Joy to the World Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Joy to the World
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A pro football player brings attention to the vampire community when his prowess is questioned.

Beth was getting ready to go on the air when the scandal broke. Trevor Dutton was one of it not the best wide receivers in the history of the NFL. He simply could not be tackled and ran faster than any man on any team. He was clocked at 8.0 in the 100 meter dash which was faster than any man or woman on the planet. A UCLA magna cum laude graduate he went directly into the NFL after his graduation. With tousled chocolate brown locks and bright smile he was the golden boy of the football league. So when the scandal about steroid use broke the world was shocked. No one thought Trevor was involved. Then they started checking out his too good to be true stats. Maybe the reason why he ran that fast was due to being juiced up?

Beth really didn't believe that the kid was juicing up and thought the public was doing what they always do. Passing judgement before all the facts were in.

"We're standing right outside the stadium waiting for the official word from the NFL on whether or not Trevor Dutton will be suspended pending investigation" The head of the NFL came to the podium.
"It is the decision of the NFL that Trevor Dutton be suspended until further review. We take steroid use very seriously in the NFL and it won't be tolerated not matter how great of a football player someone appears to be" He said.
"Sir, are you saying that you have definite proof of Trevor Dutton's guilt in this matter?" Beth yelled out.
"Mr. Dutton has refused to take a blood test. Until we obtain a court order he is suspended until further notice." He said and walked away from the podium.

Mick hanging out with Josef when he heard the news.
"Can you believe this crap? We finally get one decent...more than decent player and now this" Mick exclaimed. "Can you believe this?" Mick said finally, holding up the newspaper.
"It's a bunch of bull" Josef said taking a sip of his drink.
"I mean the kid is what 25, 26? That's way to young to be juicing! He's in his prime right now!" Mick said leaning back in his chair.
"Well, it also helps that the kid is a vampire, so he really wouldn't need steroids" Josef said casually. Mick sat up straight and stared at Josef.
"What?! Trevor Dutton is a vampire?"
"Yeah. For about 300 or so years."
"Josef how do you know this? I mean......" Mick started to say when he heard Isabelle walk softly behind him.
"Because he is my brother" She said in a stoic voice. Mick glanced at the newspaper article, then at Isabelle and back again. He could see the resemblance.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Okay, I'm missing something" Mick said in confusion.
"Josef turned me and entrusted my upbringing to Drago. When I had learned what I must, I returned home to my family but found for many reasons it was unbearable. My brother and I were always very close. He knew there was a change in me. I confessed to him. He begged me to turn him." She said looking at Josef. "Josef returned for me and helped me train my brother so that he could have a life that did not include bloodlust and murder."
Mick shook his head trying to comprehend what Isabelle was saying.
"So as you can see Mick, he's definitely not on steroids" Josef said
"And we must do something. My brother is and has always been an honest man. We need to find out why they would think something like this" Isabelle said.

Trevor Dutton spoke with his attorney.
"Listen Trevor, your NFL contract states that you can be tested at any time and for any reason for drug use. I may be able to voice a constitutional clause, but that would only make you look guilty. Why not just take the drug test already. Get it over with" He said.
"I can't do that" Trevor replied.
"Why? What is it. An affair? A police record? An STD? Whatever it is, I can get you out of this"
Trevor said nothing and just stared into the distance. He had fun. Football was a blast. He loved the game, but if it was time to move on he would.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Josef, Isabelle and Mick pulled up to the swank highrise and took the elevator to the penthouse floor.
The door opened immediately and Trevor walked towards Isabelle.
"Isabelle" He said in relief taking her into his arms.
"Johan" She said hugging him tight. "What is going on?" Trevor continued to hug his sister. He saw Josef standing to the side and he reached out his hand towards him.
"How are you Johan" Josef asked.
"I've been better Josef" He said showing them into his apartment. He looked at Mick then back to Josef.
"Oh, sorry. This is our friend Mick St. John. He's a Private Detective" Josef explained.

