What Now? Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

What Now
Rated PG (Mild language)
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Edward Farmington lost without Coraline takes his own life and leaves all of his money to Mick.

Edward sat in his favorite chair recalling the days that Coraline would sit next to him and read poetry. He could still feel her head on this thigh with the sun setting in front of him. He had been happy. Blissfully so. Why couldn't he have been destroyed alone with Coraline? Without her he had no idea how to go on.
How to feed himself. The thought of going out alone and feeding on some stranger was repulsive to
him. Luckily Mick St. John unexpectedly showed up at his home. Together they sat and talked about Coraline. Good things and bad things. Yes Edward knew that she never loved him, but he had been alone so very long and she was quite beautiful. Mick would bring him bags of blood so that he wouldn't have to go out to feed. As he sat there drinking blood out of his Baccarat Crystal Glasses in Lalande Pattern, he felt tired. And lost.

Carl was first on the scene and it was gruesome site. He called Mick as soon as he got the call.
Mick drove up the long winding driveway now familiar to him and parked next to the Medical Examiners van.
"Thanks for coming Mick. I know this guy was a friend of yours so...." Carl said leading him into the house. "Um.....it's kind of nasty up there." Carl said walking slowly up the stairs and handing him a handkerchief. "He emptied out every piece of pure silver he had in this place and draped it over himself" Placing the handkerchief up to his face Mick walked into the room. There lay the body of Edward Farmington. The vapors of the silver were stinging Mick's eyes. He turned and walked into the hallway. Carl quietly closed the door.
"I'm sorry, but I had to show it to you man. Now this has already been called in, but no one is going to believe that he killed himself by dumping silver all over him. So I'm going to need some help here. Do you have any idea why he would do this?" Carl asked.
"He was lonely and lost without Coraline......he just didn't want to exist anymore" Mick said sadly walking over to Felix the Medical Examiner. "Felix what you got?" Mick asked.
"Hell if I know. This guy looks like he was burned by some kind of acid, but I can't find any acid anywhere on him. If this was some sort of allergic reaction, it's certainly one I've never seen!" He said writing quickly in his case book. "I can't wait to get this guy in the lab!" He said motioning to his men to take the body away.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick watched them take Farmington's body away and he knew there was no way he could leave his body in the lab for Felix! He called Isabelle, told her of the situation and the cleaners went to work.

In the weeks to come much speculation was made about the death and disappearance of Edward Farmington. Mick hated to see the LAPD go through something like this but even Carl knew this was something the public could never ever know about. Carl tried to assure everyone that this was something they were looking into and that they had no idea why that one body would be taken from the morgue. But the press as well as the Mayor wanted an explanation.
"Was anything caught on the surveillance cameras?" One reporter yelled out at the press conference.
"No. There was nothing on surveillance and as you know there are no cameras in the morgue itself. However we are checking to see if the equipment was hacked in any way" He said.

Mick thought that the whole ordeal would be blow over and things would go back to the way they were.
Then he received a call from Farmington's legal team. They wanted to meet with him regarding his work for Mr. Farmington.

