The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapters will be posted before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

From the first five chapters, there are horrific murders in both LA and on Oahu that bear remarkable similarity. Mick has flown to Oahu, fearing that the murderer there is a vampire, while Beth remains in LA to help Carl with the LA murders. In LA, three out of town missing persons have been found dead. A fourth, Ruby, is unaccounted for and has just awakened to find herself being auctioned to people who drink blood. While efforts step up to find Ruby in LA, discoveries are made about who the people murdered on Oahu were and how they differed from the victims in LA. In the last chapter, Ruby, has had her first encounter with a vampire who thinks she's a freshie. On Oahu, Mick has learned whose vampiric scent was found on the bodies of the murder victims there.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 6

Day 5 - Kimiko’s compound - pre-dawn

The ride back to Kimiko’s compound had been quiet; as much as Mick wanted to know more about Kioshi, he didn’t want to put Akemi in an awkward position with her mistress. As Josef’s right-hand man, Mick knew that the first rule of being the number two in any organization is to always keep the number one guy in the loop. If Kimiko allowed Akemi to share information about Kioshi, fine. If she didn’t, that was a problem he’d just have to deal with.

When they arrived, the two were ushered into the same private room Mick had been in earlier. This time, Kimiko remained seated while Akemi approached, then fell to her knees and prostrated herself. “Forgive me, my mother. I have brought shame upon our family.”

Puzzled, Mick started to defend Akemi, but was silenced with a glance from Kimiko. “Arise, my child and tell me what troubles you so.”

Akemi rose so that she was sitting on her heels. “I have identified the blood demon scent on the bodies of the faceless ones. It is that of Kioshi, my son.”

“And why does this bring you shame, my daughter?”

“Kioshi was taught to respect life, all life. He was a skilled healer while still human. To think that he is responsible for the deaths of these innocents ….”

Kimiko stood and raised Akemi to her feet. “Why would you think your son responsible for so horrible a crime? Is there no other explanation?”

With her eyes, Kimiko was inviting Mick into the conversation. “Kimiko's right. Just because Kioshi’s scent was on the victims doesn’t mean he killed them. You said your son was a healer. We also found his scent at the clinic where he helped people, not hurt them.” Mick paused for a moment, hoping to hell he wasn’t treading where he shouldn’t. “It might help if you told me more about Kioshi.”

When Kimiko nodded her permission, Akemi spoke of her son. “When I was human, there was a healer in our village, one quite skilled in treating the sick. A few years after Kioshi was born, I became ill, so ill that the healer could do nothing to save my life. He offered a way to continue my existence, but at the cost of all I cherished. Fearing death, I agreed. The healer brought in a blood demon who turned me, then told my family I had died.”

“I became part of Kimiko’s family then, but was able to learn of my son from time to time. There were even a few times I saw him, but only from a distance. Over the years, my son grew strong, raised and loved by my sister and her husband. The village healer later approached Kioshi about becoming his apprentice, so when his time on this earth came to an end, the village would not be left unattended.”

“Kioshi learned well from the healer and served the villagers for several years. Then, a sickness swept through the village and took many lives. Kioshi treated as many as he could, but eventually, he, too, succumbed. Knowing that death would soon take him, I went to the village.”

“So you saved him?”

“From death, yes, but I inflicted upon him a life he did not want. When he rose and understood what I had done to him, he cursed me and our kind, saying he would never see me again. Later, Kioshi fled Oahu and joined the community on Kauai.”

“You turned your own son without his consent?” Mick hoped the horror he felt wasn’t reflected in his voice.

“Yes, a sin for which he will never forgive me.”

If Mick thought Kimiko was manipulative before, he was certain of it now. Akemi was to learn from him all right, but not just about being a shisha.

The story of a vampire’s turning is something very personal, especially if it wasn’t consensual. Still, if it would help understand what happened to the murder victims, Mick was game. “Akemi, I was turned without my consent by my first wife, a woman I loved very much. She believed she was giving me a gift, but I didn’t see it that way. I eventually forgave her knowing what she did, she did out of love.” Mick approached Akemi, his eyes seeking hers. “Two centuries is a long time to stay mad at someone, especially someone you love. Maybe Kioshi has forgiven you as well.”

