Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

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Logan's WoW nemesis
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Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Episode: Loosely based after Sonata
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Lilly and Morbius
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, beware of coincidences

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

By Moonshadow

Chapter 1

The Cleaner frowned at the number on her cell phone, Another newbie, she sighed. It must be the full moon. Oh well stupid and sloppy are what keep the bills paid. “Cleaners.”

“I need a priority clean up at the corner of 11th and Main.”

The sound of fighting came through the cell, past the traffic noise, then a flesh ripping groan, followed by a heavy thud. She stopped in midstride. “Who is this?”

“If you don’t want to be front page news you better get here and get this cleaned up.”

The crack and static hiss that jumped from her phone was ear splitting. This was far from stupid, something was seriously wrong. She dialed the team in that part of town. Heading for her car she gave them the address, warning them to be careful. This call was trouble and she didn’t like the exposure.

Turning to her team, the Cleaner gave them the address of their next cleanup and opened the car door, “If you need me, call. I’m heading over to see just what the story is.” The Cleaner pulled into traffic, turned right and headed for the on ramp of the 405. Thankfully traffic was light this time of night. As she passed several cars and gained speed, she was tempted to call Kostan. She decided to wait until she had a better read on this thing.

The Cleaner spotted an opening, merged right and slowed as she caught the off ramp. Scanning the skyline for any strobing red and blue light, she blew a breath of relief. Good, no cops yet. Hopefully, they’d gotten lucky tonight and no reporters either. After the whole shake up with Emma and Jackson, the vamp nation really didn’t need any more excitement.

Looking about, The Cleaner spotted her team rapidly setting up privacy screens. “Crap” she gasped. The body was practically smack dab in the middle of the intersection. Her team was setting out the barricades to make it look like a film shot. Thank god for LA she thought wheeling into an empty parking spot. Scanning the area quickly she watched the homeless bums and druggies slipping into the shadows. Anonymity was as much their armor as it was a vamp’s.

A rat scuttled past a drain spout galloped into the gutter and disappeared into the storm drain. The Cleaner grabbed the black suit jacket and threw it on over her uniform; the less attention they attracted right now the better. She grabbed a clipboard and her cell phone. Faking a call, she walked towards the scene talking loudly and gesturing towards various buildings, providing cover for her team.

As she approached the scent of vamp blood stuck her, What the? Her black eyes slashed about the scene gathering clues. “A vamp kill?”

The senior member of the team nodded silently and whispered, “And staked too.”

“Get a camera, shoot some local shots. We need to make sure this looks real.” The Cleaner slipped behind the screens, watching as they bagged the body, correction body parts. Whoever did this had serious anger issues with this vamp. “Right arm severed, decapitated and staked.” She shook her head, “Where’s his cell phone?”

The junior teammate pointed to the broken phone laying in a pool of congealed blood. Picking up the pieces she sniffed, but there was too much blood. It masked what ever scent might have been left. She fought the urge to snarl in annoyance.

Casting about she felt a bit desperate, hoping for any clue at all, Anything, anything at all. Then it came through the scent of human sweat. She knelt by the body bag holding the torso, unzipped it and scented deeply. There on the jacket lapel; Human, definitely human and very fresh. The scent of metal came through as well. She rose frowning. A vamp slaughtered in downtown LA, crap.

The Cleaner stepped out of the enclosure, talked into the cell and gestured some more with the clipboard. Her team was good. They’d worked quickly removing all evidence. Publicly they gave the impression of gathering footage to all but the most careful observer. By morning the few that had been here would only remember a camera crew. A sexy ass held much more appeal than a dead body did. Adding the effects of narcotics and booze; tonight would blur and fade. She smiled, rolled a hip and bent over, continuing her monologue, slowly straightened and sauntered to her car. Keep watching over here boys, she added silently to her shadowy audience. That’s right. The show’s over here.

Sliding out of her jacket, The Cleaner snapped the phone shut, threw it onto the passenger seat, and sat unaware of the nonstop click of the camera shutter. Pulling away from the curb she headed back across the valley. Sunrise was just a few hours away.

Chapter 2

The Cleaner preferred to work with her senior team but moved between them all. It made QA/QC much easier that way. It also takes care of any complaints about the boss not pulling her own weight. She snorted at the irony of the thought as she sat at her desk filled with paper work. Most of the time she got along well with her employees and as she looked over the list on her laptop, The Cleaner was confident this newest team would fit in. They were working out the kinks, struggling to find their pace and with enough time she was sure they would find it.

