The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

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The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Episode: Loosely based after Episode Sleeping Beauty
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language
Spoilers: teeny pinch of The Mortal Cure but this is pure fiction!!!
Beta Thank You: Morbius
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, our decisions direct everything around us

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

The Chemist
By Moonshadow

Chapter 1

Josef looked calm and relaxed in the refurbished office. Looking at him Mick thought, you’d never know the guy just spent a week sleeping in a moving van and had his office blown up. “Something to drink Mick?” Josef offered holding up the decanter that Beth had given Josef as a gift. The ruby contents highlighted the crystal and the highball glasses clinked in the hand as Josef turned from the butler bar.

It was late and Mick was still tired from the trip, “Seeing as your offering, yeah,” Mick continued, “I’ll have a glass” taking the glass from Josef and sipping the nectar and savoring the flavor sinking into the comfortable chair with a sigh. “So what was it you wanted to talk to me about”, Mick asked as Josef set the stopper into the decanter with a stylish click. Striding across the room and dropping into the chair opposite Mick; Josef sipped from his glass, admired the contents and the silently toasted Mick before replying.

“We need to find The Chemist” Josef started.

“The who?” Mick interrupted.

“The Chemist.” Josef repeated. “Brilliant mind, oddest vamp”, he continued smoothly. “I’m certain that’s who’s behind all this” he waved obliquely towards the window as he finished.

“This?” Mick queried leaving the rest unsaid.

“Don’t play P.I. with me Mick, “Who else would tinker with vamp blood?” “Concocting all kinds of weird serums and solutions.” “It has to be The Chemist.” “I don’t think some lame brained human would suddenly say Ah Ha—I’m going to create a serum to change vamps into humans.” Eyeing Mick levelly Josef’s smirk was close to the surface.

Mick thought to himself, “obvious point”. Aloud he asked, “How sure are you that the crystal and the serum are related?” It could have been a coincidence.”

Josef looked at Mick and asked, “What are the odds?” “Both blood based, one turns humans to vamps temporarily”, the other one turns vamps to humans temporarily.” Josef tossed down a swallow of the blood, rolled his lips in delight and looked out the window.

Mick looked over his glass at Josef, “Supposing these things are related, how do you propose I go about tracking this vamp down.” “We have no way of knowing how or when Coraline found this guy.” “From what you’ve told me Lola had enough history behind her it could have been years ago,” “if this vamp ever even existed.” Mick finished.

Still smiling, Josef watched Mick, “Not him,,, her”

Mick’s mouth snapped shut as he looked at Josef. “Would you care to fill in the details here?”

“We are going to find The Chemist by finding the woman that The Chemist is working for now.” Josef said.

“So how is it that you know so much about this?” Mick asked carefully, watching Josef expression.

“Nature Mick, just human nature...” Josef continued, “Look everything points to a femme’ fatal connection, Lola, Coraline… both brilliant beautiful women with an agenda.” “I’m certain that if we look around, we’ll find more like them.” “This vamp is feeding their obsessions.” “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; you and I both know there’s a hell of a lot of those around.”

Mick watched Josef carefully with that remark. Listening as Josef laid out his plan he finally couldn’t help but ask, “What’s in it for you?”

Josef looked at him without blinking.

“I know you aren’t in this for the altruistic aspect.” “How are you into this, financing, profiteering or does someone owe you money?” Mick finished.

Josef’s silence convinced Mick that there was more to this than Josef was letting on, far more. He’d known Josef for too many years to believe less.

“So” Mick continued “just where do you propose we start looking for this mysterious woman?”

“That’s your job Mick, you’re the P.I.” Josef responded, “You chase the mysteries.”

Chapter 2

Mick hadn’t heard from Beth for two weeks and he’d felt every minute of those 14 days. The hurt look on her face when he’d refused to turn Josh had felt like a slap on his; and it still stung. It didn’t help that Mick knew he’d done the right thing. It didn’t help that Beth had apologized. Hard on the heels of Sarah’s story, Coraline had shown up again. It had just been more than Beth seemed to want to deal with; now she’s the one avoiding me and Mick couldn’t blame her.

He’d called four days in a row and she hadn’t answered, he’d even driven by her apartment and her office to check on her. Beth hadn’t been at either place, she had just simply disappeared. Mick knew that she was safe. He knew in his heart that if she needed him; he’d know. He also knew that if he really needed to find her; that he could. As he sat, he staring, and he ached. The temptation was strong but even stronger, was the desire to respect Beth as the woman she was; a strong, smart survivor.

