Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

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Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Disclaimer: see chapter 1.

Chapter 12

Mick stepped back into the store and hurried into the backroom. “I’m safe. What’s up?”

“I’m trying to save your ass. There are still people around trying to find and kill you.”

“How do you know?”

“The leader of the Illustrous Circle of Imbecile Idiots a.k.a. the Legion contacted me. He is deeply sorry about the breach of treaty, by the way, and was very helpful. I may or may not have used excessive force to get him there.”


“What? They are responsible for the attempt at your life and for Beth being in hospital. How is she, by the way?”

“She’s fine. If all goes well she will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow, with a heavy cast of course.”

“Good. Listen, he said he knew the two in the helicopter and that there are two more unaccounted for who are running around with stakes. He told me their names and I’ll text you with details and descriptions. They might be on their way to Honolulu or already there.”

Mick sighed. This wasn’t over. “Thanks for the warning. Do you have pictures?”

“Sadly, no. The Legion members aren’t in the system. That’s why HPD couldn’t find anything on them. I hate to say something good about them, but they are experts in covering their tracks and keeping their secrets hidden. I might employ one of them as a consultant. Their leader admitted they even got your new name. Be careful!”

Mick scowled. “Then they might find Beth in the hospital. She’s there under Jenkins.”

Without another word he ended the call and ran to his rental car to get to his Beth. He didn’t care if he brought danger to himself, he needed her to be safe.


Steve was on his way back to the hospital. They had finally found Mick and Beth in the system, and they were in the witness protection program. Steve was sure he had looked into that database before and they weren’t in it. Now they suddenly were, with both the real name and the fake one.

There still was no identitification of the two people from the helicopter and no idea why they would kidnap the couple. There wasn’t any hint that these two caucasian people had any connection to the drug baron that Mick put away. It just made no sense.

Steve hadn’t voiced any of his doubts to his team. Danny was suspicious because Steve had been quiet and preoccupied by this low-priority case instead of solving the murder in the harbor that he left to his team. They already had a lead that it was connected to a business scam that someone was angry about.

With heavy thoughts on his mind Steve parked his Silverado and made his way to the entrance. Suddenly a dark van screeched to a halt beside his car, two black-clad men jumped out and attacked him. The bigger one had a shiny knife and tried to lunge it at Steve’s neck. The other wielded a sharpened broomstick or something like that. Steve was stunned for a moment, then he started fighting back. He brought his straightened leg out for a roundhouse kick to Mr. Knife’s arm, which made him lose the weapon and hold his limb. Steve sidestepped when the other charged at him with the spear and got a grip on the weapon to wield it out of his hands.

A noise made him turn around, which probably saved his life. The other thug had taken another smaller stake out of his pocket and had gone for Steve’s back. In the last moment Steve evaded the attack so that the stake only went through his shoulder. Steve howled in agony but the anger and adrenaline helped him to stay upright and use a few boxing moves to the other man’s face and chest.

Then everything went so fast that Steve couldn’t grip the details. There was a whoosh of air, and the second attacker was thrown to the ground. Another person took care of the man he was fighting against just a moment ago. It was Mamo who sat there holding one man down with his body weight and a determined scowl. It was Mick who held the other man’s arms behind his back and pushed him away from Steve. Both’s faces were pale, and he thought he saw teeth that weren’t supposed to be there.

He suddenly felt a bit queasy and sank to his knees. He saw Mick tackle his victim and knock his head to the van so that his body sank to the floor unconsciously. He saw Mamo struggle to hold the other man down, but there was another shiny knife and it bit deep into Mamo’s arm. Before any more damage could be done, Mick had zip tied his man and knocked him out and came to Mamo’s aid. He knocked the head of the bulky thug into the ground so he passed out.

Steve saw their faces return to normal. The eyes that had a watery blue color slowly came back to brown. Their skin color darkened back to life. Mamo held his arm, it was bleeding profusely. “Silver.” Mamo murmured. Mick ran back a few paces where he dropped a travel mug and offered the contents to Mamo. Mamo drank deeply, and the wound closed in seconds. There was a red residue on Mamo’s lips. “Thanks”, he said.

Mick came to Steve and clapped him on his uninjured shoulder. “Let me have a look at that.”
He ripped the t-shirt off the shoulder and watched the wound closely.
“It’s not bleeding much but that’s because the stake is still in. You’re lucky we’re at the hospital already.”

Steve shook his head in a feeble attempt to clean his brain from the confusing images that were lodged in there.
“What just happened?” he asked. The whole attack and counter attack hadn’t lasted five minutes, and there were no witnesses.

Mamo sighed and stood up. “We’ll explain later. Be assured that what happened here wasn’t aimed at you. You just look a lot like Mick, who was their intended target. Mick, take Steve to the ER while I get rid of these two.”

“What will you do?” Steve asked. “We should call HPD.”

“We don’t need another two unidentified bodies in the morgue and another case you won’t be able to close. Let me take care of them and I promise answers later.”

