Santa and St. Josef - PG

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Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by PNWgal »

My Christmas 2008 fic.

Usual disclaimers apply.


“But I heard him say, ‘ere he drove out of sight…Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

Josef’s voice echoed in the study as he closed the children’s book softly. Three-year old Alex curled into his left side. His hazel eyes, carbon copies of his father’s, were wide with delight as he wiggled against Josef’s arm.

“Read it ‘gain, Uncle Josef!” he crowed. Cradled in Josef’s right elbow, four-month old Lily started at her brother’s loud exclamation and stiffened. Josef knew from experience an irritated wail at being awakened was on deck, and he jiggled the tiny body slightly to head it off.

“Keep it down, little man…you’re going to wake your sister,” Josef admonished as he rocked the little girl gently. “Shhhh now, sweetheart…go back to dreamland. Take pity on your poor uncle’s superior ears.” Lily stretched and yawned, then plugged her thumb in her mouth.

“Read it ‘gain, Uncle Josef,” Alex repeated in a loud whisper.

“He’s read it three times already, honey,” a soft voice said from the doorway.

Josef cleared his throat self-consciously. He began to rise to his feet before remembering the two children in his lap. “How long have you been standing there?”

Beth grinned. “Since the middle of the first time through. It’s not like you to let a human sneak up on you, Josef.”

Alex’s eyes lit up at the sight of his mother. “Mama!”

A loving smile replaced the sardonic grin. “Hello, my baby. It’s time for us to get you home and into bed.”

“But I wanna stay with Uncle Josef, Mama! Please? Please, Daddy,” Alex turned his attention to the dark-haired man that appeared in the doorway next to Beth, his big hand resting on her shoulder.

“I think you’ve worn Uncle Josef out, Alex. Besides, if you don’t get to sleep, Santa won’t come.” Alex lifted his arms towards his father as Mick walked over and lifted his son out of Josef’s lap.

“Santa!” The little boy grinned down at Josef from Mick’s grasp. “Santa’s comin’ tonight, Uncle Josef!”

Josef refrained from rolling his eyes as he stood and handed the baby over to Beth. “So he is, Alex. Provided you’ve been a good boy this year.” He waggled his eyebrows at the little boy. “I’m not sure you’ve been good enough for Santa to pay you a visit.”

“Have too, Uncle Josef!” Tears threatened. “I’ve been REAL good. I share my toys with Lily and I eat all my dinner and I say my prayers and I don’t ever say “no” to Mama when she tells me to do stuff and—“

“Really Josef—must you tease him?” Beth’s voice was exasperated as she slipped Lily into her car seat and covered her with a blanket. “I realize emotionally you’re still Alex’s age, but—“

“Watch it, Buzzwire,” Josef warned and Beth smiled. She hadn’t been a reporter for years, but Josef’s nickname had stuck. Josef wandered over and stroked a fingertip down Lily’s cheek.

“You’re such a tough guy,” Beth scoffed, straightening and kissing his cheek.

“And let’s not forget that, Mrs. St. John. I do have a reputation to maintain.”

Beth continued to smile. Josef’s reputation as a ruthless vampire was ruined forever for her the minute he’d held Alex in his arms, hours after Alex was born. Beth could have sworn the old man had tears in his eyes when Mick had quietly informed him the baby’s middle name would be Josef and would Josef consider being the boy’s godfather?

Tough guy, indeed.

“Is Santa gonna come and see you, Uncle Josef?” Alex asked, squirming in Mick’s arms. Mick set the boy on his feet and he ran over to his mother, who helped him slip into his coat.

“Santa hasn’t paid me a visit in many years, my boy,” Josef replied, sadness just skimming the surface of his voice.

“How come? Have you been naughty?”

Mick hid his grin behind the back of his hand and coughed to disguise the bark of laughter that erupted. “Your Uncle Josef redefines the meaning of the word ‘naughty’, Alex.”

As a confused Alex opened his mouth, Beth hurried over the inevitable barrage of “but why?” questions as Josef’s eyes started to silver. “What Daddy means is that Santa is so busy visiting all the children in the world, he doesn’t get to visit the grown-ups.” She knelt and pulled the hood of Alex’s coat over his unruly curls, planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Go say goodnight to Uncle Josef.” As Alex scampered over to hug Josef’s leg, Mick picked up Lily’s car seat and headed for the door.

