Moonlight Episode Discussion - Ep 9: Fleur de Lis

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Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Post by allegrita »

That makes a lot of sense. Even Lance, who supposedly never leaves Europe, has a bit of a generic accent. I guess when you have hundreds of years to perfect your ear, you get pretty good at accents.
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Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Post by r1015bill »

I found this out on you tube. It's some of the dailies for Fleur de Lis. Kind of repetitive but there's occasional swearing and flubbed lines. If nothing else, the funny face Alex makes at the beginning makes watching the first few seconds worth it.
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Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

Very late to this party but I just watched FdL again on DVD.

My take on this episode

Coraline/Morgan queen manipulator both vamp and human. IMO she planned on getting Mick back eventuality but she had forever so no big hurry and she believed he would be obsessed with her as always she was confident if she snapped her fingers he'd be right back at her beck and call. But Mick was her obsession after all her years of using her sexuality with out much regard for feelings to get what she wanted and needed from men (who for most of her life ran everything) she feel in love with Mick. He made her lose control he made her feel and she didn't like thinking with her heart too easy to lose it. So she turned him, he was hers forever, he would be thrilled to have such a wonderful gift and she again had some control as his sire. Things didn't exactly work as planned although we have been lead to believe that they had some really interesting times together. I think Beth hit the nail on the head with the sex thing. That was the glue that held them together for so long the sex was really good, give up your soul lose your mind good.

Again best laid plans Cora never ever thought Mick would or could love someone else but then came Beth. Bad enough he killed her over this insignificant human but to fall in love with her she saw red. IMHO Morgan Vincent was killed by Cora and her identity assumed an identity she could use to get to Beth and finally Mick. In Ringer we see the bandage on her arm meaning she has just taken the cure,IMO she seduced Hank and turned him, used him to set up her elaborate ruse. Mick would recognize her and be right under her spell again, Beth would be dealt with (but first she would be played with and emotional destroyed) and Caroline would turn back and happily ever after.

Beth Her emotions were raw. She found her Guardian Angel finally admitted to herself she loved him, realized she was string Josh along and it needed to end and then this woman come along and makes her jealous again making her admit the love thing. ( IMO Beth thought of Mick as her Mick before he thought of his Beth.) And after years of repressing the horror of her childhood she finds the woman who terrorized her. Terrorized her to keep the man that Beth now loves. That would make anyone snap. When Beth staked Caroline ( who I do believe she thought was still a vampire) she did it for revenge but she twisted the stake out of jealousy.

Mick His sense assaulted by the whole Morgan/Cora thing he was out of control again and couldn't or maybe want it to stop. Cora know how to push his buttons and she saw that a spark was still there just needed to fan it a bit. He knew he loved Beth but felt he was no good for her would somehow cause her harm. I think deep down he knew Morgan was Cora and maybe even hoped it to be true. She was familiar and seductive and I think at this point we are dealing with a very frustrated vampire. He stepped back into Cora's arms easily like she hoped. Would Mick have stopped where the whole shower scene was going if Beth hadn't knocked. I would like to think his big head and his heart would have made him realize this obsession was not worth him losing his humanity and his Beth.

Sorry very long winded so feel free to slap me.
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Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Post by allegrita »

I had never seen your analysis, BEM, and I think it's really interesting! Forgive me coming back to this discussion thread after such a long time, but I guess I missed your post in the craziness of the holiday season (a year and a half ago, eek!) :dizzy:

I like what you said about Beth. I think she was completely mixed up at this point, and her love for Mick was mixed up, too. A combination of little-girl hero worship, the I-saved-you, you-saved-me thing (multiplied by a million after the desert), plus a big dose of physical attraction, compounded by the vamp appeal thing. :melts: :melts: :melts: And for her to find out that "her hero" was in cahoots with the Scary Lady who had terrorized her as a child?! :gasp: :grumble: Well, I can understand why she took a stake with her to Mick's place. She was enraged and afraid and suffering from delayed trauma, not to mention more than a little bit jealous. And also guilty, 'cause Josh was still her boyfriend! :dizzy: Poor Beth. I don't believe for a second that she'd have staked Coraline if she'd known it would actually injure or kill her. But you can bet she'd have gotten a thrill of angry pleasure to see her tormentor staked and helpless.

About Coraline/Morgan... something occurred to me as I read through some of the older comments on this thread. Many people mentioned how much "lighter" and more fun Morgan was than Coraline had been in the flashbacks. Some speculated that she was just acting, in order to entice Mick, and some suggested that maybe she'd learned some things about herself and life in general over the past 20 years or so. But one thing nobody brought up was, maybe she was "lighter" as Morgan because she was human! Remember how different Mick was when he was on the Cure? He smiled a lot and laughed, and enjoyed life. And he even acted a little goofy and giddy from time to time. Maybe that's what happens to a vampire when they go on the Cure... they get a little lighter, a little giddy, a little more "joie du vivre' -ish. I had never thought about that before in connection with Morgan. :chin:

I think you have an excellent point about Mick and Coraline's relationship. Maybe Mick really was Coraline's first true love. Maybe she'd never let herself fall for a guy before that... and if that is true, no wonder she was so obsessed with him. The evidence Beth uncovered, that Coraline had been stalking her and Mick for months, really adds weight to that idea. You can tell from the chemistry between Mick and Morgan (even when Mick thought she couldn't be Coraline) that sexual attraction had to be a huge part of what kept them together. But sex alone isn't enough--even great sex. I think the sex was more of a symptom than a reason. The sex was incredible because the attraction was incredible. Like Mick said, it was a fever that burned them up. They weren't rational about each other. And that craziness was really still in full force during "The Ringer"... but I think that changed in this episode, at least for Mick.

Which brings me to the speculation about whether Mick would have stopped (in the shower) if Beth hadn't knocked on the front door. The thing that struck me in this scene was, he was really focused on "You are Coraline, there IS a cure!!" Yes, she was gorgeous and wet and nude and kissing him like crazy, but he wasn't really as lost in the moment as one might expect. He saw her as his path back to humanity. So I don't see him throwing his clothes on the floor and forgetting all about it. I kinda see him dragging her out of the shower and making her tell him how she did it. :snicker:

Also, after Beth staked Coraline, his determination to save her seemed to be fueled in great part by the fact that, if she died, he'd lose that path back to life. So... yeah, the attraction was definitely there... but Mick wasn't a slave to his passions this time. He was thinking with his big head (to borrow a phrase from Josef)--maybe for the very first time, where Coraline was concerned.
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