Mick clicked his mouse moving off the picture of Beth willing his mind to focus on something else. He wiped a hand over his eyes and sighed, the echo of his breath bounced in the hollow emptiness. Shoving away from the desk he stood up, glanced at he clock and shook his head; he’d been lost in thought way too long. He needed to focus on Josef’s Chemist. Retrieving a fresh glass from the kitchen he filled it with O negative, shut the fridge door, and walked back towards the office.

Just then the front door beeped, Mick’s heart hammered for an instant then settled. It wasn’t Beth. Mick opened the door for Josef who entered in mid sentence, “make it happen. I didn’t ask if you could. I’m telling you it will.” Nodding at Mick he continued, “I will, you too.” And with that he snapped the phone shut. “No rest for the wicked,” he remarked as he shed his overcoat and entered Mick’s kitchen. Josef went straight to the hidden fridge and asked as he poured himself a glass. “Spoke to Beth yet?” Mick felt like Josef had slugged him in the gut. “No huh,” Josef continued as he swung out of the kitchen and into the rest of his harangue, “damn Mick, it’s been what three weeks?”

“Two.” Mick snapped back as he entered his office, sat at his desk and opened the internet browser. Looking for anything that might indicate where The Chemist was working.

Mick was busy scanning a list of chemical companies when he realized the Josef was sprawled on the couch watching him. “So…”
Mick ignored the opening and continued to sit in stony silence. “What are you going to do?” Josef continued. Mick looked up refusing to answer the open ended question before him.

“So far the only thing that looked like a lead was something in New Orleans. But after Katrina the records stop.” Mick looked back at the monitor continuing, “After that it’s hit and miss, some things in Dallas, Fort Worth, Atlanta, and some possible stuff outside Memphis, but nothing definitive.”

Chapter 3

Beth shook her head in frustration slapping the book shut and stood up with a jerk. Walked over to the fireplace glancing again at the cover of the book and sighed, tossed it onto the couch and looked away. So much for reading, she thought. Grabbed a poker from the stand and jabbed at the logs giving voice the anger she felt.

I’ve wasted two weeks, searching for what? She tossed the poker back into the stand harder than she’d intended and grabbed for it as the metal rack danced about threatening to topple over. Beth sighed again as she wiped her hands off on her jeans turned and walked over to a comfortable chair, sat down, curling her legs beneath her. Combing through her mind the voices flowed over each other threatening to become nothing but a cacophony of noise. “Stop”, Beth said aloud cupping her hands over her ears, tears once again flowed silently down her cheeks.

She’d taken two weeks of personal leave with a promise to Mo that she’d give her a story about the circumstances behind Josh’s death; the investigation and the gang tie in. So far she hadn’t written a single word, “I don’t know where to start it’s all so convoluted”. Beth said to the empty room. Nothing is what it seems to be.

Images from that night crowded into her memory tumbling over each other; begging Mick to turn Josh, the strobing of the ambulance lights. Sarah lying in her bed so still, Coraline’s blood oozing over Beth’s hands, the flames whipping about Coraline as she screamed to escape, Mick carrying her from the car, her body against Mick’s in the warm water. “Stop”, Beth yelled aloud jumping up from her recent perch to begin pacing again.

The condo that she’d rented was snug and warm against the storm but it did nothing to keep out the ghosts that haunted her sleep and tormented her days. Beth wondered why she’d even come to Lake Tahoe, this was where she and Josh had talked about going on their honeymoon a discussion that seemed like a lifetime ago, someone else’s lifetime. On the good days Beth remembered Josh with warmth; on the bad days she wondered if she’d ever really loved him at all. Then there was Mick, Beth crossed her arms over her chest as the intensity of her pacing quickened. On the good days she felt confused about what to feel, on the bad days she felt like running; running as far away from him as humanly possible. Twice she’d even called the moving company, only to hang up as soon as they answered.

One thing Beth did know, she had never experienced this kind of mind numbing confusion before. Beth had always been able to pick a plan of action and follow it. Now she didn’t know which way to turn. Staring out the window at her reflection Beth watched the silent snowflakes whirl and drift as they fell from the sky.

The next morning in the predawn grayness she dialed Josef’s number counting between breathes to calm herself, she still jumped at the sound of his voice.
“Are you sure I’m the person you should be talking to?” Josef started in.

“Most people start with hello,” Beth replied.

