BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

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BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

An anniversary treat! A little bit longer chapter...and no evil cliffie!

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: PG-13
A/N: BJ is my OC, the adopted daughter of Mick and Beth. She was first introduced in Milestones, Part 1. It is not absolutely necessary to read that first, but it might help. BJ also has her own Halloween and Christmas stories.

Huge thanks to Moonlighter for being my idea bouncer this time as well as my beta. You would not be reading this if it hadn't been for her. :hugs:

I update every other night.

Previously in BJ’s Freshman Adventure ...

“Besides, I’d sure as heck rather have my first bite from you, even under these circumstances, than from that creep Gerrard.” She took a deep breath to steady herself. “Ready? Then let’s do this.”

Chapter 6

Beth and Dana walked casually out of the library. Dana stiffened noticeably once they were out in the open, so Beth put her arm around her shoulders.

“It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Beth said giving Dana’s shoulders an encouraging squeeze. “We’re going to walk across the lawn to where BJ’s dad is standing by our rental car parked in the street over there. See?” Mick waved at them and Dana walked faster.

“Hi Dana,” Mick said, smiling reassuringly as he opened the doors of the rental car Josef had arranged to have waiting for them at the airport. “Hop in.” Dana smiled and climbed into the back seat. Beth got in front and Mick closed both their doors before getting in on the driver’s side. “How about if I take you and Beth to a hotel where you can wait for me?”

“No! We don’t have time for that,” Dana insisted. “Besides, I want to come with you.”

“Are you sure?” Beth asked.

Dana nodded. “Yes. I want to help if I can.”

Mick started the car. “Okay then, let’s start at the club where you were attacked. Give me directions, and on the way tell me again everything that happened. You might remember some more details.”


Grabbing the stake with both hands, BJ gave a yank. It barely moved, but Curtis groaned. Taking a breath, BJ pulled harder. Slowly, the stake inched upward. BJ had to stop to breathe. Leaning over for more leverage, BJ adjusted her grip and pulled again, hard and steady. Curtis closed his eyes and groaned some more. Suddenly the stake popped free, causing BJ to fall over backwards from the sudden release. Curtis rolled over to his side moaning. BJ watched as he slowly rolled onto all fours and lifted his head to look directly at her.

BJ watched as Curtis’ eyes turned silver and his fangs elongated. Oh no! She started to scoot backwards on her hands and butt, scuffing her feet; she still held the stake in one hand. Curtis crawled towards her, as if stalking his prey. BJ swallowed.

“Curtis?” she said tentatively. “Curtis, it’s me. Bethany. BJ.” Curtis stopped for a moment, sniffing the air as he gave BJ a curious look. He resumed his crawling towards her, and BJ resumed scooting backward until she hit the wall. She slid sideways along the floor and ended up in the corner, trapped. Curtis was right in front of her now, tilting his head this way and that as he sniffed and observed. His eyes seemed blank. She tried again to reach him.

“Curtis, I’m BJ. I know you’re in there. I’m going to help you, okay?” For a moment, BJ saw a spark of life behind the silver eyes. It gave her the encouragement she needed. Slowly, very slowly, she reached out an arm to him, as if to pet a vicious dog. Curtis’ eyes never left her arm, and a low growl escaped from his throat. “Curtis, it’s okay. I’m going to help you. I’m going to touch you now, and you need to try and stay calm, okay?” Curtis cocked his head but otherwise remained still as BJ stroked his head and patted his shoulder.

“That’s good, Curtis! That’s good. Now I’m going to let you feed from my wrist. You need blood, and you can have some of mine. But not too much. Can you understand me?” Curtis blinked twice, even while continuing to emit a low raspy growl. “Okay,” BJ said as she nervously pushed up her sleeve. “Here you go.” Willing herself to stay calm, she stuck her arm out towards Curtis’ drooling mouth and turned her face away.

Curtis grabbed her arm and pulled it greedily to his mouth, afraid it would be taken away. He could no longer hold back, and without even scenting out the perfect place, sank his fangs into BJ’s wrist.

Tears sprang to BJ’s eyes and she bit her lip to keep from crying out, worried that any sound she made would spook the vampire. He drank steadily with his eyes closed; the pain in her arm became a dull throb. After a few minutes BJ turned to look at him, thinking she should try to stop him. I’m going to need my strength to get out of here, too. If we escape, he can have some more then if he needs it.

“Curtis? Curtis you have to stop now.” She gently patted his shoulder. “Curtis, look at me. You have to stop. You have to let go.” Curtis stopped sucking, but kept his fangs imbedded in her arm as he looked into her eyes. BJ was pleased to see they were no longer yellow. “That’s it, good. Now you have to let go,” BJ said with more confidence than she felt. She tried to pull her arm away. Curtis growled and in an instant one hand shot out and grabbed her upper arm, preventing her from moving it. BJ gasped, surprised at the sudden movement and his strong grip. She stopped moving, and watched Curtis carefully.

