Slight of Hand

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Slight of Hand
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Just in time for Halloween a charismatic magician brings attention to the vampire community when one of his tricks goes horribly wrong.

Demetri loved magic. He went with his family to a state fair when he was but 8 years old and saw an old man decked out in a tuxedo and top hat. He did things that Demetri could not believe. His 8 year old brain was in awe. Every night he told himself that he would master the art of magic. His grandfather was a banjo player who had went round the vaudeville circuit as a child. He would tell his grandson all about the slight of hand. And how to make rupes (carny slang for the paying customer) see what you wanted them to. His father wanted him to hit the books and carry on the accounting business he had started. But Demetri never cared for numbers, unless they were in the helping of a magic trick. He and his father fought day in and day out, but Demetri was was determined.
He started the way most up coming magicians did. Playing small venues or placing video clips on youtube. He wanted to say that it was his superior skill but Demetri knew exactly what it was. He had turned into a physically beautiful young man. His longish dark hair and sky blue eyes were a hit with females all over. But Demetri didn't do magic to get laid. He did magic because he thought that in mastering the art it would open up secrets that only a small few knew about. True his illusions were creative and mind blowing, but in the end it was all smoke and mirrors. He needed something more.

His agent got him a Halloween show at the infamous Frank's Theatre in New Orleans. He was excited. He would be doing a dual show with magician Criss Angel. The French Quarter was like another world.
A world with no boundaries, no rules. Criss Angel showed him how to really surprise the audience. How to never let up. To extend to illusions as far as they could go.

Demetri also discovered drugs. What was only supposed to be just a one time for the experience of it, turned into a habit he could not control. He walked the crowded lanes of Bourbon Street. He saw his reflection in a store window and he couldn't believe what he saw.
"You're in trouble now" he heard a voice say behind him. He turned and saw an old woman looking at him strangely. Demetri turned around prepared to to say something rude, but her eyes were so soft and looked at him with such concern.
"I know ma'm" he said quietly.
"Come with me. You need to eat" She said grabbing his hand. Demetri didn't fight her. He let himself be pulled along. She took him to a large plantation style house. She sat him down in a chair in the kitchen. She pulled various things from her refrigerator and cupboards. Within an hour she sat a steaming plate of delicious smelling food in front of him.
"Now you eat all of that, and you'll feel right as rain" she ordered.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Demetri picked up the fork and savored every bite. Never in his life had he ever tasted food this good.
"So how long you been on the smack honey?" she asked sipping her mug of hot tea. Demetri shrugged. He had honestly forgotten.
"Too long" was the reply he settled for.
"My Uncle Bertrane was a jazz musician. He got addicted to that smack that you find in juke joints. My mama got his fool ass over here and fed him. That's the only thing that gets that poison out of you" She said nodding her head. "Good soul cookin"
Demetri had to admit. He did feel good. He couldn't remember the last time he ate a meal. Usually he shot up first thing in the morning and stayed that way all day.
"Ma'm, this food is so good" Demetri said in between mouthfuls.
"Ain't nothing but oxtails and blackeyed peas" She said with a modest smile. When he finished she took his plate to the sink. She saw his eyes were closing. She went over and shook him.
"Come on. You can sleep in my boys room. He's grown and got himself a doctor's practice in Savannah, Georgia." She was saying as he walked slowly behind her. She opened the door to the room. It was big and everything smelled of lemons.
"Now you get some rest and in the morning we'll get some more food in your belly" She said turning off the lights and closing the door behind her.
Demetri sat on the soft sheets for a moment then felt himself fall asleep on the sheets that smelled like heaven.

Demetri slowly woke up wondering why his head felt clear. He looked all around. It started to come back to him. An old woman had taken him home with her. He was wearing pajamas. He didn't remember putting those on, but then lately there were a lot of things he didn't remember doing. He splashed water on his face and made his way downstairs. The old woman was in the kitchen cooking. She saw him and pulled out a chair.
"You're a little taller than my boy but I figured they would fit you just right. And don't look so scared, You ain't got nothin I ain't seen before! Now sit down and drink this coffee" she said sternly. "Your wash is in the dryer" Demetri drank the cup of coffee and thought he died. Did everything taste better in the South? She laid a plate down in front of him. Bacon, ham, eggs, potatoes, fried tomatoes, and biscuits.

