BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

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BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: PG-13
A/N: BJ is my OC, the adopted daughter of Mick and Beth. She was first introduced in Milestones, Part 1. It is not absolutely necessary to read that first, but it might help. BJ also has her own Halloween and Christmas stories.

Huge thanks to Moonlighter for being my idea bouncer this time as well as my beta. You would not be reading this if it hadn't been for her. :hugs:

I update every other night.

Previously in BJ’s Freshman Adventure ...

“Listen, let me handle Stallsworth. I deal with guys like him all the time. Do you think you and Beth can handle things here?” Mick grabbed Beth’s hand and they both nodded. “Okay, then I’ll fly down to San Diego immediately. Keep me posted,” he said as the wheels touched down. “Good luck,” he called after Mick and Beth as they deplaned. As the door closed he reached for his phone again. “Ryder, get me all the information you can find on a Henry Stallsworth at the UC campus in San Diego.”

Chapter 7

Josef made sure the private driver he hired to be waiting for him was a vampire familiar with all the family friendly haunts in the San Diego area. He knew all about the First Timer’s Club at the UC campus, and got them there in record time. Josef walked into the club with his natural air of confidence.

The maître d’ greeted Josef as soon as he entered. “Would you like a drink from the bar before you meet some of the new refreshments?” he asked.

Josef smiled. “Scotch. The best you’ve got.” The maître d’ nodded to the bartender, who poured the drink and handed it to Josef. Josef took a sip. “Actually, I’m looking for Henry Stallsworth. I need to talk to him.”

The man’s smile faded immediately. “He doesn’t mingle with club visitors.”

“Oh, I think he’ll mingle with me,” Josef said, straightening up and letting 450 years of power roll off of him. The maître d’ staggered slightly, but didn’t back down. “I understand he has a suite upstairs. Tell him Josef Kostan from LA wants a word with him.” He handed the nervous man one of his business cards. “Now.”

“Yes sir,” he replied giving Josef a curt nod and exiting the room quickly. Josef finished the rest of his drink in one gulp and followed him.

On the second floor Josef strode down the paneled hallway as if he owned the place, breezing past the receptionist and the man leaning over her desk as he headed towards the partially opened door where he could already hear the maître d’ talking to Stallsworth.

“Excuse me sir,” the receptionist said as she jumped up out of her chair and tried to intercept Josef. “But you can’t go in there without an appointment!”

“Can’t I?” Josef smirked as he turned towards her. “Just watch me.” He walked right into the office with the receptionist trailing behind, looking apologetic.

“I’m sorry Mr. Stallsworth, I tried to stop him…”

“Henry Stallsworth? I’m Josef Kostan. We need to talk immediately.”

“This is the man I was telling you about sir…”

Henry Stallsworth raised his hand and the room was immediately silent. “That’s better. Marcia, it’s alright. You may go back to your desk now.” Shooting an angry look at Josef, she turned on her heel and went out the door back to her desk where her visitor had remained rooted to the spot. “Anthony,” Stallsworth addressed the maître d’, “You may return downstairs.”


“I’m sure I will be safe in Mr. Kostan’s company.” Also giving Josef a disgusted look, Anthony turned and left, leaving the door ajar. Neither Josef nor Henry Stallsworth seemed to notice.

“Mr. Kostan, have a seat.” Both gentlemen settled into leather chairs. “Now what is so important that you felt it was necessary to come all the way down here from LA to interrupt my business?”

“Your business, as a matter of fact.”

“What about it?”

“You have been shirking your duties in checking up on your UC First Timer’s Clubs and subsidiaries.”

Stallsworth looked bored. “Is that all? I grew tired of it. Everything is running smoothly. My accountant shows me the books on a regular basis and it’s all in order. The clubs run themselves; I just collect the profits.”

Josef brushed at some lint on his trousers and then looked at his nails. “Would that be the same accountant who is embezzling the funds from the Berkeley clubs along with its manager, Eric Gerrard? That accountant?”


Out in the reception area, Stallsworth’s accountant, Douglas Thompson, had been pretending to look over some papers on Marcia’s desk. This was his usual ploy to take a good look down the front of her low cut blouses and he fabricated reasons to come to her desk several times a day just to get an eyeful. This time however, he was concentrating on the conversation taking place inside his boss’ office. When he heard Josef’s remark about embezzlement and Gerrard, he stiffened. Who is this guy? How the hell did he find out the scheme with Gerrard? He hastily gathered his papers and walked quickly away. Time to make my exit.

“Dougie, where are you off to in such a hurry?” Marcia called after him. “Will I see you tonight?”

“Not tonight babe…gotta lot of work to do… I’ll call you…” his voice drifted away as he disappeared down the hall. Marcia stared down the empty corridor with a puzzled look.

Once out of sight of the reception desk, Thompson broke into a run, straight to his office. He slammed the door shut, pulled out his cell phone and hit speed dial. “Eric, it’s me. Look, I don’t know what happened, but we’ve been found out. Some big shot vamp from LA is in Stallsworth’s office right this minute telling him about us. What? How the hell should I know? One of your girls must have talked. Just get everything incriminating out of your place. They mentioned your name, so someone is bound to be coming after you, too!”


