My World Rated PG-13

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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My World Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

My World
By Ella713
Rated PG-13

Josef finally runs for President and finds both friends and foes.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The reporters all took their seats and sat quietly waiting for Josef Kostan to make his appearance. Beth had done wonders on managing the press. At first every reporter would shout out their questions each one trying to be heard and answered first. Beth instructed everyone that there would be no yelling out questions and whoever did so, would never be asked back. She came up with a full proof method. If there were 50 reporters they would all draw a number upon arriving and Josef answered their questions in numerical order. This made the whole process less hectic and everyone got to ask a question. Josef smiled as he peaked out and saw members of the press quietly chatting amongst themselves. Isabelle stole up behind him look exquisite in dark navy blue. She gently rubbed Josef's shoulders.
"Your name will be on the lips of everyone in this country my darling." She whispered to him. Josef looked at his beautiful wife. She would always be his #1 fan.
"Why are we doing this again?" Josef asked with smile.
"The time has come my darling to live no longer in the dark" She said. But Josef wasn't sure if mankind would ever be ready to know the truth. Being around around for a very long time has shown Josef that man rarely if ever learned from their mistakes. And while it was easier than ever for vampires to cohabitate alongside humans, all they would ever be was food. Isabelle and Brian didn't much care one way or the other. Their bloodline abhorred lying and they used many evasive methods to deter a conversation when they felt they might have to lie. And also their warrior bloodline insured that they would survive whatever mankind decided to do.

Isabelle kissed him and held his hand tightly as they walked out on stage.

Some vampires however didn't agree with Counsel and thought that things were just fine the way they were. They felt it was easier to be at the top of the food chain when no one knew about your existence. When the idea was first proposed no one was more adamantly against it than Josef Kostan. Now here he was running for the most prestigious office in the country, In one hand he held Counsel and in the other hand Dragos and that meant Kostan was untouchable.

Mick was another vampire who had reservations about the whole telling the world about vampires. Humans were well known for one trait. And that was panic. Humans excelled at panic. And the United States had turned panic in a an extreme sport. His son Gabriel of course weighed in on all the legal ramifications of coming out. Vampires who worked but had to lie on their applications about age or schooling, risked losing their jobs and livelihoods. And then there was the whole classification thing. Do people who are dead have rights? Or protection? Would we be able to vote? The list went on and on. Gabriel and a team of lawyers went over every loop hole. Beth wasn't sure how she felt. She still had human parents that were alive. Would she be able to tell them what she was?
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Re: My World Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Reid Parish was one of those vampires who thought things should be left exactly as they were. Like many older vampires Reid never thought about his human life and definitely thought things were better as a creature of the night. He stood before a group of 50 vampires who all felt the same way. Mankind was food plain and simple. And the less they knew the better. In his 250 years he had witnessed mankinds utter determination to destroy each other and the world. Letting them know about the existence of vampires was like giving humans the stakes they needed to destroy every vampire in the world. He could not believe that Counsel was on board with this.
"As many of you know we have serious issue to discuss. Josef Kostan is running for President and with his presidency comes the disclosure of what we are." He began saying. "Now I can only speak for myself, but I certainly don't think mankind should have this knowledge. We are placing our own necks in the hangman's noose." There were was applause. One gentleman stood up.
"We need to bring this issue to Counsel. Surely this is something they haven't thought through." He yelled out.
"Counsel is the one that proposed it. Whenever there is money involved you can bet Counsel is not very far from it. And this, I believe is about money!" Reid answered back. This made a few vamps angry. For the most part vampires were regular hard working guys working blue collar jobs. The mega wealthy vampires were a small part of their numbers.
"But what can we do about it?" One asked.
"We turn this city into a blood bath! We start taking humans out in large numbers. With that much violence going on, there is no way in Hell they will disclose that information." Reid said with his red eyes shining.
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Re: My World Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Josef sat with his longtime friend Claude Brewster and The Beverly Hills Hotel for a drink.
"Have you thought about my proposition?" Josef asked. Claude studied his drink for a while.
"I have.....we have known each other for a long time Josef, so I have to ask, why me?" He answered with a chuckle.
"Trust. I could never trust a human to be my running mate, you were the obvious choice. The only choice."
"And ensures vampire dominance in the White House" Claude added.
"Among other things"
"But Josef, what is really going on here? All sorts of stories are going on in the community. They are saying this is a bid for economic gain."
"Neither you or myself need anything. We are both billionaires beyond measure. Acquiring more is not the point. Humans need to be watched. As in all the time. And they are never more dangerous than in politics. We are on the verge of all out nuclear war with a couple of countries. And when that happens everyone is dead. Man and vampire alike. We need to keep the world moving forward. And to do that, we have to be inside the office." Josef explained. Claude nodded his head in agreement remembering how all of his assets has been seized during WW2. Mankind was capable of unspeakable things.
"But surely there are some younger vampires who are up to the task"
"Claude, I need you to be at my side during this. People question my age as it is. You bring stability. And people trust you."
Claude thought about all that Josef said. It was a very big endeavour to take on......but if it must be done to ensure their survival then so be it.
"Alright Josef. I will be your running mate." Claude said.