“The point of your call?” Josef wasn’t giving Beth any leeway, “Mick’s not in trouble, so I know that’s not why you’re calling,” he continued.

“Josef please,” Beth started “I need to ask you something,” she pressed on, “about Sarah”.

“What do you want to know?” Josef’s voice was guarded and closed.

“Two things please bear with me…” Beth took a deep breath and began. “First did she know that there was a chance?”

“Beth, I didn’t know you thought so little of me?” Josef snapped back, “I told you I tried to talk her out of it, she just wouldn’t let it drop; Sarah was convinced that this was the only way for us.”

Beth drew a shaky breath, “You just said that it was the only way for you two, do you think?”

Josef interrupted her, “you said you had two questions, is that your second one?”

“No, no it wasn’t,” her voice barely above a whisper, “If she had walked away, would you have followed her? Would you have looked for her?”

“Beth, I don’t take you for the running type,” Josef replied, “am I wrong?” “Listen, I can understand you’re grieving. But this relationship is about the two of you, I don’t think one of you can make decisions that will affect both you.” “I will tell you this, Mick isn’t handling this any better than you are, but I know him well enough that I know he’ll respect any decision you make with or without him.” “You want to talk to him?”

Beth cringed. “Just tell him I’m coming home,” as she closed her phone it felt like her heart had come back to life. I’m coming home Mick. We’ll work this through together for better or for worse. She laughed at the irony of her words and she went into the bedroom to pack.

Chapter 4

Mick had just locked the door when he heard the elevator ding. Even before he turned he knew it was her. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was luck, he didn’t really know and right at this very moment he didn’t really care. She was here with him, for better or for worse. Mick shook his head at the thought just as Beth looked at him. He knew what she mistook the negative shake of his head as he started towards her.

“I won’t stay,” she started.
“No. It was my fault.” He interrupted.
“Look, I’m sorry” she tried.
“I didn’t mean,” he offered.
“I just needed,” she replied.
Just as Mick said, “I’m sorry.”

The stood in the hallway looking at each other form across what seemed to be miles. Neither knew who moved first, but they both knew where they needed to be. Wrapped in each others arms they rocked as Beth’s tears ran silently over her cheeks. Mick rained kisses upon her head, grateful and relieved to feel her in his arms again. When both of them could finally speak again Mick said, “Let’s go inside,” and Beth finished his sentence, “we need to talk.” As he unlocked the door watching Beth wipe the tears away, he stepped closer, placed a hand on her back and softly said, “I’m glad you’re home.” She leaned into him sideways as they entered the apartment offering the kiss they both needed. Just as Mick swung the door closed, and bent to kiss Beth’s welcoming lips he heard the elevator door ding. He looked up at the elevator doorway and Beth stepped away.

Josef strode down the hall heading directly to Mick’s door, Great Mick thought, [talk about lousy timing.[/i] He left the door ajar for Josef and followed Beth into the room, wanting to be near her. “Josef’s here.” Mick whispered into her ear giving her a chance to dry the tears on her cheeks. Beth wiped her face and straightened her shoulders, gathering her arms about herself for strength.

“So, what did you find?” Josef was asking as he flipped the door closed behind him. Looking past Mick shoulder, Josef continued, “Beth, lovely to see you nice trip?” Glancing down at floor, Josef unbuttoned his suit jacket and slid it off, tossed it onto the chair, loosened his tie and walked towards the kitchen. Beth couldn’t help but notice, Josef’s aura of control. [He dominates every room he occupies.[/i]

“Josef, could we talk about this another time?” Mick asked with an aggrieved air.

“Sorry Mick, business before pleasure,” Josef responded smoothly cutting off Mick’s objection. “You’re looking for The Chemist; remember?” Striding pas Mick, Josef asked over his shoulder, “What have you found, anything?” As he circled past the island and went straight for the hidden fridge, Josef paused and looked directly at Beth. “Glad you’re back. How was Tahoe? Now, maybe Mick’ll get some work done.” He ignored the annoyed look Mick threw at him. Withdrawing a bag of blood Josef snagged a glass and asked casually anyone else want something to drink?”

“Who’s the chemist?” Beth queried, looking from Mick to Josef and back again. “Why do you need to find a chemist?”

“Well, that’s what I want to know,” Josef retorted. “Mick here’s been a little preoccupied with personal matters when he was supposed to be working.” Pouring out a glass of the A positive for himself, he grabbed another glass and poured one for Mick. “Beth?” The question was punctuated by Josef holding up a wine glass.

