Hail to the Chief.

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Hail to the Chief
Rated PG
By Ella713

Josef decides to run for Governor again and this time it's no joke! :gasp:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Isabelle checked her reflection once more before deciding she was ready. Josef was waiting for her in the next room. His smile told her that she looked beautiful.
"Are you ready Sweetheart?" He whispered softly to her. Isabelle looked at Josef with eyes that shone with pure love.
"By your side, I will always be my darling" She said as they walked hand in hand to stand on the courthouse stairs. Reporters ran forth and had to held back by the police and security guards.
"Mr Kostan!!" One reporter yelled out to him. "What do you think of your chances this run?"
"I think my chances are very good. My platform will remain the same. The focus will be on creating more jobs and job growth." Josef said confidently.
"What do you think went wrong on your first run?" Another reporter yelled out.
"I don't think anything went wrong. At the time the people of California felt Edward Mulaney was the best candidate and I accepted their decision. But as some time has passed, I felt it was my duty to put forth my ideas on what can be done to help California out of deficit we're in right now. There's always a better way to do things. The system that has been in place since Edward Mulaney's death isn't working. Something has to be done." Josef said.
"Mr. Kostan! How do you think Governor Blevins has failed California?" A reporter asked.
"I never said that the Governor failed California. But I do think that continuing to implement a system that has been shown to be ineffective for the needs of all Californians, has to be dealt with sooner rather than later" Josef said.
Mrs. Kostan!!! What will be your role in the Governor's mansion?" Another reporter yelled out to her.
"My role as always is to be a loving wife to my husband. Is something else expected other than that?" Isabelle asked. Josef and Isabelle has discussed how they would handle questions like these. They knew that the Some would admire the fact that her position at Kostan Industries hailed her as the "new modern working woman" but others would see her as the hard as nails working woman who neglected her duties in the home.
"Mrs. Kostan! Are you saying that you will no longer be working so you can stay in the home?" Josef saw that Isabelle was becoming bored with this line of questioning and thought he should intervene but Isabelle had everything in hand.
"I feel that my talents are better suited to be working. As Josef and I cannot have children, I think I would become lachrymose without something worthwhile to do. I'm sure you all understand." Isabelle said. In one single swoop, Isabelle had managed to quiet those who saw her as just female executive and focus on the one thing that all women could relate to. Her statement made you admire her and feel sorry for the pain she felt about not being able to have children. And by directing her answer to women, no man had the heart to ask her anything but easy questions. It was perfect. And Josef knew he could always count on Isabelle to be, well....perfect.

William Blevins watched the press conference from his office. Josef Kostan running for Governor made things a little complicated. There had never been one Governor on record as having any issues with Josef Kostan. And William found that odd. A company the size of Kostan Industries had to step on someone's toes as some point. That was just the nature of doing business. But he saw nothing in any of the files regulating large corporations that led him to believe that Kostan had something to hide.
He thought for a moment.......maybe the answer didn't lie with Josef Kostan after all. Perhaps it was his eerily beautiful goddess of a wife. What did anyone know of her, or her background? Everyone just took it for granted that she was who claimed she was. William picked up his phone.
"Hello Jack! How are you?" He said into the phone. Jack Prentis was the king of vetting. Anyone even considering running for any type of office would more than likely find their name coming across his desk.
"I'm doing well William. What can I do for you?" He asked getting straight to the point.
"Josef Kostan. I know he was vetted the last time he ran for office but now that he's married, well...I wondered what was being considered regarding his wife?"
"Look William, I think I know what you're getting at. But as far as vetting a spouse, it's never been done because she's not the one running for office. So unless you have something specific on her, it can't be done through legitimate channels"
"So you're saying it can't be done?" William implored.
"I'm saying why should it be done? If you're looking for someone to dig up some dirt, you're going to have to go to the mud pit to find them."
"Any particular mud pit?" William asked.
"Well, if it were me, I'd say to head to West Hollywood. Jumbo's is a safe bet. It's dirty, sleazy. Ask for a guy named Nick Z. A few people have used his services and been very successful" William breathed in a sigh of relief.
"Always a pleasure Jack" He said hanging up the phone.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Josef and Isabelle were having a drink with Mick and Beth at Cicada's downtown.
"Josef I gotta say, things look good for you this time around. But I have to ask this again. Are you sure you want to do this?" Mick asked for the upteenth time. Josef smiled.
"And yes. For the upteenth time. The first time was to gage the lay of the land, who would be against me and who would be for me. Now that I know, there's no reason not to run. The candidates are a joke. I honestly think California deserves something better." He said taking a sip of his drink.
"Well, you certainly have the family's vote" Beth said clinking glasses with Isabelle.

