Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Opportunity Knocks
Rated PG13
By Ella713

"Mick hires an assistant who turns out to be nothing but trouble! :slaphead:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick was overwhelmed. Since Josef became Governor of California, Mick had taken on the investigations of everyone he came in contact with. The ever growing list was enormous! For the first time he actually thought about hiring someone to help him. He could have asked Beth, but her work as Josef's Press Secretary took a lot of time as well. When she wasn't on the road with Josef she was at his apartment or the Governor's mansion. He was about to call Zoe. Maybe she had some time while the girls were at school, when his phone rang.
"St. John" He replied, then closed his eyes when he heard Josef.
"Mick, how are thing?" He asked casually.
"How are things? Seriously? Josef, I'm up to my neck in background checks and have a dozen more to go when I finish with the ones I have" Mick said sounding frustrated.
"Whoa. Hold on a second. Why didn't you tell me you were getting overworked? Listen Mick, I'm going to send someone over to help you, okay?" Josef said.
"Who?" Mick rolled his eyes, knowing that Josef hand a penchant for air head types that looked perfect, but did little else.
"Kimberly Swift. She's a part-timer at Kostan Industries. I don't think Brian has enough going on to keep her busy full time so I know she'd appreciate the extra work. She's a great organizer and types like a demon" Josef said. Mick thought about it. He did need someone who could just jump right in and didn't require a ton of training. Alright he thought. He'd give a try.

Isabelle rang Kimberly and told her to come to her office. Kimberly walked through the door and took a seat across from Isabelle.
"Kimberly. I know you are only part time but we would like to offer you position that could generate more money for you." Isabelle said. Kimberly sat up rod straight.
"Am I being terminated?" She asked breathlessly.
"No. No, you're not. We know that we are not able to offer you a full time hours, but thought you would be interested in an additional part time position. My husband requires lots of security at all times, so we contract out a Private Investigator to do background checks and security clearances. You would be working for this contractor. His name is Mick St. John. And he really would like to hire someone on a part time basis to help. Are you interested?"
Kimberly thought for a few minutes. Why not? It didn't sound like anything too stressful and it wouldn't interfere with her work at Kostan.
"May I ask how much is being offered?" Isabelle very casually wrote the sum on a slip of paper and moved in front of her. Kimberly saw the figured and could have jumped up and down in glee! She smiled and nodded her head.
"That pleases me. You will meet Mick St. John at his office at this address at this time" isabelle said writing all the information down.
"Thank you Mrs. Kostan for giving me this opportunity" Kimberly said as she left Isabelle's office.
With this extra income, she could start paying more on her student loans, and even look for a studio apartment instead of sharing with the three gross women she lived with now. They brought men over constantly, partying into the wee hours of the morning, never caring that she had to be up at the crack of dawn. Well, that was soon to be over. She would start looking for something right now.

Mick answered the door and saw the very pretty brunette walk into his apartment with her hand out stretched. She was wearing a very form fitting navy blue suit that clung very nicely to her body. And her dark brown hair was a nice length filled with flowing curls. He almond eyes were a very intriguing bluish green that seemed to change color often.
"Hello Mr. St. John. I'm Kimberly Swift. It's a pleasure to meet you" She said in a firm voice that was slightly husky.
"Hello, Miss Swift. Please have a seat." He said motioning to the chair in front of her.

Kimberly could not believe how gorgeous this man was! She noticed he was married so that meant hands off definitely, but wow! Her roommates would be literally green with envy.
"So how long have you been working at Kostan Industries?" Mick asked.
"I've been with Kostan for a little over 8 months working in their internal affairs department" She answered.

"Internal affairs? That's great. So you know the importance of confidentiality and discretion?"
"Indeed I do"
"I've been looking at your resume and I'm impressed with your skill set and since you come so highly recommended by Isabelle, I'm looking forward to working with you" Mick said standing up and offering his hand to her.
"Thank you Mr. St. John. I will do my best" She said with a wide smile taking her leave. Mick walked her to the door and shook his head. Figures, Josef would send someone who looked like a Victoria Secret model! How did Isabelle deal with it he thought. By looking better than them all he laughed to himself.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Beth was just coming out of the elevator when she saw the woman coming from her apartment.
"Mick!" She called out walking through the door.
"Hey babe. How's work?" He asked after giving her a kiss.
"Busy. Who was that leaving the apartment?" She asked suddenly very curious. She knew that Mick would always be a faithful husband, but they had been spending a lot of time apart, due to her working for Josef.
"That's Kimberly Swift. She'll be working as my assistant. Isabelle recommended her. She's going to help me plow through this mess that "your boss" dumped on me" He said with a chuckle. Beth smiled. She had only just come to realize how demanding Josef could be. He did not suffer fools gladly as the expression states.
"She's very pretty" Beth said sitting her things down. Mick immediately wrapped his long arms around her and hugged her tight.
"Yeah, she's pretty. But you're beautiful!" He said sincerely.

