The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapter will be posted more or less weekly before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 2

Day 2 - Oahu – Iolani Palace - morning

Steve, Danny and Max gathered around the electronic work station in the center of 5-0’s offices. Normally, they would have met at the ME’s office, but Max needed to get away from the bodies of so many brutally murdered victims, if only for a little while.

Steve eyed the ME carefully. “You OK, Max?”

“Yes, Commander, just a little tired, that’s all. I wanted to share my preliminary findings with you as soon as possible, per your request.”

“Tell me you didn’t work all night.”

“I did, but what I found merited the effort.” Max brought up his findings on the plasma screens. “In total, there are eleven victims, seven female, four male. Based on their skeletal development, all victims were between approximately 20 and 40 years of age. All but one of the victims are of oriental heritage, the exception being a Caucasian male.”

“Any idea if they were dead before they were burned?”

“Yes. As you surmised, Commander, the victims were deceased before incineration. Mr. Fong’s analysis indicates that the accelerant used was common gasoline.”

Danny sighed his relief. “Thank God for that. Any idea how they were killed?”

Max hesitated before answering. “Bear in mind, these are preliminary findings. I will need to do more analysis to be certain.”

“You’re tap dancing, Max.”

Puzzled, the ME glanced at his feet. “I assure you, Detective, I am not. Either that, or I’m more fatigued than I thought.”

Steve explained. “What Danny meant is that you seem to be stalling. Just tell us what you found.”

“I examined each of the victims’ remains and found no evidence of external trauma sufficient to cause death. Of course, there is little to work with…”


“Sorry, Commander. It’s just that I’ve never seen anything like this before. Whoever killed these people hoped that incineration would destroy critical forensic evidence, which it did. However, when a body is burned as superficially as these were…”

Danny pointed to a victim’s image on the screen. “You call that superficial? There’s nothing left of that poor guy but bones.”

“Not entirely correct, Detective. A fire hot enough to burn away only clothing and flesh, as in this case, leaves the bones charred. The ‘charring’ is actually residual organic matter that wasn’t entirely consumed in the fire.”

“Max, in English, please.”

“What I’m trying to say is that the analysis of the charred matter on the bones would usually include residue from burnt organs and flesh. In this case, Mr. Fong found such a residue.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“It was what the residue didn’t contain that puzzles me.”

Danny felt a cold dread in the pit of his stomach, one shared by his partner, if Steve’s facial expression was any indication. “What’s missing, Max?”

“Blood. As near as I can tell, none of these victims had any appreciable amount of blood in their systems when their bodies were burned. I have no explanation for how or why this is the case, but as I say, I have more analysis to do.”

Steve sighed; this was exactly what he didn’t want to hear. “Max, you did a great job. Now, go get some sleep. We’re going to need your help to get to the bottom of this.”

“Of course, Commander. I’ll let you know when I find anything else.”

After the ME left, Danny turned to his colleague. “Tell me it’s not what I think. Tell me that, please.”

“I wish I could, Danny.”

“So how do we find out?”

“Only with help, and not the human kind.” Steve grinned as he slapped his partner on the back. “Know any vampires who might give us a hand?”

Shit!! And just when I stopped having nightmares of Mick’s scary face.”


Day 2 - LA – Mick and Beth’s loft - late night

Exasperated, Beth pushed away from her laptop. “Other than visiting LA, if there’s any connection among our four victims, I don’t see it.”

Mick understood his wife’s frustration, but encouraged her to continue. “OK. Maybe we need to step back. Just tell me what you know about these four people.”

Beth ticked off the facts. “We have three females, one male, all Caucasian. Two women are from New York, another from Ohio and the man is from Virginia. They’re all between the ages of 24 and 35.”

“OK, only commonalities so far are race and being relatively young. Go on.”

Beth scrolled through the images of the four victims. “One of the women from New York, Chloe Simons, is apparently some kind of rising star in fashion design, while the other, Nadine Griffin, works on Wall Street. The Ohio woman, Ruby Radcliff, is a graduate student and the man from Virginia, Kevin Lambert, is an investment banker.”

“What’s the graduate student studying?”

Beth scrolled down the screen. “Engineering.”

Mick leaned back. “OK, on the surface, they don’t seem to have much in common.”


“With the exception of the grad student, these people have high paying jobs. They’re probably pretty well off.”

“You’re thinking the killer was originally planning to kidnap his victims for ransom?”

