You Talkin to Me?

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
You Talkin to Me?
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef hires an aggressive trader who slyly tries to make Brian look bad.

Walk Like a Man

Robert Monroe like many kids in Brooklyn, had it pretty rough. A father who was gambling addict, a mother who only loved to drink wine. A brother who started hanging out with the wrong crowd and ended up being shot on the streets. And an older sister who was pregnant at 16 and a boyfriend who kept her knocked up while he knocked her around. Yeah, in Robert's mind, no one had it as bad as he did. When he was in 6th grade he discovered math and knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He begged old man Peterson who owned the little corner store to take him on as a bag boy. This got him away from home and he got some valuable life experience. After school he would walk into Peterman's store and tie his apron around his waist.
"No, no, no" Peterman would say to him. "You have to do your lessons before work!" He simply would not allow Robert to do one thing until his homework was done. Peterman came from a generation that prided themselves on book learning he called it.

High School is where he really came into his own. He started hanging out with his father, watching him make one useless bet after the other. He told his father how he could further his money and it worked.
His father was winning big pots every week. He won so much that he took up and took off, leaving him alone with his mother. The rat bastard!

When Robert was accepted at MIT on a full scholarship he knew he was on his way. After college he spent three years a day trader and did well, but he wanted more. He flipped through the magazine for the 1,000th time. He must have read the article over 500 times. This is what he wanted more than anything. He was going to have it! No one was going to stand in his way.
He put the magazine in his briefcase and smiled.
"Ready or not Josef Kostan, Robert is coming to Los Angeles" he muttered to himself.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Brian looked over the man's resume and was pleasantly surprised. He knew that Josef really like this guy. Isabelle as always was indifferent until she met the person. Brian smiled. Every confident man loss a bit of that confidence when they had their interview with Isabelle. But Josef made it clear. Isabelle was to meet all interviewees. Josef walked in with a bright grin.
"Come on Brian. We need new people. New hungry people. And this guy is very hungry" He said
"As you wish always sir, but it is always wise to show a little caution about new employees" Brian said,
"That's why I have you and Isabelle. If there is anything going on I know you two will spot it" Josef said confidently. Then he looked at Brian's concerned facial expression.
"What's the matter Brian? Surely you're not afraid of a little competition?" Josef joked.

"Not at all." Brian said handing the file back to Josef.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Robert Monroe took a deep breath and prepared himself for his first day at Kostan Industries. He stepped onto the elevator which would take him to the executive floor. Robert wasn't on that floor yet, but he knew that he would be in a matter of months. He took a quick glance in the elevator mirror. The suit was brand new as was the tie. He smiled at his reflection. Robert knew that he wasn't a great looking man. Some men were and some weren't. That's just way it is. He would always look like a New York tough. People would underestimate him like they always did, and that's when he'd show them. He never go tired of seeing the shocked look on their faces when they found out that he had saved the day and not their ivy league Ken doll!
The elevator stopped and Robert confidently got out and walked to the Receptionist desk. He glanced down at the beautiful woman.
"Good morning Mr. Monroe. Please follow me" She said all business. Robert thought she might be the typical dumb blonde receptionist. That's what I get for assuming. Robert said to himself. He looked around at all the Kostan employees. They were all beautiful. Every last one of them. He started to hear that voice that he hated. The one that told him he was ugly and stupid. He took another deep breath and silenced the voice as he was led to the CFO's large office.
"Mr. Petzer. Mr. Monroe is here to see you" The Receptionist said briskly. Brian looked up from his computer and nodded his head. Robert stared at the young man. And he did look young. No more than a teenager. He was impeccably dressed and Robert could tell that his suit was made to order.
He walked over to Brian and held out his hand.
"Mr. Petzer. A pleasure to meet you" He said, trying to speak slowly.
"Yes. Mr. Monroe please have a seat." Brian motioned to the chair opposite him. "I must say, myself and Mr. Kostan were very impressed with your resume. You've had some very solid floor experience"
"Yes, I actually prefer the trading floor. I know some don't, but I fell it's where all the real action is" He said with small smile that he hoped appeared to be humble.
"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself and your goals" Brian said levelling his gaze directly as the man. Robert looked away.
"The beginning is not very exciting. I grew up in Brooklyn, working class family. Not a lot of money and too many mouths to feed. I discovered math early on and fell in love with it." He said
" I understand what you mean but for someone who loved mathematics, why finance? The private sector offer an array of mathematical positions." Brian said.
"Look, I'll be honest. I never had money. And frankly, I wanted to for once be secure. As esteemed as mathematics are, I desired to prove myself in other areas. Finance was next logical step"
Brian studied that man for a few seconds then called Isabelle.

