Family Counts

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Family Counts

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Family Counts
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick looked around the apartment and smiled. Kids were running around and yelling at each other. This is the way he always saw himself. Married to a woman that he loved more than anything and children running around causing a ruckus. And while his son Gabriel was definitely grown up watching him and his wife Zoe play with their adopted girls made Mick the happiest he had been in a long time. Brian walked in with his wife Nicole and their daughter Abigail, who ran for Mick the moment she saw him.

Beth came out of the kitchen and touched Mick's shoulder.
"We have a wonderful family" She said softly. Mick kissed her forehead.
"We done good babe" He said and kissed her lightly.
"Ewwwwww!!!" They heard Haley, Lisa and Abigail wail.

"So how are things Gabe?" Mick asked
"Dad I gotta tell you, Zoe didn't want children. I mean she was dead set against it. And after seeing what Brian and Nicole went through, I wasn't in a hurry either but there's something so special about those two. Zoe and I felt it right away" Gabriel explained. "The only thing that we worry about is telling know"

Haley and Lisa had never known happiness. Even in their short lives all they were acquainted with was despair. Zoe and Gabriel were like a life force for them and now they felt like they had a family. Haley spent a lot of time noticing things about her new family. They were all really kind of they'd been somewhere really cold. And they all were really really pretty. Like those people you see in magazines. And this was something Haley had only noticed lately. They didn't eat. Not one thing. Mila said it was their religion or something.
Last edited by Ella713 on Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Family Counts

Post by Ella713 »

Whenever she tried to think of something that would give her an answer, she eventually gave up. There was so much she didn't know about the world and the people in it. And Gabriel and Zoe's world was filled with rich people who all had cool things and great houses or apartments, expensive cars and money like Haley couldn't even imagine.
"Where Did you go Haley?" Mick asked with a chuckle
"Huh?" Haley said suddenly. Zoe walked over quickly and put her hand over her head.
"She does feel a little warm" Zoe said with concern.
"I feel fine. I was just daydreaming. Seriously, I'm fine." Haley said with a smile.
"Well we were talking about going up to the cabin in Yosemite for the long weekend." Gabriel said.
"Whose cabin?" Haley asked.
"Honey, it's our cabin. We haven't really had the time to go lately, but I think we're all due a nice long weekend" Mick said.
"Oh! can we have a fire?" Lisa asked excitedly.
"Of course! We can even roast marshmallows!" Zoe said with a smile.

"Can you believe we're gonna go camping?!" Lisa said in disbelief. "And it's a cabin and everything!"
Haley stared at the ceiling trying to make sense of things.

They pulled into the driveway of the cabin Friday afternoon. Mick and Beth took bags of grocery out of the trunk and started up the stairs. Haley and Lisa stared up at the large house hardly believing what they saw.
"Come on you two!" Zoe squealed taking Haley's hand as Gabriel scooped up Lisa in his arms.
Wow!!!" Lisa said looking at everything. "Where's my room?" She said running quickly up the staircase.
"Wait for me!" Haley screamed as she too ran up the stairs.
Together Haley and Lisa opened one of the doors and stopped still. The room was large and contained two twin canopy beds. Everything was done in shades of purple and pink which were their favorite colors. A tall victorian styled dollhouse stood under the large window. The house full of furnishings waiting for a child to play with it. There was a large bookcase with rows and rows of books. Haley walked slowly to the bookcase. She picked a book out.
"Anne of Green Gables" she said softly. Their mother used to read those books to them before she died. Haley panicked. They shouldn't be here. This was too much.
"Come on Lisa, we gotta get out of here" she said pulling her hand.
"Go where? Why?" Lisa said with frightened eyes.
"We don't belong here. This isn't right....come on!" she said forcefully. Lisa broke her hand free and threw herself down on the ground.
"I'm not going!" She said crossing her arms definitely. Haley heard someone coming up the stairs.
"Fine! Suit yourself, but I'm outta here!" Haley said and turned to leave. Lisa got scared.
"Don't leave me!" She began to cry softly. Haley took her hand in hers and searched for way out of the large cabin.
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Re: Family Counts

Post by Ella713 »

