A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickBeth

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A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickBeth

Post by jen »

I didn't intend to post anything for the challenge, 'The Road Not Taken' and then I saw Maggatha's message asking if anyone had posted a story about the date at the end of Sleeping Beauty. Well, that is how it started. It quickly launched out into an adventure.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. No copywrite infringement intended and I'm certainly not getting paid for my writing. (Go, Eris!!!) This is just for entertainment, pure and simple. I am quoting a lot of dialogue from Sleeping Beauty at the beginning and will mention things from it throughout the fic. No infringement on the work of the fabulous writers that crafted this beautiful story is intended.

I must thank the wonderful, talented and gracious Darkstarrising for reading this story and making suggestions that were thoughtful and always spot on. Her insightful comments vastly improved the quality of this fic.

So without any further adieu, here is Chapter One of a three chapter arc.

A Bite of the Big Apple

“You should have this.” Beth pressed Sarah Whitley’s diary into Josef’s hands. “She really loved you.“

Josef Kostan looked down at the book containing Sarah Whitley’s secret thoughts and feelings. For years, all he had was his memories. Now, he was holding her diary. Words rarely failed him, but at this moment Josef was speechless.

Mick and Beth were not a part of the memories that filled the Brownstone, so they left. Daylight had faded, street lamps had come on and cars were using their headlights.

“Hey, you alright?” Mick asked.

“I just can’t stop thinking about Sarah,” Beth said softly. “She really loved him.” Clear evidence of a vampire/human relationship going disastrously wrong hit her hard and she was still processing it.

“Yeah,” Mick agreed. “It’s terrible.” Mick was less affected by the events they had just witnessed and Beth wondered if his mind was elsewhere--perhaps in L.A. with his ex-wife.

“Do you think there is a cure?”

“Coraline made herself human--is that a cure? I don’t know. I can’t say.” He stepped to the curb, hailed a passing taxi, and turned to her. “Let‘s go do something!”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,“ he said, “something fun--something quintessentially New York: catch a set at the Village Vanguard, a couple of martinis, a steak for the lady--just you and me, on the town!“

She glanced at her watch hesitating, “I don’t know…our flight leaves in a couple of hours.”

“So we’ll take a later flight,” Mick pressed, smiling.

“I don’t know“ she repeated, “I didn’t…leave things very well with Josh. I do think I need to get home.” When the words left her lips, his flash of enthusiasm as quickly as it appeared.

“Of course,” he said.

“I can drop you,” she offered.

“No, that’s OK--I‘ll walk,” he said, “it’s a good town for it.”

He closed the car door after she got into the taxi, then pressed his splayed fingers against the window. Placing her hand against the inside of the glass, she thought that simple gesture summed up their strange relationship -- trying to connect somehow but always separated by… something.

After a few seconds, his hand fell away and he walked up the street as her taxi began moving away in the opposite direction.

“Where to, Miss?” asked the driver, snapping her out of her reverie.

“Nowhere. Sorry. I’m getting out.” Stepping out of the cab, she looked up the nearly empty street and called, “MICK!” as the taxi pulled away. He turned and walked quickly back to where Beth now stood alone.

“Can a lady change her mind?”

“You? Always.”

“I brought a nice dress just in case, and need to go back to the hotel and change. Okay?”

“You look fine as you are, but whatever you want.”

“Humor me,” she laughed, “when I go on a date I like to primp a little.”

Back in her hotel, she drew that nice dress out of her garment bag, smiling as she remembered her excitement buying it. It was ivory satin with a subtle pattern of grey and bits of black to add depth and interest; a full skirt perfect for dancing, and she felt a flash of guilt recalling it had not been Josh‘s arms she pictured herself dancing in. Banishing those thoughts, she was showered and ready in a half hour, then found herself knocking on Mick’s door.

He answered the door in a hotel robe, water dripping from his hair.

“Sorry. You want me to go back to my room and wait?”

“No need. Come in.” a few minutes later, he looked perpetually cool again.

“Did you call Josh?”

