more blood, but I don’t know where you keep it.”

His hands clenched so hard that the nails cut into his palms. “Beth, please!”

“Let me in, Mick. You don’t have to hide anymore. Not from me.”

“You don’t understand — ”

“Yes, I do. Just let me get your blood. Please.”

He couldn’t take much more of this. She was too close. Her wounds had clotted, but he could still smell her blood.

“There’s a cooler in the wall behind the glassware, near the corner.”

She ran downstairs as he sagged against the glass, grateful at least that she was out of arm's reach.

She returned with a large bowl crammed with blood bags and test tubes. Setting it down beside the freezer, she placed her palm on the glass lid for a moment, then left him to satisfy his hunger. She slumped against the hallway wall, sinking down to sit on the floor next to the half-open doorway.

He could sense the relief wash over her as he snatched two bags and shut the lid again. Trying to finish as quickly as he could, he drew huge mouthfuls that puffed his cheeks. It tasted like cardboard compared to her blood.

Within moments, he heard her sobs and felt the weight of the day crushing her at last. She had proven time and again that she was strong, but no one could come through that experience unscathed.

He squeezed the last drops from the second bag and threw the lid open. Grabbing a towel off the hook, he rushed to her side and wrapped her in it, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight against him. She heaved and trembled, but he knew it wasn't from the chill of his embrace. Her emotions were one big swirl, coming at him five at a time. He rubbed her back and smoothed her hair as her tears soaked his shirt.

Eventually she wore herself out, letting out a sigh and looking up at him as if to make sure he really was okay. He smiled and squeezed her as her warmth seeped through the towel and radiated against his chest, warming his skin.

“You really needed that.”

“I guess so.”

“Are you okay now?”

She was staring intently at his lips. “I always feel better when you hold me.”

He knew what was coming, so he put his finger on her lips and stuck his tongue out just enough for her to see the blood. He brushed her lips with his fingertip, then rose, looking down at her.

“I’ll be right back.”

He went into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later with freshly brushed teeth, giving her a hand and helping her to her feet. He pulled her to him, kissing her forehead, then her cheeks, then her nose and finally pressing his lips to hers, kissing her gently before moving to her neck and planting a series of butterfly kisses under her jaw and up her chin back to her mouth. He tightened his arms around her, letting her feel him warming as the blood made its way through his body.

He knew she was spoken for, committed, coupled… whatever they called it these days, but in that moment, he didn't care. He just wanted to feel her pressed against his body as her blood flowed through him.

She was still a riot of emotions, but at least they were better ones now. Her heart rate quickened again, and he knew it was from passion this time. She wanted him, just as he wanted her.

Careful, Mick. This is not the time for that. He dropped his arms and took her hand, leading her down the stairs.

“Are you sure you don’t need more freezer time?”



He let go of her hand and sat on the couch, stretching his arm across the back and motioning with his head for her to join him. She snuggled against him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“That’s twice today you’ve saved me from my worst nightmare.” He rubbed her back, then kissed the top of her head as he tugged on her rolled-up shirt cuff. “Got any more miracles up your sleeve?”

She looked up at him, smiling. “Not today.”

"Still, I don't think I've properly thanked you." He bent his head and kissed her tenderly, seeking another outlet for their pent-up emotions.

She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “You feel it too, don’t you? Something changed out there — between us.”

“Everything changed today, Beth.”

He bent down and resumed their kiss, his eyes turning silver for an instant when he remembered sinking his fangs into her soft flesh. Will I ever be able to touch her again without having flashbacks?

She slid her fingers into his hair and opened her mouth, inviting him in again. He could feel her desire wash over him like some kind of erotic elixir. He kissed her deeply, then pulled back and took her face in his hands, looking into her wide, blue eyes with love and gratitude.

“What we shared today was more intimate than sex. Your blood didn’t just save me, Beth, it bonded us — you to me and me to you.”

He dropped his hands to her shoulders as she caressed his chest with her palm. “That’s why I had to see you tonight.”

“Yes, and you’re — we’re — going to feel a lot more confusing emotions.” He traced his fingers down her bare arm, his fingertips tingling from the sensation. “I don’t want to take advantage of that… of you.”

He drew her wrist to his mouth and kissed the puncture wounds, inhaling her scent and turning his head as he fought to keep the monster in check.

She pulled his chin so he faced her again. “You would never hurt me, Mick. Not today. Not ever.” She brushed her lips against his. “I trust you… I just wish you could trust me.”

“I do. I’ve — ”

“Not completely. Not enough to let me through that last wall.”