"What is going on?" Isabelle asked after they had been seated.
"I have no idea. What I do know is that sometime last week an anonymous tip was delivered to the NFL about teams who were juicing. I mean no one knew anything about it. And to my knowledge, no one on our team was doing anything like that! Then a couple of days ago, my name gets dropped and soon everyone wants me to go to the Doc and take a blood and urine test."
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Listen Trevor, do you think there's anyone on your team who's maybe jealous, or has a beef with you over something?" Mick asked becoming curious.
"No! Nothing like that. All the guys on my team are about football and football only. No one touches drugs or takes a drink during the season."
"Okay, what about your agent? Any pressure from that point?"
"I don't have an agent. Look the only reason why anyone teams up with an agent is because he's doing something that he doesn't want to get out. Agents are bad news. They will hook players up with drugs, booze, women, cars, and clean urine if you can't pass a drug test. The team attorney tried to get everyone signed with the same agency, but I declined. I had no interest in television or car commercials." Trevor said.
"Well, someone's got it in for you" Mick said finally.

Lawrence Tilford, was a strong safety. One of the best in the league. The Eagles were interested in buying out his contract. But he feared the coach wouldn't trade him. There were only five more games before the playoffs and if they did well, he would be signed to another 4 year deal for an outrageous sum of money. Lawrence hated Los Angeles. Hated everything about it. The entire city made you feel dirty. Cesspool is what it was. He also didn't like that "I'm too good for everyone asshole" Trevor Dutton. Lawrence never trusted the quiet ones, because they were always the ones up to something. And something was fishy about that guy. He didn't seem to care about money. He refused to sign with an agent. He rarely spoke to the press and definitely didn't seem to be interested in the women that threw themselves at him each game. In the end Trevor thought he was better than every other guy. At least that's what Lawrence thought. That's why when the idea hit him, he ran with it all the way.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle studied Mick closely. She knew he had some idea in mind.
"You have thought of something Mick?" Isabelle said softly. Mick sat down in the chair next to him staring out the window.
"One things makes perfect sense. It's one of the players or even a coach. This is coming from the inside.That's point #1. The other thing that's something to think about is.....where does everyone live? The other players, I mean. Do any of them live in this building or close to you?" Mick asked.
"Well, Marcus Kent lives about a mile away and Larry Tilford lives in this building, but it can't be those guys. Marcus just had his 5th kid and he's always focused on that. Anyway, he's retiring next year. So he wouldn't give a crap about who's juicing or not. Larry......he's got a reputation as a hothead, but he's straight up. I mean football is his life and has been since he was a kid. Something like this is bad for the league, not just the players. I can't see him doing anything like this!" Trevor explained.
"In any case, I'm going to need to get close to your team."

"Hey babe!" Beth said brightly as Mick walked in. "How was your day?"
"Well, I found out today that the football player Trevor Dutton is a vampire" Mick said. Beth's eyes grew wide.
"That's why he wouldn't take the physical!" Beth said.
"Yep. And he's Isabelle's brother"
"Are you serious?......Isabelle has a brother...I'm sorry honey, but...."
"Okay. It was Isabelle who turned her brother, not Josef. But they both kept him close to teach him everything he needed to know. But, that's not the really the surprising part of the story. The surprising part if that I think someone on the team is doing this to Trevor."
"What is Trevor going to do? Has he said?"
"His hands are tied babe. Either I find out who behind this, or he gives up football forever."
"Do you think anyone on the team might suspect that Trevor is....well enhanced?"
"I don't know, but whoever did this, knows how the NFL works. They knew the rules for drug testing."
"Well the coach is giving another interview tomorrow after practice. I'll be at the stadium" Beth said.
"You think you can get a quick search done of all the lockers?" Mick asked. Beth gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"You betcha" Beth said with a smile.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Coach Coswell shook his head slowly. "Anyone but Trevor" He had said to himself at the time. Trevor Dutton was a coach's dream! The guy had absolutely no ego! Hell, the guy didn't even want an agent! When word about the drugs got out Coach knew that Trevor would be the first one to volunteer a sample. Now it looked like he was wrong.

Beth prepared herself. She knew everyone was upset about this story. She didn't want to come off as the greedy, insensitive reported only interested in her scoop. She made sure she was sympathetic and sincere during her questioning. Every player said the exact same thing. There was no way Trevor was doing any kind of drug!