Kimiko nodded approvingly. “Your brother speaks wisely, my child. Go now, each to your rest. Tomorrow you will find Kioshi and learn what he knows of these murders.”

Akemi accompanied Mick to his car, searching for the words to convey her gratitude. “I am most grateful for your understanding and honored that you shared your turning with me. I know it must not have been easy.”

“Hey, you shared yours. Besides, I meant what I said about your son forgiving you.”

“I can only hope that is the case.” Akemi paused, almost embarrassed. “Kimiko was correct in saying I would learn much from you.”

“When this is over, there’s something else I’m going to teach you – poker.”

“I do not understand.”

“Akemi, you’re a good woman, and someday you’ll make a great shisha, but right now, your face betrays what you’re feeling. If you’re going to protect Kimiko, you’re going to have to learn to hide your emotions. That way, you’ll keep your enemies guessing.”

Akemi smiled, then caught herself. “I look forward to learning this poker and anything else you can teach me.”


Day 5 - LAPD –morning

The night before had been a restless one for Carl Davis. Once he finally got to sleep, dark dreams about the murder victims haunted him. He knew that if there wasn’t a breakthrough soon, the missing graduate student would likely end up like the others, and that was something he just couldn’t let happen.

When he arrived at his desk, Carl found an e-mail from his tech people. Attached were two files which contained enhanced video from the surveillance footage he’d given them. Opening the first file, the quality still wasn’t great, but far better than what he’d originally seen. But then the detective noted something critical – the woman didn’t come from the alley originally, she’d ducked in there to hide. A few minutes later, she emerged from the alley and tried to flag down cars. From the way she moved, she appeared slightly injured.

That wasn’t the only thing he learned from the video – the two men who led the woman away really did seem to come out of nowhere, just like Granger’s informant said. Carl quickly viewed the second video, which provided even more valuable information – the woman didn’t come out of a building, she escaped from a moving car.

Carl’s coffee grew cold as he’d viewed the videos again, but there wasn’t any time for a refill. That graduate student was running out of time, but if he could get surveillance tapes closer to where she had fallen from the car, he might be able to view the license plate. When Carl drove away from the precinct, he never noticed the car following him at a discreet distance.


Day 5 - LA – Josef Kostan’s office - late afternoon

Josef ended the call, resisting the urge to throw the phone across the room. Mick had finally spoken with Kimiko and what he had learned about the murders on Oahu didn’t bode well for Kimiko or her family. Still, the old girl had a few tricks up her sleeve and Josef hoped Mick could find an explanation for the human deaths that would satisfy the human authorities. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be just Kimiko’s family at risk, it would be Josef’s as well.

Beth arrived a few minutes later at Josef’s request. What Ryder had learned from Carl Davis’ e-mail was disturbing and Josef wanted Beth’s insights as to how to handle the human detective.

“It seems your detective friend figured out that the missing victim escaped from a car, just not in the way he expected. If he figures out who owns that car and goes after them, he’ll find more trouble than he can handle.”

As Beth watched, she could see the trunk pop open on a limousine, with a young woman tumbling out onto the street when the car pulled away. “Wow! She’s lucky to walk away from that.”

“Stumble is more like it, but point taken. She’s an engineer, so getting out of the trunk wasn’t a huge challenge. Getting away from her captors is something else. She has no idea what she’s dealing with.”

“Any idea who those two vamps are?”

“Ryder is working on identifying them as we speak. From the time it took them to circle back to find their prey, I get the feeling they’re not from around here.” Josef turned to Beth. “I’d like you to inspect the alley and the path the girl took to get there. If we’re lucky, we might find some trace of our vamps.”

“And since I know the vamp scent on our victims, I can tell if they’re the same.”

“Think you can handle that?”

“I think I can weasel my way into getting Carl to take me there and maybe even keep him out of trouble.”

Josef grew serious. “Beth, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re new to this, at least as a vamp. You may be immortal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt, or worse.”

“I know. When I was human, I didn’t think twice about getting into dangerous situations. Now that I’m a vampire…”

“With an insanely devoted mate…”

“Especially that, I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. If anything happened to me, it would destroy Mick. I promise, I’ll be careful. And Josef, thanks for asking me to do this. It’s time for me to do my part to protect our community.”