Mick met with them at a swank bistro that appeared to be a haunt for local attorneys and judges.
"Mr. St. John. Thank you for coming on such short notice. My name is Mark Fitzgerald and I was Mr. Farmington's attorney." He said pointing to a chair for Mick to sit in. "As you know there are some issues that call for clarification in this matter. Now, before we get to the heart of the matter, how did you know Mr. Farmington?" Mick knew that this question would be the first to be asked.
"Edward Farmington called on me to find the brother of his wife. Apparently he felt that the brother was threatening her. He didn't know where the guy was so he hired me to find him and reason him. Get him to leave his sister alone" Mick explained.
"And did you find Mrs. Farmington's brother?"
"Yeah I did. He had checked into the Dearborn Hotel. I met with him, informed him of how things were done in the United States and to the best of my knowledge he left and never bothered them again."
"Yes, well that explains this canceled check he made out to you." He said holding up the check. "It's a rather large amount. Much more than your usual take I'm sure"
"I told Farmington it was three times my usual fee, but he insisted. He just wanted the brother found."
"I see." He said quietly. Mick was becoming restless.
"Look, if there's nothing else I'd like to get back to work." Mick said standing up.
"Mr. St. John. Please sit. There is something else. Mr. Farmington has named you the sole beneficiary to his estate"
Mick's eyes opened wide.
"He what?!" he said out loud.
"The estate totals $1.7 billion dollars. He had no heirs still living and other than a few charitable bequests the remainder goes to you" Mick still openly stared at the man. waiting for him to say he was mistaken. "You will need to come to my office to sign certain forms of course." He said pulling out his appointment ledger. "Let's say this upcoming Monday at 11:15am." When Mick slowly nodded his head he the jotted the appointment down. "Thank you again Mr. St. John for meeting with us and I look forward to meeting with you again on Monday" He said packing up his briefcase and leaving the table.
Mick sat there for a very long time. This just couldn't be happening to him.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick sat in his apartment with his family.
"Hey, thanks for coming over guys. I have something kind of strange to tell you. Look, I don't want you freaking out or anything, but you may have heard that Edward Farmington destroyed himself." Mick said slowly. "Well, in his will he named me as the sole beneficiary". Everyone screamed and jumped up with exception to Brian.
"Dad! This is amazing!" Gabriel said giving him a hug. Zoe also squealed.
"I'm seeing the Virgin Islands in our future!" She said with a dreamy look in her eyes. Beth while pleased wondered what all of this meant.
"Babe are you sure he left it to you?" She asked.
"Yeah. His attorneys met with me and said Farmington had no surviving heirs and other than some donations to charity, the rest went to me" Mick explained. Beth thought about this for a moment, then decided why not enjoy the windfall. She placed her arms around her husband. Brian sat in his chair staring straight ahead. Gabriel looked over at him quickly.
"Ok, Bri. Out with it. What's wrong?" He said with grin.
"Nothing, at present. I was just estimating Farmington's net gross." Brian said to himself more than anyone else in the room.
"The attorney told me $1.7 billion dollars" Mick said and saw everyone become more ecstatic. Brian raised one eyebrow.
"Really? According to my calculations, Farmington had a net gross of exactly $21.3 billion dollars in cash and holdings" Brian said. Everyone stopped talking.
"Excuse me?" Beth said in shock. Brian was looking at something on his iPad.
"Oh. My apologies. That was incorrect." He said. Everyone rolled their eyes and all started to think about what Mick should do with the money. "The correct amount is $33.5 billion dollars.

First Gabriel thought that perhaps Brian was joking but remembered that Brian didn't joke about anything. Mick knew that not only did Brian never joke about anything, he would never ever joke about money.
"Why would the attorney tell me something different?" Mick said.
"Most likely due to negligent handling of funds." Brian said. "I will contact James Weiss at the FTC." Brian said pulling out his cell phone. Gabriel sighed.
"So much for easy money" He smirked.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Mr. Petzer! How have you been?" James Weiss said into the phone.
"Very well Mr. Weiss. I am curious though about something that requires your expertise. I am sure you have heard of the death of Edward Farmington?" Brian said.
"Yes. Tragic news. Very tragic. Any word on the remains?"
"Nothing yet. But what I wanted to ask is that I am speaking to the beneficiary of the Farmington estate and he was told by the attorneys that he was entitled to $1.7 billion dollars. Now as you know, Kostan Industries had many many dealings with Edward Farmington and our records have his estate valued at a little over $33 billion. So as you can see, we are very much confused." Brian explained.
"Well as you know Mr. Petzer, I cannot give you an exact number but I can tell you that you are correct and if you would like to share with me the names of the attorneys we would like to have a talk with them." James said in all seriousness.

Mark Fitzgerald and his partner Gary Brune had been the attorneys for Edward Farmington for at least 20 years. And they watched the old man sink millions of dollars into hopeless endeavours. 70 Million dollars in to scientific research to see if they could awaken a Woolly Mammoth that had recently found. 70 million! Not to mention another $50 million into the saving of a small town in New Mexico that he once visited as a child and fell in love with. But somehow Farmington always seemed to come out on top. The small town had a huge boom with a film festival and soon Hollywood was calling it their desert oasis! Well finally with his demise and his wife MIA, they saw this as the perfect opportunity to grab some of the earnings for themselves. Hell they were in part responsible for it in the first place! When the will came to them a few years ago and they saw that he had no long lost heirs that were going to make trouble they decided to strike fast. No one would think twice about a suicidal old man who had whims that everyone thought were bat shit crazy!
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian looked at the copy of the will Mick had received from probate.
"So let's just see what Framington was up to" He said to himself opening up the documents slowly. Edward had left what looked to be over 75% of his assets to various charities that Brian had never heard of like the: Equal Pay/Equal Rights Foundation and the Liberty and Freedom Coalition. And special interest groups like Citizen Action Now and Cleaner Water for America. Brian quickly did a search on the names and saw that these were very recent foundations being founded no more than three years ago. The websites were filled with information even testimonials, but somehow Brian was suspicious. Farmington didn't just one day decide to give all of his money away. Something was wrong here he thought to himself.