“No. I remembered his work schedule for the rest of the week. A huge case is finally coming together and he has minor briefs due in three others. His feelings were hurt when I left the way I did, and that was my fault but if I return to L.A. right now, I’ll just make matters worse.” At Mick’s quizzical expression, Beth explained further. “Don’t misunderstand me, Josh is a charming, attentive, great guy most of the time, but when he’s under pressure he develops a bad case of tunnel vision. He becomes totally absorbed in his work, which is a good thing, then feels bad about ignoring me. So, I’ve found at times like this it’s best to stay out of his way. Were I to go home tonight, I’d send him an email and wait for him to call me when he was ready.“

“I understand. I just don’t want to cause trouble for you.”

“You aren’t. I needed to sort out on the ‘Ralph Martan/John Whitley/Josef Kostan’ connection for my article, I wanted to come with you and honestly, I also wanted to see New York again. When I have been here before, I am always passing through going somewhere else.”

“You can’t write about vampires,“ Mick frowned.

“I know.“ she said. “I’ll make something up by the time we go back. I’ll even run it by Josef. At least I should be able to talk about Ralph Martan--he wasn’t a vampire and won’t be heard from again.”

“I think that will be okay. You ready?” he asked and she stood up, “you look amazing, by the way.”

“So do you.“ She smiled her thanks. “I hope the first order of business is dinner. My stomach is still on L.A. time and has been complaining that dinnertime was hours ago.”

“First stop, Chateau le Vie,” Mick promised, a bit of his enthusiasm returning. “I used Josef’s name in order to get reservations at the last minute.”

They got into a waiting taxi downstairs. Mick gave the driver the address and settled back. An odd look crossed his face but disappeared almost immediately.

“I have an idea. Josef said he would be here for a couple of days. Why don’t we stay and fly back on his private jet. I can show you New York properly. What do you say?”

“I’d say ’yes’ so fast your head would spin! Are you sure you don‘t mind?”

“I‘m sure. I’ll call Josef and notify the airlines.”

“So tell me about Chateau le Vie?”

“One of the oldest and most exclusive restaurants in New York, it was established in the 1880’s by a member of displaced Austrian royalty.”

“You sound just like a travel guide.” she chuckled. “That’s French…House of Life?”

“Something like that. The owners’ wife was French, and sold him on the idea that French meant style, class and elegance. Sometimes it can, but sometimes…not so much.”

Beth thought of Coraline, in an L.A. hospital.

“So, it’s still under the same name?”

Mick leaned closer and whispered, “Same management, too. They are one of the oldest vampire friendly establishments in New York.”

“I should have known when you said you used Josef’s name to get reservations.”

New York was starting to put out the Holiday decorations and Beth was charmed. Sightseeing seems to bring out the kid in everyone, Mick thought. When they got out of the taxi, Mick paid the driver and took several deep breaths. He looked a bit…green.

Instantly worried, Beth thought of the things she knew of that affected vampires--sunlight, stakes, silver…and wondered if it was an ‘S‘ thing…

“Are you all right?”

He nodded, grinned and looking embarrassed. “I haven’t been in a taxi in years, and now I remember why. You know my sense of smell is…unusually keen. Well, I can tell the perfume of every woman who had been it taxi in the last two weeks, plus the cigars smoked there, add in vomit, pee from a poodle and smell of the floral deodorizer used to mask the other odors and it’s not a good mix. After I get a few deep breaths of fresh air I’ll be fine.”

Ah. Another ‘s’-- smells.

“I’m so sorry! Do you want to go back to the hotel?”

“No, I just need a minute,” then he shrugged. ”I guess I’m still a delicate flower.”

“You want me to go inside and get--”

“No!” he said quickly, “what I mean is, not unescorted. This establishment caters to vampires and their human companions. I’ll explain inside, but I think we should stay together.”

She nodded and they passed through heavy doors inlaid with dark brown stained glass reminiscent of smoky quartz

The décor inside was opulent--between the rich, dark wood, lavish lighting and courtly manners of the host, Beth was reminded of another place and time. It was early for diners in New York so the restaurant was less than half full and they were seated immediately. Mick asked if he could order for Beth as he saw the waiter approaching, He was a bit surprised when she agreed. It was her turn to be surprised when he ordered exactly what she would have chosen.

