High Style

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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High Style

Post by Ella713 »

High Style
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Bailey Sandock was the beautiful society girl that the paparazzi loved. She lived in rent free penthouse courtesy of her parents. She had no occupation and no desire to have one. The only thing she cared about was the party. And Bailey partied hard. There were whispers of an alcohol/drug problem, but anytime Bailey was asked she shrugged her shoulders and giggled.
"I'm young and I like to have fun! What's the big deal?" Was always her reply.

He father Richard Sandock made his money in shipping but ventured into the hotel/resort business and became even more successful. It had been his goal for Bailey to follow in his footsteps so he could hand over the reigns to her and her husband. But Bailey wasn't married. Bailey dropped out of high school at the age of 17. In short, his daughter was a very over indulged, spoiled brat! Every morning he would read the paper before going to work only to see a photo of Bailey splashed all over the front. She had either forgotten her undergarments, or her clothes altogether, usually fighting with whatever boy toy she had picked up for the night. Well he had had enough. It was time for Bailey to get a lesson in life. And he knew just the person to ask.

Josef had just returned from a long trip to Columbia. His coffee venture was doing surprisingly well.
He stepped inside his apartment to see Isabelle speaking with Richard Sandock, who immediately stood up to greet him.
"Josef, Josef! How are you?" He said shaking his hand.
"I'm doing well Richard. How are you?" Josef asked with a little trepidation. He knew of Bailey's antics and he felt for the man. But honestly, what was the harm? The girls was 24 years old, rich and had no responsibilities. She wouldn't be like this forever. Everybody calmed down after while.
"Well, if you've read the latest news then you know exactly how I'm doing." He said as he sat down.
"Yeah. I think I read something about it" Josef said fixing himself a drink.
"Everyone in the world had read about her! She has cost me nothing but money and embarrassment. So I have decided to show her how things really work in the world." Josef took a sip of his drink and smiled. He knew this would not end well.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm cutting her off. Completely off. Her credit cards will be frozen as well as her bank account. And her penthouse apartment will be re-rented." He said as Isabelle smiled.
"I think you are doing the right thing Richard." Isabelle said.
"Richard, she has no skills, no education. All she knows how to do is be pretty. What do you expect her to do?" Josef asked.
"I expect her to behave the way a young woman should" Richard finished. When he had left Josef was still thinking about his situation.
"Isabelle. You really think this is a good course for Richard to take? Don't you think it's a little rash?"
Isabelle turned to face him.
"No I do not. Bailey has behaved no better than a hooker. She has shamed her family. In my family she would have been exiled."
"Well, times have changed sweetheart." Josef said. But he didn't know, if it was for the better or the worse.

Bailey left the bar with a huge outstanding bill, that she was sure her father would cover. She invited a large gathering to her apartment for a little more fun. She opened the doors to her suite and found it empty. She looked around in amazement unable to believe what she was seeing. All her furniture was gone. Dishes, kitchen gadgets, towels, curtains......everything. She picked up the phone and tried call the maintenance office, but phone had a busy signal. She pulled out her cell phone and it too had been cut off. She stood there not knowing what to do. She turned around and saw that all of the people she had invited over had slowly left her standing in her empty apartment. What was going on?
She went into her bedroom and saw that she still had clothing, shoes and luggage but nothing else.
She looked inside her purse. She had no cash. She never carried any cash. But she did have her cards. She quickly took the elevator to the lobby to use the ATM. Her Visa was declined. As was her American Express. She didn't know what was happening. She took the elevator to her apartment, shut the door and fell asleep crying.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Bailey woke up and knew that she wasn't dreaming. Could her own father do something like this to her? Maybe it was my fault she thought briefly. Thinking of all the times her father told her she had to get serious because he wouldn't be alive forever. Usually she just shrugged her shoulders and blew him off. She was still very young. She had plenty time afterall.