He spoke softly, barely audible to her. “It’s not because I don’t trust you. It’s because I don’t trust myself.”

“Trust yourself, Mick. I know you want to.”

He looked away in shame, and she pulled him back again.

“You would never hurt me.”

“You really are a miracle to me, Beth, and I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this.”

“What? Love? Kindness? Compassion?" He could tell she'd blurted it out without filtering, as she blushed and hesitated briefly before continuing. "You can’t accept what you are, but you don’t see how it makes you the man you are. You saved Leni today, Mick. And you saved me from that TA and Julia from Lee Jay and so many others, I'm sure. You use your so-called monster to help people, so I don’t understand why you think you have to hide that part of yourself from me.”

“You don’t understand. I could so easily lose control around you.”

“You didn’t today — and that’s about as grim as it gets, right? I thought I was too late — you looked… you were… yellow.”

She shivered, and he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

“Feeding is one thing…” He looked down into her eyes, wanting to get lost in them, in the heat from her body, forever. “I’m not talking about that.”

She smiled and looked away, suddenly self-conscious as her cheeks turned red again.

She really doesn’t know the effect she has, does she? He shifted over, realizing without warning that he was very uncomfortable with her that close. She studied his expression, clearly baffled by his mixed messages. He tried to explain himself better.

“That’s why we have to be careful, Beth. You’re already involved with someone, and this — what happened today — ” He brushed the marks on her wrist with his thumb. “I don’t want this to be the reason.”

“The reason for what?”

“The reason you come to me.” He looked down, unable to face her.

“That’s not why, Mick — and you know it. You felt it at the fountain. I know you did.” He peered up through his eyelashes, seeing the truth in her eyes. “I’m not bonded to you because of today. I feel like I’ve been bonded to you forever. Today just made it… more intense.”

She took his face in her hands, looking him directly in the eyes. "I know I have to talk to Josh, but not tonight — not now, okay?” She kissed him passionately, opening her mind to him and letting him know exactly what she wanted in a husky voice. “Right now, I just want you to make love to me, Mick.”

She stood up and turned to face him, sitting on his lap with her knees against the back of the couch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned down to kiss him. He could hear her heart pounding, the gurgles and squishes like some ethereal groove drawing him into a dance that could only end badly for her.

“Beth, not tonight.” He put his hands on her waist and lifted her off him, setting her back on the couch beside him. He groaned quietly as he shifted the bulge in his pants and moved into a more comfortable position. “You’re down a pint already and I’ve never needed to get in the freezer more than I do right now.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled at her, trying to relieve the tension.

She touched his arm and he jumped as if it were five hundred volts wired directly into his libido. She pulled back and he could feel her confusion and disappointment.

He stood and bent over her, lifting her chin to tilt her head up. He leaned in and gripped the back of the couch, letting the monster out, just for a minute, as his fangs appeared and his eyes flashed over. She looked up at him and he could feel her body explode with love and lust and license. Tonight, she was taking ownership of the creature inside him, and he was exhausted enough to let her… at least for a minute or two… maybe a few….

He kissed her, his fangs scraping her lips and making her moan. She opened her eyes and looked into his as she lulled him with the soft caress of her words.

“Mick, you’re not a monster.”

She pressed her forehead against his and put her palms on his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs along his cheekbones as she gazed into his pale, brilliant eyes.

“You’re beautiful… inside and out.” She dropped her hand down and pushed his lip up, stroking his fang with her thumb. She brought her lips back to his, whispering into his mouth. “And I want you to bite me.”

He moaned into her lips, then forced himself to straighten up, putting his hand out for her.

She rose and closed the distance between them before he could recover from her confession enough to register that he should get to the door. She grabbed his ass and pulled him against her, rising on her toes and nuzzling his ear, her breath hot on his neck. “Come on, Mick. Tear down the wall. I want to be with you.”

He took her arms and backed up, holding her away from him. “We can’t, Beth. You don’t know how much I want to — “ He had to look away. “Oh, God, I want to…”

He snapped back, only to focus on her mouth. He could see the blood plumping her lips, making them practically vibrate with a soft hum. He broke his stare with a sideways glance, then drifted up to her eyes. God, how she wants, with every fiber of her being. It’s almost suffocating, it’s so intense. He could sense her confusion again, probably wondering why he was fighting what was obviously a futile battle.

“Beth, it’s taking every ounce of self-control I have just to stand here in this room with you.” He let go of her arms, as if to prove his point. “I can feel how weak you are. You can’t take anymore tonight, okay?”