“How did you know?” she asked.

Mick tapped the side of his nose. “Sometimes it’s annoying--like with the taxi, but it can come in really handy from time to time.” he leaned closer, grinned and whispered, “Besides, I have also been stalking you for years. I know what you like.”

Beth shrugged, nonplussed. Old news. “Comes in handy, I guess. You have the most wonderful voice, by the way. Has anybody ever told you that?”

“Years ago, someone suggested that I do voiceovers for commercials, but Josef thought it would be too high profile.” Mick smiled, almost shyly.

“Back on the topic of sensitivity of smell, you’ve never said anything about my perfume, and although I only wear a touch, it must be overwhelming to you. I’ll go wash it off-”

He started to get up, “I’ll go with you--”

Now that was too much. She rolled her eyes. “You have got to be kidding-”

“No, wait! Beth, please sit back down and I’ll explain.”

She sat, looking irritated.

“When I was with Leni Hayes in the desert and got too much sun, I got sick and you--”

“-fed you my blood. I was there, remember? I have the scars to prove it! So?”

“When a vampire feeds from a human, a scent signature remains. It’s very faint and only another vampire could pick it up.”

“Huh. So vampires mark their territory.”

Mick chuckled. “I just got this visual of a wolf walking by, lifting his leg and-”

“All right, all right, so I’m a marked woman.” She wrinkled her nose, grinning.

“Kind of. Actually, it affords you some protection in establishments like this. It’s been months since you fed me, so the scent signature has all but dissipated. Among vampires, it would be considered very rude to attempt to take another vampire‘s freshie-”

“I. Am. Not. Your. Freshie.” she said slowly and clearly.

“I didn’t mean---” Mick took a deep breath. “All I’m saying is that other vampires we encounter would assume you belong to me and leave you alone but because it has been months, you could encounter a vampire who’d view you as fair game.”

“Ewww. I see your point. Sorry I overreacted. Is this your way of asking for drinks before dinner?“ she lifted an eyebrow.

“No, I think you will be fine as long as we stay together. You just have a tall, perpetually cool bodyguard.” Mick grinned.

“I can live with that.” She reached across the table and patted his arm, smiling.

The waiter approached the table. “Your steak will be ready shortly, Miss. And you, sir--our stock of exotic blood types is somewhat depleted at the moment, but I can offer you some very nice A positive. If I am not mistaken, that is your preferred type.”

Mick nodded and the waiter moved off.

Beth frowned, watching him leave. “I’m a little disturbed by the amount of information a vampire's enhanced sense of smell provides. I’m okay with you knowing practically everything about me, but for every vampire I encounter, it seems…intrusive.”

“I understand how you feel, but we read the same information about every human we encounter.”

Beth looked at the occupied tables nearest to us. The nearest one was currently occupied by a man and woman, totally absorbed in each other. Farther away was a larger table where a dark man sat surrounded by four young women. One of them was staring at Mick, smiling flirtatiously. He nodded politely but didn’t encourage her. Her companion’s face darkened and he snapped his fingers. She immediately looked frightened and turned her attention back to him.

Mick had told Beth about the variety of freshie arrangements, but what she was observing looked a lot like slavery.

He followed her gaze. “We aren’t all like that, you know.”

“I know,” she said, but it bothered her all the same.

He started to say something else, but a stranger approached their table. She observed Mick quickly size him up as she made her own assessment. The fact that he was here indicated that he was probably a vampire. He appeared to be in his sixties, but that meant nothing. It was probably his age when he’d been Turned. His suit was expensive, but not ostentatiously so, a kind face and eyes, and an aura of carefully controlled power about him indicating this was not someone to be trifled with. She watched Mick for cues.

“You are not Josef Kostan,” the stranger frowned. “These reservations were made in his name.”

Mick stood up formally. “I’m Mick St. John, an associate of Josef Kostan. You must be Gerard Nottingham, the head of the New York community. I‘m pleased to meet you, sir. We’re in town with Josef for a few days and he permits me to use his name to make reservations. As you can see, it helped.”