Isabelle coldly walked into Brian's office.
"Come with me" She said, walking out of the office. Robert looked in complete awe of the beautiful woman. He wanted to ask Brian who she was, but she seemed to be in a hurry. So Robert quickly caught up with her. She opened her office door and pointed for him to sit. She calmly sait behind her large desk.
"Why are you here?" She asked coolly. Robert stared at her not sure how to answer.
"I want to make money. A lot of money" He said.
"Thank you. You may leave now" She said and turned away from him. Robert stood up unsure what he should say or do. Without turning around her arm pointed at the door.
"Use it." she said. Robert walked out of the office. A very pretty brunette came out to greet him.
"Hello, my name is Lucy. I'm to bring you into the conference room.

"Alright. Tell me about this guy" Josef said looking at Brian
"Sir, I find him to be very motivated and skilled........." he began.
"But,...what?" Josef asked.
"I worry about loyalty sir. When a man is as hungry for money as this man seems, loyalty is often hard to gauge" Josef nodded his head and turned to Isabelle.
"And what about you?" Josef asked.
"I say kill him and we look for someone else." Both Brian and Josef looked at her.
"Honey, don't you think that's a tad strong?"
"No. This man will bring hate and darkness to you Josef and to those you love?" She said and walked out.
"What's gotten into her?" Josef wondered. Brian's eyes followed her and he knew he would find out.

Brian caught up with Isabelle near the library.
"What is Isabelle?" He asked looking into her eyes.
"That man, means to cause you harm my Lord. He will bring shame and scandal to this company and to my husband" She said. Brian grabbed her hand and held it.
"Then we must stop him" Brian said softly.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Robert looked at the office that would be his. Sure it was the same size as all the other traders, but he knew this was only temporary. He dropped his belongings on his desk and took a bouquet of roses to the woman sitting at small desk. His secretary. It felt good to know that he had a secretary. He had done some investigative work beforehand and discovered that she wasn't married, didn't have a boyfriend, lived alone with her Boston Terrier, roses were her favorite flowers and she loved dark chocolate. She sat there busy as all Kostan employees were expected to be. He walked over to her and handed over the roses.
"Carolyn, hello. I'm Robert Monroe and I wanted to introduce myself officially since we'll be working together" Robert knew how to speak to secretaires. He knew they hated the term "working for me" so he always substituted "working together instead" It seemed to please them more. Carolyn looked at the roses in surprise.
"Why, thank you Mr. Monroe. That was very thoughtful of you" she said .
"Please call me Robert" He said.
"Thank you very much for the roses Mr Monroe, but Mr. Kostan has very strict policies on the using of first names to superiors. But again, thank you" Carolyn said and swiftly got back to work.

Robert went back to his office and began to work. When you're the new kid in a office people kind of shy away from you. So everyone was careful to lower their tones when they passed him. It was expected. But soon, in fact very soon he would make his mark.