A few minutes after Beth left, Josef made a call. “She just left. Keep an eye on her. Discreetly.”

Pocketing the phone, the elder vampire hoped Beth didn’t realize she had a body guard. Josef was no fool; if Beth attracted as much trouble now as she did when human, she’d need all the protection she could get. Even if Beth did find out he’d put a tail on her, he’d rather face a fledgling with a wounded ego than her enraged mate should any harm befall her.


Day 5 - Oahu – Iolani Palace - late afternoon

Members of 5-0 gathered in Steve’s office to discuss any new findings, which unfortunately were very few. Steve scanned the faces of his team. “So basically, we don’t know much more than we did a few days ago.”

Chin countered. “Maybe not. We did learn a little more about Janus Fielding, although I’m not sure how it fits in with the other murders. Seems after Club Valis folded, Fielding made a series of trips between LA and Oahu. Each time he traveled, he was on a private jet.”

Danny shrugged. “So? The guy has money. I’d travel that way, if I could afford it.”

“Ah, but here’s where it gets interesting. He wasn’t travelling on a nice cushy executive jet, he was travelling on a private not-so-cushy cargo jet.”

“OK, I admit, that’s odd.”

“That’s not all. I checked the cargo manifests. It seems that each trip Fielding made the manifest listed a couple hundred kilos of silver all belonging to Onyx Specialty.”

Steve was puzzled. “OK, that doesn’t make any sense. Onyx Specialty makes plumbing supplies, right? So how does that much silver come into play?”

Danny shrugged. “Hey, people with more money than brains have gold toilets. Why not silver pipes?”

Catherine voiced a thought. “Didn’t Mick tell us that silver was poison to vampires? He also said that Onyx Specialty was originally owned by a vampire.”

Kono prodded. “So?”

“So…I don’t know. Somehow, it just seems important.”

Their discussion was interrupted by Max. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Commander, but I’ve discovered something about our victims which may be of interest.”

When all were gathered around the central computer console, Max continued. “I initially believed that our killer burned his victims’ bodies in order to destroy critical forensic evidence. This is still the case, although incineration could also destroy crucial medical evidence.”

“What kind of medical evidence?”

“That’s what I asked myself, so I reviewed the clinic’s records for the two victims who were patients there. Both of them suffered a worsening eye irritation, specifically a growing sensitivity to light. Later, both of these patients started to exhibit dark patches on their skin.”

Danny voiced what many were thinking. “That’s a weird combination.”

“Indeed. At first, the doctor seemed baffled by not one, but several patients with these symptoms.”

“Several, as in more than two?”

“Yes, from reading the doctor’s notes on one patient, he mentioned that this was the seventh patient he’d seen at the clinic with the same symptoms. When I discovered who the other five patients were, I was able to confirm that they are also among our murder victims.”

Chin queried the ME. “Any idea if these other five patients worked at Onyx or what caused their symptoms?”

“It is not beyond reason that they worked at the same factory, but I have no solid evidence of that. As to the source of their problem, it seems these people were exposed to an airborne irritant of some kind. The only one I know of that causes both a sensitivity to light and skin discoloration is silver.” Max brought a plot up on the screen. “When I read the clinic’s reports, I had Mr. Fong re-do the analysis of the bone residue looking for any traces of silver. Although not cause of death, this small peak confirms that there was silver in the victim’s system before he died.”

There was a stunned silence as members of the team digested Max’s news. Unfortunately, the ME interpreted this silence in a negative way. “I’m sorry, Commander, I thought this might be helpful. Apparently, I was wrong.”

“Don’t be sorry, Max. This is beyond helpful. In fact, you might have just provided the key we needed to solve these murders.”



After Max left, Steve turned to his team. “Catherine was right –silver being poison to vampires is important. If there was silver in our victims’ systems…”

Catherine finished the thought. “Then any blood demon who drank their blood would be poisoned.”

Danny queried. “So, if a blood demon didn’t kill those poor people, who did? And where did all that blood go?”

Chin shook his head. “Even if our killer is human, that doesn’t explain how the bodies ended up with blood demon scent on them.”

Steve pulled out his phone. “Looks like we’ve got a few more questions for Mick to answer.”


Day 5 - LA – an unknown location - evening

The next time Ruby woke, she was back in her cell, or at least that’s how she thought of it. How she got there, she didn’t have a clue.

