First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

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First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

As some of you know, I have a tradition of posting fic on my birthday. This year, I decided to pull up a story that I’d started some time ago, and just never gotten inspired to finish. Looking at it, I decided it was high time to finish it. It’s a trifle, I fear, but perhaps a welcome one. This dips back in the chronology of my Josef and Freshie Lucky stories, to the first night she moved into his private rooms….so if it matters, this one falls shortly after “High Tea,” and before “The Getaway.”

And since this is one from wayyyy off the shelf, I think it fits the criteria for our Challenge #158: Second Chance, Summer Edition.

Hope you enjoy.

First Night

Stifling a yawn, Lucky checked the time discreetly on her iPad. Quarter of three. She was used to being up late, but usually not this late. Josef had come in about 1:30—with all the details they’d discussed, she realized they’d skimmed over a few key ones. Like, was she supposed to wait up for him? She didn’t think so, but she rather imagined these first few nights were going to be quite the learning experience.

Josef looked up from his desk, blinking a little. He gave her a crooked smirk. “Everyone thinks I do nothing but party with you lovely ladies, but you could tell them different, couldn’t you, Luck?”

“You certainly work hard at giving them that impression, Josef.” She rose and came to stand behind him, rubbing his shoulders.

He leaned back into the caress,, his eyes half-lidded. “You know, you don’t have to sit around and watch me read reports, right?”

“Yeah, but you like it when I do, don’t you?”

“I can’t deny that.” He turned his chair suddenly, swiveling so that his knee caught the back of hers, and she collapsed into his lap, laughing, to put her arms around his neck.


“Thanks. I was wondering if that move would work.”

Lucky lifted an eyebrow. “Only with someone who trusted you to catch her. If you’d missed—“

“Hardly likely, doll.”

“—or I’d struggled,” she continued, “I’d have been sprawled on the floor.”

Josef laid a hand possessively across her thighs, fingertips stroking the thin cotton jersey of her black yoga pants. “But you didn’t.” He paused. “Got to say, your wardrobe is taking an unexpected turn.”

Lucky looked down at the two tanks she had layered above the yoga pants. “Yeah. Well, I thought you needed to be made aware that I have more in my closet than satin nighties and club dresses.”

“Casual looks good on you, babe.”

“I also figured I should be comfortable, and you do keep this room a little on the cold side.”

“So I’m lucky you didn’t turn up in thermal knit?”

“Oh, yeah, ‘cause I have a walk-in closet full of long johns.” She squirmed a little. “So are you hungry or being affectionate?”

He nuzzled her neck, taking in the warm scent of her. “Both?” He gave her a soft nip, and she shivered. “Actually, I fed over at Belinda’s.”

“Really? Who’d you have?”

“Umm, new girl. Lacey.”

“I don’t think I’ve met her.”

“She’s all right. Typical B-neg.”

“Exclusive material?”

Josef shrugged. “Haven’t decided yet. She’s certainly no—you.”

“Well, that’s comforting. It was thoughtful of you to, uh, dine out, this evening.”

Josef sobered. “I don’t want to risk—I’m not sending you back to the Posada.”

Lucky leaned her head over and gave his neck a little lick, above the edge of his open collar. “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust Sam?”

“With you? Not one inch.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“You should.”

Lucky suppressed another yawn, barely. “Excuse me.”

“Hey, if I’m boring you—”

“Never. But I was considering heading for bed soon.”

Josef looked perplexed. “You’re often up at this hour.”

“Yes, but I also often catch a long nap early in the evening. And I didn’t, tonight.”

“Why not?”

“A little excited, I guess. This is kind of a big deal for me, Josef.”

He chuckled. “I think it’s a big step for us both, babe.” He paused. “You know, I never really thought to ask, but what’s your bedtime routine, sweetheart?”

“Routine? Nothing special. I thought I’d slip back to my own bathroom for most of it.”

“Such as?”

“The usual. Brush my teeth, brush my hair and re-braid it. Bathe. Do some skin care. It depends on a lot of things.” She laid a hand on his chest. “Josef, this is so boring.”

“Not at all. And, depends on what?”

“Well, you, mostly. If I’ve been bitten, depending on how I feel, I’ll either abbreviate things, or take my time. If I’m likely to get one of those 3 or 4 am calls, I take extra care on the skin regimen, but make sure I don’t have any lotion or oil left where it might be in the way.”

“Do all the freshies do that?” Josef asked.

“I’ve never met an exclusive who didn’t. Josef—an exclusive freshie—their job is pleasing their vampire. And we know how tactile you are.”

Josef, idly running a hand up and down her arm, stopped, self-consciously. “There is that,” he said. “And after all this job-related skin care?”

“Not much. I change into a nightie, maybe go get a snack or a bottle of water from the kitchen. Read a bit, go to sleep. I lead a pretty tranquil life, Josef.”

“Tranquil or dull?”

“I know,” she laughed. “Who would have thought living in the vampire’s lair would be so peaceful?”

“Hey, calm freshies taste better.”