"So how's the new guy?" Josef asked Brian.
"Robert is doing quite well sir. He has already surpassed you lead team and in only 1 month" Brian said.
"Well, that's great Brian. I knew he would be a fine addition" Josef said "Are we ready for the Harrison meeting?"
"Everything is in place. I also have a new plan that may make the endeavor more profitable for Kostan Industries" Brian said.
"Profit is always good Brian. Let's go" Josef said as they walked towards the conference room
Brian opened the door and saw Robert seated at the table with Marshall Harrison intently talking.
"Robert?" Brian said in a steely voice "Why are you here? This meeting is closed"
Robert stood up quickly.
"I'm very sorry Mr. Kostan, Brian. Last night I had this idea that simply couldn't wait."
He laid some papers and graphs on the table for them to view. Brian quickly scanned the papers and looked up sharply. This was his idea! It was impossible to fathom that Robert came up with his plan on his own! Josef smiled and patter Robert on the back.
"Well done Robert! This is amazing" Josef said. They sat down and discussed the terms of the new contract and closed the deal. Brian said nothing but everything that Robert had proposed was Brian's idea. To the letter.
"Well, Kostan" Harrison said standing up "We look forward to doing business together." He said shaking Josef's hand. "That's a fine young man you got there" He said motioning to Robert.

Robert smiled brightly and begged off to go back to work. He shut his office door tightly.
Smooth. Very smooth. He thought. He had stayed late at the office to try and give the impression that he was hard at work, but what he got was so much more. All of the management offices were locked, but the night crew had been in already and cleaned up. All too easily Robert went into the basement and sifted through the trash. And in one of the piles he saw it. Brian must have come up with the basic idea but hadn't expanded on it yet. But the outline was there. He stuffed the paper in his jacket pocket and went home and worked on it all night. He was at the office at 5am preparing his proposal. It had to be perfect. And it was. Suddenly another idea came to him. One he had not thought of before. Maybe Kostan Industries needed a new CFO!

Josef could feel Brian's anger. It radiated off him like venom.
"Brian, would you like to take the rest of the day off?" Josef asked . Brian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Isabelle looked up quickly and ran to where Brian stood.
"My Lord, what is it?" She asked anxiously.
"Sir, if you don't mind, I think I would like to take the rest of day off." Brian said evenly.
"Of course Brian. Anytime. You know that. Take all the time you need." Josef replied. Isabelle touched Brian's arm.
"I will accompany you". She said and followed Brian down the hall and out of the building.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Robert was pleased with himself. People kept stopping by offering him congratulations and shaking his hand. Even his secretary gave him a thumbs up when he walked by. Brian would get over it. He would understand that it wasn't personal it was just business.

"What you did over there showed a lot of guts. That's exactly what I'm looking for" Josef said poking his head into Roberts's office.
"Thanks Mr. Kostan....if you have a moment I'd like to discuss....." He began to say but Josef put up his hand as if to silence him.
"I don't think you're ready to wear big boy pants just yet. Let's not get ahead of ourselves" Josef said grinning and walking away.

Robert bit his tongue but nodded his head. He could wait. That gave him time to plan some more!

"Brian, what is wrong? I could feel you anger wrap around the building. That is not safe." Isabella said to him.
"I know. It caught me off guard. I wasn't prepared." He tried to explain.
"It was this Robert wasn't it?" She asked.
"Yes it was. But it was something minor, I shouldn't have had that reaction to it. As I said, I wasn't prepared."
"What will we do now?" Isabelle asked.
"We prepare" Brian said.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Brian had been gone for a better part of the week, and that gave Robert time to prepare. He managed to get ahold of a client contacts list, and scheduled appointments with most of Kostan Industries high rollers. He gave them all an extensive proposal that included the bare bones of what Brian had thought of, but Robert engineered a few ideas of his own. Some were definitely high risk, but the payout was enormous. Robert then started to think about running his own hedge fund firm. Id the clients were as pleased as he knew they would be, they would leave Josef Kostan in a heartbeat! He clicked off his computer and started to look through a Ferrari catalog!

