Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

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Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG
Characters: Josef, Mick, Beth and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a sequel to Fresh from the Farm and Follow That Freshie. I recommend reading at least "Fresh from the Farm" (a one-shot) before "Jealousy." It will make a lot more sense that way!

Thank you dear Lorig for the support and boost of confidence. And of course for being my idea bouncer.

Special thanks to darkstarrising for the plot bunny. In a comment to "Fresh from the Farm" she asked if the other girls were jealous. Hmm...


Chapter 6

When Kylie opened her eyes again, she could see daylight through the small windows. She had completely lost track of time and didn’t have the slightest idea even what day it was anymore. There was a sandwich and a banana next to her bed, but she wasn’t hungry. She noticed a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt folded up on the foot of her bed. She still had a pounding headache, but a shower and clean clothes sounded wonderful. She got out of bed slowly and tested her legs; a little shaky, but they’d hold. She walked slowly into the bathroom, stripped and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt wonderful. She found some shampoo and began to carefully wash her long hair and the sore area of her head. She suddenly felt nauseous and closed her eyes until it passed. Turning off the water, she stepped out of the shower and toweled off.

There hadn’t been any clean underwear set out with the sweats, so she washed her nylon panties and bra by hand in the sink and dried them with the hair dryer. She was pleased to find a brand new toothbrush on the counter along with a sample tube of toothpaste. After brushing her teeth, she stared at herself in the mirror. Her head still hurt. The cut on her forehead was jagged, and she had the beginnings of a black eye. She turned her head and looked at the healing bite marks on her neck. Another wave of nausea swept over her and she held on to the edge of the sink, waiting for it to subside.

She stumbled on the way back to her bed, surprised at how heavy and uncoordinated her legs seemed now. Boy, taking that shower must have exhausted me. The room began to spin just before she reached the bed and she fell onto it spread eagle as she sank into blackness.


Mick walked into The Moonlight Club and was immediately greeted by Charles behind the bar. “Mr. St. John! We haven’t seen you here in quite some time. What can I get you, sir?”

“Thanks Charles, but nothing right now. Actually I need to talk to Marta. Is she available?”

“Yessir, she’s in her office. I’ll let her know you’re coming,” and he picked up the phone behind the bar. Mick nodded and walked towards the back, turning the heads of every female in the room, vamp and human alike.

“Mick darling! How wonderful to see you! It’s been entirely too long!” She grabbed Mick’s face in her two hands and kissed each of his cheeks.

“It’s good to see you too, Marta.”

“Please, please, sit down. Would you like a drink?” she asked, opening a small refrigerator. “I keep bottled fresh on hand just for special guests like you.”

Mick shook his head. “No thanks, I’m fine.”

Marta nodded, closed the refrigerator and sat down behind her desk. “Now, what can I do for you?”

Mick slid the traffic cam photograph across the desk. “Do you know this woman?”

Marta took the photo and looked at it. “Yes, this is Savannah. She worked here up until about a month ago.”

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“She accosted Josef Kostan! You know him, right?” When Mick nodded she continued. “I simply cannot tolerate that type of freshie behavior at my club. I have a reputation to uphold! As soon as Josef informed me what had taken place, I dismissed her.”

“Had she been a problem in the past? Broken any rules before this?”

“No, that’s the strange part. She had been here over a year and was a model freshie; solid at the top of the B-list. I was happy to have her employed here.” Marta became thoughtful. “Then she started to seem rather moody. I brushed it off. In fact, I was even planning to promote her to the A-list. Boy, I sure dodged the silver bullet, didn’t I?” She chuckled at her own joke.

Mick ignored it. “When exactly would you say she started acting moody?”

“A couple weeks before the incident with Josef.”

“Hmm, so about six weeks ago. Did anything out of the ordinary happen back then that would explain the change in her behavior?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

“Okay. What can you tell me about Kylie Jenkins?” Mick asked.

“Such a sweet girl! But I haven’t seen or heard anything about Kylie since the night Josef hired her away from me. And that’s probably been eight or nine months ago now. What does she have to do with Savannah?”

“She’s missing. This picture,” Mick pointed at the photograph, “was taken by a red light traffic camera late Saturday night. Savannah is driving Kylie’s car. We found the car parked at the bus station with some traces of Kylie’s blood in the back seat.”

Marta was shocked. “Oh, the poor child! And you think Savannah had something to with it?”

“We have reason to believe so, yes,” Mick sighed. “Do you have her last known address?”

“Yes, of course,” Marta said and she tapped her keyboard. Jotting the address down on a slip of paper she handed it to Mick along with the photograph. “You know, Savannah and some of her friends were the ones who introduced Kylie to me.”

Mick looked up from reading the slip of paper. “No, I didn’t know that. Do you know where the other friends are by any chance?”