He was speaking as gently as he could manage, under the circumstances. He was still feeling cartwheels in his pants and his fangs practically throbbed every time he looked at her. He walked to the door and opened it, finally feeling the points begin to retract.

“Go home and get some sleep. Eat a good, hearty breakfast — and lunch and dinner…" He winked at her, only to feel flushed himself when he sensed how it made her weak in the knees. "Come back tomorrow night. We can talk more about what this means and where we go from here, once we’ve got… clearer heads.”

“I’m not going to change my mind, you know.” She grabbed her coat and walked up to him, clasping his hand and squeezing it. “I’m calling Josh when I get home. I’m gonna ask him to meet me tomorrow after work, so we can go somewhere quiet and talk.”

“Are you sure, Beth? I mean, that’s something that’s hard to walk back.”

“I knew it the night I saw you at the fountain.”

She leaned in and kissed him, resting her palm on his heart.

He looked into her eyes and made a confession of his own. “Why do you think I had to leave so abruptly?”

She glanced down, overcome by the intensity of his gaze. She reached over for his pendant, rubbing it between her thumb and forefinger as she studied the intricate design. Tugging gently on the chain, she lifted her eyes slowly to reconnect with his, searching for the creature inside.

“You don’t have to run anymore, vampire — and I will be back tomorrow.”

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and slipped out into the hallway. He leaned against the door jamb, watching her walk to the elevator. She turned and gave him a little wave as she stepped into the car. He smiled at her then went back inside, hearing the elevator recede as he closed the door. Taking the steps two at a time, he yanked his shirt over his head and threw it on the stairs, letting out a roar that would have rattled the walls of a weaker building.

But he was safe within his fortress, contemplating whether he should give her the key.


Please note: :blinksmile: The poem below is just a little added bonus. Even though the original poem is about 'family', I thought the essence of it fit Mick and Beth's relationship as well. So I played with it a bit to make it really fit them. :laugh: Poem (below) reworked extensively to accompany this story (some lines deleted, changed and rearranged, and new lines added) from the original, “These are the ties that bond,” by © Erica C. McClendon


I’m thankful for our many disagreements
They just made our bond grow tight
Can't even begin to count how many times
We've had to brook our distance
But somewhere down the line
Something always caused us to reunite

These are the ties that bind
And this is the bond that holds us together
And these are the ties
That will make our love endure forever

I want to be the first
To see the smile you share
The first and last one there
The first to work your nerves
The first to heal your hurts

And no matter how many times we go astray
We will always return to this bond again
I think of you — it's so clear
No more pain, my life’s purpose
Wrapped in your gentle glow
These are the things that connect us

These are the ties that bend hearts
And this is the bond that holds us together
And these are the ties that bind
They’ll be there to the end
~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Ahhhh... :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: I just love this story so much. It feels so honest, so very much them. :heart:

I love Mick's battle with his love and desire, and Beth's relentless invasion of his space. (Poor vamp never had a chance. :laugh: ) This scene feels a little like that scene in B.C., except that there's no vampire magic making Beth more (and, in a way, less) than she actually is. Mick could withstand "B.C. Beth," because he knew it was the drug that made her behave the way she did. But Beth here is just... herself. Yes, the blood bond makes the connection more intense, but the feelings, the desires, are completely real. For both of them.

But still, Mick fights against his and Beth's desires, and does the right thing, out of love for her. And the cool thing here is that Beth respects it, even though she doesn't think it's necessary. But she makes her intentions absolutely clear. Mick may be wondering if he should give her the key to his fortress, but if he's honest? He knows she's already got it. :melts:

It would have been so interesting to see how the events of the subsequent episodes would have unfolded, with Mick and Beth already a couple. Would Beth have still been tempted by Lola and the B.C.? Would Mick still have tried to "protect" Beth from the realities of vampire society? How would Coraline's appearance have affected them? And what about Josh and Tejada?? I love the fact that this story makes me wonder about this stuff. :cloud9:
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

Wow, just wow!!!

God, how I wish we could have seen this, but your words were so artfully crafted, I didn't need a TV. Honestly, HM, this is one of your best works and one of the best versions of what might have happened in 'Fever' that I've ever read. Kudos, honey, this really made my day :notworthy:
This was an existence that included only the two of them. This was heaven, here in the midst of hell. And it could consume them both, if he wasn’t careful.
This is the essence of Moonlight. Two people meant to be together, their bond forged so many years ago, yet one of them afraid of what might happen. In this story, Beth has already made up her mind - she knows what she wants. Had you continued this (hint, hint) I don't think we'd see Beth ever running back to Josh. There's nothing ambiguous about Beth here. Mick on the other hand, has his own desires, but fear keeps him from letting Beth break down that final barrier.