Thomas was enjoying this assignment he thought as he snapped pictures of the beautiful woman sitting with Josef Kostan. And sitting across from her was another beautiful woman! Being rich came with all the perks he sighed. Josef and Isabelle both knew that the guy was taking photos, they just didn't know who he was working for, but they would deal with him later.

Amanda Sinclair was livid when she got out of the taxi. He boss had asked her to do some pretty risky things in the past but this took the cake. Jumbo's Clown Room was as seedy as you could get. It was loud, they had stiff drinks, and exotic dancers. Amanda pulled her jacket tightly around her and walked up to the bar. The bartender a bleached blonde tattooed goddess towered over her.
"What's your poison?" She asked looking Amanda up and down.
"I've come to see your manager" Amanda said directly.
"Which one? The place has two. One is teddy bear and the other is a S.O.B." She said pouring herself a small shot of whiskey.
"I was told he had a bad combover" Amanda replied. The bartender took another glass down and poured a shot for Amanda.
"That sucks! He's the S.O.B." Said the bartender holding up her glass to Amanda.
"Great!" Amanda said clinking the bartender's glass and wolfing down the shot. She was going to need it.

Amanda knocked firmly on the door.
"What do you want!" Was the loud reply.
"My name is Amanda. We spoke on the phone earlier" She said loudly. The door opened suddenly and an angry face peered out. He looked at Amanda's generous curves and started to smile.
"Well, why didn't you say so." He said smoothing his hair over the side of bald shiny head. He motioned for her to have seat. Amanda looked down at the filthy vinyl of the chair and opted to stand.
"As I said on this phone, I need someone who can be discreet and efficient. And I want this done as soon as possible." She said sternly trying to ignore the stench of the place.
"Well, I can get you someone discreet and efficient, but as soon as possible is going to cost you a bit more." he said with a grin. Amanda sighed and took out the envelope.
"This is $20,000 fast. Make it happen and you might get a bonus." she said laying a file folder on his desk. "I put a contact number where I can be reached." She said and turned around and walked quickly out the door and out of the depressing club. She was happy to breathe in the heavily polluted rush hour air. She hailed a taxi and fled for Beverly Hills.