“So, are we going to see you tomorrow morning, old man?” he threw over his shoulder. “I know it’ll be past your bedtime, but Alex would love it.”

Josef’s hands found his pockets. “Christmas is for family, Mick. I hardly qualify.”

Mick handed the baby’s carrier over to Beth. “Can you get the kids strapped in?” he asked her quietly. “I want a word with Josef alone.”

“I can hear you, Mick.” Josef tapped his left ear. “Ears like a bat, remember?”

Beth nodded and brushed her lips over Mick’s. Hooking her right arm through the car seat’s handle, she reached down with her left hand and beckoned to her son.

“Come on, Alex. I need some help getting Lily in the car.”

Before Alex skipped over to take Beth’s hand, he looked up at Josef, his expression suddenly serious and far older than his years.

“Santa visits EVERYBODY, Uncle Josef. He’s gonna come see you, too. I promise.”

Josef patted the little boy on the head. “Thanks, little man.” He turned Alex around and bent to give him a tiny swat on the behind to propel him forward. “Go help your mother. Merry Christmas.”

Mick watched Beth as she headed for the front door of Josef’s home. Alex hung on to her hand, chattering like a magpie, Lily’s soft coos a comforting counterpoint. He turned his attention back to Josef.

“You think you’re not family? You’ve always been there for me, taken care of me.” Mick jabbed a finger into Josef’s chest. “You Turned me back to a vampire so I could save Beth – your blood runs in my veins. You poured millions of your money into perfecting the cure that gave me my children. You’re more brother to me than any flesh and blood brother could be.”

“Point made, Mick. That doesn’t, however, change my mind.” Josef laid a hand on Mick’s shoulder. “Go home and enjoy Christmas with your children.” Josef headed towards the open front door, where he could see Beth buckling Alex into his booster seat. The toddler caught sight of Josef and waved a little hand wildly.

“Come. I’ll walk you out.”


Josef watched Mick and his family wind their way down the driveway, heading for home. Sighing deeply, he headed back inside and straight for three fingers of Johnny Walker.

Glass in hand, he settled into a leather chair. As he sipped, he contemplated Mick’s invitation to join him and Beth for Christmas morning. He knew he was always welcome in the St. John household, and Christmas morning would be no exception. Beth would greet him at the door with a smile, a drink and a kiss for his cheek. Mick would grin that crooked half-smile of his before reaching for Josef’s hand and pulling him into an affectionate hug. Alex would attach himself to his pants leg and beg for Josef to pick him up, and Lily might grant him one of her toothless smiles when he would chuck her under her chin.

Christmas is for family.

Josef had long ago resigned himself to solitary holidays. True, he attempted to fill up the empty spaces with parties and freshies, but he ultimately ended the night alone. His last chance at family and happiness lay in perpetual limbo in a New York townhouse, lying under soft cotton sheets in the bed in which she had loved him.

As one drink became several, he realized there would be no more merry Christmases for him.

Josef’s brows pulled into an auburn “V” as he frowned into his glass; it wasn’t like him to brood. He downed the dregs in a practiced flick of his wrist and headed for the bar for another refill.

“Bloody holidays,” he muttered as he poured more scotch. His head snapped up at a noise. He moved to the window and peered out into the night; he could have sworn he heard the jingle of harness bells.

“Wonderful. Now I’m hearing things.” He sat back in the chair and brought the glass to his lips. A flicker of movement caught his eye and he whipped his head towards the window. He could have sworn he saw…

Antlers? Josef heaved himself to his feet, scotch sloshing onto his hand. The Walker was finally getting to him—now he was seeing things. He headed for the study door and stuck his head into the hallway.

“Al! Get the hell in here!” Al Santori, one of Josef’s bodyguards, clomped his way into the study.

“What can I do for you, Mr. K?”

“Take Jake and do a sweep of the grounds. There’s something out there and I want to know what it is.”

“Sure thing, sir. Merry Christmas.”

“Yeah, yeah. Get going.” God help him, he was going to drain the next person that wished him a Merry Christmas.