Kimberly came home from work and saw that the kitchen was a total wreck again! Most times she would be so upset by this she would equally divide up the dirty dishes and place them in both of her roommate's rooms. But today she quietly took to the task of cleaning everything up and when she was done she powered up her laptop and started searching Craigslist for studio apartments.

Mick took the time to go through his files to see what he thought Kimberly could handle best. Some of the more......questionable items he kept for his eyes only. She very promptly arrived at 7am on the dot. A quality that all Kostan employees acquired sooner or later. He opened up the door inviting her in.
"I've set up a work space for you here. You have your own laptop?" He asked
"Yes sir" She answered.
"Please, call me Mick. Would you like coffee or anything before we start?" Mick asked.
"Yes, but please let me do that. If you'll just point me in the right direction." She replied. Mick showed her where everything was kept and waited for her return. She promptly came back holding two cups of coffee and sat one in front of him. He nodded and motioned for her to have a seat.

Kimberly was a very quick learner. She handled every task efficiently and without reproach. Mick could see why she came so highly recommended. In the five hours that she was there she had managed to get through a large portion of the work.

Kimberly took a short break and wandered around the first floor of the grand apartment. She looked at the family photos on the mantle. A young man who was apparently Mick's son along with wife. Beth St. John! Kimberly remembered her from Action News. She continued to gaze at the photographs when she heard Mick approaching.
"I hope you don't mind. I was just looking at your photos? You have a beautiful family" She said.
"Thank you. Do you have family here in Los Angeles?" Mick asked.
"Yes. Believe it or not, I'm born and bred here as are the parents" She laughed.
"That is a rarity. It seems everyone is a transplant. " Mick chuckled.
"When I was in college, I always thought the first thing I would do after graduation is live somewhere else. Like the east coast or down south. But what it comes down to is that I love L.A." Kimberly said wistfully. Mick knew how she felt because he felt the same way.
"Well Kimberly, that's it for today. Tomorrow we will go over the more stricter background checks. Those that need government clearance" Mick said standing up.
"Great." Kimberly said as she headed for the door. She stopped and turned around. "And again, thank you for this opportunity." She said and walked out the door before he could say you're welcome.

When Kimberly got to work at Kostan Industries her cubicle mate Brooke bombarded her with questions.
"Where have you been? We were all wondering what happened when you got called into Isabelle's office. Obviously you weren't let go" She asked.
"No, but I sure thought I would be. But Isabelle recommended for another position that I could work part time. Five hours in the morning and then finishing up at here." Kimberly explained.
"That's great Kimberly! Now you can get out of that hell hole you live in! Who are you working for?" Brooke asked picking up her orange juice to take a sip.
"A private investigator named Mick St. John" Kimberly replied. Brooke's eyes widened in surprise and she almost chocked on her juice.
"You're working for Mick St. John?!" She asked in complete surprise.
"Yeah. Why, you know him?"
"Know him? No. Wish to know him? Hell yes! He's best friends with Mr. Kostan. He would come here to visit and all the women would have stars in their eyes for the rest of the day! Calling Mick St, John sexy doesn't seem like enough, you know." Brooke gushed. Kimberly was surprised. She had no idea who her boss was or that he was this well loved. "So what's he like? Tell me everything!" Brooke asked leaning forward.
"There's nothing to tell really. He's unbelievably nice. His apartment is unreal!" Kimberly said.
"Wait! You were in his apartment?" Brooke asked.
"Mr. St. John's office is in his apartment, but you could hardly call it a mere apartment. The place is beyond huge."
"So you were in Mr. St. Dreamy's apartment for hours and you didn't make a move?"
"Brooke, he's married! To Beth St. John from Action News"
"So? Look, no marriage is without secrets and with a sexy man like him, I bet there's more than a few" Brooke said confidently but started to type away suddenly which meant that the boss was approaching.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Mick was filing away his work when he noticed that Kimberly had left her scarf on the chair. He picked up the scarf and her scent arose out of it. It was a fragrant woodsy type smell with notes of sandalwood. He quickly folded it and placed it in his desk drawer. He would give it to her tomorrow. He picked up his keys and prepared to leave to meet Gabriel and Brian for a quick drink.