William Blevins sat in his office listening to Thomas and looking at all the photos he captured.
"I followed this woman for two weeks straight and I gotta tell you, she's the real deal. No drugs, no gambling, no affair, no vices whatsoever. The woman barely drinks. She's at work at 6am. As in 6 in the morning! She goes from one meeting to the next, she boxes at Trejos Gym and be warned, you don't want to be on the other side of that punch. I talked to at least 15 different people and they all said the same thing. Wonderful woman. Quiet. very serious. Loves her husband and that's it."
William looked at each photo multiple times.
"That all there is to the story here. But there's more to the story in Vienna."
"What's in Vienna?" Thomas asked.
"That's where his wife's from" William said with a smile.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Little one, how have you been?" Isabelle said hugging Gabriel in her arms. Gabriel smiled brightly at Isabelle.
"You know Isabelle most people think me a grown man of 28 years?" he said with a smile as he took the chair across from her. "What's going on?" He asked.
"Governor Blevins. What do you know about him?" She asked.
"Let's see. He's a born and bread Californian. His mother was Antoinette Seans' from France. She married William Blevins I. I believe her parent were missionaries or something having to do with the church. His father dabbled in real estate, but really made his fortune in manufactured homes. Their son, was an average student. Strictly C+ if that. Mainly thought of as lazy in his studies, but very well liked. Went to UCLA, majored in political science when you could still major in that and make a living, graduated. Again nothing to brag about. He got married to Lillian Bruckner right after college. They were sweethearts all through college. She's pretty bad-ass. She got her undergraduate in Accounting from Brown and her Master's in Forensic Accounting. She plays the market. Really risky stuff too. She's got nerve. She lost quite a lot but she's gained more. She's the force behind his political career. He's expected to win another term." Gabriel said finally. Isabelle sat still thinking about what he had just told her.
"Have you ever met the Governor?" Isabelle asked. Gabriel nodded his head.
"Yeah he was at a Danvers luncheon when our CEO was offered the Mayoral Award last year."
"And what did you think?"
"He's not all that bright. I mean when he's speaking, he's not really speaking to you. He just randomly spouting sound bites. Like "That's what great about our state". Things like that. Never anything personal."
"I see. And have you met the wife?"
"Yeah. She was at the luncheon as well. She was very quiet. Just watching everyone. Studying the crowd. Every now and again she's walk up to her husband and whisper something in his ear and he's excuse himself and go talk to someone else. She's definitely coaching him."
"That helps me a good deal little one....I mean Gabriel" Isabelle smiled.
"Don't worry. Uncle Josef will knock this guy right out of the Governor's Mansion!" Gabriel said as he turned to leave kissing Isabelle on the cheek. Isabelle closed the door behind him and stepped out to the balcony.
"Yes. Josef will win" She said to herself.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Larry Conners was the epitome of the sleazy private detective stereotype. Dirty, bloodshot eyes from too many late nights either drinking of staking out perverts. And all for mere peanuts. But Nick had put him in line with some rich broad who wanted to fork over a lot of dough to look into some foreign chick. There was nothing about the job that turned Larry's stomach. He got to fly to Vienna, drink some decent booze for a change and ask a few questions. He needed to get out of Los Angeles for a while. Heck, maybe he'd just stay in Vienna and never come back, he thought as he packed his bag.

Amanda walked into her bosses office and quietly shut the door behind her.
"Everything's in place. She said sliding the information onto his desk. Larry Conners is on his way to Vienna and will contact me in 48 hours. He comes highly recommended. Former military on hard times. Willing to look into anything for the right amount of cash. Very good with his fists and also a very good shot when he needs to be." Amanda said sitting down. William flipped through the papers smiling.
"That is good to hear." William said opening his drawer and placing the papers inside. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Get some rest." He said. Amanda slowly stood up.
"Are you sure sir?" At his nod she turned for the door.
"Amanda? Keep yourself available in case some thing arises" He said finally. Amanda sighed and walked out.
So much for having some time off she thought to herself.

Josef and Isabelle were the toast of Los Angeles as they always were. Even more so now that Josef was running for office again. Bill Gates threw a $5,000 a plate dinner to raise money for his campaign. In addition to the tech world all who had a fantastic relationship with Josef, the finance world threw parties and auctions in support of Josef's run. But in the end, it was the pull Josef had in Hollywood that had everyone's attention. The cream of the crop like Oprah, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie all did what they could to raise money for Josef's campaign. Countless magazines and new shows followed Josef and Isabelle everywhere they went. Documented what they wore, who they spoke to, where they went and who with. For any other mortal the scrutiny would have been exhausting, but to the world of Josef Kostan, this is what life was and he enjoyed every single moment of it. Isabelle at his side, in one gorgeous creation after the next was utter perfection.

The photographer who was hired to follow them was not stealthy by any stretch and Isabelle thought that it was time to speak with him before he got himself hurt.