Demetri ate every last morsel on his plate. And drank some more coffee.
"Ma'm, I thank you for all of this. You certainly didn't have to.." He began to say but she waved him away.
"I knew you wasn't going to harm me. Some of them junkies come up to you ready to slit your throat for pocket change! You didn't have that way about you. How you feeling now?" She asked. Honestly,
Demetri couldn't remember feeling better. He sat at the table with her helping her peel potatoes, He told her about magic and what it meant to him and what he had hoped to do someday. She listened and laughed.
"Oh, you wanna fool people with them magic tricks!" She said laughing.
"Well more than that M'am, I want them to see things they've never seen before."
"They be a lot of things regular folk don't need to be seein" She said suddenly serious.
"Well, it wouldn't be anything dangerous....but just fantastic type things" he said trying to help her understand.
"I know what you talkin bout. We had a flim flam man who used to come pullin up in his horse and buggy and all the kiddies would give them they money to see these fantastic things. I always kept my money in my sock where he couldn't get to it. But the things he done was amazin to my young eyes." She said now starting on her knitting.

Demetri stayed with Lizzie Clyde for two weeks, but Demetri had to get back. He needed to make money.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:50 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

"Demetri Ryan is back!" The Marquee read. Demetri was the hottest ticket in town. Women loved him, men wanted to be him. The fame was like nothing he had ever felt before. When he was younger this is where he wanted to be. The headliner, stunning everyone with his feats of magic. Now he was 35 and he didn't even do magic anymore. But the audience didn't care. He wondered if they ever cared. His pal Criss Angel told him, that the public was the one thing you could never plan for and he was right. Who would have thought that his vampire magic side show would take off. But take off it did. And he was worth millions and it meant nothing to him. He sent money to Lizzie in New Orleans each month but he did very little else with it. He was a vampire. Lizzie Clyde that sweet old woman actually tried to cure him. But everything she learned from folks long ago didn't work. She held his hand and cried. She knew that vampires were around, but they didn't usually bite you unless they wanted to drain you. They wanted Demetri to become a vampire. And now he was.

Demetri could hear the screams in the audience as the MC was making the introduction. The curtains parted and Demetri stepped out. The first portion of his act was strictly illusions. But that got the audience pumped up for latter half of the show, which read like a chapter of Bram Stoker's Dracula. Demetri as the prince of darkness, tortured, guilty but in love with the beautiful Mina. The act ended with him banishing his beloved into a screen of mirrors. Mina would scream and bang on mirror wanting to be let out. Then in a crescendo of goth music and smoke she would disappear forever and the show would end. But tonight was all together different. Demetri had pulled off the illusion of banishing her into the mirrors, but someone was in the mirror images with her. And they were killing her. Tearing her neck apart in full view of a packed house. Demetri just stood helpless as he watched it all. His assistant lay on the stage floor bleeding and everyone in Las Vegas had seen it!
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Demetri sat in a chair in his dressing room waiting for someone from the police department to ask him questions or take a statement. After and hour an officer came to him and sat next to him.
"I need to ask you some questions" The officer said. Demetri nodded his head. "Tell me about this illusion and how it's done?" he asked.
"Well, I could quote intellectual property but what's the point. It's a trick with mirrors. When smoke hides the stage, my assistant get's dropped through a trap door then she gets lifted back up through another trap door behind the mirrors. What the audience is seeing is a reflection of glass showing her image to the audience. That's what I don't understand. She was on stage the whole time so how was this happening to her?" He said. The officer quickly wrote down what he said.
"Was this assistant with you for a long time?"
"Mariah had the talent to make it for the long haul. Up until now, I just hired someone who had already done a few shows and knew the part. Mariah had a real interests in the art itself."
"Did she have a boyfriend or anything like that?"
"Not that knew of. I knew she was a student at UCLA"
"Thank you Mr. Ryan." The officer said walking away.

For days Demetri Ryan was on every station. Some reporters said he wanted publicity and had planned the whole thing but something went wrong and the woman was killed. Others said it was a tragic accident, but everyone wanted Demetri to give his account, but his attorney said that was a big no no.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

The Medical Examiner gave his final report to the press. Death was murder by person or persons unknown. At least the police let the public know that Demetri Ryan was no longer a suspect. His agent of course was thrilled and started booking shows for Demetri again. This time was a huge show in Los Angeles. The Staples Center sold out within 5 hours.