Beth had a miserable day! The press was extremely rough today. Josef had laid out his complete budget plan and the few that had opposed it during the campaign were even more so vocal today. Beth had to field phone calls all day. She was looking forward to nothing but something to eat and a warm bath. She sighed as she put her key in the door. How long had it been since she and Mick had taken a nice long bath together? Ages! She walked in and laid her things down and went to search for Mick. Looks like he had left. She saw a note on his desk reading that he had gone to see the boys. She sighed again. Looked like she'd be spending the evening alone with her thoughts. She pulled open his desk drawer and retrieve a piece of paper so she could leave him a note, telling him to wake her up if she was asleep. Beth froze for a moment. She looked at the scarf. She knew it wasn't hers. She picked it up and looked at it. She put the fabric up to her nose. She knew that smell. It was Mick's new assistant. Why would her scarf be in Mick's desk drawer? Beth's mind immediately went to the obvious, but she quickly pushed that from her mind. In any case she went upstairs to their bedroom. The scent was still slightly in the air but became stronger when Beth walked towards their bed. She lowered her head and there is was. Right in the middle of the bed. Her scent! Beth's eyes narrowed in anger.

Kimberly was sitting in her living room watching the news when her roommates walked in obviously from shopping.
"Hey Kim. Whatcha doing?" One of them asked.
"Just catching up on the news." She said turning to look at them. She saw their facial expressions change dramatically and turned to the television to see what she had missed. On the screen was Josef Kostan and standing beside him was Mick St. John. Kimberly's roommates started to fan themselves.
"Those are my bosses" Kimberly said over her shoulder.
"You are lying!" The both screamed.
"No, I'm not." She said coolly with a secret smile on her face.
"Ok! You have to introduce us!" Shelly said sitting down next to her on the sofa.
"Why should I do that? You two never do anything for me" Kimberly said.
"What do want? I'll do anything" Shelly begged. Sandy sat down on the other side of Kimberly and placed her arm around her shoulders.
"Well........you tow have to keep the kitchen and bathroom clean. It's a pigsty in both! And if you can do that...I'll arrange for you to come and pick me up so you can meet them" She said finally.
"Deal!" The girls screamed and ran off to start cleaning. Kimberly stifled a giggle. She'd bet her life that Mick and Josef had know idea what kind of an uproar their good looks caused! She had to admit that she had the smallest crush on Mick. When she went to the restroom at his place, she snuck into his bedroom and laid on his bed imagining that she was his wife. It was silly schoolgirl stuff, but it brought a little smile to her face.