Josef had just flown back to Washington from Geneva. And he was pleased when his secretary told him that Brian was waiting for him. Brian stood up and walked towards him with his hand out stretched.
"Good Afternoon Mr. President" Brian said. Josef rolled his eyes and began to chuckle.
"Really Brian?" He laughed. Brian straightened his shoulders.
"Sir, you hold the highest in the world......" Brian began to explain.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, but when it's just the two of us, feel free to tone it down" Josef said, but knew that Brian would always be Brian.
"Yes sir. I come to you with a problem. Edward Farmington destroyed himself." He said. Josef nodded his head. He had heard that old guy offed himself. "He made Mick the sole beneficiary of his estate"
Josef tilted his head back and clapped his hands.
"Good for Mick!" He said loudly. "After all Coraline put him through it was the least the old man could do. I'm sure Mick and Beth will do something fantastic with the windfall"
"Sir, Mick get's 1.7 billion dollars" Brian said. Josef stopped and turned around.
"Excuse me?" He said.
"1.7 billion sir."
"We've worked with Farmington and that's no where near his net worth" Josef said in surprise.
"My thoughts exactly sir. I've contacted James at the FTC and he will contact me. But I made you a copy of his will hoping you would recognize some of these names."
Josef glanced at the will and began to frown. "And these organization have only just popped up in the last three years" Brian finished.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by reinbeau »

Do I see tar pits in some scheister lawyers futures? :2eyes:

I do foresee some trouble headed their way. :shrug:
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

reinbeau wrote:Do I see tar pits in some scheister lawyers futures? :2eyes:

I do foresee some trouble headed their way. :shrug:
I agree with you reinbeau! There's always a scheister lawyer running around somewhere! Lol!
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Josef read the entire will and handed back to Brian.
"Brian. I want you to find the money. Wherever the trail leads you, follow it." Josef said. Angry because it wasn't just fraud. It was fraud against a vampire and that was something that couldn't be allowed.
"How would you like this handled sir?" Brian asked. Josef straightened his tie and smiled.
"Be creative" He said and walked out.

Mark and Gary were pleased with their work. Very soon they would be able to close down the firm, give everyone a good severance package and be on their way to the Cayman Islands.

Gabriel went to Brian's house and knew that this had something to do with Farmington's will.
"Hey Brian, what's up"? He said taking a seat.
"The two attorneys working with Farmington, have stolen a very large portion of his estate which was willed to our father. Vampire law states that this must be rectified. Josef has given me the green light to use all methods at my disposal to do such." Brian said. Gabriel nodded his head and he understood, but Gabe for the most part was a peaceful vampire and the grittier parts of their background always disturbed him. Maybe because being born a vampire was all he had ever known.
But the principal remained the same. No vampire could allow himself to be cheated.
"Okay Brian, what do you need from me?" Brian told him his plan and they were prepared to go.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

James Weiss looked over the papers twice before calling his supervisor to take things from there. Not only had Farmington's attorneys funneled funds into shell charities, they had failed to file and pay the appropriate taxes. He sighed and made the call. This thievery would be heard of all through the vampire community and they most likely will die a horrible death.

Mark and Gary did not appear to be shaken when they received a visit from William Fletcher from the FTC. In fact they looked to be expecting it.
"Please Mr. Fletcher have a seat. What is it we can do for you?" Mark said calmly.
"The IRS would like have an explanation on why certain taxes weren't paid"
"And which taxes would those be? I assure you that all is as it should be" Mark said taking a sip of coffee.
William Fletcher opened up his briefcase and laid the documentation in front of him.
"There are over 4 charities listed in the assets of Edward Farmington and I see no paperwork for the property taxes on these charities, nor payroll or withholding taxes for the employees of the charities. You can understand why the IRS is interested" William concluded. Mark leaned back in his chair. Everything the agent had said was correct, but that meant nothing to them. In a few hours they would be on their way out the country. He slowly reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a gun. William seeing the barrel of the gun immediately stood up and tried to run, but Mark shot him squarely in the back and watched the agent toppled to the floor.