"Hey Beth, you got a minute?" Beth heard her boss Gary say.
"Sure. What's up"
"You know that magician guy? Demetri something or another.....anyway we need someone to head over to The Shelborne Hotel to interview him. Can you squeeze him in?"
"Yeah. Let him know I'll be there at 5:00pm tomorrow" Beth walked into her office and buzzed Steve her camera guy. Steve walked in a few moment later. He started to speak but noticed the look on Beth's face. She looked love stricken. He clapped his hands in front of her face and she came to.
"Uh... Steve....sorry I didn't hear you come in" She said. "Gary wants us to interview Demetri Ryan at 5pm tomorrow" she said. Steve rolled his eyes. Now he got it. There wasn't a woman alive that wasn't head of heels over the magic guy.
"Not you too!" Steve said rolling his eyes again. "Beth, I thought you were above this kind of stuff!"
"Steve, Demetri Ryan is the greatest magician I've ever seen!" Beth said. Mick stepped inside Beth's office.
"Hey Steve. Hi Babe, you ready for lunch?" He asked with a large smile.
"Mick, I need a dude's opinion. What's the big deal about Demetri Ryan?" Steve asked. Mick looked at both Steve and Beth before shrugging.
"Who Demetri Ryan?"
"Ha! See Beth, even your own husband!" Steve said laughing.
"Yes, I'm ready for lunch" Beth said sternly pulling on Mick's shirt sleeve.
"Am I supposed to know who that is?" Mick said with a smile.
"Demetri Ryan is a magician. A very well known magician who happens to be doing a very large show here at The Staple Center on Saturday" Beth said.
"Well, magic is more of a girl thing" Mick explained as they got into the car.

Demetri auditioned girl after girl after girl and they were all horrible. His agent had no luck either.
He heard a knock on his hotel door.
"Yes" he said not knowing the woman who stood before him.
"Demetri Ryan.....I'm Beth St. John..I'm not early am I?" Beth said a little nervously.
Demetri glanced at his watch.
"No, no. My apologies. The interview" He said stepping aside to let her and Steve in. Steve immediately started to set up.

"So Mr. Ryan, what can your fans expect tonight?" Demetri sat back in his chair.
"The unexpected. Everything will be on the fly. No wires no script" He chuckled.
"I've been told you have one of if not the most loyal fanbase of any illusionist. Do you find it hard to keep surprising them?"
"Of course it's hard. Heck it's hard to do it consistently for people who don't even like magic. The competition is fierce these days." he said as he picked up a deck of cards and started to shuffle. He fanned the cards out. "It's about misdirection. You need to show people some of the trick but not all of the trick." He motioned for Beth to pick up a card, look at it then place it back in the deck. He pulled Beth's card out.
"Is this your card" he asked. Beth smiled. She knew this trick. She nodded yes and took the card from him and started to shuffle. She motioned to Demetri to pick a card. He did and placed it back in the deck.
"But you know Demetri, you might want to let your audience in. They may show you some tricks of their own" Beth said with a grin. Demetri's card was right on top of the deck. He smiled then started to laugh.
"Touche' Ms. St. John" He said. They talked for about 35 minutes more then they had to wrap it up.
"Ms. St. John, it was a pleasure! Here are two tickets for tomorrow's show. First row. My treat."
"Thank you!" she said as she walked out with Steve,
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

"Guess who's going to the Demetri Ryan show?" Beth said in a singsong voice as she walked through the door. Mick smiled.
"" Mick asked.
"No, smarty pants. Us! Demetri gave me two tickets, first row" Beth said barely able to contain herself.

Rosamund DeFrane had lived most of her entire life in New Orleans. She had seen it all. But at 1250 years she longed to teach all she knew to another, to carry on the old ways. She brought very few over unless they had potential. So far all had ended up being destroyed because they chose to do what they wanted to do. They abused the power she gave to them and became most tiresome. But this magician fellow had taken things too far. Using his vampire skills and passing them off as magic! No vampire would allow that!
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Demetri was nervous, which was strange because he was never nervous before a show. He had conquered that far a long time ago. He was nervous for this show because 1. he didn't have a assistant and 2. for once he had no idea what was going to happen. He heard the announcer call his name and the audience scream. He put his shoulders back and boldly walked on stage.

