BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

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BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: PG-13
A/N: BJ is my OC, the adopted daughter of Mick and Beth. She was first introduced in Milestones, Part 1. It is not absolutely necessary to read that first, but it might help. BJ also has her own Halloween and Christmas stories.

Huge thanks to Moonlighter for being my idea bouncer this time as well as my beta. You would not be reading this if it hadn't been for her. :hugs:

This is the final chapter!

Previously in BJ’s Freshman Adventure ...

“Beth, I want you to take the girls to that coffee shop across the street."

Chapter 10

Beth and the girls were fortunate enough to find a corner booth in the crowded coffee shop, Beth making sure she was facing the door. BJ sat next to her and Dana across from them. The girls ordered smoothies and gourmet chocolate chip cookies, while Beth sipped at a latte. It didn’t have any flavor for her, but it gave her something to do.

“Want to tell me about your arm, now?” she asked BJ quietly, though the chatter of the other customers drowned out their voices.

Dana leaned across the table so she wouldn’t miss a single word as BJ began her tale. She told them about getting kidnapped and waking up in the locked room. Beth held her hand and Dana looked on sympathetically when she told about Eric Gerrard wanting to keep her as his own private freshie.

“And then they brought Curtis in, staked and paralyzed, and just dumped him on the floor!” She choked back a sob. “I couldn’t just leave him like that; I knew I’d need his help to get out of there. I didn’t trust Gerrard for one minute. I knew he’d never let Curtis go.”

“You got that right, I’m sure.” Dana said. “I wouldn’t trust that man for anything.”

BJ nodded and continued. “Then I remembered the story you told me about you and Dad, before you were married,” she whispered quietly to Beth. “You know, the one about how Dad had been out in the desert sun, and you found him in an abandoned motel in a bathtub of ice, dying.” Dana’s eyes grew wide.

Beth squeezed BJ’s hand and looked at Dana as she picked up the story. “I was still quite new to…their world,” she said, avoiding the “V” word in a public place. “I didn’t even know about freshies. But I knew he would die if I didn’t help, so I offered to feed him and trusted him not take too much, even though he was almost out of his head with a raging fever.” Beth smiled at the memory, and looked back at her daughter. “I knew even then how special he was and that I wanted him in my life. I didn’t care what he was.”

BJ’s eyes were glistening. “I had to trust Curtis, too. I told him that given the situation, I’d rather my first bite was from him than let that Gerrard touch me.” She took a breath. “So I pulled out the stake and he started to stalk me – like I was prey! I was really scared Mom, but I could tell he was still in there somewhere, that he knew it was me.” She looked down at the table. “It really hurt,” she said barely above a whisper.

Beth unclasped her hand so she could put her arm around BJ’s shoulder. “You did the right thing and I’m proud of you. And if you should choose to, um… be a donor again, under more pleasant circumstances, I can assure you it will be much more pleasurable.”

Dana looked at Beth. “Is that really true? BJ told me that, but I have a hard time believing it. All of mine hurt.”

Beth now reached her other hand across the table to grasp Dana’s. “I’m so sorry for what you went through, Dana. Freshies should be respected for what they offer us, not abused as you were. Mick will make sure that frat club either straightens up its act or is shut down.” She paused for a minute, still looking at Dana. “It really can be a wonderful experience. But you will never be made to do it again unless you want to.”

Beth suddenly looked up towards the door, a smile on her face. Mick and Curtis were approaching their table. BJ saw them too, and flew out of her seat into Curtis’ arms.

“Curtis! Are you okay? I’m so glad to see you!” He returned her hug, burying his nose in her hair.

“I’m glad to see you, too,” he whispered.

Mick looked from them to Beth with one raised eyebrow as Beth grinned. He coughed slightly. “Ahem.”

“Oh,” BJ murmured, pulling away from Curtis’ embrace with a beet red face. Dana had a grin a mile wide and got out of the booth to also give Curtis a hug – a much briefer one.

“I’m glad you’re okay too, Curtis.”

Beth scooted out of the booth and put her arm around Mick’s waist. “C’mon, let’s go,” Mick said, his arm around Beth’s shoulder. “Josef has made special arrangements for us at a hotel near campus. He’s meeting all of us there in an hour.”


Josef walked into the sitting room of his hotel suite with Henry Stallsworth and introduced him to everyone.