Reviewing the schedule, The Cleaner decided tonight she’d work with them. If this night was anything like last night, she needed everyone to be on their game 110%.

Once she’d decided on coverage, The Cleaner emailed the scheduling to each team on duty, alerted the off duty teams to be on standby, took her phone from its dock, and closed her laptop. Another day, another dollar. She rose from her chair and stretched in the fading light of dusk.

Standing by her window she gathered her long black hair into a ponytail. Staring at the tall graceful glass façade of Kostan’s building she slowly slid the silken weight of her hair threw her hand. She let it drop in a coal black curtain as she considered notifying him about the vamp kill. The vibration of her phone broke into her thoughts. Glancing at the screen she answered, “Cleaners.” Here we go, she mentally added, as she scooped up her keys and headed for her car.


Beth shivered slightly and Mick pulled the blanket closer about her. The surf roiled black and silver in the brilliant glow of the full moon. The breeze swept in strong and chilling, teasing Beth’s hair into knots. She grabbed it spun it into a bun and tucked the ends into itself, pulled the blanket higher over she shoulders, and settled back into Mick’s embrace.

“I’m sorry it so cold. Do you want to go?” he asked concerned.

“End our date early? Not a chance.” She smiled, “I like being here with you.” She added as she held up her wine glass for a refill.

Mick grinned as he filled it; the wine was slowing her heart rate and working on the knots of tension in Beth’s shoulders.



“I’m confused.”

He said nothing, letting Beth work through her thoughts, organizing them.

“I’m still… I don’t know, the whole freshie thing.” Beth searched for the right words to voice the turmoil that warred inside her.

Mick tightened his hold about her in a brief supportive hug. Letting Beth work through her thoughts.

Perturbed, Beth asked, “Do I really have to admit this?” Grasping the wineglass tightly and swallowing deeply.

Mick decided that silence wouldn’t be his best answer this time. Picking his words gingerly he answered, “When you are ready to ask, I’m ready to answer.”

Beth sat sipping her wine listening to the crescendo of each wave as it built, climaxed and spilled out upon the sand, its energy expended. She sighed and silently resigned the question. “Thank you for the picnic. The beach is magical in the moonlight.”

Beth tipped her head back resting it on Mick’s shoulder; He has great shoulders. She shivered softly as he placed a gentle kiss beneath her ear.

Tracing the line of her neck to her collar bone with his lips Mick replied softly, “What you’ve brought into my life has been magical.”

“I love you too.” Beth whispered.

“Hey! Does this count as an official date?”

“Well, no dead bodies anywhere in sight. So, yeah, I think it does.” was Beth’s giggly reply.

Mick waged an eyebrow and smiled, “I’ll mark this on the calendar!”

Beth laughed out loud even as she shivered in the growing chill.

“Let’s get you warmed up.” Mick rubbed Beth’s shoulders as he stood.

“It must be nice not to feel the cold!”

“Yeah but at least you can get a tan.”

“Touché! Here’s my glass.” Beth slowly stood, “Whoa, I think that last glass was one too many.”

“Here take my arm.” Mick offered as she wobbled slightly, “What are you worried about? I’m driving.”

“Whoops, good thing, ‘cause I’d be calling a cab.” Beth giggled again.

They wandered from the beach’s soft sand to the asphalt parking lot brushing the sand away under the harsh tang of the mercury vapor lights. Mick opened the trunk and stashed the basket and blanket.

“Here, watch your head.” He added as he opened her door. “I’ll get the heat on and you’ll thaw out.”

Beth yawned sleepily, He’s so old fashioned. She smiled as he ran around the back of the car. “Thanks Mick.” Beth added as she snuggled into the warmth of the leather seat. The rumbling hum of the Benz’s lullaby and the languid warmth of the wine worked it spell on her. Beth promptly nodded off.

As Mick drove the length of Redondo he glanced over at Beth safely asleep, the curve of her face burning into his heart. I am in love with her, he thought again with wonder. Completely head over heels, down on one knee, in love with her.

The closer they got to his place the heavier traffic got. Finally, they slowed to a crawl. Must be an accident ahead. Then he caught sight of the familiar van. The Cleaner! Great, there goes our official date. Mick turned right detouring around the worst of the traffic and finally parked the Benz.