Beth made sure she wore something stunning. Mick being Mick, wore what he always wore and looked magnificent. They waited for what the press had deemed "The greatest Illusions in the world of magic to date"

Demetri spotted the beautiful reporter the moment he walked out and he had a great idea.
"I will need a volunteer for first trick" He said. Every woman immediately raised her hand or stood up hoping he would pick them. Demetrie walked right in front of Beth and held out his hand to her.
"Will you do me the honor?" He asked politely. Beth looked at Mick for a brief moment then took the hand of the magician as led her up the steps to the stage. "You don't get panicky do you?" He asked in a teasing voice.
"Some times" Beth replied.
"Do you trust me?
"I guess so" Beth said.
"Okay Ladies and Gentlemen tonights illusion is called The Birds of Prey." Dramatic music began to play. He turned Beth around in his arms. They swayed to romantic rhythms of the music. He pulled a silk scarf out of his pocket and gently wrapped it around her eyes. He pulled a second scarf from his pocket and tied both her hands together. He finally took out a third scarf and tied her legs together.
He stole up to her ear.
"I hope you're not afraid of heights" He whispered. He walked slowly around Beth's body. And with a blow out of smoke and a snap of his hands, Beth had seemingly combusted and in her place a flock of black birds flew out into the audience.

Everyone gasped and stood up to applaud. The illusion went off without a hitch. Demetri bowed to the crowd.
"I guess you want me to bring her back huh?" He said sheepishly running his hand through his long hair.

Beth of course had been hooked to something that pulled her up to a second level of stage. She quickly broke free from the scarf and pulled the material from her eyes. Standing in front of her was a beautiful vampire with long black hair.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Demetri performed several more tricks on stage taking his time to draw the audience in and when they least expected it, he's surprise them all over again. Mick sat patient, really becoming involved in the show, but Beth should be back by now, he thought to himself. Then remembering what happened at Demetri's last show in Vegas, he slowly got up and headed out the theatre door. He looked all around for a back stage area. He found it pretty quick and quietly began to look all around for Beth. He closed his eyes and began to search the back stage area. His eyes snapped open and he jumped to the second level. There he found his wife and unknown vampire ready to lock horns.
Mick jumped in front of his wife.
"Who are you?" He hissed at the woman.
"None of your business!" She snapped back. "The young man is mine! I made him and now he chooses to waste my perfect gift on this nonsense! I won't have it!"
"Well if you think your gonna be allowed to off people just because you're made with newbie, you better think again. We have people who take care of people like you. Don't you even give a crap?" MIck said becoming exasperated with the vampire. The vampire turned as if she was really thinking about Mick said. Then quickly she turned and ran at them. Mick and Beth hit the vamp repeatedly but she was old and very strong. She knocked Beth away with one swipe of her hand and Beth went flying across the floor. And in an instant she was gone. Mick ran over to Beth to see if she was alright.
"Babe" He said urgently.
"Mick, I'm fine" She said getting up. "Who the hell was that?!" Beth asked.
"I don't know. But she was old. I mean like a thousand years old. If she turned your magician friend down there, we've got a big problem.

Beth heard Demetri preparing to bring her back. So she leaped back on the platform that she assumed would take her back to the stage level.

"Well, I think my beautiful helper has been gone for long enough." He said dramatically to the crowd.
After waving his hands broadly and a blast of light smoke, Beth was standing where she was before.

Rosamund paced back and forth. How dare those vampires interrupt! No matter she thought. Demetri was on his way to Portland, OR. And there she would dispose of Mr. Demetri Ryan.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Mick was telling the story to Isabelle the next morning. She leaned forward with interest.
"We must tell Josef" She said walking towards the phone.
"Why? Why would Josef want to be involved?" Mick asked. Isabelle said nothing but called Josef.