Mick walked into the apartment in pretty good spirits. It always put him in a great mood when he got to hang out with the boys. Beth was sitting on the sofa with her back to the door. And when she slowly stood up, Mick knew something was wrong and he was going to be blamed.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Mick closed his eyes as he laid his keys on the table.
"Babe, what's up?" He asked quietly. Beth slowly walked up to him the scarf in her hands.
"Can you explain this to me Mick?" She asked through clenched teeth. Mick rolled his eyes a bit and thought, is that all it is?
"Yeah, I actually can. Kimberly left it behind when she left for Kostan's and I tossed it in my drawer so it wouldn't get misplaced and planned to give it to her tomorrow" He explained easily. But as he watched his wife's face he could see that it was the wrong answer. But it's the right answer Mick thought to himself.
"Really. Because the perfume she wears, it's all over this scarf." She was saying still holding onto the scarf between balled fingers.
"Okay" Mick replied.
"You where else it is?" She said raising her voice slightly. Mick shrugged his shoulders. "In our BED!" Beth screamed throwing the scarf at him. Mick's eyes widened in shock.
"What!? And you think me and Kimberly were in bed?" He asked still not believing his ears. He walked over to Beth and tried to touch her arm but she moved away from him. "Babe! Look at me!" He roared.
"I did nothing with that woman other then show her how to do her job! Nothing else! I didn't go upstairs with her any more than I went into the kitchen with her. For 5 hours! I would never ever do anything like that to you or our family! How could you think that?" He yelled at her. Beth saw the look of anguish on Mick's face and knew in her heart he was telling the truth.
"Mick, I'm so sorry! It was wrong of me to accuse you. But when I smelled her perfume in our bedroom, I started to think all sort of crazy things!" Beth said to him.
"Wait. You smelled her perfume in our bedroom?" Mick asked.
"Yeah. All over our bed" She said. Mick took the stairs two at a time and went into their bedroom.
He could smell it too. Why was Kimberly in their bedroom? He had a lot of questions for Miss Swift when she came in tomorrow.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Kimberly was at work a few minutes late due to heavy traffic and she hoped that Mick wouldn't be angry. She knocked on the door and when he answered it, he did look indeed angry.
"I'm sorry for my tardiness Mr. St. John, but traffic was at a standstill all the way here.." She began to explain.
"Kimberly I need to ask you something. Yesterday, were you in my bedroom?" Mick asked as he watched her expression closely. Kimberly's cheek flushed bright red and she held her head down.
"Mr. St. John. Please accept my apologies. I was only in there for a moment. I felt lightheaded and thought I was going to faint, I laid down for just a few seconds until the dizziness went away. I didn't mean to intrude" She explained. Mick brow softened. It was a totally plausible explanation and one that made sense.
"Kimberly listen, no worries. But if you're not feeling well let me know" He said softly.
"I feel fine now, it was most likely something I ate." She said walking over to her work area and getting right back into work. They barely spoke the whole time she was there and Kimberly thought it was for the best. Their relationship was strictly a working one. When she got up for her short break and went to the bathroom, she noticed that the bedroom door was closed and most likely locked. She sighed. At the end of her day she grabbed all of the letters that had to be mailed, thanked Mick for being understanding and left for Kostan Industries.

Beth would be in Sacramento for a few days and Mick had no desire whatsoever to be alone in the apartment so he drove to the Police Station to talk to Carl.
"Hey Mick, what's up?" Carl asked.
"A whole lot of nothing I'm afraid. Beth's in Sacramento with Josef and I'm hoping you have something, anything you need help with" Mick said with smile.
"Sorry man. It was actually a quiet day in the city for once."
"Of course it was" Mick said closing his eyes.
"Well, I'm heading out. You wanna grab a beer or something?" Carl asked.
"Thank you" Mick laughed.
As they were sitting at a table at a somewhat trendy bar Mick informed him on what was going on.
"Wait, so you hired some smoking hot woman to be your assistant and Beth hasn't beat you over the head yet?" He laughed.
"Look, she's great at her job, I mean she'd have to be to be employed at Kostans but....."
"But what? Mick give yourself a break man. You haven't done anything with this girl right?"
"Of course not. I'd never do something like that to Beth"
"Well, don't beat yourself up. This is L.A. the city of beautiful people, you'd have to be dead...I mean really dead and not undead, not to notice. So don't feel guilty. I seem to remember a certain group of ladies who landed in jail after making eyes at a certain male stripper" He reminded Mick.
"Yeah. You're right." Mick said finishing his beer and asking the waitress for another round.
"Mr. St John!" He heard someone call out over the music. He turned and saw Kimberly herself walking towards him. She was wearing figure hugging little black dress and was followed by two other women who were very attractive. "This is weird" She said looking at him in surprise. "What are the chances?"
Mick and Carl stood up.
"Kimberly. This IS weird. What are doing here?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing. My roommates and I decided to come out for the night. But don't worry. I'll be at work on time!" She said with a smile. "I'm sorry. These are my roommates Shelly Cruz and Sandra Bahn. Ladies this is my boss Mr. Mick St. John." she said. Mick shook both of their hands and introduced Carl to them as well.
"Ah, would you care to join us?" Mick asked and then regretted doing so. Kimberly looked at her roommates who were doing everything to get her to say yes.
"Sure. Thank you Mick. Carl." She said and they all took a seat the table. Carl glanced over at Mick with a look that read "No man, don't even go there".