She started to pick with her fingernail as she thought about what she could do. She stood up and went to her closet and packed up everything, struggled to get it all down to the lobby floor. Had a doorman hail her a taxi and went home.

Richard was in his office when his valet knocked on the door.
"Sir, Miss Bailey is here to see you" He said in his quiet voice. Richard stood up, put on his jacket and walked out to greet his daughter.
"Daddy! How could you?!!" She wailed openly. "I was having friends over and I came home to an empty apartment! It was embarrassing Daddy! I was humiliated! Everyone's going to be talking about it!"
"So. Let them talk. You've got to stop worrying about what people are saying about you."
"Daddy, things are different now. They're not the same as when you were growing up!"
"Bailey sweetheart, nothing about your lifestyle is new. Not a single thing. Young people have been disappointing their parents for a very long time believe me." He said sternly.
"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stop partying. Fine I'll stop. You want me to stop drinking? Fine I'll do that too!"
"What I want you to do, is get serious about your future. Your mother and I deserve to take a break from things. And as our only child, we expected you to be able to handle things. All you have done is party, drink and sleep around with any man who's caught your eye. Making a spectacle of yourself and this family. So I propose this. We want you to start living as an adult. You will have a small apartment near Echo Park. You will receive an allowance of $3000.00 per month. You will balance this income because once it's gone, it's gone. You won't receive anything until the following month. Also during this time you will participate in an internship program at Kostan Industries. You will learn the skills that a young woman of your age should know." Richard finished. Bailey eyes were wide open. Did he say $3,000.00 dollars! A month?!
"Daddy, how can I survive on that! This isn't fair!" She screamed.
"Bailey, millions of people live on remarkably less and they survive"
"Daddy, you're talking about hobos, bums, junkies"
"No! I'm talking about any other hard working young person who hasn't had the privileges that you've had! You can either accept this very generous offer I'm giving you, or leave and live with your fake friends who by now have written you off because you have no money"

Brian looked at Josef with a steady glance. Surely Josef was joking. Bailey Sandock coming to intern at Kostan Industries?
"Sir, you are aware of this young woman's reputation? Drugs, alcohol, the parties?" Brian said softly.
"Yeah, I do. But I promised her father who is one our more important clients, that we would give this a shot. Bailey needs to learn for herself." Josef said. Brian nodded. Although he didn't like it, he agreed because it made sense and also because there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Bailey walked into the studio apartment and shut her eyes tightly. Almost hoping that when she opened them again the apartment would look better. But as she slowly opened her eyes, she thought that the tiny placed looked even worse. The only good point were the large windows that let a lot of sun in as also had a wonderful view of the park below. She sighed heavily and walked to the closet to hang her clothes. She groaned when she opened the door. It was tiny! Like everything else in the apartment. She wouldn't be able to fit all of her clothes into the closet. She flopped down on bed which was at least very comfortable. She noticed the envelope on the kitchen counter and opened it up.

"Sweetheart, enclosed is your check for $3,000. Your rent will be due on the 5th of this month and totals $1,200.00. You will be responsible for your own food, as your dining cards have all been frozen along with your credit cards. Your mobile phone bills is due on the 21st of each month and totals $75.00 a month. Your utilities are included in the rent. Good luck Bailey. I know you can do this. Love Father"
Bailey crumbled up the note and tossed it in waste basket.

Bailey's phone went off at the ungodly hour of 5am! She looked at it and saw it was her father.
"Daddy, what's wrong?" She said rubbing her eyes.
"Bailey, this is your wake up call. You are to report to Kostan Industries at 7am on the dot. As you have no vehicle at your disposal, you will have to take public transportation. I chose that apartment because the bus you need to take stops right outside of your building and it takes you directly across the street from Kostan Industries."
Bailey popped straight up when she heard what her father had said.
"You want me to take the bus?" She asked in disgust.
"Yes Bailey. This is what normal working people do when they do not have a car. Get moving, the bus stops outside at 6:15am. Good luck" Richard said and hung up. Bailey felt like she was going to cry all over again.