The last thing I remember is feeling incredible pleasure. It was so intense, I thought I was going to faint. After that, nothing.

Ruby fingered the wound on her neck. It didn’t seem to hurt nearly as much as the sore spot on her arm where she assumed she’d been given another sedative. Surprisingly, she found she wasn’t nearly as weak or dizzy as she expected to be.

If that guy really did drink my blood, and I’m not saying I believe that, he didn’t take much. So maybe he really isn’t a vampire, just pretending to be one.

Ruby’s thoughts turned to her encounter with this mysterious Thomas. She should have been terrified when he entered the room, but there was something about him that put her at ease. His eyes were a deep blue and she felt lost in them every time he looked at her. But there was something else about him, something sad that try as he might, he just couldn’t hide. Still, if he thought he owned her, he was in for a rude awakening.

The door to her room opened, interrupting Ruby’s thoughts. That scary woman was back again bearing a tray of take-out and a new dark burgundy gown. This time, the gown was satin, with slits up the sides. Ruby was given the same instructions as before telling her to be ready for dinner in two hours.

When Ruby’s escorts came for her, anticipation had replaced her earlier fear. When Thomas arrived a short time later, Ruby wondered if she’d imagined what had happened before, but once she looked into his eyes, she knew she hadn’t.

Thomas smiled, hearing Ruby’s human heart begin to race when he arrived. This young woman was more than he had ever hoped for. When he had been invited to this new ‘exclusive and exciting’ Fantasy Freshie service, he’d been skeptical at first. Freshie establishments were like human clubs; there was a low end and a high end, with most falling somewhere in between. With his money, Thomas could contract with any freshie he wanted, but he had been known to frequent the higher end clubs from time to time, to break the routine, if nothing else. Feeling the invitation’s heavy weight paper and noting the fine calligraphy, Thomas decided to accept the invitation.

When he arrived at the establishment, Thomas was surprised by its unassuming appearance. There was no sign above the door; in fact, the entrance was below street level. Then again, some freshie establishments didn’t want to draw unwanted attention to themselves. The interior was a bit eclectic; there was the requisite bar with a large lounge area. The décor was more Victorian than anything else, obviously catering to those who’d been around for a century or two. In contrast, there was a room above the bar that appeared to have glass walls. Some sort of drapery on the other side of those walls hid its contents.

A male attendant reviewed Thomas’ invitation and welcomed him to take a seat in the lounge, asking if he’d wanted some refreshment. Thomas declined; finding five other vamps waiting in the lounge, drink in hand, had begun to dampen his enthusiasm.

So much for exclusive. Perhaps this was a mistake.

Before he could leave, the female proprietor welcomed them and provided the ground rules. In contrast to other establishments, freshies here were not paid a fee on a per-service basis. Instead, they were to be bid on, with the understanding that whoever had the highest bid would have exclusive rights to the freshie for as long as he wished.

Another distinction was that the freshie they were going to bid on had never been in service to another vampire, a virgin of sorts. She would be presented in a manner that fulfilled her own fantasy, making her as enticing to the bidders as possible. Once the bidding was complete, the highest bidder would mark the freshie, and would have access to the her, but only on the premises. As for the Fantasy part of their name, the freshie would continue role playing during subsequent encounters. Whatever the high bidder paid for the freshie would be split between the freshie herself and the proprietor for her room and board.

Thomas found himself intrigued by the prospect of something different. At the high end clubs he’d frequented, there were always beautiful freshies circulating among the guests. Yet everything was so…civilized.

In his nearly three centuries of existence, there had been a time in Thomas’ life when he was anything but civilized, something he’d tried very hard to forget. He’d learned the hard way that to survive among humans, his kind had to behave.

The group of six men was led upstairs and into the room with the glass walls. Even in the darkness, he could see the freshie, bound as she was, and sensed not excitement, but fear, fear that evoked a primal response in man and vampire alike. Once he has tasted her rare and exquisite blood, the vampire within overruled any qualms Thomas might have had, blinding him to the fact a freshie shouldn’t be afraid. Running his hands over her scantily-clad body, Thomas felt fear become terror, and he knew he had to have her for his own.