Josef knew what game Robert was playing, but was interested to see how it would turn out. The young man was ruthless to say the least and that impressed Josef more than his business acumen.
"This should be interesting" Josef said to himself.

It took all of Brian's strength sometimes to restrain himself. It got harder and harder everyday. He knew that he was capable of some remarkable things, but the urge to kill was something he could always hold at bay. Beth and Mick had raised his to think of violence as a last resort and he vowed that he would only use violence if it was absolutely necessary. He didn't want to become a monster. He didn't want his wife and daughter to fear him. Brian realized suddenly why Dragos lived alone. Josef however would be quite happy if Brian let his full powers blossom into homicidal rage, but he would never let that happen.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Robert looked at the check in his hands. He looked at it again. The check read $3,000.000.00 as in three million dollars. In one short week, he had made the commission of a lifetime! If he could just see the faces of smug kids in his neighborhood now! He walked around the condo in awe. Not one person in his family could do what he was about to do. He took one last walk around while the realtor waited patiently.
"I'll take it" Robert said confidently/ "Where do I sign?"

Brian walked back into Kostan Industries a new man. Isabelle quietly greeted him and went with him to Josef's office.
"Welcome back Brian! I s everything alright?" Josef asked.
"Yes. The time was much needed sir." Brian said sounding like his old self.

Brian had several voicemails and emails from clients stating that they decided to take a chance on Robert Monroe. Brian thought nothing of it and responded to them each and wished them much success. Robert strolled in and went directly to Brian's office.
"Good morning Brian, I hoped you might have a minute to talk?" she asked peeking his head inside the door. Brian motioned for him to come in.
"What can I do for you Robert?" Brian asked.
"As you may have heard, some things changed while you were on sabbatical" He began to explain.
Brian nodded his head. "And I just wanted to say, I hope you know that this was just business. It's not personal. I saw a chance for some direct change and I took off with it"
"As you said Robert, this is a business not a fraternity. Things like this happen." Brian said calmly.
Robert saw that Brian was taking this revelation quite easily and he had to admire the guy. Not everyone would have taken it so well. Robert held out his hand to Brian. Brian shook his hand and told him congratulations.

Grace walked up to Robert. He admired her form fitting pencil skirt and long legs.
"Mr Monroe, I know this is frowned upon, but a few of us are going to Oliver's for drinks and as the new employee, I am personally welcoming you" She said. Robert looked at the very pretty woman.
"Grace, that sounds great. I'd like that a lot! He said as he walked into his office thinking his life was finally turning out as he dreamed.

Robert arrived a little after the meet up time, but saw his co-workers right away.
"Hey Robert!" A young man in accounting yelled out to him. Robert sat down and ordered a whiskey and soda. This was the way life should be always. And anyone could have it if they worked hard.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

"So, how do you like Kostan Industries?" Grace asked him taking a sip of her wine.
"I was nervous of course, but now I think I see the way things need to be done" He said with a smile.
Grace leaned next to him and whispered in his ear.
"I wouldn't steal from Brian anymore if I were you. That's dangerous." She said leaning back to her side
"I don't know what you're talkin about" Robert said.
"You were sloppy. You never go for the obvious assault." she said.
"You talk like you know something about.......everything"
"Gosh you're thick! Don't you know that Secretaries, Personal Assistants, Receptionist, are the keeper of all company secrets. There isn't one single thing going on at the firm that we don't know."
Robert looked at her in all seriousness. What she said was true. He knew that secretaries often knew things that would make a seasoned man blush, but this was Kostan Industries. "You stealing Brian's idea was ametuer hour. In the end all you got was a sizeable commission. Koston's not all that interested in any of his clients becoming more wealthy. Josef Kostan cares about the wealth of Kostan Industries" She said taking the last sip of her wine.

