Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

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Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave:

This is the second chapter (of 10) of 'Affairs of the Heart' and ML / H50 crossover story for challenge 140. In the first chapter, we saw an awkward parting between Mick and Beth as Beth left to spend a few days in Hawaii with Mary Ann McGarrett. In this story, Mick has finally agreed to turn Beth, but is dragging his feet. As some of you commented after the first chapter, despite Beth's promise to Mick to stay out of trouble, that promise will likely be broken. :devil:

As always, I don't own any of the characters, I just like to play with them.

Please, enjoy!

Affairs of the Heart

Chapter 2

After a week of chasing Oahu’s low-life scumbags, Saturday afternoon at Steve McGarrett’s house was a great place to unwind. Detective Danny Williams took another swig of beer, gazing appreciatively at the bikini-clad windsurfer off-shore while his partner talked on the phone. If his facial expression was any indication, Steve’s prior good mood was rapidly evaporating. While some people yelled, threw things or resorted to even more violent actions when angered, control freak that he was, Steve rarely raised his voice, but his face was a dead giveaway for how he was feeling.

Steve wasn’t like any other partner Danny had as a cop either in New Jersey or Hawaii. With no training in law enforcement, McGarrett’s guerrilla warfare approach to fighting urban crime frequently left his partner ducking for cover. After only a few months of working together, Danny had created a unique way of assessing Steve’s mood, if for no other purpose than self-preservation. Constipated face meant Steve was merely annoyed. Aneurism face indicated a slightly higher level of agitation. Stone face meant he was royally pissed and if his fists clenched, someone was in real trouble.

Danny had seen that last face when Kono came clean about her relationship with Adam Noshimuri. While Kono was a grown woman, free to associate with whom she pleased, she was also a member of a law enforcement team. If things went south because of Noshimuri, Kono might suffer a broken heart, but Steve would suffer the fallout and 5-0 might just become 0.

After ending the call, Steve sighed and rubbed his temples.

“Let me guess. That was Mary and she’s given you a headache.”

“How’d you know?”

“There are only two people on this island that have that effect on you, my friend – your sister and the Governor. When it’s the Governor, you stand at attention.” Danny gave Steve a mock salute.

“Very funny, but you’re right – it was Mary. She got bumped from her flight at the last minute. If she can’t swap flights with another attendant, it’ll be a couple of days before she gets home.”

Baby sister having trouble is nothing new. There’s got to be more…

“So, you guys had plans for tonight?”

She did. One of her friends from the mainland is arriving in a couple of hours. They were supposed to meet up at the airport then drive to her friend’s hotel together for dinner.”

“Ah, and since Mary is stuck on the mainland, big brother gets to be chauffeur, am I right?”

“Great detective work. Anyway, Mary let her friend know I’ll be picking her up. The hotel is on the North Shore, so I guess you and I are going to have to cut our afternoon short.”

“Wait, this friend is female? You maybe want some company?”

Steve smiled and shook his head; Danny was always looking for female distraction even though his heart was still held by another. “Yeah, but she’s not your type.”

“So, you’re an expert on my type now, huh?”

“Even if she were your type, she’s married. Happily. To an insanely jealous husband.”

“Still, if hubby is on the mainland….”

Utterly deadpan, Steve shrugged. “OK. I’m sure Beth would be happy to see you again.”

Danny blanched. “Beth? As in Mrs. Scary Face?”

“I think she’d prefer Mrs. St. John, Danny. So would Mick.”

Fishing his car keys from his pocket, Danny put down his beer. “You know, maybe you should just go by yourself. Women always have a ton of luggage and there might not be enough room if I go along.”

“Danny, there’s plenty of room in the truck…”

“Steven, if that woman is coming to Oahu, there’s a good chance her husband won’t be far behind. And frankly, my life would be a lot happier and probably longer if I never see that ….man ….again. Catch you later.”

Steve grinned hearing the Camaro’s wheels squeal as his partner beat a hasty retreat. Danny had good reason to fear the PI and Steve knew firsthand just how dangerous Mick’s kind could be. Still, Beth was here for a few days of hanging out with Mary. What could possibly happen to bring her husband to Hawaii?

As soon as that last thought crossed his mind, Steve got an uneasy feeling that maybe, just maybe, Danny could be right.


Twilight had come and gone, but Mick remained cocooned within his icy sanctuary, reluctant to emerge. In the space of only a few hours, he’d managed to upset his wife and hurt his best friend. Oblivion had its benefits; at least asleep, he couldn’t piss anyone else off.

