Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 10

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Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 10

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.

Previously on Savannah Returns...

Once through the emergency exit Aaron Walker leapt down each set of stairs until he was at the bottom. Knowing exactly where he was headed he used as much vamp speed as the conditions would allow. He came to the room with the different passages and didn’t even hesitate. I still smell Jeremiah; I think he’s still here. He was so excited to think that Isaac Foster hadn’t gotten to Jeremiah first that he didn’t even notice the other scents in the room and in a few seconds he had run right through and was headed down the tunnel to where he had left Jeremiah lying bound on the floor.

Jason and the women came out of their hiding places. “Look, I’m going back to help Mick and Josef,” Jason announced. “You all stay here. Stay hidden in the passageways and don’t come out until we come for you. It’s too dangerous for you to be wandering around these tunnels on your own.” And before any of them could protest, he took off running after Aaron.

They all stood looking at the now empty passage down which Jason had disappeared. “Well girls?” Beth asked as she shined her flashlight at them. “Do we stay or do we follow?”

Chapter 10

As Aaron Walker approached the second open room he slowed down. His vampire vision let him see the body still lying on the ground and the only thing he smelled was the overpowering scent of Jason’s blood. Good! He’s still here!

Aaron approached the back of the man slumped on the floor. “Hey! Booth!” he shouted as he kicked the man on the ground, who grunted from the pain. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.” He bent down to grab an arm and haul the man to his feet.

When Aaron pulled on his arm Mick rolled over and threw off the silver chains towards Aaron’s face as he leapt to his feet.

“Aaaaggh”! Aaron Walker cried as he staggered backward. He had instinctively put up his hands to catch whatever was being thrown at him and the chains burned them as well as the skin on his face. He bent over shielding his face with his hands as Mick and Josef ran at him from two different sides. But Aaron was expecting this and to their surprise he ran towards them, not away. Aaron ran right between them in the blink of an eye and headed deeper into the mine.

“What the hell…” Mick exclaimed.

“Well, don’t just stand there, let’s follow him!” Josef said as he started after Aaron.

Mick took a few steps and stopped, head up. “Hold it; someone’s coming from the other way.” They turned around to see Jason running into the cavern.

“What’s happened? Where’s Walker?” he asked, looking around.

“What are you doing here?” Josef asked, alarmed. “You’re supposed to be protecting the women!”

“They’re fine. I left them in that first room. After Walker ran through – without pausing, just like you said he would - I told them to stay in the passages and wait for us. I came back to help you. Now where is he?”

“He surprised us by running that way,” Mick said, pointing.

“He went farther into the mine?” Jason asked, puzzled. “We’re not that far from where the lower levels are flooded. I could hear the water dripping when I was alone. Why would he go that way?”

“Is there another exit out of here?” Josef asked.

“Not from this part,” Jason replied. “The tunnels around here either dead end or loop around and connect with each other.”

“They connect?” Mick asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

“Some of them do, yes.” Jason looked from Mick to Josef and when all three of them realized what that meant, they shouted out at the same time.





Aaron Walker was furious as he ran through the dark tunnels, his hands and face still stinging. How the hell did that happen? That wasn’t Booth on the ground; who was it and where is Booth? I think that one on the left might have been Kostan, but I didn’t get a good look. I was too busy saving my ass. Damn! Everything seemed so simple before! Now it’s all fucked up. This always happens to me! He stopped running when he reached water. Shit! The flooded levels! He turned to look behind him and listened carefully. He didn’t hear anyone approaching. He looked around and saw other passages leading away from the water. He had spent a lot of time over the past several days wandering around down here and was pretty sure he knew a way to get back to the first room. I’ll circle around them and get back outside while they’re still looking for me down here. I may lose my money but at least I’ll have my head. And with an evil grin he entered a tunnel off to the left and began to run.

As Aaron neared the room with the multiple passages, including the one leading outside, his senses brought him up short. Humans! And judging by the voices, females! They brought women down here with them? They aren’t so smart after all. And my luck has taken a change for the better! He crept slowly to the edge of the open area and surveyed the scene before him.


Savannah spoke first. “I think we should follow them. Jason isn’t full strength yet and may need help.”