Brian and Nicole waited patiently in his office for Bailey to arrive.
Bailey arrived 15 minutes late and in an awful mood. The bus was late, loud and smelly. She got off at the wrong stop and had to walk 10 blocks in stiletto shoes. Byt the time she made it to Kostan Headquarters, she was ready turn around and go back to her crappy apartment. But she made her father a promise. So she stood up straight and walked in. When she got off on her floor she noticed the way all the women were dressed. Polished suits, sophisticated dresses and twin set. Bailey wasted almost 25 minutes trying on a number of outfits before deciding on the one she was now wearing. And now she knew she had chosen wrong. While her outfit was certainly expensive, it looked cheap compared to what the other women were wearing.

Nicole came out and met Bailey in the lobby.
"Hello, you must be Bailey. I'm Nicole Petzer, the head of Annuities." Nicole said shaking the girl's hand lightly. "Please come this way" Nicole said leading her into Brian's office. Brian stood up to meet her.
"Hello. My name is Brian Petzer and I am the acting CEO of Kostan Industries. It's a pleasure" He said stiffly, motioning for her to have seat across from him. "Would you like something to drink? Coffee perhaps?"
"I'd kill for an espresso" Bailey said without thinking and then closed her eyes.
"Not a problem" Brian called to the secretary for an espresso and it was brought in a matter of minutes. "Now, we should be discussing what you will be doing. As you know Kostan Industries does a variety of things. From Telecommunications, fashion, coffee beans, mergers and acquisitions, real estate and entertainment. You will be able to choose one of those areas to focus on." Brian said.
Bailey didn't want to have anything to do with any of them if it meant she had to work for her pay! But since she had to pick something......
"I think I'd like to work in real estate" She said. Brian was surprised. He thought she'd choose fashion for sure. And judging by what she was wearing she needed it.
"Alright. Real Estate it is. You will be working Milo Kanter. He will brief you on the things you need to study and prepare for." Brian called Milo and he came quickly to his office. "Bailey Sandock, this is Milo Kanter he is the head of marketing in real estate division. He will show you where you'll be working"

Brian watched them leave and shook his head slowly. He could tell that this was going to be a disaster waiting to happen!
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Milo looked at the young girl. She would be quite the stunner, but she wore way too much make up for someone her age and her attire was almost cartoonish! First thing would be first. He had to get her cleaned up.
" I hope you don't mind me saying, but you look ridiculous" He said point of fact. Bailey stopped walking and turned towards him.
"Excuse me" She said.
"You look like a street walker. A street walker in designer duds but a street walker all the same"
"How dare you!" Bailey said as she tried to walk quickly towards him and slap his smug face. But she moved to fast in the stiletto heels and almost fell on her butt, until he grabbed her.
"Look at you" He said. "Here you are at one of the largest corporations in the world and you don't even know how to take advantage of it. You have the opportunity to be more that a party girl who shows her crotch for the paparazzi!"
"You don't know me! You don't know a damn thing about me!" Bailey yelled at him.
"Girlfriend how can anybody not know everything about you? You're putting all out there any chance you get. Your kind are a dime a dozen, no matter where they are on the social scale". Milo said walking in front of her. Bailey stopped. She looked again at the other women around her. Some had their heads down trying not to stare at the spectacle that was going on.
"I'm going home" Bailey said suddenly ashamed and wanting to jump off the tallest roof.