While dining with with Caroline Kennedy, Isabelle excused herself and snuck up quietly behind the photographer.
"May I help you?" She said closely to his ear. Thomas jumped up in surprise and dropped his camera. Isabelle very quickly reached down and caught it before it hit the ground and shattered. Thomas stared up at the beautiful woman who very easily towered over his 5'9" in height. "This is a very handsome camera" Isabelle said turning it around to inspect it.
"Thanks" He said nervously watching her carefully hoping she wouldn't break his camera. "Its a Canon EOS C500. Very expensive" He said.
"Yes, I can tell. The weight." She said tossing the camera up in the air and squarely catching it in the palm of her hand. "Look Mrs. Kostan....." He said looking her in the eye for the first time and noticed that her eyes were a very odd grey color. Almost silver.
"On come now. You have been following me around for weeks, surely you can call me Isabelle" She said with a smile. Thomas said nothing. He just stood in fear looking up at her. "Since we are on a first name basis Thomas, I would like to ask a favor of you." Isabelle said seductively staring straight into his eyes. "I would like you to instead of following Josef and I around, follow Governor Blevins and his wife everywhere. Do not let them see you, but do not lose track of them. Bring all of your photos to me. Will you do that for me Thomas?" She purred. Thomas loved the way his name sounded coming from her lips. Most people called him Tom or Tommy or Tommy boy. But Isabelle called him To-Mas.
"Sure, I'll do that for you Isabelle. Is that all you want me to do?" He asked.
"Yes. For now. I would like you to start right now" She whispered in his ear. Isabelle walked away and left the young man standing there.

Thomas shook his head suddenly. He felt a little lightheaded. He saw a water fountain near by and used it to splash his face. Most likely it was the heat. It was hot and humid tonight he thought. But he had to get going. He knew exactly where the Governor and his wife were.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Josef had hired the best that money could afford when it came to the people around him. He had to make sure that they were first and foremost honest and they had to be willing to work hard at whatever task was at hand. Lastly, they had to have passion for what they were doing. And when it came to passion one person and one person only came to Josef's mind, and that was Beth. She agreed to come on board as his Press Secretary and man was she good. She was excellent at controlling a crowd and keeping questions to the bare minimum. Reporters who tried to test her resolve found themselves barred completely from any and all future press conferences for a considerable amount of time. Since becoming a vampire Beth was a force to be reckoned with and Josef loved her for it! Beth came into his office with flushed cheeks.
"Bill O'Reilly wants a one on one Josef!" She said excitedly. She knew how Josef loathed the man and really wanted to see the two of them pair off. Josef took a sip of his brandy with a smile. Beth frowned and snatched the glass away from him and poured it out. "No more of that Josef! Too much on the line!" She said sternly. Josef chuckled.
"Yes Mom." he said. Beth shook her head with a smile.
"We need to do at least one appearance for the younger demographics. I was thinking Jimmy Fallon" Beth said looking at her notes.
"Fallon? Really? What about Letterman?" Josef asked.
"Not in this demographic. We're trying for the 18-30 age group. That means Fallon." Beth said sternly.
"Besides, Fallon means you get to brush up on your improvisational skills. And he's hip. Letter man not so much anymore." Josef stared at her. Where had he been? Letterman wasn't hip anymore? Man I'm old Josef thought standing up and straightening his tie.

Governor Blevins got the poll results first thing in the morning. Damn it! Josef Kostan was now ahead of him by 9 points.
"Look Governor" Amanda said. "Kostan is bringing in the first time voters in record numbers. There's nothing you can do about that. Young people will throw their vote away on anyone they think is cool. We can't worry about them. What you need to worry about is the female vote. If you can get them, the election is all yours. But this is crucial. You need to find a way to reach them. I'm thinking young mothers definitely" The Governor's wife nodded her head at Amanda.
"Honey, she's right. You need to lock in the female voters. Without them its all over. And I agree that young mothers is where you should be setting your aim. And you will only get their vote by scaring the hell out of them." She said.
"Scary them? How?" The Governor said thinking his wife had no idea what she was talking about, but he knew deep down that was wrong. If it hadn't been for her guidance, he wouldn't be in the Governor's mansion at all.
"Crime. Nothing scare people more, especially women with children. No matter what the income status. But how?" She said closing her eyes. She opened them. "Who is the young man, who will be tried for the school shooting?"
"James Hall" Amanda spoke out.
"Yes. That is where we'll strike. You will have to speak out on gun violence in schools. Make these mothers feel safe again"
"But dear, I'll lose my core backers." William thought hastily. The NRA, who was so instrumental in his first term, would drop him immediately.
"Sweetheart. You will meet with them. Tell them the truth. You have no intention of messing with gun laws. This is to get the vote. They'll understand. You're not their first Governor" She said rolling her eyes at him as if saying "Aww, he's trying to actually think. How cute"

