Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

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Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG
Characters: Josef, Mick, Beth and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a sequel to Fresh from the Farm and Follow That Freshie. I recommend reading at least "Fresh from the Farm" (a one-shot) before "Jealousy." It will make a lot more sense that way!

Thank you dear Lorig for the support and boost of confidence. And of course for being my idea bouncer.

Special thanks to darkstarrising for the plot bunny. In a comment to "Fresh from the Farm" she asked if the other girls were jealous. Hmm...


Chapter 5

Kylie slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up, but she couldn’t even lift her head up off the pillow. Her pounding headache made it difficult to think, but she tried her best to remember what had happened and how she got here. I left the shelter, someone called my name, and I was so surprised to see…to see…Savannah! That’s who it was. She waved at me and then…I woke up here. She managed to scoot herself up to more of a sitting position and looked around. But where is here? Is Savannah alright? And what happened to my head? She heard a door being unlocked and turned towards it, her heart racing.

“So, sleeping beauty has finally awoken,” Savannah said sarcastically. “It’s about time. Here, I brought you something to eat.” She set some soup and crackers on a tray table next to the bed and retreated to a chair across the room.

“Savannah! You’re okay! Where are we and why are we locked in here?” Kylie reached for the soup.

“You’re still confused,” Savannah said matter-of-factly. “We are not locked in here. Only you are locked in here. And ‘here’ happens to be my basement.” She glared at Kylie.

Kylie’s spoon froze midway to her mouth. She set it back down and stared back at Savannah, the cobwebs finally starting to clear. “It was you. You hit me.” She was totally bewildered. “But why? I thought we were friends.”

“Friends? Hah!” Savannah spit out bitterly. “Friends help each other. Friends put in a good word for each other.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Kylie struggled to sit up straighter in bed. I must have really hit my head hard – she’s not making any sense!

“Who introduced you to Marta? Who got you a job as a freshie? Who showed you all the ropes?” Savannah stood up and started pacing agitatedly around the room. “Then who went off and got a position as a private after only a month - a month! – on the club circuit? And not just any private. Nooo, you got the brass ring, girl. You landed yourself as a private for Josef Kostan! The most influential vampire in LA! And what about me, huh? Did you ever think about me? Not a call, not a text, nothing to tell me you were okay. And what about getting me a job as a private? If it hadn’t been for me you’d still be waiting tables at that lousy diner!”

Kylie was totally taken aback at Savannah’s sudden tirade. “Savannah! I had no idea you felt that way! Josef has rules… I couldn’t contact you!”

“Well that’s a convenient excuse, isn’t it?” She had stopped pacing and stood glaring at Kylie. “And did you know your darling Josef got me fired?” Kylie’s mouth fell open. “That’s right, fired. I am out of a job and no longer allowed to show my face at The Moonlight Club. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn I’ve been blacklisted at all the vamp clubs! THAT’S how wonderful your employer is!”

“What do you mean he had you fired? What did you do? Josef wouldn’t do that without a good reason.”

“Oh sure, take his side! This is all your fault, you know. I just haven’t figured out what do with you yet.”

Do with me? Panic started to grip Kylie’s heart. She has gone off the deep end! As Savannah walked out, locking the door behind her, Kylie closed her eyes and sent up a small prayer. Josef, are you looking for me? Please hurry.


Josef was walking towards his office with Mick and Beth behind him when he noticed Ryder England waiting for him. The lanky computer guru seemed nervous.

“What’s the matter, Ryder?” Josef inquired.

“Um, well you know how I have computers set up to send an alert whenever your name goes out on the Internet?”

“Yeah, and?”

“I got a hit from the LAPD traffic cam system. You’re going to be getting a ticket for running a red light.”

“What?!” Josef looked from Ryder to Mick and back. “That’s impossible. I haven’t run any red lights. Well, not lately, anyway. When was this supposed to have happened?”

“Last night.”

“I was home last night.”

“It just has to be a car registered to you, Josef,” Mick chimed in.

“The registration does match one of cars in the fleet,” Ryder agreed.

“Hey, maybe it’s the car Kylie was driving!” Beth said excitedly.

Mick turned to Ryder. “Can you get us the picture from the red light camera?”

“Sure thing,” Ryder said, glad to have something to do. They followed him into Josef’s office and watched as his fingers flew over the keyboard.