“And I was never very good at being told to ‘stay’ anywhere,” Beth said. “Mick knows that and Josef should by now, too. Kylie, what do you want to do?” She turned the flashlight towards Kylie and gasped. There stood Aaron Walker, with one arm around Kylie’s neck and the other pinning her arm up against her back.

“One sound from any of you and I start snapping bones,” he said in a low growl.

“Let her go,” Beth said.

“Or what? You’ll hit me with that flashlight?” Aaron laughed. “Imagine finding you lovely ladies down here. Josef Kostan is supposed to be so smart. He’s a fool for bringing freshies along with him. What a stupid way to try and rescue someone!” He took a long sniff along Kylie’s exposed neck, causing her to flinch. “On the other hand, I am rather hungry.”

“You’re the fool if you think you can get away with this. They’ll be here any minute.”

“We’re here now. Let her go.” Beth had never heard Josef’s voice sound so menacing. It was as if all his 400 years of power were behind every word. Beth thought the chilly room actually grew colder.

Mick and Jason now stood on either side of Josef. When Aaron saw them he pulled up tighter on Kylie’s arm causing her to yelp in pain.

“One move and she breaks like a toothpick,” he warned. He used his arm around her neck to lift her off the ground so that only her toes were touching.

“If you hurt her you will find yourself begging for death,” Josef told him, his silver eyes glowing in the dim light.

While Aaron’s attention was focused on the men, Beth noticed Savannah backing up slowly and sidling over behind Aaron, carefully taking her stake out of her tote bag. Beth nodded imperceptibly at Savannah.

“Too bad I’m already dead,” Walker retorted. Then he turned to Beth, who was now shining her flashlight directly in his eyes.

“Get that damned flashlight out…” he began to growl.

“NOW!” Beth shouted. Savannah plunged the stake into Aaron Walker’s back with both hands. He screamed and all hell broke loose.

Aaron let Kylie fall to the ground as he lunged at Beth, missing her when she sidestepped but knocking the flashlight out of her hand. When it hit the ground the light went out and the room was thrown into pitch blackness; only the vampires could see. At the same time, Josef, Mick and Jason all leapt at Aaron who was howling and thrashing like the wounded animal he was. Beth dropped to her hands and knees and crawled to where she thought Kylie was lying. She could hear her coughing and that help direct her.

“Kylie! Kylie, are you alright? Can you crawl towards my voice?”

“Yes,” was the hoarse reply. “I’m heading your way. Where’s Savannah?”

“I think I’m behind you. Beth? Beth!”

“I’m here! Who’s hand is this; Kylie is that you? Thank god.” Beth reached out with her other hand, searching for Savannah. They found each other and Beth pulled both girls close to her. “Are you both okay?” They both murmured that they were. “Okay, hang onto my jacket; we’re crawling over to the wall. Maybe into a tunnel if we can find one.” They made their way across a short expanse of the uneven rock floor while the vampires growled and fought close by. “Here, there’s some sort of opening here,” Beth said and she pulled the girls in next to her where they all huddled together.

“Why didn’t the stake paralyze him?” Kylie whispered.

“I don’t think I got it in far enough,” Savannah replied.

“That’s probably it,” Beth agreed. “It’s really hard to stake a vampire from the back and have it work 100%. But you did great, Savannah! That was a very brave thing to do. And it gave the guys the opportunity they needed.”

“Shining that light in his eyes was brilliant,” Kylie said to Beth.

Beth hugged them tighter. “I sure wish we had that light now,” she remarked. They listened to the growls and yells coming from the fight, wishing they could see what was happening.

Then - silence. They squeezed each other’s hands, hardly daring to breathe as they heard someone moving towards them. Suddenly, the bright light from the flashlight played over their faces.

“Beth? Are you alright?” At the sound of Mick’s voice they all exhaled. He crouched down in front of them and reached a hand out. “It’s okay; it’s safe to come out now.” Beth smiled and took his hand, using her other hand to pull up Kylie, who pulled Savannah up behind her, until they were all standing in the open. “Is everyone okay?” He asked as he drew Beth into an embrace.

“Hey doll, how’s your arm?” Josef asked Kylie with concern as he gingerly stroked her.