“Ah, yes. His Emissary. I have heard of you.” he shook hands with Mick, “Just between us, even I have trouble getting a reservation here from time to time.” He turned his attention to Beth.

“Mr. Nottingham, may I present Beth Turner. Beth, this is Gerard Nottingham. He does here what Josef does in L.A.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” She reached out to shake his hand but he looked surprised at the gesture and made no move to take her hand. Beth’s smile faded, confused by his reaction.

“Please excuse my friend, Mr. Nottingham. She’s not familiar with our ways.”

His grey eyes softened with understanding. “It is an honor to meet you, my dear. You must forgive us--we vampires have some mannerisms that are a bit…unusual. Think of it as cultural differences. Many customs are the same, but there are sufficient variances to make it advisable to learn them so you can avoid misunderstandings. Most vampires here are civilized, but a few can be quite boorish about miscommunications. A human female reaching for the hand of a male vampire in that fashion is a signal to us that a freshie desires to initiate a relationship of some sort.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not a freshie and I didn‘t mean-”

He chuckled warmly. “I know that, my dear. Unfortunately, to some vampires all humans are either freshies or threats. Please see to it her instruction, young man.” He took Beth’s hand in his and kissed it, “And you may call me Gerard.” His grey eyes sparkled with humor as he passed a card to Mick. “If you require anything while you are here, don’t hesitate to call me, and give my regards to Josef. A good evening to you both.”

“What was that about?” Beth whispered after Gerard moved away.

“This,” Mick held up the card, looking pleased, “is the vampire equivalent of the keys to the city. Before we leave the restaurant, word will be out that we are under his protection.”

“I suppose that’s good,” she said thoughtfully.

“Something’s bothering you. What?” he asked.

“Just thinkin--if we’ve inherited his enemies as well as his friends without knowing the situation. It may not be relevant, but New York has historically been known for some rather intense turf wars.”

Mick’s smile faded. “Good point. Josef didn’t mention anything about local instability but it’s important enough to check before we put ourselves out there. As we’re going to be here for a couple of days, let’s postpone the rest of our evening out until I do.”

Beth nodded.

The waiter brought out her rare steak and salad, the wine steward delivered a bucket of vintage champagne courtesy of their new benefactor and Mick was served a large glass of A positive. Beth commented how good the food was and Mick replied that rare steaks were a specialty--lots of protein and they build the blood. He lifted his eyebrows meaningfully, grinning. She made a face, but she smiled, too.

After dinner, a horse drawn carriage took them back to the hotel. Mick stayed away from the horse, telling the driver the animals made him nervous, but actually it was the other way around. He walked Beth to the door of her room, even though it was just across the hall from his. It was so old fashioned, so charmingly Mick.

“You want to come in for a drink?” she asked.

“A whole magnum of champagne between the two of us? Don’t you think we’ve had enough?”

“I’m pleasantly buzzed but you look cold sober,” she pouted.

“It takes a lot of alcohol to get a vampire drunk. I should call Josef--tell him about our meeting with Gerard Nottingham and verify that there is nothing for us to worry about. I’m sorry we had to cut the evening short and hope you had fun. I’m really glad you changed your mind.” he said softly.

“Me, too. Dinner was lovely. Thank you for an intriguing glimpse into your world. I had a wonderful time, thank you.” Stepping close, she pressed her lips to his in a kiss, then quickly opened her door, disappearing before he could respond: Beth Turner’s trademark ‘kiss and run‘.

Smiling to himself, Mick stood for several seconds gazing at the closed door and sensing Beth‘s just on the other side and felt a bit of Dejà vu: Beth on one side while he was on the other and there a barrier in between--just like the taxi.

Still, he hoped that some of the complications separating them had been left in L.A. and things were looking up.

Tomorrow would definitely be interesting…
Last edited by jen on Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:25 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by darkstarrising »

Yay!! You posted :hug:

I really enjoyed reading this in an earlier form, but what I really enjoyed was that your story gives a glimpse of what could have been if Beth had gotten out of that cab.