Larry, after spending just one night in Vienna knew he could live here forever. But he had to get to work. He looked at the paperwork. Isabelle Bascianti Kostan. The broad was gorgeous he thought looking at the photos. What a shame. It was always the gorgeous ones that were up to no good!
First he would stop at the records department.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

The city of Krems an der Donau was charming. Known famously for apricot brandy as well as the oldest found grave! It was the city of Innenstadt, which is known as the "inner city" that he found what he was looking for. Isabelle Franziska Bascianti born in Krem 1985 daughter of Magdela and Boris. Hmm. he thought. That would make her about 35 years old. She looked a lot younger. But hell so did her husband. That meant nothing in Los Angeles. Someone from the records department came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry sir" The very pretty woman said to him. "Are you finding everything you need?" She asked clearly very American. He closed the book he was going through.
"No. Why do you think I need help?" Larry asked getting suspicious. The woman shrugged.
"I just thought maybe you might. You're American. I'm American...." She shook her head and started to turn around. Larry quickly stood up, his chair scratching the tile floor.
"Hey, I'm sorry" He said touching her arm. "Maybe I'm jetlagged. I just got here last night. So yes, I do need some help." he said slowly sitting back down. The woman smiled and sat next to him.
"Okay, what exactly are you looking for?" She asked.
"I'm trying to find a family history on the Bascianti Family of Krems. 1 daughter by the name of Isabelle" he said. The woman smiled, nodding her head yes.
"Well, you sure did pick the most famous family in the area" She said going to another part of the building and coming back with another book. "The Bascianti's are a huge deal here. They were mainly wine and brandy producers. They left the city their legacy. Bascianti's Brandy is sold all over world." She explained. "Most of the family died off after the first world war. I think they are down to just a brother and sister."
"Isabelle" Larry said.
"Yes, I believe that is her name"
"What's your name if you don't mind my asking?" Larry said with a grin.
"Carla Hemming. Pleasure to meet another yank!"
"Would you like to go get a drink with me?" Larry asked closing the book.
"I'd love to" She said with a smile.

Josef walked onto the Jimmy Fallon Show with tons of applause and screams.
"So Mr. Kostan, welcome to the show." Jimmy said
"Actually, you can call me Josef" He replied with a smile.
"Uh...no. I don't make enough money to call you Josef" Jimmy joked. The interview went very well, with Jimmy inviting Josef to dance and lipsync to LL Cool J's Mamma Said Knock You Out, which Josef did with incredible ease. Beth knew the election was in the bag!

Thomas followed the Governor and his wife all day and all night. He followed the wife as she went into a dive place called Jumbo's. What in the hell would she be doing in there. He knew they would never let him in with a camera, so he locked it up in his car and went inside. He sat down and pretended to watch the show but he had his eyes on Mrs. Blevens the whole time. He pulled out his mobile and began to record her movements. She was speaking to a badly dressed fat guy with a bad combover. She handed him what looked to be an envelope fat with cash. Then she saw the guy very carefully pull out a revolver. She quickly took it and placed it into her handbag. She nodded her thank you to the guy then went back outside and got into the awaiting car.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

Thomas looked around the dim club and noticed that they had surveillance cameras all around the place.
Getting into those would be no problem. He got quickly up and left the club excited to give Isabelle the news he had uncovered.

