The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

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The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
The Showdown
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Josef and Mick find out what Coraline is up to and fight a final showdown.

Edward Farmington paced his office. Coraline had been acting strange the past few weeks and she spent far too much time with Lucifer for his own peace of mind. He knew they were up to something but she would not share that information with a vampire as young as he. But he was her husband! He wondered if she ever remembered that fact!

“Josef are you sure?” Mick said in a hurried voice
“Yeah right be fore I took the bastard’s head he said that Coraline put him up to the murders. She even crated the rogue”
“Why the hell would Coraline come for you Josef? You and her were always friends” Mick said in disbelief.
“You think I know what goes through her mind? We need to end her Mick!” Josef said in anger. Josef would Never let a betrayal like this rest. Not in a million years.
“What do you want to do Josef?” Mick asked.
Josef said nothing, just stared straight ahead. Mick knew that look. He had seen it many times before in Josef’s more blood thirsty days. That look meant Coraline would be destroyed.

Coraline knew that the rogue had been destroyed and that meant most likely that Leonard had been killed as well. Josef would be coming for her. She had to prepare.
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“My dear. Do you think all of this is wise?” Edward asked staring at his beautiful wife.
“Oh honey, is anything ever wise? Lucifer made his point quite clear, but don’t worry….we have many lifetimes ahead of us” She said walking over to him to kiss him lightly on the lips.

Isabelle simply stared at Josef when he told her the whole story. Josef could see the anger engulf his wife and knew that Isabelle would do whatever was necessary to make sure the Coraline was destroyed.
“What do you and Mick plan to do?” She asked.
“We have to find a way to draw Coraline out. Mick is the only person she ever truly cared for. I think Mick is the key” Josef said.
Isabelle thought for a moment then slowly shook her head.
“I do not agree my darling. I too believe that this does have to do with Mick, but he is simply the prize. I think Beth is who she truly wants”
Josef had never thought of that angle before but it was true. The only thing that Coraline saw standing in her way of having Mick was Beth.
“Okay. I buy that theory, but why would she try and frame me?” Josef asked in confusion.
“That is what I aim to find out” Isabelle said as she uncrossed her long legs and stood up.

Lucifer sat in his living room sipping brandy with his frequent guest.
“So, it appears the end of days is finally upon us” Lucifer said in his silky smooth voice. His guest stared straight ahead as if lost in thought.
“So it would seem” He replied calmly Lucifer looked at his guest in surprise.
“Oh come on! For many years we have danced this dance you and I, now all of a sudden you are accepting defeat?” Lucifer asked in shock.
His guest said nothing and took his leave.

Isabelle went to her office and saw Brian down waiting for her.
“What has happened?” He asked.
“Coraline my Lord. It was her that framed Josef and it my belief that she is in partnership with Lucifer.” She said. Brian said nothing.
“This is the end” Brian said more of a statement than a question.
“I fear so my Lord” Isabelle said quietly.
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Very interesting.

Does Brian have any of Davros' hidden knowledge locked away in his head? As we seem to be dealing with Archangels here, it would stand to reason to find an ally with similar strengths and abilities.

Don't know if that is an option here, but it could be key to stopping this. The key to stopping this plan may be to take a step back and examine what is truly behind it. Isabel is wise to help Josef examine the motives and alliances here. Mick, too, may have some important knowledge that will be key.

Looking forward to more.

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Thanks for reading Jen. I wanted to do a big story before I left on vacation so hopefully this one will tide you guys over for the next two weeks! :snicker:

Isabelle went to see Emma Thibodaux and as usual the old woman already knew of her arrival.
“Have a seat wife of Josef” the old woman said sliding a glass of blood in her direction. “I know why you’ve come”
“You do?” Isabelle asked.
“Of course I do! It’s that dead woman. You know she working with the devil?’ Emma said.
“But what do they want?” Isabelle asked.
“Them want they’ve always wanted. To undo that that’s already been done” Emma said firmly.
“I do not know what you mean. Please do not talk in riddles” Isabelle said becoming exasperated.
“You don’t know the bible” Emma huffed.
“Please tell me.” Isabelle pleaded.
“The devil means to rule this world and the dead woman will be his vessel. For that one ain’t got no concern for no one but herself and the one she love”
“Her husband?” Isabelle said in surprise. She never thought Coraline ever truly loved Farmington.
“No. The other” Emma said and Isabelle knew who she meant. This was about Mick!
“But why try and frame Josef if Mick is what she wants?” Isabelle asked.
“When he has no one left in his life, all he will have is her. Satan done promised this to her if she would bear his son.” Emma said downing her brandy in one gulp.