Brian had waited for the call from James Weiss but heard nothing. Looked like he and Gabriel would have do this on their own. They pulled up to the high rise that housed the law firm and found it empty as in no one was there. They heard the elevator ding and turned to see who was approaching. It was a young-ish woman in her mid to late 20's.
"Can I help you?" She asked sitting her banker boxes down on the floor.
"We were looking for attorneys Mark Fitzgerald and Gary Brune" Gabriel said.
"I'm sorry, but the firm has closed. It was all very sudden. You should have been notified. I had been told that all client were notified by phone. I'm just here to pick up some personal items"
"What do you mean the firm closed?" Gabriel said in surprise. The young woman shrugged her shoulders.
"We all came into work and everyone had an envelope on their desk or in their office reading that the firm was closing. A generous severance check was included but no information on if we were relocating, merging with another firm. Nothing." She said picking up her empty banker boxes as Brian held the door opened for her. "And no one's been able to get ahold of the partners." She said walking to her desk.

"They're making a run for it" Brian said.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

To Be honest, Mick didn't care about money one way or the other. Or at least he wasn't ruled by it as Josef and Brian both were. He cursed Coraline under his breath. She had managed to ruin Edward Farmington's life with her selfishness. He had spoken to Beth and they planned to give the money all to charities. They both made more than enough money to cover any expenses and the money that Mick had been saving for the last 90+ years had more than doubled.

The woman walked gracefully into the probate court office and asked for the manager. Mr. Henderson came out and looked at the beautiful woman.
"May I help you?" he asked. She opened her handbag and pulled out her identification.
"Yes, I am Mrs. Edward Farmington" She said sliding the I.D. over to him. Mr. Henderson looked at the I.D. card and ascertained that is was legitimate.
"Would you please have a seat while I make a couple of phone calls?" He asked politely as he went into his office to make phone calls. And a lot of calls he would have to make. There were quite a few people who would be upset that Farmington's wife was back in the picture. He would have to call Mr. St. John as well, to let him know that he was not getting over a billion dollars after all.

Madeline Farmington walked back into the mansion she had shared with her husband. It really was a beautiful place. She was just walking into the conservatory when she spotted someone walking towards the library. She walked quickly.
"Excuse me. May I help you?" She asked. The tall older gentleman stopped suddenly and put his hand to his chest.
"Mrs. Farmington! Everyone was wondering what happened to you!" He said in surprise.
"I needed to get away for a while. For personal reasons" She said quietly.
"I take it you have heard about the Master?" He asked in a quiet voice.
"Yes. That's why I returned. What will happen to all of you now?"
"Well.....Mrs. Farmington, that depends on your wishes. Only myself and the groundskeeper have remained. We naturally assumed that depending on the will, this old place would be sold....and" He began to say. Madeline held up her hand.
"Nonsense! Nothing will be sold. Get all of the servants back at once. Things will go on as they had before." She said and started walking up the grand staircase.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mark and Gary were both eagerly waiting for probate to finalize everything so they could get busy spending! They had most of Farmington's money tucked away in charitable trusts that only they had access to, but they could not touch it until the probate office signed off on it. Mark looked around the beachfront Cabo San Lucas villa. It was perfect! Life was about to become a piece of cake for them.

Mr. Henderson made his first call to Mr. St. John to break the news.
"Mr. St. John.....this is Mr. Leonard Henderson from the County Probate Office. I have to speak with you about Edward Farmington's will.....I...I'm afraid there has been a surprising development...Mrs. Farmington has returned and well, I have to say that as the wife of Mr. Farmington, she will inherit the entire estate." He stuttered out. Mick was frozen. He didn't know what to say.
"Wait. You're saying Mrs. Farmington has returned? From where? Are you sure it was her?" Mick asked in shock.
"Well sir, I had never met her before today, but she did show identification and it was valid....do you think I should have reason to doubt this woman?" He asked nervously. Mick thought for a moment. There's no way Coraline could be back. She was destroyed. There was no coming back from something like that.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

James Weiss called Brian as soon as he found out. Brian didn't know what to make of this. Coraline was destroyed. Of that he was 100% sure. This had to be an imposter, but he would worry about that later. Now it was time to deal with the attorneys, Brian thought as he walked up to exquisite villa.