“Um… yes please, but you didn’t answer my question..” Beth felt awkward sensing the strain between the two men. She looked from Mick to Josef and back again questioningly. I’m beginning to feel like a bobble head here… It was painfully obvious that something was up and she knew Mick was highly annoyed with Josef’s attitude.

Handing off the glassed he’d poured, Josef circled back into the kitchen. “Bad for business Mick, you do much better when you stay focused.” Scooping up his glass Josef headed for the living room.

“Josef…” Mick’s voice held a warning note in it, “enough already.” Turning to Beth, Mick continued, “A figment of Josef’s imagination, that’s what he’s got me chasing; looking for someone that probably doesn’t even exist.” Turning back to Josef, Mick added, “Look, right now Beth and I have some… stuff we need to discuss. Can we talk about this tomorrow?”

“No Mick, really, if Josef needs you to find someone,” Beth interrupted, “you two should probably talk. I’ll just head for home,” She finished by setting the goblet down and walking across the room.

“Wait a minute,” Mick wheeled on Beth as she headed for the door, “Don’t leave.” Looking at Josef he added, “I haven’t found The Chemist, I have been looking and I would appreciate it if both of you would…” he stopped as both of the stood staring at him, “sit down” Mick finished with a defeated shake of his head.

Chapter 5

Beth walked back across the room totally focused on the question that had been dangled before her, the identity of the chemist. Now, what the hell is really going on? “Josef, why do you want to find this guy?” Beth looked into his eyes searching for some hint as to what Josef was about, her skills as an investigative reporter where kicking in. In her most sincere voice she offered, “This must be important,” leaving the statement open ended enough for an elephant to walk into.

“Do you really think that will work with me?” Josef replied evenly returning Beth’s look. “I’m afraid, Beth dear, you’d have to try much harder than that if you want information out of me.”

Shifting her gaze to look at Mick, she paused as the question caught in her throat; this was not what they needed to be talking about. Mick’s eyes felt like they were reading her heart instead of listening to her words. Beth knew both men could hear the skip of her heartbeat and from what she remembered they could probably see the flush of her cheeks even before they reddened. Abruptly turning Beth went to the counter grabbed the goblet of wine and took a deep swallow, followed by a deep breath and turned back to face Mick. “Okay, what’s important about this person? So important that he’s got you chasing a figment of his imagination?” finishing with a nod of her head in Josef’s direction.

“Josef believes that there is a connection between the Black Crystal and the treatment the Coraline used to become human again.” Mick continued, “I’m not certain that it isn’t all a coincidence.” He added.

“I think Josef’s right.” Beth announced. “It makes perfect sense.” She continued, “How would a human get samples of vamp blood to work on?” Before either of them could answer she kept going, “it has to be a vamp. From the size of the operation Lola was running this Chemist must either be connected or funded by a very wealthy patron.” She looked at Mick, “Josh told me during the investigation into Black Crystal that they were looking for the money source. Lola was selling that stuff for some serious money. The FBI contacted the D.A.’s office about the drug, but when they couldn’t find an illegal substance in the formula they dropped the investigation. They said it wasn’t worth their time or effort.”

“I wish we had some way of seeing those files,” Josef commented.

“It’s too bad Ryder decided to move on to a new employer,” Mick added looking at Josef, “we could use his talents.”

“Yes well, let’s not go there,” Josef replied shortly, “anyone have a hacker on hand?” he asked looking at Beth.

“I don’t think we want any more people involved in this before we know where it might end up,” Mick interjected, “do you want the FBI poking about in your business Josef?”

“You’re probably right,” Josef replied sipping the blood from the glass, “so how do you plan on finding him?”

“I think the D.A.’s office had the right idea,” Mick said as he stood and walked into his office. Josef and Beth listened as Mick dug through his file drawer. “Following the money maybe the best option” he concluded as he came back into the room with a handful of files. Mick laid the files down on the glass of the coffee table.

The sight of the manila folders created an odd sensation in Beth and she found herself choked with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill. As she sat still and silent Mick looked at her, “Are you okay?” her asked gently.

Shakily Beth flicked a tear away with a fingertip struggling to find her voice, “Yeah,” she swallowed hard, “it just caught me off guard.”

“We can talk about this,” Mick gestured to the pile, “later if it’d help.”