"Come with me" A stern voice said behind her. Bailey turned to face the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. From the top of her head to the shoes on her feet was utter perfection.
"My name is Isabelle Kostan and you need to come with me" She said again. Bailey slowly followed the woman.
"Where are we going?" Bailey asked as she saw they were on their way to the garage. When they reached the cherry red lamborghini Isabelle opened up the passenger door.
"Get in" She said. Bailey get in, fastened her seatbelt and they took off. In a matter of minutes they were parked in front of Cheri Salon. Isabelle quickly took her inside.
"Andre. This is Bailey. Do something with her." Was all Isabelle said as she took a seat and opened a magazine. Andre studied the young girl. So sad he thought. Girls these days thought high fashion was running around with no clothes on! He shook his head for a moment and took her hand.
"Give me a few hours" Andre said to Isabelle before taking Bailey away.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

" Ok! Hold on to your hat Isabelle!" Andre said stepping out. Behind him Bailey slowly stepped out. Her wild bleached blonde tresses had been dyed a very subtle honey color and styled in very clean shoulder length bob. Her face was scrubbed free of the garish makeup and if she was wearing any make up at all it was not visible. Gone was the ultra short tight mini skirt and low cut top. Andre had put her slender body into a light khaki 2 piece suit with dusty pink camisole underneath and kitten heel shoes.
Isabelle stood in front of her and nodded.
"That is much better. You did a wonderful job Andre" Isabelle said. "Look at yourself and tell me what you see"
Bailey finally looked at herself and didn't recognize her own reflection. She still looked like Bailey, but she looked altogether different. She stared at herself for a long time.

Josef walked into Kostan Industries to see how Bailey was making out. He sought out Brian.
"Hey Brian, how is Bailey working out?" He said.
"I wouldn't know. I assigned Milo to train her, but Isabelle whisked her off and they haven't been seen since" Brian said. Josef's eyebrows shot up. What was Isabelle doing to the poor girl.
"Did something else happen to make Isabelle do this?"
"Well, Bailey came in late, and dressed like she was going to a night club instead of the office. Perhaps that's why Isabelle stepped in. All I know is Milo called me and said Isabelle had taken her and didn't say where." Brian finished. At that moment both Isabelle and Bailey got off the elevator. Josef almost didn't recognize her. He walked over to both of them.
"Bailey! You look amazing!" He said kissing her cheek.
"Thank you, Mr. Kostan. It was Isabelle's doing. To be honest, I never thought I would look anything like this" she said softly.
"Well, come on, let's get you trained" he said taking her to the training facilities. They walked past Milo who had to do a double take as she walked by. Bailey felt a surge of confidence that she had never had before.

After her first full day Bailey was tired. The bus ride was miserable, but she felt like she had done something really special today. She walked through the door of her tiny apartment. It really wasn't so bad she thought. She opened up the refrigerator then remembered she had no food. She'd have to do some shopping. She changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and ventured outside to see what she could find. The little corner market had a variety of things, but she was clueless on what to purchase. She usually just went out to eat with friends and had the most expensive thing on the menu. She walked around the store with the basket in her hand.
"Can I help you find something?" A young man around her age asked.
"I'm not sure....I need some grocery..and..I've never done this before" she said suddenly feeling embarrassed.
"Sure. No problem. Do you know what like?"
"Crab, beef wellington, escargot, lamb chops, veal...."
"Whoa, hold on! The sign outside says Corner Market not Beverly Hills Bistro!" he laughed. "Okay, let's start you with some staples. Condiments first" He showed her around the store filling the small basket with various items and giving her hints on how to prepare them. After he had rung her up and bagged up her grocery "Now remember, you have to flip the chops only once. 5 minutes per side for perfect medium."
"Thanks. I don't know what I would have without your help" she said noticing how cute the young man was.
"Well good luck! Come back and I'll type up some recipes for you" he said with a smile.
Bailey walked back to the tiny apartment feeling really good. Better than she had felt in her entire life!
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

After her first week came to a close Bailey began to find her rhythm. She had written her first listing description and Milo said it was very very good. She even made some very helpful hints about the lighting when they were photographing rooms in a large house. For the first time in her life, Bailey felt important for something she was actually doing and not just for who she was. And it felt good. She decorated her tiny apartment with fun bright colors that she found at a nearby discount store. She bought a few houseplants that looked to be dying so she got them for cheap, but they seemed to be thriving by her sunny window. She also made lasagna for Mark, the guy from the cornet market. He said it was delicious and it was. They shared an inexpensive bottle of wine and took a walk around the neighborhood. There was so much that Bailey had never seen of the city she grew up in. She felt ashamed to her past behavior.