Beth had been trying to ring Mick for hours and now she was becoming worried. Gabriel came through the door.
“Hey mom, what’s up?” He said in his normal cheerful voice.
“I can’t reach your dad. I’ve been trying him for hours”
“Here let me try” Gabriel said pulling out his phone.

Mick looked at the display on his phone. He knew it was Beth again, but after what Isabelle told him, he was going to stay clear of her for her own safety. As well as everyone else he cared about. He saw that it was Gabriel and he debated on whether he should answer the call or not. He thought it over, and then turned the phone off.
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Mick don't take this wrong, but you're an idiot, Sweetie!

These people care about you and have a stake (ew, I know. bad choice of words) in seeing you protected. If you all work together, you have a better chance of coming out of this with your skin in tact. Or fangs. Maybe both.

But who listens to me....

Ella, I hope you have a fabulous vacation!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Thanks Jen! The weather is finally getting nice in Seattle so I plan to take advantage of it! :yahoo:

Beth sat in the apartment knowing that Mick had a very good reason for not calling her back, but she was still very upset and worried. She heard a soft knock at the door she leaped up to see who it was.

She opened the door to find Coraline standing at her door.
“Coraline! What do you want?” Beth said trying to conceal her anger at the nerve of the woman coming to her home
“Hi Beth” She said in her lazy voice. “We need to talk” She finished as she walked past Beth and into the apartment.
“I have nothing to say to you and would like you to leave!” Beth said.
Coraline looked at her sympathetically.
“Poor Beth. Can’t we just be friends like we used to when I was just Morgan Vincent?”
“Get out!” Beth yelled and held open the door.
“It’s about Mick” Coraline said.
“What about Mick? Where is he? What have you done?!”
“I haven’t done anything Beth, but I came to tell you how things are gong to be from now on. Mankind has but mere days left and only a small amount of vampires are going to be spared.” She said waling around slowly. “And you being a fairly new vampire I’m afraid will be destroyed. Lucifer will see to that. But don’t worry, Mick will be in very safe hands. I have saved him from being destroyed.” She said with a smile.
“I don’t believe you!” Beth said backing away from Coraline as she began to walk towards her.
“Believe what you like Beth. Mick is mine. He has always been mine. That won’t change, because I was stupid enough to kidnap one little brat!”
Beth continued to back away forgetting that she was a vampire as well as Coraline and feeling very much like the scared little girl that Coraline had terrorized. She looked at Coraline then she noticed the bump……Coraline was pregnant! She was carrying Lucifer’s child! Oh God! She thought.
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


Thought vampires couldn't get pregnant but Lucifer being Lucifer can break the rules, I suppose.

Generally, where there are unusual strengths there are corresponding weaknesses. We need someone with knowledge on what Lucifer does not want his enemies to know.

I know this is repetitious, but does Brian have any hidden 'Davros' knowledge, or did Isabel gain any knowledge from him? Just wondering...

(and enjoy the lovely Seattle weather!!! :biggrin: )


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Coraline grabbed Beth whisked her away.

Brian stood up quickly and looked around. Something had happened. Both Isabelle and Mick ran over to him awaiting his news.
“Coraline has mom” He said through clenched teeth.
“Brian where are they?!” Mick cried out frantic at the thought of what would happen to Beth.
“Coraline has taken her to Lucifer” Brian said. “We must go now!”
Zoe, Nicole, Gabriel, Josef, Isabelle, Mick and Brian each knew that some of them would be destroyed, but this was family!

Brian knew that this had been Lucifer’s plan all along. He would get them all together in the same place. Everyone that Mick loved and Coraline would make him choose. Brian knew that Josef and Isabelle would be spared because of their ages, perhaps he would because he was Dragos, but everyone else would perish and Mick would witness it all.

Brian walked through the front door of Lucifer’s mansion with the others close behind.
“Lucifer! Show yourself!” Brian called out into the rooms.

Edward Farmington, Coraline and Lucifer were all waiting in the ballroom.
Brian entered fearlessly. Coraline stared openly at the young man.
“I knew there was something strange about you when I first saw you” Coraline said tilting her head and examining him like some rare species of vampire. “A Dragos male. Now that’s something” She continued.
“Where is Beth!?” Mick screamed. “Where the hell is she!?”
Coraline slowly walked over to Mick. Her pregnant belly becoming larger as she walked towards him. She reached out her hand to stroke his face but Mick knocked it away.
“Where is my wife!?” Mick said again.
“I’m you’re wife Mick surely you know that.” She said with a sweet smile.
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

It stands to reason that having a lifespan that reaches into centuries and perhaps even millenia would evoke a lot of mental changes. We anchor ourselves by people and various things that are a part of the culture in which we live, but vampires don't have that luxury. They need to form those connections with things that are more...permanent.