“No.” Beth interrupted carefully avoiding Mick’s eyes. “I need to get back into working, it’s easier here than anywhere else.” She finished by taking a deep breath to steady herself.

Josef studiously ignored both of the contemplating the depth of his glass.

“Okay then”, with a subtle shake of his head Mick flipped open the file. A photo of Lola slid onto the table. Mick glanced up at Josef just in time to see the shadow that crossed Josef’s eyes. As Beth reached for it Josef’s hand beat hers to it, he deftly flipped the photo over and flicked it back into the pile of papers.

“Okay, we already know how much she stole from me.” Josef said looking at Mick, “How much did she have total?”

“From what Josh told me,” Beth said softly, “they thought she was taking in around three or four million.”

“Do you think this was the first place she’d set up her operation?” Mick asked Josef watching the older vamps face carefully.

“Yeah, yeah, I do.” Josef said slowly. “She told me she was looking for seed money for a start up.”

“Okay, so she had a reason to need money when she got here,” Mick looked over at Beth, “you said that Coraline left a paper trail in Chicago” watching as she nodded, “then I have no reason to believe she wasn’t there.” Mick continued looking at Josef. “So, I think your contact point between the two of them; this Chemist, or the money was back on the east coast.”

Josef’s head snapped towards Mick at the choice of words, “Was?” Josef said pointedly, “What have you found?”

“Josef,” Mick said quietly, ‘didn’t you find it a little curious that Lola’s sire was so quick to take our word as fact?” He shook his head as he continued, “it was too easy. A text message and gee, you’re right.” Mick kept talking as he looked down at the pile of records; each one representing a vampire life, immortality cut short for one woman’s profit margin. “I’m thinking that Lola’s sire is involved in this.” Mick looked at Josef and added, “I don’t want more people involved.”

Josef’s gaze never wavered; it was becoming perfectly clear to him that Mick didn’t just mean Beth and her contacts. No, Mick was referring to Sarah.

Beth’s gasp startled both men. “they wouldn’t dare,” she said looking at the two of them.

“Oh yes,” Josef interjected, “he would dare. “in a New York minute.” He added with an eyebrow raised succinctly. “In fact, I’m quite sure he’s been holding that card for a while.” All three faces looked gray at the revelation that the stakes had just significantly gone up.

“Josef, I think you need to think carefully about this, about why you think we need to purse this before we go looking for trouble.” Mick said the words softly to his friend. But he was watching Beth’s face as he said it.

Beth sat in any icy silence; thinking. Here it is all over again; the stakes were just the same as before. Hanging in the balance was a life for a way of life. Momentarily anger flared in her, What would they do, now that it was one of their own? Just as quickly she thought, That’s not really fair, this isn’t the same. Mick was right Josh never asked to be turned. He deserved the right to make that kind of decision for himself. Sarah had; she’d chosen Josef, even if she’d lost everything in trade. She blinked and realized that Mick was staring at her, watching the battle rage across her mind. The wounds were still raw and sore but she looked back at him with a new found sense of understanding.

Josef stood, walked to the kitchen, threw back the dregs of his drink and set the bloody glass into the sink. Without saying a word he snatched up his suit jacket as he walked pass, tossed it on and headed for the door. With his hand on the latch he said, “You two talk.” He jerked the door open. Stopped in midstride looked over his shoulder at Mick and added, “Then I’ll let you know.”

The door slammed shut, echoing in the silence.

Chapter 6

Beth jerked involuntarily at the slam of the door. As soon as Josef had said, you two talk, the strength that Beth had worked to hold together vanished. She felt as fragile as a spun glass cobweb, the very effort to breath threatened to shatter her.

Staring at the table, Mick slowly reached down and closed the file folder as it lay between them. The syncopated rhythm of her breathing resonated through the room and beat against him like angry fists. He didn’t move again. He didn’t look at her. He just waited.

Beth listened to the silence, waiting for her voice to return, as the tears streamed unheeded and fell upon the hands she held clenched in her lap. Her breath slowed as she dared to finally look at him. In the soft light her eyes caressed the curve of his jaw, the delicate brush of his lashes, the crooked line of his lip, details that she had desperately tried not to notice before.

Before, the word echoed over and over in her mind and she sighed. Watching Mick’s face she would have sworn she saw that sigh brush through his soul. Mick would wait, she knew that and in the knowing of that fact she found the strength to say the words that needed to be said.

“I love you. I’m sorry.” Beth stood and walked to the window. Her arms wrapped about her as her body shook with emotion.