The beauty of this piece is how you convey the sensual nature of their relationship.
The love that accompanied the hum of her blood was so luscious, so generous, so overwhelming. And that love was reserved to him. He knew that now.
There's the physical need, the desire but underneath it all, each recognizes the non-physical bond they share, although Beth doesn't fully understand of why and the possible consequences.
"Your blood didn’t just save me, Beth, it bonded us — you to me and me to you".
Or does she?
"I’m not bonded to you because of today. I feel like I’ve been bonded to you forever. Today just made it… more intense.”
Not only could I see this happening, I wish it had, just as you've written it. The desire is there, but so is the restraint, one a 90 year old vampire is wise enough to show.
"Come back tomorrow night. We can talk more about what this means and where we go from here, once we’ve got… clearer heads.”
This is a fitting ending:
But he was safe within his fortress, contemplating whether he should give her the key.
The key to the fortress, and one to his heart.

Lovely, HM, just wonderfully lovely :cloud9:
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

HM, this is gorgeous. Devastating.

I can't say better than Allegrita and DSR have done. This is stellar work, and a great addition to the body of ML fic.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Great job, HM! An amazing alternate ending that I could see happening as I read it.
She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “You feel it too, don’t you? Something changed out there — between us.”

“Everything changed today, Beth.”
Everything changed. And Mick didn't run away. No doubts, for either of them. :hearts:

Loved this! Thanks for posting.

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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by maggatha3 »

Owww!! Moonlight miracles still happen! And by that I don't only mean your alteranate ending ,but also the fact that Moonlight still inspires such feelings and such writing!
Thanks , HM!

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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by HotMicks »

Uh, duh! I keep forgetting to come back and respond to the comments. And that’s a shame, ‘coz it’s a good excuse to discuss ML again! :laugh:

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. :ghug: (And sorry upfront… this comment might get outta hand…)
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, because this one really was an exercise in frustration to write. I loved the hell out of it, but kept feeling like I wasn't getting it right. :quill: (And thank Bob for Alle and her help!) I just very much wanted them to have this conversation and acknowledge these emotions. :hearts: I mean, Alex and Sophia put so much into that motel scene, it seemed a waste to just leave it there. And that’s when I realized what’s so great about fanfic — you get to make the story end the way you want it to! Win-win! :snicker: :yahoo:

My feeling in writing this one was that they really didn’t do justice to the intensity of the feeding. And this is not to criticize Jill. Fever was fabulously rich and tense and she left it right where she should have. It was the follow-up I had a problem with. It made me think of Sophia when she said in that interview that she thought Beth should have more of a reaction to shooting Lee Jay and she argued for it, but lost. Those were both plot developments that they kept a little too far in the shallow end of the pool, I thought.

I mean, this (feeding from Beth) was something that he had avoided at all costs (well, except his life), so you know it had to affect them. I always wanted a follow-up “talk scene” for Fever, like Dr. Feelgood’s beginning served for the end of OOTP. Instead we got that snarky scene in the morgue hallway. Lit in hospital green, no less.

So… I let them talk. Like they should have.

I also thought the scene with Beth collapsing on her couch when she believed Mick and Leni were lost in the car explosion was a turning point for her… even though the TV series never really did much with it. Sophia really went for broke in that scene, and I don’t think it was because Beth lost someone who was merely a “friend” (not that that wouldn’t be painful, but you know what I mean).

I think she realized how deep her feelings were for Mick when she thought she lost him, so that’s why I made her so determined in this story. She does know what she wants. And she did feel it first at the fountain — she just didn’t understand it at the time and was a little distracted. And as for him, well, this just about says it all:
He disappeared right after this look. And there’s no mistaking what it meant. Holy cow, that was so hot! One of the first scenes with smouldering Mick. :melts:

And the feeding only made it more intense, as you said, DSR. I imagined it kinda along the lines of the vampires having something in their saliva that floods the donor with raging hormones, mood chemicals and such. So she was pretty amped up. Plus it was Mick. I mean, that’s gotta make it 10 times hotter, right? :thud:

Them being drawn repeatedly to the body parts that remind them of the feeding — her to his heart and him to her wrist — is evidence of the strong pull it’s having on them. It did change everything.
“What we shared today was more intimate than sex. Your blood didn’t just save me, Beth, it bonded us — you to me and me to you.”