“You are such a gourmet.”

He tightened his arm around her. “Only the best, babe,” he said, with a long appreciative sniff. “I’m glad you see it that way.”

Lucky thought of the many times she’d sat in his lap to feed him, and cuddled close afterward, feeling so fortunate to have that small amount of his attention. How even then, she’d been too timid to caress him. That seemed to have changed, somewhat. She tilted her head up to kiss his cheek, balancing with one hand laid flat on his chest, and wasn’t entirely surprised to have him turn his head at the last second, so their mouths met.

Her lips parted, anticipating the invasion of his cool tongue. She could taste scotch, and an undercurrent of something vaguely metallic. She knew it was the blood of—what was her name?—Lacey. She supposed she should feel jealous, but that didn’t seem right. After all, blood was blood. Josef needed it to survive, and she’d spent years being one of the ones who provided that, in return for his slightly disinterested affection. She knew he resisted getting too close to mortals, in the usual way of things.

And she knew why. She was aging. Every day, she studied her reflection, looking for telltale signs. She’d plucked a couple of hairs, lately, that seemed to be closer to gray than red. As much as she wanted to tell herself they were just blonde highlights, she knew the truth.

His kiss deepened, and grew more insistent.

For all that this was the first night, the first night when they were officially together, she was all too aware that there would be a last night, as well. He had potentially endless time, but it was different for her. But that wasn’t what she wanted to think about, right now.

“Somehow, I’m sensing that you’re not feeling the need to read those reports…right away,” she breathed against his mouth.

He grinned, and dropped his hands to her waist. “You know, I could just lift you up onto my desk, and we could use the reports for padding.”

Lucky laughed. “Sounds lumpy.”

He chuckled, that low, rumbling sound that always made her feel so ready for him. “Well, if you don’t like the idea of the desk…” he ran his tongue over his lower lip, and raised one eyebrow, “I think I know where there’s a handy bed.”

She raised an eyebrow back at him. “Do you, now?”

He rose with her in his arms, slipping a hand under her knees. “Now why is it,” he said, as he made his way to the bedroom, “that I’m always carrying you in here?”

It was her turn to chuckle. “Maybe because you know how much I lo—how much I like it,” she replied.

As he laid her down on the bed, and stretched out beside her, his smile was sardonic. “Lucky,” he said, “I don’t think right now is a time to be afraid of words.”

“I suppose not.”

“It’s also not a time for clothes.”

“Yes, Josef.”

“And I’ll make you a deal. You go back to the silk nighties, and I’ll turn the thermostat up.”

Lucky nodded, cuddling against him, shivering a little in anticipation. “You’re so bossy.”

“Of course I am. I’m the vampire.” His hands were moving, undressing them, and Lucky thought that at the moment she didn’t care that someday there would be a last night. There was a first night, tonight, and things were good.

“No you’re not,” she replied, “you’re my vampire.”

His eyes had gone silver, and when he smiled again, she could see his fangs. “Damn straight, doll.”

And then there was no more need to talk.
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Re: First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Ohhh how wonderful to spy on their first night. Like Lucky I don't want to think of a last night. I actually like that she was in casual as opposed to seductive clothes. Josef is more interested in her than the wrapping.
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Re: First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by Lilly »

Oh, Lucky -- I DO love your birthday. :heart: When ALL of us get a present. :teeth: :hearts: :melts:

This is just so delicious -- it's kind of like, if you pardon the expression, comfort food. It's warm and welcoming and just makes me feel good to have a bit. I love the playfulness between these two, as always, but there's more to it than that. There's an easiness in their sharing the same space -- whether for a nightcap or for as long as fate allows. Just lovely.

Thank you. :flowers: :hug:

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Re: First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Ah, thank you, cassy and Lilly.

I swear, I started this AGES ago, and just didn't quite know where to go with it. I was worried it might be a little too boring... (good heavens! I just looked at the properties, and this baby has been hanging fire since April of 2011!)
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Re: First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Wow, really?! I'm surprised. This story has a "freshness" about it, if you'll pardon the pun... :laugh: it feels like a tale that just grew into being, and it doesn't at all leave the impression of something that got hung up and had to be put away for a (long) while. Congratulations on completing it so seamlessly, and also for being the first one to answer the Challenge this summer! :clapping:

I agree with Lilly. I love your birthday, because we are the ones who get a gift. :sprise: :heart: This story has such a lovely, languid feel to it, with an underlying touch of angst for flavor. It feels so right, this little peek into the first night Lucky was "officially" there.

And this is my very favorite part:
librarian_7 wrote:“You’re so bossy.”

“Of course I am. I’m the vampire.”


“No you’re’re my vampire.”
Yep. He is. And she's his freshie. And that's a lovely thing. :hearts:
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Re: First Night (Challenge #158) -- PG-13

Post by LadyAilith »

Thanks so much for sharing your story. It certainly reads as new! And I'm *always* up for a Lucky story!

Happy Birthday! :rose:
LadyAilith :rose:
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