It also stands to reason that some are able to do this. Josef seems to have been relatively successful, and while we are a bit amused and appalled by his casual reference to the La Brea tarpits, by and large he seems to have made the transition.

The Cleaner has, and I'm guessing that she is older than most.

Coraline, on the other hand, doesn't seem to find anything outside of herself. She's caught in the circular trap of satisfying her passions at all costs, seemingly unable to realize that a level of selfishness like that eventually drives people away.

What you are showing here would seem to indicate that the act of surrendering to Lance to save Mick at the end of TMC was a ruse of some sort, and the ease with which Mick was able to dismiss the incident supports that conclusion.


The idea of gathering all those that Mick loves in one place is interesting. Could it be Mick who will be forced to make a choice??

Not holding out much hope for Coraline at this point. Unless...

We have all heard the stories of individuals who are married for a long time taking on the characteristics of the spouse. Could anything of Mick have rubbed off on Coraline???

Just a thought....

Thank you and don't forget to enjoy that vacation!!!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian slowly walked near his family. He held Gabriel’s hand and motioned for everyone to hold hands. They all stood together holding each other’s hand tightly, prepared to all be destroyed together.
“Do it” Brian said in anger.
Lucifer laughed.
“How silly you’re all being. Do you think I wouldn’t hesitate to destroy you all?” He asked in wonder.
“Do it!” Mick screamed out.

Coraline came towards Mick
“Mick don’t do this! I can’t go on without you!” She wailed.
Mick said nothing. He simply stared ahead and thought about the life he had shared with Beth and how perfect it had been. He was thankful for it, and while being with her forever would be ideal, if she was destroyed then he would go with her.

Lucifer sighed. He loved winning but somehow winning by default felt somehow unworthy.
“As you wish” He said preparing to finish the game once and for all. He waved his hand and stood in shock as Coraline screamed and fell to the ground clutching her stomach. She looked up at Lucifer her beautiful features began to wrinkle.
“NO!!!” Lucifer yelled out. Coraline continued to shrivel until she was nothing more but mere ashes that began to blow in the breeze.

Brian felt a shift in the temperature surrounding everyone. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a beautiful dark haired man standing in front of him.
“Who are you?” Brian asked
“I am all that is good in Heaven and Earth” The man said to him and turned towards Lucifer.

“No, you cheated! This is not fair!” Lucifer screamed at the man.
“As John Lyly's 'Euphues' said “All’s fair in love and war” And love has won Lucifer. It is over” The man said in a quiet voice and took Lucifer’s hand. He looked over at the group of vampires so willing to die for one another. Some good had come from the damnation after all. There was indeed hope. “Go in peace.” He said to them. Looking at Mick he said.” You’re wife is at home waiting for you” They all watched as the man and Lucifer walked away and disappeared from sight.
“Brian, who was that?” Mick asked
“God” Brian answered quietly and began to cry.

Mick ran into his apartment and saw Beth pacing with her cell phone in her hand. She saw Mick and ran towards him.
“Oh Mick!” She exclaimed as she threw her arms around him.
“Are you okay?” Mick asked hugging her tightly.

She nodded with tears in her eyes.
“It’s okay Babe. It’s finally over”. Mick said with smile.
“You’re sure this time?” She asked.
“Yeah. I’m sure.” Mick said kissing her deeply.

The End

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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Trust me when I say this is NOT a normal reaction for me, but I really feel sorry for Coraline. The bad choices just never ended for her. We truly don't know about the quality of her choices before she walked through that party in the glittering red formal evening gown, carrying a lit sparkler. Not telling Mick about what she was prior to his Turning was a major mistake. Personally, I think it is an open question whether he would have agreed to join her willingly but the point is moot as she made the decision for him, destroying any chance at lasting happiness for them. Josef said that 'forever is a long time' but I just don't see Mick forgiving Coraline. Ever. Kidnapping Beth was a bad choice, too. Didn't get him back, did she? Now, Lucifer??????? Seriously???????

I guess she never did catch a clue.

Is she gone forever? Hard to really say. Seems pretty permanent for a vampire to wrinkle up, turn to dust and blow away. I'm just hoping for another chance. Guess the new marriage and Turning of her hubby wasn't the ticket, after all.

But they stood together. In the face of what appeared to be certain destruction, they chose life and each other--and that was enough. Was Lucifer destroyed or just temporarily relocated? Another story will tell.



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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

You know Jen, I think I took the "religious based" stories as far as I could. So for now, let's think of Lucifer as being as you said relocated. And as for Coraline.....yep she is gone forever. I feel bad for her husband. :sigh:
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Re: The Showdown By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


Thank you!

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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