BJ's Christmas Past (G)

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BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rated: G
A/N: The Muse came to visit dressed as the Ghost of Christmas Past. Let's look at snippets of some of BJ's past Christmases.

Thanks Lorig, for the vote of confidence! :hug:

BJ’s Christmas Past

Beth tiptoed down the stairs after putting BJ to bed and couldn’t believe what she saw. All of the floor space under and around their Christmas tree was covered with presents, and Mick had his arms full with more.

“Mick!” she said softly, knowing he could hear her. “Mick, she’s only a baby! She couldn’t possibly need all these things!”

He stopped and turned to look at her, a sheepish grin on his face peeking out above the packages in his arms. He set the presents down and began to arrange them just so.

“I know she’s only a baby,” he sighed. “But I never, ever thought I would have a child of my own to buy Christmas presents for and I just couldn’t help myself.” He reached for a scroll tied with a ribbon tucked into the branches of the tree. “This one is for you. You should open it now,” he added as he handed it to Beth.

Beth slipped the ribbon off the end of the paper and unrolled it. She gasped.

“Oh, Mick! BJ’s final adoption papers! She’s really ours!”

He took her in his arms and hugged her tight. “Yes, she’s really ours. Merry Christmas!”


“Sweetheart, you’re going to have your picture taken with Santa Claus! Won’t that be fun?”


“Yes, that’s right. Santa. Okay, it’s your turn. Mommy’s going to put you on his lap and then the elf will take a picture.”

Beth set BJ on Santa’s lap. BJ let loose with an ear piercing shriek.

Later Mick looked at the picture from the store. “That’s her first visit with Santa Claus? She’s not happy, she’s crying! That’s the best you could do?”

Beth glared at him. If I only had a stake within reach…


“Is she asleep?” Mick whispered.

“Yes, finally. She was talking a mile a minute and kept running to the window to see if she could see Rudolph’s red nose up in the sky.”

Mick chuckled as he handed Beth a glass of wine and sat down on the couch, pulling her down next to him. “To our first Christmas in our new house,” he toasted as he clinked Beth’s glass and they admired the decorated tree.

“It’s the perfect house for us, Mick. I really love it. And look,” she pointed to the fireplace. “A real mantle to hang stockings on. BJ was so excited when we hung her stocking up! A real Christmas Eve tradition.”

Mick took Beth’s glass and set it on the coffee table next to his. “I think we need to create some Christmas Eve traditions of our own,” he growled softly as he pushed Beth down on the couch.


Beth was busy trying to wrap gifts. Everyone’s except BJ’s, of course. Those she would have to do tonight when she was asleep. But right now BJ was running around the house with bows stuck to her forehead and a towel tied around her shoulders, waving an empty wrapping paper tube in an imaginary sword fight.

“Take that! And that! And THAT!”

“BJ, watch that you don’t break anything with that thing!” If she were still human, Beth would surely have a headache by now.

“I won’t Mommy. It’s only cardboard.”

“Well it can still knock things over. Don’t you want to play with something else?”

“No, I like this!”

The doorbell rang. “Honey, go see who’s at the door, please.”

BJ crept up to the front door, her “sword” at the ready. She stood behind it as it slowly opened. Suddenly, she jumped out and whapped the knees of a man carrying several packages.

“Take THAT!” she shouted gleefully.

Packages went flying and a growl erupted. BJ screamed and started to run. She got only a short distance before she was swept up off her feet and hoisted over the man’s shoulder. She hollered as she kicked her feet and swatted his behind with her wrapping tube.

“Put me down, Uncle Josef! Put me DOWN!”

Beth sighed. “Josef, my ears! Must you get her so excited? She won’t be able to get to sleep tonight as it is!”

“What about my ears?” Josef lifted BJ off of his shoulders and held her straight out in front of him, feet dangling off the ground. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you have to be a good girl if you want Santa Claus to come tonight?”

BJ suddenly stopped wiggling and her face grew solemn. Josef saw her lower lip start to quiver and knowing from experience what was about to happen, he immediately set her on the ground, facing Beth. BJ ran to her mother and hugged her knees tightly, sobbing.

“Mommy! Uncle Josef said I wasn’t a good girl and now Santa won’t come and bring me presents!” she wailed.

Beth’s eyes flashed, shooting daggers at Josef, who just stood there with his hands in his pockets, grinning. “Thanks a heap, Josef,” she said, her words dripping with sarcasm. “Do you know how long it’s going to take to calm her down after this?”

“Just fulfilling my duties as the eccentric uncle, that’s all,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.


“Hey Pumpkin, Mommy is out shopping. How about if you and I help her out by making some of the Christmas cookies?”

BJ clapped her hands. “Oh yes Daddy, can we?”

Two hours later Mick and BJ, fingers tinted from icing and flour in their hair, were waiting by the door when Beth walked in, arms full of shopping bags.

“Look Mommy!” BJ said proudly, holding out a plate of decorated sugar cookies. “Look what Daddy and I made!”

Beth wearily set down her packages and knelt down to look at the cookies BJ was showing her. Some were burnt around edges. The points on some of the stars were folded over on top of themselves. A foot was missing from a gingerbread man. The icing was uneven. Beth thought they were the prettiest cookies ever.

“Why, they’re beautiful cookies, BJ! You and Daddy did a terrific job!” BJ grinned from ear to ear as Beth kissed her flour-smudged cheek.

Standing up again she looked at Mick as she started to walk towards the kitchen. “Thank you, Mick! I’m so worn out from fighting the crowds at the mall I didn’t know how I was still going to bake cookies, too. It’s such a treat to know you did all this to help me so I could relax when I got home and…” She stopped in her tracks when she entered the kitchen. The electric mixer’s beaters were dripping dough onto the base. A raw egg lay broken on the counter top. Flour was on the floor. Colored icing was smeared everywhere. Colored sugar was on the stove top, the counter and underfoot, crunching under Beth’s shoes as she walked across the floor.