Mick’s eyes looked nearly black as the words she uttered tore through his mind.

“When you thought Josef was dead; you said that you didn’t even know how to mourn him”, an anguished cry broke her voice. “For completely different reasons that’s exactly what I want to say”. Like a ghostly dance partner, Beth’s agony spun her about to face Mick. “Mick, I am guilty.” ” Josh knew I didn’t love him, Josh knew that.” “Josh knew how I felt about you; he knew that before I did.” “He died knowing I didn’t have the courage to admit that to him or me.”

She paused to collect her thoughts, “What I asked of you was wrong. With a shake of her head she continued, “Not just because Josh didn’t ask for it.” “It was wrong to ask because of my guilt.” “And now I don’t even know how to mourn him.”

Mick slowly rose, unable to help her watching as she wrestled with the past.

“I can’t face living without you.” “I’m not ready, but I don’t want to live my life without you.” Turning away from him Beth walked to the window placing a hand on the cold glass for support. “All my life, I have known you, without really knowing you.” “I have loved you without loving you.” “Can you understand what this means to me?”

Mick’s tears flowed in the face of her agony. “Beth,” he sighed as he took a faltering step towards her.

Without looking at him she shook her head and held up a hand to stay him. “I’ve always known what to say, what to do.” “Without you these last few weeks I’ve been lost.” “I called you my guardian angel, but that’s not true.” You are my soul and without you I am only half alive.” She turned looking at him with eye’s so deep that he felt like he could drown it them.

His arms wrapped about her, drew her deep into his chest willing her never to leave. Holding her body close, quivering at the sound of her heartbeat. “Shhh…” he whispered, “Time heals all wounds. You’ll see things differently, understand things better as time passes, I promise. I never meant to do this to you, to hurt you this way. If I could change one thing, I would take away the pain. I won’t leave you Beth.” Mick’s tears mixed with Beth’s, “I promise. I’m right here and I will always be here, for you.”

“Hold me, please just hold me.” Beth whispered as he swept her up in his arms. Mick climbed the stairs and went to his bed, never releasing his hold on her. Lying there in the grey light, entwined, he held her as at last the deep healing sobs welling from her body. Here, with her love, her could, she could begin the long process of putting her heart together again.

Mick pulled the comforter over Beth as she slept in his arms; her sleeping body still shook with the shuddering gasps that followed her tears. My love, what will we do? You are my soul. I didn’t realize how desperately I needed you, until you were gone. Staring into the darkness the question haunted his soul; How will we find our way?

Chapter 7

Beth woke slowly, every muscle felt like she’d been beaten with a baseball bat, it even hurt to open her eyes. The memories of last night began to click into place, the conversation, the tears, and finally the depths of dreamless sleep. Beth realized that she felt different, she wasn’t sure if it was better, but she definitely felt different. The memory of lying next to Mick also began to fill her mind. How could someone who claimed he wasn’t living make her feel like life was worth living she thought ironically to herself. Being here still felt awkward, she knew she wasn’t ready to be here and yet she knew she couldn’t be anywhere else.

Mick’s voice broke her thoughts, “You okay?”

Beth answered honestly,” I don’t know.” She wiped her hands over her face, she felt gritty and raw. “I could really use a cup of coffee” she said, rolling to her side and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. Bracing her hands on her knees she sat, not yet ready to leave the intimate security of this room and face their future. She tasted to words, rolling the over, becoming accustomed to the flavor. Beth knew if this failed, if they failed, the only person she could blame was herself. Mick had given her the time and room that she’d needed and wanted. Beth also knew she was the one who’d made the decision to pursue this. These were her choices.

What she didn’t really know was where Mick’s heart was. When she’d said I love you, his face had been completely unreadable. She’d heard him say that he’d never leave her. She’d heard him say that he’d take her pain. But, she’d never heard him say that he loved her. The thought was sobering; maybe he didn’t feel the same way about her. Beth looked up realizing that Mick was gone. She could smell the coffee; she stood and headed for the door. It was obvious that last night they’d only had half a conversation: her half.

Mick stood in the kitchen watching Beth descend the stairs, her blue eyes electric as they met across the room. He couldn’t help it, he smiled like a love stuck kid he thought to himself at the sight of Beth. Here in his home, in his heart, tousled with sleep, looking like an angel. Mick picked up the cup and moved towards her, watching her face he saw that she was troubled. Mick’s step faltered.