Showering took an inordinately long time as Mick contemplated his undead life. Rescuing the child Beth had been a turning point, and when their paths crossed decades later, he fell in love with the woman the child had become. Still, there were issues; he was a vampire, she, a mortal. He had an undead ex-wife, she had a very living boyfriend, at least for a while. He was terrified of hurting her in a physical relationship, she wasn’t. He saw these issues as obstacles, she didn’t.

Each time one of them made progress overcoming their respective fears, the other seemed to step back. It was as if they were destined to be out of sync for all eternity or the rest of Beth’s mortal life, her turning the ultimate issue.

Wandering into their bedroom, Mick was surrounded by his wife’s scent, his only tenuous connection with her right now. Beth meant the world to him, loving him in a way he never thought possible. She alone had touched his heart, bringing him out of the darkness in which he’d dwelt for so long. Yet she loved the vampire within as well, and that part of him yearned to share eternity with her.

The sight of her sweater tossed on the bed brought back memories of the first time they made love. She’d been wearing it that night, fending off the cold in his apartment. They’d spent a quiet evening, not doing much of anything, really, except talking and enjoying each other’s company. When the last of the wine was finished, Beth took the glasses out to the kitchen, a sign that she was getting ready to leave.

Mick wasn’t sure what made him do it, but he followed her. While she rinsed the glasses in the sink, he embraced her from behind and nuzzled her neck. Her warmth, her scent, everything about her was intoxicating and his desire for her was overwhelming.

Stay with me.

Those three little words changed everything between them. For a moment, Beth froze, but Mick sensed no fear, only surprise. Turning in his arms, her brilliant blue eyes searched his face, trying to understand if he meant what she hoped he did. Whatever desire she saw in his eyes was soon reflected in her own.

He kissed her, then, deeply and passionately, knowing there was no going back. Not that he wanted to. He led Beth back to the couch and by firelight, he gave himself completely to her, and she to him. He ached when he finally had to leave her, knowing that after decades of loneliness, he had finally found the woman who would make him whole again.

When Mick rose the next afternoon, he found a note from Beth, telling him how much she loved him, but would he please consider buying a bed? He did more than consider it, and by the time she came over later that evening, it had been delivered and set up.

Once intimacy had been achieved and both had apparently survived, it wasn’t long before Mick invited Beth to move in. At first, she resisted, and when she did agree there was some adjustment on both their parts. Months later, he proposed to her, something that both surprised and pleased Josef. It had taken some time for Mick to get over his trepidation about marriage, considering how it worked out the first time. Only now, the roles were reversed; he was the vampire taking a human spouse and he was going to be damned, if he wasn’t already, if he was going to turn the woman he loved.

After months of pleading on Beth’s part and soul-searching on his, he finally agreed to her turning. Even the vampire within conspired against him. Beth was the woman they both loved and if the man had her as his wife, he would have her as his mate. Still, if Beth had now enlisted Josef’s aid, she was even more upset with him than he thought. Like it or not, Mick knew he’d have to get over his fear and soon.

How can I tell Beth I’m scared shitless that I’ll lose her the way Josef lost Sarah? If Beth knows I’m afraid, she might not want to be turned after all or be turned by someone else. Either way, I’d end up losing her and I can’t, I won’t let that happen.

Checking his messages, Mick cursed; he’d missed Beth’s call saying she’d landed, and that Mary’s brother, Steve, would pick her up and drive her to her hotel. Once she got settled in, she’d call him back. Mick replayed the message several times, trying to determine by the tone of his wife’s voice if her annoyance had lessened after five hours in a plane. From what he could hear, it hadn’t.

At least Beth will be safe with McGarrett. OK, St. John, start thinking about how you’re going to apologize to her when she calls back. Josef? His apology isn’t going to be so easy. Losing Sarah is one of the few regrets I know he carries, and I just made it worse.

On his way over to Josef’s, Mick tried Beth’s number several times, but the call went straight to voicemail. Hopefully, she was on a part of the island where there wasn’t any service and hadn’t turned it off. Twenty minutes later, he still couldn’t get through and his earlier conversation with Josef came back to haunt him.

‘Trouble just doesn’t find your wife, my friend, it ensnares her and one of these days, she won’t get away. Then where will you be?’

Mick mentally shook himself. He was letting fear fuel his overactive imagination. Beth was with McGarrett. She was safe. She had to be. By the time he got to Josef’s, Mick had made up his mind; if he didn’t hear from her soon, he’d be on a plane to Oahu himself.