The bidding had been steeper than expected, but still Thomas felt this freshie would be worth the price as AB- blood was such a rare delicacy. After decades of practice, he knew that in time, she would gladly give more than blood to him. As such, he assumed the role of the perfect gentlemen during their first encounter, something he found difficult to maintain once he’d taken Ruby’s blood. Her body writhed against him in wanton pleasure as he drank from her, but anything more would have to wait. Gentleman or not, what he had told her was true – he would never again force himself on anyone.

Seeing her now in that burgundy gown, Thomas felt his own anticipation grow into desire; maintaining control was going to be difficult, but if he wanted this freshie’s blood for more than a few days, he would have to restrain himself.

Once again, Thomas raised Ruby’s finger to his lips. “Good evening. I trust you slept well.”

Ruby nodded; there was so much she wanted to know, but didn’t know where to start. “I did, actually.”

“You sound surprised.”

“Surprised is an understatement and not just about that. I know I should be terrified of you, but I’m not. What I do know is that I don’t want to be kept prisoner here. I want to go home.”

Prisoner? Ah, this must be part of the fantasy. Play along, Thomas.

“Prisoner is such a harsh term. Think of yourself as a precious jewel, one that I want to keep for myself and hidden from others.” Thomas kissed her gently. “Have I not pleased you?”

Ruby’s eyes found his again, and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to be here with him.

“You have pleased me, but…”

“But what?” Thomas drew Ruby into his arms, his eyes never leaving hers. Her heart was pounding now, her blood coursing through her veins, calling to him. He turned her to face away from him, his hands running over her smooth satin-covered belly, finding the warm flesh of her legs. “Don’t you want to feel pleasure again, Ruby? Pleasure that only I can give you?”

His allure had once again dispelled any fear or resistance on Ruby’s part. Her only answer was to moan as he pulled her against him, holding her fast.

“Listen to my voice, Ruby. Let me please you again. All I ask in return is your blood…”

Ruby turned her head, baring her neck for him.

“Ah, that’s my girl….”

This time, his bite was not as gentle as before and Thomas found he couldn’t get enough of this freshie’s blood. When he felt Ruby go limp, he knew he had to stop. Once again, he laid her on the bed, then stumbled from the room.


Day 5 - Josef Kostan’s office - evening

Josef hadn’t seen the inside of his freezer for what seemed ages, but there was too much at stake for him to rest now, even for a little while. Beth had managed to examine the alley, but without the company of the human detective who was chasing down another lead. It didn’t take long for her to determine that the scent of one of the vamps seen on the surveillance footage was the stronger scent found on the burned corpses. Once she reported her findings to Josef, she was going to return to the precinct to see if Carl had made any progress in identifying the car Ruby escaped from. If he had, then she would need to prevent him from following through, for his own protection, as well as that of the vampire community.

But there was something else bothering Josef, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

OK, I know damn well that Lola can’t be behind this. Mick said she was immobilized by silver when the factory exploded. Lola may be powerful, but even her power is nothing against silver’s. Still, there’s a lot pointing back to her. Onyx Specialty, a company she established, is somehow involved in this mess. Then there’s Fielding, who bought what would become Club Valis for Lola. His body ending up among the others Mick described as ‘faceless’ doesn’t make any sense. So, if Lola isn’t behind this, then who is? There’s got to be some connection, something we’re missing.

Josef’s thoughts were interrupted by his assistant, who’d been instructed to clear Josef’s calendar. The assistant said that he was unable to contact Marsha Bassett, another old and wealthy vamp, one Josef did business with from time to time. Apparently, Ms. Bassett’s office hadn’t heard from her or seen her in several days and had no idea where she might be.

Josef knew that vamps sometimes had to leave town abruptly if they felt discovery was imminent. He also knew that Bassett was extremely vigilant about protecting her true identity, making discovery unlikely. Even if she did leave town, a vamp of Bassett’s standing in the community would have informed Josef of the circumstances prior to leaving.

If Josef was disturbed before, he was more so now. He told his assistant to work with Bassett’s office to determine her whereabouts in the days before she disappeared. Something told him that Marsha had indeed departed, just not in a way she’d ever dreamed of.
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:reading: :reading: :reading: :reading:

I never want these chapter to end!