Beth took the cup from his hand glanced at him and looked away, as she blew gently on the steaming liquid she headed for the couch. Mick felt like he’d been slugged. He knew it, he’d let her talk out her sorrow and he’d heard her say; I love you, I’m sorry. Beth was sorry that she loved him. The least he could do was to give her a graceful way out. As it was, he’d caused her enough pain.

“Look,” they said simultaneously. Startled they looked at each other and blinked, smiled and then laughed. The laughter helped break the tension.

Beth took a deep breath, puffed out her cheeks as she blew it out, rolled her eyes and sipped deeply from the cup cradled in her hands. The action flashed before Mick’s eyes evoking the memory of the last time she’d done exactly the same thing. She looked at Mick wondering where he’d gone too. She could tell he was lost in thought. As Mick searched for the right words he took a deep breath and blew it out, only to hear Beth’s giggle. Mick looked over at her and they both smiled. Neither knew where to start.

Mick sat down on the sofa and as he reached for her hand, the door beeped, followed by a rapid knock. As it swung open Josef strode in, looking up from his PDA, taking in Beth’s swollen eyes and Mick’s disheveled appearance, “Oh good, you’ve talked.”

Mick stood up, “Don’t you have an office somewhere?”

“Yes I do, and you have a Chemist to find. Josef retorted smoothly.

Chapter 8

Beth’s mouth opened in mute protest and then snapped it shut. The sarcasm oozed from Josef’s word and Beth realized a caustic response on her part would be wasted breath. Beth rose gracefully from her seat and Mick followed suit. Josef held up a hand to forestall further comments by either of them and walked into the office.

Mick looked at Beth apologetically as she looked back at him; Beth ran a hand through her tangled hair. “Beth, please don’t go. Have your coffee and I’ll see what Josef feels is so urgent. Then we can get you something to eat.” Mick’s eyes pleased his case. Beth thought ironically it just wasn’t possible to say no to this man; not for her anyway. Beth nodded her assent, picked up her coffee sipped and smiled softly over the rim into Mick’s worried eyes. As she sat back down, curling her legs beneath her she shivered slightly. Mick picked up the throw unfolded it and gently laid it over her shoulder, his eyes never left hers. Mick’s hand cupped her jaw line, as he turned to go his finger tip traced its way down her jaw. His touch was so light for a moment Beth wondered if she’d imagined it. But the tripping of her heart told her better.

Was that goodbye or I love you? she wondered watching Mick’s retreating back.

As Mick looked at Josef he couldn’t help but be concerned. His annoyance faded as he realized that Josef was wearing the same clothes he’d had on yesterday, his face looked scruffy and he clearly hadn’t slept. Mick’s senses went on alert, “Ok what’s up?”

Josef looked tired as he answered, “Sarah’s been moved. I’ve got three more moves planned out at random intervals.” With a wry smile he added, “My relocations guy made a killing on me. Josef turned away from Mick and paced the length of the office before tossing himself onto the sofa.

“Ok so Sarah should be safe, what do you want?” Mick asked as he watched Josef carefully.

We go find The Chemist, Josef looked vaguely annoyed at Mick’s question.

Josef you’ve never answered me, “Why do you want to find this vamp so badly. Do you really think he’ll be able to cure Sarah?” He continued carefully.

Josef’s face registered shock and then a grudging respect all in the space of seconds before the habitual veil of control settled back into place. “Remind me not to play poker with you any time soon,” he tossed back.

“Are you certain you want to find this vamp?” Mick reiterated. “The vampire nation may not see these things he’s doing as a good thing. The repercussions from this… not to mention the problem of Lola’s sire.”

“Mick, timing is everything.” “Word is going to get out.” “If I don’t get a hold of this vamp someone else will.” “I’m not willing to waste any chance that Sarah may have.” “If it was Beth lying there, what would you do?”

“Ok.” Was all Mick had to say, he knew what he’d do.

Chapter 9

Beth sipped her coffee waiting for the caffeine to kick in and wipe the exhaustion from her mind. She’d almost dozed off sitting there, when the sound of the door opening woke her. She watched both men’s faces as they strode back in to the room. A resolution had been reached she could almost feel it. Looking from one face to the next she said, “So you’re going after the Chemist after all.”

Surprise briefly flickered in Josef’s eyes before he seated himself in the chair. “Definitely a quick study,” he added.

As Beth looked back to Mick she asked, “How can I help?”