Kono found out the hard way that Adam wasn’t much of a surfer. After a few tries, he admitted he was far happier watching her on a board than continually falling off one. Since spending time with Adam was more important than catching a few more waves, Kono joined her lover on the beach. So far, this weekend had been everything she’d hoped for marred only by the constant presence of his two shadows.

A few minutes later, she learned just why his bodyguards were never far away. Both approached Adam ‘escorting’ someone she’d seen before, but couldn’t quite place. He was a middle-aged, oriental man and judging by his clothing and rather impressive camera, not a tourist.

Adam scowled. “How many times are you going to try my patience, Rokuro? You know I don’t like having my privacy invaded.”

That’s when Kono remembered where she’d seen the man before. He had been stalking Adam on the beach where she did her morning surfing.

Rokuro held his ground. “I’m not invading your privacy or anyone else’s. I’m only capturing the beauty of the ocean and beach.”

“And the people on the beach are of no interest? I find that hard to believe for a man in your line of …work. Besides, this is a private resort, one I’m sure you’re not staying at.” Adam nodded to one of his security guards who grabbed the paparazzo’s camera, removed the memory card then handed it to Adam. “Escort this gentlemen off the grounds, Yoshi, and notify hotel security I don’t want to see him again. Consider yourself lucky, Rokuro. This time, the price for your invasion is just a memory card. Next time, it will be higher.”

After the men left, Adam apologized to Kono. “Rokuro is a parasite of the worst kind. He makes his living by making other people’s lives hell, including mine.”


“He’ll take a picture of someone he thinks the public is interested in. Then, he’ll shop it around to the sleaziest buyer who will publish it along with some sensational headline. That headline will be sufficiently salacious to attract readers but not enough to be considered libelous.” Adam’s mood darkened. “I can just see it now; a picture of you with me on the beach with the headline ‘Police in Bed with Yakuza’, which, in this case, isn’t far from the truth.”

“It’s nowhere near the truth, Adam. You’re not your father. You’re different.” Kono put her arms around her lover, hoping to restore his good mood. “Soooo, I have an idea. Let’s go back to the cottage and make our own salacious headlines.”

Adam smiled as he murmured in her ear. “Just what did you have in mind, Officer Kalakaua? Are you going to be the good cop or the bad cop?”

“O, the very bad cop, Mr. Noshimuri.” Kono smiled wickedly. “I left my handcuffs at home, but I think we can improvise.”


In the baggage area of Honolulu International Airport, Beth pocketed her phone, disappointed that her call went to Mick’s voicemail. She desperately wanted to hear his voice and find out if he was still annoyed with her. This morning, their mutual stubbornness had left her feeling frustrated, leading to an ill-advised call to Josef. What had she been thinking? If Josef started to pressure Mick, it could only make matters worse. Maybe Mick would be so angry with her for going behind his back, again, he might not want to be with her for all eternity

Stop. Just stop. You’re just tired, that’s all. You know Mick loves you. He married you, didn’t he? Maybe he just needs some more time. Look how long it took for him to become intimate with you. Do yourself a favor and just forget about everything vampire for a few days and enjoy the island.

Hearing her name, Beth did a double take; after almost a year, she’d forgotten just how much Steve McGarrett looked like Mick. Seeing him now, she found the resemblance disconcerting.

So much for forgetting about vampires. Just remember, Steve is not Mick.

“Commander McGarrett. I’m so sorry to impose on you like this. I could have taken a cab to my hotel.”

Steve flashed his million dollar smile as he took her bag, hoping to put his guest at ease. Beth St. John was a beautiful, but definitely off-limits woman, who right now looked a bit sad. “Hey, it’s Steve, remember? Besides, do you have any idea how much that would have cost you?”

Beth couldn’t help but smile back. Steve may not be Mick, but he was just as charming. “Honestly? No, but based on your comment, I’m guessing quite a bit.”

“A small fortune is more like it. Turtle Bay is on the North Shore of the island. Besides, I can never repay you enough for what you did for Mary and for me. Until she came home again, I didn’t realize just how much I was missing in my life.”

“Well, I’m glad that Mick and I could help. Any idea when Mary is going to arrive?”

“Hopefully sometime tomorrow. She’s trying to switch flights with another attendant, but wasn’t having much luck.”

On the way to the hotel, the two exchanged small talk, with Beth admiring the island’s scenery, surprising Steve that she’d never been to Hawaii before.