“That’s what the cops would think. The fact that a vampire drained their blood tells me otherwise.”

“So where does that leave us?”

“It leaves us with a plausible story to divert the cops with while we find the killer.” Mick ran his fingers through his hair. “With vamps involved, it’s got to have something to do with the victims’ blood.”

Before he could continue, there was a knock on the office door. The monitor revealed a tall brunette woman that neither he nor Beth recognized.

Mick opened the door. “Can I help you?”

Wow!! The pictures didn’t do you justice!”


“The resemblance. I know it’s late, but he said you wouldn’t mind.”


“Steve McGarrett. Sorry, I’m not making much sense.” The young woman extended her hand as she introduced herself. “My name is Catherine Rollins. Steve needs your help.”

When Catherine was ushered in and offered a drink, she accepted. “Actually, a beer would be great. It’s been a really long day.”

When all were settled, Mick asked what Steve needed help with.

“He’s investigating some bizarre homicides that you may be able to help with.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“I’m not sure I do, either. Steve was kind of cryptic when he asked me to come see you. He sent me some crime scene images to show you. He also said that there are eleven murder victims, both male and female. All but one are oriental, with a single Caucasian male. The kicker is that none of them seemed to have much blood in their systems when their bodies were burned.”

Mick and Beth exchanged a look as Catherine took out her tablet. Displayed on the screen were images of the burned corpses in the shipping container.

“Why didn’t Steve just call me or send me these images? Why use you?”

“These are official photos from an ongoing criminal investigation, so he probably didn’t want to break protocol by sending them to you.” Under her breath, Catherine muttered. “Not that it’s ever stopped him before.”

“So how is sending you any different?”

“I’m a member of 5-0, so it’s OK that I have them. I happened to be visiting friends in San Diego when Steve called and asked me to come to LA and see you.”

Beth turned to Mick. “Catherine is Steve’s clean line of communication with us. He’s being careful.”

Catherine was confused. “I’m sorry. Careful about what?”

Mick wasn’t sure how much Steve had shared with this young woman. With traces of McGarrett’s scent on her, Catherine was clearly more than just a colleague. “Probably about bringing in outside help. What has Steve told you about Beth and myself?”

“Only that you both looked after his sister when she was attacked in LA a couple of years ago and helped rescue a little girl who was abducted on Oahu last year. And yes, he did mention the resemblance between you two. I’m sorry for staring, but it really is amazing.”

Beth smiled. “Believe me, I understand. I did a double-take when I met Steve for the first time. As Steve’s mate, I’m not surprised you’d be …”

Too late, the words slipped from Beth’s lips.

Catherine looked from Beth to Mick and back again. “Steve’s mate? Did he tell you…”

“That you were a mate, I mean, a friend of his? Yes, and I was hoping we’d meet one day.”

Mick struggled to hide his amusement at his wife’s near miss; her heightened senses couldn’t miss the Commander’s scent on Catherine. “Anything else?”

“Only that you’re a PI with some impressive skills and that anytime Steve mentions you, Danny looks like he’s going to faint. I take that to mean you’re nobody to mess with. Am I missing anything?”

“No, but since Steve trusts you, I think we can as well.” Mick then went on to describe the murders he and Beth were investigating, scrolling through the images on the laptop. “It’s clear that there are similarities here, with the killer burning his victims’ bloodless bodies.”

Beth copied the files onto a flash drive and handed it to Catherine. “Thanks, I’m sure Steve will be interested in this information. Have you found any link between your two victims?”

Mick filled in the rest of what they knew. “Not really and there may actually be four victims. Only two have shown up murdered and burned. We don’t know how or even if the other two are related. All we do know is all four are Caucasian, three females, one male. Three of them financially well off.”

Beth raised her hand, her eyes still on her laptop. “Make that all of them. I just did a quick search on our graduate student’s family. Seems she’s going to inherit a small fortune when she turns 25.”

Catherine recognized the significance. “So maybe this was kidnap and ransom, but something went wrong?”

“Perhaps. What are you thinking, Mick?”

“We’ve been treating our murders as a local event. With similar ones on Oahu, it’s clear they’re not.”

“Making the threat much larger than we thought.”

Catherine seized on the word. “Threat?”

“Threat meaning more people are at risk than just here in LA.”

“True and what you’ve found may help us with our murders. I’ll have Steve start searching missing persons reports, especially for people visiting the islands. ” Catherine stood to leave. “Hey, thanks for the info and the beer, but I’ve got to get back to San Diego tonight. My flight to Oahu leaves tomorrow morning.”