Haley looked all around searching for an escape route. They were up too high to jump. She looked down the hallway and saw a back stairwell.
"Come on, that way" Haley said trying to keep her voice down. They softly tipped down the stairs and saw they were in the large kitchen. Haley saw their escape route. The patio door was open. She held Lisa's hand tightly and they ran for the door. Abigail was sitting on the patio reading a book and heard them coming. She closed her eyes and felt their fear and panic, As soon as they stepped out of the door Abigail spoke.
"That's not a good way to go you know. This area has a few problems with cougars as well as bears and at least three different species of snakes" She said calmly as she placed her book down and turned to face them.
"Abbie, we have to get out of here" Haley said. Abigail stared at her somewhat confused.
"Why on Earth would you want to that?"
"We don't belong here. and all those things.....its not who we are" Haley tried to explain.
"You're being very foolish if you don't mind me saying. It seems to me that you are in a situation where you have to ask yourself "what would be the best thing to do?" 1. run away and find yourselves in a worse situation than the one you were in prior. 2. Stay here and find out what love truly is. The choice is yours" Abigail said picking up her book and ignoring the two girls who she thought were behaving like idiots.
"Look Abbie you don't understand. You've grown up in this environment All this money and stuff. We didn't! They think they're being nice and all, but when that all wears off ......I gotta think of my sister" Haley said passionately.
"So, you think that Uncle Gabriel and Zoe will grow weary of you?" Abigail asked.
"See that's what I mean!!" Haley cried out "I don't even know what that means!!"
"I see." Abigail said. "So just because you think something is going to turn out that way therefor it will? You have those kinds of powers?" Abigail pondered. Haley flopped down on the stairs.
"I don't know anything! All these people they know stuff! All I know is running. What can we give them? They already have everything!" Haley said in frustration. Abigail walked over and sat beside them.
"Do you want to stay with Zoe and Gabriel? Do they make you happy, feel safe?" Abigail asked looking at them both.
"Well yeah"
"Then I fail to see what troubles you" Abigail said finally. Haley stood up.
"That! What troubles me? Who talks like that? You're what? 5 or 6 years old! You talk like a teacher or something. This feels weird. All of it!" Haley said getting ready to take Lisa's hand and go away as intended. Abigail took in a long breath.
"Okay, If you really want to know what's going on, I'll tell you as it seems impossible to keep it from you. Sit down Haley" She said. Haley slowly sat down. "Have you ever seen something on television and it scared you so badly, but when you saw it with your own eyes, it wasn't scary at all?"
Haley shrugged. She understood what Abigail meant but could think of nothing to compare to the statement.
"This is going to be one those circumstances. All of us, apart from Ted, Amy and Mila are vampires." Abigail said. Haley just looked at the little girl and started to laugh,
"I hate to blow your story but that's not real!" She said still laughing. "And even if that was true, Lisa and I would already be dinner".
"As I said, not everything is like television and movies. There are vampires who have gone their entire existence never biting anyone. There are other ways to sustain our thirst." Abigail explained.
"Okay vampire girl, let me see your teeth" Haley said still laughing. Abigail barred her fangs.
"Those aren't real" Lisa said finally joining in the conversation.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Family Counts

Post by Ella713 »

Haley stared intently at Abigail. The more she stared the more afraid she became. Shaking, she grabbed Lisa arm and pulled her towards her.
"This isn't real" she kept muttering. "Say that's not real" Haley demanded.
"I'm afraid I can't. It's what we are. But believe me when I say that Uncle Gabriel and Zoe love you very much and they certainly don't want to eat you or whatever nonsense you've imagined. And if you would like to hear the true story, I would be pleased to tell it to you." Abigail said.
"Do you turn into a bat?" Lisa said showing the fearlessness that children were known for.
"No, I can't. That's movies and television again. Nobody sleeps in coffins and as you can see, daylight doesn't affect us, but we do avoid too much sun."
"That's why I never saw you eat anything?" Haley said. "But I don't understand, why would they want us anyway?"
"Zoe and my uncle are wonderful people. They saw that so much wrong had been done to both of you and wanted to give you something that would heal you and make you feel loved and safe, Vampires can have children but it is extremely rare, they never would have that opportunity. You two were as much of a Godsend to them as they were to you"
"But everybody doesn't know, do they?" Haley asked.
"No. And now that you know you mustn't say a word of it to anyone! Vampires would prefer that no ones knows we exist."
"But how come you told us?" Lisa asked.
"Because, even though you may have doubts, we are family. And family should never be lied to. And I also feel that you both are grown up enough not to want to hurt the people who love and care for you deeply.
Haley looked at her sister. She could tell that Lisa never ever wanted to go back to living on the streets. Haley reached over and took Abigail's hand and held it.

Everyone was so busy unpacking they didn't notice that Haley, Lisa and Abigail weren't around. Brian was watching them from the back window.
"They're out back" He called out. They came running down the stairs and looked out the back window.
Abigail had Lisa in her arms and jumped up to a very high tree trunk. Lisa laughed and clapped her hands.
"Can we do it again?"

Brian looked at Zoe and Gabriel.
"They have been told and everything is going to be fine. Trust me." He said calmly. Haley saw that they were all on the back deck and came running at them.
"Gabriel, Lisa is having all the fun. Can I go up?" She asked with excitement in her eyes. Gabriel looked at Zoe who appeared on the verge of tears.
"Yes you can. As many times as you like" Gabriel said as he very quickly picked her up and jumped on top the tree branch. Haley and Lisa looked at one another for a long time. Not once in their young lives could they have imagined their lives would be perfect. And as they looked down on their new family, they knew they wouldn't trade this for anything in the whole world.

The End
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