Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth Jose

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Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth Jose

Post by jen »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rating PG

Pairing: MickBeth, also mentioning Josef/Sara

He is starting to get it.

Once he gets past his first century mark, and the memories of his human life starts to fade he will be well on the way to discovering his potential and his place. Of course, I’d never tell him this, but I think he has the right idea about a lot of things. We won’t be able to hide forever and may as well start learning to make nice.

He is far more powerful than he knows, and I have deliberately kept that knowledge from him.

I know--he is not going to be happy when we finally have that conversation, but basically Mick is reasonable and I think I have proven myself a friend over the years.

Now Beth surprises me. It’s true that I don’t have a very high opinion of humans outside of their obvious uses, but she has shielded the Community from accidental discovery on numerous occasions, sacrificed for Mick and even pulled my fat out of the fire on occasion. I think she’d make a great vampire, but ultimately that isn’t my call--unless Mick totally screws up and she comes to me. Then, I’ll do it in a heartbeat (no pun intended).

She and Mick have what Sara and I had, and I really hope things work out for them.

Or Kostan Industries could always use a talented person in Media Relations.

Just sayin'
Last edited by jen on Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

jen, I love this. this is totally josef, and you've left us a mystery at the heart of this.
jen wrote:He is far more powerful than he knows, and I have deliberately kept that knowledge from him.
What on earth is going on??! You can't leave that statement hanging!
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »


I don't think I left anything out there that the show didn't leave hanging, and we know that there were a LOT of loose ends in those 16 episodes that we are still finding.

How did Mick manage to defeat vampires who were far older and stronger than he was? His P.I. skills notwithstanding, and using their overconfidence against the vampires, I don't think that he maintained special talents in his eyelashes, although that is a possibiliy. :snicker: I am thinking of Lola and Lance, though he didn't totally get the upper hand with Lance it was amazing that he staked a vampire while human.

That is not even mentioning his own Sire, Coraline.

He is, after all, a Duvalle and weren't they a very old, powerful line of vampires?

Anyway, thank you very much for reading and commenting! You are very kind! I hope you enjoyed it.


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jenstc2003 »

I love it Jen! I have always believed that J knew something about Mick that he wasn't telling. I can't wait to see what your thoughts on it are!


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment!

There were some things that Mick did in the show that didn't track with some of the rules presented. Josef once said that with age comes power, yet Mick succeeded in beating Lola in a fair fight when she was essentially wiping up the floor with him. Then, there was his time fighting Lance and his 'indenured servant' when he staked a vamp while on the cure. Then, there was Mick defeating his own Sire.

Maybe it was his lovely voice or charming smile.

Then, in one of the fics you wrote, "Fool Me Once" you allude to how special Mick is.

There were so many wonderful loose ends left for us to explore.

Thank you


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by allegrita »

Yes, yes, yes. I'm loving this whole series. As Mick would say, keep it up.

I agree that there is something fundamentally powerful and special about Mick, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find that Josef knew a heck of a lot about what makes him tick.

But my very favorite line was the one about hiring Beth at KI. Talk about a match made in heaven!
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by RangerCM »

Yep, I'm sure there would have been some interesting things revealed about Mick in future episodes....and Josef would be at the heart of it.
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by Lucy »

He is starting to get it.
that started the tale with a punch.....when Josef speaks he speaks the truth! :clapping:
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »


Thank you so much for reading and leaving that nice note.

Absolutely, I think that what we saw of Josef was just the tip of the iceberg. We got glimpses of his other sides in Sleeping Beauty but there it stands to reason that he kept a LOT of secrets!

And somehow the notion that if Beth would ever be turned, she would work in Media Relations at Kostan Industries just seemed right to me.

Thanks again!


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »


Thanks for reading and leaving such a nice note!

I totally agree! We would have seen a lot of things revealed and I just wonder how Mick would take it that Josef hid things from him.



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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »


Thank you for reading and leaving such an insightful comment! Hope you enjoyed it.


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

jen wrote:Luxe

I don't think I left anything out there that the show didn't leave hanging, and we know that there were a LOT of loose ends in those 16 episodes that we are still finding.

How did Mick manage to defeat vampires who were far older and stronger than he was? His P.I. skills notwithstanding, and using their overconfidence against the vampires, I don't think that he maintained special talents in his eyelashes, although that is a possibiliy. :snicker: I am thinking of Lola and Lance, though he didn't totally get the upper hand with Lance it was amazing that he staked a vampire while human.

That is not even mentioning his own Sire, Coraline.

He is, after all, a Duvalle and weren't they a very old, powerful line of vampires?

Anyway, thank you very much for reading and commenting! You are very kind! I hope you enjoyed it.


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You're right. I hadn't really thought about that. Hmmm.... interesting for some fic exploration perhaps...
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »

For lot of fic exploration, definitely.

As much as I adore those sixteen episodes they shot and have provided for us on DVD, the fanfic I have read here, by writers who are much more talented than I am (I'm not kidding myself on that point) have added depth and dimension to what was given to us.

From the sideways looks that indicated there was much more there; the vans that cameras lingered on in a shot that were never explained; and the list goes on and on.

All great stuff!

Thanks, Luxe!


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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by maggatha3 »

Just sayin', Josef..I like your Josef, your Josef is always at his very best, realistic but still a pal. And, he would definitely turn her anytime. He can see their relationship more clearly than they can, he can see right through them both. Always a comfort to have a Josef Konstan on your side.. :thumbs:
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Re: Josef (Short) - Rated PG Pairings Mentioned Mick/Beth

Post by jen »

Maggatha :wave:

Totally agree. It is far better to have Josef Kostan as an ally than an enemy!

If it is possible to sum up Josef in five words, I think they would be 'he's seen it all before' --oh, maybe not the technology but the wide variety of human interactions he has seen any number of times and he values both Mick and Beth. They are special--individually and as a couple!

Thanks for reading and commenting!


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