Glancing about the darkened structure Mick scooped up Beth doing his best not to wake her. She mumbled, sighed and settled back into her dream as soon as her head rested against his chest. Mick closed the door with his hip and swept across her forehead with his cheek.

Breathing deep her sweet scent Mick kissed her cool brow. His body responded instinctively and he hitched an awkward shake into his step. Jhees Mick, you’re worse than a sixteen year old kid.

Chapter 3

They weren’t far from St. John’s place and she was worried. First, they needed to deal with this job. Besides, she thought, I don’t need this new team to screw up and miss something. The Cleaner snapped extra shots of the scene, tagged the bag and made an entry on her PDA as the team cleaned the site. Another vamp killed in a very public place.

She felt nauseated; the odor of silver was unmistakable. The Cleaner looked over the sight. From the looks of him, this vamp had spent a lot of years dabbling with a plenty of pharmaceuticals. But, to inject silver? And who placed that call?

The Cleaner shook her head. No, this just didn’t feel right. Two vamps beheaded in two nights and nothing tied them together but those two facts. She scanned the area looking for any mistakes.

“Good job, let’s get packed up and out of here.” Climbing into the van, she reassured her crew. “You did a good job. Fast, efficient, and unobtrusive. This is shaping up to be a great team, congratulations.”

They never saw the figure in the shadows and the light flash that glinted across the lens was lost among the myriad of thousands reflected about in this forest of glass and concrete.

“Head back to the warehouse” The Cleaner ordered as they merged into traffic. The vibration of her phone claimed her attention, “Cleaners.” She noted the address and other vital information for billing. Disconnected the call and sent a text with the information to the team located closest to the kill. “I need to check this body out before we dispose of it.”

“Why would anyone get high on silver?” the younger team member asked.

The Cleaner laughed and shook her head. “You’re asking me?! Hell, I don’t even like the smell of it.” All three of them laughed at that. Sometimes, she thought macabre humor was the only saving grace in this job.
The Cleaner stared out the window of the van as the lights flashed by hypnotically. Running over both kill sites in her mind searching for evidence, clues, anything at all, that might explain what was happening and more importantly who was behind it. The bounce over the driveway ramp caught The Cleaner by surprise. Looking out, the she realized she’d spent the entire drive analyzing the kills and hadn’t reached any conclusion.

The Cleaner stood frowning as she rubbed her forehead. The file was thorough; they’d incinerated the remains and contacted the next of kin, so to speak. And yet the debate raged in her mind. Straight to Kostan or hire St John first?

She swept the long black ponytail over her shoulder. Tonight was definitely slower. They’d only had three calls and the other two were normal over indulgences. Dawn was just a couple hours away. She walked to the fridge, grabbed a bag of blood, and poured a mug full.

As she sipped, The Cleaner texted the teams and logged them out for the night. Paper work is a pain in the ass, she thought opening her laptop. Entering the billings she noted that two accounts were past due. Lovely.

The economy wasn’t making this job any easier. Filling the vans tonight felt like someone had staked her rather than her bank account. “Blood suckers” she snarled as she entered the totals into their columns. Time to replace a couple of the fleet vehicles with those new hybrids.
Cradling her mug she leaned back into the chair, stretched out her long legs and sat thinking.

As the sun rose, the sound of the city shifted. The speed and urgency of thousands of human heartbeats began to paint the canvas of white noise that typically covered LA as ubiquitously as the smog the city was renowned for.

The Cleaner threw back the dregs of the cup and stood. She could hear the day guard arriving. Rinsing her cup, she set up the coffeemaker, and headed back to her office to close up for the day.

“Morning boss. Long day?” David asked as he poured the powdered creamer into his cup.

“That stuff will kill you” she tossed back as he poured the strong brew in and stirred the mix.

“Yeah but what away to go!” he replied to their long standing joke.

“I wouldn’t know” was her traditional response. “David, call John in and add an extra man to the afternoon shift.”

“I’m on it” he replied heading to his desk.

The Cleaner smiled. David was excellent at his job. He’d been the best steal she’d made from another employer, besides the fact that he was delicious.

The chance to be more than a bouncer working crappy hours and dealing with squealing girls was one David had jumped at and he’d never looked back.

“Danika graduates next year, doesn’t she?” The Cleaner commented as she walked by.