Has Kioshi forgiven his mother? Is he using his healing talents to help the vampire community now? And Onyx Specialty has been importing silver. LOTS of silver. Curiouser, and curiouser. :chin: Josef is pretty worried, and it sounds like he should be.

I have to say I loved this:
Pocketing the phone, the elder vampire hoped Beth didn’t realize she had a body guard. Josef was no fool; if Beth attracted as much trouble now as she did when human, she’d need all the protection she could get. Even if Beth did find out he’d put a tail on her, he’d rather face a fledgling with a wounded ego than her enraged mate should any harm befall her.
And I don't doubt for a minute that Beth is still a trouble magnet! :snicker:

Great new chapter! Thank you!
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote::reading: :reading: :reading: :reading:

I never want these chapter to end!

Has Kioshi forgiven his mother? Is he using his healing talents to help the vampire community now? And Onyx Specialty has been importing silver. LOTS of silver. Curiouser, and curiouser. :chin: Josef is pretty worried, and it sounds like he should be.

I have to say I loved this:
Pocketing the phone, the elder vampire hoped Beth didn’t realize she had a body guard. Josef was no fool; if Beth attracted as much trouble now as she did when human, she’d need all the protection she could get. Even if Beth did find out he’d put a tail on her, he’d rather face a fledgling with a wounded ego than her enraged mate should any harm befall her.
And I don't doubt for a minute that Beth is still a trouble magnet! :snicker:

Great new chapter! Thank you!
Thanks, MLC :hug: Glad you're enjoying the story!! Sadly, there are only three chapters left and many questions will be answered. As for Josef putting a tail on Beth, he knows his undead life wouldn't be safe if anything happened to her while Mick was away. Will Beth find trouble? Of course she will, just not what she expected. :devil:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

Post by allegrita »

Ooooh... I'm starting to get an idea, but I don't want to spoil the story for anybody else (plus, I could be wrong!). So I'll just go hmmmm... :chin: for now. :winky:

I wonder if Josef has put that tail on Carl, or if someone else has. If it wasn't Josef, then when Beth and Carl go somewhere together, Josef's tail on Beth could catch Carl's tail in the act. :swords:

This whole scenario with Ruby and Thomas is very disturbing. Obviously, Thomas has been misled about Ruby's willing participation. I wonder how long it will take him to realize that Ruby's not indulging any fantasy, but rather has been held captive. Who's running this "fantasy freshie" agency? And who's in that glassed-in room overlooking the lounge...? I've got to say, that setup does sound familiar... :confused2: I have a feeling Thomas is in way over his head. :chair:

Meanwhile, Mick has been co-opted to give some guidance to a fellow right-hand-man/woman/shisha... who has regrets that Mick can certainly understand. I hope he's right, and that Akemi's son has forgiven her. (I'd love to see him giving her poker lessons, too...) :teeth:
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 6 (PG13) Chall 140 8/18/14

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Ooooh... I'm starting to get an idea, but I don't want to spoil the story for anybody else (plus, I could be wrong!). So I'll just go hmmmm... :chin: for now. :winky:

I wonder if Josef has put that tail on Carl, or if someone else has. If it wasn't Josef, then when Beth and Carl go somewhere together, Josef's tail on Beth could catch Carl's tail in the act. :swords:

This whole scenario with Ruby and Thomas is very disturbing. Obviously, Thomas has been misled about Ruby's willing participation. I wonder how long it will take him to realize that Ruby's not indulging any fantasy, but rather has been held captive. Who's running this "fantasy freshie" agency? And who's in that glassed-in room overlooking the lounge...? I've got to say, that setup does sound familiar... :confused2: I have a feeling Thomas is in way over his head. :chair:

Meanwhile, Mick has been co-opted to give some guidance to a fellow right-hand-man/woman/shisha... who has regrets that Mick can certainly understand. I hope he's right, and that Akemi's son has forgiven her. (I'd love to see him giving her poker lessons, too...) :teeth:
thanks, Alle :hug: So many questions, all of which will be answered. You're right about Thomas - he is in way over his head and because of something that happened so many years ago, Ruby gets to pay for his sins.

Kimiko has chosen Mick to help her new shisha, but she is counting on him to do something else for her, something he won't realize until much later.

Good thinking about the two tails crossing swords, but alas, that is not the case.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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