Mick smiled at the offer. Regardless of the cost to her, here she was willing to offer. It was part of the beauty that he loved about her. Fearless, selfless Beth was such an honest contrast to Coraline. Mick couldn’t help but marvel again that he’d found someone to love as a vampire who was such an opposite to the obsession that had cursed him as a human. The bittersweet irony of it was almost too painful to contemplate and carefully Mick closed the door on the thought. He looked at Beth sitting there precious and real in the soft light. Josef cleared his throat startling Mick from his revere. Looking at Josef watching him he could hear the question echoing, If it was Beth lying there what would you do…

Mick stood and walked to the kitchen, the action gave him reason to cover his thoughts as he brought the coffee press to Beth, poured her a refill and circled back to the kitchen. His mind was a flurry of plans and backup alternatives. Mick poured Josef a drink, handed the tall glass off and settled into the opposite corner of the couch.

It was Beth who broke the quiet, “You haven’t answered me, how can I help?” she repeated. Before Mick could say no, Josef interjected.

“I need help setting false trails. Sarah has been moved, but the more complicated we make the trail the less likely they will be to find her.” “Your job will be to leave as many false leads as you can.” “I’ll set you up in my office, it’s secure and you can work uninterrupted there.”

Mick looked at Josef intently, “Are you certain that’s a good idea?”

Beth and Josef said simultaneously, “You don’t trust me?”

Mick almost smiled at the response; instead he held up a hand and said, “It’s just that, this will put Beth in an exposed position.” “Lola’s sire knows where your office is.”

Josef nodded in agreement, “True. But, would you rather have my employee’s protecting Beth of the L.A. police department?”

Beth smiled dryly at Josef’s blatant comparison, Touché Josef she thought to herself.

Taking Mick’s lack of response in stride Josef continued, “So where do we look first?” he asked picking up the slender glass and sipping delicately at the contents, appreciating the nourishment.

Mick answered without hesitation, “The warehouse that Coraline had. Cynthia was sending botanical supplies there from France it’s full of stuff. Lance left with Coraline and I don’t believe that anyone has been back in yet. The notes and test records should still be there.” Mick could see a thousand questions playing across Beth’s face but she said nothing. “If we act quickly we should be able to avoid being detection.”

“Ok, we start there.” Josef drained the glass, set it on the table, rose and adjusted his jacket with a quick shrug of his shoulders. “Beth, do you want to meet me at the office in say…” Josef looked at her disheveled appearance before continuing, “say two hours?”

Beth started to answer as Josef spun and headed to the door without waiting for her reply. Mick’s smug smile didn’t help her mood. As the door clicked shut she couldn’t help but add, “I guess that will work for me.”

Mick took her annoyance as a good sign, Beth was healing. He waited while she sipped on her coffee again before asking, “Do you want to go home to clean up?”

“I need to,” Beth sighed running a hand through her hair. “I’m just not sure I’m ready. My suitcase is in my car. Can I shower here?” She stood without waiting for his reply grabbed Josef’s empty glass and her cup, headed to the kitchen, rinsed both and deposited both in the sink and stood there looking at him expectantly.

Mick stood struggling to cover his smile, her own actions a copy of his just minutes before. Recognizing the tactic he asked, “If you give me the keys I’ll get your bag for you.”

Beth blushed slightly at the oversight and looked about for her purse, Mick pointed to the coat closet. Beth’s hand trembled as shed handed him the keys. Concerned Mick looked at her and said, “I don’t have anything here for you to eat.”

“I’m okay,” Beth responded heading for the stairs. “I’ll eat on the way to the office.”

Mick watched entranced as she bounced up the stairs. Yep, he thought to himself with a smile, Beth’s doing better.
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

Post by francis »

I really like the case, searching for the Chemist, the secret vamp behind all the vamp blood cases they had. But what is even better is the tentative relationship of Mick and Beth, both hurt and insecure and finding their way with each other. You do that so well. :flowers:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

Post by jen »

This is kind of backwards, reading the sequel and then going back to the first story, but I think I have read this before/ That being said, I generally leave comments and I don't see any here.

My bad!

This is intriguing.

Thank you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, this is wonderful--I've never read it before! I love the way you have Mick and Beth trying to figure things out between them, and Josef stomping on every private moment. :snicker: It's sweet angsty and mixed up and oh, so Moonlighty... and I find the adventure really exciting as well! Off to read more... :hyper2:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 1-9 PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

You guy make me feel so good!
Banner by Lilly

Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth.

Macbeth, 4. 1
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