"Sounds like Rosamund DeFrane to me" Josef said after he heard the story told again. "She's a piece of work. She knew Simone Dubois. She's not a threat to the community or anything, but she could be trouble. And if she thinks this magic guy is her property, she'll tear everyone apart to get to him."
"Wait, so she wants to destroy this guy because her ego is hurt?" Mick asked.
"Mick, it's more than that. In the South, especially in New Orleans, vamp issues are handled differently. Turning someone then taking care to teach the newbie is a huge deal. And most likely she taught him something that is of importance to her bloodline and he bloodline only. If she's feels that he's being careless, oh yeah...she'll take him out." Josef explained. Isabelle stood up and stretched her long legs.
"Lately, vampires have become a nuisance." She said to no one in particular. They all agreed to be honest.
"We need someone who can tell us what her blood line is" Mick said pulling out his call phone. "Hey Zoe, it's dad. I've got a questions for you" he said into the phone.
"Sure what is it?"
"Do your records say anything about the DeFrane family of vampires in New Orleans?"
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

"Hmmm.....DeFrane.....that name does sound familiar" Zoe was saying as she was checking the archives."I got it. Elsa DeFrane, was the grand dame of the family. She ruled most of the South with an iron fist. Then her daughter Eloise, followed by her daughter Alice and lastly Rosamund. They have the bloodline of the Ancients, but they are direct descendants of Cleopatra, which means magic and that means trouble." Zoe finished. "But things have been quiet in New Orleans for some time now. Julian and I would have known otherwise" She explained. Mick told Josef and Isabelle what he learned.
"Alice I remember" Isabelle said. "A timid shy vampire, very uncomfortable with her "curse" she called it. She was turned by her aunt at the age of 19 I believe. In those days when vampires were concerned about bloodlines, a young female would be turned and then given a grand ball. Rather like a debutante ball. Alice refused to go and said she would never take part in the killing of innocents."
"What happened to her" Mick asked
"She destroyed herself. She denied herself the blood she needed to survive. A horrid way to be sure" Isabelle finished.
"Okay, at least that gives us some background on this Rosamund, but how do we stop her?" Mick said pacing back and forth.

Demetri Ryan stepped off the plane looking at the gray skies of Portland, Oregon. Is that all it did in the Pacific Northwest was rain? No wonder those Twilight novels took place in the area. He couldn't imagine the sun every shining here. He arrived in Portland five days before his show because he needed to prepare. He worked on a brand new illusion that he was sure would be the trick of all tricks!
He had to be ready.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Rosamund, did not like Portland. She walked around the Pearl District in disgust. Everyone dressed as if they homeless! In rags and dirty trouser pants. If she had her way and didn't have to suffer the repercussions from Counsel she would kill them all.
"Hey beautiful! What's your name" A young man said approaching her. She turned her head and smiled.
"My name is Rosamund." She said softly. He slowly walked closer to the beautiful woman.
"My name is Mike. Hey, is this your first time in Portland? You look kinda lost" He said.
"Yes. This is my first time here and I've travelled a long way." she replied.
"Well, just let me know what you want to do and I'll take you there myself" Mike said confidently.
"To be honest Mike, I am literally starving" She said with a bright smile.
"Good. Because I know all the best places in town" He said taking her hand and leading her to a deserted street.

Mick and Isabelle arrived in Portland the next day. Mick looked around. He kind of liked this small city. For one thing there was no sun, but it appeared to be a small town version of Los Angeles.
"Okay Isabelle first things first. We have to find Demetri and tell him what's going on. It's him Rosamund's after." Mick said. "Do you think you could find a way to have the show canceled? "
"I will try" She said simply.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Demetri knew his time was limited. Rosamund would come for him soon. To be honest he used very little of the magic she showed him. He really didn't think she would go to such extremes. It was only after the first murder that the idea came to him. It could only be her. He did wonder why she didn't take the news reporter though. But there was nothing he could do about any of this now. This is would be his finale so to speak. Rosamund would make it splashy for him as he destroyed. He finished the paperwork his attorney sent him. Everything he had would go to Lizzie Clyde. He made sure of that. After signing the paperwork he went into the bathroom to shower.

Isabelle crept quietly into the theatre where Demetri would perform. It was a gorgeous old theatre, probably built sometime in the late 1800's. She found what she was looking for and ripped out all the wiring.