It was a good night. The conversation was upbeat and lively. Mick found Kimberly to be very intelligent and quite funny. Carl kept everyone in stitches telling them about the people who came into the police station. Shelly and Sandy flirted with both Mick and Carl outrageously. Kimberly's eyes said she was sorry. At 10pm Mick thought it was time to go. He paid the tab for the night and stood up.
"Shelly, Sandra. It was a pleasure to meet you" He said with a smile. Carl saw that the two women were a little tipsy.
"You two aren't driving are you?" Carl said seriously. They giggled and Kimberly took the keys from Sandra's hand.
"No they won't Carl. I will be driving us all back" Kimberly said with a smile. "See you tomorrow Mick. Nice to meet you Carl." She said and took the arm of each girl walked out the door. Mick watched her in admiration liking how she didn't touch a drop of alcohol when she saw her friends were going to tie one on.
"Nice young woman. Seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders" Carl said
"Yeah" Mick said still watching them walk past the window.
"Mick, I'm going to give you some advice. Fire her. Fire her soon man. This is a temptation you do not want in your home" he said placing his hand on Mick's back. Mick nodded. Maybe Carl was right about this.

Beth came home in the middle of the night hoping to surprise Mick. But Mick wasn't home. She put her things away and walked into the bathroom to put her hair up. Something shiny was one the floor by the toilet. She picked it up. A condom! What the hell was an unused condom doing in their bathroom? And where the hell was Mick?!!!
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Beth tried to calm herself down but the more she tried, the angrier she became. She pulled out her mobile phone and called Mick. It rang seven times before he picked up, his voice groggy with sleep.
"Hello" He mumbled into the phone.
"Mick. We need to talk!" Beth said through clenched teeth.
"Babe, where are you?" Mick asked as he sat up from his position.
"I came home early" She said.
"That's great. What time is it.....you know, never mind, I'm coming home now" He said with a smile.
"Where are you coming home from Mick?" She asked.
"I hung out with Carl because I didn't want to stay home all alone, missing you. Carl and I went out for a few drinks and we stayed up late playing cards. I'm leaving from his place right now." He said while looking for his other shoe.
"I'll be waiting" Beth said and hung up the phone. Mick was happy that Beth was back home, but he got had a nagging feeling that she wasn't happy abut something, but he had no idea what it could possibly be. When did his marriage become so difficult? He and Beth had always had a very amicable relationship. Each always respecting the other. Something was really wrong. He left Carl and Angela a note and drove home. He hurried into the garage and up the stairs. When he walked into the apartment, Beth was standing. A suitcase in front of her with tears in her eyes. He slowly walked towards her.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked
"Mick....I don't know what to say. I had it all planned out a few moments ago. Maybe this is what happens to vampire couples. Maybe the lure that makes us so attractive and irresistible humans is the problem. Maybe you're just tired of me and the whole family life. Who knows? But Mick, you should have at least talked to me...." She said through tears. Mick stood in front of her not understanding anything she was saying.
"Beth...Beth, what are you talking about? What makes you think I'm tired of our family? What brought this on?" Mick was starting to panic. Something was truly wrong and he was going to get to the bottom of it. Beth opened the palm of her hand so Mick could see. His eyes opened wide in surprise.
"Babe, that's not mine" He said. Beth rolled her eyes,
"Mick, it was laying on the floor in our bathroom!" She yelled.
"Beth...look at me. I would never ever do anything like this to you. Not in a million years! This doesn't make any sense. Look either someone dropped it or someone left it there for you to find. But the someone wasn't me!" He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You know what I've been through just to be with you. Why would I throw it away? Babe, you're the only woman in my life" Mick said firmly looking into her eyes. Beth collapsed against him.
"Mick what's going on?!!" She cried into his chest. Mick rubbed her back slowly.
"I don't know Beth. But I'm going to find out"

Mick gave Kimberly the day off. He told her he had a lot of errands to run and they would take him the whole of the day. He drove quickly to Kostan Industries to speak with Isabelle.