Josef took a deep pull from his glass. The glass stilled at his lips as his eyes widened and glazed over as something passed by the window. A head with a full set of antlers atop it.

He hadn’t imagined it.

There was a reindeer on his lawn.

“What the—AL!” When his holler went unacknowledged, he stomped outside and came to a dead stop on his front steps.

Eight tiny reindeer milled around on his grounds, munching the pristine grass and nibbling on the flowers. An oversized sleigh was sitting behind his Ferrari in the driveway, toys spilling out of the gigantic sack that sat on the back seat.

Josef rubbed his eyes and vowed to swear off scotch for a decade.

“There are not reindeer grazing in my yard. A sleigh is not sitting behind my car. There is no such thing as Santa. There is no such thing as Santa. There is no—”

“Doesn’t matter how many times you say it, Konstantin.” A tall heavy-set old man in a red suit stepped out from behind the sleigh. Coal-black eyes twinkled with amusement and full lips were stretched into a wide smile in his flowing white beard. “It won’t make me any less real. Besides, I believe I’m expected. Little Alexander St. John informed you I’d be stopping by.”

Of all the times for a toddler to be right about something. Josef lowered his head and drilled his thumb and forefinger into his temples. “Jolly Old St. Nick, I presume.”

Santa bowed slightly from the waist, arms outstretched. “At your service.”

“Can you please—oh come on! Blitzen’s making a mess of my lawn!” Josef jabbed his finger at the reindeer in question. He turned and glared at the old man. “Who the hell’s going to clean that up?”

“Watch your language, Konstantin.” Santa chuckled. “You don’t want to end up back on the naughty list, do you?”

“Stop calling me that. That’s not my name anymore.”

“It’s the name your mother gave you. It’s the name I know you by.” Santa walked over and clapped a mittened hand on Josef’s shoulder. “Come on, boy. I could use a drink.”


Josef paced the length of his study, stopping occasionally to glare at the old man seated in his leather chair, a glass of Lagavulin in his hand. “You are not here,” he stated. “You aren’t real, so you can’t be here. You don’t exist – you’re a legend, a myth.”

Santa surveyed Josef over the top of his glass. “Oh that’s rich – ‘You don’t exist’ says the vampire. I’d bet the workshop if you look up “irony” in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of you. Oh wait – you guys don’t photograph well, do you?”

Josef leaned against his desk and crossed his arms. “You need to leave the North Pole more than once a year, Mr. Klaus. Thanks to the invention of digital photography, I show up on film as well or better than you do.”

“That must just piss you right off, Mr. I’ve-Got-A-Secret. Yes, I know all about your kind,” Santa said when Josef’s eyes flared. “I may not leave the North Pole, but I do have the Internet.”

“Great – now we’re being exposed on the world wide web.” Josef threw his hands up in disgust and stalked over to the bar for his own drink. He saluted Santa before tipping the glass and draining its contents.

“What, no blood chaser?” Klaus’s voice was faintly amused. “Figured you’d bring in a girl or two to spice up that drink. A couple of mine are in your crew—I would have liked to renew acquaintances.”

“Wait a damn minute—are you saying some of my freshies are ELVES?”

“What’d I say about your language?” Santa said mildly. “What, you didn’t notice a couple of your girls are shorter than normal?”

“This isn’t happening. I’ve fallen and hit my head and am suffering from concussion.” Josef murmured to himself. “I’m going to wake up any minute on the floor and this nightmare will be over.”

“Don’t be such a drama queen, Konstantin. It doesn’t suit you.” St. Nick shook his glass at the vampire. “How about a refill?”

Josef remained against his desk. “How about you tell me why you’re here?”

Santa sat up straighter in his chair and patted his jacket. “Now, what did I—oh yes! Here it is.” He pulled a scroll out of his pocket and unrolled it. The parchment rolled and bounced across the floor until it bumped up against the toes of Josef’s tasseled loafers. “Let’s see…alright, here we go. For the first time in many, many, MANY years, imagine my surprise to see your name appear on the nice list. The missus almost passed out cold when she noticed the addition.”

“You’re a funny man, Klaus. That still doesn’t explain why you’re here.” Josef made a ‘go-ahead’ motion with his glass. “Keep talking.”