They came closer to the upside part of town and Bailey heard someone calling her name.
"Bailey! Is that you?" The male voice said loudly. "It is you! Damn girl where have you been?" Bailey sighed and turned around.
"Hello Pedro" she said. Pedro ran towards her and picked her up off the ground giving her a big kiss on the mouth. Bailey tugged out of his grasps and stepped back. Pedro looked at the guy standing next to her.
"Who the hell is this?" He asked. Bailey lightly took Mark's hand in hers.
"This is my friend Mark. Mark this Pedro." She said.
"So, what the hell happened to you. Somebody said like you got robbed and lost your mind or something. What's up with that?"
"Look Pedro, it was great seeing you, but we really have to get going" she said quickly pulling Mark with her.
"Should I even ask what that was all about?" Mark asked.
"Just somebody I used to hang out with. And I don't hang out with him anymore."
"Are you running from somebody or something?"
"Only myself and my past" she said quietly.

Pedro couldn't believe he was seeing Bailey. He thought maybe she died or something on some bad blow. But as he followed her and the guy, he became curious. Nobody threw a party like Bailey did and things were surely different without her hanging around. He was also a lot poorer without her hanging around. Bailey would drop thousands upon thousands of dollars on her friends on any given evening. Pedro didn't see a reason that should end. He saw the guy walk her to her building that didn't look like anything Bailey Sandock would be living in. Why was she slumming like this. He saw the guy bend down and kiss her on the lips before saying goodbye.

Pedro didn't like this. He didn't like this at all!
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Pedro decided to catch up with the guy.
"Hey man! Can I talk to you for a minute?" He said jogging up to him.
"Are you following us?" Mark asked in surprise.
"Look chill out man, I just wanted to ask you some questions. That's all" Pedro said holding up his hands. "Bailey kind of disappeared and everyone's been worried about her, I just wanted to know if she was okay. I mean she even looks different than she did then" Pedro said.
"I'm sorry, Pedro was it? I don't much about her myself. She's very private about things. And I respect her privacy" He said hoping this guy would get the point.
"Come on! You know who she is don't you? Bailey Sandock? The heiress? Her father owns the shipping industry and the hotel industry. You're telling me you didn't know that?"
Mark hadn't known and frankly didn't care. He thought Bailey was a nice young woman that he was hoping on seeing a lot more of.
"I'm sorry, but why should any of this matter to me?" Mark said turning away.
"Maybe you should know the Bailey I know" Pedro said pulling out his iPhone. The video tape was crystal clear. And the woman was clearly Bailey although he hair was different. she was naked and dancing in a club. She walked over to a table to do a line of some kind of drug while the crowd applauded. She danced some more and then two men pulled down their pants and she kneeled in front of them. Mark closed his eyes and turned from the image he saw. "That's the Bailey I know. Come one man. Let's go to her apartment. We'll have some fun. Have some drinks, get high. And well, you know. Bailey was never shy about threesomes" He smiled. Mark hands tightened into balls and he leveled a blow to the guys face knocking him to the ground.
"Just shut up! You hear me! Shut up!!" Mark yelled and ran down the street.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Bailey felt more alive and alert than she had as a child! She felt that so much had happen in her short life. She saw now why her father had done what he did.

She now entered the doors of Kostan Industries with a new confidence and everyone saw it. Her and Milo had a great working relationship. It was kind of tough getting over his harsh comments, but she found herself becoming more understanding and less confrontational. She had spoken tentatively with her father who was so very proud of her progress. And to top everything off, she had met an amazingly kind man who was nothing like the usual creeps and leeches she used to hang around.