Brian had to work very hard to keep his temper under control. A client made him so angry one time that he caused an earthquake. An earthquake! Brian knew what Reid was planning. And that made him very angry. Once Counsel had made a decision it was concrete. That was the end of all discussions. So the fact that Reid was planning to go against Counsel made Brian see red! He would have to speak with Josef soon. And his father.
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Re: My World Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Helmut sat in Counsel chambers in Vienna listening to the members make preparations. Helmut did not like where this was going. Full disclosure came with a lot of ramifications. He tried to make himself heard on this point but it was decided. He really expected Brian to assert his leadership, but his loyalty would forever remain to Josef Kostan. Helmut was an old vampire. He could recall the days when vampires were hunted. Always on the run. Always trying to stay one step ahead. Those days were about to return.
He watched his wife in the garden and hoped something would be done before its too late.

Brian sat with Josef, Mick and Isabelle and told them what Reid was planning.
"He is trying recruit large numbers for his assault, we must stop this from happening" Brian said in clipped tones. Mick sighed and thought that a lot of people were going to die unnecessarily. Isabelle stood with Brian and started to plan for an attack. Josef was eerily quiet.
"Josef, what are you thinking?" Mick asked.
"I'm thinking that things are going to plan."
"You planned this?" Mick asked in surprise.
"Mick you have to understand what we are trying to do. There can't be resistance amongst ourselves. I'm sure Reid was planning his assault the moment disclosure was hinted at. We're the minority here. If we can't have peace and agreement within our own circle, then we're doomed already. Taking him out now will save us a lot of turmoil later." Josef said. "The decision is yours Dragos" He said to Brian. Mick knew he was serious because Josef had never called him by his vampire name before. Josef was in effect, giving Brian permission to unleash the very bowels of Hell upon them.

Reid now had close to 100 vampires who were willing to lay waste to California. Vampires were at the top of the food chain and it was here he planned on staying. Disclosure would level the playing field and ultimately lead to their destruction. He led his army to the streets of Benedict Canyon where there would be lots of bloodshed.

Brian looked up sharply and grabbed Isabelle's hand.
"It has begun" He said as they took off. Within seconds they were at the location and watching the brood approach. Reid stopped momentarily.
"Why are you here cleaner? Sadly your services will not be needed" He yelled out.
"You will stop or be destroyed" Isabelle said forcefully. Reid laughed at the very idea that they should stop.
"You can't stop us all cleaner. You're good, but not that good" He laughed. Isabelle could see that Brian was angered and she prepared herself. Soon the ground began to shake. Humans stood shocked for a moment but when the rumbling continued they ran for cover. Reid looked around trying to think what they should do, but his thoughts came too late. With one thundering quake the ground split open and the 100 vampire fell into the large crater. Fire shot from the hole and Reid and his followers were consumed and turned to ash. It was almost biblical.

Claude and Josef sat in the Grand Ballroom of the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills. Hundreds of people stood anxiously as they waited for the results. And by 11pm Josef Kostan was named President of the United States. Mick was stunned. He never really thought that Josef would win.
"Kind of makes you think of Bible prophecy huh?" Zoe said. Mick looked over at his daughter in law and nodded.
"Yeah it does Zoe." Mick said softly.
"But is Josef the false prophet or the antichrist?" She joked.

Mick watched his best friend charm everyone in the room and he had no idea how to answer Zoe's question.

The End
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Re: My World Rated PG-13

Post by reinbeau »

Oh My! Things have really moved along now! :eek2:
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: My World Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

reinbeau wrote:Oh My! Things have really moved along now! :eek2:
President Kostan has a nice ring to it! :yahoo:
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