Beth watched the team run out onto the field and prepare to practice. She knew she'd have to be fast. She quickly ran into the locker and room and searched each and every locker. One locker in particular made her pause. It was a contract. A contract for $14 Million a year! Lawrence Tidford. Looked like Beth had found the inside man. She quickly ran back out and assumed her position.
When she got home she told Mick, Josef and Isabelle what she had found.
"That great Babe! I knew it had to be an inside job!" Mick said. "Now we prepare for Part II"

Lawrence took the elevator all the way to the top of the building. Man! This Kostan fellow was loaded!
When he finally reach the penthouse floor, he checked himself out in the mirror in the hallway.
"You must be Mr. Tilford" a voice called to him. He quickly walked over and shook the man's hand.
"Yes. Lawrence Tilford" He said with a wide smile.
"Please come right in. Mr. Kostan will be with you momentarily" He said leading him inside to the swank penthouse. "Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? A beer, glass of wine?"
"Yeah, a beer will be fine" Lawrence said nervously. A very well dressed man walked into the front room.
"Well, Lawrence Tilford! What a pleasure it is to meet you!" Josef said extending his hand.
"Thanks! The pleasure is all mine"
"I'm sure you're wondering why I invited you here. I wanted to discuss a business proposition with you. I've been watching you play for a couple of years now, and I gotta tell you, you got talent!" Josef said with a smile.
"Well, thanks Mr. Kostan. That's nice to hear" Lawrence said modestly. "I wish the rest of the NFL saw what you saw" Josef stood up and walked around.
"Oh come now! You got that offer from the Eagles. I'd say they noticed" Josef watched the young man's eyes grow large. How the hell did he know about that? Lawrence thought. "Calm down. I'm not gonna out you or anything. I just want you to consider another offer."
Lawrence finished his beer and sat it down on the table next to him.
"What kind of offer are you talking about?"
"I'm buying the franchise. And with Dutton out on his ass, I'd like to train you as the quarterback"
Lawrence sat up straight. Was this guy for real?
"You're kidding?" Lawrence said in surprise.
"No. I'm not. I think you could be what this team needs. You got a real fire inside of you. You play like the devil himself is after you. When I'm done, there won't be a little kid or cereal company in the world that won't know your name. I'm not just offering you a chance to play football, I'm offering you a chance to change football forever. Never has a player in the safety position made a transition to Quarterback successfully. You have a chance to make history!" Josef said.
"Quarterbacks get paid a pretty big contract" Lawrence said trying to calculate what the figure would be.
"A hell of a lot more than 14 Mil a year!" Josef said with a smile. "I will buy out your contract now for $20 million and when the sale goes through which will be in about 3 weeks, I'll bump you up to $30 mill per year. Anything you make on the side endorsements what have you are yours to keep"
Lawrence stood up on shaky legs. He wanted to act more cool more nonchalant but he was too stupefied for words. "The only thing that would would throw a kink into this plan is that Dutton kid. If he takes that drug test and passes, they won't go through with the sale. I know that kid is juicing! If I could only convince the league of that, I'd be set. We would be set!" Josef said.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Lawrence left Josef's penthouse with only one thing on his mind. And that thought was how to get Trevor fired one and for all. He started his swank sports car thinking of the ferrari he would be able to buy, or the beach front house he would purchase. He smiled as he turned into the garage of his apartment building. His life was about to make a drastic change.

Mick followed Lawrence until he pulled into the garage. Mick quickly got out of his car and used the key that Trevor had given him to get into his apartment, then he waited. He was sure that Lawrence would sneak in and try to plant some drugs in Trevor's apartment.

Mick waited for three hours and no Lawrence. This didn't make any sense. As the sun began to rise and Mick was dead tired, he finally gave up and tried to convince himself that maybe Lawrence Tilford wasn't the man they were looking for. By the time he got home, Beth had already left which didn't surprise him. Beth loved working although she had no need to.