"Wow, someone's got a secret smile" Josef Kostan said from behind her in the lounge. Bailey turned and blushed a little
"Hi Mr. Kostan. I didn't hear you come in" She replied.
"I just came to sign some documents. I hear good things about your performance. Milo thinks you're ready to meet with clients" Josef said with a smile.
"Oh no! Mr. Kostant, I don't think I'm ready for that just yet" She said becoming frightened of the possibility.
"Bailey, you're more than ready. I saw how you handled yourself in the Kenwick meeting and you were fantastic! Trust me. You have the Sandock blood in your veins. They are never out until the fat lady sings." Josef said.
"Thank you Mr. Kostan. That mean a lot of me" Bailey said with a bright smile. They watched the CNN stock market results and made comments about what they thought would happen with housing prices in the future.

"Now with latest in celebrity news, here is Ellen Chan" a voice was saying.
"Hi, I'm Ellen Chan and welcome to the Celebrity News Scoop. In today's reports, all of Los Angeles is a buzz about a sex tape that was released this morning featuring our favorite debutante Bailey Sandock. The video taken at a private party at the Viper Club, shows Bailey involved in drinking, drugs and sex acts with guests at the venue"

Bailey quickly stood up and covered her mouth with her hand. The tears quickly sprung from her eyes.
"I'm sorry Mr. Kostan, I have to go" She said running out of the building as fast she could.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Josef was angry. Damn angry. Bailey had made such great progress and something like this was able to send her over the edge. He called Isabelle immediately. Isabelle met him in his private office where no one was allowed.
"What would like me to do my darling?" Isabelle asked.
"I'm sure you heard the CNN report." Josef stated. Isabelle simply nodded her head. "I want you to find out who made the video public, and if there are anymore out there" Josef said sternly. Isabelle held Josef's hand and kissed his cheek.
"Yes, my darling." She said walking towards the door but turned one last time before leaving "She will be alright my darling. I promise"

Pedro was in good spirits. CNN coughed up big bucks for the exclusive rights to his little video. Yeah, he felt sort of sorry for Bailey, but a man's gotta look out for himself.

Isabelle went to Bailey's apartment and found the door unlocked. Immediately on alert Isabelle went in and saw Bailey sitting on her small couch, staring at an unopened bottle of gin.
"Isabelle! What are you doing here?" She asked in alarm. Isabelle picked up the bottle of Gin, opened it and poured it down the drain of the sink. Bailey made no protest. "I suppose you came to tell me that my internship is over." She said sadly.
"No. I came to see how you were doing and to give you some advice. You must be strong. You will find as you get older, that more than anything a woman must rely on her strength more than any other attribute." Isabelle said in all seriousness.
"Now everyone knows the kind of person I was. The whole world knows now. Including my parents and all of Kostan Industries" she held her head down and sobbed lightly. Isabelle placed her hands on Bailey's face, lifted her head and looked directly into her eyes.
"Then you must show them who you are now. Hold you head up and do not make apologies."
"That's easy for you to say. You're married to Josef Kostan!"
"So, you think that all that I am is because of Josef? Trust me when I say to you, I was a full and complete person without my husband. And you need to be as well. No more indulging in drugs and alcohol. That is for the weak. You are a strong woman who has accomplished a lot in a short time and will accomplish so much more in the future. Now tell me about the people in this video and leave nothing out" Isabelle said finally.
Bailey told her what she could remember about the night which was very little. But she did mention that a guy she hung out with tried to reach out to her on the street.
"Pedro?" Isabelle said stoically.
"Yes. Pedro Salvadarre. His father is Manuel Salvadarre of Salange Cosmetics" Bailey said.
"I did not think Manuel had any sons" Isabelle said.
"Well Pedro is his illegitimate son. He tries to hide it but everyone kind of knows about it".
"I see" Isabelle said starting to think of a plan. "What I need you to do Bailey is wash your face and put on your best suit and meet me at 5pm at the Beverly Hilton. Do you understand? I will send a driver for you." Isabelle said as she stood up and glided out the door.
Bailey had no idea what Isabelle thought she could do but she felt a little bit calmer than she had.