Larry sat across the table from Carla anxious to share what he had discovered.
"There's something really hinky going on with this woman. I can sense it. I went to the cemetery where her family was supposedly buried and guess what? There are no bodies in the graves. The cemetery was relocated back in 1801 and no bodies."
"For the entire family?" Carla asked with interest.
"No and that's the funny thing. They had remains for men in the family, but the women is where it gets strange. The family line reads that there were two children. A brother and a sister. There are death records for them both. The brother drowned and the daughter died from tuberculosis. But again, no remains were found. So where are they?"
"What do you think happened?" Carla asked.
"Well, only2 things crossed my mind. Grave Robbing was the first thing. Lots of families during that time were buried with their treasures. Jewelry and such. But I've been told that this family line was feared and no one would dare. And they wouldn't take the bodies. But the second is they faked their death for whatever reason." He said picking up his glass to take a drink.
"What will you do with this information?" She asked.
"I'll do what I was paid to do. Turn it all over and collect my fee and count my money" he said sadly. Larry really like Vienna. He liked Carla as well.
"I have an idea. To celebrate you completing your job, let me take you on a walking tour of the Danube. We can even rent a canoe and glide across the river banks!" She said with a smile.
"Lets!" Larry said clinking his glass to hers.

Beth was thorough. The final debate was this evening and she was making sure that nothing would go wrong. She knew the Governor was up to something. He had been working tirelessly on a new crime bill and promised to reduce gun death by 50% and that was odd because everyone knew that The Governor was pro gun rights. So this made no sense. Her and Josef practiced over and over again for this night and Beth felt that they were ready.

Thomas met Isabelle at a small cafe not far from Kostan Industries. He showed her the film and told her of the dive bar where Mrs. Blevins had met someone to purchase a gun. He told her over the surveillance equipment in the bar and how easily he could hack into it.
"Thomas you have done well. This pleases me. But now you must go get some rest. You are so very tired" She said softly. Thomas had to admit, he was really tired. He felt as if he could sleep all and and the whole of the night. He got up slowly and walked away. Isabelle called Logan and told him what she needed him to do. He agreed enthusiastically when he found out where he would be hacking into. Within an hour's time Logan had sent the information to Isabelle's phone. She smiled when she viewed it. "let the games begin" She said to herself as she walked away.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

The debate was about to start and Governor Blevins wanted to be seen wishing Josef good luck and shaking his hand.
"Kostan, here's to a great debate. I hope you don't go easy on me" He joked. Josef shook his hand firmly.
"Governor, nothing but the best" He said with smile that worried the Governor. He looked around for his wife and saw her sitting with Amanda. He let out a breath. He hoped she had something that would help him win this debate. Josef Kostan gave the impression of the flighty billionaire playboy, but The Governor knew that he was force to be reckoned with.

The candidates were introduced, the rules were announced and the debate began. 14 Million folks were tuned in.

Larry leaned over the rail to get a good look at the beautiful water below. He turned towards Carla.
"You know to be honest, I wish I didn't have to go. I've loved being here. And I've loved meeting you. I mean what are the odds that in Vienna, I would meet another American!" He said laughing.
Carla saw no one was around and leaned in for what Larry thought would be one hell of a kiss. He felt the sting of something piercing his throat and everything went black.
Carla pulled out her mobile and made the call.
"It is done" and she disappeared into the night.
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Re: Hail to the Chief.

Post by Ella713 »

The Mediator read the next question for Governor Blevins.
"Governor, you have taken a very strong stance on gun violence, what steps are you prepared to take to ensure that Californians feel safe?" The Governor stood tall, he knew what he was going to say.
"A large city like California faces different problems than a smaller city, say like Cleveland. I think what we need to work on is education about guns and gun safety. Keeping guns out of the hands of children unless supervised by an adult. I am currently working on a levy that will ensure that everyone who plans to purchase a gun will take a safety course before obtaining the weapon." The crowd gasped. No ever expected Governor Blevins to say anything like what he was saying now!
"Thank you Governor. The same question goes to Mr. Kostan"
"I have never been one to think that one single thing is the cause. Gun violence has very little to do with actual weapons. It has to do with poverty and a city and a system that no longer works for everyday citizens. People are frustrated and angry. And that anger can come with dire results. This can be fixed by listening to the people of California and hearing their problems. You need to provide viable solutions and not just point the finger at guns and say that's where the problem lies." The audience applauded and The Governor saw that Josef's answer to the question made everyone happy and he didn't have to lie about it.
The Governor's wife saw what was happening and she was livid. She would not let her weak minded husband ruin this for her! She was texting her contact. He knew what to do. Shooting Kostan would turn him into a martyr, but shooting her husband would prove that he was correct. Gun violence was rampant, ensuring his re election. She steadied her facial features so the look of surprise would be genuine.