“Yeah, hard to believe” he replied. “Before I know it Mason will be out of college too.”

“Time flies when you’re having fun.”

“Some fun” David mumbled.

She reversed course. Went to the fridge and poured another mug of blood and sat on the corner of his desk. “What’s up?”

David threw his pencil down, rocked back in his chair and looked at her. “You read me like a book.”

“David, after this many years it’s pretty easy.

He sighed, “Camille’s decided that she wants to sell the house and move. Doesn’t seem to matter that the housing market has tanked and Danika would have to transfer schools her senior year.”

The Cleaner hesitated; Camille was one of those spoiled 80’s valley girls who had been more concerned with David’s bank account and looks than in what made him the man he was. And, she had to concede, Camille wasn’t entirely at fault, David was easy on the eyes. David however, had seen a pretty blond with an awesome body. His trouble was; I do, mortgages, and babies had followed in short order.

“I take it Camille decided this without talking to the rest of you?” she asked.

“I think that’s what I just said.” David grabbed his mug of coffee and sucked a large gulp of scalding liquid.

He needed cover, The Cleaner was still as she waited.

David swallowed gingerly, staring off into space. After all these years he thought somberly. I’ve never gotten over her. Maybe Camille’s right, if we move I wouldn’t see her, wouldn’t crave her, maybe then I’d get over her. In the same thought David knew in his heart of hearts he’d never leave. Ever.

“Danika went ballistic poor kid. She even threatened to move out.”

“What set Camille off this time?”

“Danika decided she wants to become a mortician.”

The Cleaner burst out laughing, “Where the hell did she get that idea from.”

David smiled, “How the hell should I know?” He shook his head and shrugged, “Maybe it’s genetic. Think about it, in a few years you could have an unlimited supply, free of charge.”

The Cleaner shook her head as she chuckled, “Well that explains Camille’s reaction. What are you going to do?”

David looked down, “Ride it out, lay low and make damn sure Danika gets the chance to follow whatever dream she’s got. What else would a father do?”

The Cleaner sipped her cup and looked David in the eye. “I wouldn’t know.” She watched as he struggled. David’s eyes had aged with time. His face was rugged now and still handsome. He looks tired, and it doesn’t help, she thought, that I still fell him in my veins.
It was her turn to stare into space, she hadn’t fed from him in years but she still remembered the coppery flavor of his blood. She sighed and he dropped his eyes to avoid hers. David gulped another mouthful of hot coffee.

“Do you need to move?” she asked quietly. Offering hi the opportunity to walk away from the pain.

David looked back at her. The torture in his heart was plain on his face. “Never.”

She stood, stretched and added, “nuff said. I’m going to turn in.”


“Night David.”

He watched her retreating figure. Professional as always, he thought, she’s never once crossed the line. He continued to watch long after she’d left the building.

John arrived a short time later bleary eyed from the early wake up call, sauntered to the coffee maker and asked over his shoulder, “What’s up Boss?”

David looked up from the paperwork he was processing, “We’ve had some threat against the business. Police thought it would be a good idea to double security for a bit.”

John grunted as he swallowed his coffee holding up a paper bag. “I brought bagels, want one?”

David tossed his pencil aside and stood, grunted affirmative and snagged his coffee cup for a refill.

Chapter 4

Good thing Beth’s a night owl, Mick thought as they rode the elevator, still he felt guilty. His hours had to be hard for her, but Beth always assured him she was fine. The dark circles under her eyes told him a different story. Their footsteps echoed in the emptiness of the hallway. Darkness suffused the world around them. Pausing in mid stride, the door popped open it response to the electronic commands of the remote. The darkness continued before them.

Walking through the hollow space Beth’s thoughts had wandered about. Do I want to live in the darkness for the rest of my life? Mick’s hand slid into hers and she smiled without even being aware of her response. The refrain from Sarah McLachlan's song Hold On played in her mind. "My love you know that you are my best friend, I'd do anything for you... "*

Mick tossed his keys onto the counter top and headed for the hidden fridge. “Do you want something to drink?” The ring of the office phone interrupted Beth’s answer.

“I’ll make some coffee for myself, you get that.” Beth watched Mick walk towards the office. Beth hefted the carafe, rinsed it and sniffed appreciatively at the smell of the fresh beans from Starbucks. The last of the robust brew was gurgling from the machine when Mick closed the office door.