"Well if it were you, how would you do it?" Robert asked becoming really interested in her ideas. Grace ran her finger around the rim of her wineglass.
"First, what you need is a backer. A strong solid backer. And that would have to be someone who hates Josef Kostan. And trust me when I tell you, that's a long list. Instead of pitching your "ideas" to clients, pitch your ideas to enemies. They have very deep pockets and very long memories" She said.
Robert smiled brightly.
"Grace, you and I are going to be filthy rich" He said downing his drink.

Over the next week, Grace and Robert met for lunch and she would tell him of all the people who Josef had wronged, then she'd get Robert in for a meet up. Robert met with 4 gentlemen who would all like to see Josef burn in hell.
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Re: You Talkin to Me?

Post by Ella713 »

Grace met Robert for dinner at an italian bistro.
"Everything's set. Carson has put in 100k and Adams put in another 250k. I can't believe this is going to happen." Grace said excitedly. Robert called the waiter over and order an expensive bottle of champagne,
"Grace Carpenter we are a fantastic match. To us" he said as they clinked glasses. "Tomorrow, we give notice at Kostan and start living a lifestyle that suits us"

Robert checked the account he had set up for the funds. Yep, every single dime was there and one more of Josef's enemies had placed over $275k in the account. He and Grace would begin work at Christov and Carson LLC on Monday. and start setting up their own client network. He looked around the stunning condo he had just purchased and thought he could use a beach cottage.

Brian was Josef's office discussing next quarter's predictions when Robert came into the office.
"Mr. Kostan, I'm sorry for intruding, but I really needed to speak with you. I've come to give my notice. I've enjoyed my time here, but I don't think this is the right fit for me professionally" he explained. Josef leaned back in his chair and grinned.
"I'm confused. What didn't fit?" Josef said truly wondering.
"My goal is to open my own firm and I just don't see me getting that kind of experience here" he said.
Brian listened to what Robert said.
"Are you saying that now that you've stolen my idea, gotten a big commission and signed contracts with Christov and Conner and breaking FEC regulations by accepting money from clients and opening an off shore account to hide it; you're giving your notice?" Brian said. Robert stood totally still. There is no way Brian could know that information. What if Grace had backed out? No way she had just as much to lose as he did. Brian pressed a button on Josef's phone. Two gentlemen walked in and flashed their badges.
"Mr. Monroe, you're under arrest for insider trading and accepting bribes. Hands behind your back" one man said. Roberts eyes were wide open.
"Wait, I didn't do anything!" He screamed. Grace came walking in with a file in her hand.
"Mr. Kostan, here are the buy out papers you requested" She said never looking at Robert.
"Grace! Grace!" He screamed. She turned around in surprise.
"That's not my name. My name is Helena Grange" She said and walked out.
"Grace!!...Wait!! Tell em Grace! Tell em we were in on it together!!" he kept yelling, Josef looked at Brian.
"What the hell is going on?" He asked.
"Sir, I knew that Robert had stolen my idea from the beginning as did you. I contact Helena and told her to keep an eye on him. She told me about the off shore account and the contracts with our competitors. I had no choice but to call the FEC." Brian explained.
"You bastard!! You set me up!!" Robert said trying to get at Brian. The officers took him out of the building. Josef looked up at Brian.
"Okay. Out with it" Josef said.
"I also contacted your competitors. They knew they were facing several years in prison. They let Kostan Industries buy their firms for next to nothing." Brian explained. Josef stood up and straightened his tie.
"Impressive. Very impressive." Josef said with a smile walking out.

Isabelle was waiting for Josef.
"Did he pass?" She asked.
"With flying colors. I think he's ready" Josef said. Isabelle placed her arm inside of Josef's.
"You shall become bored" She said.
"Of work? It's time. Time for someone else to run things." Josef said.
"You may become bored with me" She said looking into his eyes.
"Of you? Never" Josef said as he put his arms around her and kissed her deeply. "Where do you want to go?"
"Tuscany" She said with a smile.

The End
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