Curtis slowly retracted his fangs and lowered her arm, holding one hand over the bite marks and applying light pressure till they stopped bleeding. “Never pull away when a vampire feeds from you,” he said in a business-like tone, keeping his eyes downcast. “You could do irreparable damage.” He tore a strip of cloth from the bottom of his t-shirt and wrapped it around BJ’s wrist. “Normally I would close these wounds when I finished feeding,” he said as he secured the makeshift bandage. “But I’m not exactly at my best right now.” Still holding her arm, he looked into her face. “Thank you,” he said softly. They stared into each other’s eyes until Curtis finally broke their gaze. “How do you feel, are you alright?”

BJ had to clear her throat. “Yes, I feel okay.” She slowly pulled her arm out of Curtis’ grasp. “How are we going to get out of here? Do you know where we are, by any chance?”

Curtis shook his head.


“This is the street,” Dana said as Mick slowed down the car. “That’s the club, the last house on the left.” Mick parked the car across the street a few houses away. The all stared at the house. The paint was peeling and the yard was littered. No one seemed to be around.

“Does Gerrard ever come here?” Mick asked.

“He walks through when he brings the new freshies, but he doesn’t stay long,” Dana answered. “I think he spends most of his time at that First Timer’s club when he isn’t at his office.”

Mick nodded then turned to face Beth and Dana. “I want you two to stay here in the car while I check things out.” Beth opened her mouth to protest, but Mick held up his hand. “You need to stay with Dana and keep her safe.” He climbed out of the car. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

Mick approached the house with all his senses on alert. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He walked around to the backyard and stopped in his tracks. He was sure he picked up just the faintest trace of BJ’s scent. Glancing around him he noticed a set of slanted exterior cellar doors. Breaking the padlock with a flip of his wrist, he quietly opened one of the doors and crept down the stairs. Bingo! BJ’s scent was much stronger down here.

Mick had no trouble finding his way in the darkened cellar. He followed BJ’s scent until he came to a corner. Quickly peeking around, he saw two goons loafing around outside a door, ostensibly guarding it. Closing his eyes he inhaled and his gut clenched. Blood – BJ’s blood!

A low growl escaped from Mick’s throat causing the guards to turn towards him as he launched himself through the air. One reached for his gun, the other for a stake, but they didn’t have a chance as Mick knocked both of them into the wall.


BJ and Curtis both jerked their heads towards the door when they heard the scuffling and the thumps into the wall. “Hurry,” Curtis told BJ as he helped her to stand. “We can’t take a chance till we know who it is. Take the stake and wait along the wall behind the door. I’ll wait on this side.” BJ nodded and took her place, her heart beating wildly.


Mick looked down at the crumpled bodies in front of the door. He looked at the closed door and took a minute to scent the other side, hoping to get a vision. A rapid heartbeat. BJ cowering in a corner, being stalked by a vampire. Pain. Feeding. He’s feeding on my Bethany!! Mick couldn’t bear to see any more. With a roar he kicked in the door and burst into the room.

His vampire senses immediately honed in on the only other vampire in the room. With a roar he flew at Curtis, who vamped out and roared back as he defended himself.

“You bit my daughter! I’ll kill you for that!” Mick shouted. BJ watched in horror as they snarled and fought, wrestling each other to the ground.

“DADDY!” BJ screamed at the top of her lungs. “DADDY! STOP!” Mick had Curtis pinned to the floor with his hands around his neck. BJ ran over and tugged on Mick’s sleeve, trying to get him to notice her.

“DADDY! It’s Bethany! I’m okay!” Mick froze, breathing heavily. He turned his head to look at his daughter with silver eyes. “Daddy! I’m okay…I’m okay. He’s a friend! Please, let him go!” she pleaded.

Mick’s face returned to normal, but he didn’t let Curtis up. “He bit you!”

“It wasn’t what you think, Daddy. I let him bite me.” Mick looked at her, puzzled.

“You let him? Why? Why would you do that?”

“He was staked and dying! So I let him feed from me to save him. He’s my friend, Daddy. This is Curtis.” Mick looked between BJ and Curtis. His mind had a flashback, to a long ago day when his Beth did the very same thing to save him in a no-star motel. Mick climbed off of Curtis and they both stood up. Mick gathered BJ into a hug.

“Are you okay? We were so worried about you!” he whispered into her hair.

“I’m fine, really. He didn’t take too much.” BJ pulled back to look at her father. “He came to try and save me, Dad. If he hadn’t been here, I’m certain Gerrard would already have tried to put me in his club. Or worse, would have fed from me himself.”

Mick turned to Curtis and held his hand out. “I’m Mick St. John, BJ’s father. I want to thank you and I also owe you an apology. I’m sorry I misjudged you, but I’m very protective of my daughter. I smelled her blood and I… I lost control.”

Curtis accepted Mick’s hand and shook it. “I’m Curtis Anderson, sir. And I understand. Believe me, I didn’t want her to do it. I was hoping she would just leave me staked. I was worried that I might drain her if she tried to feed me.”