Isabelle found the information she needed quite quickly. Pedro was the Bastard son of Manuel, but his father had simply given him a lump sum of money to stay out of his life and to never use his name. But it seems that Pedro had gone through all the money he had been given and had now found a way to get more. At the expense of others.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle watched the boy leave his shabby apartment. He had the look of a "Teddy Boy". One of the faults of new money. They wore all of their riches at once, never once thinking about the appropriateness of the situation. He walked nonchalantly into the high end men's clothing store and was immediately approached.
"Excuse me sir...." A snobby sales person said to him. "I'm afraid this store may not be to your liking"
"Why the hell not?" Pedro asked.
"Well, you may not have known this, but we only carry Haute Couture...that means.."
"I know what it means you imbecile!" Pedro said loudly as every customer turned to look. Isabelle walked quietly in.
"This young man is with me" She said in her husky voice. Both Pedro and the sales associate turned to see who was speaking. The sales associate recognizing Isabelle right away humbly offered his apologies.
"I am so dreadfully sorry Mrs. Kostan. Please let us know if we can help in any way." He said backing away.
"Thanks. That snob thought I couldn't afford to shop here" Pedro said admiring the stunning beauty of the tall woman.
"Come, have lunch with me" Isabelle said. Pedro looked at her once more trying to figure out what her game was. Perhaps she was looking for a boy toy. Well I can definitely be bought, Pedro said to himself.
"Anything you wish" He said suavely. Isabelle led him outside to her Lamborghini and held the passenger side door open for him. Pedro whistled softly when he saw the car and quickly got in. "So where you taking me?" He asked with a wide grin.
"To my place" Isabelle said. Pedro's smile got wider. The days just kept getting better and better for him. They pulled up to her apartment and Isabelle led him up to the Penthouse and opened up the front door. Pedro walked inside and stared at everything surrounding him. The Monet's on the wall, the Steinway piano off to the side and more incredibly, was the stunning panoramic view.
"I gotta tell you lady, you live well" He said touching the butter soft suede of the sofa.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle poured herself a drink and sat across from where he stood.
"Let's speak Pedro Salvadarre." Pedro looked up sharply. He didn't remember telling this woman his name. "Yes, I know all about you" Isabelle continued. "You are the bastard son of Manuel Salvadarre. He paid you a quarter of a million dollars to stay away from him and to not use his name. You recklessly spent all of the money given to you, so you latched on to Bailey Sandock, who very stupidly paid for your upkeep and habits and you betrayed her by selling a very tawdry video. Does that sound correct to you?" Isabelle asked quietly. Pedro was scared.
"Look lady, I don't know who you are or where your'e getting your information, but I'm leaving!" He said and turned for the door "And let me tell...." He started to say but saw the woman was no longer sitting where she was. He turned back for the door and saw that the woman was now in front of him.
"Oh no Pedro. You do not escape that easily." Isabelle said to him barring her fangs. Pedro's eyes opened wide in fear.

Josef walked into his apartment and saw Isabelle coming out of the laundry room.
"I trust things are handled" Josef said casually.
"I think the lesson was well received" Isabelle said softly. Josef noticed the red stain in the corner of her usually immaculate face. He walked over and wiped the smear away.
"I'm sure it was" Josef said with smirk walking into his office.

Bailey had been staring at her reflection for sometime now. What had she done? How would she explain this to her father of all people? She took a deep breath, walked outside to the limo that was awaiting her and got in. Isabelle had arranged for a press conference and Bailey had no idea what she would say. She thought of Mark. She had to talk to him before she did anything.
"Driver, please take me to The Corner Market. I need to make a quick stop" Bailey asked.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

Mark had been feeling pretty bad since that jerk friend of Bailey's had shown him that disgusting video. Mark wished he would have cleaned the guy's clock! But Bailey? Here he thought he had finally found a really great girl in a city that's known for fake, soulless creatures.