“Thank you Josef,” Henry said as Josef sat down. “It seems I’ve been thanking him a lot lately,” he said towards the rest of the room to polite laughter. He turned to Mick and Curtis. “And I owe a great deal of thanks to you two as well for taking care of that most unpleasant business of doing away with Eric Gerrard.” The men nodded at him. “Which brings me to these two lovely ladies,” he smiled as he turned his attention to Dana and BJ. “I am so sorry for everything you have been put through, especially you, Dana.” She blushed and looked at her lap. “I am ashamed that this kind of freshie abuse was going on under the auspices of my care. Distance is no excuse. I am ultimately responsible for everyone who works for me, in whatever capacity. You have my deepest apologies and my word that this kind of thing will never happen in any of my clubs again.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it, causing her to turn an even deeper shade of red.

Henry straightened up and again addressed the room. “Now there are some business matters to discuss. I currently have an opening for an accountant in San Diego. Any takers?” The room was silent. “Yes, well, I didn’t think so. No matter, I can find one easily enough. I also have an opening for a club manager,” he said as he looked directly at Curtis.

Curtis looked up in surprise. “Me?”

“Yes you, young man. You have proven yourself most capable and to be of high moral character. You would be in charge of the local First Timer’s Club, and I will put you in charge of revamping that deplorable ‘frat club’ as you call it.” He laughed at his own pun and the rest of the room chuckled. “Of course,” Henry continued as he quickly glanced at BJ, “it means you will have to remain here in Berkeley. Would that be a problem?”

Curtis smiled and looked at BJ, who blushed furiously as she smiled shyly back. “Not a problem at all, sir. And thank you very much.”

“Good, that’s settled then.” He turned once again to Dana. “Now young lady, I understand perfectly if, after you leave this room, you want nothing to do with vampires ever again. You will be allowed to do so, with the understanding that you are still obligated to keep the secret.” Dana nodded. “However, I hope you will consider working for me. It’s the least I can do.” Dana looked up, startled. “My personal freshies are treated with the utmost respect and want for nothing.”

“I… I don’t know, Mr. Stallsworth,” Dana stammered. “I would like to finish my education.”

“A noble goal, to be sure. You can of course continue your education in San Diego.” He noticed the look that passed between Dana and BJ. “Or perhaps you would like to remain here in Berkeley?” Dana smiled and nodded. “Very well, I’m sure that Mr. Anderson here,” he nodded toward Curtis, “will see to it that you can work at either of his clubs, whether as office staff or as a freshie. The choice is entirely up to you.”

“We can work out anything you want, Dana,” Curtis told her.

Dana smiled. “Then I accept your offer.” Everyone stood and started talking and shaking hands all at once, congratulating Curtis and Dana and thanking Henry Stallsworth.


They all stood on the airport tarmac next to Josef’s plane the following day to say good bye.

“Bye Uncle Josef. And thank you,” BJ said as she hugged him tightly, a catch in her throat.

“Bye, doll. Try to stay out of trouble okay?” He pulled back to look at her. “I’ll see you at the holidays. Be sure to come by the mansion to see the girls.”

“I will,” BJ promised. Josef moved in front of Dana and handed her his card.

“You call me if you ever need anything. I love to assist helpless females.”

“Uncle Josef!” BJ admonished. “Dana is not a helpless female!”

Josef smiled. “Okay, let’s just say I love to help out lovely young ladies.”

Dana blushed. “Thank you Mr. Kost…I mean Josef,” she quickly corrected after the look he gave her.

“Curtis,” Josef said, holding out his hand. “If you need any money to help renovate those clubs… call Stallsworth.” Everyone broke out laughing as Curtis shook hands with Josef.

“And I will be more than happy to fund anything you need,” Henry Stallsworth added. “I’ve decided to stay up here a week or so and pay some unannounced visits to all my campus clubs in the area. It’s time I took charge again.”

Mick and Beth moved over in front of Dana. “Here’s my card too, Dana,” Mick said. “Don’t hesitate to call.”

Beth stepped forward and gave Dana a hug. “I know you have your own parents, but if you ever need a vampire mom to talk to, I’m just a phone call away.” Dana nodded into Beth’s shoulder, too choked up to speak.

“BJ sweetheart,” Beth said as she and Mick gave their daughter a long hug. “We love you and we’ll see you soon.”

“Bye Mom, bye Dad. I love you too,” BJ cried, hugging them both tightly. She had to wipe her cheeks when they let her go.

Mick turned to Curtis and shook his hand. “Thank you again for all you’ve done for our Bethany.”

“I’d do it again in a minute. She’s something special,” Curtis replied.

Mick smiled. “Yes, we think so too,” he agreed.