Loved this
I’d thought there wasn’t much that bothered vampires. Sun, silver, stakes…wonder if it is an ‘s’ thing…
and the followup
Ah. Another ‘s’-- smells.
I found myself giggling over the vampire marking exchange. Only a guy (Mick) would come up with 'lifting his leg'

Gerald is an interesting east coast counterpart to Josef....so different, yet so similar.

Can't wait to see the other two chapters. :heart:
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by MoonlitRose »

Oh Jen, I'm so glad you are sharing your story of what could have happened had Beth stayed in New York. :clapping:

I remember when I first watched this episode, I was ... :slaphead: Beth, ... what on earth are you thinking! Leaving Mick to go home to Josh??? Are you daft! :slaphead: :noway:

Looking forward to your next chapter! :twothumbs:
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


Thank you so much for reading again and commenting. I am so glad you enjoyed it and very relieved that the humor worked. That part is always tricky.

When I wrote the character of the leader of the New York Tribe, who I saw in my mind was the actor who played Josef Kostan in the original unaired pilot for Moonlight when Mick lived in New York and was a jazz trumpet player in the late 40's when he was turned.

Many, many thanks for your kind comments and your wise counsel!

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


Thank you so much!

I always thought that Beth's reaction to Mick's suggestion about the night on the town was more fear than anything else--fear of what she had seen in New York, fear of her own growing feelings for Mick, and fear of losing the security of Josh and so she was throwing up roadblocks. She wanted to stay, we could see that in her smile when Mick described their 'night on the town' but my story follows along the line of, 'what if she changed her mind and got out of that taxi?'

There are lots of other what if's that would be fun to explore. I hope they do this challenge again!


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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by maggatha3 »

Jenna, I do love all the ''what if '' stories in Moonlight world, they give us another universe of how things could have been in a story we have loved so much and I really welcomed this one for so many reasons!!
jen wrote:“Nowhere. I’m sorry. I’m getting out.” Climbing out of the taxi, I called, “MICK!”
Now, Jenna, that made my heart beat!! I mean, Beth, finally!!

jen wrote: Before learning about Sarah Whitley, however, I maintained a resolute distrust for his friend, Josef. All boyish charm and clever quips, I sensed a darkness below the surface that made me think he would be equally comfortable in the company of the evil vampires of very old movies. Nevertheless, the love and grief he still felt for Sarah seemed genuine
That expression portrays my feelings for Josef exactly, this is how I felt towards him throughout and after the end of the series. It took some fanfic reading and the spell of the Josefites to make me see him with new eyes... :winky:

jen wrote:He answered the door in a hotel robe, water dripping from his hair
Now, isn't that a view worth Beth's stay in New York?

jen wrote:“Josh is a charming, attentive and really great guy, but when he is under pressure he develops a bad case of tunnel vision. He becomes totally absorbed in his work, which is a good thing, but then feels bad about ignoring me. At times like this, it’s best to just stay out of his way. Were I to go home tonight, I’d send him an email and wait for him to call me when he was ready. He won‘t notice if I am there or not until after the deadlines are past.“
Beth seems to be over her relationship with Josh here, her description of him isn't that of a woman in love, besides it feels to me as if she is just making an excuse for being there. She does feel guilty of not having set things straight with Josh.

jen wrote:“Something like that. His wife was French, and she sold him on the idea that French meant style, class and elegance. Sometimes it can, but sometimes…not so much.”

I thought of Coraline, still recovering in an L.A. hospital.
Now,that is something that always amazed me in the series, Beth wanting to go back and set things straight with Josh and Mick not really wanting to go back and see to Coraline in the hospital- and the cure!!

jen wrote:Well, I can tell the perfume of every woman who had been it taxi in the last two weeks plus the cigars smoked there, add in vomit, pee from a poodle and the deodorizer used to mask the odors and it is not a nice combination.
Oh, Jenna, now you have established, being a vampire really sucks sometimes, I had never thought how overwhelming real-life things could be to a vamp..as well as a woman's perfume!!

jen wrote:I just got this visual of a wolf walking by, lifting his leg and-”
jen wrote:“So are you saying that I have a tall, dark, perpetually cool bodyguard?”
How different can things be seen from a man and a woman's point of view...