Steve took Mick’s hand to get back on his feet. “I’ll hold you to that, Mamo. I have enough unanswered questions in my life as it is.”

Mamo smiled. “I promise, Steve. You may wish you never stumbled over this, but I will be open to you. Come to my house tomorrow when Mick and Beth are there as well, and we’ll clear everything up.”

He took first one, then the other thug in a fireman’s grip and deposited them in the backseat of their van, then drove away.

Steve stood there, rooted to the spot, not knowing what to think.

Mick smiled apologetically. “I know how you feel, but let’s take care of that wound first. You don’t want permanent damage to your shoulder, or an infection.”

“Why did they use a wooden stake?”

“I guess they didn’t want gunshots to alert the police. We’ll explain in due time.”

Defeated, Steve stumbled towards the ER entrance with Mick helping him along. He could already see the face of the doctor when he saw what kind of weapon he had in his shoulder blade. Despite all his battle experience, this one was new. It would be almost funny if it wasn’t for the mystery around Mick. Still, he felt he could trust the man, and Mamo.

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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Oooooh, what a great fight!! :slappy: And a case of mistaken identity!!! :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: I wondered if that would happen. :teeth:

Poor Steve is very confused, but I think he's going to be even more confused after Mamo tells him the truth. Assuming, of course, that Mamo does tell him the truth. :snicker: Mick has a lot to be grateful for... I think Steve may have a friend and supporter for life. (Or un-life. Whatever.) :winky:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by r1015bill »


I guess mistaken identity is to be expected with Mick and Steve. :laugh:

Yes, there's a little too much information for Steve to just forget about little inconsistencies.

Can hardly wait for Mamo's explanation. Will it be the truth - the full truth?
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

That is what I'm thinking will Mamo tell him everything.
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by Lucy »

oohhh.....Steve didn't need to see that..... Nothing like a scary call from Josef too! :clapping:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Well Josef was certainly right... there are were two more thugs after Mick! (Silly Legion, thinking Mick would cut his hair. :tongue: )

Now that the danger has passed :phew: , (um, the danger HAS passed, right? :fingerscrossed: ) I'm hoping for full disclosure to Steve. Because I don't think he'll just let it go, not after all he's seen. And besides, the man got staked in the arm!

BTW, loved the "whoosh" as Mick came to the rescue! :thumbs:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by jen »



Steve is front row center at a Legion-vampire throw down and he is a trained observer. It is not going to be as easy to throw him off the scent. It seems that Steve McGarrett has been on the edge of vampire society for at least the last half of his life.

Not surprised that the Legion mistook Steve for Mick, and worried about Beth. They surely know that Mick will not leave Hawaii without her.

Anxious to see what happens in the next chapter. This is fabulous!

Thank you!!!!


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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by AussieJo »

:reading: He's going to have to be put fully in the picture, imo.
And that will make for interesting reading for sure. Well done francis! :hug:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by darkstarrising »

Steve is really unlucky in looking like Mick, but really Lucky that Mick and Mamo were there to help him. I can't wait to see how Steve is going to react when Mamo explains it all. Hope Mamo has a few beers in the cooler along with the blood. Steve's going to need a few.
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by Marigold »

What a great chapter! I love the Mick-Steve mix-up. :clapping:

It seems like Mick got involved in the fight on his way to check in on Beth. I hope she's okay! :fingerscrossed:

That travel mug sure came in handy. :laugh:

Thank you, Francis! :hearts:
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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by jen »

The more I think about this, the more I think that Mamo may not tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He will have to hide something.

Maybe it is too soon for Steve to know that his mother is alive (or undead) and a vampire until he knows more about the changes that occur in a Turning. Until he knows more, he may view it as an abandonment by his mother.

Really hope Josef didn't use 'excessive force' on the Legion member who contacted him with the warning as he didn't have to do that. If Josef went all 'big, bad, vamp' on him, he may decide not to warn the vampires next time. I have no doubt that Josef was tempted, but I hope he was smart enough to behave.

Also, I'm concerned about what we don't know at this point. Mick and Beth have been insanely lucky/well connected/watched-out-for up to now, but the Legion may be a bit like roaches here--where you see four there may be twenty lurking out of sight. All they need to do is stake out Beth and wait as Mick will not stay away. Now, if Steve is open to a little misdirection, they may be able to use their resemblance to confuse the possibly-remaining rogue Legionnaires.

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter!


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Re: Dangerous Trails - Chapter 12 (PG-13)

Post by MoonlitRose »

Whoa! Sure was lucky for Steve that Mamo and Mick were "in the area". I'll be the next time Steve sees one of those wooden stakes, he'll no longer be puzzled over what it is used for!!!

So, if Mamo is going to tell the truth, will he tell the "whole truth"? Afterall, the "whole truth" would definetly be "alot to get"! :snicker:

:woohoo: :thanks: , Francis!!! :flowers:
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