Beth was busy typing on her laptop, her papers spread across the dining table. Looking up over the screen, Beth tucked a pencil into her hair and smiled, “I hope you don’t mind. Talbutt had some work for me and I wanted to get some notes down while I was thinking about it.”

Mick poured a mug of A negative for himself and a mug of fresh coffee for Beth. Enjoying the companionable quiet as Beth typed. Holding the cup up, he sniffed deeply. “You know, coffee is a heck of a lot better now than it was 50 years ago.”

Beth enjoyed the sight of Mick holding their mugs, “It really is too bad that you never got a Krispy Kreme.” She leaned back and stretched, “I should go home and work on this. But, I’d rather spend the time with you.”

Mick set her cup down and lightly rubbed the column of her neck. “Are you tired?”

Beth glanced up as she reached for the cup, “No. Why? Do I look that bad?” she asked, rubbing below her eyes with her free hand before wrapping it about the mug.

Mick bent and kissed her lightly before swinging around the end of the table to sit. “Darling you look marvelous,” he replied in his best Billy Crystal impersonation.

Beth burst out laughing and sipped the coffee. She kicked off her shoes and parked her bare feet on Mick’s leg, groaning with pleasure as he began to expertly massage them.


The text message waiting for her wasn’t promising. And, after opening her email to read the letter of resignation posted there, she was royally pissed. Lovely, just lovely. Two excellent employees gone in the space of two weeks, dammit! The Cleaner shot to her feet, pacing the space of her office. She wanted five minutes alone with Mick St. John. Five minutes yeah, five minutes would be just about enough time. She snorted with irritation. That whole mess with the Monaghan’s was uncalled for; it never should have happened. St John never should have allowed Emma to be arrested. She sighed in frustration as she dropped into her chair and spun about to watch the sunset. Her black heeled boot waved rhythmically in the silence.

The Cleaner had sent two of her best teams to handle Emma’s execution. They’d done an excellent job; the fact was though it had taken its toll. She stood in the growing darkness. Emma and Jackson had deserved no less; after all they’d been her dearest friends for over 80 years. Condemning Emma to die was the single hardest thing she’d ever had to do, not being there was the second hardest.

All she wanted to do right now was kick the shit out of someone or something. Standing alone in the blackness, The Cleaner never moved.


The Cleaner opened her office door, walked to her desk and set her keys down. David had left the mail on her desk with a note regarding the past due accounts. She glanced briefly at the Forensic trade journals as she logged on to her laptop. She looked through the applications on her desk, typed up a letter of recommendation and a note of acceptance for the Cleaner that was leaving, scheduled the team members and texted them. After some thought she down loaded some files to her PDA, snagged her keys and headed out through the offices.

In the cavernous warehouse the still air was redolent with the acrid fumes from the flamethrowers. The Cleaner’s determined stride stuttered as she felt Emma’s and Jackson’s ghosts whispering through the dust. Fly well my friends. I miss your company. Her car door slammed shut.

Standing outside Logan’s basement she waited for him to unlock the bolts. Personally, she thought, Guitar Hero was someone’s sick version of puberty hell. Thankfully it was Tuesday, that meant World of Warcraft if she remembered correctly.

Logan keyed her in and The Cleaner descended the stairs gracefully. Like most men, Logan’s response to her was the typical leer followed by caution.

Control, it’s all about control, she thought humorously. I’ve got your attention and I control your response, smiling coolly as he stood up. “Logan.”

“Hi, uhm, How are you?”

She let her eyes rake over him and let him squirm in response, “Logan. I have some accounts I need checked on. Are you interested?”

Logan literally dropped into his chair; his face beet red with embarrassment. The Cleaner handed the PDA to him. The screen showed the names, addresses and contact information of the delinquent patrons.

“I’d like you to check and see if there has been any activity on these accounts. Change of address, cosigners, anything you can dig up. I pay cash.”

Logan blinked at the word, took her PDA in one hand and held out the other for payment. His mind occupied with a new challenge he missed the first buzz on the security system. It was the second and third buzz combined with The Cleaners voice that finally interrupted his chase.

“Okay, Okay!” Logan looked at the monitor briefly before hitting the lock allowing Mick St John access.

The instant the bolts retracted Mick smelled her. Logan’s got company! Mick carefully stepped down the stairs, “Logan? You okay?”