“Yes, and you’re — we’re — going to feel a lot more confusing emotions.” … “I don’t want to take advantage of that… of you.”
This (above) is really the crux of why he let her in the door. Well, that and succumbing to his desires… ‘coz he’s always an anti hero, not a super hero, in my mind.

He wanted to make sure she understood she was being affected by the feeding. And that’s what’s weighing on him too (how much is he being affected by it, he wonders), plus his fear of her getting physically hurt — either because of him or by him.

So yeah, Alle, it was a bit like B.C. And it’s funny that you say that about the future possibilities. I always imagined, as I was writing the story, that something like their usual bad luck and fate might intervene to prevent Beth from having that conversation with Josh the next day… and then we’d be right back into canon, with just a little deeper triangle intrigue.

But the “he knew that now” was meant to convey that Mick realized, through the feeding, that her heart was his and his alone. He didn’t have to worry about Josh anymore, which contributed to his patience in slowing her down that night, along with, yes, DSR, having learned from his experience with Coraline.

And I do think Mick would never cross that line with Beth without two conditions being met: 1) that she break things off with Josh and 2) that she know about their connection and him being the man who rescued her when she was kidnapped… and Coraline being his ex-wife. He would feel it was violating the trust of that little girl, and disrespecting the woman, if he didn’t come clean first.

So how would that play out, who knows? :shrug: Maybe I should have put more of this into the story. I just didn’t want to turn it into a 10-ton brick. :rolling:

(Sorry… this comment ended up being almost as long as the story. :blushing: )
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

No apologies necessary! I loved reading where you were coming from when you wrote this.

And you know... there ARE such things as Chapter 2, or Part 2, or Sequel... :whistle: Just so you're aware in case, you know, you wanted to go that direction... :laugh:
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Well, for me, it's absolutely wonderful to hear (or read) the writer describing their thinking, and what led to the story being created. I find it fascinating, and it adds to my pleasure in the story, too. I never get tired of discussing Moonlight, and your story is a fabulous reason for a new conversation.

I couldn't agree more about the lack of follow-up on the show. I think that's one of the reasons so many of us were compelled to write fanfic--to fill in those things that the characters truly deserved, because what we saw on the screen was so wonderful. Thank you for giving them that conversation (and those other things) that they really must have had.

Ooh, MLC and I cross-posted, and I agree completely about that last part! :highfive:
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by librarian_7 »

No, it's great to hear the thinking...after all, this site was CREATED to be a writers' site, where all that craft and process of writing stuff would be welcomed and encouraged.

It seems to me that the gravity of Mick feeding from Beth would only be magnified and intensified by his long abstinence. I can't imagine that drinking dead blood from the morgue would have anywhere near the same resonance. He wouldn't have felt the hearts that pumped that blood, beating next to him. It had to have had a huge impact.

As much as I've always loved the image of them at the end of Fever, on either side of the door, yeah, he should have opened it.
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by HotMicks »

librarian_7 wrote:It seems to me that the gravity of Mick feeding from Beth would only be magnified and intensified by his long abstinence. I can't imagine that drinking dead blood from the morgue would have anywhere near the same resonance. He wouldn't have felt the hearts that pumped that blood, beating next to him. It had to have had a huge impact.

As much as I've always loved the image of them at the end of Fever, on either side of the door, yeah, he should have opened it.
:yes: :yes: :yes: To all of it. Exactly. That plus the fact that it was Beth had to put it off the charts. At one point, I had that the bagged blood she brought him tasted like "cold cardboard" as if Mick (who loves to torture himself) would have it in his head that "warm cardboard" somehow tasted better. :rolling: But then I took "cold" out 'coz it interrupted the flow.
allegrita wrote:I never get tired of discussing Moonlight
Me either. :biggrin: And what's so fun about this is reading everyone's thoughts on characterization. I find that fascinating. :reading:
~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by francis »

I don't have the time right now to respond to this story the way it deserves. But I will come back and give you a review. Right now I'm just in awe and happy that there's more MickBeth and I love the way you write them. Going to bed with a smile now. :wave: :hearts:
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Re: Bonds ~ An Alternate Ending for Fever (PG-13)

Post by HotMicks »

francis wrote:Going to bed with a smile now. :wave: :hearts:
Aw, that's so sweet, francis. So happy to put a smile on your face! :hug:

And thank you for the lovely comment. That means a lot coming from you. :rose:
~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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