Bailey walked quickly through the market looking for Mark and found him tucked away in the produce section.
"Mark, I need to speak with you" She said in an urgent voice. Mark turned and saw her. She looked beautiful as she always had. In a slim fitting charcoal gray suit, she looked like a professional business woman. "Bailey, I'm at work. I can't talk to you right now." He said a whisper looking around.
"Fine. I'll talk and you can listen. I know you saw the video. Heck the whole world saw that video. And I'm ashamed. Ashamed of myself, my actions, everything. I have a lot to answer for. To my family and to you. Mark before I met you, I was a spoiled brat. I thought that I could do whatever wanted. So my father got tired of my behaviour and cut me off completely. He wanted to me to get some real life experience. And that's how I came to be here. My father forced me grow up and take responsibility for my actions. Spending time with you meant everything to me. I'm not that person you saw in the video. Not anymore. The Bailey you met. The Bailey standing before you is real. I hope you believe me" She pleaded. Mark heard and felt her words, but he had to think about all of this.
"Bailey, I have to get back to work" He said turning away from her.
"Okay." Bailey said sadly and headed for the door, hopped in the limo and started to cry.
She had just blown the best thing to ever happen to her.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: High Style

Post by Ella713 »

When she got to the Beverly Hills Hilton she took a quick moment to check her face. She needed to be strong. Isabelle was in the lobby waiting for her. She took her aside and whispered to her.
"No more time for tears. You have to let them know that this circumstance did not break you." Isabelle whispered firmly. Bailey nodded her head and walked into the conference room and sat at the appointed table. Bailey held up her hand to silence the crowd.
"I am not a role model. I am not a perfect daughter. I am even less of a lady. There was a time when none of that mattered to me. If I brought shame to myself or my family, I simply didn't care. I look back at all the things I've done and I'm horrified. I've brought so much pain to my family. Humiliation. When I saw that video, I became ill. The Bailey Sandock that stands before you has a lot to answer for. And believe me I will. And for the young women who have admired my antics, stop. Go home and hug your parents. Tell them you're sorry. That's what I plan on doing." With that, Bailey with her head held high walked out of room with Isabelle by her side and into the awaiting limo. Once the door was shut, she broke down in Isabelle's arms. Isabelle rubbed her back soothingly.
"Shhh. I am so proud of you" She said softly.

While Bailey didn't like to think of things that way, Pedro selling that video was the best thing to ever happen to her. Yes, it still hurt to think of all the things she's done, at least some good had come from it. Her parents forgave her and wanted to give her the condo back, but she refused. She loved her little studio apartment. Her press conference was so popular she was besieged with letters from young women all over the world. She was asked to speak at High Schools and Women's Conferences.
She rode the bus everyday to work and back and actively sought out women to speak with.
She got off the bus and climbed the stairs to her wonderful apartment.
"Bailey, can I talk to you for a moment?" A voice said to her. There stood Mark. With a bouquet of daisies in his hand. Bailey slowly walked back down the stairs to meet him. "Bailey, I am so sorry. I was an ass. I didn't want to listen to you. Didn't want to hear what you would say and I should have. I should have been there for you while you were going through this. I should have held you. I should have told you everything would be alright. But instead I judged you when I could have said I love you" He said holding the flowers out to her.
"I love you too Mark" she said.

"Kostan, you're a miracle worker! I knew putting my daughter in your hands was a great idea. Look at Bailey now. Speaking all over the world about the importance of courage and admitting one's mistakes. And soon to be married!" Richard said holding up his glass to Josef.
"You know Richard, I had very little if anything to with this transformation. Bailey did a lot of it on her own. Okay, and maybe Isabelle gave her some helpful hints."
"I still wish I could get my hands on that little shit Pedro!" Richard fumed.
"I think Pedro got what's coming to him" Josef said shaking his head.

The End
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