Beth was at the football stadium early. Earlier than anyone. He sharp eyes taking everything in. She heard the car pull up and quickly hid herself from view. She saw what she supposed was a football player getting out of a small sports car and looking all around to make sure no one was in sight. He let himself into the stadium, and Beth followed not far behind. When he approached the locker room, Beth saw him reach into his jacket and pull out a small vial of something that Beth knew was anabolic steroids. She saw him break into a locker and quietly hide the drug underneath some towels. Lawrence then turned and picked up a towel from a nearby shelf and wiped everything he had touched. Smiling to himself, he changed into his workout clothes and proceeded to the gym. Since he was here, he might as well get a good long workout.
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Re: Joy to the World Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

By 7am the other players started to arrive.
"So Trev is a no show" One of them said. "I guess that settles it"
"Get real Marcus! There is no way that guy was juicing." Another put in.
"Bullshit man! Look we liked the guy too, but if he's not going to take the test, he's guilty!"
"So guilty until proven innocent? That's what the NFL is all about now?"
"Hell dude, that's they way the NFL has always been" Another player spoke up. Lawrence came into the locker room.
"When did you get here?" One asked.
"I was here bright and early before you slacker!" Lawrence joked. "What you guys talking about?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Trevor Dutton and his unwillingness to pee in a freaking cup!"
"I'm not surprised" Lawrence said taking off his shirt. "Trevor was the golden boy. The face of the NFL. The league, the press, the fans...they all pushed their hopes and dreams on him. That's a lot of weight to carry." All the players nodded their heads in agreement. One player got a devious look in his eye.
"Let's take a look in his locker. He was always so private about his things, not letting anyone touch his stuff. So technically, it's not his stuff anymore. It belongs to the league" He said noticing that he wasn't the only one who wanted to get into Trevor's locker. A large defensive tackle named Brent walked over the locker and pulled it with all his great might. The players all ran over to get a look inside.
"Holy shit!" Brent said in shock as he looked under the towel. "Son of a bitch! Call coach!" He yelled.
Beth heard the scene going on, but she waited for the right moment.
Coach Coswell heard the running and knew something was up. He also knew he wasn't going to like it.

"Coach, you better come take a look at this" Brent said holding the door open wider. "Looks like Trevor was juicing." He said.

The Coach knew this locker room like the back of his hand. He shut the locker door and looked at the layout of the gym.
"This isn't Trevor's locker" Coach said.
"Sorry Coach, but it is. There the name right there" Brent said pointing.
"I know this locker room and I'm telling you. That's not Trevor's locker. Somebody took the names out of the slots and switched them." He said pulling Trevor's name out of the slot and revealing the name of the locker's owner. Lawrence Tilford. "You care to explain Lawrence?" Coach said becoming livid at what this could mean. "You started this mess? You bastard!" Coach said coming towards him.

"Alright Babe. How did you know this would happen?" Mick asked Beth later.
"I didn't. I was just trying to cover all the bases. We were all sure Larry was the guy, but I thought what if he didn't want to take a chance on Trevor's apartment. What if he would try and plant something in the lockers? So I got there and switched the name plates. And sure enough, he came in and went straight to Trevor's locker, not even realizing that it was his own locker!" She explained. "And I got a great story out of it"

Lawrence Tilford was fired and forbidden to play for the NFL ever again. Gone were his current and future contracts and there was talk of a possible charges for the frame up of Trevor Dutton. In the end, it did no good for Los Angeles. Trevor Dutton in a press conference retired from the NFL. Simply stating that he had done all that he wanted to do, but felt it was time to do other things. Fans were saddened as was Coach Coswell. Never again would anyone see a young man like Trevor Dutton.

One year later

Trevor took to the board and landed firmly on top and rode the wave with expertise until the wave died down. He ran to the beach to dry off for a bit before returning when he heard a man walk up behind him.
"Hey kid, where'd you learn to surf like that?" he asked.
"My father taught me" Trevor shrugged.
"What's your name?"
"Collin Barnes" Trevor said with a smile.
"Baxter Horning." He said shaking the young man's hand. "Collin look, I'm a promoter and I gotta tell you with moves like that you could dominate the circuit. I'm talking Jim Blears!"
"Who's that?" Trevor asked.
"Jeeze kid! Jim Blears was only the best freestyle surf champion in the world!" Baxter explained. Trevor only half listened to what the man was saying. In his mind, he saw himself conquering another sport. He could do this within the year easy. Maybe this one would last a bit longer that football. He had so much he wanted to try. But hey, he had time. Time was the one thing he had plenty of.

The End
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