Demetri was shaving although he really didn't have to any more, but he loved the ritual of shaving more than anything. He heard a knock at the door and went to answer it.
"Well, if it isn't the Great Demetri Ryan" Rosamund said staring at him smiling.
Demetri knew that he would never get a chance to perform one last time. This was it.
"Hello Rosamund" He said softly, closing the door quietly be hind them.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

The man looked at all the ripped wiring and took his gloves off.
"Maybe rodents, but how they got up this high is a mystery, unless they're making a home in those boxes over there." He said pointing to a pile of boxes that were stacked waist high. The small nervous man with him wrung his hands.
"Oh no! There must be something you can do! We have a sold out performance tonight!" He whined.
"Look, unless you want everyone to hold a candle there ain't nothing going on tonight" The electrician stated.

Demetri's hotel room phone started to ring.
"May I answer it?" He asked softly. Rosamund shrugged her shoulders like it did not matter.
"Hello....yes. You're kidding. And nothing can be done? Of course. I understand." He slowly hung up the phone. "The show's been canceled, but I'm sure you already know that." Demetri said.
"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. I was looking forward to seeing you perform one last time." She said sadly. "Oh Demetri, why would you do this to me? To us? What I've shared with you was for you alone. Not something to be shared with the mortal world for amusement. Where is your loyalty my handsome one?" She said slowly touching his arm.
"I'm sorry. Truly I am." He said. She wanted him to make excuses and to plead for his existence, but he would do neither.
"What? No plea?" She asked in surprise looking at him queerly.
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Re: Slight of Hand

Post by Ella713 »

Mick and Isabelle finally found the hotel where Demetri was staying and quickly went to his door.
"Rosamund, I know you're in there! Let the guy go" Mick said loudly. Rosamund looked angrily at Demetri.
"Who else have you told?" She said in anger throwing open the door. "Who are you?!" She said forcefully. She looked quickly at Mick. "So I see my little friend has found another vampire to teach him" She said. Rosamund continued to look at Mick and then she saw Isabelle step into her line of vision. "A cleaner! My my my! " She said turning to look at Demetri. "You are full of surprises!"
"Look, you need to let this guy go. You've caused enough trouble trying to get him to behave your way.
You know that's not allowed." Mick said trying to reason with the woman.
"No. You need to understand. His betrayal affects not just the vampires in New Orleans, but vampires everywhere." She continued.
"So why kill the women? They didn't know anything."
"I wanted to make sure I had his full attention" She said walking over to Demetri and rubbing his face before slapping him hard.
"Leave him alone" Mick said again. Rosamund grey tired of the debate over the life of one newbie and prepared to end Demetri once and for all. There was a shift in the air that made them all turn.
Behind Isabelle was vampire Mick had never seen before, but he could tell he was old. He wasn't very tall but appeared to be perhaps 50 human years at his turning. He wore and expensive suit and had large silver rings on his fingers.
"Enough Rosamund" He said. Rosamund stared at this man she knew.
"Jasper! What are you doing here?" She asked.
"You know that you can come into another territory to shed blood. This should have been handled in New Orleans" He said calmly. Rosamund became angry.
"No! You have no idea what he has done! I've come here for honor!" She screamed.
"Rosamund you came here for ego and hurt feelings. Nothing more. Then you shed blood in this territory without asking permission. This is not what we do. This is not the way we live" He explained.
Jasper turned to Mick and Isabelle. "You may leave and take this one with you" He said pointing to Demetri.
"No!" Rosamund screamed. "He is mine!!" she yelled. Jasper closed the door as they walked out.

Demetri walked up to the porch and opened the screen door.
"I had a feeling you were coming back home." She said with smile on her face. "No sit down and let get......." She stopped and laughed out loud. "How about drink boy" She said sitting a glass in front of him. "Tell me what you been up to?" She asked sitting down in the chair next to him.

Demetri didn't know where to start. She patted his knee lightly.
"No mind. You can stay as long as you like" Lizzie said smiling at him.

"So everything went okay I assume?" Josef asked
"Yeah..I mean I guess. I think Rosamund was destroyed" Mick said.
"Things are different over there. The way they handle things? Best to leave them to it" Josef finished as he walked away. Isabelle walked towards him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. She knew he made the phone call to Jasper. Josef always thought of everything.

The End
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