Santa held out his glass again. “Refill first.”

Josef none too gracefully replenished the old man’s glass. Santa took a long draught and sighed lustily.

“I should have visited you years ago – your liquor is top-notch. Alright,” he said and leaned forward, elbows on red velvet knees, “here’s your explanation. I’ve had my eye on your for awhile now, Konstantin. You’ve done some good work over the past five or six years and I’m here to grant you a Christmas wish.”

“I haven’t—”

“Saved your best friend. Helped him realize his dream of a wife and family. Set up his children so they’ll never want for anything as long as they live.” Santa ticked reasons off his chubby fingers. “You gave Mick back his life. I think you deserve your promotion to the nice list.”

“So what are you going to give me, old man? MY mortal life back? I’m quite happy as a vampire, thank you very much. I have money, I have respect, and I have prestige. I can buy happiness if I so desire it.”

“I’m not here to give you anything you can’t get for yourself.”

“So what Christmas wish are you going to grant me?” Josef’s voice was hollow.

“Nothing you don’t already have, son. I believe you told Mick that Christmas is for family.”

“So I did. And since my family is long dead, I’ll be spending the holiday alone. Christmas is simply another day on the calendar for me.”

“Your family is dead?” Santa drained his glass and got to his feet. “You don’t think Mick and Beth consider you part of their family? They love you and that little boy loves you. That baby girl is new to this world and I can guarantee you one of the first things she’s learned is that you will always be there for her, like you are for her parents and her brother.”

The backs of Josef’s eyes burned with unshed tears and he hastily swiped his hand over his lashes. St. Nick was hitting just a little too close to home for his taste and the tears that begged to fall were a weakness and an irritant.

“Mick can’t take care of himself or his family anymore since he’s chosen a life of frailty over staying vampire. I didn’t give him a gift; I sentenced him to death by developing a permanent cure. I killed my best friend, so you’ll excuse my lack of enthusiasm at being considered part of his ‘family’.”

“Is that what keeps you from him on Christmas, Konstantin? This sense of guilt?”

Josef sat down heavily in the chair Santa had vacated and dropped his head in his hands.

“What does it matter?” His voice was thick with the tears he refused to let fall. “If I’m very fortunate, I’ll get to keep Mick for another 50 years, if cancer or a heart attack doesn’t kill him sooner. Then he’ll be gone and I’ll be alone again.”

“You don’t get it, do you, boy? You will never be alone. Mick’s descendants will always be there and they will always love you.” Santa’s eyes were kind as he laid a gentle hand on the vampire’s head. “Your wish is to have a family, and I’m granting it. You will always have a family as long as you exist. For as long as you live, you will always have a piece of Mick with you.”

Josef suddenly wished for morning. He wanted…no, he NEEDED to be with Mick and Beth. He needed to hold Alex close and tell the little boy that he was right; that Santa visits everyone, and grants wishes even to those that don’t deserve it. He wanted to look into Mick’s eyes and know that as long as there were children; Mick would always be with him.

He wanted to be with his family.

Santa felt Josef shudder under his hand and knew the vampire had lost the battle with his heroic control.

“Merry Christmas, Josef.”

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by mitzie »

I read this on the other board. I just had to read it again! I love this one sooo much!! You did a stunning job with Josef and Santa! It was like a Christmas miracle! I so admire your writing!!!! *hugs*

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by allegrita »

PNW, this story just shows how much more there is to Josef. I love this fantasy layered on top of fantasy. It works completely for me. And I love your view into an AU where the permanent cure happened...but that left Josef bereft. This story seems simple, but it has so much's happy and sad. It's a fairy tale laminated to a fantasy/horror story. I love it!
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by francis »

Fantastic, PNWgal. I love this so much. You give Josef a lot of layers within a totally fluffy and fantasy setting. Within the light conversation, the children, Santa visiting, you deal with the hurt of Josef staying behind and feeling guilty. What a treat this story was.
And besides all the other chuckles, this one made me laugh out loud:
Santa surveyed Josef over the top of his glass. “Oh that’s rich – ‘You don’t exist’ says the vampire. I’d bet the workshop if you look up “irony” in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of you. Oh wait – you guys don’t photograph well, do you?”
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by bank1115 »

Wow, I don't know how I missed this one (she says while wiping tears from her eyes.) PNWgal this was great. The outward frivolity and inward turmoil wash right over you. You provided both laughter and tears. Such a sentimental touching tale for Christmas time. I loved it. kays
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by allegrita »

I'm back to read this wonderful Christmas fairy tale... and darn it, you made me cry again, Pgal! :smooch: :hearts: :hankie:
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by baywinger »

I have never read this one before, how I missed it, I don't know. I have to agree with the rest; I'd settled back for some fluff and you smack me in the chest with a stunner of a story.