“I’ve got a better idea.” Mick pulled out his phone and hit speed dial. “Josef. I need your jet as soon as possible. Seems there’s a similar problem on Oahu. Eleven so far. Same MO.” After a long pause, Mick glanced at Beth and said. “OK, but she won’t like it.”

Turning to their guest, he asked if she would excuse them for a moment. Taking Beth aside, Mick recounted his conversation with Josef. “He agrees that going to Oahu is a good idea, for me, anyway.”

“He wants me to stay here?”

“Yeah, we’re both afraid you’re not up to the island heat yet.”


“Hey, I’m not thrilled with leaving you here either.”

“What does Josef expect me to do, sit on my hands?”

“No, just the opposite. You’re already plugged in to Carl’s investigation. If you stay here and work with him, you can keep us both in the loop. I can do the same from Oahu.”

Beth found she couldn’t argue with his logic. “All right, but get back here as soon as possible.”

“I will.” Turning to their guest, Mick continued. “Miss Rollins?”

“Please, call me Catherine.”

“OK. If you’re interested, we’ve got a flight to Oahu as soon as we get to LAX.”

“Hey, I don’t want to impose…”

Beth assured their weary guest. “Don’t worry. I think you’ll find travelling on a private jet a lot more comfortable than flying commercial. You’ll be able to stretch out and get some rest.”

“Thanks. If I may ask, who is this Josef?”

“A friend who’s as interested in solving these crimes as we are. Maybe more so.”


Day 2 - Oahu – Iolani Palace - late evening

“Thanks, Cath. See you in a few hours.”

When Steve ended the call, Chin entered his office. “Got a few minutes?”

“Sure, Chin. What can I do for you?”

“Not sure yet.”

“That sounds ominous. What’s this about?”

“When we rescued that little girl on the North Shore last year, the term ‘blood demons’ was dropped more than a few times. You asked Kono and me to trust you and not press the matter.”

“Which you did, and I’m grateful.”

“But I’m not sure I can anymore. You know I researched blood demons after that case. According to legend, blood demons are creatures who hunt humans at night, drinking their blood to survive. In other words, the oriental version of what you would call vampires.”

When his boss remained silent, Chin pressed. “C’mon Steve. I read Max’s preliminary report. I saw the look between you and Danny at the docks. I know there’s something you’re not telling us.” Looking Steve in the eye, he pleaded. “Don’t you trust me?”

Steve sighed; he expected his lieutenant to confront him at some point. Chin Ho Kelly was too good a cop not to pursue anything pertinent to a case. “I trust you, Chin, and Kono. It’s just that it’s not my call.”

“Not your call…whose is it?”

“Mick St. John’s.”

“That PI from LA? Why would it be his….” Understanding dawned on the lieutenant. “You’re serious? St. John is a blood demon?”

“Afraid so.”

“What about that other guy, Kostan?”

“Him, too.” When a stunned Chin collapsed into a chair, Steve continued. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in.”

“No kidding. Does Danny know?”

“Yeah, and he found out the hard way. The people who attacked Mary in LA, then kidnapped Danny? They were blood demons.”

“That explains why Danny is so nervous around St. John and Kostan.” Then Chin recalled an earlier discussion with Steve. “Last year, you told me that you’d encountered blood demons in the Philippines and that one of them attacked you.”

Steve fingered his neck. “He bit me, here. Scared me shitless.”

“And you lived to tell about it, how?”

“Another blood demon rescued me and his people nursed me back to health.” Steve needed to focus his lieutenant back on the present situation. “Listen, Chin. Catherine is on her way back from the mainland with St. John. When they get here, I’ll ask him to share what he can with all of us. Until then, I’m going to ask you not to say anything to Kono. I’d rather she get the story from Mick.”

“OK. Anything else I should know?”

“Yeah. Catherine said that Mick and Beth are investigating two similar murders in LA. There are possibly two other victims whose bodies haven’t been found yet.”

“Same MO?”

“Mostly. All four of their victims were Caucasian, three female and one male. All were from out of town, wealthy and with missing persons reports filed on them.”

“OK, so first thing is to check missing persons reports here and see what we come up with. Kono and I will get on this and see what we can find that matches our victims’ age and ethnicities.”

As his friend stood to leave, Steve apologized. “Chin, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but as I said, it wasn’t my call. And it was never about not trusting you or Kono.”