Mick, Beth and Josef boarded the plane, turning at the top of the stairs to wave one last time. Once in their seats, Beth looked out the window at BJ and Curtis standing there holding hands and waving as the plane pulled away. She turned to Mick.

“What do you think of Curtis?”

“I like him. What about you?”

“I like him too,” Beth answered. “Does it matter that he’s a vampire?”

Mick inhaled and blew out his breath slowly. “If you had asked me a year ago if I wanted Bethany to fall for a vampire, I’m not sure what I would have said. But I know it has to be her decision. For the time being, she’s chosen a vampire, and I’m okay with that. All I want is for her to be happy.”

Beth snuggled next to Mick and rested her head on Mick’s shoulder.

“Me, too.”

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Moonlighter and I would like to thank you all for reading this story and for all the wonderful comments! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. And Moonlighter took quite a beating from my barrage of questions! Love ya! :hug:

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by r1015bill »

Awwwwhhh.... :heart: :hearts: :heart: :hearts:

Such a sweet story. I'm proud that Mick took his little girl growing up as well as he did. I think he's going through something very universal - whether the male is vampire or human.

I definitely enjoyed your story. :flowers:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by PNWgal »

This was so sweet and lovely, MLC - thank you for sharing it with us. :hug:

I'm REALLLLLLLY hoping there's some continuation with BJ and Curtis, though... :teeth:

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by librarian_7 »

Nice ending! And Mick has mellowed. I half thought when he found out his daughter was going to be dating a vamp...he'd be hauling out the machete. Then again, Curtis has seen Mick take out a troublesome vamp, so I'm betting he knows that he'd better be good to BJ! :snicker:

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by allegrita »

Awww... what a great ending. And after BJ graduates and maybe moves back to LA, Curtis might be interested in, oh, maybe a career change... :teeth:

I absolutely loved the way you handled BJ's talk with Beth about being bitten. And Dana, too. Those girls both had a bad introduction to the bite, and that's just wrong on so many levels. Thank goodness, BJ knows better, and probably won't be traumatized by it. I hope Dana has a chance to find out that it's not all pain and anemia when you live amongst vamps. :sigh:

I really loved this story, MLC. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. You draw such wonderfully vivid scenarios. I can almost see and feel the action taking place -- and you have a great ear for the characters' dialogue, too. Plus, I love your OC's! I can't wait to find out what happens to BJ, Curtis, and Dana in their next adventure, either together or separately. :ghug:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by redwinter101 »

I've really enjoyed this story, MLC, and this is the perfect conclusion.

:clapping: :flowers:


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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by francis »

I really enjoyed this ending, giving everyone some closure, the vampires showing respect towards Dana and BJ, Curtis getting a job (though I don't like the idea of a first-timer club when the freshies aren't informed and consenting), and them all having one more powerful protector in Stallsworth. The best thing is Mick being okay with Curtis and BJ. He has come a long way. :hearts:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! :rose: I'm so happy you enjoyed the story. Being able to picture it is the best compliment for a writer, IMHO. :flowers:

So some of you think Mick would tell Curtis to stay away from his daughter? Don't you know he would do anything to make BJ happy? She has him wrapped around her little finger. :snicker: Besides, Mick likes Curtis a whole lot better than that high school boyfriend Tyler. :rolling:

Thanks again! And while nothing is in the works at the moment, I think it's likely that we will hear from BJ and Curtis again.

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by Lucy »

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Great adventure for BJ, got to love she brought home a Vamp!!! Like Mother, Like Daughter.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by jen »


Wonderful ending to an excellent story!

Mick has mellowed a bit over the years. Being married to Beth has been good for him and taught him that difficult, dangerous and complicated can work out just fine!

I am not sure I entirely trust Stallingsworth, and I think I have his name wrong, but vampires are more perceptive and I would think he would be more conscious of what is happening in his clubs. May be wrong, and if so he at least now knows that he is being watched by powerful, influential vampires and crossing them would not be...healthy.

Thank you for a wonderful thrill ride!

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by Marigold »

Awww! What a wonderful ending! I'm so glad everything worked out. :hearts: :happysigh: :twothumbs:

Thank you, MLC! I really enjoyed this story, and I'm looking forward to your next one! :rose: :hug:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 10 - Final (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you so much Marigold for reading and leaving such wonderful comments along the way. :flowers: I'm so glad you enjoyed the ride! :hearts:

With Moonlighter's help I am busy right now working on BJ and Curtis' next adventure. Stay tuned! :whistle:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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