“When I was growing up, my mother and I didn’t have much. It took all we had just to get me through college. I was lucky enough to get a job after I graduated, but living in LA on a journalist’s salary didn’t leave a lot for travel.”

“Just out of curiosity, why the North Shore? It’s kinda off the beaten path and most first-time visitors tend to stay near Honolulu.”

“I do want to see some of the sights in the city when Mary gets here, but I need a little time by myself….I have a few …. issues…I need to work through.”

Steve couldn’t help but notice the bitterness in Beth’s voice. “Hey, I didn’t mean to pry….”

“You’re not prying. It’s just been a long day, nothing sunning myself on the beach won’t cure.” Managing a weak smile, Beth mused. “Funny. You’re one of the few impartial people who might understand some of those issues.”

“Hey, you listened to Mary. Maybe I can repay the favor.”

For the duration of the ride, Steve did listen, certain he was prying and hoping he hid his shock when Beth described the impasse over her turning. At first, he couldn’t understand why anyone would willing give up their life to become a vampire. As Beth continued to talk, Steve began to understand that her turning wasn’t about giving up her life, it was about being with the one she loved for all eternity. By the time they arrived at the resort, Beth seemed more at ease, and Steve was awed at the depth of her love for Mick.

Once Beth checked in, Steve insisted on taking her bag to the cottage. Neither of them noticed the photographer in the parking lot, but he noticed them. Following at a discreet distance, the paparazzo continued to snap pictures as the couple made their way down the trail to the cottage. Once the pair entered the cottage together, the paparazzo knew he had his money shot and it was time to collect.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by jen »


Yes, Mick has managed to dig himself a nice hole. I'm not at all surprised he's retreated to 'sub-zero oblivion' to avoid getting on anyone else's shit list.

Josef and Mick have probably stepped on each others toes occasionally over the decades. I doubt any lasting animosity will result, but Mick may find that his freezer isn't the only chilly environment in L.A. for a while.

Then, there's the Hawaiian version of Dean Foster--he may have his money shot, but that particular photograph may cost him much more than he realizes at this point.

Mick's going to have to cut his hair again when he gets to Hawaii, and he will be coming. Danny should think about a vacation right about now except that Beth will need all of 5-0 to replace her usual vampire protection.

This is wonderful. Looking forward to Chapter 3!

Thank you, Karen!!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by r1015bill »

The section describing Beth and Mick finally becoming intimate was just beautiful. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely.

Somehow, I thought Mick would get it into his head to fly to Honolulu; I just thought Beth would be in trouble first.

...And Mary just can't catch a break ever, can she? She definitely deserves a break.

I take it Adam and Kono are at the same resort that Beth has checked into? I hate paparazzi! I am interested why he thinks this is his money shot. Is it that he thinks he's taken pictures of Steve cheating on Cath? Who does he think he's going to collect from - an actual magazine or by blackmailing Steve or Beth? He doesn't know who he's messing with does he? Beth is the woman who had another photographer killed. Of course if it is published, the picture will not go unnoticed by Josef and Mick, right?
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Great job on the Danny/Steve dialogue. I could picture that scene playing out on the show.

Can't wait to see what trouble Beth gets into and how everyone is connected to it!
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Marigold »

Yikes! :confused2: That photographer is up to no good. I wonder if he'll end up in the Hawaiian version of the Tar Pits. :snicker:

I too really enjoyed the part about Beth and Mick's intimacy. :hearts: "Stay with me." :cloud9:

Thank you, DSR! :rose:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by r1015bill »

Marigold wrote: I wonder if he'll end up in the Hawaiian version of the Tar Pits. :snicker:

I think this is the Hawaiian equivalent of the tar pits - a bit hotter!!

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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

:rolling: :rolling:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by Marigold »

:coffee: I love that! Great idea, r1015bill! :highfive:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

jen wrote:Fabulous!!

Yes, Mick has managed to dig himself a nice hole. I'm not at all surprised he's retreated to 'sub-zero oblivion' to avoid getting on anyone else's shit list.

Josef and Mick have probably stepped on each others toes occasionally over the decades. I doubt any lasting animosity will result, but Mick may find that his freezer isn't the only chilly environment in L.A. for a while.

Then, there's the Hawaiian version of Dean Foster--he may have his money shot, but that particular photograph may cost him much more than he realizes at this point.

Mick's going to have to cut his hair again when he gets to Hawaii, and he will be coming. Danny should think about a vacation right about now except that Beth will need all of 5-0 to replace her usual vampire protection.