"Hello Mick. Is everything alright?" Isabelle asked.
"Isabelle you gotta take Kimberly back" He said. Isabelle looked at him in mild surprise.
"She is not doing her job properly?" She asked.
"No. That's not it. Isabelle.......having her around is causing some major problems. I don't know what it is, because none of it seems to be her fault. But I can't handle it anymore."
"Mick, tell me what has happened" Isabelle said as her eyes narrowed. Mick told her everything that had happened and after he got it all out, he realized how silly it all sounded.
"This is all very interesting. And not silly at all" Isabelle said pulling that thought from his mind. "I really had no idea. But I should have" She said standing up frowning.
"You know something Isabelle?" Mick asked. Isabelle faced Mick and waved her hand in the air.
"It may be nothing, but......." She said and very quickly walked out of her office. Mick watched her leave and shook his head. What the hell was that all about?
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Since Kimberly had the day off, she took advantage of it. Her roommates were off on a weeklong trip which meant she had the apartment all to herself. She pulled out her journal and began to write of her disappointment with her roommates and her desire to live on her own. Everything that had been going on in her life. She began to thumb through her entries. Re reading some of the things that had made her smile. She loved this ritual of writing things down. She had to admit, that when she wrote in her journal, not only did it give her clarity, for some reason she usually got what she desired. So she had come to think of her journal as her lucky charm.

Isabelle drove quickly to Emma's little cottage and knocked on the door.
"Come in wife of Josef" she said warmly "How you doing?"
"I have come to you with a most serious question" Isabelle said sitting in the chair that was offered.
"But you already know the answer" Emma said softly.
"Would I be here if I did?" Isabelle asked in amazement.
"You know it but you don't wanna accept it. You think all things like that be fanciful and childish, like fairytales. But the other realm got many such things. They be rare enough, but all the same real" Emma said. "This girl you come about. She don't know what she doing. All she know is what she want. And that want can make itself known in many ways. Often time in foolish ways."
"Is this born or mastered?" Isabelle inquired.
"Most with this gift be born with it. Most don't even know why or how, but things keep happening to them. People will say they be lucky and such. I ain't been told of anybody mastering it. I'm guessing it can't be taught. It just is" Emma said.
"But what can be done to..." Isabelle started to say.
"You gotta direct it elsewhere. Find out something else she wants and give it to her."
"I have knowledge of her wants" Isabelle said but was thinking of something else that might prove to be useful to her and Josef.
"And you can stop that foolishness right now Isabelle!!" Emma snapped. "Trying to use what ain't yours for your own selfish ways leads to misfortune and not just for you!"
Emma was right. For everyone involved the best thing to do is to deter Kimberly Swift away from Mick St. John and onto some other goal.

Isabelle of course had heard of such people with abilities like this, but had never come in contact with one. She felt like she would have sensed it. Somehow felt it come upon her. But what a rare treasure it was.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle carefully told Josef what they were dealing with and what Emma said they must do, but already she could see the wheels churning in Josef's eyes.
"So she's some kind of Changeling? Will wonders ever cease?" Josef said with a grin.
"My darling, this is a very precarious situation. One that requires care. It is unwise to venture into a place we know nothing about" Isabelle warned. Josef just shrugged his shoulders.
"One can always learn" Josef said.

Kimberly went to work at Kostan Industries later in the day and saw a large bouquet on her desk.
"What's this?" Kimberly asked her coworker Brooke.
"It's flowers duh?" Brooke laughed.
"I know that. Who are they from?" Kimberly asked but saw there was an envelope so she read the contents.
"Congratulations! You are now a Full-Time employee of Kostan Industries! Oh my gosh!!!! I got full-time!" She screamed. Brooke stood up and gave her a hug and everyone began to applaud. Next to the flowers was an offer letter which read that her starting salary would be $75k per year! She could now get her own place! Bailey Sandock said there were studios in her building and Kimberly really liked what she saw! Again, she was amazed that things were working in her favor. I guess there would be no more working for Mick St. John. But oh well, he was married, and she really respected him.

Josef couldn't really participate in Kostan Industries business as he was Governor of California, but he insisted that Brian keep him abreast of the Kimberly situation. So far so good. As long as you could convince her that the things you wanted were also the things she wanted, things went very well indeed.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by reinbeau »

Mick got out of that one by the skin of his teeth, and didn't even know how he got in trouble. :eek2:

Sounds like she is a good asset when used wisely. :curtsey:
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Re: Opportunity Knocks Rated PG-13

Post by Ella713 »

reinbeau wrote:Mick got out of that one by the skin of his teeth, and didn't even know how he got in trouble. :eek2:

Sounds like she is a good asset when used wisely. :curtsey:
I would like to do another story on Kimberly because I think the "Changeling" theme has some potential for something really cool in the Moonlight Universe! I'll keep you posted. Thanks for reading my stories!
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