“Huh, yeah what?”

Logan’s reply told Mick what he needed to know. Logan was working and oblivious to everything else. As Mick descended the stairs he spotted the black boots, leather clad legs and attitude of control. The Cleaner? Here? “Logan? You never leave your basement! What do you need the Cleaners for?”

“Actually St John, I’m here on business.” The Cleaner snapped.

Mick halted on the bottom step, arrested by the brittle coldness in her eyes.

She watched his face registering the details, weighing his words, and measuring his options. A short nod from him did nothing to ease the tension in the room.

Logan blinked looked from one face to the other. He was as much at a loss as Mick.

“Cleaner.” Mick said stepping off the last step warily. “Logan. Am I interrupting?”

“That depends. Logan are you done?” she leveled her sharp eyes at Logan, extending a hand to retrieve the PDA.

“Well,” Logan handed the device to her and closed the screen he’d been working on. “I’ll need to check a couple more things but I’m not finding anything.”

“I don’t remember seeing you around LA before, are you looking for anyone in particular?” Mick said offering to break the tension that had flooded through Logan’s basement.

The Cleaner’s reply slammed the door closed, No St John. You haven’t.” Without moving she added, “Well Logan, finish checking. I want the answer to my question.”

“Right.” Logan sputtered as he reopened the screen. She stepped directly behind Logan, her eyes never moving off Mick, anger poured from her. Mick stood waiting in the hot silence.

“Nothing!” Logan answered shaking his head. Mick might have flinched but if anyone had blinked they would have missed it she thought.

Her satisfaction at his discomfort did nothing to ease her anger. “Delete that record.” The Cleaner ordered.

“Okay.” Logan cleaned the cached and moved about his database quickly shredding his trail.

“Is there anything I can help with?” Mick offered, watching her carefully.

“St John, I think you have done quite enough.”

Mick’s mind raced. He was certain that he’d never met this Cleaner. So where had they crossed paths before and what had he done to warrant her anger?

“Well, now what?” Logan interjected clumsily causing them both to blink. “It looks like he just dropped off the face of the earth.” He continued oblivious.

“Finding people is my business.” Mick offered again.

“Finding them and then offering them up to the cops?” The Cleaner spat back.

Bingo. Lights went on for Mick. This is about the Monaghans.

Damn! Sloppy! The Cleaner chastised herself. Losing control of a situation was not something The Cleaner allowed herself to do.

Logan looked up from the monitor suddenly aware of the undercurrent moving between this Cleaner and Mick.

Mick’s eye’s clouded, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?!” she snarled letting the word rip through the quiet.

“Let me see if I can get you any information.” Mick looked The Cleaner in the eye.

“Anything you find comes directly to me and only me.” The Cleaner extended a card.

The heavy door clanged shut and Logan looked at Mick, “So, what did you want?”

Mick broke his thoughts and looked down at Logan. “Nothing.” Shoving the card into his pocket, he headed up the stairs.

Logan sighed as he returned to his well involved raid.

Note: * Artist-Sarah McLachlan Song-Hold On Album-Fumbling Towards Ecstasy*

Chapter 5

Mick dialed Beth’s number. The vibration of her phone went unnoticed as she talked to A.D.A. Talbot. Beth frowned over the file they’d been working on. How long would it take before she wasn’t sickened by the sight of things like this she wondered?

“You okay with this?” Talbot asked watching Beth’s response to the gore before her.

“Yeah why?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Talbot sat down at the desk across from her, “maybe the frown, maybe the crease in the middle of your forehead. Or, how about this; you just shredded the edge of that folder with your nails.” He pointed to the fuzzy edge of the manila folder.

Beth folded her fingers into her fist and slid back into her seat. Beth crossed her arms, watched Talbot and said nothing.

“Look, I appreciate your work. You’re good at this and I don’t want to burn you out. This stuff is hard to look at. It takes it out of you.”

Beth sat taking both the compliment and concern in stride. “Talbot, imaginary monsters aren’t as bad as real monsters. I like my work. I like making the world a little bit safer, a little bit better. I’ll know when it’s time to quit.”

With a shrug, Talbot stood, picked up the paper coffee cup and started to say something; decided against it and walked away leaving Beth to her work.