“I know.” The lieutenant grinned. “I just can’t wait to see Kono’s reaction.”


Day 3 - On board Josef’s jet approaching Oahu

“Catherine? Time to wake up.”

Catherine pulled the blanket up over her shoulder. “Mmmm…five more minutes, Steve.”

“Miss Rollins?”

That got through Catherine’s sleepy fog; she couldn’t remember the last time Steve called her that. Opening her eyes, she saw a man who looked an awful lot like Steve staring down at her. That’s when she remembered where she was and who she was with.

“Sorry, Mick. You even sound a little like Steve. How soon before we land?”

“About 10 minutes. How do you feel?”

“Pretty good, actually. How long was I asleep?”

“Four hours, give or take.”

“Some company I am, huh?”

“As you said, it’s been a long day. Anything I can get you?”

Catherine stretched, the blanket slipping away from her. “No, thanks. I’ll just freshen up before we land.”

In the privacy of the lavatory, Catherine splashed water on her face then brushed her hair. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she marveled at how the evening had transpired. Only a few hours ago, she was catching up with a group of friends over dinner in San Diego. When Steve called and asked her to drive to LA, she wasn’t happy about it, but when he described the murders, she knew she had to.

Mick and Beth were nice enough, although their home was positively freezing. Shortly after Mick talked to his friend, Josef arrived in a limo to accompany Mick, Beth and herself to the airport. When Catherine said she had to drive separately to return the rental car, Josef assured her that one of his associates would return the car for her. Something in his tone indicated that Josef was one of those people you didn’t say ‘no’ to. Once she handed over the keys, they were on their way to the airport.

Whoever this Josef is, it’s clear that he’s wealthy. Make that super wealthy. Funny, Steve didn’t mention that. And what’s Josef’s relationship to Mick and Beth? Once we got to the airport, Mick kissed Beth goodbye that made me go weak-in-the-knees. No doubt those two are deeply in love. Still, it was a little weird seeing a man that looks so much like Steve kiss another woman. Even weirder is that look Mick exchanged with Josef, who promised he’d take care of Beth, then put his hands on her shoulders as if to make a point. I’ve got to get Steve to tell me more about these people.

When she returned to the cabin, Catherine commented. “Please, thank Mr. Kostan for me again. I could get used to traveling like this.”

“Trust me, Josef can afford it.”

“Listen, I don’t mean to pry, but how can someone as young as your friend be that wealthy?”

The half-truth flowed smoothly. “He inherited some of his money, but don’t let appearances fool you. Josef has worked very hard to get where he is.”

“You two must be pretty close for him to lend you his private jet whenever you want.”

“You could say that. Josef was there for me when I needed a friend. So, when he needs someone with my skills, I’m his guy.”

Catherine started to ask another question, then stopped herself. During the first hour of the flight, she and Mick had spoken mostly about the murders and her background. Between her own fatigue and a soft blanket to ward off the cabin’s chilly temperature, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. But now she felt she was prying, a poor way to repay the hospitality she’d been shown.

A slight smile emerged on Mick’s face. “Go ahead. Ask.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, but I’d be curious, too, if I came face-to-face with someone who looks like a close friend of mine.”

“Any chance you and Steve are related?”

“I doubt it, but that’s not what you really want to know.”

“Mind reader one of your ‘skills’, huh? OK, you seem like a nice enough guy…so why is Danny terrified of you?”

The smile faded from Mick’s face. “That’s something I’m afraid you’ll find out soon enough. I just hope it doesn’t change your opinion of me.”

“I can’t imagine it would.”

A few minutes later, the jet landed on a private airstrip. Steve and his truck were waiting at the edge of the tarmac next to a limousine. Once they exited the jet, Steve drew Catherine into a warm embrace, kissed her, then shook Mick’s hand. Seeing the two men side-by-side, Catherine wondered if their resemblance was more than skin deep.

“I assumed Beth would be coming with you. Is she OK?”

“She’s fine, Steve. She’s going to keep working the LA murders with a detective friend of hers. She’ll feed us any information she can.”

“Good. What can we do on this end?”

Mick glanced at the limousine, whose driver was now standing at attention by the side of the car. “First, I’m going to meet with someone here, then go to a house Josef owns. I need to…ah, rest up if I’m going to work in this heat. If you could gather your people together a little after sunrise, I’d appreciate it.”