“But he didn’t and I’m okay,” BJ sighed. “Now that all the niceties are over, can we please get out of here?”

Mick smiled. “Yes we can.” Looking at Curtis he added, “How are you feeling? Well enough to travel?”

“Yes sir, I’m fine for the moment.”

“Good. I have some blood bags in the car you can have. Let’s go.”

Mick dragged the bodies of the two guards into the room and then they quickly retraced Mick’s path around the corner, down the hall and back up the stairs to the backyard, keeping an eye and a nose out so they could avoid running into anyone. When they rounded the side of the house, BJ spied her mother in the car and took off running. Beth was out of the car in a flash and hugged her daughter tightly.

“Sweetheart, we were so worried about you!”

“I’m fine, Mom,” BJ said, trying hard not to cry.

“Are you sure?” Beth asked as she held BJ by the shoulders and pushed her to arm’s length in order to give her daughter the once over. She immediately noticed the bandaged wrist. “Oh my god, what happened? You’ve been bit!” she exclaimed.

BJ blushed as she turned to glance at Curtis, who was just now approaching the car with Mick. She turned back to her mother. “It’s all right, Mom. I really am fine. We’ll talk about it later, okay?” Beth looked over at Mick and gave him a worried look, but he nodded and smiled at her.

“Okay, later,” she said to BJ.

Then BJ saw Dana standing behind her mother, and pulled out of Beth’s grasp to go give Dana a hug. Mick got the insulated satchel out of the trunk and handed it to Curtis, motioning for him to get into the back seat to drink a bag or two.

“What happens now?” Curtis asked as he wiped his mouth and handed the satchel back to Mick.

“We find Gerrard.”

To be continued...
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by Lucy »

Cool....Mick meets Curtis....Curtis meets Mick. Not the kind of meeting I'd like to have....but necessary all the same. Now, here comes the BIG fish FRY, Gerrard!

Thanks for posting this best night of nights!!!!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by r1015bill »

Yay! The good guys win! Now they've got to end Gerard's tyranny.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by redwinter101 »


Marvellous, MLC - such a lovely anniversary gift. I loved the tensions in the scene with Curtis and BJ.
MickLifeCrisis wrote:“But he didn’t and I’m okay,” BJ sighed. “Now that all the niceties are over, can we please get out of here?”
She is her mother's daughter. :yes:


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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by francis »

First time meetings of boys with their girlfriend's dad can be quite awkward, but this one took the cake. :snicker:
Curtis and Mick to the rescue!!!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

francis wrote:First time meetings of boys with their girlfriend's dad can be quite awkward, but this one took the cake. :snicker:
Curtis and Mick to the rescue!!!
:giggle: Now who said Curtis was BJ's boyfriend??? :whistle: :whistle:

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! BJ is definitely her mother's daughter! Now off to find Gerrard. And we should probably check in on Josef, too. :reading:

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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by francis »

:giggle: I'm one of those "smell the past, glimpse the future" kind of vampires. :snicker:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

francis wrote: :giggle: I'm one of those "smell the past, glimpse the future" kind of vampires. :snicker:

Guess you'll just have to wait and see if you glimpsed correctly!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by jen »


BJ is safe, Curtis is safe, Mick is safe and so is Beth.

As for those that put the girls in danger, I really don't think they are anywhere near safe.
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by Moonlighter »

redwinter101 wrote:She is her mother's daughter. :yes:

I agree!!

Sorry Curtis, but I love that Mick kicks ass first and asks questions later. I was glad BJ was able to bring some calm to the chaos, though. Gerrard better duck!
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by allegrita »

Oh my gosh - what a perfect chapter for the Moonlight Anniversary! :hearts: Mick at his most protective, fighting it out with another vamp, only to have his teenage daughter scream "DADDY! NO!" and pull him away from her other protector. (I could swear that she's Beth's daughter!) :laugh: And the parallels with Beth and Mick are wonderfully done. How can Mick blame Curtis for doing what he, himself, had to do? (Although sometimes dads can't quite forgive their daughters' friends for doing exactly what they did themselves, back in the day...) :winky:

I loved this little throwaway line: "...keeping an eye and a nose out so they could avoid running into anyone." It's perfectly vampy, and a little bit funny, and very descriptive of how they'd be acting! Nicely done. :twothumbs:

What a fabulous chapter. :happysigh: But wait a minute... you've got me nervous, saying we should check in on Josef. *runs off to the next chapter to see if he's OK* :hyper2:
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Re: BJ's Freshman Adventure - Chapter 6 (PG 13)

Post by Marigold »

:phew: :twothumbs: I'm so glad that BJ, Curtis, and Dana are okay! :hyper2:

I love how you connected the feeding in this chapter to the motel in Fever. :heart: :notworthy:

And I completely agree with all the above comments -- BJ is just like Beth. I hope the similarities continue in terms of boyfriends... :whistle:

Thank you, MLC! :rose:
Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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