Mick stashed the lockpicks safely in his pocket and carefully opened the door. Moving slowly he listened for the sound of movement. Stepping into the darkened room his toe caught the pile of mail that had been dropped through the door slot. From the look of it the vamp he was searching for hadn’t been home for a month or more.

Satisfied that the main floor was empty, Mick slipped from room to room noting the little details that filled a life. Even a vamp’s life collected the miscellaneous bits and pieces. It was an old home, built in the 40’s. Not much room for a freezer up here. It must be in the basement.

He ducked his head as he descended the old staircase. In the haze Mick heard an electric motor kick on. Yep, freezer, Mick reached out and grabbed the string attached to the bare bulb hanging there. The bulb swung about painting yellow slashes across the black. Mick realized the floor was marbled with dried blood.

Stepping carefully, Mick wove his way to the freezer certain of what he’d find within. What caught him by surprise was the odor of silver that welled out as he lifted the lid. A wave of nausea washed over him as he reached for his phone. Paging through the menu he hit dial on the entry for The Cleaner.


“I found your delinquent account.”

“Let me guess. Staked and beheaded?”

“Yeah beheaded. Yeah, a stake wound; but no stake. Oh yeah, this vamp was poisoned too. So who’d this guy piss off?”

Mick felt the tension crackle as the Cleaner repeated his words.

“Poisoned? Silver?”



“You don’t really sound surprised.” Mick looked at his phone; the call was dead. Mick’s eyebrow climbed.


Josef sat back, stretched out his legs and held the crystal glass high, admiring the play of light through the golden depths of the scotch dancing with the ruby droplets. “Mick. Really, I never thought you had a thing for the Cleaners. But then leather is kinda fun. How’s Beth feel about this?”

Mick looked across the room at Josef, annoyed at the teasing. “Josef, I know most of the Cleaners.” His glance held a warning look, “most of the time missing people means dead. Dead means Cleaners.”

“So what did your mystery fantasy look like?”

“Long black hair, black eyes and a nasty chip on her shoulder about the Monaghans.”

Josef looked up slowly; his face controlled.

“You know her.”

“Yeah, she’s The Cleaner.”

“I know she’s a Cleaner.”

“No Mick, she’s THE Cleaner. She’s the one who runs the whole show.”

Mick rocked back into the chocolate brown chair, crossed his leg and sipped his scotch, waiting for Josef to explain.


Beth spotted Carl waiting in line for his order of Cochinita Pibil to come up. She thought about it for a second and then crossed the street to join him. He looked tired until he saw her coming, then he looked irritated and annoyed. Pointedly Carl turned his back on her, evidentially hoping to avoid any opening for conversation.

Beth almost grinned as she walked up to him. “Haven’t we been here…”

“Drop it Beth.”

Beth stepped back in surprise, at the anger in Carl’s voice. “Excuse me?”

Carl whipped around to look at her shocked face and the turned back attempting to ignore her gapping expression.


Snapping his head to look over his shoulder, Carl’s barely controlled irritation boiled over, “Beth, leave me alone. We have nothing to say to each other.”

“I think we do. I have no idea why you’re so angry with me.”

Carl shook his head in disbelief. “You’re a real piece Beth.”

Beth’s clear blue eyes pooled as the shock was replaced with hurt. “I don’t know what I did to upset you like this. But, I don’t deserve this.”

Carl’s shoulders bowed in surrender and embarrassment. With his head down he turned to face the food stand, resignation was written down his back.

Beth stood silent as she struggled to regain control.

Carl’s body jerked as his name was called indicating his order was ready. He stepped forward robotically took the plate of steaming food and stepped sideways avoiding Beth’s gaze. Two steps away from the booth he stopped, sighed, and turned deliberately. “Come sit down. Please.”

Carl seated himself under the nearest umbrella, loosened his tie, and tucked the end of it into his shirt front in an unconscious motion. Looking at his plate as he unrolled the plastic flatware, repeated his offer. “Sit down Beth. I won’t bite.”

Beth gathered her skirt in both hands, stepped over the bench seat and sat.

“Can I get you something?” Carl offered by way of apology. “Iced tea?”

Beth paused for a second, swallowed and accepted the offer. “Yeah, some iced tea would be great, it’s hot today.”

Beth watched as Carl recovered his aplomb, ordered and carried both drinks back to the table. His defenses were firmly back in place. “I take it that you’ve heard the buzz.”