jen wrote:“I just wondered if we’ve inherited his enemies without knowing the situation. It may not be relevant, but New York has historically been known for some rather intense turf wars.”
Jenna, if I know you any well, this one smells trouble ahead... :chin:

I loved the interaction between Beth, Mick and the leader vampire (so like Josef in his ways, and he reminded me of the Josef character in the pilot as well). Beth is new in the vamp world, has difficulties of accepting even the existence of freshies and hates being treated or even thought of as one. Mick is always protective, knows where she stands and doesn't want to offend her. And G. Nottingham seems to appreciate her beauty and her attitude as well.
jen wrote: See to it her instruction, young man
Good point!!

Well, last but not least (to me), I am actually :hyper2: :hyper2: for
jen wrote:I didn't intend to post anything for the challenge, 'The Road Not Taken' and then I saw Maggatha's message asking if anyone had posted a story about the date at the end of Sleeping Beauty. Well, that is how it started. It quickly launched out into an adventure.
I am soooo happy to be the sparkle for such a beautiful story :yahoo:
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


Thank you so much!!!!

Wow! Where to begin...

Beth wanted to stay in New York. When Mick revealed to her a flash of exuberance and suggested that they go do something fun, you could see it in her slow smile. She was caught up in Mick's enthusiasm but she was still processing all she had seen and it scared her. To me, she was looking for a reason to stay, and sitting in that taxi slowly moving down the street away from Mick she quickly found one.

I am so very glad that the bits of humor worked! That really worried me. I'm always afraid it will fall flat. Thank you!

More to come!!

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by allegrita »

What a lovely what-if, Jenna. :hearts: I love the conversations between the two almost-lovers, and the wonderful adventure that is obviously beckoning them... I'm definitely along for the ride! :hyper2:
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


Thank you so much for reading and leaving the kind comment.

We saw a glimpse at the end of Sleeping Beauty of Mick's exuberance when he pondered their 'night on the town' and saw in her hesitant smile that she was drawn by the suggestion, but it is intriging to think about what would have happened had she decided to get out of that taxi and stay.

The challenge suggested is fabulous. There are a lot of other roads not taken that offer very interesting possibilities.

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by fairytoes »

What a lovely story. :hearts: I'm looking forward to more. Thank you jen. :flowers:
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »

Thank you, Fairytoes!!

I'm delighted you enjoyed it!

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Very good! I was disappointed it ended so soon, so I'm already looking forward to the next part. :reading:

I liked the NYC counterpart to Josef. Makes perfect sense, as does someone realizing the guy at Josef Kostan's table was obviously not Josef Kostan! Can't wait to see more of Mick's "instructions". :thumbs:

Beth impressed him enough to give them his protection and "keys" to the city. She tends to have that affect on people! :laugh:

So glad to see this "what if"! Thank you!
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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


Thank you so much for reading!

Unfortunately, Mick and Beth won't have much time for lessons in the next couple of chapters. Still, I am still working on edits and may slip something in. Thanks for the suggestion. :biggrin:

This has been an amazing story for me to write. I have learned so much! I have just finished editing what was posted, and while I doubt anyone who has already read it will read it again so soon, if they did they would find a few changes. I just hope the changes are improvements.

Once again, I appreciate you reading and commenting!!

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by choccyterri »

:hug: Like so many Jen, I've watched and re watched the taxi scene and joined the chorus of 'What are you doing!?' :hyper2: It's great to read a what if lovely, I look forward to reading the next chapters. :heart: And thank you so much for the insight into vampire society. Inheriting a vampire's foes, as well as connections, is something that I hadn't really considerd before. :chin: Something to think about. :flowers:

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Re: A Bite of the Big Apple - Chapter 1 rating: PG; MickB

Post by jen »


What a lovely comment, thank you so very much for reading and leaving it! I'm delighted that you enjoyed this little fic!

There were so many wonderful hints left unexplored by Moonlight's untimely cancellation that are still there, just begging to be unwrapped and taken for a test drive!

Thanks for coming along for the ride!!!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
Beautiful banner by the Fabulous Phoenix
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