She turned to look at Mick in disbelief, unable to find her voice.

“Um, baking cookies was a lot harder than I thought it would be,” he said sheepishly, glancing around at the mess in the kitchen. He walked over to Beth and enveloped her in a big hug. “But I’ll help you clean it up, I promise,” he said as he bent to kiss her. Just then they felt BJ push between their legs to be part of the hug.

“I’ll help too, Mommy. Daddy says I’m a good helper!”


“Beth, come here,” Mick said softly. “Quietly.” Beth tiptoed to his side. BJ’s bedroom door was ajar, and they stood together out in the hallway peeking in. BJ was sitting up in bed, dressed in her pajamas, surrounded by all of her dolls and stuffed animals. She was reading them “Twas the Night Before Christmas” out loud.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night,” BJ finished up. “Now we have to go to sleep right away so that Santa will come to our house.” She laid the book on her nightstand, switched off the light, and snuggled down under the covers, her favorite teddy bear in her arms.

Beth leaned into Mick’s chest, her eyes glistening with tears. Mick kissed the top of her head, and they walked quietly down the stairs.


“Dad,” BJ called. “I need some help with Mom’s Christmas present.” Mick looked over his daughter’s shoulder. “I bought her this little music box,” she said, lifting the lid so the melody played. “It has this little space here to put something inside, but I don’t have anything to put in it. Do you think it’s okay to give it to her just like this?”

Mick sat down next to her. “Of course it’s okay. She’ll love it as a music box.” BJ looked unconvinced. “Hey, I have a pair of earrings to give her for her present. We could put those in there, and then it could be from both of us. Would you like that?”

Her smile lit up the room and she threw her arms around Mick’s neck. “Oh, that would be perfect! Thanks, Dad!”

Mick closed his eyes and held his daughter close, reminded once again why they made her middle name “Joy.”


“Mom?” BJ was helping Beth wrap gifts. “This is my first Christmas with a boyfriend. What should I get Tyler for a present? We’ve only just started dating, so I don’t want it to be too, you know, personal or anything.”

“Hmm,” Beth said thoughtfully, taping a package.

“What was the first present you gave Dad?”

Beth paused and got a faraway look in her eye. She smiled and said, “The first Christmas present I bought your father was an ornament. I didn’t know he didn’t even have a tree!”

BJ giggled. “He didn’t? What did he do with it?”

“He went right out and bought a small artificial tree that fit on top of a table. And he hung my one ornament on it.”

“How romantic,” BJ teased, fluttering her eyelids and laughing. “Do you still have it?”

“Of course. We hang it on the tree every year.”

BJ looked up from her wrapping. “We do? You never told me that. Which one is it?”

Beth smiled. “Can’t you figure it out?”

BJ thought for a few minutes. “Oh no, don’t tell me. That Sherlock Holmes ornament, right?” She rolled her eyes. “How corny can you get?”

“Your father didn’t think it was corny.”

“So then where did the Dr. Watson one come from?”

“Your father gave that to me the following year. He said we made a ‘pretty good team’.” Beth laughed as BJ rolled her eyes and groaned.

Mick walked into the room just then. He came up behind Beth putting his arms around her waist and kissing the side of her neck. “And we’ve made a pretty good team ever since.”

BJ watched her parents and could see how much in love they were. She felt blessed to have grown up in such a happy and loving household.

“I hope someday I find someone to love who loves me as much as you two love each other,” she sighed.

Mick took one arm from around Beth and put it around BJ, pulling her close to them both, giving each of his girls a kiss on the forehead.

“We hope that for you too, Bethany,” Beth said softly.

“Just not too soon,” Mick added with a grin.

The End

Merry Christmas everybody! :tree:
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by francis »

Awwwwwwwww!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
This is so awesome.
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by Kylara »

Oh, this is so lovely ! Just the kind of story I needed right now... :heart:
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by jmc »

:heart: :heart: :heart: What a perfect Christmas story! Thank you.


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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you all for the lovely comments! :flowers: You know, sometimes I think the "M" in "MLC" stands for "mush". :giggle:
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by allegrita »

Awwwwww... I love your mushy Mick-Beth stories. :teeth: And this one is especially smooshy and filled with love. :heart: Thank you, MLC!!
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by r1015bill »

I really like BJ. She does seem so much like the child Mick and Beth would have if they could have their own.
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by MoonlitRose »

:tree: Awwwwww! :heart: Mush is wonderful, MLC! :hug: Beautiful story! :gift: :thumbs:
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by jen »


That is adorable!

Mick and Beth would make wonderful parents!

Bethany Joy is one lucky girl!

Thank you!


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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Awww! I really liked travelling down through the years with your contented little family. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by Moonlightsonata »

Thank you for the special Christmas story and with this post, I now achieved the new level.
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by maggatha3 »

:tree: Beautiful, beautiful Christmas family flashbacks, not like those dark and sad ones we were used to in Moonlight,but full of light, love and romance. :hearts:
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by allegrita »

I love visiting the St. Johns at Christmas, MLC-style. Such a happy home, filled to bursting with love. :hearts: :ghug: :tree:
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by jen »

This is just so very warm and Christmas-y.

Various lovely little vignettes from fabulous Christmases when BJ is growing up show us a loving, happy family with even Uncle Josef getting into the act.

Who says vampires don't get happily ever afters?

Thank you!
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Re: BJ's Christmas Past (G)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Why thank you ladies for helping me to unpack the Christmas decorations and put them out in my office! :xmaslights:

Ah yes... Christmas stories about the St. John's. Like warm gingerbread with gooey lemon sauce. :giggle:

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