“It’s sore, but it’s not broken. I’m okay. We’re all okay.”

“Savannah, my dear.” Savannah ran to Jason’s waiting arms.

“What, what happened to – you know…” she asked tentatively.

Mick swept the flashlight over to Aaron’s prone form on the ground, with a large stake clearly visible sticking out of his chest.

“Jeremiah and I are going to take care of him farther back in the mine.” Josef said. “He won’t be bothering anyone again.”

“Jason, do you have to go?” Savannah asked, clearly upset.

“Yes, I do. This is personal for Josef – Isaac – and me.” He kissed her forehead and pushed her out of his arms. “Mick will take all of you back to the exit. We’ll join you when we can.” He walked away from her and over to Aaron’s paralyzed body. With a nod to Josef they each grabbed an arm and walked off down the tunnel, dragging Aaron Walker behind them.

“Come on, ladies,” Mick said. “We need to get going. Hopefully our friendly guide Bob is still sleeping it off under the stairs.” And with that he led the way down the passage they had all come through the first time, with Kylie and Savannah behind him and Beth bringing up the rear holding the flashlight.

Beth and the girls were anxious to get out of the tunnels and caves and they made good progress. Soon they were back to the open area at the bottom of the stairs that would lead up and outside. As part of the emergency exit it was lit with electric lights so Beth turned off the flashlight.

“Kylie, you and Savannah start on those stairs,” Mick instructed. “There are a lot of them, so take it easy but don’t stop for too long. We’ll be coming along behind you as soon we get Bob here back on his feet.” The girls nodded and started up the wooden stairway.

Mick dragged Bob out from under the stairway, untying his hands and feet and removing the gag from his mouth. Beth stuffed the ropes and gag into her backpack. Mick gently slapped his cheeks. “Come on, Bob. Wake up. C’mon.” He turned to Beth. “Do you have any water left in your pack?” he asked.

“Yes, I think so,” she replied reaching into her pack. “Yes, here’s some.” She handed the bottle to Mick, who splashed some on Bob’s face. Bob moaned.

“Hey there, Bob,” Mick said as Bob opened his eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Wha…what happened?” Bob said as he slowly sat up. “Ohh, my achin’ head!”

“You tripped and took quite a fall. Hit your head. Knocked you out for a few minutes,” Mick told him. Beth cast a quick glance to Mick at this lie, but Mick ignored her.

“Can you stand up?” Beth said, grabbing his other arm as she and Mick helped him to his feet. “Here is your flashlight; you dropped it when you fell.”

“Thanks,” he said, taking it from her. “Wow, I was seein’ stars!” he exclaimed. He looked around. “Hey, where is that girl who was having the panic attack?”

“She and the others already started up the stairs,” Mick told him. “She needed to get out as soon as possible.”

“Well, then let’s go after them,” Bob said and started for the stairs. “Oh, wait. I was supposed to call ahead for medical help,” he added, and reached for his radio.

“Oh, you already did that, just before you tripped,” Beth lied. “Don’t you remember?”

“I did? I must have hit my head harder than I thought.”

“Yes, you did. Good thing you called,” Mick said as he started up the stairs after him. “They can look at that bump on your head.”

Bob stopped suddenly on the stairs and turned around to look at Mick. “Um, how about if we don’t mention my tripping and falling to anyone, eh? Don’t look too good for a guide to be falling around down here when I’m supposed to be looking after you tourists!”

“Sure, if that’s the way you want it. We won’t say anything,” and Mick turned to give Beth a wink.

One more chapter to go...
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 10

Post by allegrita »

Poor Bob. He's the "fall guy", isn't he? :snicker: But at least he's okay. :phew: And so is everyone else! :clapping: (Well, except for Aaron, and he kinda deserves what he gets.) :nonono:

I'm so glad the women had those stakes! They sure came in handy. :teeth:

I'm looking forward to the final chapter of this great story! :yahoo:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 10

Post by librarian_7 »

Well, I'm both looking forward to the next chapter....and sad it's the last!

It always goes better if Beth isn't left in the car. And Mick, bless his heart, ought to know this by now!
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 10

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for reading and commenting Lucky and Alle! :flowers:

Loose ends neatly tied and happy moments coming up tonight!
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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