Steve agreed, and as Catherine excused herself to make a call, he added. “If it’s all right with you, we’ll meet at my house, so you can stay under the radar. And Mick, I’m going to ask you to tell Catherine, Chin and Kono what Danny and I already know. I trust each one of them with my life.”

Mick was afraid this would happen, but knew that for Steve’s team to be effective, they had to understand what they were up against. Knowing how Danny initially reacted, Mick feared the others might feel the same. “If you think that will help.”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”

As Steve and Catherine drove away, Mick approached the limo. The driver took his bag, then opened the door. Inside was a thirty-something Oriental woman, or at least that was her age when she was turned.

“I bring greetings from Kimiko, Mr. St. John. I am Akemi, Kimiko’s shisha, or as you would say, emissary. I trust your journey was uneventful?”

“It was, thanks. I’m anxious to extend my greetings to Kimiko.”

“Ah. I regret to inform you that Kimiko is away tending to some business, but will return tomorrow. Will you be staying with us?”

“No, I won’t be here long and I don’t wish to impose on Kimiko’s hospitality.”

Or have my every move watched.

Akemi appeared disappointed. “As you wish.”

Mick feared he’d somehow offended his counterpart; Josef was far better at social niceties than he was. “Anything wrong?”

“No, it was just that I hoped to spend some time with you before my mistress returns.” Seeing Mick’s confusion, Akemi continued. “I was in attendance when you confronted my predecessor, the traitorous Tadashi. I admire the courage and devotion that you and your mate displayed under such dangerous circumstances. Tadashi was foolish to value power more than honor and love. I have learned a great deal from his mistake. By spending time with you, I had hoped to learn even more.”

Once Mick told her where he’d be staying, Akemi signaled to the driver to depart. “We will take you to your lodging. Kimiko has instructed me to provide you any assistance you require during your visit. When she returns, I will inform you.”

As the limousine drove off, Mick hoped that Akemi wasn’t playing him and was more loyal to her mistress than her predecessor had been. If she wasn’t, then this case might become a lot more complicated and dangerous than it already was.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Fantastic Chapter 2! I certainly do hope that Mick can trust this emissary of Kimiko's!

Poor Beth having to stay behind, but the 50 team does need to be kept abreast of what is happening with the similar murders in LA. She's still a bit of a newbie, just blurting things out, isn't she? :laugh: But she is quick-witted and makes a good recovery!

Can't wait to see how Chin, Kono and Catherine react to the meeting a real blood demon!

Thanks for the new chapter! :thanks:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by darkstarrising »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:Fantastic Chapter 2! I certainly do hope that Mick can trust this emissary of Kimiko's!

Poor Beth having to stay behind, but the 50 team does need to be kept abreast of what is happening with the similar murders in LA. She's still a bit of a newbie, just blurting things out, isn't she? :laugh: But she is quick-witted and makes a good recovery!

Can't wait to see how Chin, Kono and Catherine react to the meeting a real blood demon!

Thanks for the new chapter! :thanks:
Thanks, MLC :hug: This is a test for both Mick and Beth. Now that they're closer than ever, they have to work apart and neither of them likes it. It does help them understand how important that each live for the other, though. As for how the 5-0 crew do, the next chapter will tell that. :devil:
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by allegrita »

This is a fabulous continuation of the story. Catherine is so perceptive, I love her sensing that Steve and Mick have more in common than just their looks. And I'm glad that the Five-0 team will learn the truth sooner than later.

I feel for Beth, being left behind in LA, but even she can understand why it's better for her to stay away from the sun and heat. Plus, they need an LA connection on this case. It's a risk, though.

I'm looking forward to learning more about Kimiko's new shisha. I hope she is trustworthy...
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:This is a fabulous continuation of the story. Catherine is so perceptive, I love her sensing that Steve and Mick have more in common than just their looks. And I'm glad that the Five-0 team will learn the truth sooner than later.

I feel for Beth, being left behind in LA, but even she can understand why it's better for her to stay away from the sun and heat. Plus, they need an LA connection on this case. It's a risk, though.

I'm looking forward to learning more about Kimiko's new shisha. I hope she is trustworthy...
Thanks, alle :hug: Many of the main players face situations that force them to grow a little, Beth in particular. While some of them rise to meet the challenges, one does not.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 2 (PG13) Chall 140 8/4/14

Post by allegrita »

Ooooh.... that little teaser has me itching to read the next chapter! :hyper:
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