“Do we know he’s not in that frat house?” Mick asked.

“I didn’t scent him,” Curtis answered. “But let me take a walk through to make sure. They know me there and I won’t attract attention.”

“Okay. I’ll go with you and wait outside. But if he’s there, you come get me, do you understand? I have a score to settle with him.” Curtis nodded and they walked off towards the house. Beth and the girls waited anxiously, but Mick and Curtis returned in a few moments.

“No sign of him at the house,” Mick said.

“Where do we go now?” Beth asked.

“Let’s try his office here on campus,” Mick replied.


“Douglas, m’boy,” Henry Stallsworth drawled from Thompson’s office doorway. “Going home so soon?”

Douglas Thompson spun around to face his boss, startled that he had managed to sneak up behind him without his detecting him. “Oh, well I just remembered an appointment I need to get to, so I’m knocking off a bit early,” he lied. “Hope you don’t mind, Mr. Stallsworth,” he added with a smile, hoping he appeared unconcerned.

Stallsworth stepped into the office, effectively blocking the entrance. “Mind? No, no, of course not. You just seemed to be in a bit of hurry, is all.” He nodded towards the briefcase in Thompson’s hand. “And to be taking a lot of work with you.”

Thompson twitched nervously. “Oh, yes, well I should have left before now but the appointment slipped my mind and now I don’t want to be late.” He turned back to his desk, picking up more papers and folders, casting a quick glance at his computer which was currently downloading damning files to a flash drive. “And since I was leaving early, I thought I would take some work home with me to make up for it.”

“I see,” Henry paused. “Funny. I’ve never known you to forget appointments before. You have always been quite punctual.” He stepped forward, closing the hallway door behind him.

Thompson glanced anxiously from the closed door to another door that led to a connecting bathroom between his office and the office next door. It was his only means of escape now, otherwise he would be forced to fight his way past Stallsworth. His boss no longer seemed like the bumbling idiot he thought him to be and from the power and confidence now emanating from him, he hoped it wouldn’t come to a fight. Damn that Gerrard – he told me this plan would be foolproof! As casually as he could, he removed the flash drive from the computer and hit the delete key as he slipped it into the pocket of his sports coat. With another nervous glance towards the connecting door, he turned to face his boss once again.

“Yes, well everyone has an off day once in a while. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really must get going.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Henry Stallsworth said menacingly as his eyes silvered and his face turned hard. “The gig’s up, Thompson. Hand it over,” he said as he stalked towards him, every bit the predator.

“Hand what over? What gig? What are you talking about?” Thompson babbled nervously, backing away from Stallsworth. In desperation, he turned and sped towards the connecting door, only to run smack into Josef. Thompson staggered backwards from the impact.

“He’s talking about that memory stick you just put in your pocket,” Josef said coolly. “I imagine it contains the real financial statements showing how you and Eric Gerrard have been siphoning off the accounts from Berkeley and filling your own pockets.” Thompson glanced from one to the other in a panic, not making any attempt to retrieve the flash drive from his pocket. “Oh come now. If I have to fight you it will rumple a perfectly good suit.” Josef’s eyes turned silver as he added, “And there is no way you would win.”

To be continued...
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by r1015bill »

I just love Josef and his confidence!

Somehow I think Gerrard isn't long for this world.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by jen »

Considering the lives that have been discarded to their greed and exploitation, I am having a bit of trouble feeling sorry for them at the moment.

I know. Cold.

These guys are the reason for the current use of La Brea tarpits.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by francis »

Isn't it nice of Thompson that he collected all the evidence to hand it over to Josef and the boss? Makes their work easier, as Josef isn't a PI. On the other hand, he warned Eric, and that's just a no-no.
I hope Mick finds Eric still.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by redwinter101 »

They forgot the first rule: you do not mess with Josef Kostan. :nonono:


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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I'm so glad you are enjoying the story! Thank you for reading and commenting. :flowers: We wouldn't want Josef to rumple his suit now, would we?

More on Sunday night!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by Moonlighter »

MickLifeCrisis wrote: We wouldn't want Josef to rumple his suit now, would we?! I love reading about Josef wielding his power. Grrrrr!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by allegrita »

Ooooh, I love Josef when he's all predatory... :melts: :melts: :melts: :melts: and snarky... :snicker:

Silly me, why was I worried? Josef is in his element here. :swords: :eat: :devil:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by Marigold »

:twisted: Nice try, Thompson, but you are going down! Josef will most definitely win... and likely with his suit still intact. :winky:

Well done, MLC! You write a fantastic Josef! :rose: :hearts:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 7 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Marigold wrote: Josef will most definitely win... and likely with his suit still intact. :winky:
:laugh: :laugh:
Marigold wrote:Well done, MLC! You write a fantastic Josef! :rose: :hearts:
Thank you for the compliment! Josef isn't all that easy for me to write, so I'm delighted when someone thinks I have him pegged right. :woohoo:

Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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