This is wonderful. Looking forward to Chapter 3!

Thank you, Karen!!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna :hug: Mick has always been cautious regarding his relationship with Beth, over-thinking things, at least from her point of view. And yeah, Josef may forgive him for that comment, but even he may be losing patience with Mick's stalling. As for the photographer, you know not how truly you speak :devil:
r1015bill wrote:The section describing Beth and Mick finally becoming intimate was just beautiful. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely.

Somehow, I thought Mick would get it into his head to fly to Honolulu; I just thought Beth would be in trouble first.

...And Mary just can't catch a break ever, can she? She definitely deserves a break.

I take it Adam and Kono are at the same resort that Beth has checked into? I hate paparazzi! I am interested why he thinks this is his money shot. Is it that he thinks he's taken pictures of Steve cheating on Cath? Who does he think he's going to collect from - an actual magazine or by blackmailing Steve or Beth? He doesn't know who he's messing with does he? Beth is the woman who had another photographer killed. Of course if it is published, the picture will not go unnoticed by Josef and Mick, right?
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Beth is in trouble, he just doesn't know it yet, and neither does she. But they both will in Chapter 3. As for the paparazzo, he already got his payment for services rendered. And I just love your idea of the Hawaiian version of the tar pits....tossing someone into flowing lava would get the point of displeasure across.

Thanks also for the comment on the intimacy. As a wise woman on this board once told me, 'less is more.'
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Great job on the Danny/Steve dialogue. I could picture that scene playing out on the show.

Can't wait to see what trouble Beth gets into and how everyone is connected to it!
Thanks, Fleur :hug: Chapter 3 will describe the impact of the 'money shot' and I'd like to hear your reaction to the Danny/Steve dialogue in this chapter. They're just too much fun to write.
Marigold wrote:Yikes! :confused2: That photographer is up to no good. I wonder if he'll end up in the Hawaiian version of the Tar Pits. :snicker:

I too really enjoyed the part about Beth and Mick's intimacy. :hearts: "Stay with me." :cloud9:

Thank you, DSR! :rose:
Thanks, Marigold :hug: And you're very welcome!! The photographer didn't get the tar pits, but something just as effective.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by allegrita »

Oh, what a gorgeous chapter. You've given us so many things to love here--beautiful Mick Beth love and romance, hilarious Steve-Danny banter, Mick's lovely, angsty thoughts, Kono's naughty side, :laugh: Adam's issues with being a good man in a bad world, a horrible, evil stalker photographer who is going to cause all sorts of troubles... and what a wonderful scene with Steve listening to Beth's troubles, and gaining insight into a true and deep love. :hearts:

I love the gentle start you're giving us, with little hints of catastrophes to come. I'm really enjoying this story. :hug:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by jen »

Seems very reasonable to me that the tarpits be cooler than a volcano in Hawaii. True, a volcano would seem a very 'Hawaiian' thing to do (they're there, after all), but vamps don't do too well with heat. Stands to reason they would prefer to be comfortable when disposing of...inconveniences. :snicker:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Oh, what a gorgeous chapter. You've given us so many things to love here--beautiful Mick Beth love and romance, hilarious Steve-Danny banter, Mick's lovely, angsty thoughts, Kono's naughty side, :laugh: Adam's issues with being a good man in a bad world, a horrible, evil stalker photographer who is going to cause all sorts of troubles... and what a wonderful scene with Steve listening to Beth's troubles, and gaining insight into a true and deep love. :hearts:

I love the gentle start you're giving us, with little hints of catastrophes to come. I'm really enjoying this story. :hug:

Thanks, alle :hug: This really is a story of Mick and Beth's love, with the others going along for the ride. By the end of the story, though, their love will touch others, giving them something to think about. Mick and Beth have overcome so many obstacles to be where they are in their relationship, and while Beth's turning is one yet to be resolved, there is another obstacle lurking in the shadows.
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by darkstarrising »

jen wrote:Seems very reasonable to me that the tarpits be cooler than a volcano in Hawaii. True, a volcano would seem a very 'Hawaiian' thing to do (they're there, after all), but vamps don't do too well with heat. Stands to reason they would prefer to be comfortable when disposing of...inconveniences. :snicker:
True, but vamps could always rely on human help. Either way, not a pleasant way to go :eek2:
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Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 2 PG (Challenge 140)

Post by allegrita »

Neither is death by flamethrower... :eek2:
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