Mick was sitting in his favorite chair when Beth came back from D.C and snuck up behind him.
"And what are you thinking?" She said gently kissing his ear. Mick stood up and prepared himself for the amount of screaming that was going come out of Beth's mouth.
"Babe, we have a problem" He said slowly.
"What is it? Is it the kids?"
"Coraline is back" He said simply. Beth stared at him for a long moment before answering.
"How is that possible?" She replied.
"I don't know. The Probate Office called me and told me that she was back and the estate would be going to her"
"You know what? She can have it! We didn't ask for this crap! She can take her stupid estate and stay the hell away from us or I will make her regret ever coming back to Los Angeles!" Beth said in controlled anger. Mick knew that there was nothing he could say that would soothe her temper. He simply placed his strong arms around her and held on tight. The only thing he did know is that Coraline was not coming back into their lives.

Josef heard when Brian called him from San Cabo Lucas and he couldn't believe it! Coraline? Brian said he was going to check it out and call back when he had news. Josef promised himself that if Coraline was indeed back, he would rip every limb from her pretty little body!

Mick was thinking maybe he should go to Farmington estate and confront Coraline, but Beth would be beyond angry. After more thought he grabbed his keys and was headed to see his ex-wife hopefully for the last time.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick approached the estate with a mix of anger and apprehension. Things always seemed to come down to the worst decision he had ever made. But if he hadn't of married Coraline he never would have been alive to meet the woman of his dreams. And that he wouldn't trade for anything. Mick slowly got out of his car and walked up to the door. Farmington's butler answered the door.
"May I help you?" He asked in his clipped English accent.
"My name is Mick St. John..."
"Yes, Mr. St. John, please come in. Mrs. Farmington is expecting you" He said allowing Mick to enter.
Mick now knew that it was Coraline. She was back and there was going to be a lot of trouble. Coraline came walking down the stairs in a beautiful beaded sapphire blue dress.
"Hi Mick" She said in her lazy voice. Mick said nothing until she reached the bottom of the staircase. She placed her arm in his and led him to the drawing room. "Are you surprised?" She asked as she took a chair across from him. She ran a hand through her raven tresses. "Well Mick. Say something." She said staring at him.
"I want you to stay away from me and my family! For good. I'm done playing games with you!" Mick said in anger standing up.
"Mick you've got me all wrong....again I might add. I didn't come back to Los Angeles for you or your family. In fact if you hadn't come here, I most likely wouldn't have seen you again" She said dismissively.
"Fine. Then this conversation is over! But Coraline, hear me. You try anything and I mean anything. I will destroy you!" Mick said turning to leave. Before he reached the door he heard her reply.
"Yeah, because you've been so successful at destroying me before."

Mick shut the door and left the estate.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth was livid. She knew that Mick went to see Coraline. She paced their apartment seething in anger that Mick would do this without letting her know. Coraline always had a back-up plan and sometimes quite a few back-up plans were brought to light in the end. Brian had quietly walked into the apartment and shut the door. Beth turned around quickly and Brian knew she was pissed. He slowly walked across the room towards her.
"Mom.....Mom, look at me." He said but Beth was concentrating on her anger. Finally Brian gently grabbed her face forcing her to look at him. He let his thought sweep over her mind and slowly she began to let go of the anger that consumed her. "Mom, it's okay.It's okay." He said again and again. She fell into her son's arms and began to weep.
"Why Brian? Why does she keep coming for us? Hasn't she done enough? What does she want now?" She sobbed.
"Mom. It isn't Coraline." He said quietly. Beth looked up sharply.
"What do you mean? Mick said it was Coraline!"
"Mom. Coraline is destroyed. I know she is. I've been checking into things and I found out through an Ancient named Thaddeus, that Coraline had a sister. A twin sister. A twin sister she turned when they were both 27 years old."
"So she's trying to take over Coraline's identity? Is there any way she can be stopped?"

Josef had spoken with both Brian and Isabelle. They all agreed that a sister of Coraline's would be just as detrimental as the original.