She turned back to her computer and clicked the mouse a few times. “I most certainly do,” she said. “They both happen to be working here tonight.” Marta picked up her phone. “Charles, are Janelle and Lizette currently with clients? No? Good. Please send both of them back to my office.” She smiled at Mick as she hung up. “They’ll be right here.”

A few minutes later Mick answered the timid knock on the door to find two scared young women standing there.

“Come in ladies,” Marta said as she stood from behind her desk. Mick stepped back to allow them to enter, then closed the door behind them. “This is Mr. St. John. He’s a private investigator and wants to ask you a few questions. I assured him you would give him your full cooperation,” she said in a serious tone. “Mr. St. John, this is Janelle and Lizette.”

“Please sit down, and you can call me Mick.” The girls sat nervously on the edge of their seats. “Have either of you heard from Savannah recently?”

“No, not for a couple of weeks,” answered Janelle.

“Not since she was fi…” Lizette glanced quickly at Marta before continuing. “I mean, not since she left the club.”

“Did anything out of the ordinary happen to her about a month and a half ago?”

The two young women looked at each other and both shrugged. “I don’t think so.”

Mick sighed. “Okay, what can you tell me about Kylie Jenkins? Have you talked to her recently?”

Lizette spoke up. “Kylie? Gosh no, we haven’t talked to her in months and months.”

Janelle turned to Lizette. “But we did see her at lunch that day with Savannah, remember? Kylie was across the street.” She turned back to Mick. “Hey, that was about a month and a half ago.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that. She got into that fancy limo with a bunch of other girls.”

Mick thought this might be the turning point in Savannah’s behavior that he was looking for. “How did Savannah react when she saw Kylie in the limo?”

Lizette hung her head. “Not very well. She seemed kind of mad.”

Janelle nodded. “Yeah, her reaction surprised me. I mean, I thought they were friends. I thought she’d be happy for Kylie, getting picked to be a private and all. Who wouldn’t want that?”

Mick leaned forward in his chair. “How did you know she had gone private?”

Janelle continued. “We didn’t, at first. She just stopped working at the club. I thought she had quit, and Savannah thought she had been fired, since it happened so soon after she started. But when Savannah saw the license plate on the limo she said it was a Kostan Industries limo and that meant Kylie had become a private for Mr. Kostan.”

“Did she ever make any threats against Kylie?” Mick looked intently at them.

“Threats?” Janelle was surprised. “No, of course not! She griped a lot about it not being fair, but hey, that’s the nature of the game. She knew that.”

Mick exchanged glances with Marta and then stood from his chair. “Thank you, ladies, you have been very helpful.” Janelle and Lizette looked at Marta before moving.

“Yes, thank you for your cooperation. You may go back on the floor now.” The girls seemed relieved and quickly left the office. “Well?”

“I think maybe Savannah’s jealousy got the better of her after all,” Mick said as he walked towards the door. “Thanks Marta. I’ll go check out Savannah’s house now.”

“Don’t be a stranger, Mick!” Marta called after him.

Walking to his car, Mick called Beth. “I’m on my way to Savannah’s house. I’ll text you the address and you can meet me there, okay?”

To be continued
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by eris »

Oh dear, they're closing in. Savannah's not long for the world, I imagine.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by librarian_7 »

All I can say, is, she better hope Mick gets there before Josef tracks her down. MICK might be merciful.

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by allegrita »

Eeeeeeesh! Savannah's friends unknowingly betrayed her. I hope Mick and Beth get to Savannah before Josef does. And I hope Kylie is okay!! :pray: :fingerscrossed:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for reading and leaving comments eris, Lucky and Alle! :flowers: And thanks Alle for also leaving comments along the way as you got caught up on the chapters. :reading:

So Kylie has passed out again and Mick and Beth are headed to Savannah's house. What will they find when they get there? :shrug:

More on Friday night!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by darkstarrising »

Uh-oh....Mick sending Savannah's address to Beth might not have been the brightest of moves....hopefully, she'll wait for Mick...

Poor Kylie! sounds like she's got a concussion....hope they can get to her soon!!

As for Savannah, she's playing a dangerous game. Hope Mick gets to her before Josef does!!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by francis »

There might be no future for Savannah after the immidiate arrival of two very angry vampires.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by jen »

In one sense, I'm delighted to see them getting close to recovering Kylie, but in another, Savannah is about to get what's coming to her without a seeing how wrong and hurtful her actions have been.

I'm worried about Kylie. The symptoms she is displaying could indicated an underlying concussion that needs treatment that she certainly isn't getting in her current environment.

Thank you!


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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 6

Post by Marigold »

I hope that Savannah, should she avoid the tar pits, doesn't blame Janelle and Lizette for getting caught. She has a history of blaming innocent people for her misfortunes. :madface:

Mick and Beth better hurry to Savannah's house -- Kylie needs help ASAP!

Thanks, MLC! :rose:
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