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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by PNWgal »

*hands Alle a tissue* I'm, ummm...sorry? :teeth: Actually I'm not...I'm tickled this one made you teary-eyed. Thanks for stopping by for a reread. :smooch:

Baywinger, 99% of my stuff since 2009 is exclusive to this site, so there's a few things here you haven't laid your eyes on yet. I'm SO glad you liked this! :hug: It was supposed to be a satire, but it ended up having layers I didn't expect.

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by jen »


This is just fabulous!

Such a delicious blend of Christmas classic, Moonlight magic and Josef snark served up with a healthy side helping of MickBeth family.


Thank you!


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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by fairytoes »

Another beautiful, moving christmas story that I missed so far.

In short:

I. Love. This. Story. :hearts: :heart:

Thank you! :flowers:
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by darkstarrising »

Coming back to read this again, it still brings a tear to my eyes for so many reasons. Mick and Beth have the family they always wanted, yet Josef feels guilty about giving the gift that made that all possible. He may be a vampire, but Josef's heart is as big as any human's.

Love how the little boy, Alex, has Josef wrapped around his finger, but I also loved the little bits of lightheartedness you've put in (Blitzen's decorating Josef's yard and the fact that in all the insanity around him, Josef notices it!!)

A wonderful Christmas story for the ML ages :heart:
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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Okay, this is a bit eerie. Just this morning - this morning! - I was thinking about a Christmas fic where Santa visited Josef that I wanted to read again. I had no idea how to find it, who wrote it, or what it was about exactly. Then I came on here, saw this at the top of the active topics and I knew in a minute THIS was it! :wreath:

This is really a lovely story. Josef the softy with the children, then drinking to convince himself he doesn't deserve the "family" of Mick and Beth and their little ones. Santa convincing him otherwise. And the gift is really for all of them: Josef will always have a part of Mick's lineage as his family, and Mick and Beth get the knowledge that their family and progeny will always have a benefactor to look out for them. A wonderful Christmas tale! Thank you!

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by PNWgal »

Sounds like I hit the ML Christmas trifecta, jen. :laugh: You are most welcome, and thank you!

Awww, fairytoes...thank you so much, sweetie. :smooch: I'm so glad you enjoyed this!

Thanks for stopping by for a reread, DSR. :hug: Josef may be ruthless, but he loves Mick - and I wonder if in developing a permanent cure, he didn't think long-term, that making Mick human means someday Mick will grow old and die. This was totally meant to be a light-hearted exchange between Santa and Josef. :teeth:

LOL, MLC - I'm glad this wasn't hard for you to find! :hug: In the end, everyone wins and everyone gets what they want most of all: love. :heart:

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by redwinter101 »

Add me to the list of snifflers. :roll:

I'm a sucker for any story about Mick and Josef and the true bonds that hold them together so closely - and this is a beautiful, seasonal addition. AND kids who manage to be cute but not annoying (granted, that threshold is much lower for me than most).

I love the thought of the beautiful Christmas day Josef is going to enjoy this year - and for many, many years to come.

Red :flowers:

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Re: Santa and St. Josef - PG

Post by PNWgal »

Thank you, Red. :smooch: This one truly didn't start out to tug the heart just kinda ended up that way. I think I'm physically incapable of writing anything light-hearted. :teeth:

Kids in R/L generally annoy me, so I try hard not to write them annoying. :biggrin: And I love anything that explores those deep bonds of friendship between Mick and Josef. Mick's gain is Josef's loss, and I think that's a sign of a true and abiding friendship - giving up something that's important to a person so that their friend can be happy.

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"It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - George Eliot

"The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on." - old Arab proverb

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