“What buzz is that?” Beth asked as she sipped the cool liquid genuinely puzzling by Carl’s words.

“Beth, I know you’re not as blond as that. It’s true. I’m job shopping.”

“Why? Why would you leave L.A.? You made Lieutenant. You and Diane bought a nice home.”

“The house is on the market. Know anyone who’s looking?”

Beth set her cup down and noticed for the first time the lighter pigment of his left hand ring finger. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

Carl snorted sarcastically, “Why is it that you’re always around when I get dumped?”

Beth watched the pain in Carl’s warm brown eyes. “uhm, just lucky I guess?”

“Some luck.”

“Well this is awkward.” Beth offered. “Hey, I claim default the first time. Caroline was my roommate when you started dating her.”

Carl shook his head at the memory as he attempted to take a bite of his lunch. Tossing the fork into the plate he shoved it away. “I guess I should have listened to what you said about Diane. I just thought you were jealous when I broke up with you.”

“Carl, we dated what a couple of months? We were friends. We both knew it wasn’t…”

Carl smiled as he wiped the paper napkin over his mouth, folded it and tucked it under the plate of food. Steepling his fingers, he leaned his forehead against them, and closed his eyes. “Diane’s been cheating on me for a while now. I didn’t want to admit it. You know what they say about being a cop’s wife. The hours, the stress, the fear. I wrote it off to that.”

“Carl I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t Beth. I don’t want pity. I just want to move on.”

Beth sat looking at the condensation as it collected on the paper cup and ran like icy tears onto the dirty plastic of the tabletop. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Besides not say I told you so? Know a good moving company? I told Diane I would move out while we sold the house.”

“I don’t, not right off the top of my head. Are you really certain that you want to leave L.A.? You’re a great cop. You know the city.”

Carl shook his head as he looked around the patio. “I’m not certain of anything right now.”

“Well, take some time then and think it over.”

Carl laughed dryly, “Since I didn’t listen to you after Caroline dumped me and I didn’t listen to you about Diane?.. I suppose I should listen to you now?”

Beth laughed and shook her head, “Carl that was a long time ago. Heck, college was a long time ago, and I’m not trying to offer advice. You’ve got a good heart, you’ll figure it out.”

Carl stood to leave, “Listen Beth I have to get back to the office. Can I get you some lunch before I go? Are you still doing some consulting work for Talbot?”

“Thanks but no thanks on the lunch. Actually, I’m on my way to a lunch date. Yeah, I’m doing a little freelance work here and there. I’m okay.”

Carl nodded as he cleared away the trash and headed for the exit gate. “Okay well.”

“Take care,” Beth added to his retreating back. The words lost in the continual haze of the city’s traffic noise. Beth sat a moment longer before she rose and headed for the exit.

The ring of water had already begun to evaporate in the heat.

(A special thank you. I want to tell everyone who helped me identify the dish that Lt. Davis ordered THANK YOU! You made the story work much better and I couldn't have figured it out without your help. Muchos Gracis)
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by allegrita »

This is a gripping story--a great procedural, lots of personal interplay, a helluva mystery, and a great tie-in with the show. Why did I not read this before?!
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

:snicker: I don't know why you haven't read it before. But I am thankful you found it now and that you were kind enough to leave a comment! :hug:
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Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by allegrita »

It's so funny--I thought I had, but as soon as I started the newest chapter I knew I hadn't. So I started at the beginning. I'll be continuing the story in the next few days--it's really good.
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by francis »

I want to celebrate MoonShadow's achievement by reading her story.

I really like the dialogue and how you tell the mystery story. The Cleaner is a great character and while we haven't seen her in the show I can imagine her just fine. I love that you include the story of how Beth and Carl met and what their relationship is. Carl is in a bad place now as is the Cleaner. I really hope they find out who kills the vampires, this is really dangerous.
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by jen »


This is wonderful.

At first, I was picturing the Cleaner that Claudia Black played in Sonata but this is actually a different individual altogether.

Your ability to set a mood and weave the story around it is fabulous.

It also seems that Dean Foster was not the only photographer that was developing an unhealthy interest in things vampiric!

Great start!!!!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Recoil--Chapter 1-5 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Francis and Jen,

Thank you both for the wonderful comments. I really enjoyed writing this story.
The Cleaner and David was a really fun relationship to develop.
Banner by Lilly

Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth.

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