The Debate was over the Josef and Governor met in the middle to shake hands. The shot sounded almost like a firecracker in the auditorium, but the bullet hit the Governor directly in the chest. People screamed and ducked down and tried to run. Josef quickly kneeled next to the Governor and took off his jacket and applied it to the wound. The blood on his hands was torture, but soon a medical team was there and took over his care. Isabelle who had been in the press room with Beth came running out to be at Josef's side. The police and the Fire Department were there to deal with the crowd.

The shooting of Governor Blevins was the talk of World News. The shooter had not been found and now everyone speculated on whether it was a hit by Josef Kostan. But pundits shot that theory down immediately. Josef was winning the election and had nothing to gain from his being shot. That moved the theorist to wonder if the Governor did this to court sympathy because he was losing the election.

Josef and Isabelle knew of course but they couldn't intervene. They did what they needed to do. Larry Conners was disposed of. Thomas had gotten them the incriminating information that they needed just in case, but nothing could be done at this moment.

The Governor was on every channel thanking the doctors, nurses, God and all the people in California who sent him cards and well wishes. He with his wife smiling from his bedside were picture perfect. The loving couple who had survived a near death shooting at the hands of a maniac. And because of it the polls now had Josef and the Governor tied in dead draw.

Justin Schultz didn't know why he kept the gun. He was told to throw it away as soon as he left the auditorium. But holding on to it made him feel rather manly and tough. Mrs. Blevins promised him a job in the Governor's administration. After graduating college he found that the job market was tough. Tougher than he thought. Here it was two years after graduation and still had no job or career. Student loan debt was piling up and he had no way to pay it off. Then out of the blue Mrs. Blevins calls him. He hadn't spoken with her since he had left for college. He worked for her in the Summers doing landscaping and gardening. She paid a pretty good wage too. But shooting the Governor? It didn't take long before she placed $50,000 in cash in his hands and given him a gun. He was fool for doing it but he was desperate. And this is what he told the cops when they started checking the surrounding areas after the shooting and found him in a nearby bar trying to drink away the shock of shooting someone. After he confessed to the police KTLA News got ahold of some video footage that showed Mrs. Blevins purchasing the gun that was used in the shooting.
When the police showed up at the Governor's mansion to bring her in for questioning, they found her in the garage with the window down and doors closed. Governor Blevins denied knowing anything about what his wife was planning, but it was too late. The damage had been done. He ended up conceding and Josef Kostan was now the new Governor of California.

The Inauguration Ball was a smashing success. Mick was in awe of his friend. The Governor!
"Nicely done Josef. This is amazing!" Mick said "I know you're going to do a great job!" Josef smiled.
"And this is just the starting point Mick. I plan on taking this even further." He said. Mick stared at him.
"Josef, are you serious? Man this is huge! What does Counsel say?"
"They say its time" Josef replied.
"So this is why you let Brian handle the company because you were preparing for this?"
"Mick. I always know what I'm doing" Josef said turning when he saw Beth walk over to them. "Are you going to tell him?" Josef said to Beth.
"Of course. Josef has asked me to be his Press Secretary. Full Time! I said yes!" Beth said smiling.
"She did such a great job on the campaign, I figured I'd need her smarts going forward" Josef said.
Mick looked at the both of them. In many ways they were alike. They both had a desire to succeed that over rode anything else. Josef as the President of the United States was a scary thought in many many ways.

The End
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