“Oh, it’s not you,” Ryder observed, somewhat embarrassed. Josef, Mick and Beth all crowded around the computer and stared at the woman pictured on the screen.

“Is that one of your freshies?” Beth asked Josef.

He shook his head. “No it’s not. But I do recognize her.” Josef sighed and walked to the window, staring out in the distance. “She accosted me at The Moonlight Club a month ago. Said she was a friend of Kylie’s.”

“The Moonlight Club? Isn’t that where you first found Kylie?” Mick asked.

Josef nodded. “Yes it was. I hired her away from there. And that…” Josef waved his hand towards the computer monitor. “That freshie not only approached me, she asked about Kylie and then grabbed my arm and offered to feed me. I had her fired on the spot.”

Beth shot Mick a bewildered look. Mick leaned over to explain. “There are certain rules of behavior for club freshies, and…”

“And she broke several of them in the space of two minutes!” Josef shouted, spinning around to face them. “That kind of conduct is simply not tolerated, especially in a club like The Moonlight.”

Beth looked between Mick and Josef. “Well Josef, there it is then!” They both looked at her.

“What do you mean?”

“That girl…um, does she have a name?”

“I think it’s Samantha, or Savannah, something like that.”

“Okay, that girl, Savannah, must have known Kylie from before and was jealous that you hired Kylie and not her!”

“Jealous enough to kidnap her?” Mick looked doubtful.

“It’s possible, isn’t it? I mean, aren’t freshies kind of a catty bunch? Always hoping they’ll be picked?” Mick and Josef exchanged glances.

“It’s past dawn – no one will be at the club now. I’ll go talk to Marta tonight and try and track this Savannah down,” Mick said. “And no,” he added turning to Beth who had opened her mouth to speak. “I’m sorry but you can’t go this time. I’m not taking you into a vampire club. I’d have to kill everyone who looked at you.”

To be continued
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by librarian_7 »

Well, Ryder to the rescue! Or at least a start on the rescue...Mick and Josef will do the rest, I'm sure.

Waiting eagerly for more, MLC!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by eris »

I see this ending in a call to good buddy Lt. Carl with a request to help her track down a woman named Savannah.


Oy. Stupid vampires. Beth doesn't do the whole "stay" thing well.

And Savannah should probably move to a savanna, as it's the only place short of the Mojave that the vamps wouldn't come looking.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for reading and commenting Lucky and Eris! :flowers: Yes, Ryder has given Mick something to work with now. Let's see what he can find out. And I don't think he'll need Carl's help... this is Mick St. John, PI Extraordinaire we're talking about! :twothumbs:

Savannah should move to the savanna... good one, Eris!

More on Wednesday night!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by eris »

LoL, I meant Beth and her usual refusal to stay behind. She'd call Carl. :snicker:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by allegrita »

Hmm... will Beth obey Mick and stay away, or is he gonna have to deal with the beautiful blonde NON-freshie at the Moonlight Club?! :laugh:

I'm glad Ryder helped them figure out who was behind this whole mess. Now they have to rescue poor Kylie before it's too late.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by darkstarrising »

Well....I tend to agree with Kylie....Savannah has definitely gone off the deep end :confused2:

What does she think she's going to do to poor Kylie, kill her, then get away with it???

This poor ex-freshie doesn't know her vampires very well, especially Josef. :no:

Loved the line about Mick having to kill everyone in the vamp club who looked at Beth...she might just raise an eyebrow or two in one of those clubs!!

Off to the next chapter!!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by francis »

This is going down for Savannah, and fast. If she hadn't run the light she would be safe a bit longer. See, criminals always do stupid things.
Mick's excuse why he doesn't take Beth is rather cute, but won't help I guess.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by Marigold »

I'm glad that Kylie is still alive... for now, at least. :phew:

I knew that red-light camera ticket would come back to haunt Savannah. She's in for it now! :twisted:

Thank you, MLC! :hearts:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for reading and commenting, Marigold! :flowers: I'm glad you're sticking with the story.

Yes, you were right about the red-light camera! Mick has a face and a first name to work with now.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 5

Post by jen »

Well, it's about time!!! Come on, guys, you need to find Kylie and get the poor girl an aspirin and skull x-ray!

Hopefully, Kylie will be back home when the mail brings that ticket with the picture of Savannah driving the car.

Thank you!


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