"Mrs. Farmington" Her butler called out in surprise. "President Kostan is on the line for you!" He said holding the phone out to her.
"Thank you." She said dismissing him and walking into the study to take the call in private. "Josef, Josef, Josef! Now this is a surprise! Do you wish me to call you Mr. President?" She said seductively.
"Camila. I must say I was in shock to see that as always you fit very nicely into your sister's very expensive shoes" He said with a smile.
"Yes Josef. Coraline always had excellent taste. In clothing, music and most definitely men."
"And do you have any of her particular men in mind?"
"Why must everything be about Mick St. John? Coraline just couldn't let that man go. She should have given up on him a long time ago and well, she would still be amongst us" She said in anger.
"Well Coraline loved deeply. Pity the poor fool that fell in love with her." Josef said.
"Why did you not fall into web Josef?" She joked.
"Because there's only one king in this jungle" Josef said. "We should catch up. How about dinner?"
"Josef Kostan. I had heard from my sister that you are a married man?" She said laughing lightly.
"And I'm sure your sister also told you that I married a Nosferatu" Camila thought for a short while.
She had always been mad for Josef Kostan. Let her sister cry and brood over Mick St. John. Josef was the man who had her heart. She begged her sister to turn her. She wanted to become a vampire for one reason and one reason only. To be with Josef Kostan, although he had many many names over the years, he was still what she most wanted. With Coraline out of the way she could now live out her existence free from Coraline's shadow and destruction.
"When can I see you Mr. President?" She said in a low voice.
"I will send a chopper for you" Josef said and hung up.
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Re: What Now? Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Camila put on her most dazzling frock and was escorted by Secret Service men into the helicopter. With Josef now President of the United States and her sister out of the way forever, it was time for her to assert herself in a grand way. The Cleaner however did give one pause. Their power was very formidable, but surely Josef would be able to speak sense to the woman and let her know that any retaliation would result in dire circumstances. She sat back in her seat high anticipating her personal tour of the White House.

Josef awaited Camila in The Gold Room and when he heard to chopper approaching he stood to greet her at the door.

"Well, Mr. President, I am very much impressed" She said with a slight smile on her face walking towards him.
"Camila, you look stunning" Josef said taking her arm and leading her inside. Camila, of course was used to wealth on an extraordinary scale. Her own parents had quite a few villas where they shuffled to and from, but she was not quite prepared for the majesty of this great house.
"132 rooms total" Josef said answering the question she had not asked.
"Aren't you cleaver. Is that a trick you just learned?" she asked teasingly.

Josef showed her most of rooms he could then they sat to have drinks.
"So Camila, let's get right to it. Why are you posing as your sister? You know you've you've caused quite a stir." Josef said seriously.
"Well I certainly had no idea the mess Coraline left behind. In cahoots with Lucifer? I never thought she would taken things that far. I truly come in peace." She said.
"What is it that you plan on doing? A lot of people are concerned about your motives"
"Josef I came here to have fun and Coraline had a lot of money so why not? There is nothing in France for me any longer. Lance now lives in Barcelona and does as he pleases and I am forgotten. Coraline was always the favorite. Everything was always about her. Her wishes. Her desires. Her deception. Her betrayal. Oh how he used to go on about the things she had done." She started to ramble. "Lance was devastated when she turned the St. John fellow without permission. And then to give him the compound on top of everything! Poor sister. I'm sorry Josef but she really had it coming don't you think?"
Josef said nothing but just stared out the window.
"You loved her didn't you?" Camila asked.
"Coraline? No. She was fun for a while but no. My relationship with Coraline was nothing more than cordial. Of course she became a real pain in the ass later! Your sister tried to frame me for murder! That alone was reason to take her head!"
Camila smiled.
"You have my apologies Josef, but surely we can have peace you and I?"
"Come Camila. Let's make up" Josef said with a seductive smile. Camila smiled brightly and stood up to embrace Josef. Josef quickly shoved the pure silver dagger into her heart. "You know Coraline you really had everyone fooled including Dragos and that's no small feat. Having your sister pretend to be you all this time. It was brilliant really when you think of it. Mick wouldn't be able to tell. He was way too close to the situation. And you never told him about Camila." Josef said angrily twisting the dagger into her heart. And before his own eyes Coraline Duvall was finally dead.

"I just don't get it man. I could have sworn that whole time I was speaking with with Coraline!" Mick said in frustration.
"That woman orchestrated the master of all master plans. She switches places with her sister who comes here marries Farmington and frames me, and gets close to Lucifer. Her sister dies and Coraline gets to reappear as herself and destroy Beth which she would have tried to do just so she could have you!! That bitch was brilliant!"
"But even Brian didn't know!" Mick said.
"Well, Brian didn't have the history with them that I did. She was speaking to me about how spoiled Coraline was and how she always had it her way. Camila would have never said all that about Coraline" Josef said.
"What was the sister like?"
"Mick she would have done anything for her. All Coraline had to do was ask. She worshiped her. So even in the end Coraline didn't even know her own twin"
"So there are no more Duvall sisters?" Mick said shaking his head slowly.
"No Mick. It is finally finished" Josef said clinking his glass with Mick and swallowing the short of Bourbon.

Scott Slade knew that the woman who had turned him was dead. He felt it the moment it happened.
An intense anger raged through him! He had to make them all pay! It was clear to him now!

The End
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